The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-02-19, Page 8_P• s Tlte5.AdMocatSr February i9 1959
OVER 300 ATTEND "AT HOME"—Attractive decorations in the Valentine theme
greeted a crowd of 300 who attended SHDIIS "At Home" dance Friday night. A
Stratford orchestra provided music and lunch was served by the home economics
department of the school. Obviously enjoying the social highlight of the school year
are, above, from left, Robert Bell, Iiensall; Grace Johns, Exeter; Gwen Chapman and
Don McLean, both of Hensall. —Jack Doerr
Ladies•In-Waiting, Decorations, Added Glitter To Annual Highlight Of School's Dance
—Jack Doerr
Stage Surprise For Dashwood Pair
Mr, and v1rs. Otto Willert were'
guests of hbnor at a surprise
dinner party at the Dominion
Hotel, Zurich, Saturday evening.'
The occasion marked the 40th
wedding anniversary of the
couple, who were married Feb.
12, 1919, at the home of the bride.
She was the former Flossie
During the dinner they were
presented with flowers from
their eight grandchildren, and a
television set from their children,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Willert
(Eileen), Dashwood: 11'Ir. and
Mrs. Jerome Dietrich (Ruth),
Zurich, and Mr. and Mrs. Wit.•
liam Willert, Toronto,
Asocial evening was held later
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Jerome Dietrich.
Ladies' Aid: Meeting
The regular meeting of Zion
Lutheran Ladies' Aid was held
following the Lenten service on
Wednesday evening, with 22
members present.
The topic was Pastnr Zorn's
Mathers _`+rrs.
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Was locally owned, She's a nice one!
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sermon, "Were •you there when
He gave His Holy supper?"
It was decided to visit the
County Home in Clinton during
Quite 'a number of quilts are
being quilted by the Aid, and
prices were set. Mrs. Lorne
Becker was appointed convener
for the balance of the painting
of the kitchen.
Mrs. William ,Beck
Mrs. Fred Schlundt received.
word last week of the death of
her late husband's sister, Mrs.
William Beck, in Detroit. She
was the former Elizabeth
Schlundt, and was 90 on Feb. 4.
She was born and raised in
Dashwood Merry Maids
The final meeting of the 4.1.1
Club, taking the topic "The
Cereal Shelf," was held at Lynda
Tieman's East Saturday, with
nine girls and the two leaders.
The girls reviewed "The Cereal
Shelf," also made muffins and
judged them.
Miss Carol. Schade is to be in
charge of the exhibit for Achieve-
ment Day, with Miss Shirley
Bender, alternate.
Baby Baptized
Laurie Ann Becker, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Becker,
was baptized nn Sunday in Zion
Lutheran Church by Rev. K. L.
Zorn. Sponsors were Mr. and
Mrs. W. L. Becker,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fahner
and Barbara, and Mr, and Mrs.
Wilfred l3ecker and daughter,
were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. V. L. Becker.
Personal Items •
Mrs. Nora Koessel, of Harbour
Reach, and her daughter and
family, Rev. and Mrs. Louis
Dorn, missionaries who return
to the Philippines in April, were
visitors last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Miller and other
1 relatives.
Mr, and Mrs, Henry Becker
entertained Saturday evening in
honor of Earl Miller`s birthday,
The evening was spent playing
cards followed by lunch,
Sunday evening guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar Miller and boys
were Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Becker
and Cannily, Mr. and Mrs, Pete
Crocker and Jim, Mr.. and Mrs.
Jake Schroeder and Sue Anne,
Mr. and Mrs. William Schroeder,
and Mr. Harold Hendrick.
Mrs. Daniel Weber suffered a
heart attack on Saturday.
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Weiberg,.
Mr. Howard Weiberg and friend,
and Miss 1 ay Webber, of Water-
loo, were weekend visitors with.
Mr .and Mrs, Fred Weiberg.
j veryone must protect tate.
WWII( rib l�. fOrestS'r
fictive Bend. groups
Mark Boy Scout Week
The Cub meeting last week was
well attended, 26 Cubs , being:
present. After the opening cere-
monies, games :and badge work
were carried out, The meeting
closest in the usual manner await
the Mouse Howl.
On. Wednesday, the rout meet-
ing beganin the usual manner,
all. Scouts being present. After
the opening, the troop adjourned
to the Village Inn parking lot,.
which was frozen, where a
broomball game was played
against the Hensall .troop, Al-
though Grand Bend lost, 6.0,
everyone present enjoyed the
game. 1
After the game, both troops
moved off to the Scout Room,
where hot dogs and cocoa were:
served by the Grand Bend Troop.]
On Sunday, the troop visited r
the fire hall at Ipperwash. An
interesting afternoon included a
demonstration of fire extinguish-!
ers, a trip over the fire hall, and I
the opportunity to try on fire-
men's helmets. Most of the
Scouts achieved what is probably
every boy's ambition — to slide
down the pole from the living
quarters, into the hall itself.
After a visit to the mess hall
and gymnasium, the troop re-
turned home.
From Feb. 16 to 22 is Scout
Week, and the Cubs and Scouts
have several activities planned.
A window display will be exhibit-
ed in Des Jardins store. On Wed-
nesday, a "Guest Night" will be
held, and next Sunday, the anni-
versary of the founder's birth, a
Scout service, to which all
Scouts, Cubs, 'Guides and
Brownies in the area are invited,
is planned, The parade will leave
the Colonial Hotel for, the Scout
Room at 3.15 p.m., for the serv-
ice in St. John's -by -the -Lake
Anglican' parish hall.
World Day Of Prayer
The World Day of Prayer Ser-
vice in St, John's -by -the -Lake
church. on Friday was well at-
The leaders for the different
churches were: for St. John's,
Mrs. Harry Bossenberry; for the
United Church, Mrs: Douglas
Gill; for the Church of God,
Mrs. Myrtle Tetreau, and for the
Evangelical United Brethren
Church, Mrs, Charles Snell.
The speaker for the service
was Mrs. Rufus Turnbull, with
Mrs. Ross Love as organist.
The Anglican Church service
was cut shot on Sunday and the
Sunday School service cancelled
on account of watertrouble in
the furnace room, affecting the
heating of the church.
T.W.S. Cater For Banquet
The T.W.S. group of the Unit-
ed Church will hold their month-
ly ,meeting on friday evening,
Feb. 20, when the day of prayer
service will be held, followed by
pictures shown by Mrs. Enter-.
son Desjardine, taken on her
recent motor trip to. Mexico,
On Thursday evening, under
the convenorship of the execu-
tive of the T.VV.S., the group
catered to a banquet for the
members and guests of the
Iilondyke Gardens Co:operative
Limited, when about 140 were
LegionreseValentine Dance
The dance held by the. Legion
on Friday evening was a huge
success, so so that it was
decided to hold another on. Fri-
day, Feb, 27,
Mr. John MacDonald was mos.
ter of ceremonies with Mr. Jack
Thynne of Brussels as enter-
tainer. Mr. Thynne was request-
ed to give a repeat performance
at the next dance. The ladies of
the Auxiliary catered to the
The bake sale and tea held by
the C.G.I,T, proved a success
on Saturday afternoon in spite
of the weather and the icy con-
dition of the streets and roads
in the district, and was a great
credit to the members,
Auxiliary Transferred ,
The Ladies Auxiliary to the
Legion held their monthly meet-
ing on Monday evening. Arrange-
ments were made to cater for
the Valentine dance on Friday
evening, and also for another on
Feb. 27.
The secretary read a letter
from the zone commander ad-
vising that she would bemaking
her official visit on Monday eve-
ning, March 9. The president
asked that all members who.
possibly could to be present on
that occasion,
The secretary also read a let-
ter from the provincial presi-
dent advising that Grand Bend
Auxiliary had been transferred
into the sante zone as the Le-
gion, that being Sarnia Zone
ndand that Mrs. Burzina Snot -
grove Was. their new zone COM-
W.A, aand. JiW.IM S.
At the February .meeting of
Lrnited e AChurch, . and �.Y. n S Thursof dayhy
afternoon, :it was ,decided to have
a quilting in the church base.
meat .en February 23,
Mrs. A. >an. %lolley took the
W.M.S. study on the Canadian
Indian. President, Mrs. Douglas
Gill, presided, and Mrs. William
Love read a letter from Rev. and
Mrs. Donald Irwin, in Roma, to
whom another food parcel will
be sent in the near futuje.
Mrs. Henry Devine presided
for the W.A. meeting. Mrs. Wil-
liam Love read the Scripture. It
Was suggested that a tea towel
shower for the .church would be
Personal Items
Mrs. Jack Riddoch and family•
of Sarnia spent Saturday with
her aunt and .uncle, Mr, and
Mrs. Lawrence Johnson and
daughters, her husband being
Northern Ontario on a hunting
Mr. and Airs. Ross Battram.
of Parkhill visited with Mr, and
Mrs. Lloyd Baker on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs, Mansell Mason
spent Sunday in London with
their daughter, Miss Pauline
Masor. and Mrs, Arthur Pugh are
this week on a business trip to
Detroit and Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baird
spent Saturday in Atwood with
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Morrison.
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