The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-01-05, Page 12atilletatteaerelaarattearsetteralaVratanatrzeresitateitairnseeteSatilas asasresseaas, aaasates.assaaasv•aa"-nas'aVaaar essea
P4gli 12 4envry 4, 1961
•and district news
' Phenol fi A a.425S
Cerreapencleritt Mae. 'Lint Abbott
peaths in familY Bowlers cop
mar Yule seasoncasprizes
The Cil„riStrilaS StalOn was
Mageed for Mr end, Mr R. K
liataatgentety, when death hit ,
Leaving the ehildren here with
reighbors, they attended. the ft.
teral • all'. altnitgoittery's'
mother, Mra. Kenneth Meaagenta
ery at Southamptbn Thurs-
alaY, Dec. 22,
Taty ran inter bad road a eorn-
tag heille and tad to stay over-
night at Goderich. but did, ;et
home in time te celebrate Christ-
mas With their children only to
reaeive word of the death of,
IMrs. Montgomery's bretheran-
_aw, Mr. W. C. Shepherd of To-
They rushed down to Toronto'
early Wednesday mormag and
eat net get home until Friday !
A quiet wedding wee held in
London Friday, December 231
when Mies Barbara Weedmark
became the bride of Mr. Don
The bride is the daughter. of ;
atr, and Mrs. Roy Weedmark
of Strathroy and the groom is '
ea.! eott of Mr. and Mrs Wes
,Hodgins of George Lucan..
The yoaug couple will make
&tar home in London,
Entimaiasin ran high all week...
at •the Lucan Lanes where the
owner, M. jack Arnold, paid
out five dollareach day to the
person elmeat to the predetera
mined hidden triple and also
gave a free game ta each one
getting. a strike, when the head
pin was red.
.For the former he paid out
codchsitlAna na
much money but everyone had :
a lot of aun. The luckY 85 win-
ners were: Dec.. 26, Jerry Noyes;
bowling 497, hidden triple 492;1
Dee. 27, Jane Steacy, bowling ,
543, hidden triple 549; Earl Car-
ling, bowling 555; Dec, gs, Airs. i
Art Harlton (Granton) bowling
368 hidden triple 3671 Dee. 29,
Chars Elson, bowling 680, hicl-
nen triple 473; Dec. 30 George
Young. bowling 504, hidden
triple 508; Dec, .31, Haaold Alt -
kens 665, hidden triple 643; Jan-
uary 1, Catherine Van (eel, 477,
hidden triple 486; Cbris Van Bus -
e1, 477.
Donets. to CMS
Mr. Jack Steacy, treasurer of
the Leman and o ni munit y
branch of the CNIB, reports he
L s sending a cheque of $205.43 to
headquarters and that tag daY
in Lucan netted $45 and tag day
in Granton realized $24.
Lucan personal items
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith ,S tr a thr o y and Miss Phyllis
eatended a Weston Sales' meeta! Grose of Edgewood with Mr. and
Mg lest Wednesday at the Lord a Mrs, Joe O'Neil and family for United Churth hi the nest and 'afforded -much
Burton Hodgins
district farmer
Burton L Hodgins, 77, Med
Thursday, Dee. 29 in London.
His body rested at this alurd.le
funeral liorne, Luran, until 2
p.m. Saturday. Dee. 31 when, the
Rev. T. A. Griffin of Ilderton
conducted funeral services. with '
interment in the Birr 'Anglican
Pallbearers included Messrs.
Clarence Stanley. Reuben Hall,
Milt Hodgins, Willie Hodgins,
Earl Shoebottom and Clifford
He was unmarried.
Son of the late Ur. and Mrs.
John S. Iinclgins he was born
on Concession 13, London Tnwn-
ship, where he farmed until he
and his father retired and
moved to Liman. Here' they
Heed in the house now occupied
by Mr. and Mrs. Alex Young.
After his father's death he ton.
United. to live here alone for
eame time before being bos-
Flowers in the church en Sun•
day were in memory of Mrs.
Leonard Derhain, Mr. Harry Le-
wis and Mr. Cap Howard.
Communion service was held
et 11 aan, also junior congrega-
tion. they found a bird's nest firrnlv
The annual vestry ;,,, Ridged in the branches. ,By
will be. held Monday, „laniallaereel,..7, chance Mrs. Hardy had some
toy rename. These were placed
rs. Or leM
• • rpl. .4d
I • • aesse" aeseesaaseseeseseresereasereaa. aseeee;as- ssereasereaaaas77:7.,;;:, 7,x1 , tut .. tt r”.muntiouttattattounottwuktuntmotanmsointmnionnontatiummuwwwwwww,t,
1 •
andeboye comments
dies at 91 years.
Airs. Leonard Derham. 91, ef
Frank St., Luean, one a Lot,
can's eldest residents died in at,
.theenh's Hospital. London, on!
Tuesilaa. Dees • 27.
The: body was in the alurdy
Funeral Home, 3Loutila.n chtennitiltne2
p Fri., Dec-,
Rev G. Sufi of abe Lamm
United 'Church, eanducted fun- '
ere servieee. Interment was inj
Pall -bearers included Messrs.;
H. B. Langferd, Edgar McFalls,
Wlfliarn MeFalls, • John Park,
RalPh Dann and ,Tolui Sproal.
She is survived by one (laugh
ter., Mary) Mrs. George Ela
wood ,of London; two 'brotbers,'
John Sproal of Owen Sound and
Andy Sproal of Saskatchewan; I
one. sister, Mrs. Margaret Dann;
of Bryamston and one grand -1
daughter, Elizabeth Ellwood otH
Mrs. Derhama the former ;res.;
fly MRS.. ia PATON
• sa,
' I
Election 1 .Chicken pox has tenfined ber- • a
At the Mooresville, pollinga oral childeen at home during 1
boli a much better tarriout of the 11011daYe.
voters was noted than usual.' Mrs. Charlie Carter is un.
\mom Simpson was deputy re.' prnving from a broken wrist at
turning officer and James Sigs- the Craigholme, Ailsa Craig.
worth, poll clerk,
nfourn reeveei, s John biles „1.• ao iriy¥,aenatAir; raY,Iir5sia.t9ni!o nin rkunariti 1•1,
. a in es rem eters', Claude -
eie Elizabeth Agnes Sproal was
the daughter of the late Mr. and :
Mrs. Charles Sprat and syas
horn near Teeswater. She lived
for 65 years in a cottage. on;
Frank St.
She was a faithful member of
the Luean United Chureh WA'
and a life member of the WAIS.
For the last faw years she has
spent the winters with her
daughter in London, returning in
the Spring to Lateen where she
lived alone. This year she didn't'
go to lannrion '1111 December,
Prior to going, • she entertained
her neighbours at a couple of
dinner parties.
On Christmas morning, she
took a weak spell and was taken
to St. :Joseph's Hospital.
A large number of relative
and friends from Wingham,
Exeter. London and Bryanston
attended her funeral. •
Unique tree decoratione
Mr. John Knight of Kintore
provided the Christmas tree for
his father -law Mr. Frank
Hardy's Chrislmas celebra-
'When they went to set it up •
Sirneoe Hotel, Teronto, leaving. Christmas,
. Flowers M the dwelt were pleasure lo old and Young, as
aureen. en MI, and Mrs. i
Mr. and Mrs, George ,Armitt M inemory of one of the metn
Allan King, London, and Brian e
with M. and Mrs. Don Corman : and Miss Angela .Armitt of Lon. hers, Mrs. Leonard Derharn.
and Terry Hodgins of Komoka. : don and Mr. and Mrs. Will Has- Miss Ilene Donaldson sang a
I kett of ,Lucan with Mr, and Mrs. solo at the communion service
.-Mrs. John Park is a patient in . Clarence Haskett for Christmas, at 11 aan.
gt, Joseph's Hospital pending an 1
oPeration this week. 1 Holirlay visitor* Pentecostal Holiness -Church
Ellen 5 m nu t, two-year-old : Mr. and Mil. Cecil Robb with new
Rev, Ronald Harrell, the _ ▪ f e
ss pastor, was in eharge of
vin Smout of London, spent the. of Sarnia for 'Christmas. the largely attended watchnight
• ,
weekend with her .grandricither, t Mr. and Mrs. jack Eton and servace ears e a also
�m. Wes Atkinson.
, ' family with Mr, and Mrs. Day, both services on New Years'
Mrs, Isabelle Underwood of . Charles *Elam of Clandeboye on ay,
London spent the New Year's' Monday. Car accident
i Mrs. Roscoe Hodgins and fern- in Quebec for Christmas alr. tainlY
t. 1961, the best start would cer.
be; "Best Wishes for
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Guyl Mrs. D. A. Ashworth, Mr. and Whia visiting - th '
'Vex and family. e , en' paren s
Mrs, E. 0. Lancaster, though, ily with Rev. and Mrs. E. C. and Mrs, George Paul and son Everything Good in this New
feeling Much. better, is still un.. Atwell a Gorrie. They brought Randy were involved in a ear Year". This we heartily wish to
able to be out, ! home Mrs, Helen Smith of St. accident with a truck which everyone' .
• Owing to the week of prayer Thomas te spend a few. days in sent them all to the hospital /Now that things are l'eturnin" g
the Anzliat.:,- Evening Auxiliary, Luca.n, ; for X-rays and treatment. Their to normal, with school open,
. 'Sat Postponed their meeting at Mr. Ed. Morris of the Bank of; car was badly damaged but they 1 again and mothers heaving a
Mrs, Jatir Sleety's. from Jan, 4; 'Montreal in Owen Sound with were able to come borne by sigh of relief. it's kind of dif-
to Jan, 11. !Ma parents for Cluakmas, tram on Thursday. f' it i • k u the loose ends
;Mr. and Mrs, Morris Murdy weekend gue ts with M where they were dropped before Mrs, Rea Adams of London on
Brooke were Messrs.Christmas, However, for .a start, Sunday.
,ef Kitchener have returned home Thomas -3 rs. Catholic social evening
after spendirig a few days with Harold Brooke and Russell WitThe first prize winners at the we'd like to announce the open. Guests with Mr. and Mrs,
l�r. ana Mrs. Jack Manly. lirnsoe of Toronto and Mrs, euchre last Friday night at the ing of the atilt. crafts class in Rupert Williams and Wayne
,.-• Afr. and Mrs, C.harles wind. Ansley Neil of Exeter and on Luean Comm.unity Centre were aluminum etching, under the di- were 'Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wil-
mer, Mrs, John Casey and Mrs, Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Wil. Joan Nagle and Mr. Jinn Ryan rection of Mrs, Murray (Iva) lianas and family, Sarnia, Mr.
3ilob Colean,a.n attended the fu- liam .Allen and family, air. and and the consolation prizes went Hedgins.• and airs, George Lee and. faan-
teral of Mr. William Hunter in Mrs, Harold MeFalls and Ger to` Ann O'Shea and .Mr. Frank This mill be beld Tues. ily, Mr, Derbyshire and Mr. and
well. as providing a unique tree
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Mar- Mr. and Mrs. jirn Bawtenheimer
Reereation Direetor -
This being the first volurrin of
Lorne Darker,. James 11.a'ali and Hern and family or Zion, Mr..1
neon Hodgme. t anti airs. Ron . Haynes, Miss, I
$ I 1 me; trustees Dorothy Lynn of London. Mr.. a
c Ian na ,
oenrge simpsen being elected; Lynn and Miss .June Lynn 'on
clandeboye seho.01 No. 12 and laY1113 art4
rhairman for 1061.
' Mrs. .0mar Cunningham with
Trustees ere. David Kestle. her sister, Mrs. Ilasy iSboebottom..1:
and Man Hill with Murray and family, on SundaY.
• ilv Cereal 1 vnn with Mr Lint d
•4 held its annual meeting ...with • a
Hodgson re-elected secretary mr. and mos, sebranas rea,
treasurer. Teacher is Mrs, Mal-' Dehble, Revetaey. and je-Atine, I
colin Allison, 1 air. and Mrs. Bill Bendall, Dar- '1
; lone, Roy and Larry, St. Marys,!1,
M 5 $ M 1 Hiss Mary Swan, 11,11 5 St
alarys and their sons Wilfred
dies in New Yo'rk and Gordon Bieber with air, and ,
Funeral services were cal.; Mrs. Henry Bieber.
M •
ducted on Tuesday, Jan. 3 for - r. and Mrs, Bal Pratt and ;
Mrs. Samuel MeRana,
95' the thr"andellialicirrst:nAu°srlinMSeirniiiiilh and
former Isabelle Banting, at St, Mr.
james ehurch by
tht' reet°037: :Ntil'iirtge Alre.hialdnrnIrsof. laPoyorICtuCu!rirridgit.'
the Rev, E. 0, Lancaster, f ,
lowing a short prayer service; hash).
at the nude- funeral home in ! ear. and Mrs, Clarence Lewis
Luean where the body rested: and .Mr. and Mrs. Ken Carter,
ater being brought here from , wil\tIhr,Mar.ndandithMsfsc. Carlyle
Syracuse, N.Y.
Airs. AleRann had 'been In fail-
ing health for some time ..and
had made her home with her
only daughter, 'Air& ( GladYs
Herace Stewart, since 1946, in with Mr. and Mrs. A 1 in e r
Syracuse, N.Y, where she died },lloeani117. reTtlilretiedgirsiNstithK4ahreirir laaanrtl-
Friday, Deg, 30,
Mrs. MeRann was born in ents to Chatham after spending
McGillivray township, daughter the week here with their grand -
of Tbomas Banting and leabelle Parents.
a'enton May 16, 1865, the eldest
of a family of four, and 'three
half-brothers end two sisters.
She married Samuel MeRann
Christmas Day 1890 at her par-
ent's home, 70 years ago. They
farmed no the Sitb concession of
McGillivray tilt .47 years ago
when they took up residence on
concession 1. Tbey had - one son
and three daughters. Following
the death of Mr. McRann in
1932 their son Chester took over
the farm till be died in 1936,
Mrs, Ale13.ann was one of the
oldest members of St, james
church here.
She is survived by one daugh.
ter. Mrs. Horace (Gladys) Stew-
art, and one half-brother, Gor-
don Ranting of Lucan and eight
grandchildren and 15 great-
Pallbearers were grandsons,
Ross alcilann, 'Syracuse, N.Y.,
J a ck Mahan, Bloom/ilk, Ohio,
Claire Dorman, Sarnia, Keith
Lawless, London, Cameron Dor.
man and Robert Thomson. of
Ansa Craig,
Interment thok place in St.
James cemetery.
Personal items
Mi. and Mrs. Rea Nell and
Mr. and Mrs. Ansley Neil of
Exeter were guests of air, and
cRann imarys. Miss Joyce Parkin. St.'
and Jimmie of London, for the
weekend, with Mr. anti Mrs,
Mervin Carter,
Mr, and Mrs, Bill Downing
3r. Van Geel day, January T. from 2 to 4 Mrs, Jim McComb and son atid
• •
Exeter Iast Wednesday. Mr, Mr, aid Mrs. Grant Brooke and
taunter was a brother-in-law of Mrs, William McFails, ail of Lit-
3fra. Casey. can.
, Mr. Cecil Lewis has rented Mr, and Mrs. William West-
erse of his new apartinents to hey of West Hill, Mr. and Mrs.
Ur. Don Cox who expects to 00115 Nugent. abd familY) Misses
stove Ln. 6, The other a- HeilY and Belle Martin of Lon -
The wiener of the draw cm a. o'clock at the arena and every- Miss Sandra Williams, nursean-
chair was Miss Laurette Blake,one is most welcome. Those in- training 'at Victoria Hospital,
RR 3 Lucan and of the. s, terested should eontact Mrs. London.
Mrs. Lewis of Arva. Hodgins at BA 7-4714 or if more A ebivaree was held for Mr.
Following the euchre the eve. convenient, contact the 'welter at and Mrs. Joe Cunningham (nee
ning, was spent in dancing to the BA 7-4221, Aluminum etching is Joan Knight of Rodney) of Lon-
a very interesting craft. don at the home of the former's;
Mrs. Eleanor Em;erick and Elson and family of Lucan with tra, The evening WaS Sponsored And skating
opportunity- cPualn'enintaniharn, on Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred
tartntent is nearly completed. den and MT. and Mrs. Jack mum e an sse • ,
. ,
. • Mr. and 'Mrs. T, A. Hodgin, by the CWL of St, Patrick's your an e i cres Wedaesday eye -
girls have returned home from ation director have arranged an ning.
a week's visit in Bothwell, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Banting church' excellent opportunity for skaters Mr. and Mrs, Roy Cunning -
where they were guests of Mr, and Mr. and Mrs, Harold Cob- New Year's Eve elance of all ages to receive profession- ham and family, Mrs. Omar
and IVIrs. Walter Einerick, leigh and . family were among The Legion AU/eatery held its al skating instruction from - a Cunningham were guests of eYfr.
Mrs. Iarue Stewart and fem. the 21 znenahers of the Banting annual New Year's Eve dance highly qualified professional each and Mrs. Arthur Morgan oa Lu -
Ply left for her home in Kenora family who spent Christmas at the Legion Hall Saturday Tuesday. can on Saturday.
last Friday, meeting her Ims- with Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Bant- night with the Van 13ussel (well- So far, none of , the senior Mrs. Almer Cunningliam ce-
band in Toronto where he has ing of Bowmanville. se tra providing the music. skaters have availed thmselves
been attending the Ontario Men Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Weller The winn' ers of the iwo spot -of this opportunity whieh many
eachsersa Confederation Coun- had for Christmas Mr. and Mrs • ' '
all. i jack Lukings and Miss Ruth
' light dances were Mr. Tom commtuuties would love to have,
Mts. We Atldrison has return- New
. [ Colbeart of London and spent Lippert and Mr. and Mrs, Harold why ton and Mrs. Ralph New that the new year is here
not join up? In so doing.
Year's with Miss Colbeart. aside from the pleasure and
.,a doh, spending Chrietmat avith Mr. arid Mrs. Clarence Lewisi Butler.
satisfaction you will derive, you
ed froth a 10 -day visit M Lon- . .
Ma and Mrs, Marvin anueot of Elginfield New 'Year's with Twrf 41°' 'Ian" will he helping in the progress
oil a week as baby sitter for Mr. end Mrs, Andy Carter of Tbe executive of the Lucan towards a bigger and better
her son while he 'and Mrs. At- Clandeboye. Turf Club were pleased with the skating club for all.
adman were oak a trip to tfle Mr. atd Mrs. ?red Tuke and large attendance at the Turf There will be no intermediate
Rat Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Haskett Club dance at the Community hockey at the arena this 'Friday
turned hoeafter spending the
holidays with her daughter;
Ja.cle Manson and family
in Sirecee.
Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Carter
and John Voss were guests on
Tueedey evening of Mr, and
Mrs. alurraY Carter and girls,
Mr, and. Mrs. Andy Carter
and Mr. and Mrs, Ken Carter
visited the Millard George fu.
;Mrs. S. A. Graham and family 01 London with Mr. and Mrs. Centreevemag, evening, but the Combines will Sarah McWillia m s' body rested.
lest Wednesday neral home Sunday where Mrs.
sat catoisarnas with Mr. and Glen Haskell on Monday. Mrs. Alton Wallis, RR 1 Gran- be on hand the following week.
Tafel seice was Iseld, on
ton, was the winner on the draw In the meantime, every Satur. an ay withnterrnent in For-
.sGordon Tollefsori and Mr, Mr. Ken Clarke, Christmas
aMrs. Rcrhert Dempster 6t and New Year's with his aim. for the large turkey. clay afternoon, MorideY aed est Lawn Memorial Gatdens,
Toronto, Lorraine remaining arid urtele, in Hamilton, 1 Postponement Tuesday evening, the Shainrock
-ever far a two-week visit with
htr sister.
Elizabeth Hodgins. three and
a half.year.old daughter of Me.
and Mrs. Roscoe Hodgins, made cenaber 29 to Thursday, JanuarY Christmas jackpot gift or a. New
and Ma's John Nan
i, debut on TV het Friday - ' 5, However many people, not , year's one.
nrhen she appeared on the Mt. and Mrs. Hume CamPbell knowing
lad/riper Room program, and family with Mr. and MM.. of the postponement, i Mrs. T)oug Ewen won the t,s
have ,aiready tried out alai% eati I consolatien Thursday everting.
xr. ,and Mrs. Richard Davis Robert Harrisoo of Melrose and
an arauy have returned front operated now labour-saving de -1 Mr. :Ina Haskett won the first
d f ri d f NeW Years' with Mr. and. Mrs, viee
a week's visit at Mimico and ani- e ° °m° ' al I'd I line of "Share the wealth," Mr.
ladb rt C ob 11 1 X- ka '
, -West Plains where they were Mr. Joe rinnon., Miss Pei- -0 ) a' 900513 . ! and the latter split with Mrs.
1 Russell Thompson the last lino
aohneten ead kr. and mrt, Taylor, Miss Suzanne Taylor, London and Mr. and Mr. Aar- 1 ftdi rd.
Isar. Lawoenee copse of ihe Loos el Tilbury with Mrs. Eva dehoye with Mrs. Herman 'Young 1 .e, nn the first part or the ennae
tfcLean last week. I 5- Mei e 0 er s t. Mr, Roy Mellen!" and et 1 0 i Cecil Thins o (lean who woe
Week with Totontet relatives aed lauckal rind Mr. and Mts. Theme Karl 0 Neil and spent; Newt
111111 Hooke League is an
Me Tromp of Lendoe and Mr. their "Kwik-Kle en ' a ;Atonic tic E 'nee
a clime
Mr. John :am and miss Cm- postpone the official. opening of
John Loos of Tilburywith mr laundromat from Thursday, De- No ate received either a
Holiday gnosis The C, H, Lewis Ltd. had to or
:fuests of Nit Anil Mrs. Norman tY Graver, ilr, aecl Mrs. jainee Mr. and "M", Bill Yung di Lloyd Ford of Exeter for the
Leighton DaVia. all of Lmidoil and Mr. Johnny old Aitken aed family •O Clan- ti miss ;Joan Doegias of aideetoo
'Tilleonburg high sehool staff Hensen‘ on Saturday, cutive. ',airs. Harry Arnold of
tailed on Mr. aad zitg,.. Alvin, Mr, and stars, Lionel Kendrick, Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Carter and Lucan the second part and Aire.
al ' W ' M R b t , M • 13 1 1 f I., I
- - Miss Jndy Haskett spent last and Mil. ;Malcolm Lantheld of Clandeboye with Mr. arid Mrs, the first ingo, the third part.
.ientls, creery a Woedhaan wtih Mr. Years with Mr. and Mrs. 'Sett! tw'rehene 3MeCe°,511.C1Whilibliinw3Asve3rnylit P:ri
Laet Wednesday afterneon and Mrs. Mae Lamend of Cro- King of Crediton,
tom 2 to 4 pan, 225 children martY on ;P'ridaY• I Mrs, Wade Ziegler both of tn.
Mr. and Mrs. Sant tlereaton, can, and the third bingo was
ertjoYed a fret skating PartV ead Mr and Mrs, wafted Stock and f roilY with Mr and Mrs i stAit among Mrs. A E Reilly
. . , a . . . . r
eats flitotigh the generosiay of and family with attire. Stocks' 13, :Ridding of Toronto and had i Miss Mary Yettrig awl 11/1r Mr,
r. Clint liodgins of race -horse' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert as New Years' gueste Mr. Streaaa ry Bond, all of Literal.
time. Seifried Of Harrisoe. OA'S parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. Other winners included Mrs.
Mt. td Morris, of the T3atik (if mi. A • i M • to * In ri-r ix Seroatark of London. -Harry Walper and Mrs. W. TT.
- • • • • • • -
tiere', as reeetve with their daughter Mre. Jelui
*lord that e tn DO tranSferreu /..sonstop and funny:, es Lendoe ly r tond6n, britivIg 15,
mr, awl Mrs, ttigar ,IVIeVaIls Berrien of Exetei, Ars. mid
with aar, :1,nd /Virg, Chas Well", Alcralls, Aira. Thomas Weller,
las Chathani hi the aeat future. who retained the visit by spend- and fanli , 1..licnn,
as.* bd a Ordttlotiort 101' ing YearS With Thein. Ceileen LaunttilrivrInilady tsoonf 1.10000 olatto
be succeeded by Mt. ,mist. ,../yeatide Itedgili of Va ea Mil In ith m„, m, cook, pi
Little a Toronto*• Green Gable Ntitaing 'Hanle, New Ywg.e: akin also g at the Siloam
kr., and Mrs,
W. 'a, Smith parkItill,* Mr, Mansell tiodgins 10-tatniegy OiMitc:rmatwq, omei,.,aov 8.1„stad triranitstoltrAlanf.go and 1311V
,..pndh' PiPitihly roWl ittiht Mf, and
irr;nd AN/orbs: 414tteldM, rA8,:ir.,Mgdlivilifsii:/srt6otg,s6'.1,radlyldel Mrs. Wreathe Ferguson. i taking the three services a
thy. . and faintl3", Shillka, and Mr,, Don, „ern, tntitaMmr6MAileit6 MeDoll-1 day until June if no minister is
366 R6d1" *lid t4ve a Xitigst6P - vlt" ivir' ril Mrs. Jack Diekins and had Mr. „mr, and mrs, rank havo iiim.
with Mr. and steund,
.12tirdilitrl Vella 6116uotilgiAtil,11Nle"W'r MD";. eAl:it.elknui!gal, Nai;111.mudit anti ' and Mrs. Tom 1<ooY Of Mita rattrood frOm t inonth,s visit
':,,t-ivi'alt6c,e;rsitd, yireogt, latole4e.etilifrifieTpseirteOtH NtvaigilitroA:ib,lolbotsotittt:da, tiAtdalrr,:tientindcliyMmi`fosit: Cealoiritiatghtw.feSvitAdvrefse4,lsaith.07, ztliiiiallibeintrih,61tro„ktliohlrg hro:miloikt.,
:With theft fee Hie ArneriCail
46*,21,0iigt,,,,kiv YJNI,,,,,w,iit,, -:‘ J, , m,,k0,,,,, ,„e,,,,,,„,,,,,LL,do. with
,, Mr aria mrs. side ID eL" Mr. and Mil Bililah . Lipped l'hatiksAiving. They were initNi
mid Mrs,. Leeland ,,. . . t „ lirlarlerii.11,1%.Wiatileid -A4-11tIrst.1°D166-a-Pvli'rl ; IrlistPrEill,t4itfte liertiOlkhifOrdallirfCilt%
ritt 6i 4'614 14411°/ 4r--"4: Mr" 'id Mrs' Will4th rer 1, PO s lq, of Oravarihurs1 fOr rate. texchtml ,AtOf. and their
l' • d litits Marti's/ `with rt
_Mit td its, lifit# it atitpber of ill(lartoo lot NOW Year&
rs. o 116otield, tf. o t d I
Witt, riatg# Ito tattle of and Mee, Cattleroif Collattat 0 1 111 '
IPA*PteaS.O tarn Ift pato 1310 tato tioreta togtttlior,
;ten Arthur r ti n Atari, mid
Appreciation teas
Last Tuesday aftetnoon, Mrs
§lieriton Reyington, retiring pre -
%Meet of the United Church
WM, entertained the meinbere
of her 1960 executive at at ap-
preciation tea for their suppert
and ,co-operation during her two
year term of office.
On Wednesday afternoen Mrs.
Murray Ilodgins, retiring presa
dont of the United Church WA
also held an appreciation tea
When Shd entertained the mem-
bens tif het 1960 executive, The
Lw o presidents will be succeeded
by Mrs. George Paul ahd Mrs.
H. B, Langford.
Clqaners New Hete.
Equipment For Cleaning Your
• WALT,0110,WALL
* CAR UPHOL.01111'
rliOR -01#t STIMATUt
PHOKE tXtifElk
-Wek Mint tin Yeur AWit
Prat -otos .Or let 0or riaof
Snipp & Style
Individual Hair Styling
Plume, BA 7.4467
Dodge I
SgfotpChocket1 with e Worranty Overantso
11000 Milos or 30 Daya
2----I?57 4 -DOOR SEDANS
2-1956 4 -DOOR SEDANS
2-1,55 4-000R SEDANS
1-1954 -4-DOOR SEDANS
The Above Cars Ari Need As
To Condition —
Competitive With Going—Prices
Exeter Motor Sales
1..Z.•! fis.oc suit
eRnn... .... .
Fred Dobbs, Prop,
"We've given• -up
for New Year's"
"Our New Year retolutions-this year
have a lot more to do with getting rather
than giving up .. d thanks to the B �f
“Seetris that for many Old 'Years past
our money appeared to just melt away,
when there were so many thirigs wanted
around the house ... a madetri >Stove ... a
desk for Dad's den s .; a decent Ty. 1.7inally,
it was Da.d who put his foot down.
""Starting with the New. Year,' said Dad, 'were.
going to gel some ol the things we've gone without for
Pi too long. We're going to finance all Me things We
really need under a new purchase plan I've been look.
Mg into - the Bank ol Montreal Family Finance Platt.
it's cf. modern plan that's designed for, people just like.
us, Conte the letnuary sales, •we'll, get whca we nded at
bargain prices and do our paying lor what we buy with.
a single payment each trfonth.'
“So this year, we'll all have (et watch our peanies
little more closely, but its a challenge and the whole
family is going to pitch hi. Mother's the kteriest alL
It's hard to say whether it's the lift insuzance .pro,
totting the loan, or the prospect Of a neW stoVei that
pleases her most,
"Anyway, v,ie'refianie family whe fig -
res we've found the ideal New Year's
&solution for 1961. I -low about yoiia
Isn't it time you considered giviog Up
going without?"
Similar Happy New Year Reaolutionimo iaa pat intd forte
for YOUR family rit your odittlrhourhotiel branch of the
twat larantin CHARLES Saffrat Mitieget
Co it Ilia (attlaAgelicy)
MOM TuOsdav, Thursday arid iati 'tsiday4,g1.#0,hi.)
itttaiton Sub-AaeneD
Wean ethedea, W:e
adest* ma it 640
'Grand flcsid nranch t "DONALD ItotPTITSON, atatialat
. _ ,
Dashotod (5uhaAgettesla a: bete Metal wed. &
Hemel) Branch; KENNETH CHIWITAN, Manal4
Lutah Branch: . JACK STEACYs Manager
•Ziaith randi jIN 11ANNISTElk, Manager
eitzw,01%)ta .ZWI.,V.tost‘Iwttdi W1114 eASNAMA14fi Tht *LVOV WALIt 6t Litsi Sili.tdt 40,
1 •