The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-05-07, Page 41,,11 R. ::a .7t:,ass•, slvcatst 'M.ay 7, 1959 Edi orials This newspaper billevie the right to express an opinion in public centrib,utes to the pre - gross 0 the nation and that It must be exercised freely to pre.. serve and improve democratic government, Happy clay, rr►others! • H4PPy ASgther's Day, Mothers! - May your day include one of these: Breakfast in bed; Tender kisses; Letters or telephone calls frorn Sons or daugh- ters who can't be home; Relief from making beds, washing dishes, look- ing after children, changing diapers, mediating fights, Cleaning faces, etc. etc. In any form, appreciation. You deserve it. Where's that spirit? What's happened to that service club spirit that once abounded here? None of the clubs seems to be enthused about special project. Not so many years ago the Legion was leading the two other town groups in an arena floor project; the Lions were building a hospital or a Scout hall; the. Kinsmen were numbering houses or sponsoring Dominion Day Celebration. Where did that spirit go? It's vital because it provides those "extras" in a community which could not be established through taxes. It gives the muni- cipality a boost which can come from no other source. We're not forgetting that each of these groups Makes major contributions to the welfare of the town: the Legion finances a large relief program; Lions cbllect for many worthwhile charities and help under- privileged children; Kinsmen sponsor the annual summer program; all three contribute substantially to minor athletics and other children's programs. The community benefits in many untold ways from this work. But we're talking about that special spirit which results in extraordinary accomplishments through the undertaking of projects not included in the regular commitments. One big problem, of course, is that money Isn't as easy to raise as it was several years ago. These organisations now have to work much harder for their service funds than they once did. Nevertheless, •even if the size of the special projects must be cut to fit the budget, it would be encouraging to see them tackled again. Read this Ietter Dear Driver: A few weeks ago, I saw a little girl struck by tt car as she tried to cross the street. I saw a father race toward her and hold her to him as she strug- gled in the agony of death. I saw, all the plans that had been made for her dashed and I saw the look of despair that cane over his face. I could only offer a prayer that such a thing might never hap- pen again. Today my daughter, who is six years old, started off to school. Her cocker spaniel, whose name is Scott, watched her leave and whined his belief in the folly of education. Tonight we talked about school. She told me about the girl who sits iii front of her, a girl with yellow curls, and about the boy across the aisle who makes faces; about the teacher who has eyes in the back of her head; about the trees in the school yard. and the big girl who does not believe in Santa Claus. We talked about a lot of things—treinendously vital and unimportant things. Now, ,as this is written, she is sound asleep with her doll "Paddy" in her arms. When her doll gets broken or her finger gets eut or her head gets bumped, I can fix them. But when she starts across the street—then, Mr. Driver, she is in your hands. Much as I wish I could, it's not possible for me to be with her all the time. I have to work to pay for her home, her clothes, her education. So, Mr. Driver, please 'help me to look out for her. Please drive slowly past schools and intersec- tions. And please remember that sometimes children run from behind parked cars. Please don't run over my little girl. With deepest thanks for whatever you can do for her, I am, Very sincerely yours, (Signed) FATHER ' 'hit letter was written to the Elmira (N.Y.) Advertiser, which Observes: If any driver can re- sist its appeal, he has no business with a driver's cense." �;fje enter aCimes°213DQcate Times Established Advocate Established 1881 Amalgamated 1924 sib AUC: • at e Published Each Thursday Morning at Stratford, Ont. Authorized as Second Class Mali, Pest Office Dept, Ottawa Alwirds' I FU* News Eiettie •• Shield, best trent page teidetdz ), 1+17; A. V, Nile 'T%ptfye 'ino""111 eiieelleiree fee i sWsplPiis published Irl Ot ti.rli tewns . between 1,500 and 4,lbb pipuletlen, 195A 1951, 1950; J. George Jelinsten Trophy, typ•eraphical 'Ouellette* (Ontario), 1911; E. T. Stephenson 'Trophy, best ,'rent dee (Ontarie), 1956, 1955; All•Cenedi fireweedFoderitien national safety award, 1953, Paid•iniAdvance Circulation, Sept, 36, 195$ 3,221 EUISCRIt+TtON RATES; &nada $4.60 Per Year; USA Kg Q;95 ; Sips Feiturep syndicate, 1M' Werld:right; reserves. "Take me to your leader," Aren't those people fortunate who are making the arrange- ments for the Royal Tour? They are getting all kinds of help in planning the Queen's visit this summer. * * x Foremost among the generous and unselfish assistance they are receiving is a lot of free advice. from newspaper column- ists, A peculiar spawn of the last few • decades, the columnist is a jumped-up newspaperman or woman, who speedily acquires the certainty that his, or her, opinions carry only a little less weight than the scriptures. • * With a few notable exceptions, the columnists have an almost desperate urge to be the voice of the "little" man. Their stuff is written to be gulped, not di- gested, by the "'man in the ,street", that nebulous character, and the "average housewife", another non-existent personage, * * Free of the need for either editorial dignity or the objectiv- ity alleged to be found in the news columns, the columnist can use his space for tilting at windmills, fanning prejudices, sublimating neuroses, exposing foibles, picking scabs, and cham- pioning the underdog, even if he is just that—a dog. * * * Most of them are clever, their stuff entertaining. They are, in fact, the court jesters of the age. Their sharp tongues and impudence are tolerated by that mighty monarch who rules the public press, the Constant Read- er,' He is amused by them, fond of them at times, occasionally listens to them with half an ear. But when he is. not in the mood,, one growl sends them scuttling to the scullery. * * * These days, a favorite theme of some columnists is a new deal for the Royal Tour. They want the Queen to meet the "common people", to get the flavor of the "real Canada" this summer. They demand, these pipsaueak prophets, that the people in charge of the tour eliminate all pomp and cere- mony, cut out the reception lines and banish the official banquets. • * * a. They want the Queen to visit supermarkets, go on picnics, take part in square dances, and engage in all sorts of similar asinine, antics. If the supermar- ket is a symbol of our Canadian way of life, take me back to dear old Dixie. * * * And what's so great about the "common people' ? I kilow a lot of common people. In fact, my wife often tells int I'ni as com- mon as they come. And frankly, I'm not particularly impressed by thein. Unconimon people are much more interesting. * * * It's bad enough having to shake the hot little hands of a few thousand perspiring officially and their quivering wives, With- out getting all clowned up with common people. If Her Majesty was interested in meeting com- mon people, she wouldn't heed to come all the way to Canada. They have plenty of them in England, * * * Another thine. What have the common people tied to earn the. privilege of a greeting or a Sugar AND Sp!ce Jottings By J.M.S. Painstking obituary 17.4 eulogizes railroader Dispensed By BILL SMIi.EY e.. ...... ... ..v ...... ., ,..... handshake from the Queen? All they've done is p their taxes, and that under ve lenient pretest and with the greatest reluctance, * * * On the other hand, Mayor Mal Function and Mr. Seldom Wright, M.P., have been listen. ing to our complaints about sewers, Our demands for new post offices, for years. They have laboured through many a dreary task for us, while we were out fishing, or hohie Watch- ing TV. Why shouldn't they, as our representatives, have the honour and the pleasure, if they get a chance to meet the Queen? They've earned it. * * * Of course, if she just happen. ed to bump into some of us com- mon types, in a purely spontan- eous way, that wet;ld be differ- ent. Like, for example, the Royal Yacht will be passing within 50 miles of our house, on July 4th. This I know. And by pure co- incidence, I• just happen to have a fast launch chartered for the fourth of July. * Now, if we just happened to be pasting right in front of the Royal Yacht that day, and our boat happened to catch fire, and I had to throw the kids, the dog, and the Old Lady •into Georgian Bay, and Prince Phillip demand- ed that the yacht stop and take qs aboard, well, that would be different, and sort of deniocratic, and I'm surd we'd all have a nice that. * * * Maybe I should put 1ife-jackets on them, though, just in case. ti,tl,t111,1t,11,n,,,t1„lll,,,„IItllf,llt,lltln111Iltnll,tll News Of Your LIBRARY 9y MRS. JMS Last Friday Librarian Mrs. H, Laing and myself attended the annual meeting of Huron County Co-operative in . Goderich, after. noon and evening. In the afternoot Mrs. 11,. G. Eckmier, county librarian, chair- ed a workshop meeting, in the council chambers. Miss Barbara Smith of the Children's Library services of the. Department of Education, Toronto, spoke on children's books in, the library, Her greatest problem she said "was to raise the standards of books bought for children. Where the budget is low the tendency is to buy quantity of books rather then quality,” "Cheap books are not good books" said the speaker. "They are readable and children love them but that ie not the point. Children like candy but it is not good for thein. Reading cheap books is like taking drugs—a lifetime habit for cheap reading is developed." "True," she continued, "you cannot change horses in mid stream so. you cannot change reading habits 411 at since but a librarian can patiently and tactfully do so in the majority of cases." Miss Smith had a display of books for children of all grades Librarians disgusted their prob- lems With her. A visit in the county library book rooms concluded the after. noon, A dinner meeting was held at Here i$ another obituary taken from the files of the Exeter Ad- voeate fifty years ago: 11 shows a style of writing quite different from that of to -day. "One after another the veterans of Ontario railroad inen are de- parting this. life, leaving only the lustre of their untarnished names and the example of their public and private lives for the gui- dance and emulation of .the younger generation. "In the general opinion few among the many, who have been laid to rest, have gone with a better record to their .credit and will be more widely lamented than the late Charles Knight, whose sudden demise, which took place Sunday, August 24, '(1909) has shocked the town this week. "Notwithstanding a remark• able robust constitution the de- ceased 'had not enjoyed the best of health during the past year or so, having ,on the 22nd of Octo- ber last year suffered a severe stroke of paralysis, which at that time nearly resulted in his death. He, however, partly sur- vived the shock and has for the past few months enjoyed fairly good health, "On the morning of his death he arose at the usual hour, dressed liin'iself, had breakfast, and as was his usual custom, took a walk through the garden. On returning to the house about 8:30 he sat down in a chair to read, when suddenly and without a moment's warning the old enemy returned, this time with unmistakable force, and at 12:55 the vital cord was snapped, "Mr. Knight was a native of England, having been born at Devizes, Wiltshire, in the year' 1831. At 25 years of age he was Married to Miss Caroline Wil- shire and immediately the happy Couple embarked for Canada, first settling in London, Early in life the deceased took up rail- roading, starting in the service of the Great Western Company in England and on arriving in Canada continued with the same company, which later was taken over by the .Grand Trunk. "As railroad man nir. Knight's career was a busy and eventful one, and his life af- fords a striking' example which invariably attends devotion to. duty. Hie ,excellent qualifications and abilities singled him nut as a man above the ordinary eltd deservedly he was .moved along the line of promotion until he had filled many prominent positions. "He was agent for twelve years at London, five years at St. Tho- mas and 22 years et Exeter, 1 -le came here in 1878 and retired in 1900, after 44 years in, the rail- road service. }Ie had the destine, tion of running the first passen- ger train as conductor between. Toronto and Stratford. "Mr. Knight was well-known all over Ontario and the .esteem in which - he was held was a great tribute to his character, "In domestic life he was emi- neatly happy, and, as was to be expected, he was beloved and venerated at home, "He and Mrs, Knight .cele - heated their golden wedding in May, 1906. "He was a consistent member of the Episcopal church, .and -his religious character was known and acknowledged by all around him. It appeared rather in ac- tion than in words; was mote a habit than an impulse; was al• ways visible, yet wholly free from every taint of ostentation and display, "In politics the deceased was an ardent admirer of the prieci- pies laid down by the Conserva- tive party, and his reasons for such were well defined. "The deepest sorrow prevails throughout the household and profound regret is felt by the whole community. "Besides his widow he is sur- vived by a family of five sons and one daughter, Chas W., of St. Thomas; Geo. W, of Ilder- ton; Frank J. at home; Fred R„ in Arcadia, Sask.; John T., GTR agent at Exeter and Miss Carrie at home," eteeeaie L ttttttttttt ......'y 9`...., ...,. ....... a.... s fhe "TIMES" Go By 50 YEARS AGO The West Huron Teachers As- sociation will held their annual Institute in Exeter, May 20 and 21. T. F. Wright of Toronto is .to be present and give three. addresses. • Mr, Oscar Wolfe, Crediton's stage driver and Mr. Ernest Guitgner-bass player in the band, left Tuesday to .camp on the banks of the Aux Sauble river for the summer. During the electrical storm last night the barn of Adolphus Hooper, Lake Road, was struck by lightning and damaged slight- ly. A sparrow in the barn had its feathers burned off but was otherwise uninjured. Dr. J. E. McGillicuddy who has been practicing with 'Dr. Hyndman during the past year has formed a partnership with the latter, -'t'., W. J. Heaman attended Cc!l Dealers Convention in Lon- don last week. License Inspector John Tor• ranee was in town Tuesday de- livering licenses to hotelmen, 25 YEARS AGO Mrs. G. F. Roulston was the winner of a colenan camp stove at a demonstration held at Bea- vers Hardware. Mr, and Mrs, W. J. Smith 'of Centralia celebrated their silver wedding anniversary on Friday evening, Rev. W. M. Sippell, pastor of Crediton Evangelical church has been transferred to Hanover. Mrs. J. G. Cochrane was ap- pointed organist of Caven Pres- byterian church at a meeting of the session, Snell Bros, took five drivers to ()Wawa to bring hohie five new Chevrolets, 6.30 in the Legion hall for which county chairman, Baillie Parrott, reeve of Morris, presided. Wil- liam McKenzie, reeve of Exeter, introduced the guest speaker, Roy Jewell, director of farm services for CFPL radio and TV, Mr. ,Tewell diteussed agricultur- , —Please turit to Pale 5 The annual spring collection of garbage was made on Mon- day and Tuesday. 15 YEARS AGO The new power roller built by by Thomas Coates for the Exe- ter Lawn Bowing Club has been in great demand for •the rolling of lawns, P10 Norris Webb, an instruc• tor at the Centralia airport, has purchased the residence of Mrs. George Snell on Andrew• St. to• gether with the contents. Mr. Ray Waghorn, principal of Exeter Public School, has ten. dered his resignation having ac- cepted a position on the teach.. Ing staff at Hamilton. Cpl, Don Jolly of Mountain• view spent the weekend at hie home. Mrs. R. Mote was elected pre- sident of the Exeter Ladies' Bowling Club at the annual meet- ing Monday evening. Catchy weather has prevailed and seeding has been a hit arid miss affair, 10 YEARS AGO in her report of the Red Cross convention in Toronto President Mrs. W. E. Middleton said .there would be need :dor Red Cross - sewing and knitting for at least another year in Great Britain and Europe. On June 27 the People of Can- ada will go to the polls to elect a new government. In the Huron - Perth riding A. Y. McLean will contest the seat for the Liber. als; Elgin McKinley for the Pro- gressive -Conservatives and Rev, J. R. Peters for the CCF. Jensen & Co, have employed a number of Estonians who are qualified cabinet makers. The. Huron -Perth Baseball As. sedation have drawn up the schedule for the season with 11 teams entering the group,. W. G. Medd and C, V. Pickard were presented with a pelf and pencil sets ih recognition of their service on the Exeter Arena Board. Mr, 3, L. McICni*ht recently disposed of the teeter Frdzen Foods Locker, tt it+lg� hbwV it Et:Waded so much toudiy aswa stairs:" S rot n IG39, Rifle Thur&6 $ytditxti,'tel., \C'itl,l rlpNt. re,ervatt. quet'Y'ethernber, the more you plant the mt,'e We gotta eat: The RANK of NOVA .SCOTIA - MI :TO RAPE borrow at low cost throug unnnnuwaunnu,mu,wwlnuluuuunuunuuuannnuununnm nn,lnlnnutulul,tnlnnl„tttuoe Read 'em! Use 'em! EASIERTOREAD CLASSIFIED ADS _n The Times -Advocate innnnnnnnnn,,,uunit,1,umn,tnuungtnil�pnglnlnOntultl,ntlUPtaunntllipgfuulnneulnqunnn'indA 0 GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES • issued in amounts from $100 .upwards for 8, 4 or 5 years. • earn 5% interest, payable half- . yearly by cheque. • authorized investment for all Canadian Insurance Companies and trust funds. YOUR MONEY DOUBLES ITSELF IN 14 YEARS \STERLUII TRUSTS/ YOU CAN PACK INTO A DAY III s L• .3, Central Ontario is a land of gay resgrta and sparkling laked. Here you can golf or laze by the blue waiters, with every comfort within easy reach. Friendliness is in the air and there's a welcome mat out for everyone. Have fun here yourself this year. Di!cover how eeenomiealitis to explote Ontario by tn4ili,ift the coupon below, Literature you abil! receiveincludee*1 • Up-to•tlate list of - iccommedetion that Showa you where to .stly At the priee Yen want to pay. FEE oNrAe a lerrAVEL tet* Parliament eeltlba,, TOPetite, blttarib scud free llteratlir'e tb .tat , central Ontario and road eller, Add NMI /J Pestbteee e Oneerie bepdrGnent of Travel & 1euBiiaify, Iter 11r54n L. Crtacirt, 7Niiii6t*r KNOW ONTA ' IO Martin