The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-10-08, Page 12Page 16 The. Times-Advocaft, October 1, 1959. Exeter school fair winners Legend -11, Vsborne; S, Stephen; 11, Hay; ('. Crcditott; Sh, : hiplca; pa, Dashwood; all others, ,Exeter. LIVESTOCK Rest pony. James Sweltzer, 7S, Sandra Fwrilzel• 7S. 'Beef calf, born before Jan. 1, 2t1uriel Cornish 7U, Margaret Cor- nish 7L7; beef calf, born after Jana 1, ,Tames Cornish 711. Dairy ,calf. born before Jan, 1, Barbara, Hern 71T: dairy calf. born after Jan. 1, Iris Marshall sh llAllen Allen Marshall 81', cell. 1 falter -broken calf, Iris Marshall 'SU, Muriel Cornish 717, David 'Mar - 'shall W, Barbara Hern 7U. Baron hogs, over 125 lbs.. Sharon Passmore 1017, IJobby Stone 1011, ;]Paul Passmore MOLT, Deanne Stone 1013. POULTRY Leghorn, cockerel, Carol Hand- rick 4S; pullet, Carol Ilendrick, Brian 'Miller, PR 3 Exeter; hybrids, Brian AIiller; turkeys, Dianne Stone 1011, Carol Hendrick 45, Bobby Stone 1013; geese, Carol Hendrick 45, Marilyn Galloway C. PETS Bantams, Paul Baker' 713, Mervyn :t Bern 7(T, Richard Glanville C: rab- 1 bits, Judy Ratz 75, Randy Wltts, 8111 Snow, RR 1 Woodham, Bobby ? Snow, RR 1 Woodham; pigeons, s Grant Rohner, Lester Hohner, Rich - 1 rd Glanville C', Ronald Sweitzer 7S: cat, Billy Hooper, Garry Lovle 105, Marina Bower; dogs, Pauline Wells, Brian 'Weed:Ike, John Gib- : bons, Jeannie Westover, GRAIN Wheat sheaf, Sheila Hern 7U, Barbara, (-fern 713; barley sheaf, Jim Sweltzer 747; oat sheaf, Frances Skinner 6U, Jim Sweitzer 75: en- silage corn, Gloria Adams, RR 2 Dashwood, Frances Skinner 611, Di- anne Stone 10LT, Brian Miller 2U, Paul Passmore 1011. ' ROOTS AND VEGETABLES White mangles, Billy Jeffery 1013, Roy MoRobert 12U; red mangles, Billy Jeffery 10U: table turnips, Douglas Prout 5U, Sam Kingma 5U, Tommy Prout 5U, Bill Brock 7U; table beets, Shirley Genttner, (Dalton Noels C, June Morenz 115, Shirley Reynolds 1U, Gwen Fink- beiner C; storage beets, Shirley Genttner, Michael Elford 613, Ava Elford 6LT, Bonita Green, Shirley Reynolds 11'; domestic cabbage, Kathy Hern 6UU, Christine Kingma bU, Paul Passmore 1011, Glenn Hod- gins C, Judy Ratz 7S, Nantes car- rots, Judy Rats 75, Lynda Dougall 113, 'Marlene Masnica 4S, 13onita Greene, Robert England C; Chante - may carrots, Shirley Genttner, Ricky :tory, David. Gibson C', Laura French 12U, Earl French 12U; table cucumbers, Bob Reynolds 1U, Allen Oke 111, Sharon Passmore 1011, Dianne Oke 113, Leslie Dyke - man 711; pickling cucumbers, Co .Zondag 115, Nelly Zonda.g 115, Shirley 'Genttner, Marlene . Masnica 4S, June Morenz 12S. Spanish onions, Freddie Wells, Stewart Brown 105, Sharon Pass- more 1017, Paul Passmore 10U, Susan Allen 611; hubbard squash, Tom Russell 75, Leslie Dykeman 713, Sandra England. C, David Granger, Shirley Reynolds 11:7; pie pumpkin, Susan Allen 611, Ronnie Dougall 11 Bob Reynolds 113, Letter from ' Crediton r By MRS. M. FAIST ta.. Rally Day service Sunday School Rally Day serv- ice was well attended in EUB church on Sunday morning. Num- bers were given by junior mem- bers and presentation of crests and bars were given for camp- ers. The Rally Day message was given by Mrs. A. M. Schlenker. Personal items Mr. and Mrs. A. Paasse and 111x. Arthur Rowe of Clawson, Mich. visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Woodall, Mr. Rowe is a brother-in-law of Mr. Woodall and Mr. and Mrs, Paasse are niece and nephew. Mr. ' Gerald Smith returned home from hospital on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmar Wein visited at Watford on Sunday. Services in the United Church were withdrawn on Sunday morn- ing" owing to anniversary serv- ices being held in Shipka. church which were attended by many Crediton members. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Haist of Dashwood, Mrs. Roy Ratz, Mrs. Emnlery Fahrner and Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Haist at- tended the funeral of a cousin, Mr. Orville Brown at Kilma- ragh, Michigan. Mr, and Mrs, William Smith and Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Hill spent the weekend at Pigeon, Mich. visiting with Mr. Herb Haist who underwent surgery at Ann Arbor recently. Mrs. Richard Vaughan, of Long Beach, California is spend- ing this week with her mother, .Mrs. Sam Lamport. Dr. and Mrs. Fred Morlock end family, of Waterloo, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Morlock. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Sansone, of Hamilton, were guests in the home of Miss Lily Heist on Wed- nesday and visited with Mrs. Sam Lamport and daughter, Mrs. R. Vaughan, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Verdirk and faihnly moved into the homd they purchased from Mr, Chas. Green. Mr, and Mrs. William Oestnioh- er spent Sunday at Strathroy and attended decoration services at the cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Beaver of Pittsburg and Mr. Howard Beaver of Hamilton spentthe weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beaver, Mr. Fred Beaver of New York spent a few days visiting his brothers, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beaver and Mr. and Mrs. Ecl Beaver last week. Two carloads of men from the ZT3B church attended the Broth- erhood Rally at Bridgeport on Sunday. Mrs.. Lorne Finkbeiner has been confined to her room, ��IIIIIII1114nnn11111111111111111 CAN AtD1Iff1111N1n14, 11111ttntl�, PROPANE • & APPLIANCES GRATTON & HOTSON Phone 156 Grand Bend �IIIeltliilYulntutn'itYrnuuuUiliiii'lWuuli"tlifr'ittl'ti'1� GAS 5 Shirley Reynolds 1I,. Marilyn Gal loway 0; early potatoes, Bonita Greene, Shirley Genttner, Donald J:)undas 0, Sherrie Otis 61,1, ]Dalton Noels (3: late potatoes, Karen i9hJk- bolner 0, Brenda Boeoek 0, Carol llenclrick 4S, Keith Strang 111, Bobby Stone -1011: field beans, 191- anne Weber 4S. Lorne Becker 45, Lorne Millin 7S. Judy Ratz 75, Helen Brown 105; citron, Dianne Oke 117Kathryn Ol,e 113, Larry Bern 1211, Shirley Genttner. FLOWERS Asters, Ronald Motz 713, Brian miller 2(7, Cheryl Westcott 5U, Shirley Genttner, Paul Passmore 10IJ; cosmos, Terry Pickering 75, Ronald Motz 7U, Pale Lamport 65, Elyse Lamport 5S, Mary Corbett; snapdragons, Larry Hern 1213, Ron- ald Motz 713, Shirley Genttner, Jan- ice Morley 1237, Sheila Beller; marl - golds. Larry ,Dobson, Linda Haugh 0, Gerald., Morley, Donald Dundas 0, lay Mills 12U; petunias, Brenda Boeock 0, Marilyn Galloway 0, Nancy Strang 1U, Don Elliott, .Gor- don Hern 1217; zinnias, Bruce Rus- sell Sh, - Ralph Morley, Peggy Pryde, Bonita Greene, Yvonne De- vine 15; best display cut flowers, Judy Ratz 75, Bonita Greene, Frances Skinner 6U, Ralph Morley, FRUIT Northern spy apples, Billy Jef- fery 1013, Tom Russell 75, Brian miller 2U, Donald Dundas 0. Gloria Adams ,Da; Maclntoslt apples, Billy, Jeffery 10U, Dianne Weber 45, Brian Miller 213, Sandra Sweitzer 7U; snow apples, Filly Jeffery 1013, Tom Russell 7S, Kathryn Hern 6U, Gary Hern 613, Sandra Sweltzer 7S; Courtland. apples, Billy Jeffery 1017; delicious apples, 13111y Jeffery 10(7, Brian Miller 217; talman sweets, 13111 Jeffery 10U, Anne Webb 115, Karen Finkbeiner C; pears, Gerald Finkbeiner C, Sharon Mar- tens 9S, Glen Finkbeiner 0, Brian Killeen, Barbara Sweltzer 7S, SEWING Grade 6 and under -- darning, Helen Brown 10S; hand-drervd doll, Debby Johnston, Nancy McTa- vish, Billie Westover; pot holder, Cathy Corbett, Shirley Bern 7U, Letter from Kirkton By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS izEganamlaitManinrittiMIMMEn Personal items Recent visitors with Mrs. Clarence Switzer and Harold were Mr. and Mrs. William Stock and Wanda, Tavistock, also Mr, and Mrs. Tom White and Joyce of Avonton, Mr. Ervin Riehl of Stratford and Miss Mu- riel Switzer of Kitchener, also Mrs. •Alf May of London spent a couple of days last week. Wan- da 'Stock is spending a few days with her grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Paton and Lyle also Mr. and Mrs. Ron Paton attended the funeral • of Emerson P'aton's father on Mon- day in Parkhill. Mrs. M. Gregory is spending a few days with Mr. and 14irs. Jim McCullough of Gravenhurst going on to North Bay to spend a month with Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry Greason. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ross of Essex have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Doupe and other friends, returning home on Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Ray Paynter and David attended Lieury United Church on Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. William Allison of Ailsa Craig. Mr. and Mrs. William Black - ler spent a few days with Mr. Harold Henry and family in Lon- don, while Mrs. Henry was a pa- tient in Victoria Hospital. Betty Lou Jesney 0, Sheila Hern 7U. Grade 8 and under -• Vt'earing apparel, Ruth Sibson 75, Dorothy Dickey 717. Frances Skinner, 15, Aiargaret Hyde 113, Betty Lon Jes- ney t.': crochet work, Margaret Hyde 1U, Dorothy 'Dickey 717; em- broidery work. Lorene Mellin 76, Gail Shipman, Marie Corey, Debby ,Johnston, Lynda Glanville 10U, MANUAL TRAINING Grade fl and under - Lawn orna- ment, Bobby Forrest 313, Paul Ba- ker 713, Vernon Herne; bird house, John Grassirk, Brian McLean. Oracle 8 and under --- Bookends, Glenn Shipman, Gordon Chappel, Woodham; serving tray, 'Edward' johns, Glenn Shipman; metal work, Shirley Geuther; miscellaneous wood work, Alvin', Guilford, Donald Mar- row. COOKING. Drop cookies, Eleanor Wein 45, Helen Brown 105. David Passmore 213, Jo -Anne Whilsmith; bran muf- fins, Darlene Parsons, Carole Hen- drick 25, Susan Allen 613, Elizabeth Illlerington, WRITING Grades '7 and 8 -Joanne Martine 4S, Kathryn Oke 113, Joan Smith C, Sharon AfeArthur. Grades 5 and 6 -Ann Fairbairn, Joanne Tennant, Caroline Glan- ville C, Marlene Harness. Grade 1 -Phyllis Allen 313, Faye Duncan 313, Lynn Otis 61.3, Barbara Lawson C. Grade 3 _ Carol Lynn Shapton, Honey Wein, Glenn Stire, Garbie Frl t z. Grade 2 - Barbara Reid, JoAnne \i'hilsm1th, Bonnie Wein, ,roan Campbell. Grade 1 - Margaret Smith, Bell Goman, Judy Price, Ronknie Wal- per, ART Grades 7 and 8 Susan Doerr, Barbara Janke, Barbara, Miller 7S, Ronald Motz 7U. Grades 5 and 6 -Carol Hendrick, Sharon school, Helen Campbell, Susan Goman, Bryan Baynham, Grades 3 and 4 -Ruth Hodge 0, Gordon ,Jones C, John Dietrich C, Randy Tones. Grades 1 and 2 - Sa.ily Horne, Margaret Smith, Ricky Weber, Jo- Anne '1'1'hilsmith: Canadian scene, open to all grades - B a r bar a. Janke, Verla Smith, Angela Webster, Bonnie Turvey, Scrap books - Grades 6-8, Judy Ratz IS, Dorothy Pickle 71J, Fran- ces Skinner 611, ,Dianne Slone 1013; grades 3-5, Kathy Boulianne 0, J3arbara Lawson C, Anne Marie Dietrich C, Marianne DeVriese; grades 1-2. Margaret Smith, Beth Goman, Bruce Fulcher, Ricky We- ber, GROUP PROJECTS Grades 7-8 - Angela. Webster, Joan D, Loretta Haley, Jerry Wed - lake and groups. Grades 5-6 - Helen Campbell, Grade 7 7S, Room 6 Exeter, third and fourth. Grades 3 -4 -Grades 3-4 7U, Win- chelsea, Room 10 Exeter, third and fourth. Grad es 1-2 - Room 1 Exeter, Grades 1-2 713. 1111111111111111,1111111111111111111111111111111/1111t11111111111111 Dashwood comments By MRS.. ERVIN RADER Wins trip Mr. .and Mrs, Bill Decker won a free weekend trip to Cleve- land with the international Har- vester, flying by plane. They at- tended the ball game while there. Cop honors at Zurich Fair Robert Becker won first in the senior 4.11 club and the trophy for tops in. both senior and junior 4-H clubs at Zurich Fair. Bob Hoffman won the Agricul- ture award: first prize for the best junior calf in 4-H, fourth prize in 4.1-1 junior and senior heifers and steers, fourth prize in 4-11 showmanship and second in open registered ' Hereford class. Chas, Becker won first in the Shorthorn open class and second hi the all around beef class. 13111 Hoffman, first prize grade heifer calf under one year, Jim Hoffman, first prize for the truest to type heifer calf and first prizd' in Jersey heifer calf under one year. Infant baptized Blaine Lincoln Dahlns, infant son of Mr, and Mrs. Eldon Dahms was baptized in Zion Lu- theran Church Sunday, Septem- ber 27 by Pastor K. L. Zorn. Promotion Sunday Next Sunday will be promotion Sunday in Zion Lutheran Sunday School- The children and their teachers will attend the church service in a body. Personal items Guests present at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Mervyn Tieman at the dinner held for Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoffman in honour of their Goth •wedding anniver- sary were: Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Evans, Mr. and. Mrs, Dan- ny Greag, Mr. Tom Evans, Miss Rosalee Donnor of Richmond B111, Mr. and Mrs, Morton Charles and Brian of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. R. A. Stormes of St. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoffman and f amily and Mr. and Mrs. Ken McCrae and Bonnie. The draw for the WI quilt will take place Tuesday, October 6 at 4:00 p.m. in Restemayer-Mil- ter store. All tickets must be in by October 3. Guests with Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Stelck Saturday afternoon were, 11111111111111,111111,11111111111111111 111,1 111111111111111111H1110 Warm Air Heating And Air Conditioning New Installations and Alterations LENNOX & ANTHES IMPERIAL FURNACES OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE Lindenfields Ltd Associate Member, National Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Association PHONE 181 EXETER 011111111111111111111p 1111,11111111 n 111n111111111111111III t111111111111111111111101111111nn111,1111nnn111nn11,11111111111, 110. SO EASY even a man can use it There's no trick at all to washing with an automatic electric washer. Just toss the clothes in and set the dial. The automatic electric fills itself, empties itself ... gives clothes as many rinses as you've indicated on the dial. Clothes come out thoroughly washed and rinsed, ready for the drier -automatically! Which just goes to prove "You get more out of life when you get the most out of electricity." live better...ELECTRICAL[Y ige,A Exeter Public Utilities Phontli 127 ' Mann Street Mrs. MaryClubine of Toronto, Mrs. Wiggins of Beeton and Mr. and Mos, i3. Perkins of Ji.xeter,' Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Beck and daughter of Detroit spent Sunday with Mrs. Fred Schlundt and Mr. and Mrs, Vyrne Weido and Larry, Mr, and Myst Elmer Bender of Pomona, California visited with Mrs. Matilda Piefer and other relatives last week. Mr- Addison Tiernan and Charles spent the weekend in De- troit. Visitors with Mrs. L. Melsaac on Sunday were Mrs. Dennis Cor riveau and son Wilfred of Kin - kora and Mr. and. Mrs. Dan Kel- ly and daughter of London. Mrs. Annie Vernon of Garden City, Mich., returned home after spending ten days with Mrs, L. Mcisaac. She was accompanied by her son and wife of Garden City, Mich. Mrs. Tillie Tetreau attended the funeral of a brother-in-law, Mr. Dave McAdams, also visited, with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Mc- Adams, in London. FAST RELIEF FOR TIRED FEET Here Fridayl Glamorous New 1960 Chevrolet Again in 1960, Chevrolet offers four series of conventional -size passenger cars, each individualized by trim, smartness of coachwork and equipment. Note design changes at the front and rear and in the low sweep of horizontal lines. A modish grille ex- tends full -car width. The tail lamp ensemble is mounted beneath modified wings. Profile embellishments lend distinction between the Impala, Bel Air and the Biscayne series and their associated station wagons. Come and see the new Chevrolet this Friday in our showroom. SneII PHONE 100 EXETER A_ �'T•0.00.0o D o L 1., ti is bcoo0000O.000000R. 0 Swift's New Golden Dew Ib. pkgs. Margarine 5 FOR 11 Evaporated MilkLarge tins Carnation 7 FOR 1 Large rolls $1 Hillcrest Toilet Tissue 10 •/-40'010'60 0 404'000 c FOR ,;o11,00.00: 1)01 1%IZ c0000000.0000avi-� J 20 -oz. tins Stokely's Fancy Quality om. Juice .0.0,0 0.15))4.0.4440,1 Bayview White Sliced 7 -oz.. tins Tuna 4 FOR $1 Chum High Protein, 2¢ off Dog Food 10 Aylmer Fruit C'cktail 4 FOR 0o0000.z000a00. "►+�✓ Westinghouse 25-40-60 Watt Light Bulbs ' Campbells or Heinz Tom, Sou P 0 °o. 3 -pound tins Crisco 3 1)011.r%R,...-------) 000000.0.000 ago 6 FOR si 10 -oz. tins 8 FOR $1 100 off FOR $1 ct:000000000000 LEAN, MEATY Spare Ribs Devon Bacon SAUSAGE MAPLE LEAF PURE PORK ' LB. PKG. . LB. St. Williams Jellies, Marmalade or 9 -oz, jars Jams 5 FOR $1 *090000.o Ottitrcom I o' 0 at. C4* -D 0 0 0 0 O a 0 0 Pt o.00 b,0:Q,0 0:0 0 00.0;0. i Van Camp's , 15 -oz, tins Beans s, Pork 8 FOR $1 Aylmer Choice Golden 15 -oz, tins Cream Corn 8 F❑R $1 Stokely's "Ping" Pineapple -Grapefruit Drink 3 FOR $1 48 -oz, 5010'014'0 005047 7i>►AYS; )50o-o-oroovoozrooso SWEET, SMOKED. RINDLESS 39° A &H Phone 532 LB, 57c St. Will's Pie Ready Cherry 2 20 -oz. tins 59¢ Apple 2 20 -oz. tins 430 Hunt's Tomato Catsup 2 li-❑Z. BTLS. 31 Hereford 12 -oz. tin Corned Beef 45c FROZEN FOOD VALUES Seated -Sweet 12 -oz, tin Orange Juice 45c FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FANCY SNOW APPLES 3 lbs23¢ CRANBERRIES, cello bag 230 LOUISIANA YAMS 2 lbs. 19¢ MARKET OPEN OM TILL 9 SAT, TILL 10 Free Delivery 1