The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-07-02, Page 15flaaataraetretttrtieie-eeeniteet&e.eeestteeeattarmttsettsteeeMteseeteeers.eittemsseteteesteeeste.etxttsmetteetiteeteeeeeieetsaeitteteeeetetetesetets$
Pap- 16 Moult :7, 1959
and district news
Phone BA 7.4255
Vorres.pondent: Mise Line Abbott
• • •
Kids display Trousseau tea
Pair from Exeter
win three times h. t for Sandra Joy
Another good attendance was
gut to the Thursday night Le-
gion Auxiliary bingo at the Le-
gion Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Pepper, Exeter, upheld their re-
cord with the former winning a
bingo and the latter, not only
winning the $5 jackpot consola-
tion but also shared the third
part of the consecutive bingo
with Mrs. S. McRoberts of Gran-
The first part a the consecu-
Dye bingo went to Mrs, Harold
Rawson, Granton and the second
part to Mrs. Dieter Geissler, Lu -
can. Teenage Bill Neil won the
$6 "Share the Wealth,"
Other winners were Mrs. Mary
3.1cRoberts, Grantee, Mrs. Grant
Brooke, Luean, Mrs. C. Roily,
Liman, Mr. Joe Campbell, Exe-
ter, Earl Freneh, Granton, Mrs,
Harold Butler, Luean, who won
one and shared one with Mr. Cla-
rence Taylor, Exeter, Mrs, Wil.
Liam French, Granton and Mrs.
E. Wallace, Granton.
Next week's jackpot will be
$110 he 54 calls,
Corbett-Meath:I reunion
The annual Corbett-Meadd re
union was held at the farm of
Mr, Harold Corbett of Lucan,
Sunday, July 26 with over 100
members present, from Toronto,
Si. Catharines. London, Parkhill,
Brine, Mount Brydges, Ailsa
Craig, Guelph. Theciford, Arkone.
Kingsway, Ipperwash, Islington
and Gorrie.
ettomf# ,&14***,-,Awfivvre‘:,4!
II levenien
... • . (an Saturday, Jule 25, afte-
Owing to the removal of trees and *evening. Mrs. Derwtt
in front of the Community me. Beatson opened her home for a
trousseau tea in honor of her
morial Centre and the levelling
of the ground, the vacation school daughter, Sandra Joy, prior to
achievement night
her marriage to 1dr. Ralph Pitt
scheduled to
be held. In the Centre's amino- •
rium, e covered table centred with pink
A t 1
last Fridayvenin had to Pouring tea from a lace
be held at the Anglican hure , and white carnations flanked
with the program in the church
and the display owork and sale with pink tapers, were Mrs. John
of candy. ice-cream and freshie Stevenson of Thorndale in the af
in the church basement. ,ternoon and Mrs. Herman Foster
The dean, the Rev. J. P. Prest of Exeter- in the evening-
M.C, for the program which
Assisting in the tea room were
was Mrs. Fred Cook and Mrs. James
opened with fun songs, directed
by Mrs. Murray Hodgins. For
Riddell in the afternnon and Miss the singing of new hymns learned. Barbara Foreman and Miss Jean
A...,41,,1Egan of London, in the evening.
Mrs. Van enthal led the
Anglican News
Dr. R. K. Harrison of Huron
College was the guest speaker
at the morning service with
Frank and Pat Egan acting as
servers for the communion ser-
vice. Fred Culbert was crucifer
and Miss Joyce McDonald was
United Church
On Monday evening a valua-
tion meeting was held in the
school room to discuss the mer-
its — pro and con — of the 1959
vacation school and to plan for
a bigger and better school next
year, In the absence of the dean,
the *erre .T. P. Prest, the ReV.
Edgar Roulston presided. ,
Pentecostal Holiness Church
Last Wednesday evening ser -
sopranos and Mrs. Jack Steaey Displaying the trousseau were,
T Maje le Mis Mar -
TS. om r , s ga
the altos. The kindergarten chit- Miss Pat 'Chap.
dren were led by Mrs. Charles ret MeManna,
man all of London, Miss Marlene
Corbett in a number of songs. Revington of Lucan and Miss Ca -
c ion songs. iuets. lherine Caverhill of Ilderton.
reading and a Bible skit, Showing the gifts were Miss
Carole Davis as commentator, Sharon Beatson and Miss Patsy
made up the rest of the pro-
Sholdiee of Ailsa Craig
gram after which Mr. Prest Hostesses honoring the bride
troduced the new recreation di- with bridal showers, prior to the
• •
The splendid and colorful dis-
troueseau tea, were Miss
bare Foreman, London, Miss
- work downs'de
Marlene Revington, Luean Mrs
all wonder how so much could be Fred Cook, Granton, and the
accomplished in five days. staff of the Bank of Nova Scotia,
Loca s take Iead Following the wedding rehear-
sal last Friday night the groom's
mother, Mrs. E. R. Pitt enter.
in pee -wee series tamed the bridal party at her
Sy WARD HODGINS home at Lucan.
The first pee wee game of the • • •
semi-finals was played in Lucan..
last Thursday night with Lucan
defeating Hensel]. 19.10. The
game had to be called in the
fifth inning owing to darkness,
The Lucan team, which had
been trailing Hensall 440 won 15
runs in the bottom of the fourth.
Lucan's pitchers were Kirk
Montgomery and Donnie Cough-
lin and catcher was Russell Ken-
Personal items
Terry Culbert and Gerald Ham-
ilton spent the holiday weekend
in Niagara Falls and Buffalo.
Among those from a distance
who were unable to attend Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Aylestock's golden
wedding and who called later
were, Mr. and Mrs. R. Ridolls,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spinson,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Love and Mr.
and Mrs. Col Mark, all of Listo-
wel, Mr, and Mrs. James Mas-
ters of Parkhill, Mrs. Jack Ros-
ser and Barbara of Ailsa Craig
and Mrs. Richard Smibert of Il—
Mr. and, Mrs. Lionel, Kendrick
and Mrs.. Warner McRoberts of
vice was in charge of Mr. Ed. Lucan, Mr. and Mrs. Mac La -i
Butler with Mrs. Howard Currie mond and family of Cromarty
leading in the music. I and Mr. and Mrs. Theron Cree-:
The Thursday prayer meeting ry and family of Woodham had
was held at the home of Mr. and a family reunion at the Pinery
Mrs. Clarence Frost. Provincial Park last Sunday. • .
Beginning on Friday, July 24 Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Laverty
a ten day Pentecostal Holines and family were weekend visitors
Camp was held at Fair Haven with Mr. and Mrs. William `
Christian Villa on Lake Erie near Brownlee, taking home Valerie
Wheatley. Between 25 and 30 and Johnny who had spent two
members of the Lucan church at vveeks with their erandparents.
tended, some 15 remaining for Mr. Tommy Brooke of London
the 10 days, the others attending spent the holiday weekend at his
both weekends. Both Rev. Fred home here.
Thomson and the Rev. Ronald
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Jones
Hall assisted in the meetings. and family of Kippen were Sun -
This week Mr. Hall is assisting day guests of Mr. and Mrs, Ir -
at the Exeter Pentecostal Holi- ving Gibson.
ness Bible School in Exeter. "Shirley Harvester" owned by
First baptism Mr. Wilmer Scott came first in
Rev. Stanley Tomes (formerly Thursday's races in Toronto.
of Clandeboyei who was tecently Miss Eileen Cranston of Lon -
ordained had his first baptism don spent the holiday weekend
in Kenora, June 26, when he bap- at her home here.
tised Ian Stewart, small son of Mr, and Mrs. Norman Hardy
Mr. and Mrs. truce, Stewart have returned home from a few
(nee Lorraine Hodgins, formerly days visit in Toronto.
of Lucan) in St, Albans Pro -Ca -
were Mrs. Mitchell Haskell who has
,thedral, Ian's godparents been the sick list is improved.
Mr. and Mrs. James Patenan of
Recent visitors with Rev. and
Kenora. Mrs. E. M. Cook, were Rev. and
Personal items Mrs. A. L. Sisco of Tavistock
Mr. and Mrs, Don Downs and Councillor R. L. and Mrs. Knox
Mrs. Irene Coursey last Thurs. of Sarnia, and Mr. ,Tack Moise
day paid a farewell visit with Mr, of Detroit. Mr. Cook recently
and Mrs. Merrill Edwards (nee supplied Tavistock United Church
Marion Coursey) of London prior for four Sundays. Next Sunday
to their leaving on Friday to he will supply Woodham United
niak'e their home in Fredericton, Church and the next four Sun.
N.B., where Mr. Edwards will be days Lucan a n d Clandehoye
teaching in the university there. United Churches.
Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Reving- Mrs. Joe Orme of Toronto and
ton and Gary attended the Ham- Miss Dorothy Wildern of St. Ca -
burg races last weekend and saw tharines have returned home at -
'Sister Harmony" and "Howard ter visiting Mrs. T. D. Orme.
Rosecroft" each come in eecond. The former assisted Mrs. Orme
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas King with her se And moving to tee
and family of Harriston, Mr. Al- J. B. Ready Apt.
lie Hodgins and Miss Vivian Gregory Revinglon, small son
rairles of London were Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Revington
visitors 'with. Mrs. Annie Fere is holidaying with his grandpar-
les. , ents, Mr. and Mrs, Sheridan Re -
Mrs. Mel Culbert and girls Vington.
have returned home after spend- Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Crozier,
Ing a few days in Oakville, the son Brian and daughters Cathe-
guests of Mr, and Mrs. Chester rine and Wendy of Kirktott Lake,
Patrick. spent last week with Mr. eid
Mrs. E. C. Attwell, nee Marga- Mrs. Ronald Crozier at "Tyrone
ret Ashworth and family cd Gor- Farm." Lune, leaving on Men-
rie are holidaying with Mre, day for Westport, Rideau Lakes
Attwell's father, Mr. D. A. Ash- where they will be the guests of
worth MrS. A. 1, Crozier.
Sharon Smith of Drayton is ho- Mr. and Mrs, Hamilton Corbett
• lidaying with het tOtiSin; Man- of Kingsway have returned home
teen Strlith, after spending a few days with
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Barker of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Corbett.
latiseat. Alta., and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Alan Ready of the Rank of
Jack Weber of Woodstock were :Montreal staff has been sent to
guts last week of Mr. and Mts. Sareia. Me has been replaced
Frank Hardy. here by Miss Shelagh twen of
Linda Hamblin el London is Market St.
holidaying with Betty Anne Lew- Rev. end Mrs. J. P. Prost end
Is. family left ore Monday for
Mt. and Mrs, James Freeman Morith's vacation in Queboc,
and family are spending their vet Where Mr. Prest will take over
cation et Long Peant. relief duties in St. Ann S ehureh,
Miss Kate towyer has re- Itichmend,
turned from a week's visit to De- Mr. Gordon itlerarlirie of
rolt. _rri arn, .„ Mts. H. ran!
.• Mr, arid. Mrs. tdward (ed) is of ShelbitSittnearid Mrs. Cliff
tledgins M Chicago art spend- 'White M New Market . visited
log a few days with Mr. and Mrs. their father Mr. Alex Merarline,
T. A. HOdgint and Other Licari ; a patient in St. ,,,lesephl HOspi-
Recreation Director
The Lucan Community Me-
morial Centre is in the throes of
erecting some fine additions to
the recreational facilities. On
Monday evening, July 27, 28 of
Lucan's public spirited. citizens
converged on the new tennis
court, armed with rakes and
shovels. There they proceeded
to spread numerous loads of
earth in preparation for :surfac-
ing of the courts. We also under-
stand a few blisters and sore
muscles were developed in the
The new 'Outdoor Gymnasium'
has been erected and •seems to
be quite popular. The steel work
for the new swings and the
Ocean Wave have been erected
and they will both shortly be
completed and ready for use.
Shortly thereafter, a teeter-tot-
ter and a sand -box will be set
up which will provide excellent
recreational -facilities for many
youngsters seemingly at loose -
ends for something to do in their
spare moments.
For those youngsters who don't
have an opportunity to play base-
ball with one of the local ball
teams, we are looking for you
to come to the. hall diamond'
here at the recreational centre
every morning at ten o'clock.
Also in the field of softball, how
about a girls' team? Any in-
terested? Call and let me know,
While many teenagers are
away on holidays at the present
time, it is • rather difficult to
know what interest might be
taken in re -organizing Teen Town.
Your new Recreation Director
would greatly appreciate if any
and all teenagers who are in-
terested enough to call and list
their names for such an organiza-
FIRST REUNION IN 32 YEARS—The unbroken family of
the late Mr. and Mrs, Richard Culbert met last Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Hodgson, Lucan, after a
lapse of over 32' years, Back. row, from left, are Arthur
Culbert, Winnipeg; Mrs. Ab Beadle (Lela), Stratford;
Myron Culbert, Lucan; front, Mrs. Norman Gras (Ethel),
Newark, NJ; Mrs. Charles Carseadden (Hilda), Whitby;
Mrs. Eldon Hodgson (Mary). —Culbert Photo
Personal items
(Intended for last week)
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hodgins
and Don spent last weekend in
Owen Sound where they cele-
brated the birthdays of both Mr,
and Mrs. Joe Hodgins,
Mrs, Garfield Needham has re-
turned home to Ballymote after
spending a week with Mr, and
Mrs, Henry Hodgins.
Mr. and Mrs. Les Woodward
and family ,teft Friday, July 24,
for a 10 day vacation at Footes
Bay, •
Carol Schlueter of Drayton is
spending a weeks' vacation with
Mr. and Mrs, R. K. Montgo•
Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Armitage
and family of Lucan picked up
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Darling of
Parkhill last Saturday and all
were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Ed-
gar Darling of Grand Bend.
Dianne. and Barbara Cooper,
children of Mr. and Mrs. Bud
Cooper are holidaying in London
with their aunt and uncle, Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Smibert, Mr,
and Mrs, P. 0. King of Oakville
are guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. .1.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Black and
family attended the Black -Wil -
Earns wedding in Pt. Perry last
Saturday. The groom is a nephew
of Mr, Black,
Mr. and Mrs, William Ayles-
tock celebrated their son, Don-
ald's birthday with him in Lon-
don last. Friday,
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Gordon of
Stratford were Saturday guests
of, Mr, and Mrs. R. K. Montgo-
mery and Mrs. Gomer Morrison
and son Dennis of Owen Sound
spent a week with them,
Mrs. Harold Stubbs of Mount
Clements, 'Mich., and Mrs. Otis
Pringle of Pt. Huron were Tues-
day visitors with Miss Ada Porte
and Mrs. Helen Watson,
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hodgins
and family have returned home
to Exeter after spending a few
days with Mr. and Mrs, Cecil
Hodgins Sr. and family.
Many times and in many
places, it has been said, recrea-
tion is everybody's business.
This does not seem to have reg-
istered too well with most of
us, judging from the attendance
at the round-robin pee wee base-
ball game played in Lucan last
Thursday evening.
In a free -scoring game that
saw Hensall score 8 runs in the
• second inning only to have Lu -
can double that number of runs
in the fourth inning, very few
rooters were on hand, Final
score at the end of five innings
when the game was called, was
Lucan 18, Hensel! 10.
' Now, the point 1'm frying to
stress is, when "junior" plays
again, don't send him, BRING
11 IIVI .
I'll be hoping to see you.
Personal items
Mrs. Sam Angold of Bridge-
view near Burlington is holiday-
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon
Mr. J. Radcliffe who has pur-
chased the horne of Mrs. T. D.
Orme is busy on Alterations and
renovations before moving in,
Mr. Alf Dickins of London was
a Wednesday visitor with sister,
Mr. 'Bob Coleman. In the after-
noon they visited another sister,
Mrs. Frank Coates ot Exeter.
Mrs. Irving Gibson spent e
few days last week in Kippen
while her daughter Mrs, Wilmer
Jones end. family were Orley on
Corp. and Mrs. Alan F. lilon-
dell end farelly of Albert, St. have
lett for Frenee where the Cor
poral will he stationed for the
next four Stats. Mrs, Blobtlel
and babe will visit her rin0151n In
tegiand until suitable matters
in Prance an be seeured. Rev,
and Mrs. Ronald Hall have
moved into the Blotidel home.
Mrs. W. .1, 6 e y o1' th Lord
bufferin Apt, London entertained
Mrs. W, C. Crosier, Mrs, Ronald
Crosier and daughter Julie last
Exchange rings
at London church
Baskets of pink and white gla-
dioli and ferns, formed the set-
ting in the Blessed Sacrament
Church, London, at 11 a.m., Sat-
urday, July 25, for a double -ring
wedding, when Rev. Fpther W.
P. Kenna united- in wedlock
Winnifred Erma Egan and Peter
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Egan of
London and granddaughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Egan, Mar-
ket St., Lucan, The groom is the
son of Mr, and Mrs. Louis Cas-
sar, of London.
Given in marriage by her fa-
ther, the bride chose an en-
semble of white figured nylon
tulle. over white satin featuring
lily point sleeves, sweet -heart
neckline and over -skirt of lace.
A veil of Ftench illusion fell
from a coronet of rhinestones.
She carried a cascade of pink
rose buds, shasta daisies and ivy,
Mrs, Gloria Manser, of Dor-
chester, as matron of honor,
wore a figured blue nylon gown
over taffeta and Miss Sheila Xing
friend of the bride and Mrs.
Madeline Stinchcombe, aunt of
the bride, of London chose mint
green figured nylon over taffeta.
All attendants wore white fea-
thered headdresses, white acees-
sories and carried _yellow silage
daisies, Theresa Egan, as flower
girt wore a shrimp ankle -length
dress with matching poke bonnet
and carried pink rose -buds.
Stephen 'Egan ,was ring -bearer
in navy blue blazer and, gray
pants. Mr. Charles Cauchl of Lon-
don and Donald White were
Miss Cornell of London, pro-
vided traditional wedding music
and accompanied the two sblo-
istsf Miss Mary -Lou Richardson
and Miss Diane lefeLean,
Blue, pink and white streamers,
and gleds, white belle and had.
loons decorated 3a4 Gray St. Lon-
don, for the reception, where the
bride e mother received in a two
plete mint, green and pink silk
dress with corsage of rest hurls
and shasth daisies. She was as-
s i s ted by the bridegroom's
mother in a met blue crepe
gown with red rosebud corsage.
For a honeyitioen trip ter Nia-
gara Fang and lett/talc), N.Y., the
bride changed to an ensemble of
pale-blite figuted nylon over taf-
feta With white accessories.
The Young touple Wi11, intake
their hertie in London,
Lucan Itueste at the wedding
included Mr. and 1Virs. Dave
tgati St. and Mrs. Xay Egan and
Son, Pat.
Mere LUEgii Nowa on Pato 17
Douglas and Jimmy Tubb,
small children of Mr. and Mrs.
James Tubb of Mitchell (nee
Beth Hodgins) are. staying with
their grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wes Hodgins while their
parents are on a trip to Winni-
peg and Kenora,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Collins have
returned to Sarnia after spend-
ing a few days with Mrs. George
Mr, and Mrs. Chester Sprawl
of Kitchener and daughter and
family of Toronto were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs, Edgar
Mr. and Mrs..A. E. 'Reilly have
returned home from a two week
.vacation at their cottage at Pike
Mr. and Mrs, George Lithco of
Toronto, and the latter's mother,
Mrs. Frederick Hill spent last
Sunday with Mrs. Hill's sister,
Mrs. A. M, Hedden and Mr. Hed-
Mr. Eber Hedden of London
visited his aunt and uncle, Mr.
and Mrs. A. M. Hedden last week.
Pets prove shy of tape
in vocation school show
Long before the appointed hour having the length of their tail
of 7:30 p.m. last Wednesday
night Vacation School children
with their pets, began congrega-
ting on the old hall diamond for
the fourth annual pet show.
The winners were;
Little dogs, with the longest
ears, Linda Ankers; medium
dogs, with the longest right foot,
There were small dogs and big Gayle Hickson; big dogs, with
dogs, mamma cats and baby kit- the shortest tall, Marilyn Smile,
tens, rabbits, birds, turtles, baby ert; puppies, with the longest
ictiligielcieannstha,ndwhaiclhonglitIceggetehrel hIvleiaetdi etteesel,Nancyongest,sLewis;
Piper, was followed by a retinue' son; kittens, with the longest tail,
of admiring "small fry." Helen Simpson.
Mr. Clare Stanley was M.C. Bunnies, with the pinkest nose,
forlt:bigaeeasi°lVith1rr:dirh birds, with
ClareneeIaskettinehargeo the eoIo,Arnold,ltikCl-
p.A.ssteiithe‘c:sevenn)rt; tucties,
nouncenents — as well as his Corbett; miscellaneous, the od-
"wisebeyond the park. Mr. R. R. Cro• ehieken, Karen Hodgson, a lamb,
cracks," could he heard sleet pet, frog, Laura eteagtee,
tier was in charge of the pre- Linda }lardy,
sentation of prizes and the judges
Tho -
were e Mrs. Jackeace, r. A puppy donated by Mrs. Tho-
mas Weller went to Mr. Law-
Ankers and Mr. E, A. Mostu•in-
john. rence Warburt of London.
The choosing of winners, with
a foot rule, caused much amuse-
ment for judges as well as on-
lookers. Before each event the
M.C. opened a sealed envelope
and informed the judges how
they were to judge the event.
The. measuring of tails afforded
the most amusement as some
animals seriously objected to
Personal items
Mrs. B. W. Stanley of Preston
and her daughter, Mrs. Clare
Norton, of London were recent
guests of Mrs, T. C. McFarlane
anct called on a number of Lucan
.Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bison
have returned home from a. two
week :motor trip to Halifax.
Family reunion
A family reunion woe held et
the cottage of Pr. an ilifra••
Lobainger of Sarnia last Sunday.
Guests included, Mr- and Mres
John Perk, Mr. and Mrs. Sheri.
dan Revington, Mr. and M.
Wes Revington, Me. and Mrs.
Jack Lankin, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle
Revington of can, Mr. and
Mrs. Art McLean and M. and
Mrs. Barry McNaughton of Lon-
don and Mr. and Mrs. Cermet!,
Conti and family of Niagara,
The -Lucan Dry Goods elosed
its doors Saturday night after
having sold out practically its
whole stock in a huge sale this
person., item!
Mr. Cecil Jackson and daugh-
ter Ella and Airs. Senn all of
Stratford were Sunday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. William Aylestock.
Mrs. he Hodgins and girls of
Owen Sound, were weexer d
guests of Mrs. Jessie. Lewis and
Mr, and Mrs, Wes Hodgins,
'Mr. and Mrs. William Mather*
and family are holidaying in Te-
Mr. Norman Durr 01 Guelph
and his parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Walker Durr of Parkhill, were
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mee.
Charles Windsor,
Mr, and Mrs. Lyle Miller and
family of Chawbin, Alta,, were
Wednesday guests of Mrs. Her-
man Young.
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