The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-10-08, Page 14• If fog, '14. gctoller. 1, 1959 Lucan and district news. il Phone BA 7,4255 Corroapendent; Miss Ulna Abbott Pr'71''''"''''"'''"'-'"'',`:''. :'"'''''''''''''''''7"'''?;:' '. '';'4C7V ''e'',e'e•V'w'erre.eeerarrfittetrWrretdrereeltee.rret.oeteeret.Me',r,reeeeV7eeeetaenetereteSreeee .',Teachers tell parents, how to help students ; A .number M new faces were retary, Mrs. George Peel; re - pen. at the .opening fall meting cording secretary, Mrs. Bud ef the Lucan Horne and School Ceoper; treasurer. Mrs. glen Association in the school audi Haskett; eeecetive, Mrs. James rorium last Tuesday night. The Freeman, Mrs, Nermsn. Hardy, attendance cup went to Principal Mrs. Ralph Rummell, Mrs, Hat - Wesley Clow's room. old Butler Jr. and Mrs, Pat It was moved that the H & S Grudge, again sponsor the music festival in June, ; The president, Mrs, Calvin Haskett, who presided, announced the federation fee had been raised from 200 to 300 per mem- ber. Mrs., Erle Young and Mrs, Charles Corbett were named del- egates to attend the annual meet- ing in Toronto October 22. t Mrs. T. A. Watson, Luean's first H & S president, installed the officers: President, Mrs. Cal- vin Haskett; vice-president, Mrs. ft, R. Engel; corresponding see- '''''' ' leeee ' ...................... Recreation Activities By SAM SCREATON , Director of Recreation Recreation Day (Sept. '23) in Lucan has come and gone. Jud- ging by the number of children icrampertng over, through, un- der, across and around the arena and grounds, the day was a huge euccess. However, from the lack of parents — it was a failure. It may sound rather trite to repeat the old axiom that "the family that plays together — stays together," but there is much truth therein. Authorities are united in saying there is great parental responsibility in ensuring that the family enjoy recreation together and that the benefits derived therefrom are tremendous. So please, Mom and Dad, next time, don't send John- ny* or Susan — BRING THEM. You'll be glad you did. - Individual thanks to all those who contributed in goods and personal help to make Recreation Day a success will not be ex. pressed here, but please consider this a personal thanks to each `1 end every one who so generously issisted, -• On ("etober 21, Miss Angela Ar- y mitt, who capably conducted the evening's games and dances on recreation night, will be at the Luean Auditorium to again con. duct flue square Dance Club for the coming winter season. Those who have been associated with this group in the past will defi- nitely want to plan for these eve- nings, Those who haven't, should. Even though you think you have two left feet when it comes to dancing, you Will certainly enjoy the evening under direction of Miss Armitt's magnetic persbn- ality. So, put on the calender now Wednesday, October 21. -For those who are getting "it- chy feet" to try out the skates again, we hope to have ice in the arena at Lucan — depend- ing on the weather of course, — long about October 7 to 10. As soon as we know definitely, we'll let you all know. So get the skates out kids — we're busy buying the popular records yeti enjoy skating to. We'll see you on the ice — ston. • Clint Hodgins drives a winner At Delaware, Ohio, last Thurs- day, Clint Hodgins drove Adios Butler to win the $76,582 Little Brown Jug to sweep pacing's triple crown and to become the biggest money winning three- year-old pacer in the history. Mr. Hodgins stated, "This is the greatest horse I have ever driven and this is the greatest honor I have ever won. Page West who trained the horse should have most of the credit." School news Probably the biggest news at the Public School this week is, that Principal and Mrs. Clow are the proud parents of a baby girl, Faith Eileen, horn at Vie - torte Hospital Saturday, Sept. 26. Religious Education classes began in the school on Friday. Rev. J. P. Prost has charge of Mr. CIONV'S and Mr. Desjardine's rooms; Rev, Edgar Routston, Mrs. Black's and Mrs. Aren. that's and Rev. Ronald Hall of Mrs. Mellobert's and Mrs. Cob - Owing to bhe warm weather the Saturday night dente at the arena was held down stairs to permit Mrs. McRoberts tet re- main anther week at the Arena rather than moVe into her new room before it was completed. Personal items Leroy Revington and Neil Me- Rann left Met week fOt Jacksort Mill with seven race horses, Mr, and Mrs. William Young elf London were Sunday &eels Of Mrs, Iletrnati Young. Mr, Myra Celbett, of Tetioah, eves guest of Mr. and Mr. James Sigsworth lest Sunday afterroon. Mt. Bele Watson has Teemed tir Winnipeg after a tWeoWeek holiday With his parents, Dr. and Mee. T. A. Watton ted fahili Stove Davis, son M Mr, and Mrs. Richard Davis who Undoes Went alt opetetien in St, Joeepli'e }plta1 L enakitig satisfactory recovery, Mrs. illetgaret Stewart, ' torldenis spetutirig her vach- lion With Mite J, R. Murray; The chairman of ttte board, Mrs. J. B. Ready, introduced the staff, who each in turn list- ed many ways in which parents could help their child's progress. Mrs, Don Hearn gave a resume of a kindergarten pupil's ac- tivities during a day. Mrs. Harold Cobleigh stressed proper clothing and explained hours of dismissal and the work of the Safety Patrol. .She also told of the advantages of a year in kindergarten before entering Grade 1. Mrs, Ross McRoberts urged that parents see their children always have a good breakfast. She also asked cooperation in seeing that children return books each morning (in a plastic bag). Mrs. Martin Van Arenthals stressed the great importance of sufficient rest. Mrs. Art Black said her ad- vancement from Grade 4. and 5 to 5 and 6 was a big asset. It was just a case of going on from where she left off in June. She stressed borne -work and enumer- ated many ways in which par- ents could help. Mr, Jules Desjardine asked bhat duringthe October proara the film "How `How to Study" be shown. He told of the advan- tages of a tape recorder and hoped with the proceeds of the Christmas concert and sale 'of Christmas cards to be able to purchase one. He stressed the importance of sports and out- lined the sport program being planned. Principal Wesley Clow told of the convention last week and urged parents to purchase the book' "Parents' Guide to Chil- dren's Reading." All teachers stressed the great importance of reading and urged the parents to help as much as possible by having the children join the library, read aloud and other means. The executive were lunch con- veners for the September meet- ing. Nelson Hodgins district farmer Nelson Hodgins, 85, died sud- denly Friday, September 25, at his late residence, Lott 22, Con- cession 13, London Township. He lay at rest in the Murdy funeral home, Lucan, until 2 p.m. Mon- day, September 28, when the Rev. Bruce Guy of the Ilderton United church conducted funeral services. Interment wash Mt. Pleasant cemetery, London. Pallbearers were. Harold Hod- gins, Albert Filson, Ruben Hall, Stuart. O'Neil, George Scott and Albert Burchill. The flower - beaters were four nephews, Austin and Emerson Hodgins, Kenneth Little arid Don Greason. Son of the late William and Susan Hodgins, he 'was born in London Township .where he farm- ed most of his life. He was un- m'arried. His only survivors are two nieces and two nephews: Ada (Mrs. Ohas. Little) of Ildertan, Minnie (Mrs. Wilson Hodgins) of Lucan and Milton and Wil- liam Hodgins, of London Town- ship. Businessmen elect officers At a dinner meeting at The Hub last Thursday evening the Lucan Business Men made plans for their 'fall activities and elect- ed officers. President is Fred Revington; vice-presidents, Gary McFalls and Don Smith assisted by Rue - sell Radcliffe; secretary, Jack Baynes; treasurer, Cecil Van Horne; representative to the LUCAN, George Young, Personal items Marlene Butler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Butler Jr. celebrated her seventh birthday last Saturday by entertainittg 16 of her little boy and girl Mende. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Ford and Robert, of Detroit, were Week- ehd guests Of Mrs. Irene Cour- sey. A number of Lucanites forget to change their clocks and went to church at the wtong tine ott Sunday. Sunday visitors at the parson- age with Rev. end Mrs, Edgar Ilmileton were Mr. and Mrs. i. H. Thompson, Robert, Maty Jane and James of Kitchener, Mr, and Mrs. R. H. Sektmote Mies Mary Soloinan and MrS. Eva Hoff/m.ar of Stratford, Mr, and Mks, Harry Chapman, Miss Betty Chapman and Mrs, Itt. Ftunter of Itineardine and W. and Mr. r, j. Lapp di St. Thanes. Mr. and Mrs, Milton Bernard, Of St, Marys, were Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bow - Mari, v Laet Thursday night Mrs, Mut - ray llodgins attended meeting of the ditectars M Camp Kee -nit). ket held in Metropolitan Church, Landon, Mrs. Erie Hussey, a Petrone, tailed Mt Ulan hind Ott day Net Week, Fete local couple at Toronto dinner Fifteen descendants of the late Mr. and Mrs, Lou Weir met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ward, Toronto, on Sunday to honor the Cith wedding anniver- sary of their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs, Edgar McFalls of Lunn and to enjoy a turkey dinner and family get-to-gether, Mr, Dale Ward was MC and little three-yeareeld Laura Ward presented the "bride and groom" with a gift of money. While in Toronto Mr, and Mrs. McFalis called on their grand nephew, Mr. Dale Ward, and grand niece, Mrs, Jeff Parsons and also Mrs. E. F. Smith, so they had a busy and happy day. Other Lucan guess besides Mr. and Mrs, McFalls, who went to Toronto whit Mrs. Wrathe Ferguson of London were Mr. Erle Haskett and Miss Doris Weir.' WiSISHOMMONNUOMINVDMAJMO Church Activities Miger,12.1;;IMTIMMeleigaffiffOrg United ,Church The September meeting of the WMS was held in the church school -room last Thursday after- noon with the president, Mrs. Sheridan Revington in the chair and Mrs. E. R. Pitt's group in charge of program and refresh- ments: Mrs. Pitt read a poem and an article on India and Mrs. Wilbert Stanley read a letter she re- ceived from an Indian girl, ask- ing assistance in the completion of her eduoation. • A report was given on the joint WA and WMS Coaching rally held at bhe Rowntree 'Memorial Church on Wednesday which was attended by Mrs, Sheridan Rev- ington, Mrs, 11. B. Langford, Mrs. John Park, Mrs. Ira Car- ling, Mrs. Erle Young, Mrs. Murray Hodgins, Mrs. G. E. Nicholson, Mrs. Chas. Sovereign and Mrs. Alex Young. Other reports were given by Mrs. Tom Lee, Mrs. H. B. Lang- ford and Mrs. B. Smith. The lat- ter reported a quilt was ready to be quilted. Anglican church Family communion and Sunday School were the only two serv- ices at Holy° Trinity church on Sunday as St. James church was holding Harvest Thanksgiv- ing service. Many parents avail- ed themselves of the opportunity to take their children to the family communion. Next Sunday, October 4, will be Harvest Thanksgiving at HQIy Trinity. The guest speaker at 11 a.m. 'and 7.30 p.m. will be the Rev. J. A. , Armstrong of Hes- peter, • The members of the Evening Auxiliary have consented to dec- orate the church Saturday after- noon. As flowers, fruit and vege- tables will be taken to South Huron Hospital on Monday every- one is asked to be generous in their donations. Pentecostal Holiness church Rev. Ronald Hall continued the study of Ephesiana at the Wednesday evening servite. The ladies' Thursday prayer meeting was 'held at the home of Mrs, Maine Eizenga with Mrs. Ronald Hall assisted by Mrs. J. A. 'Graham in charge. A large attendance (some from London) were out to hear Rev. and Mrs, •Montgomery Duncan last Friday night. Three films were shown, two depicting mis- sionary work in Africa and the other of African animals. Dressed in native costume, Mrs. Dencan presented a skit on the life story a an African native. Native beads and skin - work as well as wood carving were on display. A number of the members went to St, Thomas Arent on Wednee- day to hear the Blackwood Bro. quartette from Memphis, Tenn. WA sponsor slides ' The Senior Woman's Auxiliary of Holy Trinity church last Mon- day night in the Parish 'Hall sponsored the showing 'of slides based oit the study book "He Cares" and also slides on "Mountain Trails." Guests inc 1 ud d members from the Ailsa Oreig WA and from the Lucan EVening Auxil- hay. Rev. .T. P. Prest was in charge of the running ef the projeotor. Mrs. Harold Hodgins read the, script far the first picture and Mrs. T. A. Hodgins for the set- ond. Between the two sets of pie - tures Mts. Jack Elson, &escort - panted by Mrs. C, W. HewkehaVe, sang a The president, Mee. T. C. Me- P arlane, presided for the eve- ning and led in the devOtiors. P ersenal• Items Mr. and Mrs, D, be Boet and family of Seafoetlit Were Sunday guests of Mr. And Mrs, Eizeriga, ,Mr, and Mrs, W t. Frost have receiVed wort of twb new grand- sons, Reeler Reese, son of CFM and Mrs. Ohas, Frost of Camp fieteivetvii, Sept, $, 4 le/Other for Charles, and Kevin Dean CrDott- eel, son of lite And Mrs, Chester O'DOnnell (nee Mite Frost) now stationed in GerMany, born Aug, 28, Vitt. Wes Atkinson has retort- ed home froth London Where she sPent fee/ clays With Dr. •and Mr*, Marvin Stripa And femile, —PleaSt turn te page It Biddulph farmer dies in hospital William E. 14614001in, 64, 'died in St, JOseldVe Hospital, loindoth On TOestiert September 22, He laY at rest at his late reels dence, concession 6, Biddelph, until 0.10 aen. Friday, Septeln- ber 25 when the C. Haskett and Solo funeral directors ef Lucan, conveyed hint to St, Patriek's Church, Biddulph, where requi- em high maps was sung at 1Q a.m. by Rev. Father Frank Me- Leughlin of Gagetown, Mich,, assisted by Rev. A. P, McGee M Pontiac. interment was in St. Patriels'e cemetery, Biddulph. Pallbearers were James Blake, Dan Ryder., Hugh Toohey, Joseph Grace Sr., Anthony Lamphier and William Sherwood, A large number of friends not only attended the funeral seine ice but also the prayer service Thursday night. Survivors include, his wife, the former Anne Kelly, four daugh- ters and three sons, Theresa (Mrs. Fitzpatrick) and Margaret McLaughlin cf London, Rose Ma- rie (Mrs. Bruce Anger) of Wing - ham, Edward, Billy and Veronica at home, also one sister Mrs. Tim Toohey of Isucan. Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Edward McLaughlin, Mr, Mc- Laughlin was born, raised and buried from the same farm on Con. 6 Biddulph and was a well- known Biddulph farmer. Friends from a distance attend- ing the funeral, besides the cler- gy, were Mr, Howard Schultz, Mr. and Mrs. F. Kennedy and Mr. and Mrs. John Oliver, all of Saginaw, Mich., Mrs, Thomas Ryder of Stratford, Mrs. James Doherty •and Mrs. Jack Berry of Kingbridge and Mrs. James Mor - kin of Goderich. Legion Auxiliary bingo In spite of the cooking school at the arena there was a good crowd at the Legion Auxiliary bingo Thursday night. The luckiest winner was 18 - year -old Victor Neil, son ofMr. and Mrs. Cecil Neil, who shared the $5 share the wealth with Mrs. H. Rawson of Granton and also won the $5 consolation prize, After losing out last week Exe- ter was back in the winning again with Mr. Clarence Taylor winning a bingo and Mrs. Harry Waiper sharing one with Mrs. He Rawson of Granton and Mr. Harald Butler Jr. of Lucan. The first part of the eonsecu- live bingo went to Mrs. D. Mc- Roberts of Granton, the second part to Mrs. Pat Crudge and the third part to Mrs. Grant Brooke who shared a bingo with Mrs. Omar Cunningham of Clan- deboye who in turn won another bingo. Other winners were Mrs. Diet- er Geissler, Mrs. Richard Davis, Mrs. Cecil Hodgins, Mr. H. B. Langford all of Lucan, Mrs. J. Rawson, Mrs. Reta Clatworthy of Granton, Mr. Ernie Keown, Grand Bend and Mrs. Edith Mulholland. • T,he jackpot for next Thurs- day has been raised to $120 in 56 calls. Cook -out starts Explorers' work The Lucan-Clandeboye Explor- ers, 25 in all, began their fall activities with a cook -out held at the home of Mrs. Murray Hodgins, last Monday afternoon. Mrs. Calvin Haskett, who has tendered her resignation as eoun senor, was guest of honor. Dur- ing the afternoon Counsellor Rose Revington, on behalf of the branoh, presented her with a cup and saucer in token of their appreciation of four years of faithful service. The program began with a scavenger hunt which was won by Judy Cochrane's group. This was followed by games, directed by 'Mrs. Murray Hodgins and Counsellor Rose Revington. Fol- lowing the *upper games were continued then a singsong and vesper service at which Mrs. H. B. Langford told the story, 1 Sydney Banting dies in Manitoba Sydney Denting, 78, died in Birch River, Man. Monday, Sep- tember 28 where funeral and ih- torment were held on Wednes- day. He is Survived by his wife, the former Alberta Bradley, six sons and two daughters: Wil - more and Sinclair of Birch River, Arthur and Harvey of Winnipeg. Leslie of Trail, B.C., Ralph and Kathleen (Mrs. W, Betteridge) of Filet Hon and Fern (Mrs. Harold Gibson) of Rosebank, Man., also one brother Gordon Ranting of Lucan and one sister, Mrs. Sam McRann of Syracuse, N.Y. Sort of 'the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Banting, he Was born in McGillivray Township. When a young man lie went West to homestead. For a few years he ran a hardware store. in Bireh Rivet, Mr. Gordon Bantling left can for Winnipeg Saturday night, Personal items Mrs. Art Bell and Philip ate spending a few days with Mre, Bell'S parents, Mr. and Mra. Milo Sharp of Tiilsonburg, Tetry Culbert, who underwent iitt nose operation at Vittoria ospital, a week ego, is able to be back to school again, Mr, and MrS. Elmet Haat, daughter Mrs. Thomas Morrin and granddaughter, Helen, of Buffalo spent 4 feW dos with Mr. and Mrs. At M. Redden last weekllrS. Elorance Cunningham, �I London, Was a Monday guest M her sister, Mrs...Y. W., MtrallS, Mr, and Mrs. John Neelin, Of Lambeth, wereSunday guests ef Mr. And Mrs, Herold Better Jr, Mrs, Laura Elake, of Ailsa Craig, visited LtiCall friends lett Week arid eteerit the weekend with 1Vira. Gordon Batting, Mrs, Mel Culbert And fAnaily spent leg week at Frceerefielci, guests of Mrs. Robert Simpsot. Many awarel,e lames at H&S coo The Liman Horne and School Association sponsored a twos night Canada Packer's Coking School in the -Community Centre, last Thursday and Friday with Mrs, Marnia Khoury of Toronto in charge. She was assisted by Mee, guct Cooper on the stage and Mrs, Calvin Haskett and Mrs, George Patel in the kitehen. Mr, Clare Stanley was MC. The stage was colorfully dee- ()rated with Canada Packers' products. The Winners of .draws for bags of groceries were, Mrs. M. G. Dupuis, Miss Jane Steacy, Mrs. Chas. Skelly, Mrs. Clarence Young, Mrs. Ray Neil, Mrs, Roy Ewmett, Mrs. R. Bowman, Mrs, J. B. Ready, Mrs. Jim Young, Mrs. Les Woodward', Mrs, Rup- ert Williams, Mrs, J. W. Smith, Mrs, M. Cobleigh, Mrs, John Knegt, Mrs. Bert Jackson, Mrs. Wilfred Stocks, Mrs. Cliff Mc- Lean, Mrs. Benny Saulnier, Mrs. Steve Storey, Mrs. Erie Young, Mrs. Ira Carling, Mrs. Harold MeFells and Mrs. James Free- man, The doter prize went to Mrs. Art Hodgins. Winners of the cooking were: mince pie, Miss Reta Chown; chocolate mint tarts, Mrs, Jack Lankin, Mrs. Karl O'Neil and Mrs. Kurt Gebel; fried cauliflow- er, Mrs. Murray Hodgson; bran - raisin buns, Mrs. J, R. Murray and Mrs. Maurice McDonald; peach tarts, Mrs. Don Ankers, Strange men capture dog Last Saturday evening, Helen Sigsworth, 12 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Sigs- worth and her dog went for the cows as usual. Erwin Gable ac- companied her, on his way home, from a visit at the Sigsworth's. The children were walking on the road when a car, full of men called the dog, caught him and tied a rope on him. The chil- dren became frightened, jumped the fence and ran for the Sigs- worth home. Mr. Gable had to come for Erwin who was too scared to go home alone. Mr, Gable got the licence number. Thinking it might be a car wanted in the Lucan area, Helen rang Constable Erle Young, who contacted London. They sent a policeman out to the Sigsworth farm. It wasn't the wanted car however. The dog returned home, whe- ther the men let him go or whe- ther he broke away, is unknown. king school Mrs. 11. B. Langford; chocolate Mint tarts, Mrse .ja.ele Arnold; Peppermi.K. pip/heel cake, Mrs, [Harold Itodgins and hazel -nut cake, Mrs, dgar McFalls, On Friday :night by a strange coincidence nine of the genie People were again lecky—Mrs. Bele Yoeng, Mrs. Harold Ifede gins, Mrs. Pon Ankers, Mrs, Les: Woodward, Mrs. lra Carling, Mrs. M. Cobleigh, 'Mrs. Maurice McDonald, Mrs, Edgar MeFells,' Mrs. Arthur Hodgins and Mrs. Wilfred Stocks, Another strange .coincidence, the .MO's wife, Mrs. Clare Stan- ley, his mother, Mrs, H. S. Stan- ley and his sister, Mrs. Gerald Lewis were all winners. .Other bag winners were Mrs, Margaret Stewgrt, Miss Muriel Carling, Mrs, Richard Gledhill, Mrs. G, Cecil Van Horne wins golf tourney Twenty-five Lucanites attend- ed a golf tournament held at Oakwood Course, Grand Bend, last Wednesday. All had an en- joyable day of golfing and din- ner at Monetta Menard's Res- taurant in the evening where prizes were presented to the two outstanding golfers of the day. Mr. Cecil Van Horne was best golfer and low gross scorer and Howard McDonald was winner of the low net score for the day. Donnie Lankin was winner of the hidden hole prize and Mr, Art Black won fourth prize. Mr. Jack Steacy was chair- man for -the evening. Presentation. & Dance FOR MR. AND MRS. RALPH PITT (nee Sandra Beatson) Lucan Arena Friday, Oct. 2 Good Music Ladies kindly bring lunch. 11111111111 ...... I ..... II ...... llllllll 11111M111111 llll 11111111111111 lllll 111111111111111111111111111111311111111111111/ DANCE LESSONS * GRADED BALLET * MODERN TAP Erringfon Studios LUCAN ARENA • Mondays Only — 4 to 7:30 p.m. DIRECTOR — LILIANE MARLEAU GRAHAM New Classes Beginning — Register Now ...411,11110,1,111111111111 lllllll 1p1/11111 lllll 1 lllllllllllllll 11/11//1/M llllllllll lllllll t101111411111111111100$1,1 lllll Mtre. .;TeClc Stacy, Is, Prttl :NeCseenlas 4'm ,004e. owl, Xrtte Herbert ftfretton, Mrs, Robert Coughlin, Ms. gigt9ttigOLOPI atld.;Mrs. John wistOM.S. Of the cooking Were: Jclik -PPM* TOnt, Mrs. Harvey .Hetiginal POMP stuffed wieners, Mrs, John $nlibW; sausage ring, Mrs. parenco. kat; -floreatine 'pastry, Mrs, Ivan Tiv4rn; lemon feather :coke, Mrs. Sheridan Revington; grWed sandwiches, los, ILA. obwri; bacon and lima salad, mrs, Ir Carling; hasn. and sweet potato pie, Mrs, WitilArri .Browelee, The luckiest winner of att was MIS. Margaret .Stewart of Lon- don who net only won a. .laag but the largegazedMaple 'Leaf ham, "prow!! tomi- sn4 Afro. .00* 4;414. left een SundaY fdr,rnoOr 14ip. to Worth :A4y..anil ,polAt4 mrth.. Shortly alter lelYing, thesr Y011tig: soh sprained the ligannervis i.0 his night foot Notiffe playing ta 'home frOni 1.4CAN PENTECOSTAL, TABERNACLE Main t, (No. 4 highway) L4gAN R.Y. and Mrs, Ronald hill! Paster Sunday Services •a.m.—Sunday .Sehoot 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 0:44 p.ra,—youth Time 7;30 p.m.—EvAngelistie SerViett Be the FIRST to see it! Believe us, this new Olds is the "dream car" of the decade. We invite you to see it in our showroom, P On Display Thursday at Snell Bros. Phone 100 Ltd, Exeter a\ • the refreshing sbu nil of radio, with Western Ontarie,s fa- vourite personalities, most. respected newscasters. BIG NEW SOUND! NOW I Latest broody:Wing equip- ment, techniques bring you a bright, clear hi-fi sound — 24 hour t a dayl Double the power every daytime hour with 10,000 lively watts I Enjoy a balanced blend of pleasantly popular music, total news coverage, time, weather, .ports, a Complete range of ter/ice-information. CFPL RADIO More Power to serve you better;