The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-02-19, Page 6040. 4 The Times,Advocate, February 19 1,59
TOP SPEAKERS AT SHIMS—Paula Boulianne, David Ducharme and Xandra Busche
won Lep prizes in senior and junior public speaking competitions held at SHDHS re,
eently, The contests were sponsored by the student council and Ontario Hydro.
Carmel Ladies
Kippen United Church
Of Japan
Dr. A. E. McMaster of Sea- Pres
forth was guest speaker at thee
February meeting of the Arnold The Sunda School scholarat ice was observed in the Kippen
'ire e o1 carrnet6 3 St. Andrew's United Church oe
church when they entertained Sunday who received diplomas
the ladies from the 1.7ni t e d and seals for attendance were:
. Church Evening Auxiliary, the first diploma, Brend Turner,
Anglican WMS and the Senior Lynn Alderdice, Susie Mae Los-
WMS and Home Helpers of the tell, Douglas McKay; second
same church on Monday eve- diploma, Gwenneth Jones and
.And District News
Mrs,. Maude .Hecklen„ Phon.„5
Mrs, Archie MacGregor, .Fhen. SO
Couples Enjoy
'Valentine Party
The Legion Hall, attractive
with Valentine motifs, was 'the
setting for a 'Valentine party
Friday for the members of the
Legion and wives and Auxiliary
members and husbands.
Euchre and crokinole was the
highlight of the entertainment
and the winners for euchre were:
ladies, Mrs, Jim Clark and Mrs.
Howard Smale; lone hands, -Mrs.
Howard Adkins; gents, W. J.
Cameron, .13ob McKenzie: lone
hands, Wes Venner; crokinole,
Mrs, S. Ronnie and ;Mrs. BYran
A smorgasbord luncheon was
served, and dancing rounded out
the evening.
I Mrs. E. R. Davis was in charge
of the decorating; entertain - •
ment, Mrs. W. J. Cameron, Mrs,
!Howard Smale; 1,inch, 'Airs. Gor-
Munn, Mrs. B, Kyle, Mrs.
Cameron, Airs. IS, :Smale, The
affair was attended by over 50.
Friends Fete
Area Brides
An enjoyableevening was
spent Friday at the .home of Alt%
and Mrs. Ted Prouty when
'ends gathered in honor of
Miss Marlene Cooper and Air.
Kenneth Parker Whose marriage
takes place on .Saturday, Feb-
ruary 20,
Crokinole was played with
prize winners; ladies' first, Mrs.
}Jarold ' dr. *; t',, Mr. Nor-
val Cooper; ladies' consolation,
Mrs, Eldon Miller; gent's .conso-
lation, Mr. Jack Cooper.
Marlene and Kenneth were
presented "vila a shower of
miscellaneous , gifts after which
a social hour We spent.
Shower For Bride-Eleet
A number of neighbors and
friends gathered at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. Norval Cooper on
Saturday afternoon in honor of
their daughter, Marlene, bride -
elect of this week.
A short program was present.
ed including a reading by Miss
Margaret McKay, • a vocal duet
by Miss Elaine Ross and Joan
Coleman. and a reading by Mrs,
Alex Miller.
A presentation of miscellaneous
gifts was made to the bride -
elect. The address was read by
Airs. ()Aland.
United church with an atteed. •
ance of around 60 ladies. The
ladies of Brucefield church joined
with the Kippen women for the
Mrs, Norman Walker, Bruce -
held, key woman for 1959 led in
' Gerald Jonliston; the prepared program, and was
Dr. McMaster spoke of his
trip to convention in Japan and Seals, second years Debra An- assisted by Mrs. Rev. Davidson, ;
showed colored moving pictures derson, Dianne McKay, Janice Mrs. J. Cairns and Airs. Edgar:
McNichol; fourth year, Donna Allen of Brucefield and Mrs.!
he had taken. He said the pea- Whitehouse; fifth year, Kenneth john Anderson, Mrs. Alex Mc- I
ple of Japan are very clean and : jones, Jim Kyle, Billy Turner, Murtrie, Mrs. Winston Work-
;Medical men, well educated. He David Turner; sixth year, Nancy man, Mrs. Stewart Pepper and!
also visited China and Thailand.
Consitt, Wendy Jones, Joan Sin. Mrs. Russell Consitt of Kippen.
He was introduced by Mrs, Ste-
-wart Bell and thanked bY Mrs. ! elair, Grant Jones, Ruth Ann Those who offered prayers der- I
McNichol, Barbara McNichol ing the period of intercession .
The worship was conducted by ! and Robert Cooper; seventh y—ar, were Mrs. H. Dalrymple, Miss
Wijliam Brown.
Joyce Hood, Garry Jones, 3
Airs. Harry Hoy assisted by Mrs. inc1Bowe,y, Mrs. Mel Graham, Mrs.
Beverley Beaton. Mrs. Hoy also Consitt, Robert Turner, John Emerson Kyle and Mrs. Bert
„presided for the prOgrarn which Conga, Donald Parsons, David Faber.
eleventh year, Sharon .... _
included several piano selec- Cooper:
I AlcBride, sum Ronald McGregor of Kip-
: tons by AIrs. Malcolm Dougall. pen gave an appropriate address
Prayer Service 4.
A welcome was extended
iiclent Mrs. Ed, Fink, I The World Day of Prayer serv-
sees.ssossustermeameeassmissus.simeeseessmsesseemeeassemsese llllll els
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..................*•••••••••rwas Aro ifflooroomoommo dblioil
Mrs. Fred McGregor, Bruce -
field, accompanied by Mrs. Wal-
ter McBeath at the piano, sang
a sblo.
The offering was taken by
Mrs. Harold Jones and Mrs.
John Cooper Jr. At the conclusion
of the service Mrs. Lorne Wilson,
Brucefield, was appointed key
woman for 1960,
Shower For Bride -Elect
A miscellaneous shower was
held for Marlene Cooper, bride -
elect of next Saturday at the
home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Orval Cooper on Saturday
Miss Margaret Coleman fur-
nished the music for a singsong
Miss Margaret McKay gave a
reading on St. Valentines; Mrs,
Alex Miller, a poem, and Miss
'Elaine Ross and Joanne Cole-
man sang two numbers. :Mrs.
Robert Elgie conducted a con-
Miss Marlene Ostland read an
address to Aiarlene and she was
presented with many beautiful
gifts for which Marlene thanked
everyone. •
The event was arranged by
Mrs. Jack Consitt and Mrs.
Ernie Ross.
Celebrate Birthday
Air. and Mrs. Frank Wright
and Mrs. R. J. Wright entertain-
ed to dinner last Tuesday in
honor of their uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Trewartha
of Clinton on the the occasion
of Mrs. Trewartha's 80th birth-
day. .
Other guests included Mrs.
Peter Addison, Elliott Lake who
Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Trewartha, Mr. Robert Melt -
wain Sr„ Goderich, Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley Mcllwain and
Messrs. Everett and Maurice
Mcllwain of Goderich Township.
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones
and sons visited Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parsons and
Bob, of Cromarty.
Mrs. Howard Finkbeirfer, who
has been a patient in Clinton
Hospital, is now spending a. few
days with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Carl McClinchey of Clin.
The flowers in the church on
Sunday were placed by the fam-
ily and in memory of the late
Mr. and Airs. Geo, E. Thomson,
Airs. Reid Torrance of P'orter's
Hill was a weekend guest of her
father, Mr. Henry Ivison, and
Sister, Miss Jean Ivison.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl. Sproule of
Exeter were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Alellis.
Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Wahl of Lis-
towel were Sunday guests with
Mr. and Mrs, Norman Dickert.
Mr. and Mrs, Alf 'Moffatt who
have vacationed the past three
weeks with a sister and brother.
in-law, Mt, and Mrs. Routzon
N. Vero IS each, Florida returned
to their home on. Saturday.
Mr, Bob Clarke, son of Mr.
and Airs. Lou Clarke Jr. who
sprained his left wrist while play-
ing hockey in Mitchell .recently
is improving favorably.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stokes
and Larry of London visited Sun-
day with Mrs. Stoke's father,
Mr. Robert Thomson,
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Kyle
and Jim visited Sunday evening
in Clinton at the home of tin -
arson's inether, Mrs, Kyle.
On Saturday afternoon Mr.
and Mrs, Eldon Jarrett, Ruth
Ann and Miss Betty Fleteher of
Kirkton attended the tapping
cereniony of their daughter.
Marie, at Stratford General Hos.
Mrs. Robert McBride was taken
to the Rest Heine' in liehsall
last week.
The comnitmity's most depend.
able mefchantt advertise in The
Times -Advocate. Read the ids
every week,
Shows Paintings
On TV Program
Mrs. R. M. Peck will be guest
of Miss Margaret Brantley on
her program M'Lady on CKNX-
TV Wingham, Friday, February
20 at 2.30 p.m, and will have on
exhibit a number of her oil paint-
Personal Items
Air, and Mrs. Bill Fink and
Kim are vacationing in Ala-
Miss Dorothy Love, daughter
of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Love,
who has been ill in Clinton Hos.
pital is home again.
Mrs. Jenkins is visiting this
week with her daughter, Airs.
Macintyre in Clinton.
Bride -Elect Honored
A pleasant evening was spent
at the home of Mrs. Murray
Baker when members of the
family gathered in honor of Mos
Margaret Woodburn, bride -elect
of this month,
Games and contests were en-
joyed and the bride -elect was
presented with a shower of
miscellaneous gifts. - Webster.
'Ladies Observe
Day Of Prayer
..Tha World Dv of Prayer was
held at Carmel Presbyterian
Church on Friday with Chisel-
, Pauls uniting for the 'service.
iroscits,vii7esall United and St.
Leaders were Mrs. S. Dougall,
iNirs. C. Daniel and Mrs. W. O.
Mrs. Frank Wright' of Kippen
was the speaker and Mrs. Wil-
liam Brown, soloist, Prayers
were offered by Mrs. Percy
Campbell, Mrs. Mary Taylor,
Mrs. G. Armstrong, Mrs, Ed.
Finks Mrs, R. Taylor Jr. There
was a good attendance,
Chiselhurst WA
Studies Canada
The February meeting of the
W.A. and W.M.S. of Chiselhurst
United -Church was held last
Wednesday afternoon in the
church schoolroom,
Mrs, R. Taylor W, A. presi-
dent opened the meeting. The
devotional was. taken: by Mrs,
Roy McDonald assisted by Mrs.
Earl Kinsman.
The study on "Canada" was
presented by Mrs, Edwin Dick,
Mrs. Clarence Coleman presid-
ed for the W.M.S. business. A
quilting bee and pot luck -dinner
was held in the church base-
ment Tuesday afternoon, Feb.
17 when several quilts were com-
pleted for ths bales,
Mrs. Percy Harris and Mrs.
Jack Brintnell were hostesses.
Personal Items
• Mrs. Macintyre of Clinton
visited last week with her mother,
Mrs. Jenkins, and sister, Mrs.
spent the we.ekend with Mr, and
Air. and Mrs. Gerald Flynn Public Health Nurse
Airs. Don Avery in Sarnia.
Mr. and. Mrs. Lorne Chapman
were recent visitors with Mr,
and Mrs. Westaway in Hamilton.
Congratulations to Mrs. Meid-
Inger, a Hensall resident, who
celebrated her 88th birthday on
Jerry McClinchey was rushed
by Bonth,7on ambulance Sunday
to Clinton hospital where he un-
derwent an emergency appen-
dectomy and his condition was
serious but at date of writing
he is doing as well as can be ex-
Mrs. George Sawyer is a pa-
tient in Clinton Hospital:
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Henry were
in Mitchell on Saturday attend-
ing the funeral of the former's
sister, Mrs. John G. Scott.
Dr. Win. Joynt of London spent
the weekend with his mother,
Mrs. Alice Joynt.
Hensall Woman
Lucky At Bingo
Mrs. C. Wilkinson was three
times winner at the bingo in the
Hensel! Legion Hall on Saturday
evening. Jim Smale and. Miss
Bedard were winners twice.
Other winners were Rex Dick,
Mrs, Dorian, Mrs. R; Broderick,
Patricia Lemmon, Harold Swart.
zentruber; Miss Pearl Tideswell,
Clinton, Mrs. Roy Foster, Louis
Johnston and Share the Wealth,
Speaks To
Mrs. Fed Dobbs Jr., Exeter,
of the Huron County Health Unit,
was guest speaker at the Feb-
ruary meeting on Wednesday
evening of the Hensall Women's
Institute in the Legion Hall.
Introduced by Mrs. George
Hess Mrs. Dobbs outlined the
work V. a health nurse, mention-
ing the iinmunization clinics held
in the county. pre -natal classes,
school visits and home care.
Mrs. Harry Hess of Zurich
was guest soloist accompanied at
the piano by Mrs. William Fuss.
Another musical number by Mrs.
Hess, Mrs, George Hess and
Mrs. Fuss accompanied by Miss
Greta Lammie was much ap-
President Mrs. Carl Payne
gave an interesting and informa-
tive talk and demonstration on
nourishing and tasty salads all
the year round. Miss M. Ellis
in her usual capable manner
gave a humorous reading. Mrs.
A, R. Orr convened the program
and directed community singing.
During the business an invita-
tion from Kippen East Institute
was accepted for March 18 at
8.30 in St, Andrew's United
Announcement was made of
Fred Kennings. the Achievement Day for South.
The jackpot next Saturday will Huron for 4-H Home Making Club
be $115 in 60 calls. project, "The Cereal Shelf", to
Cromarty Comments
SErstsrassosszss-sssIstitin as:KM-Oar stssremseassssItsMosteasszsrissiStiaStS1
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cole-
man visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. T. Laing,
Mr. Kenneth Walker, of Lon-
don, spent the weekend with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto
Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Gale,
Mitchell, were Sunday visitors
with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Laing.
' Many relatives from Cromarty
and district attended the funeral
of the late Mrs. John G. Scott, in
Mitchell on Saturday.
Mr. Will Hamilton is a patient
in St, Joseph's Hospital, London,
Mr. and Mis, Alex Miller and
family, Staffa, were guests of
Air. and Mrs. Robert Laing on
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cadick,
Sharon and Donald, London, and
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Elliott and
Susan, Windsor, were guests at
the Wallace -Spence wedding on
Saturday, and visited with Mr,
and Mrs. John Wallace, on Sun-
The ladies of Cromarty congre.
gation met with the Staffa ladies
for the World Day of Prayer
service in Staffa Church on Fri-
World Day Of Prayer
When the ladies of Mount
Pleasant and Roy's church met
for the World Day of Prayer
service in Roy'Church, a feel-
ing of great loss was felt in the
passing of Mrs, ;/., G. Scott, Mrs,
Christie, as leader, asked for a
"1 am afraid, doctor," said
Mrs. trown, "that my Husband
has slime terrible
lion. Sometimes I talk to him
toe hurt 4hd then discover that
he hasn't heard a word,"
"That Isn't an afflictitte. Mas
dare," was the weary reply.'
"That's a gift."
few minutes silence in her mem-
ory after which she read 'a suit-
able poem, followed by prayer.
Mrs. Harvey Dow played quiet
music as the meeting • came to
; order, with Airs. Andrew Christie
in the chair. Mrs. S. Graham,
1Mrs. G. Neil and Mrs. H. Dow
read passages of Scripthre. Mrs.
Clayton Colquhoun,
Mrs. Cecil
Burrill, Mrs, N. Dow, Mrs. M.
Christie, Mrs, J. Hocking led in
intercessory prayers. ,
I Mrs. Harley, of Mitchell, gave
: an inspiring address, "The Faith
1 that Dares Can Redeem the
' World," Mrs. Campbell Dow, of
Mount Pleasant, rendered a solo,
;with Mrs. Calvin Christie at the
At the close of the meeting, a
social hour was enjoyed.
Mrs. John Scott
Active In Church
MrS. John G. Scott, of RuSseI.
dale, the former Mary Henry, of
Hilbert Township, died in the
Slra iford General Hospital on
Thursday. She had been a patient
since Monday.
Born in Iibbert Township, 0C-
tober 30, 1883, she was a daugh-
ter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
William Henry. She resided in
ilibbert until 1038, when she
moved to Ruaseldate, In 1905, she
was Married to John G. Scott,
WhAlto"srtiVriVreiV5in-g are three daugh-
ters, Mrs. Jack (Jeanette) Colt.
man, Torente; Mrs. Elmer
(Mary F,) Dow, Hibbert, and
Mrs. Roy Dow, Hibbert; one
brOther, Williani 'Henry, lieriSall,
and five grandchildreri.
The funeral Wag held et the
Heath - Lealie tnieral Wee,
Mitehell, on Sattirdar, With Rev,
A,IL Daynard, of toy's Church
and Staffa, Officiating„ and Rev,
George Lamont, Alitehell, Asist.
ig.Burial in Roy's
be held in theCommunity Cen-
tre, Hensall, February 28 at 1.30
p.m. Friends and Women's In-
stitute members are invited to,
A motion was passed to give
$25,00 to the Legion towards the
use of their hall. A euchre party
is being arranged for the .near
future when the husbands and
friends are to be invited.
Mrs. Sim Roobol commented
on the, Summary Day for "Sew
to Save" held in Clinton, Jan.
The short course on Hospitality
Foods is scheduled for April 13
and 14, 1,30 p,m. when Miss
Porteous of Home Economics
Service, Toronto, will be in
charge. This is •a community
service, and too good to miss.
The deadline for members to
hand in their talent money is
the next meeting; March 11.
Hostesses Miss Phyllis Case
'and Mrs. Donald McKinnon and
theircommittee served lunch.
Mrs. T. J. Sherritt extended
courtesy remarks to Mrs. Dobbs,
Mrs. Hess and all who assisted
with the program.
We . alter double . breasted
suits to single.breasted.
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'57 PLYMOUTH SEDAN—push 'button transmission,
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'56 CHEVROLET SEDAN—tutdne, clean,
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some parts of the body are missing! Its yours
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'51 FORD 1/2 TON PICKUP—excellent conditi6n.
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'51 CHRYSLER SEDAN — full power equipment,
New 1959 AUSTIN—for immediate delivery.
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South End Service
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