The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-01-05, Page 5••••••,,, -4 , •• ••,•• • .•
F.41,i Allison leads leao'ers
in win over CQmbines
The first piece Ingereoil Mar- Leckbead• at the !NIB' leark,
lands had to go alt Gtit to d0.1511 The teams put VI a real $cor•
the fourth Place 14neatieliclertort ,display eltiring the 16th min.
Combines Te6 in Lueen, Friday.' itte of play, as The y blinked the
The •two teams put on a see. light three times within, 45 eec.
few Miring display ie the first Dula- Max. O'Neil started the
period and the early minutes of spree for the C'ombines et 16:10,
the second period. Lilean opened, 6,,t1t1 thott Callings gave the
the ecoring, but Ingersoll came nolOesters a 4-2 lead et the
tight back in tie it un, The same 1640 merk,
thing bappetied again, as the Allison copntered 4t •the 16:55
two Settlede battled to a 2-e tie, mark to cut the lead to one goal,
but then the Combined tooka end then Nudds scored the .equa-
4-3 lead. sizer Just .as the tetelne Were
However, Ingersoll came beak read Y lo leave the tee at the
•to knot the, count at 44 at the cod or the -Period-
end of the fire( period, Ron MacDonald gave the Mar.
The second period was the 'lands :nick second iced jr the
Sallie, except that Ingersoll tookeoPening•ltlinute,s of the „ageckdd
the lead and The -Combines had' period 13!4 .5' with rearSon
to ray to tie the score et eet- and Nedalin. However, Collings
and 6-6, Manny Barrett finally came back at the 707 mark in
Put the Marlaods ahead 7.6 in knot the count at 5-5,
the lest minutes of the second The ?derlands -took . another
period, and the score remained lead bn a goal by Bidwell at
the same for the rest of the con- 8:53, nut Stu O'Neil pulled the
test. teams hack into their sixth tie
Both lake Barnes and Ed in the contest when he scored
Locknead earne up with eensa- unassisted at the 10 minute
tional saves in the final 20 xnin- mark.
Utes, as the teems battled te a Ingersoll' took advantage of a.
hard-fought finish, , Penalty to Al Lortie to score the
Johnny Allison sparked. the winner on a power play at the
Mai -lands by 'scoring their first 18:37 mark of the second period.
three goals for the hat trick.; Bidwell and Land worked the
AAA. fOrITIOr PpFKIrlert Dins Mohawks
• ' A we lc, xe • Imo it, seir 10. r40 • *****'4
ft e
Xeir e wnips nevs.
Q square ex ions
E.,eter Mohawks geined re. of the Period. when he blasted
verge far an eerier exhibitlert ef his feared bullet drives
I the ands of Plitiklpaluirg Mtn. the fp corner of the ,pet.
when they scored -a 8.4 win over Beattie took the shot from just
thi!e;renThi:esLittatieE:cteter, Wednesday, t outside the bluelitia, and :the
recently signed 'Puck was in the net before Cu.
by the Tribe, played his first rah could ino ••e bleelc8.
game between the pipes and Tit It up .41 ;Icun,1
looked steady in his first start
of the season. The Mohawks also; Xen Becker scored the first of
aadrri plloertIP, aon fodrernl'eenrsestatriwg.rnart cilthilfsevgssrenjoa%d:t'iPnettbori,eoad3L.:te9 tim•pe.eialvvirkatuh*yer
tbDeoSntrAtehartoire lia,encdktry lode. Becker fd a short pass to the
man paged the a Lin ek for the rtgotwinger and he slid a shot
, winners as they cacti notched A iast Ljttle.
• • and Bill McDonald, pleying on e 'haeek Pt° a ene"geal leead at the
pair of tallies. Charlie Westmen D°11. Beattie 'pulled Me Tribe
line with Heidellien each tentri '11'4 -way Mal c'f The period
railed single tallies,
anAyithgoohogihs. threj?i,te3,n, evieu jrnittw.toorrtehd, ; tl1WhobegfnpriohtisencibsC:hyrldea s tildena taatietl:iPn'seitara'nfLdrtnoinmge
Jim m.eponald and unyti Moore at the side of the net, managed
were as good as any line Walt tp deflect the shot into the open
Westbrook d, s e r
were on the go evg:rrnyettge out.yshKotenthel3ecelcheervsaninatel'aa1414-3Weiebaedr!
played a strong
friferceitohnteSstle,phens, Jim Russell when they each scored tallY
and Boom Boom Gravett missed ;wall' 1Z seconds.
Team captain, Larry Heide.
Phillipsburg's first line of Wale man, pulled the Tribe back into
ly and Ken Becker and Paul a tie when he •scored on a pie Weber figured in an four of the :ture goal at the 16:54 mark.
Need more male partners
for teenage square dance
in 8, Rep maeponald, play into the Lateen end, and Teen Twenty dance standings
Buz Bidwell and Barrett regte. then fed a pass to Barrett on held et the arena
A Teen Twenty dance was mante Leafs , , „ ...... , , A 1.
IV 14
tered the others,.5
' the point, and the hefty defense-
a blazer that went - -
night from 8:30 to 12:00, The
last Friday Black Bks .....-,
5 4
The combines' Jeliding scorer, men scored on
3 4
10111 Collings, continued his pro- through a maze of players be- attendance was not as high as B rX; / 5
, line scoring as he picked up four fore Barnes could see it, expected but those that were in Rangers 1 A
of tbe six Combine goals. attendance really enjoyed them.
I Play it rousth sehrAS, F uturA games:
4,, • His linernates on the first: There were a total Of 13 pen- Many thanks to Dwayne Tin- 2-4—Wings vs. Bruins
sal urday, jan. 7"—
line, Stu and Max O'Nefl, a ties called in the contest, with ney and bis Kool Ruins for sup- 0,10—Black Hawks vs. M. Lea
picked up two assists for a three,: eight, The final goal was the that assisted with the decora.
point night.
blinked the, light nnce. They eaeh the Marlands getting knicked for plying the music and to all those 3O -31-341t6 l'.4.' na "'P."
only score with a man in the tions. - Last week's scores:
Tit for tat penalty box, however, Bed De.vils 6, Blue Devils 4
Collings opened the sdoring. Tom Collings picked up three T"nage sq"" dancinP standings
of the Combines' penalties, as An gondturnout4trwansotiptreQsfenet)faeotorg
for the Combines at the 4:20
mark of the initial period, when 'the Marlands appeared inter- Yd:13y night in the town hall for
he clieked on a passing pia' i ested in having him in the box
with Max and Stu O'Neil. How_ rather than on the ice. He drewlsscltetlrasreareciahneceinngtniZboestrite Ya7eulaingt-
ever, the lead was short-lived,1 a roughing penalty if h Si
as Allison came back with his Longtin the first perilkoid--anTan with their square dancing in re,
I- .I first goal 34 seconds later on a maior for fighting with BarrettaBards to thd various numbers
::. play with Land and Bidwell, t in the second, and steps,
Allison shot the Marlands into i Don Urbshott also picked up a as partners
boys would be welcomed
a 2-1 lead at the 5:39 mark, Irtainr when he creased an In- partners for the. large num-
play with Land and Bidwell.: atte6. a high. ber of girls always present.
..;'. when he again finished off a „ ,
gersoll player with There will be square dancing
this Friday in the town hall. but
Collings pelted .the teams hack I Danny Barrett was the had it will be cancelled on Friday,
into a 2-2 tie when his hard shot man for the Marlands, as he sat .January 13,
caught an open corner behind out a total ef nine minutes in 'N juniorhook 0, entry
penalties. Stan long picked up New Et'
Cheys' scores, Ken Becker nor. Chart Westman grabbed the
ad d singles. behind a lone Che
Wally Becher opened the scor. Heideman who was v sdtreefeankdinegr ton
? ili pnegrioactt thIvehetn:08brnark of the first front from centre ice. The lanky
e picked up a
•-ed a pair, while the other two puck at centre ice and passed
O2 loose puck in front of the Exeter
2 6 net and flipped a short back -
5 hander last Little.
However, the lead was short,-
- lived, as Bill McDonald scored
for the Tribe 25 seconds later,
le Larry Heideman set the shifty
rightwinger up in front of the
net, and McDonald made no mis-
takes as he found an open cor-
Don Beattie shot the Tribe
p into a 24 lead at the 3:50 mark
Letter from
h : 4
Rockets top
men keglers Second straight
'W L 7
Red .Devils
Blue Devils 1 3 2
.eRsetd wse‘erikn,gss sc59. reosoiti on 2
Maple Leaf sst5a,ndPinhagsntorrts i
Maple Leaf. 11T l.. 1
5 2 1
RP ehda n t‘ovirnags 4 2 2
3 5 0
Roston 2'6 1
Future games;
Tuesday, Jan. 10— •
6-7—Boston vs. Maple Leafs
two minors In the free -wheeling Exeter's new junior hockey 8-9;uPThaunR171ALL-STAvArl Aan ‘OVAInrog8es
team will be coached by Don
Gravett and managed by Derry Pee Wee
Boyle, With the experience and '9a turd', :1"' 7—
knowledge of these two men, ,
along with complete co-operation '4Etesday, San, 1.(t-
7:00—Kensal Park at Exeter
Continued from page 4 from the players, this team
As the :Exeter Men's bowling — should provide an exciting :brand Bantam . Breves
league hit the. lanes after 'their a clear-cut, breakaway at the of hockey and give Exeter a Priday„fan. 13—
annual Christmas rest, the midway mark of Me period, pretty good nucleus to start with
standings and individual records
Ingersoll managed the only in the junior league next year, s : tnOta0—mrix4Litilita:110Bnrovea vs, Exeter
show many familiar names. , goal of the period when they • Any district youths that would Se.turdaY, San. 7— .
The Rockets, who have copped scored an insurance tally at the like to Exeter vs. Ilderloo, in Luc
the majority nt the silverware 1833 mark of the period. Cord team, please contact D e r r y
try for a berth on the 3:00
Monday, Jan, ft --
over the past few seasons, are Iludds blinked the light on the Boyle. 8:00—Exeter at Clinton (VOA)
again leading the field in the play , with Beemer and White
drawing assists. Juvenile
"A" division. The Rockets have Christmas holiday activities
Thursdsy Jan. 5-.-
a healthy nine -point lead over Game colnments—The largest weEr:1:rnr :de available to the Monday, .Tati. 2—
the seco.nci place Windmills, but Christmas activities 8:00-7.tirich at Exet.r .1.
crowd of the season -370 fans—
youngsters. over their. holidays. 2:00—Exeter at Zuric(WOAA)
the battle for the three runner- was on hand to witness the Extra hockey games in the nee trhursdda.y. Ian. 11—
up positions is wide open.h.
game between the two speedy Wee, bantem and midget divi- 0:00—Exeter at Milton (W04A)
The Spares are a single point "A" clubs .. . Exeter continued
sions were played along with
behind the Windmills, while their clean brand of hockey as skating sessions,
bowling and a
Larry's Supertest are only two they were only nicked for two toboggan party.
eoints behind in the number penalties --both to Murray Butch- Most of the activities were
four position. ert . . . Ingersoll picked up four well, attended.
The Kippen Tigers hold a Slim IlilOors in the eontesi .. . Bill A referees' meetings wil). be 4,e. A at,„,,..,,e,,e I I
McDonald returned to the Mo-four.point bulge over the Pepsisheld this Thursday, January 5 IV ‘114.1W1 1 I.- 1
in the "R" race, but have an 11- hawk lineup and saw limited
paint margin over the third action with Jim Russell and at the arena at 9:e5 p.m.
Illingworth on the third All referees that have been A y 1 m e,,r Imperials fattened
place Canners, The fourth spot Whitey active in handling our minor their scoring averages on Wed -
in this league is shared by the 'line • • Ralph Beemer was
or any persons that have nesday night as they trounced
Toastmasters and the Ringers, only casualty of the game,
had to he helped from the ice
not yet done so but would like to the Lucan-lIderton Combines 16
each with 32 points.are asked to be t. 8 in Aylmer in a regularly sched
in the second period. However,
Rocket captain, Jack Fuller, he returned to action after a Pee WEE HOUSE LEAGUE 1 c es .
lq currently heading thehigh Terry Chattington and Red
'brief rest . , . Derry Boyle won Last week's scores:
average division in the "A" the basket of gr r'raffled Black Ha's' • jel A 1
oce tes Bruins 6, Reimers 4 Houghton paced the winners in
4 leag4ue, but perennial winner, by their attack, as they each picked
Bob Osgood, is a mere one point' the Mohawk executive, Wings 4, Maple Loa fa 4 up four goals in the wide-open
behind Fuller's 221. Another , contest. Bill Patton, had to settle
....,,, ---"........,ft,''s '1 i oleo' ,.......--* - for the nurnber three position in
the Aylmer summary, as he only
Harold Capson and Claude•Sa.
• . managed- a bat trick.
serville blinked the light twice
A t% Noir... each, while Yves Garand added
ee a single tally.
Chattington, leading scorer in
the league, boosted his point to-
tal to 45 in the 16 games hie
team has played. The free -wheel-
* mg forward picked up four as-
sists In the game, and opened a
15 -point bulge over !his nearest
rival, Yves Garand, also of the
Imperials. Garand assisted on
four goats in the game to piek
up five scoring points.
Collings stilt hot '
Torn Collings, leading eeorer
THIrsels a r for the Comhines, continued his,
Div,0elsai, prolific scoring pace as he equal- :
led the four goals picked up by
Chattington and Houghton.
Bob Heftier and Art 13acco
capped the Combines gaming
with two tallies each.
'Phe game was eleanly Played
and only one Penalty was as-
stsed throughout the 60 mio.
13 mY''`.'"'nr
5 Mr, and Mrs. Emerson Wen-
zel attended the Wade -Bower-
man wedding on Friday evening
at Lambeth
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Green-
wood and son of Don Mills, To-
ronto, spent a few days over
New Year's with Mr. and Mrs,
Wililani Oestreicher,
Ricky Geiser of Dashwood
spent a few clays last week with
Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Geiser.
Tommy Silverthorn of London
visited with Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd
Hey last week.
Mr, and Mrs. Roy Finkbeiner
spent Sunday at Kitchener with
an Mrs. M. Ewald and Mrs. Irvine
Mr. andt•Mrs. Emerson Wenzel
spent Sunday at London with.
Mr. and Mrs. Fidler.
Imps net 16
Windmill star, Neil Redman is
tied with Osgood for the num-
ber two spot, while Bob Nicol is
another point behind at 219.
G, Bjerky, a newcomer to the
Lines this year in Exeter, is
away ahead of his rivals in the
"B" league with a sehsational
233 average, 'Although he has
only bowled four weeks with the
Kingpins, he is setting a daz,
eling pace. Jack Coughlin of the
Pepsis is in, the number two
spot with 213, while Harry Kies -
wetter and Graham Mason have
203 and 200 averages respective- lley ran Dorsolas r 504 Dawn *,ravern .
137. La,wre n re Mason 573 Merchants 51
H. Skinner „ ........................ ....„......... 727 Dashounds 45
B jerky also holds the .high eet le 257 reeite Pets 42
triple mark in the "13" race with X. XIII ft 65. Cas -A -Nit es 32
a neat 4366, Bob meat is his'.1-, 'amen 492 Last 'Minutes 55
tounterpart in the other league 'l,' "'""er 552 High sIngl ft : Pay Ven
with an 830. 'ern Prager 515 (345)
Pia nera
54 mot flints: IlttY Van
Tom Farrell's 349 single is strikers
63 (504)
tops in the "A" league, while
one ot the yotingest bowlers in
the league, Doti Wright, has a retro 5:atm5 (O. Proolts 513) 4 "A” LEAGUE
32 single to lead the "13" tate T'""Icr xhiga ((4. Lee 12" ° 1vont] hi I t olt aro
gory. 1i:lie-tries ere one -line eon me. ...... 4
reeremee (1, Ma ndora 621) 0 'rMeserr'"
ilifl 11 tlhbOYe (K. S4111'0.4)11 555) 4 Ahamroaks It
14bso. Ttollors ('ls, Flrooks 425) ...... .. 0 i -Tot mints
f-tox (4`. Park 6061 2 Merouryit
Ft, Telvorit ('r, van TifoaTinnt 515) 1 1,--11.0 Mg tpts,
140 ShOtg (1. )-tartly 455) 4 - ba.frymen
hallo (ons'. (1). 1101'12ol 232) 4 Short Nip:tit a
titzpico (X. vall Lieshottl. 604) . 2 yA1.
i 111 1 )03 I1‘ ngg 12
Loginit J. 'Alm -row 501)
Wow/hut (bora ('1'. 'WHAM 551) 4 r'Elo LtA0Uk
;01(9,e OITA ( 1-1, Mo 1)r) WI Id A ) 7) 1
• Mr. and Mrs-. William Schwartz
and Doris spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Ted Insley and family
at Woodham.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hey, Mr.
Lorne Voight and Tommy Silver -
thorn spent Sunday et Sarnia.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Mitten
and family have mooed into the
home of the late Mrs. Berry.
Mr. Joseph Finkbeiner and
Mr. Lorne Preszcator spent an
evening recently with Mr. and
Mrs, Charles Green at Mitchell,
Mr. Green is home from hospital
and somewhat improved.
Cpl. Berge and Mrs. W. Berge
and family of Aylmer spent the
holidays with the latter's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pfaff
and family, and on Sunday CPI.
f Paul Wilkinson and Mrs. Wil-
kinson of Aylmer visited there
• too. All returned home Monday:
Mrs. Wilrnar Wein was a. pa-
tient in St. Joseph's Hospital for
a few days last week on observa-
tion and came home Saturday
much improved.
The meeting of the Ladies Aid
and. the WSWS will he held on
Thursday evening in the Sun-
day School rowels at 8:15:
During the winter months,
prayer and study groups are to
I be held Sunday evenings in the
I StInday School rooms at 8 p.m,
Visitors on Sunday with Mr,
: and Mrs. Ross Krueger and
jean were Mr. and Mrs. Doug,
Rivers and family, tondote Mr.;
and Mrs, William Jeffery of fx-
eter, Mr.: and Mrs, Harry ;ref-
fery and family and Mr. and;
Mrs. Robert Jeffery and Doug-,
las, all of Exetr.
Mr. and Mrs. tmetion Wein
and Eleanor. Mrs, 'Lorne Mor-:
leek, Mr, Harry Hirtzel spent
the weekehol over New Year's at
Detroit with Mr. and Mrs. How-
ard Ronny and Morri.
Rockets 43
s paros 23
(3t1poi,t est 34
Russ' Rilliards 51
Pie Six
&H p 01111.g
PI n ponpora
kiln Lumber 20
igh Aveage; Vriller 22))(
,E150 /ION R. Nicol (230i
Rigit sin.0.1: 7. Pitrrell 040)
kinnen Tla"a
4 0
t'A W1Allt ' 51
T6f.1.t MAST ors 32 tizAIG MEN'S LEAGUE
nutpPs PI!
,Erisela fres
l'iltdOstnon it
Pan kmon 1 a 29
Rine -pins 25
It!tidoo i N . 21
1,a:14a• ot
antrton Milo 14
Righ a vsraao: 11. 11,11'rity (2115)
igloh pipits: 0. 1110fIy TRAIIT
High Anglo: TT,' Wiiighe (31:n.
T•),`t Lsagua 1‘11.6111 Averge*
lark Fuller
NO11 koditiri 14 215 t 4t)L.L Et h8 Lt AGUE
PO Merit 210 „111naomher 21. 10401 Cflaaeinkar :a ,1540)
Leli'llf' Ilatioil „ 21R
Atli'. 14tratillar NV/tea/111PP (NI. 7.6ownlaft al rt t fi '1Vritt ettrox (J. St 14100 itAttj211 . ,
nem '4;raol( .10 Oh 'Uo al . 16/Torrit91.0 454/ 2 1)0060110 (A. At Sturdy (45) ,. .
14. norT..... „., .................... .... 200 1-41-riva 15t. earling• 447) / Tatortnisttas (sr. ittinnuelt 251) .....
tsieh U•hnor 202 W166 rhioft 1-1-4, Witliaon 115) 0Wh001611.0 (M. PriWntoo 19)1 ., . 4
11y gmilh .• ..P- ... ............ 61rm t. Pk0 ateleI Nt. ri'gaa 2215 4 trt-Piva 1ST, ruling 431) .. -. • li W. 14,, Hodgson
tarry Parrilll
-gar 1-1611.21111411 ........ ., .... 421 ohbviti,st
xfure.sty Ilrihinoll .... . .. .. .... „, 2til
200 tAlea105060 W. Madill!) 321) ,..... : gt Pturialkg T6', Van ISO) 250 .....
Artie; rare* •:: TIbvictuft
a2 , Who Va** .... !r. ........... fil
-Stan gravna .
W. tevitlfton 00 HiOriva' IIENERAL INgUltAN4E
,hddhufg. .66 - AVIinditlittr 47
,r21', Leatlua Pig) Avtragit 34 1.4;i16;1;11110161;* ....t......., 41 Ilk, „j-, 4,4!Aor ),41,. )11, fibtlISOla
1,110*t6altba 42
• .. . ....... ..... 2A ..,. .... , ..
nett Cfnuchlin . „ .„ 21: Hiiii "alogia: Si. P1'601066 52205 Pith Single: St .RttitiM611 12441 0 et' EXETER.
iftur,, utagyesite? . ., 253High triple: ht, 'Tu. -no -quo (52(16High tribtai ST. ttot)mar 5:51)
OF116/6. Slason ..,...,, .... , .. , ....... . 400 1 High livetagai Al, Ceiling 41.571 141#11 Averamu 51,, 'Caruete tlegy. '
nanny Pinobara (I:. Morris 412y .. a IOlgin )'I'era 4.a 24
Prole! (0, Mtirttlly 3411) it Hose Rol fors eir
seenneeke tee reenters AO)i, 110yr 23
Eoi el
Short Virottlid (J. A ncio(son 221) .. 4 n0066.041
It igh attigh.: .1, 'gondol-a (275) Penny Pincher/1
1.61ch irioie: .1. A tlt4lon, .1, Ma ni. I.011410 (45natruotiOrt
dohs (62)5 T.egidd
Hitt aVeraget TC.. Dickson (909) A gHoo
Moms (71. .Veidosli 12251
nottriiir Rdars (X. Barrios 4421
god bus i ors (V, itson S421
(friiiths (rt. Durr 541)
no5et2 owe 511)
'ra) )14111ra it'. 110th1y 501)
NAM.' Myers (1),515(0 5355
1,(Sons NieRht1ey 4041
R. Stoniliers (11. PlinAr 522
Lucky SIR (N. PleiterluX 534f
N.Moltist-hrIttirtit (Ironic 552)
SITtptria (C. (4tto.O. 51/41 ......
4Ttow)or 13(10 )2
a BrintiOy Bombers 23
1 ('‘111461)1)411.46thVe 511 P 61-a
3 V for ni ha 32
a getibluttoos
.1.11.\76,61(.":,,P'fickcritoolters ,. 103
a Itrf o rt On 1.1ntia
, Nairn PsIvers
Vrahr Ttnliel-a 24
1 ' 1 '1"P 8 br ..".11,--eitql;i . *filadi..14
2 ftigi P01::: /I. 510215154111 (4255
Know your
traffic laws?
Ono of * series of questions
on Ontario traffic laws and
safe driving practices
EXcegf es of he rWissi posed', the
toted limit In titles, towns, vit.
leges and builf.up areas is
1. miles per hour?
2,25 m ileS per liOurr
. 36 mites per hole
4. 3S per hour?
AtISWgit #kbE
rtresented .ter.
vice 4' yur. feleedly Ingot.
10 DAT4 1" .)
Servo growing children the
finest food nature riroyide...-:,
rich, nourishing M1LK, Order
tilgtly from HURONDALE
bAtRY and mako sure yoo
hey. 01600,
• OR Y(:)Ult
The Tirnas-AdvO,ceifa. 410 num L 14.404r e
ogrttorri .11T5annetpbtalegtreCrliplpVgwleJ:uallt deiced the gealift Artt. ths
din into an. -open corner. learrY Helciemao Added, Ott
2'he final period was only /6 anchor' at the 1.11:07 MArg,
eLet1541:oregicdi twbeheancia?tahrolite tuWrneestd. pyrn pItrison.dlowykrany thliTtba:
oute the eventual winner, it.oader.
Bill McDonald grabbed a toose: There were only tWO EgAilltie4
puck 'at -centre ice arid fed a 'veiled in the =teat.. howl tbo
paSS to Westman streaking drawn Chevg. A meagre crowd of ft
the left side of he Weetman :paid adraisSions wft6 ,Q11 lland
grabbed the disc 111 the clear , witness Me eonteat
A. Anti From: te 'Radiatr Cape • Has
te Fan ,Balt4 la -Presure Cops
Therm9044 • Checkovar
Protect Your
Against The Ravages 0
Winter Drivin1
With your car continually faced with
Th e hardships of winter, such as snow...
Kft.41p Tip -Top, Safe
Operating Condition,
our equipment
is all modern
a t hers Bros
(Cmpete Range of Used Car)
Does Your
stock have
And More efficient farming means mote profits for you. A well arranged
farmstead is the basis of good farming. It adds to the efficiency of your
farm and saves you many hours of labor. On many farms there 18 the
problem of improper housing or the need for housing for livestock; fI.
arid equipment. Plan now for better farming in '61 and let us help you,
improve yOur farm this spring,
Grett ita today OW dlecuse
your plant with us,
Well help you
with your pions
Itemember—tio building is better than the ma.
trial that goes into it. Our quality lumber and
building supplies are sure to give you a building
Which will improve the value of your property
and of which you will be justly proud.
Lurriber entre
EX '1",giz