Huron Signal, 1852-04-22, Page 2D ,'.., ' ,. . • . i - •� - + HU$O,-t- SIG1' ► 4 om op Aim" ftd bam thi. y l ptteasay ad the well beLo of m fellow. a herr rods distant; he &we= cwt and rgered i see bootee x.i••+•� M air /� ate e�eaway M A ; w 4"06eae, tspea Lle said ta tbS reedy is pay tr+branet, ani tAat an wt- V g J 1 t blessing ray it not r"s M lbwmesds ■ ! ll• IetR alnse rice l•d. . Jos ��e +e swish, lard J. ltummil . . 1 w ds °ot temYt le re-way,aw the c a, s lave was to be eusea►yme& a irrrws. 'Phis was the Cagtala. - � - beatlpttrD of seelefi• [ ]] +�eMpNj• But, oa am eve � a Poster the ru%L4c w of this Iloesse. Yurr deprecate i e. runt den erotrs to the sweets thee. Md One of Ira ter brak.ia.-1 Tett 1�tcaa UAbLsrwr--Nsitra rsor Bntan, is AmeeM� r lather puts d poposed to take a !tale ie smnjy lo► tot of the lend-[Cbooa.� 'rhos the 1) a TI[E tl'IwBel. •fielowd clerk was aceifikedy hi t � Nor sadervasti that the !list' list world, that"mom a ceet Idea, owave EpO. i % lkat bis Position 014016 tarso Ina•- a perind nen you will br of Buccisx►. wM eine" • eed with Lord 'f Lr wen bwll w ed. EJtttLaitD.— . + lrsgeor r*,tjae jasee�s. � � - �,_.y��M' �a y � I eglnh mai! has broul;hl advices from Ddr. I I'rnny Yuatage, has w Aetiagrishs/, and has W Ilnl coarse testoid tl e a n.ua t, rh act sat , llerbr r to lbs p•OPs w y of n wptieiy 9lauas DraasTsu ♦top Lws ts/ �'a"'e'm �� lxouykt ons of t4er up to I I' to learn that Int "MO'10 N"w Rispwdar tricks, " 3twlti uwal terminal;un. I Late me• mcuruy t"t - the cors Lsws, sow dclrrs free Lia tela I Lars. -The int wtetki�eace of the aelw ♦Y� bt land both ul bis I1 bt 4 it Lb l'W credit nr.er Stood+ r E , w most nt e a e g at i i Eo B to we sire nsj> wrtfbivlid eavprsryt i„ „ ret well calla 1'ariiaet, est l r:Ler J,hect• nr,'u with respect w the rrsluretioe of �vO- 7% other cod" sot be leos.e se" It to it dos► at pre Nat. 11 afrorJ w i It must mderJ be gntifyigg to bis to nes cosrC►rsrsy. aII k+d f efeets of the Ixse ale, reaeksd la:.J thea :} �,i IeDger leer ,. tkt iy'" ARJ :+it. lt. 1'sol t!I r w" "istieerty I te, flue. [Ilrer, Leu.] 1 bate tal of g preh.bk that Le mull rut rocurer. '1'Le that Lis IaL,x. u this clow ere sends sp- a 1 ha 60 scold pat rise sats tlrs moreieg, aaJ its• writ' sddruuur! atiftalioa to bs abM to sU2e ibmre ,r� nice i' !'shoes Jne ? k 1�0 yourself to J..bulve Ilio' dsln and treat Eves, allow ase sow to tall I P,Wesce of the *C44M •event of pridjerce alit enplcSiw 'tan M C°° \lr. 1 maks autici sten so difficult iu Preciated ; soul the beet astiauuy of this q pamotable fic-4oa Carliarvieat wirb the 1c,,t ,:hit dela ear attestios to tic roar ela.seb a that y "cuff" from the fact that a I&ge Piece of ua ' such urn esseuts as will ensure I that be desires in the meantime, is hearty, �4 *A •To7 Spoils of Caa.! , he and Ball a.rw I'a'liau.e4lptogethrr ian ' ewrNrt of wi,i.6 the Dake of Buccleuch u I s10Nrri' 1'hE gist ir[wmrattae wan nee of file bollen wee Wawn lrrrlf-a-nsde, �wfi g. �t I aw+lulel 1 wiN o one Pat r tilt votes' Dee of the m.rt wa til a. Le is one of the b -mill l frwa Coiaret that fonooe°. '1'Me lac La 5 or 6 ards, from the wre.k !- thv $Pcrdy coo.trucuuu of lbs f:reat'rrunk aqd energrlie attics, iu Driagiog the public perces ta etsiaw all deaominativDs, qct from y� P' P y' long 3larit•1, of u.clfeot, C t M les, from g y y hf°l'g m;i.d to bear oo the immense advautages to llbe ReaerA or ' ,Ilia!! be, sat fur ►is atwutits, tut LiJy L.r greatest. proprwrlors. I Lave before ae , likilts bothes were Wows into •cors tical tin le from l 64I' t bout lbs ave iutetories, Dut from scpc ,. l3l Mary's l:a., for Bwtw w, et os to' fire kat th u( the !'iu,wce. K•t hate ptDer imi�lDatJ morel. 1'Lrre \ Chain flute mouths, (Chtecs.) But "Let is ,Ione ttalt,tr•s of the tows of Giasguw, Coba"i t rocks home Bole data file at wee diataeee from IW water. Araoe . teases d believe that action has bets taken Le JerireJ from this object. naris, . k the course wbicb 14r (inte nal, at are a to of pelikiw" io a mot arWestic term, is 1)Ir. %rd wort to pieces, All AuaJ .ere lwt ! ; �m �'m °f � 6`ot sad tilted tagirters• t� t Sudraa l•urrrgme4t to rttwrr tilt By an extended interchange of com- trelsa~('vatirm coa'msterey. Ile to take now! -and tLis b, was ac to tin i .-frue6 s Sonia! Jt4d4JI&e cf G440- 1'be people of Carroltw end flit rscaey I L7 P P , e5aupion of�lrnle:taniva offers She had a ear of naval starts, cosiauia 2 cosuueecrecet of tilt whole here wilhis a muutcations between the eo le v( Britain speech of the right hua. grcl!eman I%it.Iguw:-- Po g Ikisrri." w tit scene, seal ' 5 deed end' b latish i of 1,706 bar"Is and 500 hidcs,and i hake I err short riod.-[ "of&e Gugette. and this country, our familiarity, and know- 6tastsits kuMMBrertt oat !'operJ, l;ere is !!ernes]. The pleb! Lon. ,(t unease 1, .. Tt n ftwed tint entre has been t gro- of dew chits. ♦ weaoraadra of llle ee I wounded baJims wen ioitrrtllesdy base to 1 ore fletort of et Ir tele sotto *bout to wort. in fres da; s ur a I.,rtai*Lr fur P' I a small faro -[rouse os the top of the W! - _- _-- --- lease of eaJ others wants and difficulties, ° P , ` rted mem- the renewal of the East laJia Co.'s Clar- dwl srltstitutsew ofwheatem bred ul eat- tats we& fosud as the beach at Colo el. I . hc.a ilii.;aq Coca tLcir systcro: ha did nioi ter. A la •h. i� tut a mrhn•_k Medi Smoot our populafam. iq sin years, '1 hw wreck h. eoa•tietel larders wasch risen back lto the nytr, rod which 1a , maul" currespopdient would.e ; retry Ca- ter ] a!y % "► I mss eoeverted tufo • bo•pitaJ. The io- _;; Dadian co::rspootieat would adrocate the wail to a true !R30 to 1`t15, ier{tuife, tilt atera�r 'rM targe of th !!!noel was inwred io aNk Jbr6tiaaa; but est any parte Sett act thitof (h ibis! es d too, is tat Seem! im"po:U were -wheat, 1;1=,157 this city, and a portion Of the brig also.-- , mates g, dais hurt gave up tlirir rooms+ aJral n wbith'thu country hol"s nut to of profs+slll)r (Ghrbtiaee• but it r well kttOwc, �ecntary of clic C'utue;.•s dt•elarieg that , bedJia,q, and ererythwj aR thou peaoseasios, 1 , he entertains the stror est o,miOas that gw�es, 6'e-, 107,0:1 -sacks. From IS" About 200 barrels of rosis and lar ante to the suferis . Plat scene factor beggars the industrious settler; sat that, apart from fbit obs f'roteslaut churches enerall Jap t; i io 111513, asmul avers a rt.--wkeat been • icked u o° Los Reach. g g y liar recent r,)Iky relative to the wear dw a 21 p g I a deacripuuo- The mangled mail glt sal tl ( T T toe Seta! ure .1y co !et. n the NLich it i+nate 1'l0aery as the anti-cLrwtisa roof"', tics is onjustifiuh:r, and be has siren seek. 149,633 ingir a bow, 11, -tri seeks. A large barque, with the a Gli f, away ( carps" by the side of the woerdled and HURON SIG��I A + " would i snored y confer oD lbc susses of IwJ Rjean Cat4ul:es believe all I'roteat• iitg to serine the fumll.rr ndecti•.s is eke 11;:II.-wsKlr year, whteat,389,1) .. year- n el .n.h.Dr Df the 5ecoad!:filo Scitu t d ie with ma uate medical lid anJ au:d :u be herOl;c> and J a ProteN act pro- ten; lour, 333,139 sacks. la M19 1(12 - ate. A parties of ler cargo, 18 baits of i y g' ' i maeliuJ, it would eldwblless prune ti,e Lcat , duty upon e.11mr WW4 is to take place On O- • escape fur Itre care of foe latter-Iht loon TIiURSDAY, APY1L 2`2, 1852. the 3tb of Js! [ Ile thinks err .oli rc- 'y settees luares were bakrJ ween eaten, wap lased a rho bta:b. The U,t edea st, in Txcl m ever war the most r,tt s to endow Popery, or rete "for t y I y rhnwin about 3 lbs. of bread for each indi- steamier It, B. Forbes has hate meat to of the room+ carerrd deep with blood: this I ) 1 ttlaa.irbo propoa;s to do so, he w•• prdin3 the colonies is ruinous st it agenda, vidusl,tihe pnpulatioo of the city then Le- Ler relit!, and the view of the scattered wreck, and THF PUBLIC LANDi3--$I:'1"TLE- rj'i='tr^t c,ni8r,tnt ugrnt t!ut rou:J be ( that everry] stn we have tsl.en ii indcfenii- the awe-strick-vs multitude, os Ate soon bIEN'r- EMMIGSATION AND ( rn; loycd ; and we have yet abundanr•e of Mcl'berson) can lave ue II"sitatiou , L,t.--�[IHr. f And et br the llirtister ing 140.000. Asitum•l; a population of The light ship of Minot s Ledge, wm below, made r a scene of borrur befon ztR.. e!urgins 4i:n a recreant from Isrotestaolisia, of tt a flown, apd they ed with the er W�'ih� cow deporedeat w dw Ulasgow are told, rode out tht 6a;e is safly, and m wkirh the wtensrat inti. of 'cue' a4d PROGRESS• - room a l aaads for the sur?l :s population marlet, it arewa that the ase of bread has shred as hes atstioo tbu scrota I of err I'athtr-IanJ. In thew Count:cs + ? ant'oil ofcoanicnec a:,d nazi:leonthat teclinp of the eoloaial interests, centeses d'. Dickens a sad ow Aim. '1 he neer iso a sew coapt ulation''aad settle - Mr;' P t JOUJIC .a l;lae•ow tinct IS/ , auJ we at.- l'Le sltoaarr 5t. Lawnete, wbaah kh n> P°P dupe, we would trilling! accommodate to his own views, is re aped,"ith;,ut mak o for soave distance eloN Corrcltos wa e y ¢' point; end, oat the other hand, if a ILomaa in> as effort to allow that eflurt to corse i rice at as averr;t weekly consumptwo of Portlaud at. Monday createg at 7 o clock, strewn with the fra,w ill$ of the bwt, fur- meet form the first condition of pregrev. I a few thousands, grid we are bold to say, Ca;ti is pro?v>ct 1. eulaw Protistae flee, into operation, and whrn be bas tate opiuioq I hreaJ amowetir� to 9 Ib,. for trees inlubi- Lad a very i.tway aoJ utigerors ,►as&•gm, I niture sad clo(Ling. ,maq pieces of b,e[d- W" a country is comparatively young,I that nu part of Canada possesses Letter o: cuntinue aacb euJua•meut, or vole for of one of Lis colleagues that • ate of this tant. N. B. 'I he necessary luxuries of tea, and did not reach this port h!1 about 7 and clot!:' were focal at the mi,- LL•e Canada, one of its chief Sources of P , ar, and molarses bate increased io cue- o clock this mornia About twelve o'clock g r e wtiud aJrRntagrs, nor is better adapted the eau who woulJ do, w, he (Mr. 11cN.) hind when once �takea ii irrecocablr. , i' ranee of eery nearly (nal. -a -tai a ha.k from strew+til firs io those accretion which it is C Leers. \1 hat does this meant What sumptmesieeej816,tea 3:5,351 Iles; agar era l►leoday eight, when shout hit -way river, while the trees ala the shore for Sgnculturd pu:poscs, Wtp the United Das li;ac Lcsitatiup iu propouaciag Liu re- ) 5 610 toe • molasses 923 toga. Ixtwets Thacer's Ls1asJ rod the Ink of cuastant! receivin from a ration. - u the i:ar-nticn of Qie Govermncpt as it is ' a' ' wen litlercd with the frsementa of the >• ss � Ccuuttes of Ituroo, Yerth wJ Bruec. creast from Ice prioci,,les. lour We ' :mals, she eaewutered a trtisrodutss It, therefore, becomes u object of the ` r io:hcated by til: arbumeots of its members 1 Thum, with a populahon of 140,000 in same and of the wreck ! } I Let us not however rest sattsised with rt., res-atatire, -1t.. Earle thtrre.orc, is u, snow storm, the wind Wnwis.- a hurc►eane, Goveruwent to Loll cut to em; •cauls such 7t. The ri,;ht hon. gentleman (Mr. llerrie.) 1810, the eonsum?tion of brc&J was aboet - the fact flat our traus-atlantic friends are flus sal d.l;ma,: he ww forfeited of dl true has adverted to the havi ati m IMI. 1 will sed the ore rnaeing very Itigh. '1 be weaW- FIRE IN BOSTON -1.088 t300,000 .' d 31b. lex seek inditiJiul, wlile sow, with a inducements n toe ma retest, withaut Yrplestanta by T osin•• to endow 1 o r not weary the Ifouse with statistical but 1, o ulation of 600,UW the avers •o weela et. was so thick that she colloid tot make a t - J J P I mooing is this seater and err cone- P _P a ' i Ii ( P P y as r4aalural riolaUoa of eccrine For am re ued to show tD h;m thane ip alas iP*bor, Red ,►e ivy with Ju.t strRq eseagh I A few minntw ►.lure 1 o'clock tbsaavra- 1 J' I Jeai of saecs,ss. A:1 .t,apnca is iotercst- `t and, he lana fol-Itited file cuofideace of all P P eoawm�tioa a bread i. Wb. (or earh t.Ji- as to beep her under coslrol, tin 10 leg, (Mareb 31) fire eanilit is the "fill- rouse lesson or another emi.-Cation has ear the tonnage inwards an•! muwarls has vi4u%l. !noel cheers. But have mr de in th a cause -we is Canada, base a true %alma CatLlah" by proposing to coo- increased, as cam pared wirb the two anle,e- p ' O'clock last saght. hurieg the gale, nee w• st eoreef o. Twto^fat'Cew.p1., ass a lest nther tater► the direction of the Uciicd dee uteruat iD it, aaJ each has a duty to i ergbboera lust tJ,til thrifty hxDils T !lave Of the deck Made, s,Ra,d James gate 1. ae ao 10lor tM peon etrueiuro w.e ie SUtes, that of Canada fur the W(I rlorm in u:iv;n fur iu sane olisbment. line the eudovirmeats of Prolestanistn in Pon, dent scars; sad, parr one except;oral year, IDty teased to lay by scmethiug itoa tacit was wr►ed overboard whale trying to lash Init,e. About trot dcldek tan cool fell ie, pr g , t fast. But !:,ere u aaother feature in tial• which was the highest ere, knuwo, tae ton- wagesi-The•sceounts of the (;Iasgow sed w %boat half as ►our the South wall to:,, fourteen ears. Before that Da outwarJs this oar u lar ter roan ap ;: neon of elle beat 1ls mss area to Swig 1 I Sucb bong lbs east, le our voices at oecc ; political eondeat of your sail represents- 9c y aviap Banks ,. show an increase, suece toward % bah of o0sdt whiuh had beta sotwaroily, upon r:• w..( act a low build at nod, the emigrants from Britain to y,.ar prectling. [Ci.eers.] 'i'Le right 1841, of the number ofdr ositorsof 16,110 b adj.psise, sod Soon 'be frost fell dsmily a I be heard u petition to file throne, the ore which be (3Ir. llleP.) tburght shoulJ l P thrown overboard, but foe era was" high into t►o street, when the builliat•wae •n- Kurth Amenia, the tnajonly came to I Lords, and Commons of Brittain; and to lino. geatlewu views with jealousy and re- and of funds of £33i,ilu 1Js. 1J.; sad so aid eodJ be rtro fere) Lim. I!e was ver Yroriacial Lt�istalure, t :a ucery arail- dam-kV him in tie estamaliou of all the trete draso:loked. Cacada. it would SLOW u obvious nos- ! . , a gree tilt fact that, wL;!e our louuag*e is in- since 1150, of 1,898 depositors, sod £ti0,- about 30 Jean of age, and leaves a wife 7'Mro wso a rotor at one tin0, thst me I lavers of justice.. It is well Lnown that no creasing, the tonnage of other ccuntries i, 03{ 5s. 9J. Gompa: lug at the two per- I in this city. The payseDgers made up a wenl persons Lad been tither kited or ver apprec;atioa of the various causes t!;it Lace d also increasiO 1'ut when we a ,cued the tools of the census tLe number of de ositon y able indueeee may be broogat to bear iu I'rettbylerise miaiater, act no `rs :I)ister of g ! P rse of 50 for her. b•dl it fired, but' o fat w we eo,.W !rare !,ern at work were we to attribute this � . i im arta anJ, et arts we were aware that with toe a ,allot it a era that m 1511 Pfl y 1 tall btLaf. AcJ w eO it u oblaiced, we ally Prolivalast iiiswaLing coamuwty, ran P p P I ppe There were about 250 paswen„en ob only sno porous was ulmrpd, George Fit►, result to any one cause, however potent is will th, m feel satialied that we have done ' le�all soltmeiu tsarriage in tLu twat I Would be the case. [ifear, Lear.] But there ,vas 1 depositor toerery 21 inbabi beloo te to Nu. 7 of Cearkstowa, who a ., 0 7 b renewed and ineresxd duhea anon im- ttnh, whereas in 1851 !here was 1 to ever board, moat of whom Safered r ry muco roan .it. tb•dl io rind b lbs f+thp of iM itself. But cf the various causes that have l y ' 1 from sea sickliest, Durin the a I 1 y 1 y g our duty. Olio frieeds iu Canada are just I \n taattar about his learaing, piety, pope- ports the riLrot bon. gentleman would seek. 12; an" carrying out the comuarisoa be- I s � f;outb wall. ILe left leg was brt,le, and he bees at work, there is one which &lands I codmeacing to bestir these cites, anJ w,itL it larity-so matter how reguhsr ha call rod to diminish our imports, and he would be- twcen the amount of funds at each period, I apples` beer, wasythrown overcboard todease ,rut opoo tris ►ur,{di test South u relic out couspicuoku among the rest. Wa us in IiurO», it u surely not too late to br- appoiatment to o18ce,-till be fust go to nefit the shipowner by icuposin4 fresh fit- and tau rclahre popu.atiOn, lbs results are, the boat. At nee o'e10xk last bt few 1 gin a 6roeaJ work ; we thtreCure say taut ` P 12s 3d for each inhabitant is 1341, acid °b Trm foo r oo wopeb the wall hal bel the hero out alma s agora, d e w! (aeilities to I ten o0 our ex orfs to the irrctnerable din- P t p 1 1 q the Regi+iry tact of the county in which' aster of the shi in-, interest. Chet n. oe board Iho bt they would ever see til! luckily escaped the (alone /otos. setticueut with the United States. is £1 Ss. 9d. in 1851. o much for the e a anatter of su.h importasee to all par- � hes 1611i•:iattx--takes res onsibl a rtics with I F [ ] nu ly, e. boat brie spe most the Borers! cars l won !waft tut as i bouts- fact we hate not taken any very dkciled' r P Pa is he, a ".Iiuisler o experieo. e, prepared vying progress of Glastow, rs i!luslrated i ,d, but we tae leers of au ul►er ear:ore ia- ties, We foci justified io antuiFatiag a spcn- manbly, sad the pasxpgm sneak ie the . . Lim to testifyAlsat he is what he professes! to ON a change of policy T Ile says o. No• by this est::blisL•metit." Cheers. I not ones. steps to bring oar t"lertur Iamis into aun- t � (` ) highest ars ms of prise of toe conduct of 1 taneouS ata united et3ort oD tlrc part of P -take an oath of allegiance to Her 11ta,es- I appeal to the forbearance of the House. only say, with the Duke of Buccleuchrthat Tremont TemplR ao Ls well!ksow5, wo les Capt. riwrtevaot apd his ofu ars and crew. het. Choice hies a sa on the Goutier of the our citizens, is behalf of Ocean Penn [A gas.] Was such a thing ever beard there u touch d.n er in attem tin to re- fora.erly tf.r hums a(t►e deem•, banal bores t 7 t tud ays for and ets a ertificate d g T S For "lobe hors file en riscrr worked the I count within a rrabonat.e distance of y' 4 g C of, that a l3overoment eeterlauun bwn terse our resent ccm:nrrdia! tic LuL I e e butte ass tLet6tn a 1897, sad w•a °sed u , 7• j•°st�• Ids Be pia To these de d forrnAi f P Pn y+ engine by hand, sot daring to put om meam. I such until 1843, when a was sold to the these great lakes which form our interna! 11 t ate of o anion Wet the or-aniutwa e fay g*a lag opinions apJ political tie as rhoulJ net take saJ that there is wmtthisg more trembling u the sea was so roe *h. About 10 P b tie+, a priest from Raton or Nspies, or a Ibe bold step cf Dries ag the;r measures be- in the balance than either corn laws or no • Haptutr (or ptsbhs Wuahip fort1f66,000. It highways, arc vdaable, and should be sold Postjite curate from Oxford is Dot re uir- ' o'vlock test ni ht it began to clear up, and I wap fisted as St pretest at as extra espesse of Zhe Sons of Temperance, now so et - q fore this Ilcau and if it rejected them, corn laws, import duties or no import du- leucin after the boat was headed for its des- ' of $16,0(+0. 'rise depth of the kwldlat wan at corresponding rates. It Lea always ap- tre,nely spread over the cruatrr, might, t.'. to submit. A member of the last Par- should fail to advise Iler Majesty to give ties. (Hear.) If the resu:t of our di,wo- filiation, and reavlaed the cit about 7 1 135 feet; width io frost 78 feet; width is eared to ata a defect of the Americans s- effect to their policy by disw1ving Parlia- lotion of Parliament should be a ma ori! in y rear, W test• corer as arms of„11,310 P y It the atrly, tale up that wbj«rt aD.l Sivc L uuent (the Hon. J. H. Bonttne, he 1 7 o'deek Lois morn ag. I tem du osis the ublic lands tlwl lltrJ. i meat. [CLeml.] Is it a fact, as was favour of a reversal of that policy in which The steelber R. B. Forbes left that ort feet. p g F , it the w tole wti„ht of their united mAii- thou�..t,) seciag the injustice of this law, J stated by the Earl of herby, that our a-ri- the comfort, the interests, and the feelin s I P i The upper Temple was capable sr Sat- reduced good sad bad, distant and near, all ecce. The are in a osition to work ef- � 3 , yesterday bated, , after se dorm had i leg !0110 per6ose, sed w” 8a by W (net. y P broaebt is a measure to a.,ulish it, sad put I cultural produce is diminishing, and t�,at of Ibe people are Dound u t.,ere w;U . fx, i uahtu• and all locations, to star !reel of P, somewhat abated, oa a crtrise ;a the bey, to TLe lower ball w nos so large Use of the g fectnally iO this matte,, apd .we (rust they all denva.inatioas tees a keel iq regard W the we are reeomine more and more dependent rot eatati t your poi, a eli agaf 4 the re- I rcadar assistance to any vessel in "rebs most magwicest orrsae a the arty was ro ass tmJorm trite. In point of actual will see it their du: to do so and act im- silemaizatiot of marri e. Your late re- I opoo fortis' stalest I doubt that. 1 roil l presr4tat;ore systen, t feeling of oleo unteut I but returned n the afternoon witbowt uteet- Iiia a r hall, whit► was inured fur t,- y ' aK Pte $ nlme,jt u impossible the to dcmocntize mediate! Dot weary yo°; but I trill only say, that which it will be difficult to a[la Loud' y rescutative Mr. Ca le was the chief I g ( i mg aey who requiredm Theache. liars, 600. y y, n the roil. 1'he good is not rendered io- ____�___ P , alae" 1846, £5,,,,00,000 of public moD,J ('beers.) 1 s1,W Fie glad to bring to a dose of '_Cewburyport, Gnm Plailadt•Iphia, was ! Tben sou ae ionnote o• tbo boildiaR r. agent in opposing and preventing tLis just has beep advanced to the landowners of the the observations I lave addressed to tax Seen ",bore om I'Riasford Island, wtaere she I to ,be amooDil of 041,om. Lndod betweos trio -ally worse, nor the bad better, by I �'I'he spual sprier Show of Std - A pruimsal; eLoosino tact the dignitaries of 1 nited Kingdom lar draint,ge. [clear, llou e, but there are one or two -Pointe to I retrains in an upright position, end will be (fear o6cw—te0 iw lbm etty, ono ie flan- the reduction of all to cse unvarying price. lion came of "tarda when a number ford, one is 8alewo, and •w to Portland. I y 7, hear. 1:ycr farthin of that sum has which I must advert. I Lire beard it stat- tt"ho ace+ all bis horses at ase uniformI 1t. Lu c!r rcL sLua1J rather coDtinue in a *Ute 1 ] y g I of vB as soon as vie eau be rdiered m TW bildug seat tlourb of the Tem41e f Of beautaid saimala made Weir appearance. beep expended, noel more Les LuO resole- ed that ibis Goverumcnt, whose Folicy is' Ler carg - I of L aterui:•ation with men whom they have ' b w00 eomp!otas sauhed ,v Ite htit B. price 1 uJ yet, u lbs dilirrence in toe Io fact we world say lid ,0 from our M eJ. The lluL-e of Iticbmoud brought m a BwtcJ not ip Jrtails, but generally, to be a prom dl pa.-ts of the gauntry° we learn �,w•IIR nJ wa0 oreooied ►r 8teepher B. J gat e b.eu ace a.A*iDeJ to view a1 emissaries of bill which assed into a law, enalih the rotective a stern, are beat u on introduc_ I quality of a il7treot horses not more than limited knowled of Horses �y V °g P 1 P of the ^-eat xvtrf of tlr storm, and , Alewat, ria?n; lose 'i tweet, oyster � tont via of leen. iiiap lose any portwn of their ti- owners of eutaileJ estrtes to borrow n:cgey ens a sy.tem which the heal of the (:orcrn- !snow Las fallen in ]setae gmm�hties ztery- I avl,ros; 1irP Howe Tremont iwrket; lob• that of diJerant Lads of fouls. le point the asimals exhibited were a credit to their claavv su; erior;ty. 'There is a vulgar ally- fur improvements. and immense bums have meat in the other House described as con- 'where. Cado.es, ooliard ealtwn, and tt.a Gem of true national ececorny, it may be wis- owners. This is the first season that an -i:iti is-Ireland,-�` Ile *ad treed a" IM . borrowed ander that :acL (lieu. lire to "peace on earth, sad goal will On the Sound the Stamp raged with d- ` Teo ady•hrisi( buiid,age wore p►e,ty se- door to make fret. auto of of the Clyde limed'of Ilotses baa bees epw)s NLt Sups wi the aril:' (Ase prelatic hear.] But does eves that satisfy the de- towards men." fllear, hear.) Seskmn',�t unkaosm, fury. The steamers all Jne6�tePtewafJ'/ eu,IcsiR is orea� sour a sant locant eL15dro oC aeee d tahor- neigLMars, of bolls Parti"s, must guard maned for dniwge 1 A private cor 1 -any and awful words! (!fear.) ' Holy words!! started, from New 1 ork at "tile usual hour. teat 'an er, sod the borees lid n•n et y� I shown. :1lr. John Rah, %hevv of the aeltmst the of bo i:J of using ermust . a ut etas formed last year to fwd, money kir .(I[car. j Words of the harbingers of glaJ' 1'he ft. Riser boat, impelled by flu lurJ , Ne:e reiaRrc? when IM bre Br t ►rnkeaoot, lag under all the disa3vautages of a settle- f TaWs,b� of TuekenmiW, ahcwed a very to be t.e•-ioas, wha,e is the Presbyteriaa i Purposes o. drainafe, :lid wasctariwered to *u;nS.' and of heaveuly messengers, who `of the elemeeG to seek a harbour, end 4, The iron abutters of the Toe,,.!* probabl y I q tut so situated, whiie it would be down- fair specimen of a four years OW Clyde. - Mf/ '.IetboJlit, lfaptist, Rc., so span;el•l;l c, es I lea.l Ly act of parLameAL 1 speak in the came, wi!b brRliab un !beir :vin: , oe their i bring unable to make a port est the Swat, I .syr .I LLe stable and otherbe+ldings. I r:obt ptsiflig ry to submit to a similar rule, i1r. !loosen ljortoD of this Towp exhibit - I to lick t:k hag! o: tl i. ma T �' 1Cha see It, tree ormen of expeiienee, a='3 i say message of mer -y to naaki4J. fir, eau it i returned to Nevi York at 3 ei clock the Tilt, dtatrutuos of thio roe!• edifice other load! 1,t. t' f that, with flu re,icpt kaotvlcdgr o(rgricnl- be truly stateslt�a Nispcliry waverer of'saaie o ht. moat be looked upon o a piLL es!rmteJ, I , dtagether diLvaently eittsatedr ed a beautiful three years old animal bred Rb La,. as ere a ilave 1' Yoar choice then, i tg ai.d_ oC real ublic and m isL I.: ca a masa who woulJ not Daly ri:e t sotns sci Leeniu not buslerex these vast thace o earth, adheotld wi id to Win- The Jtonisgton train reached this city asJtits eonveiuest' a -r agimeat fee is For instance, there u someaWf mr[li02 from the cid imporUJ Clytk, which bids ad t:e c'axi.ri already around J os, but also, 6se a J s� � tIO1 tO lid' I last tytaulg at abort 6j o clock. A pas- I y P fair la rival his famed Sire for !taut and at I t w Pharisees ojoll woull bind heavier tiler have sot, I appeal to any gentlemen men T I pau by the watchword of " Pp , srngrr infrttvns as that the olkers of lbe I "�' m �as� jll �p ;auject c(antermsf lid acres of land lying between Owen Sound size by the time Le is 5 yeamold. y We ail burtIema, sad lay Anew os your•elioninienr- screed in er cultivation of able t -IanJ he Guan! and at tDrm:' (Li faun:) Bnt U licit, d.e a�raaehtattU. coda sol retaem- I regard to all cilixems and rt►asg0ra,=Bos ad Lake L1uroo,yet lmsurveyed, and con- noticed two very splendid Bay hones said lir sa J wheeler tt is pot impossible !Fest, nD. the nay 1 am sat:.fird that if this poli^ -J is ad- I ler a more furious storm. The wind was lot, Jourael. a peau who would cootiuue til the gofer- surface of haat IactJ, the gree femaiaing the "!•.ted, it is ant ,lace Thal w4l bei lint. h I segtuolly ant io the market, which, lying (o Le owned in 1leKillop aud'L'uekeesmith, auccs of lire coualry. for flit selfish inLer2sls i. °2 ,big ,and elle ewes of flit`' sea wan eery I - - as it does on the ocighboring waters, which leased us mw:h. The rtmiumms of a re -s, --and, smoiher, Mr. Camerons isame,an inc ease of produre should nut il;•fec.m�,discDelta;, aed such staimoait," heavy• Fina the eommeacemest of the TERRIFIC. CONFLAGRATiON. which an tcatiaed to Corm the hi htvaya we usdc,astd v: ere ah. T to pre two t Df t r.Losv ass act m his blitical career has 1 have taken !lace to ao amount which it is bt:tvvces class and class as yoe do Dot es- , storm until Tuesday morning, no 1-bts . - k eOR b -m ea the side of li3erty anti justice. very difcult to collimate 1 (Cheep.] -But, pec L, an! the comscgaemecs of wWeh I cant -1 whatever were s"e in the sound; sad (tea CO2,LkwTrsa, Owre, April i. fa ILe sbirment of its produce, possess an t;lyde Horsra, as tu!!ows :- I, wi A o:eigieutg for dttainiag you so loeg wirb is that all T You drain )cut land. leas not foresee. LC'hcors.) 'I'Ite other Clay 10 dclock until dayhi,ht, the office, were At It o'clock thss day a fire broke out, ntriasic value fir ba Ood the at tract .11r. Jahn I:atteubu 's farmers *a , the A mend fon manure drar'Di,ILed I Taaa the Scerlitsry a! War was re-elected for satire! i+Do►an2 of their io0. by Ile baralist of a 0toys ie a cobirel shop , ) these unpremeditated rallwka,Im beWl t° lie im ortation of uano. Deii the car North Essex. lie described the reat ai• J ° �t , tis the reef of the Ctiatns Iio°er, In ihie of unsettled land?Corth of the sttt!ernents Glors,.lst 1'remium, £7 10 � '~ accoud the resolutiow P a' T ) g An efort was made to ran into FIantigg- , city, sad the wind blowing from the C. N. to the Ontario frostier and bounded on •J1r Llorace Ilortoe's Huron CIJJe; premf 0 1819, wben lhu laadowpcn were rui,PCJ as vanta;;rs of a tax on corn, when a voice don harbor, but bo light could obs fotmd, I F.. the lames coos sommuniealsd with the ' 2nd Premium 5 0 Iliesl - - we were. laid, under free trade, they im- from Ike crowd called oat"Cheap bread." accordiinbrly the boatkept tt� her waJ. At (efabl•o t f rho hotel .rid thea to the building the lti est by I:ake Simcoe, the Sttern ' ` 1'SJTECT OJi, nartcd 83;138 tots of guaito. In 1350 What was the receptioe given to that matil daylight Itaey wen go miles from "tomo+- itself. Lits rnirsntea til• roof D( tear "j;iver sad the GeorgiaD Bay, and on We £ 1'' !0 ro it:e quiality was ;ncreastd to 116,533 tons. The call"310 weed, be was "not an elec- ! (ca, which p*e was reached at 12 deloel. i structure was ra firp, and cinders wen "If East b the Ottawa. Of the dinabi;it • of to'. 11'e gim tisit tonrlsdina j�ortiuq of Sir or nearly,dnubled; nd dewing last year not for of North Eswit, but oat of the crowd' But few of toe asMn,*en top ectpred ted 10 a great d.s'anu. � 7 5 1� c saw two very "ince DarLam Bulls J. (;mbam's b, tech io the f�lotise of Com. less than'2-L2,2i3 loos ofgua t0i were im- of Crsintrce. !fc a;:pea!ed Dnt to azo I the dan-vr thruu,h Wh;cb they psswil.- Tt:• buildings opporto tcs Ciictos, cn i procuring a s? teas letllemenl of Ihese nD the ground immediately after the Hurst orted into this count, You Ina as from the iaelor." of Braintree, but 1p nueu 'f be .11aasachusctts behaved uobhy, aa1 �t'alnut 61., .eco say til and thence the two foes flies torn can be no doubt; but Poo "how, Lut we do not know who were tbo�r I:1tmt oaths 15th ultc the lath• and P y y )' mist I;E;•r.s wh ch i( affordis must be decisive ILL+ is for IanJ ora sup":ior,qua!ity cu welch wLO haJ lefts w tilt eoutr)." ( llru 16tmr■ spread npiuly tewuus Paint al , ( but about an ;rich of water was made i° the I ewwp,nrp t.devery warehouse oo the czar, statesman who understood the duties cf a I onner-,, or if any premiurts were awarded e, arm Iiµt Ilia Protection so novoib uorseJ about th;s st;tnulalin,+, gtanure wait'? Ioycd- But hear.) I do not fear the dlunatt .ever- , hold. Tlrt freight frcm the decks was all I north of second d., and all the stalihng. minister would think of subjecting the two, I to them. t vote til%re is for tree explud.d.-I•rrc 1'r: tri wbat do you say to the isci casing. rksire to al of fere (rade iu ibe rt)wutry, . whatever ; carried tato the cabin, which it is thought I emote hose", lee., is their rear. By 9 so dit7ereat!y situated, to the satyr rule of - W,pe d sajr Idmil a due hwnage to the repre- enclo4e warts la ll, wLicb was out brorgb( Ike slate or its represeutatiou mar be, but I bared the boat. I o'clock, every knuso is the square, bounded i the 1 into eullivatioe der lag ILe bi •h paces of o if it. reprrsse s fives sR that tltrt ii.f d;ere- i J , settle:acnt. We me Le mits!alrn in our f Our Taverp-keg n were fined ee..ta:ire aslem it it rsri. bee with such a r e y 1 At 1 ortlaa:d about four inches of snow Ly Walnut and Ps,al stn., every store So,! y ('� Pt be oe• '0 4egeest (5mir, hoar), and that ort repre- the war, or du,"." the tale mOenPcIY ea jOy-I gel the op;e tan of UA ro1IL1e Da iLt Claes-' (ell, ( warehouse, every tenrmt•ss, will: four nn- I jirdgmeet, bat we Should deem it dcsinLle ! five pound,,, with cost, each, for selling "as scatatire system w'Slj be ilea ht iato rJ bj• the.lud.•d iourebt I' [Ilene, lr•ar.} I dna sj chap hreaJ, I eery min, ii tea.- ghe At N:wbur ort flit storm wa+ viuleat I Ilolu a:crp:eore wnn nrwtrisrat.:y lost. t , . Bata the will(, blrw, SEJ w the cart[ that file tract of some t free mullions of acres Liquour without License. Their trials ai-re,,ute iia Guverrmoc.t vis •itemod re, The DumLer of aerte enclosed siuct lit' result. Wear.) 1 am asked the Loud: Of l on Mu0sy night, and yesterday the w;nd I was empty, (the water being drawh-fyf�-r back of the Ontario settlements shouid Le ; occupied part of Tuesday and Wedlnes- n:iudcl in o!Jce,or fs.itreJ I'aaiatncal to past,ing of the act of Ih4-)hos Lieu 365,- (Rib oblizat ru to u( with those ar,.unil bl. w a perfect pyde. Abou' 8 inches of rt err the entre sorthere art of she est., r n ' elf as la,wr'laerer tba•b waY ne^essary h `p12•-[Cheere•�-ADd are tie laedowr- sot. 1 �u.karecstetedWitno uuwotill)' i wow la oa the nota! csterdla mach D ) P brought underCultivatiOn, thus 3ridi g to say, 20th and _lstinstant- ia 1 7 y, north of arcoad et., sad taut of the C,.ot11 _- _ �___ _- protide for 11te'sefcty and defence of Cie en eyes aaw dr.coerwrd i Last year, compact. I bare but ewe ebjeet, sad tLaf I drifted. I home, was at the merry of the elrmerote. those pmdnrt;nos sohich arc identified with A eomalty. (t:fse r%.) N'hat w+►��•(lila comae and since llie last am1w estop of 1951. i is tLa aiainksa irs of the pat;icy to which, In New, Medford; Fall River, and other Suffics it to s•v, f„11v else f )nr•h of tart the wealth and strength of the country oD CJ We are glad to sec that some of our clef talase L lir•. Pitt in !teat teegettn k is there hate lrcev eualond uearty 5 00 wlwais OP,•ce, I gate wt. L ..uWa advocacy. I places m that section, large quantities of tatable property a Cb,lfieof',e, Inelodint almost any terms, of course. we would pro- � • R t.(3 , vessels aro making the necessarJ prepan- T 175; [ l:c only caked prrwissiaw w pas+ Dcror wa to fan ,, rt; u LaJ neer: horn ADJ �su anairr, w qi.r mJ cn-nperatioD i sgow fell. 0 i SII the ►wldisp os tie Iwo meet vslesat• I t'iJe ng ;n t the;r being made file sub act fiats foe parisrating lbs Lal; , there a vert ��- v the {Nutley I3iU, and Wen he sail lw woulJ eultiva ad heft rc. [(;leer'.. j I Lere r to esery'gtML,WAc is t6i. house w bo wishes At I[srtford it snowed violently, and - •quare•, Sant., holes, dwdtrotl sed ware a- o i • ttisrielte. ytr. Ctrl iciatrJ ' OuIyy give tae aaotba wool m braarkat,k fie:, a lie oo,wal M saieleie it. (( Ltert,) But 1 check I several itches of snow ft 11. I ►awet., wen dertrnysd. of speculation, for apeculatioD is ale rill- i;tele ice to be seta on tba Lake, and what Nae MotiilyJAN and this 1 in-ts tb7J1 be die- of tat•it remitted. uses am•,rutint to my Bednar, I rcme,ober the last c00ver ta- I Remarkable storms for three a feat T!'fl fin •nom eon amlieSl.d Senn P•Int prides of settlement. Eut sat tbew little their iv, a dts,pptanog fact. at., bettsnieg at the ■urikero tad, and I PP°u ea," Ile said oa that oecasioo t►at :f 1r.JU OW, whack telly adeerrJ tie {ions which 1 Icer axd wirb : u' lt. Peel. I yeah past. have occurred n April, Lut for epteadieg eutwarJ sad aouthvrard towaric !alias well J;.posed of on a system of free The Slrarsl,oet Ruhy a etpceted to cua:.Jca-4 oaf aha 11-0 of Ci,wxmoas power of rorw,urtins and the comfort of It wad upas ILe ere of that gest discussion I ion ro riateness to the Season thus the btaEOna house. Thu of course war the wo•'r, Live bees recent! takes of oar iarci••a lir PP P °rPn j gouts, weH gtiardcd and protected by rigid arrive here nes •-durday totting. i, w-lisperlsiLia W e:,:,J Ad""Araliun• I r 1 t nae pa y is "Lich he and I sea them all.-BustorsJournal destroyed. Flet of Mulberry •t., (twm RDa yet then has hers re;eired is oar foeuJ it wt. aialul dirt to • .lea airs( a N P t conditions of acical actUement it is iridis- THR PR C9t [l,i:cis.1 \veli, wilt( rout flit octose rur- 1 p y fi uane (rvm tae lace 1tDen tae fire sn u• , said ht ,irJ fiery is 1`CIl I l+,neral Exclaeq,irr, w,laithstandiez tbDet latex GOv,•ameat "Lich ui•nn O(brr accounts, aced,) Sbout on• half of lbs booddinge N- pen -able that they would thus be put to a 1�t (reset M twat ms nnrM el, Ittfaria dull- hate bees ni ealyd, a wm of Dearly , and, r apt espevt.:h' u,,oe the account of Tott ELrLos(u• or Tae "IttnOTO,;t." ewpN1, though some wore burred at tis des. , logon nese q•i'ieuios of mere! eecon9 Je 0 sure thus the wbde son,rsat 116„ r trppurt of a free trade r.h. we lid -The Ci^ciurnelli Grazelle ives the fol- taee0 e( lore or firm furl if c (Som tae [t t far be rt purpose than beio; Icft to lie ip g w etc endo, i anlLing K'e retest to ott00ns flit Ibo floroa d y of U. ,,eO.ilna [(.lretrb.]-I)rtinitthe mw+ly asv,trd. ll was sml.o.mbie not to footing psrtltolors relative to the evploshn toe Hnuae Caner. The rosy houeo Ids F ng t ri d eoatriuiitiog loyalist bes coedetoded to bring before i•apo;fanrr, as la, retrieve pr+portioo OI .tand,st oe flip ndtrtb aide Of h nl at., aro notling to the nerd ,toek of tilt Io- mcmh.-", I it ink. (:rnrral (:as::Oijtie Wait rais(etile•e b( !fair R. I eel's Guveromeot, l )"L to the con.eyaeorrs of that rose, a" of the Rrdwi)ke, on the 3rd ins!.:- lbose o(O. II• W, Lneket. It. Holcombe, a p tae pnblie t Private fneeSet!en of tM }ion. m. and 1•K hnurs Jia not rb?-r. before Ill, the Duke of Barcleach agreed with Lord I i popatt'i out to `ir It. Prel the Possib"ity Tbree boilers exploded at the Dame is- ! sow Cuhahe Churta, ted Ur. 1Vd:te. since. t,\ a Lope tiro government will ,Malcolm C owoo-a ps1try ties pound die- ilt ' , I)rrb tial it was sot wise to sus Rd the that the (:ov.rosesl wo,dd be overthrown, sfant. AU the upper work of fire boat The whole population, wos,ta so well a take a s!cp in this direction, and Ilius while t P putt, in which the rent ublie has so is- l:overwOl^e haJ teudsttJ their resisaa y terl•t at. eoeesrn; the sole ca t lilies to tiOas to tier Majp+ty. [ tear, hear.] rperatis of ILe core laws m lMcembrr, a -A abk►d Litu what wo,ild the -a ensue I Ile forward of the ladi. a' cabin was b,nwn to , porn, are were out with fatirur. By SItelo- iurnishiag to thrloaasda the mesas of spear• i. IBL*, oaken a pledge were gives by all Li+ &a:J, ,• 1 know that ur if.t. county w,thrwt atoms -the hull swung round with the cue- ora and hero-" exaruosl, the fire row prn- Tliere is aiuittittr instance. 1 its them OP- 1. ing ha homes, be addin to the wealth sed to m ovisle friend t.ord J. Kussull�. colleagues ib,i tie altempt +htwld be maie I party cauneaenes, no siiao can loves, I rswt, and immpileatAy swsk at tl» Prow, m 'sated ham eatum0Ile"I to any build- a PP7 g , detest she npvtatlos of Mr CSteeres. st Was in that %ca_ in dcL tv b, rem^'hired to re-iaitsoto the daty u1- core as 6400 r 1 know that my party ties are iffe"ved, acrd l0 feet water, while the Otero rested on five tete aautb of 80coaJ st. W MIa •' RwS the power lid importance of the country. We d,mbt pot that the ease as staled coca the leer haJ tested. 'Che f:arl of i am not rt. art" to renew tlxm, sad da bottom hear the short. There were ria block^ seat ►erne Ilia Naar rn the opson. —_ _- so ea leiitod as to pot a very d;rortet 1!V a:0 pre,Taa.it "Jill eiateple, are year 1341. 0o"y ! P P rte "tows (tvo�bndte'• and Wealdrlh's) be P A smelt. ui mewl of rOm:iJ; art tone tarnrd Dem by (,intended for 1 rat pledge, Rud the not deet:a to resew thew. But, er~ board at the time about sitty-ire paasce-, mss istes•s, and the cornice, shatters, tole., OCEAN PENNY POSTA(;E. late,pan the matter; bet wbet if It were Ly soy (asp riglw amts. friend (flit R_ Pap(] fluke of Beccleocb coa(errrd en oat view. what may, there ;t Ro elf,rt IMt I wil not gm, of whom st is thwutht dirty -fort mast . were only prrvonled Rom cateb st by pain. - •u trees 10 this a manor (o Pandebefore lM -w The [)site of Burclruch a one of oar sake to niisatain that feet trade he true bees killed. Amewig tees kfll@A ere i fol lid teootepl esermlooe. ALL b_f to t1)at distiD dslxd hilae ,blit to estreat ldiesteo ;ul fromsJs it nn r'noliy mXOt. Lord J. Ito@" asked Poo y, giI P P P° P e. bare yuui ..ioedoy to C(,Aw er tie Course lt,mgcst laedowecn, taking m1,i aeeoloat t4 which i bd»It tO bt iadrsptavhle for the Rey. 1dr. 9eMt, lir. G,sMe, tatter n( lh It » iwpa00,b1/ to •niye mt S eerrort esu tbrriphi t, Elihu Ramtt, whose oveerful a Anly s( tbo Fsuith Eattio to nke Im mss► ..., I .. Ue Ibei Caine dews fo Orr' of rultnstr" lend pnsyswl by ►-m. au'atesRn, a of pea: p and liappmpas in Ihhs Lrssr►nscebalt [ 1'�. teed Mr. Meyers, note of the 100601. Old (AdlieolN has n reser es arc u r p Ritbv roster se this? OnI ape such a ds- liall Itneab In mots the eslivatell, which end Lori! Derby knows the truth of what country." (Loud ch"ri.) fir, 1 do tint forptnSe on the sone nfnt,. The 1st• and solved a blew f am wtieh she asset re St p esent directed in roaaiag (sa. When Ae Preen de - that the I)mks of Bae• pontes ee/w is yso . 1 aces, se tbey orerr to I fM le of Greet lieiUiR to ti etste few l 0n01•6 a Iso ft Wewoa a mafnmeR and f Sm aboral le slate. bet Ibe SbsGtiee of ey n c haw. found, 2nd. enRiRpets, ted aR the irettita wets i"'^P 1ho w," sot yet passed. The mntny, leery• Jul' w, • hW K she saffb"m R , oesnrls bw tits eleoch. who ie 1846 egtssed with 60, slit- 1 tomes bis drtprme.»fine. owd, like killed irsefYfty. iNr. Qepev,tln 1R. tJiect , Ibe Rdeptioe Of C3rtax I'taat POWTAGy : a0s • bleenMt. The lwpttief• (rvRis ►ad onfseieeeeliastN were Pflaed, Twe . irraw, of oar pepm,ali00 bre r..tste,-OW -at aro( awtsttllhr-os o•iitee/e6 ad tut y.v eMt V was thea r rect.ipl of bia,lb.r, is ao egort t will tot M pr.per wa& sUwdl env the t16ee, ani tAya the I ►aw•elos0. prey Ree 1e pa M Iluglrnd We recollect its ben remarked b Mr. I m'r'rse.0r Shoord ba lbs leer is ark, tM RR = y o ftfl isif I of pIF areI solved " by teeb ort rrmsaswrd. Ne eskpt! far •vole fo to- as ra.rb r'e'st u 4 bad fuel eajayrd (hoer. d b mabe, sed en ORerib,e I mull .e/ be troll ietiaatters of tie tfeagvpr br W. rose � Tb•wsr•d Mtl.n Worth of property i•e I Remtl, ie rnetmetirsfimtt kis mmp,•0eainss se a e0. 11 MIy Bre pawed " dittkvly^ owe Um to Rv, e0 far .Is rrtanvlta. II Iwor) do'rob erose sa h duirwd M n- pfoparrd 'a medprgv, to ul l slid tilt nhry, being bbd fl9 felly 100 feet Rd fal!ii� smoomed p" ioRds�• .ere made rho 0etyeal s I t" I of Pertain to n Americo friend, „µ'hat of sUmTory I7ur mirtvs0ss ft R. Ned wpM t/ ,+,ore �iapr, biter): flat hr kat sista els►- otbie►, n my heart sad tasetisoet. be- nen the riser, sed sweet ashore • a tDeMat All oar prleoi 1 wsrebeeoor, wit\ t►err n�ty�e��e Ia. of I1Dilamrea ' flat t*om V willow to kms/ Wks w s it lien to be Necessary far til pnee, the efber be heard a "T of latero h as fiMar • etfatb of r am itw pork, Msec, W ., Ins., a sple"d tense y m sn" to ' N a Thafa M1--•4 what • emeeDO ['fliMe ,1 ,t lee IST .t : hl %Pis`, �, ,.t c. ore. ,., , r rope. ^."n`,tf , �.. .. -• , i .. _ ... . i • ,..a... _ t a, at w ,I."Wky " : �--