The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-04-23, Page 18Arrtn'T*1.- *i****'.7. ..*** * •'"'"*"'*. 'eeSeesleeeeiellieel.===.lelrel="'"""es'''''s'sseite..reeeneeeeereeeSe".."";.M.: ... .. 4
Lions elect activii„10.4
Pag• 10 April 23, 1959
•-. '• •,,
UCO 11.1
Plan hobby,
trade fair
At a meeting of the executive
of the LUCAN held in the Com-
munity Memorial Centre last
Monday night, most of the &es.,
sion was spent in making plans
for the annual Hobby and Trade
Fair to be held June 3, 4 and
Bulletin 1 is now beteg dis.
tributed throughout the com-
munity. Besides the hobbies and
crafts, there will be a hand
writing and printing competi-
tion on, "This is Where I Live."
A plaque to be competed for
annually will be presented to
the school winning the most
Points on a percentage enrol.
meet basis,
The committee hope to be
Able to secure the Medway choir
as part of their special attrac.
tions on the program.
Medway euchre
The last Euchre of the Med-
way Club was held at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Hobbs
last Wednesday with all the
members present.
High score prizes went to Mrs.
William McComb and Mr. Wil-
liam Stewart; consolation to
Mrs. Clarence Lewis and Mr,
Earl Middleton and lone hand
prizes to Airs. Otto Daley and
Mr. Carman Hodgins.
District players
share in prizes
Lucan players at the Auxil-
iary Legion Bingo last Thursday
night didn't have it all their
own way, for Clandeboye play-
ers, Mrs, Allan Hill, Mrs. Omar
Cunningham and Mrs. Arthur
Hodgins, and Exeter players,
Mr. Ivan Queringesser and Air.
Taylor, took their shares also.
"Share the Wealth" was won
by Mrs. Allan Hill; consecutive
bingo by Mrs, Allan Hill, Mr.
Bud Cooper and Mrs. Omar
Cunningham, Mr. Tiylor not
only won the jackpot consola-
tion prize of $5 but also shared
a bingo with Mrs. Scolly.
Other winners included Mrs.
Bud Cooper (3), Mrs. William
Mathers, Mrs. Jack Arnold (2),
Airs„Iames Freeman, Mrs. Roy
Stanley, Mrs. Gordon Couples
and Mrs. Pat Crudge.
The jackpot next week will be
STO in 56 calls.
Evening Auxiliary meeting
The Evening Auxiliary of the
Lucan United Church held its
April meeting , in the church
school room last Tuesday eve-
The president, Mrs, A. E.
Reilly was in the chair and Mrs.
Charles Sovereign's group in
charge of program and refresh-
ments. The latter was assisted
by Mrs. Ross McRoberts, who
took the study book and Mrs.
Jack Ryan and Mrs. Morris Cob -
lei eh.
Plans were made for another
bake sale to be held in the Nu -
way Motors, Saturday, April 25.
As the meeting was a work
meeting most of the time was
spent in the making of quilts
and children's clothing for the
Lucan fire
Lucan fire engine was called
to the farm of Mr. Cecil Hodgins
last Tuesday afternoon. Sparks
from an incinerator set fire to
near -by grass which quickly
spread to an implement building.
Joey, i7.year-old son, working
at the front of the house, was
the first to give the alarm. While
his mother was calling the Lu -
can Fire Department and for a
Wrecker to remove a tractor and
other implements from the burn-
ing building Joey used the gar-
den hose and had the fire par-
tially under control by the time
help arrived.
Personal items
Miss Bonnie Arnold, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Arnold,
has been accepted with the Earl
Terry Singers-.
'Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Kenditick
have been on the sick list.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wilcox, Of
Owen Sound, and Mr. and Mrs.
Gary Graham, of London, were
weekend guests Of Mr. Fred
Armitage and Mr. and Mrs. Ar-
nold Morley and family, Mr.
Armitage accompanied the for-
mer couple for a visit to Oen
After five weeks in St, Joseph's
Hospital, Linda, small daughter
of M. end Mrs, !William Hod-
gins of George St., who was so
badly burned when she set fire.
to her nightgOwn, was brought
bottle last Friday, still bandaged.
The Pines Haven Nursing
feeble has been told to the own
era of the Riddick Rest Horne At
St. Themes, ()Wing to the. ill.
health of the Owner, Mrs. Hussey,
who moved to Petrone on Sat.
Now and thee everybody gets a
1 -out" feeling; end meq he
bothered by backaches, Perhaps noth-
ing seriously Vireo, just a temporary
condition siesta by urinary irritation or
bladder &comfort-. Thaes the time to
take Dodcrit Kidney Ms. Dodd'* help
stimulate the kidneys Id relieet this
-condition irbitli Mak Often cense bel -
Ache sued tired feeling.- Tberi you feel
better, rest better; *ark better. Get
Dodd'* Kidney Pills nn* Look fee the
Mee box *eh the red bend ataJlAIUg
CoUriters. You ten depend On Dodirri.s6
GrouP oPPose-5 W.1 to buy
beer store- vote -
f The members of the Lucan arena trees
Temperance Organization held The April evening meeting of
I an enthusiastic meeting in the the Lucan WI was held in the
!United ;Church last Wednesday Community Memorial Centre
1 evening. Following a prayer last Thtu•sday with 23 members
5neeting led by the Rev, Edgar: answering the roll call by the
Roulstori of the United Church, ; paying of fees,
the Rev. Fred Thomson of the I The president, Mrs. Wes Hod.
, Pentecostal Holiness gave an ad.; gins presided with Mrs. .1. R.
dress. 1 alurray as lunch convener, The
1 During the I./tailless sessions, atter was assisted by Mrs. N.
Plans for the mailing of temper- W. Wasnidge, Mrs. George Stras-
- ance literature were discussed. ser, Mrs. Alitchell Haskett and
Many offers of cars were re- Mrs. William Brownlee.
ceived for the conveying of‘elder- Reports of conveners of eland-
ly and shut-in residents te; the , ing committees were received
voting poll.
, I and adopted.
i Mrs. Alex Young and Mrs, Wes
YPU hears panel ; flodgins volunteered lo represent
m the Institute and supply cookies
on protestantis
; I
, for the April meeting of the
. , cancer dressing making.
A splendid group of the Lucan- It was elecided to continue
Clandeboye YPU attended a reg- onembership of the. Canadian
ular Sunday evening meeting in Consumers Association,
the Clandeboye United Church 1 As a money making project,
last Sunday. The vice-president, ' each member was asked to col -
Terry Culbert, presided, I lect rags suiteble for dusting
During the business session it for the May meeting. Mrs.
was decided to assist in the send -'Harold Hodgins volunteered lo
ing of six members of the exec- take over Mrs. Harold Whyte's
utive to the Conference leader- ' duties on the telephone commit-
tship training weekend to be held tee.
in the Dresden United Church,Following Mrs, Jack Steacy's
I April 24-26. 'report on the purchasing of trees
for ug Thompson as convener: the
harena landscaping, it
1 conducted the worship service, was moved the WI donate $75,
Mrs. Brownlee acted as secre-
tary for the election of officers,
The highlight, of the meeting past president, Mrs. Murray
was a panel on "Let .us learn Hodgine.
about Protestantism." Members President for 1959-60 is Airs,
of the panel included Terry Cul- Wes Hodgins; vice presidents,
bert, Barry Black, Frank Hardy Mrs. C. H. George and •Airs.
and Marilyn Eaton. Benny Saulnier; secretary, Mrs.
The next meeting in the Lu- U. F. Stanley; treasurer, Mrs.
can church will be in charge of H. B. Langford; district director,
Harold Frost, mission convener. Mrs. Cecil Robb; branch direc-
tors, Mrs, Erwin Scott, Mrs.
Hockey season closes
which was conducted by the
Sheridan Revington and Mrs.
After a long and successful Ira Carling; auditors, Mrs. Irv.
hockey season the ice has been ing
Gibson, Mrs. Jack Steacy;
removed from the Lucan arena pianist, Airs, Bert Jackson;
but not before the Lucan Shani- Conveners of standing corn -
rocks won the Ken Carter trophy mittees: agriculture and Caned -
and the Minor Hockey Associa- ian industries, Mrs. George Pau];
tion Midget title last Tuesday. home economics and health,
They defeated Lambeth Legion Mrs. Dave Park; historical re.
7-5 winning the two -game total search and current events, Mrs.
goals round 15-6.
George O'Neil
lodge member
Gordon Banting; Tweedsmuir
book, Mrs. William Cochrane;
citizenship and education, Mrs.
Harold Corbett; resolutions, Mrs.
Ann Philpott; publicity, Miss
Lina Abbott; sick and sunshine,
Mrs. Edgar McFalls: public re.
George O'Neil, 69, of Concession
Following' a heart attack,
lateens, Mrs. Mitchell Haskett.
13, Lon Township, died in Mrs. Harold Hodgins and Mrs.
St. Joseph's Hospital Wednesday,
Wee Atkinson acted as the norm -
eating committee,
He lay at rest in the C. Has- Coursey School euchre
kett and Son funeral home until Airs. Guy Ryan and Mrs.
12 noon, Saturday, April 18, Allan Ryan were hostesses for
when he was taken to the Ilder-i the five -table euchre at the
ton United Church, where a Coursey school last Friday night,
funeral service was conducted High score prizes went to Mrs.
by Rev. Bruce Guy, Interment Evan Hodgins and Mr. Harvey,
was in Littlewood cemetery. Hodgins; second prizes went to,
Pallbearers were Willie Hod-, Mr, and Mrs. Tom Coursey and
gins, Ren Keffer, Reuben Hall, ; Ione hand prizes to Mr. Charles
Jack Hall, Tes Walls and Hiram Grose (playing a ladies' card),
O'Neil.;and Mr. Eugcne. Stokes.
A Masonic service, under the 1 Mrs. George Hodgins and Mrs.,
auspices of the Heyederson Lodge, ] Joe O'Neil will he hostesses for
Ilderton No. 338 A.F. the next euchre
was held Friday night at 8:30 1
Native f district
in the funeral home. o•
Survivors include' his wife..
the former Bessie Kohl, two
Ciiurch Jack Steacy
jack Steaey was elected presi-
dent of Lucan felons Club at the
annual meeting on Tuesday eve-
11111Vgic. e.presidents are Clare Stan-
ley, Jaek 'Rad cliff° ; .treesurer,
Mex Young; seeretarer, Al Brom
wich; directors, William Haskell,
Edward Morris, Donald .taantiel,
Roscoe Hodgins; Lion tamer, E.
A. Mosurinjohn; tell twister,
Lionel Kendrick.
geplerer news
The Lucen-Clandeboye Expler-
ers held their 8-th Expedition in
the United Church Schoolroom
last Monday evening with Coun-
sellor Nag Haskett in charge of
the worship service and the story
"Lucky Alberto", Porto Rico
boy. She was assisted le the
worship service by Judy Scott
dCathe.ani rn
ebaDuring session it
was reported the Bunny Tea net-
ted $28.15. Of this $5.50 will go
toward nursery supplies and $1.2
toward the rest of sending an
Explorer to the camp at Simcoe.
District teachers
co-ordinate 'work
The April meeting of the Bid-
dulph and Narth London Teach-
ers' Association was held last
Tuesday in the Luan Public
School with the president, Mr, '
Wesley Clow in charge of the
closing meeting of the in-service
arithmetical project.
Mr. Clow felt encouraged with
the progress made, On May 20
in the Lucan schools, the heads
of all the grades will meet to co.
ordinate all the information
gleaned through the past four
inspector H. G. Schlotzhauer
spoke briefly on a number of
general school problems,
Mrs. Murray Hodgins present-
ed a copy of Bulletin 1 to each
teacher, which oulliees a list of
projects for the annual hobby
and trade fair scheduled for
June 3-5.
The flay meeting NO 1 I be held
in Mr. Maloney's catholic school
5 with the vice-president,
Mr. Don.Medd of Bryanston in
charge when plans for the an-
nual field day will be made. As
Lucan pupils have their own
field day the Lucan teachers will
not attend this meeting.
• " •
pentemtal Holiniss bktrch
The ladles' Afternoon Tburs-
day prayer meeting was held at
the home of Airs, Fred Thomson
with Mrs. J. A. Graham in
charge of the Bible study,
The Friday Young Pennies'
meeting was led by Mr. Jade
Eizenga. Mrs. Eizenga conducted
a panel discussion on Bible
Following the meeting all :met
at the home Of the Pastor for a
farewell party for Mr. and Mrs.
Eric llussey, prior to their lees,-
ing ' for Petrolia on Saturday -
Air. Thomson presented them
with a Bible.
On Sunday Rev. and Mrs
:Thomson and a couple from Lon-
' don went to Midland where they
were guests of the Rev. ,and
Mrs, Moore, and alt attended
the Midland church to hear
Evangelist Samuel Learing.
The Sunday SerViee here was
in charge of Air. g4. Butler.
Miss Audrey Gagnon led the
singiug and sang a WO.
" At the evening service, Mr,
Jack Rizenga was in' charge
with Mrs. Shirley Prouty of Cm.
tralia giving the address.
;Anglican church
Plans are being made for the
observation of Rogation Sunday
in Holy Trinity, May 3,
Diocesan WA 'meetinge are be'
ing held in London May 21-23.
AYPA members will hold cor-
porate communion next Sunday
followed by breakfastat the
home of Miss Loreen liodgms.
A change is being made .1n
junior choir practise. Beginning
this week, the boys will meet at
4.30 p.m. and the girls at 7 p.m.
The April Guild meeting will
be held in the parish hell, April
Pastor at Centralia
accepts new charge
Rev. J. T. Clarke announced
in his congregation on Sunday
morning that he had accepted a
call to another pastoral charge
and would conclude bis ministry
at the Centralia -Whalen charges
at the end of J
Messrs. Orval Langford, Wil-
liam Elliott, Glenn .Robinson,
Sam Skinner, Frank Hicks and
Jack Hepburn were appointed
as a pastoral relations commit-
tee, at a meeting fallowing the
morning service.
WA anniversary
Mr. Lloyd Morgan was guest
speaker at the anniversary serv-
ice of the Woman's Association
in the nited Church on Sunday
In °riling.
Topics from
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gouds-
ward, London, were Sunday visi.
tors ;of Mr. and Mrs. Laverne
1 Mr. and Mrs, Melville ning and Muriel,also Mr. Frank
Parkinson and Glenn were Wed-
nesday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
William Rodd, Granton.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Ferguson and
By MRS. J, H. PATON I visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs, Keith Here, Zion,
Bill Armstrong Clandeboye
'1- Airs Ethel S' Squire Granton
News budget from
I tee. . ess eseeemeee....s,
The church services on SW -
day at St. James and the United
1 church will be on Daylight Say-
'ing Time and for the summer.
Mrs, Clarence Carter has been
engaged to teach another year
at the Clandeboye public school
Section No. 2 and 4.
Mr. Ernie McKenzie, who,
with his wife, the former Lettie
Rosser of Denfield, and his
brother, Edward McKenzie, kept
the general store at Clandeboye,
at the start of the Great War
in 1914, continues ill at his home.
in California.
Mrs. John Hewitt ha e been
confined to her home due to ill-
Mrs. Emily Neale and Mr.
William Falls, of Belmont, visit-
ed on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs.
Almer Hendrie.
Mrs. Fred Simpson after a
week's illness here went to stay
with her sister and brother-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lovie
in London. Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Walker of Detroit accompa-
nied her to London, later return-
ing home, over the weekend.
Mrs, Gordon Mathes, of Dor-
chester, visited with her sister,
Mrs. Emily Tomes who is 111,
Monday,night and Tuesday. Mr.
and Mrs. Lynn Sawyer, Petrolia,
visited the latter's mother on
Mr. and Airs. Peter Banks and
daughter, of Sartia, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. M4urice Simpson
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Logan
and Myrna, of Thorndale, were
I guests with 'the Paton family on
Farmers are busy working on
the land preparing for the spring
Mrs. Walter Marshall and son
Clifford, of Bryanston, visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. An-
drew Carer.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ochm, of
ShAkespeare, and Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Etherington, of Exeter,'
visite on Friday with their sis-
ter, Mrs. Charles Carter, who
was celebratieg•her 85th birth -
Miss Jean Lewis, of Londoe,
visited on Tuesday with her
aunt, Mrs, Andrew Cartre,
eeseseeereezees'esee eese •eeee,
dies in Saskatoon
sons, Stuart and Max, at home,1 i
two daughters (Helen) Mrs. W.I
Mr. Roy Harding died in Sask.
N. Sande of Sarnia and (Mar.; atoon, April 7 with funeral serv-
jorie) Mrs. Meredith Charlton, ices held on the following Friday.
Ilderten, also two grandchildren,' in Saskatoon.
Andrew and Anne Sande, I He is survived by his wife and
Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. three children, also one sister,
Hiram O'Neil, Mr. O'Neil ,was i Mrs. , A. Calder of London, (for -
born in London township where' merle df Water St., Lucan) and
Personal items . 1 two brothers, Wilfrid Harding of
Wihdsor and Fred of Toronto. /
he farmed all his life.
Mr. Harding was a son of the!
Mrs. Erle Young, Mrs. Sheri- I .'
late Philip and Margaret Hard-
dan ' , Mrs. Bert TI formerly of the Coursey Rd,
son and Mrs. A. E. Reilly last 1 ing,
about a mile south of Lucan.
Wednesday attended a meeting ,
at the home of Mrs. jack Rosser, ; He has been in the West for a '
, number of years.
Ailsa Craig, to make prepare-
tions for sectional rally to be Personal items I
held in the Lieury United Church I Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Allison
Friday, Juhe 5. of Parkhill were Sunday visitors '
Mrs. Bob Cojeman, Airs, In
with Mr. Fred Armitage.. I
ving Gibson and Miss Lina Ab -/ Saturday visitors with Mrs. ,
batt were Friday guests of Mr. ' William Dickies included Mrs.
and Mrs. Alf Dickins of London. Eldon Caldwell of Shedden, Mr.1
Mrs. Florente Cunningham, of and Mrs. Albert Dickins of Lam.;
London, was a weekend visitor belle and Mrs. Harry Noels, of
with her sister, Mrs. W. J. Mc- Springfield. Mrs. Noels remain,'
Falls of Alice St, ed over for a few days' visit
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Needham, with Mrs. Dickins,
of Ballymote, were Sunday visi- Daylight Saving will begin in
tors with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lucan on Sunday, April 26 and
will continue until the end of ,
Hodgins, taking home the for-
mer's mother Mrs. Garfield
Needharn, who' had been spend-
ing a few days in Lucan with
Mr, and Mrs. Hodgint,
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Ford, of
Detroit, were Weekeed visitors
with Mrs. Irene Coursey,
The rodeo scene oil TV last Mr. Cecil Hodgins and Joey
week was shot on the farm of, called at the home of Mr. and
Mr, James Sigsworth. Many ,Of Mts. A, L. Fisher of Stratford
his neighbors recognized Mr. last Saturday.
Sigswort in the 'atm. scene. Guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. Ernest Kennedy spent ,Tames Sigsworth included ilifra.
last Wednesday in Byron, the Janet Miser) of Lieury on nuts -
guest of Mr. and Mrs, Glen Ken- day And Mr, and Mrs, Art Lee
nedy arid family who have moved of London and Mr, Alonzo
to 13yron. Philips on Sunday.
A cheque for $320.50 has been Mr. and Mrs. Brost Kermedv
sent to the Red Cross following of Lucan and me. end Mrs. Ger-
a Liens Club's recent blitz het..ald West elf Lender' spent lest
Mr, and Mrs, Bill Young, nfiseeekeed at their cottage at gel -
Lender), _visited the forinees poy Bay,
Mother, Mrs. Herntan Venlig of 1 1%1 r, and Mrs. Percy Lyons, of
Williant St. and took her withibetrnit, spent Monday and TueS-
thein to Mitchell Where they ,day with their cousin, Mrs. Her -
Were guests of Mr. and MrS.'inan Young,
Jack Young, They Alto called, Mrs. I. P. Prat, Mee, Froward
on Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tubb' and low, Mrs. Irene Coursey and
saw the' ileW baby. 1 Mrs. Kay Egan Attended the
Mr, and Mrs. A. '0, rfRtlf a Ortigrairt iff the Central t 01-
Londen, were Monday guests of legiate, London, staged bY the
a fele days with Mr. and Airs. and :Mille, of Petieelie, ealled oo
Mr. and Mrs. A, M. 'Redden. Ulster Girls' Chilli'.
Mee, William Sangster spent MIS and Mrs, Stewart Park
Herb Stretteti and family and Lucan frieiirla lest StindaY.,
helped celebrate N'eriey'S teettild i Mr. find Mrs. Murray Gl.bson,
birthday last SUnday, of Detiffeld, tailed 011 Mr, and
At the Aellual deriVetifiert Meet- Mrs, Henry Hedging last. Alert-
ing of the Funeral Ditto' day.
AsseCiatiOtt of Western Ontario, Mt% Pint MelebeM a tilt
Mt. Clarence tlaskett WAS made' Dtestleti IIS rtaff ANN. Ova week.
OM a the direetore, i end at her home here.
This week in
mc e sea
Mrs. Nelsen Clarke, Farquhar,
spent lest week with Mr. and
Mrs'. William Walters and Dan-
Mrs. Arthur Rallis and Ron-
nie cs( Thames Road visited on
Wednesday afternoon with Miss
Donna Gilfillan,
Miss Kathleen Horne of Lori -
deli spent the weekend at her
Mrs, Ivan Brock, Alargatet
! and Dennis spent the weekend
at Langton,
Mr, and Mrs, Prod Waltote,
Sandra and Judy visited Seri-
; do At *Stratford with Mr. and
Airs. John Witks,
Larry Lynn visited on Satur-
day With Billy Brock of Zion,
I Mil. Gereet Miners was s
ui WedriesdaY with her
deughfee and Sbitellbtew, IVir,
, arid Mrs,. RI:Ward .tollii8 and
fatuity Of 14.11iteville Nettle The
OdeaSitirl WAS Mrs. Miners' birth.
MISS Intl 6iltithe trindon
I visited en Stitidey et her honle,
was a Saturday visitor of Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Hodgins,
Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Pullman
and boys were in Mitchell Sun-
day and visited Mr. and Mrs.
George Pullman.
Mrs. Ron Squire had a jeweliry
fashion show at her home Tues-
day evening. Twenty-three ladies
were present. The demonstrator
was Mrs. Marjorie Millson, Lon-
Seeding is in full swing 'these
Mr. Frank Parkinson and
Glenn were guests on Saturday
for the Stewart -McNaughton wed-
ding at, the Centennial Evangeli-
cal Church, Stratford. Reception
was -held at the Masonic Temple.
Mr. Russell Parkinson has
been holidaying in California
and is now travelling through
the western provinces and visit-
ing friends.
Letter from
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. George Prest
and children spent Friday eve-
ning with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd
Odd of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hamilton
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Erle
Hamilton Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Simpson
and family of Exeter spent Sat-
urday evening with Mr, and Mrs.
Cecil Ellwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Dixon and
sons, of Sault Ste Marie, are
spending a few days with their
Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Svvartz
of London spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schenk.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Morgan
of Sarnia visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Murray Rowe over the
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd .0dd, of
London spent Sunday with the
latter's parents,
Mr. arid Mrs. Bill Penton and
children spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Knapton of
"How Important is your Con-
tribution to Society?" was the
subject of Mr. Morgan's .address.
The speaker. pointed out that
People do not, realize the im-
portance of the things they pos-
Special music was provided
by the members of the WA as-
sisted by the members of the
CGIT. A duet was sung by ,Jean
and Joan Essery and a duet by
Mrs, C. McCurdy and Mrs, J.
Eesety, Mrs. Alvin Essery was
the pianist for the service.
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins
attended a banquet in the school.
room of the Crediton United
Church on Friday evening when
the ladies of the Woman's As,
sociation feted the choir mem-
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Becker
and Brenda of Crediton were
Sunday visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. Fred Cunnington.
Mr. T, Hodgson of Lloydmins.I
ter, Sask. was a visitor for a few;
'days last week at the home of
his nephew, Mr. and Mrs, L. B.
Mr. and Mrs. K. Hodgins and
family attended the Hodgins -
Marriott wedding at the United
Church, St. Marys on Saturday
Mrs. MacDonald, Ailsa Craig,
was a weekend guest with Mr.
and Mrs. Lorne Ricks.
Mr. and Mrs. Burton Morgan,
St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Morgan and family of Crediton
were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Morgan and
Mr. William Haddock was con-
fined to his home owing to ill-
ness for several days,
Mr. Frank Osborne and Robin
visited over the weekend with
relatives in Campbellford.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fralick
and sons of Royal Oak, Mich.
were Sunday guests with Mr.
and Mrs. K. Hodgins and family
and Sunday evening visitors were
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love, Shipka
and Mrs. C. Morley and daugh-
ter of Licury.
Happenings in
Brenda Blair, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Blair, is able to
be out again after her recent
Mr. Ernest Hicks and Mrs.
Priscilla Mack have been patients
in South Huron Hospital.
Little Robin Blair, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Blair, is home •
again front South Huron Respite]
-where she was a patient for
some time. She is improving
Wilma Weiberg, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Weiberg,
formerly of this neighborhood,
has recovered sufficiently from
her accident to be able to return
from e,
Weekend guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Dean Gibson, were Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Mirion, of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Lewis, of
Clandeboye, and Mr. and Mrs,
Orville Taylor and Kathy, of
Lucan, spent Sunday evening
with Mrs. Jessie Lewis.
David Elston, acconlpanied by
his father, Allan Elston, attend-
ed a father and son banquet held
on Thursday evening at the RCAF
Station, Centralia, for the Cubs
and 'Scouts,
Mr. and Mrs, ' Sani Skihner,
Gary and Karen spent last Mon-
day evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Ron Denham, at Kirkton,
Recent visitdrs with Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Coates, were. ,Mr. and
Mrs. William Butsen, Allan and
Eleanor, at Staffa.
45 Kit Itr4VoluAi s44,io; Wood OA
oOtir speaker foe' this evehihg IS anti rrit sure,
you'l11 ahl enjoy watching,"
1959, 31Vongriltr,hutarearrryd:::te; 4c odotiv
"Ajax Termite Control -,--and 1Uiit9
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Forney Repair Unit
for the Farm
This repair unit was built for the inexperienced. Besides
being en efficient welder, it will cut, braze, solder and heat,
it will hard -face, all wearing equipment, and thaw water
pipes in minutes (even underground), For those cold morn.
ings, this repair unit has a battery charger, 6 or 12 volts,
which can he used as a booster. These are only1 few of
the jobs this repair unit could do for youl
For a free trial or informetion call EDWARD ODBERT 1524J
or write to 278 Albert Street, Stratford.
41111i11111111111111111111111111111111111111 ............ 1 . 11011111011101101111/111111101100011111111111111111111111001 .. 1 ..
..... 1111111 ttttttttt 1 t 1 tt 1 t tttttt 111111 ttttt must ttt t tt ttt tt t ttt t I ttt t Him ttt tttt ion t t ;mum tttt
en's Shoes
Smart New Styles
in Quality Footwear!
We Feature Shoes By
Hart and Scott &
See Our Wide Selection
Of Quality Built Work
Shoes For Long Wear
At Very
Smyth's Shoe Store
X -Ray Fittings If Desired
III1 ttttttttt III ttttt 111111101114011000110141101111111111111111 tttttt 111111111111111111111111 tttttt 1111 ttt tttttttt 1 tttttt 1101111,
ti1,01 tttttt ii0 tttt if tttt iv ttt 1101000011101111110111111 ttttt 111111111,11111101111111111101111 t 0 ttttt
Tutone blue, V8 engine, push-button trans-
mission. Reduced from $2,350 to $1945.
Tutone, red and black, radio, push-button
automatic transmission. Regular $2,350,
HARDTOP -- 'V8 engine, automatic trans-
MiSsiOn, radio, power windows, a sharp
tutone! Regular $2,250, REDUCtD TO . $2,150
Jet black, radio, autmnatic transmission,
completely overhauled ttttttt $1,005
With radio, spotlight, like new
t 401 41iiiiii tttttt
tttt 4.44-004'414. •
$ 505
$ 395
pour speed transtnitsiOn, live power take-
off, good tires, only $ 400
See And Drive The'New '59
Exeter Motor Sales- 1,
PHONE 20 NIGHTS 762,W or 1694
Prod tiohlis, 'PrOp,