The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-02-19, Page 12Pate. 1.2 thi. -Tinte$,Mv..6cet.q.4 041Orgary i 1$0
Ciandeboye Institute
•mar s nniversary
ly .MRS.. 4, H. PATON
.7hp Clandeboye Warnes In-
etttnta held. their 5244 anniver-
-eery On 'WerineatlaY evening iii
tho Clandeboye United Church
§4.444Y School room with over
Eta parta,lting. of the _cold meat
• Seated at the head table with
tiepresident 1rs. Arnold Blake
Were the oldest member, Mrs.
gbA.elie Carter, viet3 - presidents..
Mrs. Norntan Hardy and Mrs.
pavid }este, secretari-treasur-
er,- Mrs.'. Andy Carter and Mrs.
Gorclea Eaton.
Following the supper a engrain
was preeeetedwinch included
6010 by Ken Hardy. Sharon:
Blake; duets by Marilyn New -
lila" and Nancy Kestle and Nancy
lieestle and Marjorie Donaldson;
*Ian° ;otos by Marilyn Eaton
and Judy Scott; guitar duet by
NOws Budget From
. • •
P.rsonal items
Mr. and -Aire. Ernmersen Paton
ef Kirkton were guests with Mrs.
Teton's aister, Mrs. Duncan Mc-
Naughton and family on Sun -
Mr. . and Mrs. Stewart Mar -
t ett, Ronald and Maryanne, St.
Marys, were guests at her par-
ents, Mr. and 1),Irs. A. Dewar.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Strahan
and Bobby visited with Mr. and
Mrs. A. Dewar on Saturday eve -
Coopers W.M.S. Base Line
)adies attended the World Day
of Prayer at Woodham on Wed-
nesday, February 12. Mrs. Oliver
Baker gave the address.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parkinson
attended the hog producers haft -
eget held at Milverton on Thurs-
Miss Kate Jameson visited
with Mrs. W. Switzer, Woodham, Brinsley
Marlene and Elaine NotSent
dances hy Nany Hardy; riddle
ecnitest by Nancy Scott. The
aninntarY of the, project "Club
cilrl Entertains.' was given by
Janice Macintosh and Mary Rid.•
' dell.
On behalf of the -senior group
• the girls presented the leaders.
Mrs. Alex Macintosh and Mrs,
Gordon Eaton with a .gift each.
Lenten $ereise
• The weekly Lenten service for
St. James church will be con-
ducted by the rector, the Rev.
J. P. Prest on Friday evening,
Feb, 20 at the home Pf Mr, and
Mrs. Andy Carter. The meeting
last week was at the church. 1
Personal Items
Mrs. Dorothy Murdock has
left the village and plans to take
up residence in Acton. She was '
at the Clandeboye station here
for 12 years. 1
Mrs. Alan 13i11 and Mrs. Cecil
Carter visited Mrs. Roy McRann,
Mrs. Eslie Hodgson and Mrs.
Russell Blake on Thursday in ;
St. Joseph's Hospital.
Mrs. Fred Simpson returried
home on Sunday after spending
several weeks with her son -in- I
law and daughter. Mr, and Mrs.,
Bill Walker in Detroit. They re-
turned home on Monday after
bringing Mrs. Simpson home. I
Miss Joan Simpson and Miss!
Judy Wedlake of London, stu-1
dent teachers of the London
Teacher's College, spent last!
week at Clandeboye School with
Mrs. Clarence Carter, teacher.
Joan and her friend spent thb
week with her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Simpson.
Anyone can assist the Clende-
boye Women's Institute by hav-
ing their papers and magazines
tied with strong string in bun -
,dies and left at the home of
Erriest Lewis before Friday, Feb.
a; ea- .,. a • . • , . •
• Letter From
en Wednesday.
Mr. W. Wilson and Mrs. A.
Dewar spent Wednesday at the
Borrie of Mrs. Copeland, Wood-
liam. when
she had a quilting
bee for the W.M.S.
Mt. and Mrs. George Wilson
were guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Knox, Eighth Line on
Suriday evening.
Mrs. Robt. Elston held a quilt-
ing at her home on Tuesday
where 12 ladies quilted two quilts
end a pot luck dinner was served.
Mr. and Mrs, David Holland
entertained at a Valentine party
for the young people of the Bap-
tist Tabernacle ef St. Marys at
their home on Friday evening
with 38 present. The evening was
spent hi crokinole and games.
Phone 156 Grand Bend
Personal Items
Mrs. Lin Craven of Parkhill
• visited with her daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Luther
• Morley, over the weekend.
• Visitors with Mr. and :airs.
George Mercer on Sunday were
• Mr. and Mrs. Bit Mercer of
• Exeter, also Allen and David
• Grubb of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hamilton
• and Gerald of Lucan spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs, Erle
Johnny Morgan of Detroit
'spent the weekend with his uncle
and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Joe
Mr. and 31rs. Cecil Ellwood
spent Saturday evening with Mr.
and Mrs, Andy Keogh.
Mrs. George Prest and baby
daughter arrived home from Vic-
toria Hospital on Thursday.
; The Anglican church held a
successful pan cake supper on
• Tuesday with a large attendance.
• Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mossin of
Parkhill visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Don Sutherland.
• Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Morton
of Toronto visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Erie Hamilton over the
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Prod Dobbs, Prep,
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Correspondent: Miss Line Abbptt
Ladies Observe 1Fun Centre
Once again Lucan's three , .
Day Of Prayer
.chorebeeunited for the annual)
day of prayer :which this year!
was held in the United Church.:
The 1959 theme -tras, "lie said, I
"Lord I believe," and he wor-
shipped Hint."
The first part of the service
was led by .:11rs. Sheridan Rev -
Woodham Cooks
Cater To Crowd
These in charge of the Angli-
Friday the 13th proved a kicky can Men's Club annual oyster
day for the residents of Granton with41batriel sssupperidwerAtepnideaelswede
and vicinity, when they saw their
1928 skating rink which has been AlendeY evening'
idle for the past 10 years, eon, The club was fortunate in be-
verted into the Biddulph Coin. ing able •to secure the same
munity Centre, to cater to the three Woodham men to act as
teed% of both old and Yotincr with ehefs for the cooking ef the
ington , president of the United a year-round program. oysters. Yottna men waited on
Church W.M.S.. She was followed
1Villiarn A. Stewart, 1MLA, cut the tables anddidthe dish wash -
by Mrs. Fred Thomson of the the ceremonial ribbon and de- ing. Although the supper was the
Pentecostal Holiness Church and
claret( the building open
men's project the ladies lent a
dent of Holy Trinity Anglican , carnival in colorful thhetiPipniges, hcaank4es,bysalpardosv,iding
A skating potatoes
:Mrs. T, C. McFarlane. 4Presl-i
Woman's Auxiliary, completed costumes followed the opening and relishes as tvell as super -
the services.
vising the tables and serving.
The renovation committee eon- .
Tbe readers included Mrs. E.
R. Pitt, Mrs. Erwin Scott, and i of Norman Riddell, chair-
ittrr U.C. Elects Officers
Mrs. Howard Currie. Those of- man. Bruce Grant, secretary; At the annual meeting of the
fering special prayers were Mrs. , Clare. Westman, treasurer; Henry Birr United Church officers were
Wissel, Mr. and Mrs. William elected.
.1. P. Prest, Mrs. Harold liod- ,
Legg, and also Lorne Barker and Elders are Chester 'McComb,
gins, Mrs. T. A, Hodgins, Mrs- I Herold Wallace, Biddulph To‘en- Clinton Haskett, Charles Brum-
Chas, Corbett and Mrs. Edgar ship councilors, well; stewards, Hugh Filson, Bay-
Miss Reta Cholvn accompanied
the choir, who led in the Music,
Mrs. Benny Sauthier and Mrs.
Murray Hodgins were ushers and
1 Mrs. Jack Sturdy and Mrs.
Whyte took up the eel -
lection. The guest soloist was
Miss Nancy Elson of Clande-
boye and the guest speaker,
; Mrs. Roy Hamilton, who spoke
on the activities of the Council
of Churches.
Legion Bingo
Dame Fortune smiled on many •
of the same people at the. Legion
Auxiliary Bingo last Thursday
Winners were Mrs. Thomas
Jackson. Mrs. A, E. Reilly, Mrs.
J. Murphy, Mrs. Harold Butler,
Mr. William Mathers, Mrs. Roy
Stanley, Mrs. Pat Crudge, Mrs.
Pools, Mrs. Johnston and Mrs.
Consecutive bingo, Mrs. John-
ston. Mrs, J. Murphy, Mr. Louis
Lemieux. Consolation $5 jackpot
went to Mr. Joe Campbell, of
The next bingo Fill be Thurs-
day, Feb. 19.
Car Crash
No 4 Highway, and again near
Birr, was the scene of another
car accident lest Friday.
Mrs. Len Pedder, of Elginfield,
lost control of her car on the icy
pavement causing her car to turn
around several times 'on the road
before being hit by an oncoming
car, driven by Arnold McCall.
RR 1, Mt. Brydges.
Mrs. Pedder was treated for
shoulder injuries and head cuts
at St. Joseph's Hospital. Car
damage was estimated at $1,000.
Personal I tem s
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Edwards
and Mrs. C. A. Calder, of Lon-
don, were Sunday guests of Mrs.
Irene Coursey.
Mrs. Edgar McFalls, who has
had a severe attack of bronchitis
for the past three weeks is now
confined to her bed.
While her husband, Mr. Alex
Colvin, of Tecumseh, is taking
a six-week course in Toronto
Mrs. Colvin (nee Marie Stanley),
is staying with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. U. F. Stanley, Main St.,
• The executive of the Lucan H,
and S. Association met at the
home of Mrs. James Freeman
. Monday evening to complete
• •
plans for the February meeting
I when the guest speaker will be
1 aft, Tom Bird, of CFPL-TV,
1 London.
I The Scout's recent paper col-
lection netted $34.25.
Janet Henson, five-year-old
; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Hensoh, is again a patient in St.
Joseph's Hospital. Last Thursday
1 she underwent a lung operation!
but is making satisfactory
Mr, Howard Currie left last.
Monday for Chatham where be
will be employed for the next'
five weeks on the steel work of
St. Joseph't Hospital. 1
Miss Betty Chapman, ,of Kin-
cardine, was a SUnday visitOr at!
the parsohage. Her father is Mrs.
-Much of the work was done by mond Corsaut, Ernest Morrow,
volunteer labor. Hockey
and Alex McComb, Don McComb,
skating will be enjoyed in winter,
and roller skating and •other ac- John Adams, Ronald White,
Charles Brumwell; trustees,
tivities during the summer, Clinton Haskett, Chester Me -
Comb, Charles Brumwell, Robert
Corsaut and Seymour White;
parsonage committee, Hugh . Fil-
son, Norman Bilyea,
It was decided at: the ineeting.
to install a new oil furnace in
Anglican the church.
Among the flowers in the chan- L.O,L. News
eel. was a basket in memory of The annual. district L.O.L.
the late Mr. Ward Hodgins, of meeting was held in the Lodge
Clandeboye. Rooin, Lan, last Tuesday,
The Lenten service on Wednes- where the following officers were
day will be held at the home of installed: W.M., Leonard Lam -
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hodgins, burn; I.P.M., Orville Melon;
followed by the Board of Manage- D,P., Ron Denham; chaplain, R.
ment meeting. Blacklar•
The Ladies' Guild will meet In Recording secretary, Herman
the Parish Hall Monday, Feb. 23. Powe; marshal, Eric Hodgins;
A.Y.P.A. lecturers, Clayton Abbott and
Fourteen. members of the Fred Jamieson; tyler, Wilson
Lucan-Clandeboye A.Y.P.A., visit- Hodgins.
ed the Pines Haven Nursing School „News
Home last Sunday evening before
holding their business session in Principal Wesley Clow accom;•
the parish hall. Mr. Ken Clarke panied Lucan's spelling contes-
ted in the music and the young tent, Carole pavis, to the fourth
people sang. annual spelling match, sponsored
The president, Tom Tomes, by. The Exeter Times -Advocate,
presided for the business. It was at Exeter last Tuesday, and wass
decided to hold an executive proud to have his pupil come
meeting next Sunday evening to third in a group of 24 contestants.
make arrangements for staging The school was hit hard last
a play or miscellaneous program. Monday morning, when. two of
Rev. Jack Langford, of St. the five teachers were home sick.
lark's Church, London, will be 1 The board was able to secure
the guest speaker at the next Mrs. Dave Park to take .Mr.
regular meeting, March 1, and
his A.Y.P,A. will be invited as
Graham Thompson's group was
in charge of games and refresh -
ments. •
Pentecostal Holiness Church
Mr. Jack Eizenga was in charge
of the Friday evening Young
People's meeting. Rev. Fred
score men's prize to Mr. Toni
Thomson was the speaker, and
also conducted a Bible baseball' Coursey, and lone hand prize to Mr. Murray Abbott. The draw on
On Wednesday evening, two
splendid evangelistic films, a box of groceries was won bys, staged Mr. Eric Hodgins.
in Texas and Oregon, were
shown. Mrs. Murray Abbott turned ber
prize in to buy new cards to be
The Thursday afternoon prayer used at the L.0..B.A. euchre next
meeting was held at the home of
Mrs. Jack Anderton, with Mrs.
Ed Butler in charge.
United Church
The Rev. Edgar Roulston spoke
twice on Sunday on the work of
the Ontario Temperance Federa-
tion (in the morning at Lucan,
and in the afternoon at Clande-
boye). It is usual for the federa-
tion to provide a guest speaker,
but this year Mr. Roulston was
Clow's room, but up until noon,
was unable to secure a teacher
for Mrs. Black's room, so her
pupils had a holiday.
493 held another success-
ful euchre last Wednesday night.
High score ladies' prize went to
Mrs. Murray Abbott; lone band
prize. to Mrs. Earl Greenlee; high
Fox Hunf Postponed
Owing to last ,Saturday's rain,
Lucan's fax hunt had to be post•
poned unfit next Saturday,'when
hunters will again meet at the
Personal Items
Some 20 members of the
Thompson family, including their MH
aunt and uncle, r. and Mrs, .
asked to take the service. The Thompson, were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Haggar last
offering is being sent to the
federation in Toronto. 1 Saturday evening when they
The men's club will hold its Idioanyo. reldheMisv. enTinhgoniwpasos n s'spebhitrtihn-
Febru a ry ineeting Wednesday
Medway Euchre
The Medway Euchre Club met
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Seymour White last Wednesday
evening. Ladies' high score prize
went to Mrs. Clarence Lewis;
lone hand prize to :Mrs. Wilbert
playing euchre,
Among those on the sick lit
are Mrs. Howard Currie, Bruce
and Brian, Mrs. J. A. Graham, 1
and Mrs. George Aitkens. ,
Miss Muriel Carling is on the
sick list with pleurisy.
In a recent copy of the "Fourth
Estate" issued by the London
fl Stanley-, and consolation to Mrs. Free Press is a picture of Mrs.1
Carmen Hodgins. Men's high Merrill Edwards, nee Marionj
sore prize went to Mr, Wilbert - Coursey, formerly. of Lucan, as
Stanley, lone hands to Mr. Erle . one of those employees who had
Middleton, and consolation to Mr. completed five years as an em-
Roulston's nephew. She was ac -,I Carmen Hodgins, ployof the London Free Press,
eompanied by Miss Sherry Wal-; The next euchre will be held Mrs. Cecil Neil is on the sick
. Ira Carling and . Wilbert Stanley, Monday, Feb. 23. list and is waiting to get into
mother, Mrs
pole, who visited with her grand-; at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
i Personal Items the hospital.
11 S. Harold ll'b returned
Mr. and. Mrs. George Young home from Si, Joseph's Hospital
and family, of Goderich, werel Mrs. Thomas Brooke has re- ,last Tuesday and is recuperating
weekend guests of Mr, and Mrs. turned home from a week's visit° at heine. Her friend, Mrs, M.
Erie Voting, Mr. Young, who has; with her grandson, Mr. Harold Davidson, is with her at present.
taken over the Culbert store, ex. Brooke, of Toronto, and had as Mr. Albert Hoeking and his six
pecta to be here permanently her guest Mr. and Mrs. Arthur motherless children have moved
next Month. .
Ford, of Exeter, last Sunday. to Mt Brydges,
Auxiliary Studies
Medical Mission: .
The Evening Miliary a the.
United ,Chureb _held its February
meeting in the church basement
last Tuesday night with the pres-
ident Mrs. A. H. Reilly,. in the.
chair and Ars. Dave Park's
group in charge of the devotions,.
study hook and refreshments.
Mrs. Park was assistedIn the
worship service by Mrs. 3. W.
Lockyer, Mrs. Eldon Walker and
Miss Reta -Chown.
The study took the form 91 a
panel dismission on medical mis-
sionsi.and social welfare work
and was led by Mrs. Park, Mrs.
ivaa Hearn Mrs .George, Pawl
4114 Mrs. iieward Kew.
The report of the stewardship
secretary was given by Mrs.
Chas. Sovereign in the absence
of Mrs. R. McRoberts. This was
followed by a discussion on ways
and means to inerease the
branch's finances,
Dual Baby Shower
Mrs, Vincent Densmore and
iSIrs,Glenn Kennedy were pests
of honor at a dual baby shower
held at the home of Airs. Clar-
ence Frost last Monday evening
with Mrs. Rufus 'Thompson, Mrs.
Ed. Butler and Mrs. Howard
Currie as assistant hostessses,
Mrs. A. Graham led m a
devotional period. During the eve-
ning all enjoyed a "baby outfit
scramble contest" which was
won by Mrs, Fred Thomson and
Mrs. Howard Currie,
W.A. Entertains
The Woman's Association of the
United Church last Wednesday
entertained some 35 members of
the senior choir, church school
teachers and officers, leaders of
the CGIT., Explorers and junior
congregation staff to a smorgas-
bord dinner,
Gaines conducted by Misses
Marlene Revington and Margaret
Ned were interspersed 'by a
sing song. Mrs. a B. Langford's
group Ives in charge of refresh -
Mrs. Dave Park and Mr. Cliff
Culbert, on behalf of the guests,
:moved a vote of • thanks to all
who were responsible for the
happy evening.
Lucan 12--Alyinston 1
Jerry Harrigan's 5 goals, Cliff
Acheson's 4, Frank Egan's 2 and
Norm Shelley's 1 won for Lucan
their first of a two game series
in the Midget C OMHA play-off,
Friday night.
Active Hydro Manager
probably be .most missed aa
Scout AlaSter. Shortly after vorn-
Few Wean men could be more.
missed. than will Mr. Harold
Whyte be, when be becomes
Braeebridge's .new _hydro area
manager, March 2.
Nearly a years ago, Mr.
Whyte moved f=rom 1-,xeter to
Lticanlie was en the Board of
Education for 12. years, 10 of
which he was cnairman.
ile was the :charter president
of the Lions Club, the first presi-
dent of the United .Churen, mews
Club, .chairman of the safety
committee, and sanitary inspec-
tor for two years. At the present
time he is an elder in the United
Church,. chairman of the Board of
Stewards, assistant sooerinten.
dent and teacher of a junior boys'
- But of all his pesitions, he will
Granton Church
Elects Officers
At the annual meeting of the
Granton United Church congre-
gation, chaired by the Rev. J. H.
Vardy, with Bruce Grant as see-
retary, offieers were elected for
Elected to session were Earl
Middleton, A. Barker, W. N.
Gunning, Robert Elston, W.
Gregory, William Lambert, Mer-
vin Baker, John Bryan, and K.
Board of Stewards, Wilmer
Harlton, Norman Riddell, Robert
Rainey, Bruce Grant, Max Bib
yea, William Jones, Frank Dale,
Gerald Dann, and Gordon Dann;
Board of Trustees, Gordon
Dann, Ivor Lindsay, W. N. Gun-
ning, Carlton Ridley, John Bryan,
and Norman Riddell;
Missionary and Maintenance
treasurer, Gerald Dann; floral
committee, Mrs. Robert Hardie,
Mrs. Clare Westmap; auditors,
W. Lambert, and Robert Rainey.
Main 1959 project will be the
rebuilding of the front entrance.
July 1 was the date set for the
annual garden party.
Personal Items
Mrs, Wes Atkinson has return-
ed home from a week's visit
with Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Smout
and family of Arm Arbor. On
the way home she stayed off for
a day with Mr, and Mrs. Gerald
Atkinson and family of London.
ing toLun, he re -organized the.
Scents and Cubs, and has not
only seen both grow in numbers,
but had. much to, do with the
erection of the Septa 1_1011.
Mr. Whyte also organized the
IL.H.C.A.N. three years ago, and
was :President for two years.
Whyte, too, will be greatly
missed, particularly in the united
church, where she was an 'Wive
Dies In Toronto
Samuel W. jaekson, 66, died
in St,, Michael's Hospital, To-
ronto, on Thursday, Feb, 5. He
lay at rest in the Trull funeral
home, Toronto, until 11 a.m.
Saturday, when he was moved
to Church of St. Timothy where
the Rev, Capon. Henry Marsh.
eonducted funeral services,
Saturday night he wiis brought
to the Mutely funeral home, int -
Call where he lay at rest till
4 p.m, Sunday when the Rev. J.
F. Prest ,of U0i3t Trinity dwell
conducted. a committal service
in St. James' new chapel, Clan-
deboye. :interment will later be
made in St. .Jaines. temetery.
Pallbearers included Messrs.
Robert Bateman, Gordon Sander-
son, George Donaldson, Andrew
Craven, Fere), Farr and A Tay-
He is survived by his wife,
the former Mabel Hodgson. of
Clandeboye, and one son, Gerald,
two grandchildren and one sister,
Mrs. Mabel Jackson, all of To-
Mr. Jackson was the son of
the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Jackson and was bent at Vienna,
Ont. Ile was a member of the
Church of St. Timothy, Toronto
and an accountant in the Depart-
ment of Education, at the Parlia-
nient Buildings, Toronto for the
past 38 years.
Among those from a distance
who attended the funeral were
Mrs. Cline Webb, Edmonton,
Rev. Burton Hodgson, Birming-
ham, Mich., Mr. and Mrs, Chas.
Sumner, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Me -
Relater of London, Mr. and Mrs,
Melvin' Trevithick, Dearborn,
Mich and Miss Mabel Jackson,
who flew up front Florida.
Notice To Motorists
Who Have Not Obtained
Their 1959 Licences
Your 1958 driver's licence and vehicle permit will expire Midnight, March
18. After this date it will be illegal to drive with 1958 licence or plates.
Don't Wait Till The March Deadline
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see your insurance agent today. A policy for Fire, Theft and Col-
lision is NOT Liability Insurance. Check your Policy.
2 Study the "Point System" foldel, .you will receive with your
Driver's Licence. It explains in detail your new Point System.
HON, JOHN YAREM KO, Q.C., Minister
D. J, COLLINS, Deputy Minister
• O1 T.C.C.
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