The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-04-23, Page 2The Ti nea.Advocete, .April 23, 19$9
—,-Continued frons Page 1.
Dr. Mitehell ordered the ether
two calves, 'which 1 had already
unloved atom the :pen, either
again -quarantined or sold for
Mlated ate slaughter. Incidental-
ly,; I _chose the latter order,
which I felt was the better thing
to. do.
"'The infected ,calf was ordered
tor be left where it , was until
el ads cattle, when the brain
would be sent to :Hull laborator-' and the carcass buried.
I'believe many people have a
confused opinion of the sump.
toms of rabies, and I pass along
to your readers my personal
observations on the matter. The
fox discovered, in my barn was
a' "quiet.' one. True, I realized
ii+ was unusual for a fox to be
ina barn, but T also.whilst lst tak-
ing precautions. kit that because,
it was "quiet' it apparently
would do no harm.
`IIIowever, I discovered this to
be a very typical symptom in
illy calf, especially in the early
stages. It first of all went "off
feed", and although it would try ;
to: "make for" strangers who
entered the barn, to see it yawn
quite frequently was quite com-
mon, which is almost a certain
symptom of rabies.
Of course, there was a great
amount of saliva, which is the ,
means of contraction, the virus
of which only lives for approxi -
Mately an hour around the pen.;
It would have to come in con
tart with broken skin on a hu-
man or on on an animal before
it could he contacted, and even
then only a certain percentage'
would be affected,
'However, I do not wish to
minimize the dangers, neither
dti I wish to State here my in.;
terpretation of the many symp-
toms as explained to me by the
veterinarians. After all, I am
npt a veterinarian myself, so it:
you have any reasons to be sus-
picious, I recommend .you get
tri touch with one.
-To claim compensation for an
infected animal it must be left
tq die. Only the brain is ex•
amined for rabies and if an
animal is destroyed before death,
tl`ie virus which travels the nerve
tissues from the place of entry.
May not as yet have reached
the brain when the animal is
destroyed, hence the reason for
not always discovering rabies in
e rabid animal.
-Four days elapsed from the
time I became suspicious until
My calf died. At times I became'
irdignart that it should be lett
to suffer so, until I was told that
it was very doubtful if the' calf
was sufiering, as niueli, ass its
actions would seem to indicate.
11 I had another one I would
think twice before letting it die
a "natural' death if it was soley
for eempensation purposes. But,
on. the other hand, rabies hate
to he proven in order to be a
protection to the rest of the herd,'
by means of vaccination, spray•
ing, etc.
The risk is too great. I would
strongly recommend. even though
it isn't ln0 percent effective, that
every one who owns pets and
domestic animals should have
then vaeeinated.
I have heard it said: '•Why
vaeeinale? T h ' government
pays compensation anyhow."
I have as yet all that `red
tape' to I;n through. If you raise
cattle snley for financial pur-
poses, if you enjoy waiting for
busy government veterinarians
to come to your aid, if you want
more practise at making a good
job signing your name on this'
document and that, if you like
placing long distance telephone
calls, if you like digging holes,
well, OK. 1 don't.
Have a heart. Do all in your
power to rid our province of
this dread disease
X/4%4 ,.
Kroll r,NNIM ByndlrMN, Jne. N'er:n rRn!. re•,r+Rd•
"Instead of the annual raise, I'm hiring k{r, Nelson
as a fringe benefit --he's single,"
Suggests tree planting
citizens' responsibility.
Reeve Bill McKenzie suggested . area be cleaned out. He also
Monday night that town counciF indicated that the Anne street
Sincerely was performing too many minor ; drain could be extended further
Manuel W. Curls services for ratepayers. i west to this area.
McGil.livary Township ` Be expressed this idea during; Reeve McKenzie maintained
a debate on the tree -planting the problem in that area was
:program which council is con. quicksand and that it would be
• *tering. ? difficult to get drains ' to work
"T think it's the responsibility Properly because 'of this 'condi-
of the householder himself. to tion.
plant Trees if he wants them," Councillor ];ether said he Was
the r"e:eve stated. "I don't think' content to wait until a report on
it's the duty of council to do the eondition was received from
all these little extras." . engineers of the Ontario Water
rly own opinion is that we Reagurces Commission.
don't have to worry too much'. Complaint about a steer feed•
in regard to trees, I'll be`ing .let beside a house on No,
there Fvere more planted last 83 Highway was referred to the
Huron County Health Unit. One
year than were taken down."
"Are 'e going to go in and councillor said the manure bed
dictate where trees must be ,ffee the lot was as deep as four
put'?""Why does council allow cattle
Councillor Ross Taylor didn't' in .the town?" asked Councillor
agree: I dont think there'll be Bin Musser, who aired the com-
a tree left in 100 years if we' joint.
don't do something about it now.; p In other business, council: •- ACCEPTS JAMES St. .CALL •
We should encourage a sounds Agreed to ay ex cosec for the
tree -planting program," ? p p. Rev. S. E. Lewis, Barrie
Mayor Pooley admitted that
mal or, .reeve and deputy -reeve to -
the town has had too many trees attend the mayors' and reeves'
but he felt there should be some convention in St. Catharines /� n
type of program to control the; early in 111ay; Predict '"TO'V
planting of them. Learned that Ushorne Council
had appointed senior'll
LOST $15,000 BARN
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for Port Franks cottages
James St. calls
Barrie minister
James Street United Church
has Issued a call to .the Rev. S,
k:rnest ,Lewis, .of Conder Street
United Church, Barrie, to sue-
ceed the Rev. Harold J. Snell,
who has accepted a call to Oak-
ridge Acres United church, Lon-
A1r. Lewis has accepted the
call subject to the approval of
arc. bytery.
Mr. and Itirs. Lewis were In
T,w,elet over the weekend and
Mr. Lewis conducted the morn-
ing service at James St, They
were the guests of Dr. - Il. II.
Cowen and Mrs, Cowen.
In March of this year Mr.
Lewis was named Barrie's "Citi-
zen of the Year" for "outstand-
ing service to the city of Barrie
outside of the person's normal
occupation without monetary re-
The debate was started by
a councillor
Councillor George Rether who lied Hugh
h Lovve clerk Stephen hCouncil d i ei {
proposed that the program be
James aw vin -
extended to include the growing ' ney to the proposed planning
of young trees at the dump for board for the district;
transplanting purposes. Learned that a Department of
He had talked with a tree ex -
survey showed the
pert of the Ontario Dept of average speed of cars travelling
Lands and Forests who recom• on Main street was 31 mph.
mended •that trees be planted Agreed to hold another special
in the fall rather than in the meeting this Friday night to
spring, and that the trees be adopt the 1959 budget;
procured f5om. area . bushes, Granted building • permits 'to
where they are growing under W.J. Hornet', for a verandah
conditions similar to those which on his house; Clarence Greene,
they would encounter in the installation ,of new roof on. his
town when they were transpjant- apartment bui'lding's• and- -Cecil
ed. Jones for conversion of storage
An earlier proposal suggested building into residence; Wilfred
the town buy trees from a nurs- Doupe, for a 12 x 14 addition to.
cry, i the cottage he erected last year,
The matter was referred back]
to the councillors who had been!
appointed to investigate the
pro"; Fete local pair •
grans with the PUC. The PUC 1
proposed that a program bei on InniverSdC
established after it found that,
some 24 trees had to be cut' On Thursday, April 16 in honor
down this. winter, of their 45th wedding anniversary
Also referred to committee; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bri n tnell
was an agreement drafted by ! were entertained to dinne • at
the Boy - Scouts for the use of !Armstrong's Restaurant by the
property at the town dump for : members of their family.
the growing of trees. � Later they were joined" by
Council felt there were a num- other relatives at the home of
her of loopholes in the proposed ''their daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Ord,
agreement. i where they were presented with
Council agreed to seek the ad-
vice of provincial experts on
parking problems. It requested
a survey by the highways de-
partment on. conditions in the
Sanitation committee chair-
man Ross Taylor received per-
mission to seek bids on the ex-
cavation work required to put •
into working condition the la-
goon disposal system at the, can.;
ning factory.
He was also given permission
to install a 60 foot dram on John 1
street west, to carry water from
the new home being erected by
Kenneth Ottewell and the Hookey
house to the William street
Councillor Taylor said he in-
spected the drainage problem
complained about by Councillor
George Rether in the wartime
housing section, He agreed that
water was lying on the lawn of
the. Pettier house blit: felt it was
because the lawn was low. He
recommended that, the 'lawn he
raised and that the drain in the
Kopp; five sons. Jim, Douglas,
Harold and Frank, all 'of ".Exeter
and John of London'. Ohe daugh-
ter, Madeline, died in 1930. They
also have 22 grandchildren and
two great grandchildren.
Mr, and anniversary
Kopp's tenth
wedding anniversary was the
same day.
gifts, A social evening followed.
, The couple have, eight chit-
dren: three daughters, Mrs.
Lloyd (Almira) Ford, Mrs. Roy
(Anita) Hunter, Mrs. Jim (Etta)
I At the auction sale of the
estate of the late Mrs. Thelma
i Workman, lot 7, concession 7,
Stanley township, Saturday after-
noon, the farm was purchased
by a neighbor, Gordon Coleman,
for $5,500.00.
t The property consists of 99
acres, a well-built stone dwell-
ing, two barns, driveshed and
Auctioneer was Alvin Wolper,
in fres
{More than 400 Canadians die
in residential fires each year
!more than half of them are chil-
dren, warns the All Canada In-
:surance Federation,
Officials of the Federation,
which represents more than 250
casualty, automobile and fire
insurance companies said that
faulty use of electricity and in-
flammable liquids accounted for
many residential fires occurring
in ' the spring .and •summer•
months. •. .
Pointing out that property loss
.from fires exceeds " $20,000,000
annually, safety - experts offer
the following precautions which
are especially applicable at this
.time of year.
1. Remove all accumulated
leaves and windblown rubbish
from eaves and around the
2. Clean out attics, sheds, base=
ments, garages or other areas
where rubbish may have accum-
3. Make sure that all paints,
varnishes, paint removers and
other inflammable liquids are
kept. in well -marked safety cans.
4. Oily rags, or rags soaked in
turpentine or other inflammable
fluids, should be burned or kept
in well -sealed containers,
5. Never burn aerosol tins.
6. Remove matches from poc-
kets of all winter clothing before
storing away. '
7. Winter heating materials —
oil, kerosene, etc„ should be
kept at iniluinum level during
the warmer months.
8.. Have all chimneys and fur-
naces thoroughly cleaned and
9. Use noninflammable liquids
for cleaning floors and clothing.
10. Check fans, air condition-
ers and, similar summer appli-
ances for frayed cords and loose
MUSICAL NiGHT at the Thames
Road United Church by the Us -
borne schools, on Friday, April
24, 1959, at 8:00 rent. Silver
collection, Proceeds for the Grin,
pled Children. 16:23*
Cut Fertilizer Costs
by using high analysis
C4 -OP
MED ars
You get more total fertilizer nutrients per dollar
when you buy a high analysis,
You have less fertilizer to handle, and you are
more likely to give your crop full nourishment,
hormi tolloi"t
Usitle CI4R Sfetiol
A new subdivision containing
40 cottage lots will he opened at
Port Franks by the Ausable
Authority this spring', it -has been
announced by Fieldntan Hai
ARCA leases the lots for 20
years for an annual fee of $75
for those near water, .and $50
for inland locations.
Two subdivisions containing 59
lots have already been leased in
the area.
-Tenters for building of roads
in the new subdivision will be
I called shortly, and the lots will
Probably become available on
May 24,
The authority will also extend
the parking area at Port Franks.
]locking space along the river is
being rented on a first.come,
first-served basis..
Considerable improvement is
being planned by the authority's
parks board at Rock Glenn.
Negotiations are being made for
the purchase of a 40 -acre prop-
erty which contains two trout
ponds developed by a London
sports group, The remainder of
the property, if acquired, will be
developed for wildlife and re-
forestation purposes.
To provide more facilities for
visitors to Rock Glen, ARCA
plans to extend the guard rail
along the hanks to the steep
ravine; put in a foot bridge over
one of the gullies to provide ac-
cess to the scenic area near the
main river.
The authority also plans to
establish a ball diamond, a look-
out platform and seat, and 'steps
to allow visitors to get a better
view of the old power dam,
Blitz boosts
cancer fund
Cancer canvass conducted
Thursday by James St. United
Church ROTS Club, was "really
successful," Ray C. Mills. branch
campaign chairman, announced
this week, •
Over $1,300 was raised by 27
members of the club during the
one-night blitz,
"We feel that with the dona-
tions to come in from local
organizations, the town campaign
will pass the 81,500 nark," the
chairman stated.
The fight. against cancer con-
tinues through the rest of the
Returns from Stephen Town.
ship, where the Federation of
Agriculture is in charge of the
campaign, are beginning to come
in, as they are from Usborne,l
where the WI's are in charge..
Door-to-door canvasses• willbe
staged in Hensall and Dashwood
this " Monday night, April 27,
starting at 7 p.m.
Kinsmen will conduct the Hen -
sell drive, while the Alen's Club
is in charge of the Dashwood
Although official returns are
not in, it's been reported that
personnel at RCAF Station Cen-
tralia, have contributed a larger'
amount than last year. Mrs. S. J.
Grandin is in charge of the
campaign there.
Others who are in charge of
districts ' included: Allan Eve-
leigh, Kirkton; Centralia, Mrs.
and Mrs. Ray Shoebottom: Cred-
iton, Women's institute; Zurich,
Lions Club.
"With everyone's co-operation,
I feel sure we can meet: the
branch's objective of $3,000," Alt.
Mills stated.
Open new area
north of river
Official opening of a new
subdivision in town "River-
view Heights" -- is announced
this week.
The residential area is being
developed by Fred and Eldrid
Simmons north of the river on.
the west 4ide of No., 4 high-
A model home in the sub-
division will be open this.
Zurich 55
lets S CQnf raCf
Contract for building the new
three-room separate school in
Zurich has been let to the Ross-
Urquhart Construction Co., of
London, for $53,000.
Conatructlon will start in 10
clays and the school will be
completed by August 24, accord-
ing to the Rev. Fr. Cyril A.
Doyle, secretary of the trustees
of the Roman Catholic Separate
School No, 7, 1 -lay Township.
it is expected there will be
spine 80 pupils for the Septem-
ber opening.
J'tyld csy
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SPRING TUNEUP - Now is the time for that bumper -to -bumper check
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