The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-02-12, Page 6Page
-The Times -Advocate,. Fel!Nary J2, 1941
And Di,strict News
Mrs. Maude Hedden, Phone •4
Mrs. Archie MacGregor, Phone $0
Ladies Auxiliary Pick Officers Library Reports
Plans Activities
At the February meeting of
the Ladies' Auxiliary to Henson
Legion last Tuesday evening
several items of business were
deckled upon. They included:
Assisting the Legion members
In redecorating the Legion Hall:
Catering for a luncheon and
dinner for the bonspiel an Wed.
iaesday, February M;
Holding a party for their hus-
bands and Legion members and
. their wives on Monday, Feb-
' ruary le;
Conducting a Red Cross drive
In March;
Having a draw and selling
tickets on a man's or lady's
suit with Mrs. W. .1. Cameron.
„ Mrs. Howard Searle and Mrs.
Garnet Allan as a committee in
* charge and
Discontinuing the telephone
At $t Paul's Circulation Jump
Frank Ellwood was elected: Library jumped over 25 per vent
People's warden and John Hen
derson was appointed rector's Caa5mer'on 1:Librarian Mrs.
warden at the annual vestry in 1958, 6,362 books were taken
meeting of St. Paul's Anglican
Church, out. compared to 4.608 in 1957.
Reeve John Henderson was
Other officers are: treasurer. elected chairman of the hoard HONOR 50 -YEAR MEMBER$ ---Acting Noble Grand William Dougall, left, presents 50-
W. 0. Goodwin; vestry elerk, and James A. Paterson was re- year jewels to S. Sheperd and John M. Glenn, right, during a special cere-
Jack Henderson; lay delegate, appointed secretary -treasurer at inony at Hensall 10014' lodge Tuesday night, Both men are past noble grands -Of the
R. H. Middleton; alternate. W. , a fee of $10.
0. Goodwin; sidesmen. Frank ; Mrs. A. Cameron will J•emain lodge,
Forest, Jack Henderson, Jack librarian at a salary of 8450.
Lavender, E. Roberts, Torn Lay- Other members of the hoard
Frank oForrest rs., manaJackgers, Leven- and RNormintonYAlticLaren, Miss M. Ellis ebekah Lodge Celebrates Birthda
M ; .. . .
der, Mrs. R. H. Middleton and • peraonal Items
ender. are Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin. Mr.
t Noble Grand Airs, 'Inez Me- Airs. Sam nougat!, Miss Mettle forth and Mrs. Harold P.arker
the other officers, Ewen presided at the meeting of Ellis, Mrs. Beverley Beaton and gave readings. Mrs, Hugh Me -
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Redden, Mr, Amber Rebekah, Lodge No. 349 Mrs' Stewart 'Blackwell, Mrs. ' Ewen and Mrs, William Fuss
Club Nets $302 ;and Mrs. Vernon Redden, and on Wednesda„- evening, celebrat- • .
• Anna Walker and Mrs. Sam Ran.' sang a nuett accompanied by
• Ray,Mrs. Muriel C']emens, of
For •Crippled. Kids weekend with. Mrs. Catherine Mrs* 1V• Chambers and Eidi sen
N • Cr umme • • ' ' • ' •
Alt's. Keith Sharpe and Mrs. Joe
ing its tenth anniversary. .D.Dra, metPaat Noble Grands were ab- Mrs. Harold Bell at the piano.
Catharines, visited over the
Grand Mrs. Inez Mc- Gr tt of Seafoith mese Act!
wiea Lodge of Seaforth were ' Noble ?
Iledclen and fan-Lily..Bob fledden ' , wen invited I) p wil. a Slin. Bingo ga 'Ilea were played.
President Mrs. .wintain Brown }Jensen Kinsmen raised 8302 : is recovering from three frac-. a'tics — nem Chambers to the front and The birthday gift was won
conducted the business. Mrs• for the Crippled •Children's Build- ; tured. toes he received during a ' The warden, Mrs, A. Orr. and . presented her with a corsage, by Mrs. Me. enger of Seaforth,
,John Henderson won the mYs• ing Fund in their house to house: hockey practise. . conductor, Mrs, E, Chipchase, , after which she presented the The birthday cake was cut by
tery prize.
Bingo wee played. Twenty- John Heal, Kinsmen chairman. , in her home at Windoy sor after . of the Lodge to Pthe Hoer, .1n. , PV (i Mrs. Stewart. Dick;
canvass last Tuesday evenin,g. a•trs, Jessie earnpben returned escorted the Past Noble Grands with eorsages, also Miss Annie le, Consitt,
two emberr
s ere present. was in charge of the project. , spending a week with Mrs, R , eluding Miss Annie
—• -- f'
eusta• :Exeter Lodge, N,G. Mrs. lil. An -
1 • • . , .
I Bell and sons and ‘•isiting vitli Mrs. Alex Me.Beath,
.. Mrs, Ross • Brews of Eidlewiss Lodge, Sea- Mission Society
• • Exeter, belle Whiteman, Mrs. Archiet Arrangements were made for Sews Nine Quoits
. . Richardson. Mrs. Leona Paeke, ! •
i her brother. Roy. who is"a pa- . forth and the lee grand Mrs,'"
Auxiliary Conducts Memonai !tient in South Huron Hospital, ' Mrs. II irold Parker. Miss May- I Glenn Bell ,with corsages.
President Mrs. Ken Elder con- A bake sale, lea and notion
table will he held March 14. • Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Dining . MacGregor' Mrs' Wm' Caldwell' ! a euchre party on February 18.i Nine TAUS were quilted in
attended the funeral if the late , 'Mee days by the ladies of the
ducted the Meeting of the Eve-• i A donation was voted to,, the ,
ring Auxiliary of the 'United Personal Items , William 3, Bell in Seaforth on Personal Items !Nan' League.
Miss Maybelle Whiteman pre. Woman's Missionary Society of
Church Monday. A memorial Mrs, Minnie Sangster of Hen -1 Wednesday. i Mr. :Harold Munn of Perth was : ' • • • -
sented a bedspread, hand -made, ' Henson United church which will
service was held for the late sail and Douglas Sangster oC Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Smith re.' a weekend visitor with Mrs, Ida
Helen Traquair. London were in Toronto recent- : turned home on Sunday aft -1'i Munn and air. and Mrs. Jack and donated by her sister, Mrs. be forwarded to headquarters at
Mrs. Edison Forrest conducted IY attending the funeral of a spending the past week in Ken- Simmons. ,Dinsdale, tickets to be sold on . Toronto for distribution to the
!same. D.D.F. Mrs. Chambers Mission .fields.
the devotional assisted by Mrs. friend. i Lucky.
Dave Kyle. iI Miss Dorothy Farquhar of To- • spoke briefly. Mrs. E, Andrews, i The ladies quilted in the church
•- lento was a weekend visitor ; N.G. brought greetings from , schoolroom starting on Monday
Mrs. C. Daniel and Miss M. t with her mother, Mrs, Emma : Eidelwiss Lodge and presented and completing the project on
leader to attend the leaders. Goshen United Church !Farquhar' • -
Ellis were appointed to select a i a gift. Mrs. Harold Parker ex- Wednesday. working from 9 a.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell pressed thanks for the corsage
training school at St. Thomas. •
Miss Ellis gave the motto on . • i left last wee ----------------- ' on behalf of the PaSt Nobl
"Laughter". Will Burn Mori -age
-B i N G 0 ! 1 By MRS. CLARE McBRIDE ! Richard Robinson, Will Clarke
son-in-law and daughter
• Goshen annual conand John Armstrong; young
and Mrs. Gerald Flynn.
Winners at Legion bingo Sat- ereaational
meeting was held in the base -
e e people's class, Elgin McKinley: ! Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Cook and : Lodge Presents
erday were Mrs. Bruce Walker, meet of the church Friday, fol. girls' class, Mrs, R. Erratt and Mr. Ewen McEwen of London
Mrs. Bob Baker, airs, Bin Aus. lowing a pot luck supper served Mrs. Roy McBride; boys' class, called on friends here on Fri- i 50 -Year Jewels
tin, Mrs, Fleischauer, Mrs. B. 1
,,,, the ladies. Rev. T. 3. Pitt Anston_ McKinley and Mrs. Ro. day,
acted as chairman and Mrs. D
„Fr , ,.Pe_c_l_t primary class, Mrs.! Mrs. Emetic Parker returned I Two members of Hensel! 100fe
Walker, Mrs, A. Foster, Mrs. • 0 N in Elliott and Mrs. B. Keys; l to the butte of her son. Mr. and lodge: — Witham S. Shepherd
Bruce Keys was appointed sec. ''' '
Bill Austin, Miss Bedard, Mrs. rotary for the evening. kindergarten class, Mrs. A. Mc- i lairs. Harold Parker, after spend- • and john M. Glenn — were. pre-
' Kinley, June and Marlene Mc-. ing several weeks with Mr. and .
Vanstone, George Shiels, Mrs. A minute's silence was ob- Clinchey. sented with 50 -year jewels du -
Norman Baird; Mrs. Baird, Mrs, served in memory of those .arho . i :Mrs. Russel Keyes in Mitchell. l big a special meeting Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Robin-, The interior of the Legion Hall ' night.
Fleischauer (tied); Mrs. Wm, had gone to higher Service—; son were appointed as secretary-! is taking on a new look these Acting Nnble Grand W. R.
Kyle, Mrs. Wes Venner, Bin namely, Mrs. John Armstrong, treasurers; organists, D o n n a i days with several bees being '
• Dougall, who made the presen-
Austin (tied): Mrs, Wes Venner; Mr. John McBride and Mrs.
, Hayter and Joan Elliott. Mrs. E. ' h idTheL • Ladies' A a:a! tation, said: "This distinction is
share the wealth jackpot, Jimmy Henry Erratt. heid. Legion. um 1-;
liayter was also appointed as ' err have been busy washing the ' •
' seldom attained in our order and
Smale. ! Mrs. Elmer Hayter gave re-: assistant teacher, • • Hensel! lodge is highly honored
walls and woodwork in prepare- 1 1
jackpot this Saturday will be ports of the work of the Wo-
worthyoupainting $110.00 in 59 calls. .. • men's Missionary Society, Mis- superintendentyear veterans."
that a Sunday School Board of being done by the Legion mem- ' sloe Band and Baby Band, Mr. :'', Frank McClinchy gave the tree.- Management be formed in the hers. Both Mr. Shepherd and Mr.
1 surer's report. • near future. Mr. and Mrs. John Atkinson, Glenn are past noble grands.
Comments About was gratifying to know that Personal Items Brian, Bobby, jimmy and Brad-
Mr. Shepherd joined the lodge
It in Dec. 27, 3907, and Mr. Glenn
' sufficient funds had been raised ' Mr. and Mrs. George Cantelon ley, and Mrs. Atkinson Sr. have .
Cromrty ,.
i during,' the year to pay off the and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reid taken up residence in Ecter.
eeter. on Jan. 3, 1908. The late Boo
Mr. Atkinson is employed at the Dalrymple, Brucefield, was no.
building fund completely and to visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce ble grand at that time and mein -
By MRS. KEN McKELLAR i install a new oil heating system. Keys on Sunday, Master WayneRCAF Station, Centralia. bership was about 70,
.' It was decided to have a mort- Cantclon is spending a few days Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chipchase i Past noble grands of the Iodize
'' gage burning ceremony Easter with them. and family of Yellowknife, N. W. took the chairs for Tuesday
W.M.S., Sunday.Mrs Marie Beattyhas.
T. spent a few days Iasi week night's ceremony.
Mrs. T. Laing presided at the In with the former's brother and the election of officers. Mr.; ed teaching duties at Front sister-in-law, Mi'. and Mrs. Ernie
February meeting Wan
i' of the Wo-; Elmer Hayter was elected to Road School after being off Chipchase and family. Air. C'hity-
an's Missionary Society which • succeed Mr, Frank AleClinchy since Christmas due to illness. Comments About
' traS held at her home. She also who had done a fine job for some, Mrs. Bruce Keys has beechase is employed at the Gold
n sup-
led in worship service assisted time as treasurer. ply teaching, Mines at Yellowknife.
by Mrs. Calder MaKaig. ' Stewards are Messr. 'M
s. Leslie , Mr. and Mrs. Clare cBm
ride, '
i Mr and Mrs. Roy Canbell Kippen
The topic was given by Mrs.: Armstrong, Bruce Keys, Doug-, Gwen and 13o1,were Sundand Erie left Saturday for Fier -
ay ida where they will vacation for
Grace Scott and Mrs. W, Har- las Robinson, Rus
sell Erratt, . visitors in Hensel! with Mr. and By MRS. NORMAN LONG
per gave current events. Miss Arnold Keys, Clarence Parke, Mrs. Orval Ramon. three weeks,
Olive Speare read a letter writ- • Frank AlcClinchey abd John ,OSLAMelvin Wurm, 1-1.M.C.S.aue....,etee!eteaeae.,tae:!eaeateeeteateeete- "e-ee
'•••-•••••—•-•-- -• '' ... •''...------
ten by Mrs. Lillian R. Dickson. Armstrong; ushers, Anson Me- :
'Saguenay, at Halifax. N.S. is Personal Items
who is a missionary in For Kinley, Bruce Keys, John Robin.!
mesa. son, Kenneth Parke and Arnold ; Hensall Group home on a three week's leave. •
and visited with his sister and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thomson
accompanied by *Mr. Robert
Keys; trustees, Allan Armstrong, hrothet•-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. ,
Personal Items ' A, McKinley, Melvin Elliott and Studies Canada •Thomson attended the funeral on
Roy Campbell and family onSaturday of the late Thomas Hay
Many friends from Cromarty R. Erratt: manse trustees, Will : .
. Miss M. Ellis presided for the!
l Thursday erening.
!of Mitchell. The deceased was a
Ind district attended the funeral • Clarke and Roy Lamont.
:February meeting of the WOM-.
! Mrs. George 1. Wren, 83, tin.;
brother-in-law of Mr. A. Thom -
of the late Mr. Thomas Hay,1 A voice of appreciation was
an's Missionary Society of the derwent surgery at St. Joseph's
, son.
which was held from the rH e a l 1 h - extended to the choir, organists, I Hospital, London, on FridaY for t Mr. and Alas, Lloyd Lovell re.
United Church held hi the church
Leslie funeral home in Mitchell' caretakers, Mr. and Mrs. Rich.: the removal of her right leg turned home Friday from a
On Saturday, I ard Robinson, and to Rev. and schoolroom on Thursday. Sacred : and came through nicety. i
were read by Mrs, P. • 'Nis , three week's vacation hi Cali -
Miss Alice Walker spent the Mrs. Pitt for their willing and , passages; is the second operation she has . aornia,
weekend at the home of her faithful service during the year. , Graham. t gone through during the past i
friend, Miss Sandy Bailey it Mr. Allan Armstrong will rep-,ia:11itir.yand Mrs, Robert Davis and
The study on Canada was pre- five weeks having had her left '
,Ilditchell. :resent Goshen on Men's Council sented by Miss Ellis assisted by . leg removed previously, il of Centralia Were Sunday
Mrs. William Henry. !guests of Mr, and Mrs, Little-
. Alt•s. Wilmer Howatt, Londes-. this year, , 1 Mr. Harold Bonthron has por- ton and family.
born, visited nn Sunday with her l The annual Sunday school Mrs. George Armstrong, who ` chased the Bank of Montreal The World Day of Pryer will
mother, Mrs. David Gardiner. ! meeting followed. Mr. ATIStni Ate- : Will cavil'. be held at tee church on Friday.
en as president
Mrs. Filmer Chappell has sof- i Kinley was elected superintend- until building,
a new one is seenred, Presided eateatetetataareatattiaaaarea,,,,,,,,,,a,„„, .. ,I,,, a it, .. • .. 1,111111111.111111 ........ Milli ...... IIIIIIIIIIIM
ficiently recovered from her re- ' ent. : for the business. An invitation.hhhhhhhh10h1h1thj1,,,u1h,‚30,t,,j,,,‚,,j, e
cent operation to return home Teachers are: Bible class, was accepted to join with the i
• trim the hospital on Monday, • , • W.M.S. of Carmel '''resbyteriari a Rafuse Ford & Keast
Mrs. C. L. Scott was able to re- !Church at the World Day of
!Hensall Scouts
'turn to her home on Thursday. l Prayer in that church :Friday, : I
Mrs. '1'. Macintosh, who has ,e)ruray 13 at 3 p.m.
!I'' 1 • ?„ L F. Refuse R. L. Ford K. C. Keast
isit Grand Ben
Onto, returned home on Monday.
Bend he held in April. Thirty mem- .1 348 TALBOT ST. Phone at 2-7452 LONDON
s to 5,30 p.m.
I motor trip to Florida, Crands. jr. P.N,G. Afrs. Wil-
e Mrs. Norman Jones was con-
vener of the project.
1 Ham Caldwell spoke briefly.
Mr. Ce.cil. Van Horne of Lie
can visited recently with bis Mrs. Ila Mae Dorranee of Sea-
been visiting in 'Acton and Tor- V" The annual birthda V party will
• Alr. and Mrs. L. E. Abbiss. On Feb. 4, our Meeting was in her ..... 111,1111101,11.1errittlfiffIlm...1.11.1 llllllllll tttttt lifirlilltilt11,111111111111ilitur
s were present.
Georgetown, visited oft Sunday the form of an outing. We were
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. invited to Grand Bend by the ist
Harold Carey.• Greed 'Bend Troop and Scout -
Mr. Warren 'McKellar is a pa. master Les peate.
tient in Stratford General Hos- We played a game of broom-
;ball • filch the Hensall troop
Thomas G. Hay won by a score of 6.0. we must
say that the Grand Bend boys
showed good scouting spirit after
Dies In Mitchell having lost the broom hall ga me.
A short period of. skating was
Thorhas Gladstone Hay died enioeti and Ave were served
flutdden1Y at hi home hi tithehI with hot dogs and hot chocolate.
Orr Thursday in his 15th year. . ,
We wisn tb give our singers son
t an Hay and the former Agnes
Rogow, and was horn at Fat,. .NleNaughton who made this 'out.
enhar, Marth 11, 1884. mg possible
He spent his early me inlop.' Our only regret was that Scout
pen, moving tCromarty wher.
er John Bakee was not ahie to
o e
he lived until 1953 when he be present beeattee of his having
Moved to Mitchell. beeome a new father. We wish
Ile was a,. adherent of the to congratulate Scouter John nn
behalf' et the troop acid ourselves, resbytetialt Church.
surviving are three sisters, Scooters Eric and Iton.
Mil. Charles (Mary) Mermnald, We wish to give our good wish.
Stratford; Mrs. Violet Campbell, es in scouting to the ist 'Crawl
Kingston Aed Mrs, Trani Wat. Bend Boy Scour frooft on the"
tee, South Africa, Ile was pre. beginning or their gamut year
deceased' by one brother, John in scollting,
And a sister, Mrs. Robert Thoritri• 1 Wd wish you a If good scoufing.
ton of Xippell. —The Ilensalt Scouter
, Funeral service was hold
&�t the fleath•Leslie funeral',
litithez On Saturday With hey, PiViOnal
GentiOiaflirtf1f 0fieiatin,, iss beau higby tit ton.
TeMpOrary entOinblnent was den visited -recently with 1111,
Elittihellt itii Memorial and Mrs. AleWart Mcqueen- And
Chapel, AIitchell, 1Mr. and Mrs. ttarry
Use TA. Classifieds
The tellowina cars have been in Steck tee long end
.Will sold to someone who wants geed trin0PertitiRtIO
above average earl
MONARgli "1444-RNE." ,SEDAN Automatic', radio,
CHEVROLET 4‘4E1,1„OCE" SEDAN — autornatie,
,egiept::4 5E PAN -radio, straight •transmission.
average earl
FORP FAIR) -ANE x1ean inside and out!
43$ FORD ;0A;11—rairiane, trim.
'55 DODGE SEDAN ---a nice black and white,
BUICK SEDAN—new motor,
453 PoNTIAc SEDAN—an ,ahov.e average
'52 DODGE SEDAN—a beautiful black,
31 FORD SEDAN—choice of two.
459 PI-YMOUTH. SEDAN—she's good and .clean,
Are the scales bothering you? 11,..ty a Tanduml
Good Trucks! Good Prices!
'56 MERCURY 4 TON TRACTOR—air over hydraulic,
new motor, almost new tires, tan be bought with
an 18•ft. dump trailer with new 10:00 x 20 across
the back, •
'56 FORD F•600-154" C & C—a steal at
'54 FARGO DUMP-rtiew motor,
These trucks will be sold,
'54 VOLKSWAGEN PANEL—big motor $ 050
'53 FORD F-600-173" C & C—good motor, tires and
clean $ 700
'53 MERCURY PICKUP—driven as a ear $
'51 CHEVROLET PICKUP—a good one! $ 450
'52 DODGE 2 TON -7 x 12 STAKE — new tires .5 350
Make us an offer!
'49 FORD — with Sherman back -hoe, a• good ttintey-•
maker . • •• • $1,100
'52 FORD -- With sky -line front-end loader • - $ 750
Larry Snider Motors
Ford - Edsel • Monarch Dealer
PHONE 624 Ford Farm Equipment EXETER
tttttttt III ttttttt 11011111 llll 11011 l I lllll It lllllll riiirigliiirrf ttttt ri lllllllllll ll lllllllll lllllll l
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