The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-02-05, Page 12Page 12 The Times -Advocate, February 5, 1959
eparts Show Progress
At Clandeboye Church
The annual vestry meeting for. Mr, ard Mrs. Ernest Lewis
St. James Church was held on teft on a motor trip ta Florida
Wednesday evening with a cold Ugh their son, Mr. and Mrs.
meat supper served merges-, Cecil Lewis.
bard etyle. The rector the Rey. ; On Tuesday Mr. and Airs. J.
J. Wrest presided for the meet.'H. Paton and Clare visited with
bg, Earl Paton who is home from
Reports showed a successful Victoria Hospital following an
year far 1956. operation.
Te new ceMetery •chapel was Jenior Formees
built of cement and dedicated The Lucan Junior Farmers
by the Rt. Rev. me.
And District News
Pliers, 10? ,corresponglent: Miss Line Abbatt
Ton,Car crash 'Defective Wire
t at the home of Mr. and For .Nursery
Sulfregan Bishop of Huron Ahout 7.45 a.m. in last Thurs. Imeanites -were startled last Emma Toe was the eaugeter of the youth. Owing to bad weather
the .arillital Memorial and Deeora. • day's -dense fog 10- ens were •
The presuleet, Mrs. Calvin MnrldttY evenieg to hear the the late- Mr. and il•Irs. Leonard and the Religious Rally at the
eirs. esineison Stanley nn Mon.
ton Service in September. lives as visitors. Included were Hackett presided at the January : •
During the year the church assistant agricultural representa• on :Highway 4. Rev, D. A. Mae- ine-eting 'of 'tile .L46an HeOe a call from Mr. Alvin, AleLean store nest 10. the C. liaskett .and there ha$ been AO regUlar Y.P.U,
tire Mr. Carman • Hamilton. tits. Milian backed out onto the high- Scheel Association last luesday ; :et lelginfield that his barn was Son's fureitere store, Mrs, DOwo- meeting for ibree• weeks. Now.
Injures No One !Causes Blaze
TMrsiL....Downino Church Activities
Former Merchant 'YiPsY.- News.
Parkwood loepittl, London, Sat. •
Mrs' Lewis D (Kiting died in Clandeboye It n i t .e- d vuurch ' '..bY Miss Loraine •Grahem. is. in.
Service from 7 to 8 each loridaY
; Twenty members of the Linens charge Of the 'Children s
Imlay. January 31. She lay at Y.P.U. attended the interdenoin- .evening. Bible lentil:4, new
eatuee end _craft .are the :order ef
rest in the C. ngsiieit nini sim national Christian Youth Service
(411;,e.raFlooiltinaleryuontillvh..4eup.riniii; 31,0j11,;.. dia741111:i.iteectvierenehiSatiee. h,Ixtelitem.J.404051etssiiSult ;seiTiciee;vieg the atitetreres my,
ice, the Y.P.V. met for their reg.
'lea' ill:* .allsts.ei:ttedUL 11)i:.13.' Trinity,inaLus- . At the morning service to Mar meeting with Air. Jack leiz.
Artnitege of Toronn1.07. eandumcsted eamplete.youth service nere., •enga in .tharge. A trio, composed
Herold Frost, mission cam/en. of Mrs, Jack VtiZeira, Miss Lor-
infneral aervIces• Interment was er, a n n 0 n e e .0 d the hymns, eine Groh= and °Alise Velme
St. James vemetery, Clande- and Barry Black, treasurer, led Birteh, sang. Mr. Eizenga led in
F. Stanley, Roy :Hodgins, Edgar ship of Mrs, Dave Park, sang theme, "God is no Respecter of
Howard Currie. spoke an the
a Dible questionnaire and Mrs.
Paltheaeers were Messrs. Ii• junior elloir, Under the leader'
in •the responsive psalm. The :
4Attleekt;allstt,ektitila4rnVectYpol% 13 .iollPtidifr, t..570011014sTobkeers. onneNiiieldsgaornd11040(1: Pe
Anglican Church
Mrs. Downing, the former
dressed his reeiarks mostly to
lay evening with county execu involved in a crash near Bier sound of the fire siren following Fox, who operated a general Community Centre a week ago,
'exterior woodwork has been way rid ss, s hit by a car oinq fire. However before'sufficient ing continued clerking in her
painted also new eavetroughs trict president, Mr. Don Hughes.
added. : vice-presidents, Miss Doreen Gar -
The Guild have started refur- rett and Air. Bill Thirwill.
nishing the vestry with a new ; Plans were laid for the annual
maple deak and matching chair, . banquet to be held on March 7
Jack for to chancel and a new ter and for the rooster crowing
historical scrap book for records ' competition at the seed fair.
bas been purchased. ; Three films were shown.
Officers elected for 1959: Pee-
ple's warden, Andrew Carter;
rector's warden, Edward Flynn; Lucan Personals
vestry clerk Karl .O'Neil;,,
n . g ' fire.
sides -
nen, Earl Morgan, Joe Cunning.: 'Mrs. Jack*Schroeder and small ee
eieraculously, no one was in. ° gt '
ba,M, Clare Paton, Toes Tomes : daughter, Cindy Lee, of London jured seriously or required hos: .tq Children's Memorial Hospi. i
and Clarence;Carter; I were Thursday guests of the for- pitalization but some needed La'• Guild Will Aid
Stewardship Campaign Lead• meres aunt and uncle, Air. and medical attention and all were The president gave a report ,
Mrs. Alvin McLean.
ers, .Mrs. Jim Cunningham and badly shaken up. Car damage on the 21st annual convention e s. ,
Mrs.: Clarence Carter; lay (tele- ! Mrs. Wilmer Jones, who has was extensive. held in London. i victim Of Fire
gate! to Synod. Maurice Simp- been recuperating at the borne l " Airs. George Paul and Mrs. R. :
son, -substitute, John Hewitt: I of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. . .
M. Engel volunteeredelle Ladies' Guild of Holy Trill-
' Irving Gibson. following her re -1 Legion, VVives
Bard. of Management. Cecil ' sent the group at the intoakililroci ityiilg church held it: January meet -
Carter, John Simpson, Alan Hill,: H • in the Parish Hall last Mon -
cent operation in St. Joseph's;
• . evening,
north and another going south.; it was suggested that in fin I volunteer fire fighters could be father's store after her marriage
Mr. Howard Kew from Lunn lure each month, lunch convener .
wlio clsay, a second call was re. and after her father's death,
aid of Some years ago she sold the
saw the crash in time to stop. *
Tie got out and with a flash- secure the "Ines Qf' all newe°111-: the neighbors anci a bucket Mi.. stock and lived alone at the rear
sr and ni v e them a ePecial in. • •
desk pad and mirror. A I. mon at Armstrong's Restaurant, Exe- light attempted to stop on-eom. i•
vi a ion to attend the meetings. ; g g
d e ire was out. of the
' •
te 1 were cars • In future notices of meetings ;
Defective veiring, caused by when her store and dwelling was
•1 -6
ing ears among wh' 1
b • t f burned down in the fire which
din en by hiss Julie e at ins, '
ivell•be sent out on 1, rulaY rather : r; '
Mrs. Don Revington of Luau.
Filiallydriver. 1 have more time to make the samriewhen Mr. AleLean turned destroyed the Lucan Motors.
soPcle f tlebarn was Wei frOD1
I lights. Fortunately the
land Mr. Bob Hamilton) and ,
, than Monday so parents win Since the fire she lived in Park -
et() clainfed he e011id See mithing , tending. ; recent storms soburnedslowly, death
a Stratford drivel% necessary arrangements for at- 1 .- ° c ilavuentdealgsdPai3t,s.1 until iter
in the fog rammed into the ,other , - . , ' for otherwise the men would Her husband predeceased her
1 it was . ated to have a shower , have been unable to put out the some years ago. Her only sur -
nine ears. •. •
cancer dressings Feb. 26 in the ; day 2, Hickson were joint hostesses
Rae •Hodgins and Roy Cunning- ospital. has returned to herI Enioy Dancing night with the president,
harni treasurer, Airs. Alan Hill; If the old legend of the ground.' The first of a series of Legion Mrs. Cobleigh's alidDes: and Mrs.Hawkshaw at
'Mrs. Kay Egan, in • the chair at a
Friday night helci at the home of
' home in London. United Church basement. miscellaneous shower last
auditors, Cecil Carter and Roy
vivors are nephews and nieces.
Attending the funeral were
Mr. Stuart Fox of Toronto, Mr,
David Firth of London, Mrs. Tay-
lor and Mrs. MeNaughton, two
of airs. Downing's nurses at
Parkwood Hospital.
Mrs. Cecil Alullin and Mrs. 1V.
; hog seeing his shadow on Feb. I dances for members and friends jardine's rooms tied for the at- ! the piano. Rev, J. P. Frest led the former, in honor of a recent
e be true then Lucanites are ; was held in the Legion Hall last tendance euP. so each room will ; in devotions and a responsive bride,
Cunningham; representatis esto 1 Mrs, George Atkinson
Moore 1 doomed to endure six mare Saturday evening. Dancing and hold it for two weeks.
ham, Ernest Lewis, Karl O'Neil,psalm.
cemetery board, Cunning -(nee Marie 1Vhitehead). Joan
weeks of winter. At least we hope; games were enjoyed hy the Volunteers were asked to act In his talk later, he told of Whitehead, sister of the bride
Maurice Simpson and Jim Cun- they won't be as severe as the I splendid crowd, followed, by a as H & S representatives and ate! the Rev. Robert A Carson and and Diane Hickson, daughter of
ningham. past six weeks when tempera- I buffet lunch, Provided bY the lend meetngs of the L.U.C.A.N.1 his bride of last July, losing one of the hostesses, assisted
L.Q.L. 493 Biddulph tures registered from 10 to le' ladies. Volunteers were .also asked to I all their belongings in a fire the bride in the opening of the
A uchre party was held with below.
The Legion Auxiliary staged make a survey of the village I last Monday at their IlliSSiOD gifts,
winners being: ladies' high score, Mr, Cliff Marshall and mother,
, another successful bingo last and No. 6 section to ascertain I home at Norway House, 300 During the evening four con.
Mrs, Walter Marshall of Bryans-; Thursday evening. The names of the number of children eligible : miles north of l'ennmeg, Mr. tests were held and were won bY
Mrs.. Thomas Weller. Lucan; all winners could not be secured for nursery school. next fall so ; Carson, a London native, had Mrs. Chas. Glenn, Mrs, William
gent's high, Don Abbott, Luean; ton were Weanesday guests of ;
Tone hands, Mrs. Roy Pepper, Mr. and Mrs, Murton :McLean. ! tbutere a eioiig Patthe erieneney winners • the board will know wbether to ' preached in Holy Trinity church. Mathers and Mrs. Wes Hodgins
Miss Kate Bowyer is on the e Mrs.e,,.__ C. eg, who won.obtain an all -day teacher or : In a recent appeal for help, for (2),
Exeter and Jack Walls of Lucan. .
- li 1 h n Beech , four bingos; ens. Robert Down-
.part-thne teacher, his parish, the A.Y,P,A. had Personal Items
Mr. and. Mrs. Jim Tubb anti
Jimmy were Monday guests of
Mr. and. Mrs. Wes Hodgins,
Mr. Earl Carling of Sudbury
is spending a few days with his
mother, Mrs. Ira Carling. He,
with his mother, daughter and
sister spent Sunday in Kincar-
dine, guests of Air, and Mrs,
Elmer Walpole and found snow
15 feet high in Kincardine dis-
feted a stroke and also has iters, Joan and Eleanor and Mrs. ; Coursey School Euchre I At the conclusion of the film ; (nee Donna Robnson) were guests •
The square dancing class in
pneunomia. ' Mrs. Art Black, who not only : of honor at a social gathering I charge of Miss Angela, Armitt of
! Agnes Ashwell all of Thorndale. I Mrs. Grey Ryan and Mrs. Al- :
Mrs. Eslie Hodgson is ill at . also Mr. and Mrs. Bob Robinson ' 10-12 group but also ! in the Lucan Community Centre 1 London was well attended last
Ian Ryan were hostesses for the ' teaches the
the home of her daughter, Mrs.; and small daughter of London, ; seven -table euchre at the Coursey has a boy in the same bracket, :last Friday evening when a! Wednesday night in the Com-
munity Memorial Centre but new
Charlie Sumners, London. Mrs. who visited Mr, Robinson's Par-, School last Friday evening, High . in her home, was in a position large number of their relatives i
dancers will be inde welcome.
; ladies' prize was won by Mrs.. to comment on the picture which ; and friends gathered to extend
Cline Webb. the former Marion ; ents in Parkhill in the after- I
I Tom Coursey, lone hands by she had seen twice, during 'the , best wishes and congratulations.
Hodgson, arrived last week to noon,
I Once again the Boy Scouts of : Aires Charles Grose and console. ; afternoon. Her comments were : During the evening the young
visit with her mother.
• Lucan solicit the co-operation of ; tion by Helen Hodgins. High ; interesting and comprehensive ; couple were presented with a
Mrs. Russell Blake is improv housewives in the paper drive , men's prize was won by Mr. Tom - and hit a chord with all mothers , purse, Gary McFalls reading
Saturday,Feb 7 Coursey, lone hand prize by Mr . of 10-12 year olds. Mrs. R. T. the address and Leo Boyle mai'.
Ing et St. Joseph's Hospital. ;
Mrs. Sheridan Revington• Mrs• Charles Grose, and consolation - Ru.mmell moved a vote of thanks ing the presentation.
H. B. Langford, Airs. Alex Young, ; prize by Mr. Bev. Hodgins. inc to Mrs. Black.
the box of groceries was Leonard e" ey, two; Mr, F. W. Hovey, two; It was decided the rates and ' planned to send. Mtn a bale. Mr.
Mr. L. Luepke, two; Airs. F. W. expenses were too high to send ! Prestsuggested that theGuild
. es
Whiner of the lucky draw on s,..
Smith of R.R. 1 Lucan. Air. James Little who under-
went an operation at Westmins., BoveY, two; Atr,,Bud Cooper, a Meg* to the annual conven.; do something to replenish their
with ; two; and singles to Mrs. Ron tion in Toronto.
Nagle; " 1.Nest•worth, John Smibert, Mrs. The bighl•„. the meeting I personal loss.
Open, House ter Hospital s recuperating
Mrs. Clarence Carter and pu. his daughter, Mrs. Basil
ea A. E. Reilly, Mr. Tom Weller, was an lab t of
educational film on the ; Most of the business session
pils of'Clandeboye school held Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Whyte a---; Mrs. Jack Henson, Don Lankin
open house for the ;parents on family of Bothwell were Sunday
and Peter ' Shipley. ; rhaviour of 10 to 12 „ , was spent in making the neces-
saryFriday evening to inspect the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold ii
The consolation jackpot Se : or a haw-haw from various parts , the Men's °Club in their oyster
_ boys and girls, A titter, a giggle ,
year °J° ' arraneements Inc assisting
Sunday guests with Mr. and ; gr by • • , of the room indicated that some- 1 evening;
I supper scheduled for Monday
Feb. 9.
work of the students. Whyte and family. *ze was won Mrs William •
Persinal Items Mrs. Evan Hodgins included ; nike •-st*. bingo. one present had a Mary, a Tom -1
Will be held next I my
Mii, Ward Hodgins is a patient ; Airs. Walter Fitzsimmons, Alrs. .... _lir:PerPresentation And Dance
: or a Billy who behaved ex- I
In S. Joseph's 'Hospital He suf.' Edward Fitzsimmons two (laugh- I Tan naY• I actly like those on the screen. I Mr. and Mrs. Jack Atkinson
Tcpies FrOM Mrs. E. R. Pitt and Mrs. Wit., next game will be held . next! The lunch committee comprised C. G. I. T. 'Meeting
liam Aylestock attended the an- ! Friday night, February 6, when ; Mrs. E. le. Bridger, Mrs. R. M. The meeting of the C.G.I.T.
ing in the Colborne United! Hodgins will be hostesses. ; E. Hussey. night began with craft which
W ha len nual 'W.M.S. Presbyterial meet.; Mrs. Joe O'Neil and Mrs. George; Engel, Airs, Traversey and Mrs. in the United Church on Monday
By MRS. F. SQUIRE Church, London, last week. consisted in the making of scrap
books for the Sick Children's
Another successful fox
IPick '59 Officers , Hospital.
Mrs. Chas. Sovereign, who
re' hunt'
PersOnal Items was held last Saturday afternoon read from '"The Torch" the pur-
pose of Youth Week, was assist-
ed in the devotions by Margaret
to spread rabies; and Rose Ann Mosur-
Whalen selibol children and when some 25 to 30 local hunters,
, d d katingparty at '
Six more foxes will never have or Lucan Church
collected at the Lucan Arena.
their ;teacher, Alt's. Charlie Gow.
• • t h ' ther in this community. Another hunt Following a congregational pot- The chairman of the steward injohn.
; the opportunity e on Monday
luck supper in the basement of beards, property committee, or- Personals
th-Exeter arena
gerust and presidents of each la.; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Armitage
the church, the members of the
dies' organization were named a • and family, of Lucan; Messrs.
chools in the school area. ; is planned for next Saturday.
The boys of Whalen school , L.O.L. Euchre
played a friendly game of hockey I L.O.L., 493, held a most sue- Lucan United Church elected committee to look into a better Alorris, Elmer and Willis Dar -
with ' Zion school on Wednesday cessful 13 table euchre in the their 1959 officers last Wednes- heatingofthe basement and the ling, and Mrs. Jean Paton, of
favoi of Whalen. ! ning. Ladies' high score prize dry evening. The meeting was possibility ofsecuring a machine
chaired bY the pastor, the Rev. to print programs and church ering and family, of Arkona, and
London; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pick-
afterhoon. The score was 7-1 in , lodge room last Wednesday eve- • ' •ii ii
Blinded by swirling snow Bruce went to Mrs. Toni Weller and Edgar Roulston, and Airs. II. B.calendars. I Air. Levi Darling visited Mrs.
Wallis' car was hit by a truck , Ion hand prize to Airs. Roy Pep- Langford was named secretary. Personals ' Levi Darling at Craigholme
last -Saturday evening on High- , per (Exeter). Men's high prize Honorary elders_ are Rev,E. Janet and Johnnie Henson, Nursing Home, Ailsa Craig, last
way "23. His car was tipped over : was won by Mr. Don Abbott, lone M.
small children of Mr. and Airs. , Sunday and found her so much
hand prize by Mr. Jack Walls. anacel r.Myeone.;Culbert;11
and Bruce received a bad bump I eldei Cook
'G rraaul chfi Cti Pat Henson, who have been pa- improved that she can now walk
on the head which knocked him The lucky draw for a box of b. ert;sbeef•I't'Ale ; y,Ivan Stan-tients in St. Joseph's Hospital, around her room with the aid of
out ;for awhile. He was taken , groceries was won by air. Leon- icy. GordonteBanting, Clarence with pneumonia, arrived home a cane.
to St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon.' and Smith. Stanley W. J. Stanley,John last 1 Mrs. Harper .Appleton was a
.11 i. and Airs. Gordon Maines . weekend guest of Mr. and Airs.
don for treatment but was re- I Another euchre is scheduled Park,
Revington, Ivan et, .- - ,„
leased on Sunday night. 1 for Wednesday, February 11, Hearn, J. Alex Young, Harold and Lucan relatives have been in -
Elizabeth of Dorchester ; IL T. Bond.
Mr, and Mrs. Milne Pullen at
•-; Florida News Whyte. Clarence Lewis, Earl were Sunday guests of Mrs, Wil- ' formed of the serious illness of
tended the Federation of Agri.Last Thursday's fog grounded Haskett, Wesley Revington. liam Dickins.
culture banquet at St. Marys 1 London planes so Mr. and Mrs. Board of stewards, Harold ! Air. Sam Jackson, of Toronto, in
• Harold Corbett had to postpone Whyte (chairman), H. B. Lang- Miss Doris Armitage of Listo- ' St. Michael's Hospital. (Airs.
United church on Friday night. I
Whalen Sunday School held a ' their trip to Florida till Friday ford, Don Maguire, Cecil Robb, wet attended the funeral of her Jackson is the former Mabel
skating. party at Woodham rink evening. J. B. Ready, J. Alex Young' M rid -
aunt, the late Mrs, Lewis Down- Hodgson, of Clandeboye, with
on Thursday evening, There was; Mr. and Ales, Wes Revington Sheridan Revington, M. 1-1. Hoeg- ing last - °---a3em
, area).
; any relatives in the Lucan
hot dogs and coffee served. Alle returned Friday night from their ins, J. H. Cantelon, Dave Park, ,, Mrs. Garfield Needham, Bally -
bad 4 good time. ; honeymoon trip to the sunny William Frost, Jack Lankin, mote, is spending a few clays Mr. Andy Dixon, of Exeter,
Mr. and Mrs. Will Damen left; south. [Toward Kew, Donald Abbott, with Mr, and Mrs. Henry Hod- was guest speaker at the Lions
last ;Week on a visit to their na- I ,., ., ..,,e, . .. „....., ; Alden Walker, Jens Andersen, gins and Air. and Mrs, Ron Car- Club meeting in the Anglican
tive Helland to visit relatives and ' ••• ''' '-' ''''''•;•••7:•• ' '-!' ''',"-••••-• ''''''' Charles Grose, James Sigsworth. roll of Saintsbury were Sunday . Church basement last Monday
friends. Happenings In , night and gave an illustrated talk
Mr; and Mrs. Will Morley Jr., ,
Janice and Robbie were Friday I
evening guests with Mr, and
rs..Ronald Squire.
Mr, Howard Morley, Mr, Clar-I • By MRS. M. H. ELSTON
ence Lynch and Gary Lynch of ! ...
Hazel Park, 'Miele, were Satur.; '''" • - '' - •-•••• ... -•-•:" e•-• • '
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ' Personal Items
Missionary and Maintenence guests. e ! an the Sauble Valley Conserve -
committee comprised of stew Mr. and Mrs' James Frecntan tion Authority, Ile was presented
ards, treasurer of the church, and familyspent last Sunday was the Lion's share of the soil
and Miss Florence Chown, treas. in Burgessvillle, guests of Mr.;
'Kid ging competition trophy,
urer of the Al, and M. ' and Alt's. Stan Mighton and ram. There were four guests from
All yearly reports showed the llY• ; Thorndale and the following local
church had a particularly good Miss 'Millie Bradley of Toronto guests, Messrs, Charles Cornett,
financial year. is visiting her sister, Aliss Rose Royden Herbert and Glen Miller
Rev. Edgar Roulston led in a Bradley. who is seriously ill. ' Mrs. Ernie Ross has replaced
Mrs. Eva Henson has been on Alt's. Bud Cooper as clerk in the
the sick list for the past week., Mayfair bakery.
Will a Aiorley Sr. and Mr. and . Little Deborah Dickey is a pa- memorial service for all those
Mrs,.Will French. 'tient in South Huron Hospital who passed away during 1958.
-; with pneumonia.
News From North Mrs. Roy Harrison who is still
a patient in Victoria Hospital
) was visited on Sunday by her
rni other, Mrs, Jessie LeWis Mrs
Elosanquet I Lloyd Johnson of Ailsa Craig
, - •
land Mr. Roy Harrison.
-• BMELVIN DURR Mrs. Chris Fischer spent Fri-
, day in London with her (heel).
kr/s.y .; -::.' ...: eeeeeeee' .-1 • e ' I ter, Mrs. Joe Mordush and Mr.
(The Times -Advocate weleemes'Several little girl friends of
and Mrs. Lloyd Stanlake.
smellier correspondent to its
Linda Heckman were. invited it
large family of reporters. 'Melvin:
Durr e Parkhill, will contribute a birthday party 00 Seturday
weekly news letter from North afternoon givOn by her mother
; in honor of Linda, They alI en -
MO and Mrs. George Murphy j°Yed gamesand lunch. The
cif Cape Breton, have been visit.' guests were Misses Bonnie Blair,
Ing their daughter, Mrs. Peter:Heather Davis, Wendy Elston,
Burley, Mr. Burley and family, Dianne and Catherine Oke.
Arid are new with another daugh.; Mr• and Mrs. Hugh Davie,
ter, Mrs. T. cocenyt and mr, I Michael and Heather were guests
Cdeefieft and family, of leitcheted of Mr. and Airs. Allah Elstbn on
I er
• Saturday. .
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Burley re- 1 Mr. and Mre. Rem VeVelis
Gently announced the birth Of a • arid David accompanied by Air.
etni, Michael. I and Airs. Bob Tindall, Miss Row -
Mr. and Mrs, ciatonte mu,. tone Abbott and Mr. Allan Tire
kits recently announced the birth , dallVit. Prised Mil., 'Clih,A. tit.
of twin daughters. i den be Lender' 00 Trit.180A eve -
Beads in the Xlonclyke have ning, 'whe was celebrating a
been kept open with the aid of :birthrlaY.
the new grader and plough, ! `Mr. arid Mrs. Lennard Sitith
Mat 'Melville, Peter Burley ' and family spent Sunday with
Anti Jelin Crawford are empleyed , the latter's parents, Mr. and
et thp army damp. i Mrs. ]ar1 Campbell, P.xeler.
, CampIpperwash is preparing Mr. and Mrs. Mervin tlsten
t61" ei
i nepeetien by the deputy Anent Wednesday evening with
thihigtho er wle expected the Mr. lern Rieke and Mil. Priscilla
Waddle of the teeth. 1 Mack.
Sat., Feb. 7
All papers to be securely
tied and left outside for col-
lection at 9:30 a.m.
The flowers on the altar were
in. loving memory of the late
Mrs. Galley Johnston at the 11
0'elock service.
The Alen's Club are busy fin-
alizing plans for their .oyster
ever, a meeting is planned ler supper, Feb, 18.
Senday, February 8th in the Lie
can United •Church with Doug A.Y.P.A,
Thomson ja charge. The regular meeting of the
Lecan-Clandeboye A.Y.P.A. was
held in the Parish Hall Sunday
evening with the president, Tone
Dimes, in the chair, Helen Har-
dy the piano and chaplain,
Pat Egan, assisting in the devo,
Pentecostal Holiness Church.
Mrs. 3, A, Graham, on Tues-
day, was hostess for the W.A.
work meeting at the home of her
daughter, Airs. Jack Eizenga.
Aire. Meine Eizenga was in
charge. of the meeting .and Airs.
Howard Currie the devotions.
Knitting, sewing and cutting out
of aprons comprised; the work
session of the meeting.
Open prayer meetings for the
month of February will be held
each Wednesday at the home of
Mr, Ed, Butler with the Rev,
Fred Thomson in charge, •
The Ladies' Afternoon Prayer
meeting was held last Thursday
at the home of Mrs. Don Gardin-
er. Airs. J. A, Graham led in
Bible study,
Rev. Fred Thomson, assisted
Personal Items
Airs. Florence Cunningham of
London -was a Monday guest of
her sister, Airs. W, J. McFalls
and attended the funeral of the
late Mrs. L. Downing.
Among those from a distance
who attended the funeral of the
late Airs. Galley Revington were
Alt's, Jean Stoner and daughter,
Air. and Mrs. Carmen Conti, Air.
and Mrs. 3, Conti, all of Niagara
Falls, N.Y., Air. Grant Hawk-
shaw of St, Catharines, Air. and
Mrs. Lochard Johnston of Hamin
ton, Dr. and Mrs. Len Lobsinger
and Mrs, McKay of Sarnia,
Mrs, Wiliam Dickins, Mrs.
Maurice McDonald and Mrs. Bob
Coleman were Thursday guests
of Mrs. Frank Coates of Exeter.
Owing to inability to secure the
Community Centre or Miss An-
gela Amite the 'birthday Valen-
tine dance has bad to be post-
poned till after Lent.
The staging of a play to raise
funds for Mr. and Airs. Bob Car-
son was discussed and a com-
mittee of the executive, group
leaders and. Miss Lina Abbott
named to make the necessary
Fifth Annual
Mon., Feb. 9
5:30 to 8 p.m.
Holy Trinity Church
Adults $1.25
Public School . Children 750
Pre4School Children Free
,111111111011111111 lllllll III ll 11111111111111111 lllllllllllllllllll 1111$11111141111111111O1111111111114111111110111111111111111$11111111,,i
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