Huron Signal, 1852-04-29, Page 19 Mi r i ' se IWO Pe 1 t./0ItIM Pflideldts gyasem• • his M•h k'' , �Ne oarirlt ler w�Whom •�'.�g ,sbe�• Wang deep ble raptased ew. sae eamrihtt etdedame, nem hyoids( and o sphere. ffbegled along, tbe image f sight, ght, (10,1 of the Lord their TIMM seb•ing Tyres, with cadence light, Waw raauonie wtW and (I;dmg emit's' Sall earth took up the swel,lug byre And usw•red M• k the goose( Oudi Ise of Hite t• ver Pr' end n s the through creation trod. Whose fu°t,teps Light le I,►onh's eoesten.hee," The ttstti•( sus all pruu..ly Auw•red the crimson twthg beauty " Hie garment's (liege my r , Tbe clouds above them echoed loud, "Hu evening tent, bow vast are wet" 011ie voice is beard shove the etel od •His (tory thunders!' "He rides upon m7 gentle wings!" mother wind sighed, murmstmg by; TEN 3111ILLINast is asvatem. VOLUME V. „ "TSAI GREATEST POSSIBLY GOOD TO Till GREATEST POSSIBLE NUMBER. 1tist`ihhei1 ! 'p1lt4,•ltlit±,; .+t-'+ ,wx ten, sort ere. • tbial that is joyfel need Wee* 17 is hIs,are . it ted sadb-elosisd by Ns dew:.•ti•1 ialemeee. 'Ow i(e anon netts t beset grew palsied arid callous irem ib Ioselt -the best efurts a.J energies ball feeble sad poireriaa before it, aad the very soul shakes aMka.ters u at, relentless gra' .Shea tt-t 1 young Baan, shun it, at the fret approach. ShotC.ht thou permit its hau- mwry thole art elleims. Rum and miar7. 4 •ittj)111L•rlt AND Mx T i 1)• (11 end t! .=.1.cedes,be thy ceata pertioe-- aT Tam Na tie TIM sere. I tawny aid ger y La:. a wall accompany thee t ' t• ay early, sall�.uoured grave --int„ tb0 -'` ^' NUMBER XIV. , setmre t. 1t .41W:intall dead GODRRICH, COUNTY OF HURON, (C. W.) THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 18bSir .......•• t•.ees. Abu. tbrnn, I'Lit r:tyr:cry of enrolled in the 'teem that comew from the green wood," I plead (silty' hr One, of that perversity,M coa.lde r" I do rut It strikes me that the boot is on the wren( leg, decidedly. The steam .boars the beet and makes it latest and Inoperative. Take for example a little ether, or alebebol. le the palm of your hand; it moos evaporates, or Woes off is strata or ,spor. Show me who lea whit warmer. Your Mod is cold or -for to this Ia. there is so excepuoor, -that when water, or any fluid, pawns into steam or riper, beat 1,.bwrbed and carred off. I do sot believe the beat from the The The sliest air responsive sings, g • seam e,eaotog from a wood bre, is enough "The quicken:0g breath of God am 1!" in a day to bnil • new laid egtf• "Vtrbat song, .ro th•015 What roiesa n,w, "lye thick that such philosophers mi.- Wbde 1 m' elumberisf rvelid• clnoet' I Isad the ignorant. Without undertakug •• Arouse! I'll Mae lug the dew• to ba ser accurst, in this matter we rec- .. Aad make thee blossom like the rose."' I tun to assert that a cord th t to dry, and radio .ben be s- mush more Mat time a cord *Int baa bran Earth', children, e, eta .a \ye blee,0m gladly!" said the field, Aad through the full ear. voice' rang, 6. We are God's blessing it the yl.ld- Gerd best's against stern hunger seat!" "We blear you!" *aid the modest moon, u Wa tiles. you.•' cried the 6rtnauler, rid,aek star claimed to giro the boon. 'reposed to its weather Ihroog m neas much as ILO Boston Wharf wood is. It le belieVd that that ''venture' le a severe one. What is the exam diff ,ncf between green a ood and dr).r some barrel or mein a cord. Now can a roan believe that as nisch heat can M obtained The cricket chirped, all sweet and elear, Isom a dry wool fire Ifyou occasionally lade "With drops u( dew he blesses me!" on a dipper of water, thereby making tbe •' Jlad slakes my thirst!" refhed the deer. ! article so cheerfully commenter, about as " Aad mine!" the leaf sang from (he tact: t viescwos as "gretu" wood. The Pfergk- • Ile gives is food!" responde the rue, ,oris ia'ks as %booth ta. sap were the beat Aad clothe" our lambs!" bleats eat the of ga d eomhwutibh et', or ss ignitable as docks, ib. everlasting blowing op camphene. "And though v er lonely earth we go, 1 don't knew what this dealers in birth • He hears u. still!!" the raven croaks. and spruce in Boston will say to the notice their property rehires at this Ploughman's Ire sews wider spats 1a the tow thea the imams iedsd pus. tsar -s.sd, sow a N secret D of oar W w ked coo - unpin a c br nedesst, will be .li®cw at N 1111111 le squer's 7a*Jr, and fur one contais- isg !ti square Told., 1f soma In dells. os. of sae Mad of cabbage air ►enroll. seed will be 'sough for a bed eont.Inieg 9 quare yards, if sows is broadcast. or (or 16 .quare rude u digits.-GNbge Gardener. Vsecsse0 ttaLY0s•--Take !1 pound of roam, 1 ear Castile soap, 1 os. Vitiates ler- peatiue 1 t..s. sweetsoi!-welt all together, cool in water, cud work well, like sbue- .5.15* s w11x. '1'p. eburs is from our friend Isaac Wo k er, of Morgan county, who assures u• that it is a Mire antidote for burns, sprains and wowed. of .11 hied', ea was or heart. - Ohio CahiLotur. Do.. LK WoiT$waw -Fix up a pail, The turtle -dors her music cooed To answering bird* that after slept, "Ile gave us seats all through the wood, Ile bath our habitations kept, (;pan Grad's alter safe we dwell, Our plem•gs by His band weUm ed, UM*, 11s shade. sheet, we Ws stumble, ,0 im anent test:" " le oiliest reel !" the night replied, •t Prelo.ging deep, tbe lingering tone, Till from his coact., with crimson dyed, TM day rewarmed his glowing throe*, Lipsone the sus, and David woke; Bo nett in palms had been his dream, That Veer heal his lips it broke, moil .1 '1 i lit f i • .1 Harmonies, mew, God the theme! THE LAND WHERE 1 WAS BORN. sr ww. w051-0ca, at. There is a laud, a level, land Encompassed by the sea, Where .ver, mo00tait, glee and strand ' Thrice bellowed is to m.. hills is the land obese heaths/? No foe e'er trod with .cors; The land of rock and dancing rflts�- The land where 1 was horn. Mail! Scotia, bail! with love tot the. i Myraptured bosom swells; Linof the brays, the good, the free, Of woods .rad flowery dell.; [,arid where the thistle proudly Moms, Fresh as the 'Mime mors; 1'11 love, till time this beart airwave, The lard where I wee bon. Land where proud Rome, in days of yore, Forth led ber euuntlem hordes, Till Scotts gleamed from ebony to shore With empire winning swords; But glory to our sires of old; Uucomgtmered and untorD, tJ.tarniebed laurels still eorold The teed where I was bore. 11' 0• A r i hand.. Where do them farmers live! It la admitted by practical farmers that walnut wood is worth most ler fuel white It a green. 1t is the *assn with the sugar maple-tt gives more heat to IM green stats than it does after the w matter has evaperite is the open air. How then ma welchers the extravagant statements of man who go by the book and prolese to give accurate instruction! Sure ,ousgh, Good nater, bow can H1 Concord, Mass., March 3, 1852., fol of lime and water ready to be put on the well; then take a quarter ut a plot of t1-,ur, 1a f led mix it up with water, thea pour es 1t bntl- .p{( water, a sufficient quantity to the -kee 11; then pour it wbtlu hut, into t;.a oh te. wash. Stir .t well together, ata it is read, fur uta. This whitewash will eat rub uta. iIttattire. ' Come on.' Necessity lent me strength, and pressing ml Ieft foot firmly against the Iver OnMLi ch 1 stood, acd which each moment sank with our weight deeper into the soft slimy ground I sprang acrt,ss Carleton followed me. • Wel! done!' cried the oil man. •Cour- age, and a couple more such leaps, mid we sleidi be getting over the worst of it.' We pushed on, steadily but slowly, never setting our foot on a log till we bad ascer- tained its solidity with the butts of our gun. The cypress swam; extended four or fire miles along the shores oldie creek; it was a deep lake of black mud covered over and disguised by a deceitful bright green vase! creeping plants and cosses, which bed ssread thetnsclres in their rank luxuriance over its whole surface, and over the branches and trunks of the tree' that were scattered about it. 'nese latter were not placed with any very great rep lari:y, hen had yet been eridendy arranged by the baud of moo. • There seems to bare been asset of path made here,' said 1 to our g -tide, ' for Silence !' interrupted Le, in a !ow tone; • silence for your I:fe, till we are on fires ground again. Don't mind the snakes,' add- ed he, as the torch -light rev.:aled some en- ormous ones lying coiled up on the moo and lianas close to us.--• Follow me close- ly: But at the very moment that I stretched i'orwarJ my foi.t. and was about to place it SWAMPS IN CENTRAL AMERI- CA. The following sketch of a journey through a swamp is from Seenrs and Ad- ventures is Central Americus Edited by Frederick Hardman, Lal. We bad proceeded but a very short dis- tance into the swamp before we found out the use of the torches. The huge tr'mks GLUM,' WaLxs.-it has always appear+ ed to mo that the grand principle of peeves" tto5 of weeds on walks has been overlook- ed; and, in a .sit to Shrublaod, i pot the question to Hr. Benton, who., experserte• m each matters s great, sad h. of Does took me to seine new walks, Moo making, where a solid bottom as concrete" formed o1 marble sad coons gravel, wee first reamed doves hard before the drew gravel was laid es titter this, few or so weeds will grow; sad 1 may observe tint my owe walks are formed in the sates way, and there is scares • weed to be seen on them . -Southern Cull. Bator Hones. -Tho practice of as Esglisb friend, who has cured numbers of them, is to Mich a steady hers, or tam be, bind them and pull them bsekwarks. It should be done os smooth fair grimed. The refractory beast will sot mesh sseb treatment, and wilt sees be glad to go for- ward at the word of command. The meet etobbers will .field and be perfectly tree sod tractable after two or three such lemurs togs. The aforementioned friend, tells me he fatted to conquer in a 'Male in, stance, and that too without the stroke of s whip or •therwtes maltreating the animal. 7. a. W. F•oza+ PLsaTs.-!neglect of •ervaots. absence from home, or unexpected cold weather will occasionally molt In the freezing of an •mateur cultivator'. collect- 'fake warning for the future,. added be, as he helped use out of of the mud; ' and 1' • look there . ole I did look, and saw half a doze* alliga- tors wnthiog and crawling is the solium. slime within a few yards of us. I felt a richening sensation, and for a moment I could not utter a word; the Yuaokee pro- duced his whiskery flask. 'Cake o swallow of this,' said be; but no, better wait till we are out of the swamp. Stop a little till yoer beart beats quieter. So you are better now. \"!, a you've made two or three such juteroey, with old Nathan, you'll be quite auother man. Now -forward again.' A few minutes later we were oat of the swamp, au•! holing over a field of palmet- tos which waved mud rustled in the moon- beams. The air %vas fresh, and once moose we breathed freely.' of the cypress -trees, which s'o'd four or lin the print that his had left, the -hideous lied over the tree -trunk, ant twelve inches from my legs -and the creature snapped at me so suddenly, that 1 had but just tune to fire my gun Sato bis glittering lizard like eye. The monster bounded back, uttering a sound between a groan, and, striking wildly about him in the morass disappeared. The American looked round when I bred and an approving smile, played about his mouth as he said something to me which I did not bear, owing to (Inc infernal uproar that now arose on all sides of us, and at first completely deafened me. Thousanda,teas of thousands, of birds and replies, alligators, mamas bull -frogs, night -owls 'Waifs, herons, whose dwellings were in the mud of (Inc swamp, or on its leafy roof, Sow lifted up their voices, bel- lowing, hooting. shrieking, and groaning. Issuing from the obscene retreats in which they had hitherto lain bidden, the alligator raised their hideous snouts out of the green coating of the swamp, gnashiog their teeth and stroking towards us, whilst the owls and other birds circled round our beads, flapping lend striking us with their wings as they passed. \\'e drew our knives, and endeavored to defend at least our heads end eyes; but all was in vain against the multitude of enemies that surrounded us; and the unequal combat could not possibly rate breath, and -ha! what is that log 1 I have lasted long, when suddenly a shot was five yards asunder, shot up to a Leight of jaw of an tipster was suddenly stretched fifty feet, entirely free from branches, which then, however, spread out at right angles to the steam, making the trees appear like gigantic umbrellas, and covering the wbo!e morass with an impenetrable roof, through which not even a sun -beam could find a pas- sage. On looking behind es, we saw day- light at the estrum* of the swamp as at the mouth of a vast cavern. -The further we went the thicker became (Inc air; and at last tbe eravia was so stifling and pestilen- tial, that the torches burnt pale and dim, ted snore than once threatened to go oat. ' Yes, yes,' metered our guide to him- self, 'a night passed in this ,swamp would Wive a man ague-strtack for the rest of his days. A night ay, aa hour would do it, if your pores were ever so little open; but stow there's no danger, the prairie fire's good for that, dries (Inc sweat and closes the pores.' He went on conversing thus with him- self, but still striding forward throwing his torchlight on each log or tree -trunk, and trying ✓s solidity with his foot before be treated his weight upon it -doing all this with a dexterity and speed that proved Lis familiarity with these dangerous paths. ' Keep close to me,' said he to us, ' but make yourselves light --as li;ht,at least, as Britisher! can make themrelves. Hold ellen whin Sontk' with nee *sea' ton , f (sere house plants. Whenever such T. Law Edward's seek wish ebur, occurrence does happen, immerse the plants Awl theistic. abetted vengcamca pealed In cold water fur live minutes thee place Is tbaed,r o'er thy seller, ti.ern where they will be shaded from any strong light; and subject to a temperature of about 30 ti Fahreshett, or that of a eom• mem sitting room. -Okla Former. Baer roe FAMILT Un. -No Corned beef is better thee that sand m clear salt and deeds where thraldom oar a (rare, water, proridni 11 Is to be u.ed within three n r four week, 'rem the time of silting. "'kindless nfame shall roll; But whoa it is to be kept for al months, Thvs on jAnnock'sabloody dell eomethtog mese F A Wallace, matchless, dauntless, good, His threats defied with scorn, And nobly saved in field of blood, TN land where I war horn. Heil, Bruce! dread essence of the brave! Hail, monarcb of my soul! Thy r ed ! senieslatem-this witlierieg curx 1 the the Sore an. r world--►wa it fur tliesows ooul'a e - :Jure ao' )emit male better Dusisess o• it than mesah, it 7e Rel test•' ds sear r INtemeEIAYtL. This a 1.,0 1'w,' said itis landlord, ' 1 r"c . tare rove of busman fel:title--lbs cloud so; that dolens as that is bright in social ei- Mike relapatd into arle.ee, aeJ aQrr as tettcre-tLe'owim+ dem. uthat haunts li;e's Lour'* tide, they halted a frust of al .eat '.. s awl the landlord sung out to the peol•ric- path with ;Dolts and ;'b:ins--that spreads hr- hat lir, mis.,•ry mrd innuruie; in the damees- ' Here's the fellow that seek rose Gorse tie circle.and that strew the earth with sad waiou.' rum -1 rellttations--ruined, hopes -ruin.,! This brought out the stable •keeper and h►s ostlers, and for former fur ; throws (urtuer+---ruimd i.arlh•eta .g) broken Mike's head Dark w to get a lCir ilei of tiaarls. .load it God.hu�t angst Itis face, said- - - Thi.,a-'t the man.' TO'1'l!v: E li'!IU WRITE FUR THE • Isn't the wars ('•repeated the astomaf:cd 'UC K. landlord. ' • An' didn't I tell ye so l' said Al i.e. It w ut4 Ms greet favor to editors and ' But it's ineeelt that's obli;eJ to ye fir l.,,n; ,•, 01.'..•:L tt•"e• w!N wet a tic. the takiu' me here. an' satin,; me the ['hut.:. .ir•r• messiest sod 1oLl.i.ier W*t.i.n•osiletits weer of :+ weary Journey on fut. An' 0o0, -turn- ii, . n mag to the alabl.alceper, nye i, it our the I \t eve with !Eck Ink, on white paper§ war to the ralcroad, it's ll i.e :.!.1. my eerier..,!. that'll %Vick be Out of -a ei..0 thry whe.e a. X1.4. tM p•gN oma:!, one fourth honest11Km are vncltll7 treated.' !bat M •1•ul.rap.l,+rl. Thtx road was poinlci on.t to Ali►e, and 3. l.eato tae second page of escb leaf lee truujed elf et o ral•id Iwcc, w1t:e t!. 4 r1. landlord, delibhrately tumors his It ate a- 4. Ibee to the srittes;age am aa,p:e mar- ruund. &parted, amid a -bout of laughter. (It' eat 0rea.4. 6. \,.u.ter Ike pores in the order of their inwardly resolving Oster b1 arrest a trio .lress1100. fur Lorae-atealieg again. ray, V. :tie is a plea, b,•l.l band, lith les rs►4srs :o WIuIy than piano• F,..mn 11. Grip',... 7, j,'.. no ao',reeiatitas.o Ucb are mot to YOUTII-LIFE-HAITI\ESS. ammo1. par■t, the matJeeriptailtshould I be►nosed. a Baur attETCH. { 11. )'sr vatic. teder►a-re *so here for - - j email eapttale, tee; ter rattier, three. 10. 1stm: wteiI.0e w.1buut rhe core to Whither art thou hastening, young met' .a.+ tae they. Tby step is light and free, the:e .' a bars-' 11. Takewyec:al pacts with every letter la ancy, an alacrity -a -spirit, of young life lrnyor nares. 1s. Re,Nw very word, to bo eure that visible in thy every mutiuu. Thou lastest . seer n .:lrgi, a. happy -some 13. taut ,tirecttoe* to the printer, at the to be iia some d: rain of love; or tori- � b,.d of tM fir•. page. mess, or pleasure, has for the titletlaQ� 14. Never waste a private letter to the flung its dein-stye witchery over thy lireh editor oo the pr,oter s copy. soul, and thou art earnest to bury the sal- "Dewe yeti tusk m7 rzecollna of OtbSl?0 mating hope in the trial, dull, fleeting re- , • capital p.rlormancv! It 1■ 11 lay line-eir it anti" asked a uegodtw o1 iuok . " W by. alley. Speed oo, mar not thy step. Thou e.," repLtJ abs prow •kiog pupeur, all art running on the same errand of all who -tr eatioes may be considered capital pst� • formicary soil your pert„rmance of O -hello Dave come before thee-tho0,'too, art in „ eertataly of that Claes for 7011 *z.eut• pursuit rf hupf irks.*; and it is mot a tea uta, h hos, }o,Reetudlr, th.,1 05 0000 se worthy, aid may not be a frimleu search. 70e lay b.ebs apes him, he is no Meer." Itis true, this is a wonderful worid-it i+. Ctral'rs Facrs.-If a tallow candle b0 full of vicissitudes and errors, and diSeal- ! Dlieed 'a • fulled •hut eta dour,11 will go tbto0gb wutuut su.rautmg u7 u,jary: sod ties and .lisappoiato eats; and many, aro the 1 t(• realest ball be fired les aur. it w,l{ rr boss) arc; be flattened as if fired •g■iOet thickets, and swamps and quagmires doll en, bird sub.trDce. .1 musket ball urs, M may intercept thy progress u the j.rerar7 t teal ago:oil a sees of glass, 417,111 nd if the of fife. But it is not all thorns and bas-' glue be si.rpendwd by a thread, it will make bles. There arc green rots and• Limy no difference, and 'he thread nut even vi. beets. Cvtk, it sunk 'r feel .n the ucoas ' spots -ouch that u beautiful, mach that is Twill sot ari.e un account of Ilse prersuId lovely -yea, much that u hamar. 1'hiss--.4 Ole same. In the Artie Rey{wur, when so hers, and moralists, and poets bare writ- ' lbeaartulur w pre* s• ro, sermons coo p e.esenee 0.ore tete a mil* distant. ten and reasoned, and said *ad song writ - about d (Inc darkness and di:":trlt s d the. -TOTAL N\' GECIs OF Tat; littrrlski " journey of life. ' 'Cbey Lave whiled ' teed I. STEAM: FRIGATE BIRE.E.Ii• lwnestd over the faille, awl . vices, mad* 1ILaD. - vanities of the world; they nave declaimed Loss four Jlwnd,e.l and fftyfotw on the frailty and futility of every thins in /tart- U eedciJul &cipttue 0f the the thape of pkasure or enjoyrmeet, and ; Critmh. 'Thesis. - have sighed bitterly over the uocumstabk 1O1Y ilio l.ed•,n T;mes,A{r.:?.] thing railed human barpaaess- Fina!!, , • Ano:her tt rri!,Ie duast.: has , Lappetua• 7our.; man, .bey hate prtra7rd the 'sora at sea. At h o'clock in the meriting of the as one sad, sunless wtlderxss--a Tint and .nth of k ebrm a:y ber Alajusty's steamer, dreary charnel -Louse, strewed with the the Viric,J",sf,waswrec'kedbetweentwo. wrecked Iwpes aid etlorts of a thousand and three inks irom elle *Lore of Scuthtca . i�ea. 'Llie esactsptt at which the rata- wou:•lu't accuse an basest Irishman of the i generation'. 'rims gloomy plctuh" pre 'sail happened was 1'uiut i)atsger. Of • I.I:es of mc, of staling a horse, would I, smiled to all ---and to the young mind, tt t this pnrnt sl.c struck upon • reef cf-tutnkeu - ye1, verly pernicious. ' Its somh:racns � ai rucks. The ship was stOOI.. ug eight lead ' You may look like an honest man, but shadow over their beat hopes, zed paralysesii a ball' L301' at the time. Thr wane* was don't you see that's an exact description of their best e1To;ts. But, heed not. It n airl st'w„Ib. aril the sky serene, Lia the speed 111ntwhtt':Ilrrescort.was lass:1 through you l' dark side of doe picture, and bebi.d it there • , s resales peeved ler .islruetaeu. The An' what doe' that soy, sure 1' are flowers and swuhtre. Purwe thy path I rock penetrated :l.reugh her bottotn,1us1 aft 1 That you stole a horse and wagon.' steadily and straigkt-f•,rward, d turning, 1 the e fat`s'+ ant im. iwelAy spam in ute a iteee w ' Is it me, you mane t' *tither to the right band nor to t k:t. ' 1a:a-0 :e rn:tures clnlgiue to, Wed, olid ' Certainly.' It u not tette that the path of ti.e n Pk"- ton ,v;., all tlitt'minded of tbe Birkem. ''lake inc out of this, by the blessed St. ant and easy to walk in. it rs full of ibo. a" 1 brad. 01 ;3:3 person+ wLo had kit Silte- Paterick; and Alike was fast making trar•ks and thistles, and ;II who triad it most (sea- ts� a 13.y iu the gallant ship but a few hours for the door, when the landlord stepped tually stutnb1• tied fall. But the path of 1 Were, only 1`4 remain to tell the .aloe virtue i, plain, open and intrtina. It u ea'1 Nok's'hat, 434 Englishmen bate come tel • .- before him. w Iem.utable :until. `'� ' No you don't, said he, taking Mike by and delight;.rl - -free fi cm t:.e wl0Jials lead ` 'filen u n., mystsrr about the calamity. the collar. zig-zag trtrunes slid torturing. tl:at souk 1 We are not left as iu the cat, of the Ama- \like began to shed tears, tried to soften the path of the vin -u'. \\-elk I!i00 s it ir,to co i;ceture the origin o1 the disaa- ter. Just what happened to the Orion off the heart of the landlord. ever remein'oenultie m that Bice mei+t hears- Sen::iabcoast, or to tare Great Lirei• An' sure ye wouldn't be the manes of Mused, and asst end m awry, cattle vis" p«f of Llnsterrr,La+bsppcned now. Cat.• puttin' a poor fellow to prison -let me go 3110 costa nothing, amd is *00staed7 altred- lair Salmond. Un' olker i i cmmuaud,anxl- mow, an' I'll never darken the doors of your ed with pkaaun. Be wt dtsuuura•+ed nes to sl.nrtnn IF.c tun to ellgna }any as house again u sure as la flame's-' with the feit1k•snem-tam cot.!nes', tb.1 mar h:t, W11 1.n- tile, Irand d more oa tan has ' A%lute 1' asked the landlord. cruelty or the treachery of ,naukisd�tLis leer 1." eueg and tilt) -four persona hare • Am' whit was the home ye read nn the too, is file dr t s..{a of the picture, sed I lost 'heir lives in consequence of his teu,en- paper 1' asked Mike. behind it there is mnca t',:.t i• goo !--m'se6 Iy. Al norm as tiw s core{struck opts the • It's no matter -I'm mare he's the chap,' that is generous--tn•:e'u that may Inc a,:si►- own euhe rstf 'ter Yeas ' ao were reat ib. sad, the landlord; ' don't yeti think so l' ed. Ths very wont of ware have soma ! el m m. tie loner troop-deck o '1 Lein ads to- addreswg himself to the crowd who had redeeming q•:llity; and, in thy ju•1_ carat of Aspl it s fs:r, aloin they were spared the gathered in the a poUhy f•-llow-s"Ill•, baths" the Land sl'l terrible agony of the nest twenty .11.10' s ' 1 e*, was the response. (piglet the evil, and het thy rtirstu^.e of the I at kart t;.e rat toner of deblh was leas pair - In less than half on hose the landlord's character ever leap to the •id.; of mercy. �l than wit tithe n, n kers ere float Annudi- tic', and team was at the door, sod Mike was order- llamas nature is colons sic ie.' u barium, 1.1a.• sou, ,p av he i to er endeared by air ed to get aboard. with tete law o(kiudnes', and Doe -kilt of 14 ,bark who were prowling round the wreck ' Gare yc'II give m0 a drop of (Inc eta- biller boort-bwc.n4' of the h(,:".11 faewiy Prom the element the eh;p !truck, e1) ep- ther, bail Alike, 'afore ye take tee out into spring fro... Iu glec t or viols m, of ilio taw. peso to have bees dot* that human revel°• the Gold weather.' Let thy cant n 4(1 be to 4o as Tech Vinod a� cr coulee-* could ebrert. 'rhe soldiers w 'les, said the landlord, onkriag his boy and as little evl as she ci:' o„i•tance cI (19 "ore mwt.•reJ sew the s1,:r leek. i'i. "ore rt of Biel NI ens *ler r area ib . to set out the decor ler, rase ..ill vow .l) i email--aa'1 ''•.y ao d.>sg Ibe in;lace of life. 7•i:e men (1) into I3era'� to the health of 7e; J Mike thou inayeit reieore sissy a difficulty,' *'reel i, as o., 111. pantie hro0nd. ' as' may (Inc blessed \ irgin part,.et ye and soothe lazily • seas, Lad alleviate mie 1. were toll -off into relieve, awl sent save ye from ever bels' w my attire- "aerial; to thy ow -creatures. art .dt., t he el. �ptain Wright.sieto the el AO d oleo avowedly, reap a b barrrsl of mteafar t.r a tion: first re,r(;apl, who tto . *3 tb The ligeor wee drank, and Mika and tlx and weirs:mt1 for thyself. Life n out . dreadful ,ccnr.t•Cs as: lautsi • Jird started ofi for toe town from which alI 5+o+1+me. 1.5 mod, o(N liar M aadr ! }:eery roan d11 as be was 4 reefed, or - t brae bad boos sleeks. en, if prolrnce end wisdom are sadered to' there wa. nM • rh ora murmur ems' &tate. Bet there is the ssyatery of tbedw ost;l 11.' res.tl rthde ber heal ph'' Derisg else firm pert K tie jo,r.e.7, maw, areal w- 1 endd e t site 5117 indiciJrl . hard' Mille was eteeedsary tseitern, slid the snare/emu; sad O, young did more then aantbar. All'. nveired leaked was not dispose to disturb Ism I• it is the a ithrrini, petal! reset herr of bfe ! t! aces,. and had them carried osl in Ohm N se lime w*i.it flee from death. for I gore we'-. etsb.etMg im.teed of go gmdihtioea. 'Chez had prneetd•d some .e pc,w,med i the bottom; there eras mkt iii. iii' THE IRISHMAN'S STRATAGEM. Mi!.e Maliony was an Irishman, crery whit;but then he was a shrewd Irishman, and cbta::ced more money and cold victtl- als by Lis wit than by hard labor. In fact line was determined to make this country what he had been told it was before he cause over the • watber; a place where a man could 'lire aisy.' It happened one day that Mike, who bad strayed up irtto the country, was auxious to reached a railroad depot. His legs were weary, and though be had partaken of a substantial breakfast from the well spread table of a hospitable farmer, the idea of travelling miles before nightfall, had little charms for a lazy fellow like hits. Mile bad travelled about half a mile, when he observed • large handbill posted on the sign -post; and, though not much of a scholar, he managed, after spelling (Inc hard words to read as fellows 1 STot.E:v.-A man calling himself Wil- liam McClain, hired of the subscriber, a gray horse and Concord built wagon, for the purpose of going to Kingston and re- turn the same day, but has uot been beard from since. Said McClain was a small man, pock marked with a sear under bis eye. ' That's me,' said Mike,' barren' the sear and that's aisy made.' Mike jogged along to the tavern enter- ing with a down cast look, took a seat be- fore the fire. In a few minutes, be beard a whispering among the inmates, and felt that the pros- pect for a ride was not so bad as it might be. Soon the landlord entered, and after whispering a few mom-nts, be tapped Mike on (Inc shoulder and said- ' Where's your horse my good fellow r Horse, said Mike looking up. Yes, the horse you hired.' • Sure, am' the owner has him; ye t be added to prevent the Tb, seam shall aye on: meat from taking up too muck' alt. The Bi'itFht glory crowns, ted ,*lour sbislds tendency a fur the meat to take up salt and Th. land when 1 war bots. exclude its owe juices,, thus (saving • hard, dry fiors, penetrated with salt, 10d about se nutnctoos sed fit for a tette u a boiled beel•tep! We five • receipts ver preeerviag beef, one which we bad tested. Let it be thoroughly cool, but not fro - see, sprinkle the bottom 04th. barrel with "leaf Turk's Wand .alt, pack the pieces and sprinkle salt sad Is this wooer fill the hens). Add to this el* pounds of clean brows sugar, spriokld epos the meet u you pack. Thin process is only for the cold weather, r.gnire• but little salt and the bar- rel most be kept in a tool place. As soon u tbe weather becomes warm enough to af- feet the meat it must be token our, washed in cold water and pot into sew brine rufci ently street to prettrr* it, adding 4 lbs. of sear, with cloves and slippiest, If desirable. The following is the reesipe of one of the largest beef peckers in Qniney Market. - Thr. pecks of Terk'e idssd salt and four poasde of sugar to a barrel of beef. Ile uses the three pecks of salt besides that seed le makleg the brisk. -New Mislead Far. /mod et the mist ! where dausties. b.aox First rest the Papal veil - Where covesa5* hymns, from glens and rocks, Came floating oa the fele-- Where martyr boots, o piles of fin Sy Papal v.ngeanee torn, Fey truth epee your steam expired, Great Iced where 1 war born. Hail, lead of sear when eremitism Isaide Have tuned the heavenly lyre; Where Tassabilt'a soft stream are heard To Weed with Bare's fre- W here Smits n peerless splsader Wood, Aad Hogg sweet tumid his been, TIIl echo swelled tbro.gb wood sad glee; Bright tied where i was hors. Laud of my rev.! laud 0f my joy! Laafl wham my life begs.! Lead when 1 rambled when • hey, Aad engem when a meal - Lead whore the eagles cleave the sky, Aad mew the wertd with soots, PB breathe your same is lifi. last sigh, Dear Med whet. 1 was bore. AGRICULTURE. These shiftless and lmpeedeet Mho. wits r beer the aereer7 ep. ad the pot b�sihI(t with gram soggy. weed, *redirect- ed to fl. Merreedasefts Plewgk'a'n of lest aerie k,► • plow. -•After sew jedle rue *5mart0, tie editor Omagh, sad barrows les readers octet the fellewisg fashion:- " Men pNNeephere boss told ate pvbli4 hew mesh .bog loess by Musing geese weed -they ague tit beat *sough meet M ted bytbe dry ktaddsg• is Apel l w mere be die r" sties of used b.f."' a eta he oap•eted from thea ...set ewe mw`•�M_w much test is evolv- ed le the etea�ibeteenee from its gees used! AM l wutieeerbar•" west M right. -Tei "mei dd rare bore a metol est gree weed llai y911t J1�e bare "gime 7Hbe5511 melee tree Medi • thing wee a sea* " Ns Dais! of el itry,_ `w• d will rides the inirerN.sWIN whether Is lib gjg••s1 * .d eb 'yes it will Mama haw W slasesplawe; rad Were ihet- Joao sweeter, meet be emperehihikites6 6. re of by dm • aftag'���� I Irlrat the a. Vusem« Oft It yMwDi `heat ar Mao ...h !mt 1. r air eta omoblwlmi Rollo, Nathan; continued he to himself 'what's come to you, man! Don't you know a sixteen foot aligator from a tree!' He had stretched out his foot, but for- tunately, or- t I before ratting it down he poked fired, followed immediately by another. The effect they produced was magical. The growls and cries of rage and fury were exchanged for howls of fear and complaint the Orators withdraw gradually into their tuna a y, 0 0 what he took for a log with the batt of his native mud; the birds new in wider circles Che supposed bl h -O of wood gear` around; the unclean multitude were is full gun. way *little, and the old squatter, throwing retreat. Dy degrees the virtuous 001x0 himself back, was within an inch of ptisluug died away. , Bot our torches bad gone out, me into the swamp. and, all uonnd to was black as pitch• Ada, friend!' said he. not in the least , In Grod's same, ore you there, of l man; d t d you thought to sarcumvett asked I. t+comcer e , honest folk with 700r devilry and rum- a "What! shit alive t' he reill ie l wit a Dim ' far (bit jarred unpleasantly upon my ' What n the matter 1' asked I. serves,' and the other Ilrid.st.cr too ! I ' Not much the matter; lie replied, draw- told yews were ant done. These brutes lag his knife from itis' sheath. '014 an defend themselves if you attack them upon alligator; there it i, as lin.' their own ground, and a single shot is suf- And in (Inc place of the log, which bad ficient to bring them about one's ears. disappeared, the jaws of a huge alligator But when they see you're in earnest, they Med before us. I raised my gun to my soon got tit ed of it, and a couple more shots shoulder. The Yankee seized my atm. sent among them generally drive thein away ' Don't fire, whispered be. ' Don't fire again; for they are but senseless squcalin so loog u you can belp it. We ain't done cieatures after alt.' bee This well do as well: be added, as \\-Eliot he spoke, the old map struck fire, Te Rowenae a tiers Assures. -Take of aimed geetwn root este fosrtb reser, fresh lessee and or•mge each, ase ounce, and macerate is a plat of boiling Ovate', and .set; -thou a4d denture M rhubarb, ase cosec, eoapoI.ed titmice" et cardamom, hall an ounce; spirits red lavender, o fuwth e1 es wee; loaf sugar, two oarless. Dose, small wis••gksw full early a the storming. _Tie Fisc. r .- d drove bis long knife and 'it are of the torches. At - into the ligator a eye. • frigIitfOl bowl, ted Imbed violeutly with here, continued he. ' Aad sow forward, its tail, beapnmklies us with the Week quickly; for the sun is ret, oat we hove still slimy mod of the swamp• some way to (0.' ' Take that!' said the squatter with a .\nd aygaio he ted the march with a shill grin smile, 'and that. and .bat!' stabbing and confidence in himself which earh mo- ll Ise. -n the neck and meta ineressted our relieve germ him. At - Ile stooped down, an o e 1'be Monster gave ' Luckily we have rather better footing Mwber of stela is •given fsaetity, owl At spare thy .711 sew. -1 oz of parsley • seed bee is A 16,900 •.N.; end a r',ot tor, of u is •s ant(► far m..1e( s drill 00 yards lea/. er salsas reddish seed °Detains 1, . 920 reedit, sod will .w, lwesdeeet, a bed assuming 10 urs lards. 1 ea. ofsoma seed casters& 7,006, ant, sows broadesat, wfIl .flee for 14 'memo rude of trommet het, i1 sows s. ant*. led) be eieugb far 90 drilla, WWII 4 virile long, w abevet 114 mews 7irde of retied. 1 setas A dour- .misted ewer( bdeey -bes.s *mines 'IgM ssshq wireb are rough 10 our 4 rev, •aeb 7 yard. in.g. 1 plat W s meet ronere **stain 904 seeder sal le meemtgk fee 4 rows sob she porde 1 Wetlee Itiegbt'm Dwarf swarms gess e.wedwe 1,1M seM. 1 pfst a Early War. IAN ��ee99ae pen, 6,H O. 1 p.. 0f rr�wsnba Blrmm `ay ems MM them pieta user. $ retie. •eai 4 tarda, as the lager pas require b the brute repeatedly Te the ribs, .hila it writhed sed snapped furl- ter proceeding in this mam;er for shoot coaly at bin. Thee, wiping his linin, M hal( se boar. we saw a Idle light Ftimmer stock it w M belt, sot: looked keenly Med in the di•tan: c. ewetisusly around him. ' Fire minutes more and vier troubles 'I've a notion there must he a tree (reel are over, int now is the time to he r*aGOen ►areaway; it isn't 3k first time I've follow- for it is 0n the bond'** df thea earned e.' ed this trek, There it u, but.e goodno , sic .i a wiy raptness to rid Myself oligatorntw.t love to gee more Cost of.' And so saying, be the -* a dry land, f Wereely beard the lashes's • ' There is near eget d ns, tend get a Linea ver., orae, Cried i. t d the Tory. Suddenly I felt water Store. • i ser it glitter.' little M free laced el feel, Wbst en call water is a log, tm whirl 1 had I p Pooh, water '7 ire wa under we. I lid scare'[) line aaaltes Come es. [ v 1 ww. M flay I lssitated, ala a shudder rem. oar ga rail .t' Hdt i• vibes e► d ssheeet was .r -pots is tM swa'57. with •very hew► ws-T!s apt m � stood peel of Milking deeper. book die oa miles wyp ?tithe prn onkel k to wow, yes, mates Oise er 1 _.� 1 w� .ww a*ry timbres+u a wi/img ems, bet it wee ever es ,you wiM brt7 es: said the aid tease r A: •int rtTD�s�t Wg tM jnl. urs- v l,tauaa il. slaiw hs dsAace' T1' j t►efa + *D aaiaD yt.w6sfltr betWi inw cashes mid ti n venins/ oat .aril u las , rd st the acnes ism tttpimr ter ad 3ilr R"r• «the Ito+. 4 1�ws ! o.i % tai f ee at* sii the'onat5. ani..+ 1M dsa8sol � 4 Im ebsfbt ams try tk1 t Tw 17 k r_ s s+IIjIMr !rem 1 Aweariamm mils% were vire Sieg• 1 amd alaghted u *lett' os words- and all the st.ppiag plum user a waw p1... t lie's i be0te0 1 t 4 .♦ testeme, iTi ,r`.. a wn.