The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-02-05, Page 5•
.40,17tOrt Qn
Mrs. Rudy Oesch visited with
Airs, William Baechler an Mon -
Mr. Harold Finlay And family
visited with Misses Mice and
MarVeet London, and
with Mr. Clarence Buke, who is
a p ien i t, Joseph's Hospi-
tal, London.
Sunday visitors with'airs. Rudy
Oesch were Mr. and Mrs. Thom.
as Penhale, of Bayfield, and Mr.
And Mrs, Bert Faber, of Kippen.
M. Archie Mustard, of Sarnia,
spent the weekend with his wife
and family.
38 Years Experience
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Complete Optical Service
Modern Styles of Frames
Spectacle Repairing
Broken Lenses Duplicated,
Any site or shape
Albert G. Hess
Jeweller 84 ()Olden
g5TABLISH51) I.900
League Fetes
Pastor, Wife
the Luther League of :St -
Peter's Church, Zurich, held
their meeting Plf Sunday eve-
: ning,
The mission versieles were
presented by Miss Wanda Laur-
owe. A prayer was rend for
missions by Mr. Wt1liu Wag
ner and Scripture lesson by Ar
Thur Winter.
Vottowind the regular league
•Pes1dent Los. Wiliert
presented Rev. and Mrs. Winter
with a farewell gift from the
league which was a silver tray
with the inscription "St. Peter's
Luther League, Zurich".
Rev. and Mrs. Winter thanked
them for their kindness.
Present Pastor and .Wife
At the annual meeting of St.
Peter's Lutheran congregation
held in the church with a good
attendanee, the pastor, Rev. 0.
Winter, opened with devotions,
The .chairman of the church
council, Mr. Harold Stade, pre-
sided for the business part after equipped House of God.
which an address was read by
the chairman to the pastor and
his wife, who are shortly leaving
for Toronto, to take charge in a
mission field. Mr. Earl. Weido
made a presentation of a purse
of money,
Mrs. Annie Finkbeiner, presi-
dent of the Ladies' Aid, present.
ed Mrs. Winter with a G.E.
steam iron, after which both
Rev. and Mrs. Winter thanked
All for their kindness.
Personal Items
Mrs. Earl Ouch entertained
some neighbors and friends to a
quilting bee recently.
Ensures Better
Had 514044ful Sala
t successful auction sale of
the •eaects of the late Joseph'
!roster estate was held in the
Lutheran Church sheds an Sat..:
gORRESPDNI4NT, MRS. CHE$TER MJTH euld weather there
afternoon. Regardless of
priees top. realized.
was a good turnout and good
Mr. Alt la MI INT, the district
auvuoneer, wielded the hammer
li„ WiVi4d4eIrl
Mrs. Atinnie Weide, of Lon
don. V iii purehased the ProPer-
ty, has liven given ,possession.
Personal Ite as
Mr. ani Mrs. Orville Witmer,:
motireit to London on Monday. I
Ahss Donna Smith of the Gus'
slum Line south has accepted a
position at the home a Mr. and
Mrs. Orvila Ducharme.
Rev. Ephraim Gingerich1 11i, Mesrs (1
Sv,•arwairuber and Keith
chert motored to 'Wellesley, the
former being live of the teachers,
while the latter are students.
Mrs. Joseph Masse and Cyril!
Ducbarine. 01 Windsor, and Mrs. I
T.vrus S'anbury, of Detroit, al -i
tended the funeral of the late'
Mr. Oscar Duchanne, near
, lac 1, and also spent the week-
end at the home of Mr. and Mrs.;
Fred Ducharme, Drysdale. Mrs.!
Stanhury reports that due to slip- t•
pery road on the American
side they were forced to travel
011 1114'
anavfeijiln gsolodc.elwhere the
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Erb and
family and Mr. and Mrs, Melvin:
Zehr of Kitchener were guests.
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Aaron Erb and family.
...11, i
9cal Business
'To London Man'
Mr. Milford Overholt, of Lon.
,dwi, Ias pureJtasedt e farm ini-
plement business property of
.the late Oscar Klopp, located on
the westerly part a town ou
Highway 84. r. -Overholt is
likely to move to Zurich and
carry on, with the business.
Church Installs
New Furnaces
The congregation of the Zur-
ich Alentionite Church in Zurich
recently had a new heating plant
installed by the aingerch Elec- Had 13.113-10- 'S. ;11-°°/' Program .
Inc Supply and Installation firm, On- Sunday evening last, Stn.'.
Two new oil burring furnaces dents °E the Ontario Mennonite
were put in, one for the Orwell . , School arid Institnte, ot
, _ an.
• auditorium and ,Mie to heat the •mteoenel,gave interesting
basement of the church, each a
program in the local Mennonite
separate unit
Marks 90
The many friends of 111r. Wil-
liam Rader, of town, are eons
geirt44-cuilliastillgur °Ito o,fe?inihneli uDy.ideisnt
ill 1)th
having celebrated his 00t
day last month. For a man his
age, Mr. Rader is quite smart
and active, being around town
almost daily.
Be still keeps uP his in
town, and is being well 4ioolted
after by his son and daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Milne Racier, and
Mr. anis Mrs. Victor Dinnin.
Church, on the theme: "God
.Sustams Bis Universe".
Considerable improvements are About 40 young people galls
also being made to the church ered at the pastor's .home, Rev.
basement, a new floor And other and Mrs. Albert Martin, for
improvements, which will great- social hour and refreshments.
ly add to the comfort of those
who worship in this Hear Youth's Story
The E.Y.F. meeting of Em-
manuel Evangelical -United
Brethren Church was held last
Tuesday with John Bullock 111
charge. Dennis Amaeher acted
as pianist for the meeting. Eliz -
ped to handle our 111any ap-
Garfield pliances. Is yours? We will lie
glad to give you a free
"housepower" rating.
Alost homes are not equip-
• i phone 0171,SOn
Electrical Week Buy!
WE'LL $.170
For Your Old Washer
Guaranteed to wash cleaner and
faster than any other Make. See
these two great features in the
Jut set it and forget it.
$TAIN-1,BM STEM-, DoI131.,1 Ttfl
List Price . . $235,00
Trade.ln . . 70400
Pay Only $165.00
PliON( 79
Alfred Reichert
Dies In Hospital
Funeral services were held
.a eth Johnston read the Scrip -
Sunday, January 25, from St. ture lesson and Murray Me
1Peter's Lutheran ChuAdams gave a reading.
Church, Zur-'
jell, for Alfred W. Reichert, Dennis Amacher presented the
Inv, who died suddenly in On- topic. It was a story of a young
!ton Public Hospital, Rev, 0. lady who had been stirred by
Winter officiated and interment the minister's sermon on, "I3c
was in the Lutheran Cemetery, not unequally yoked with unbe.
Zurich. (levers." She was engaged to a
The pall -bearers were Clar-
young man who scoffed at reli-
ence -Reichert, Howard Adkins, g°11. At last she broke lies en-
gagement to him and later he -
William Fuss, William Hess, •
Ernest Laidlaw and Clarence came engaged to a ministerial
Brenner, student. She was glad that she
had maintained her Christian
Ile was born in Hay Township !standard
on January 21, 1878, where he „
resided. all his life. ihe iticelnesident, Miss Mary
Surviving besides his wife, the Grainger, took charge of the •
ormer Lavina Fuss, arethree business session. After a Bible
• sons, Orland, Hay Township; quiz, the meeting closed.
Ervin, Clinton; Ivan, at home; l
one daughter, Airs. Frank (Laur-
clta) Fields, Bay Township, and
eight grandchildren.
Attend Funeral
Many :from the Drysdale par-
ish attended the funeral at. St.
Boniface church last Friday of
the late Mrs. Oscar Ducharme.
She was an amiable person, and
had many friends.
She was a daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs, Alexander Denom-
me, early pioneers of this set-
Personal Items
Misses Meda Surerus, Jean
McKay, Mrs. Ann Sauve, of
Toronto, spent the weekend with
relatives and friends in Zurich.
Mr. Clarence Parks, a patient
at St. Joseph's Hospital, London,
is progressing favourably after
his illness with pleurisy.
Mrs. Minnie Weido of London
who purchased the Foster home,
is spending a few days at the
home of her daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Bedard, and
having arrangements made to
have the home redecorated along
with some other improvements.
Mr. and Mrs, Ken Burns, bf
London, spent the weekend at
the home of the latter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ducharme on
Con. 1.4.
Mrs. Josiah Steckle and daugh-
ter entertained several friends
from the community to a quilting
bee one afternoon and evening
last week.
Sunday guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Gingerich and
daughters were Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Gingerich and son Melvin,
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Steckle,
Mr. and Mrs. William Steckle
and and Mrs. Amos Ginge-
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy O'Brien
motored to London to visit with
their son and daughter-in-law and
new born grandson, James Wit.
liam, last week.
Mr. and Mrs, Ted Olson and
family were guests at the home
of Mr. and is Gladwyn West-
Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Pen.
hale were visitors at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. Howard McCul-
lough, Goderich,
The campaign for the Crippled
Children's Centre in Toroul
will be carried out by various
organizations in this district.
Zurich Lions Club will canvass
in this community.
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Hampton
ot .London were visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. ,lack Scotehmer and
family neat Bayfield,
Mn. Carl Thiel is progressing
favorably over his recent Illness
and will begin his duties oft the
Ruston transport this woek.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner
and children, near Bayfield, were
visitors with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Turner.
Mrs. Mabel Snider and sons,
Mr. and Mrs. Eii,h1 Snider,1r.
Wilmer Snidi
er of Sarnia, Mr.
and Mrs, Garfield Broderick,
Mr, and Mrs, Aussoll Broderick,
Mrs. Anna Rose of tmetet, Mr.
and Mrs. Bruce Rose of Detroit
attended the funeral of Mr.
James Itannie on, Thursday at
Miss Fianne Faber d Kippen
spent the weekend at the home
of Iter sister and brother-in-law,
Mr. and Mrst Toni P'eirliale, Day.
Mrs. MAUI& 'retreat] return-
ed to Zurich Ott Spending soy -
oral clays at the 110MO of Mr. and
Mrs, Matt, !England at 1.1ensall.
Mr, and A.Trs, iletttard, Mop
motored to London on Friday.
Thoy were tkeeOrtip0ilied home hv
Moir oldest son konaid _who is
attmlaing University of WeStern f
Ontario in that city.
James G. Rannie
IFarmer In Hay
Jellies George Rannie, 77
passed away at the Clinton Pub
1ic Hospital, on Tuesday, Janu
ary 27, being admitted to tha
institution for only a few days.
He was a lifelong resident of
Hay Township occupying the old
Rannie farm on the Babylon
Line before coming to Zurich
about seven years ago.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Rannie
Were admitted to the Queensway
Rest Horne, Hensall, a few days
before he was taken to Clinton
Hospital, having not been in
good health for some weeks. Sur-
vivors are: wife, former Susie
Jacobe; sisters, Mrs. Thomas
.Kane, Chatanooga, Tenn.; Mrs.
Annie Rose, Exeter; brothers,
Arthur and Leonard, both of
Frobisher, Sask.
The body rested at the West-
lake l'un.eral home, Zurich, until
Thursday, where a public serv-
ice was held followed by inter-
ment in the Evangelical L.B.
Cemetery, Bronson Line, the
pastor, Rev. A. M. Amacher, of-
The pallbearers were: Messrs.
Laird. Jacob°, Ellwood Truem-
ner, of Zurich; Elgin Snider,
Sarnia; Garfield Broderick, Rus-
sell Broderick, Exeter; Bruce
Rose, of Detroit.
Winners Of Draw
Winners of the lucky draw at
the Thiels' Superior Store at
their grand opening last week
for a large cake was Ted Robson
and Mrs. Ray Fisher, Zurich.,
was the winner for the nylon
Personal Items
Miss Norma Steinbach left for
St. Catharines on Saturday to
spend a week's vacation. at the
home of,her sister, Mr. and Mrs.
,Tames Hackett and family. Miss
Linda Hackett aecompanied her
aunt Norma to her home after
spending over a month at the
home of her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs, Ted Steinbach and
Mr. and Mrs, Delbert Geiger
returned home from Toronto
where the former attended the
Huron County Soil and Crop Im-
arovement Association Conven-
tiori held in the Coliseum itt that
city. They were accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs, :Harry Strang, of
Mr. and 'Mrs. Ivan. Yungblut
and daughter, Marion and Mss
nez Yungblut, Mr, and Mrs.
arl Yungblut and sons were
Sunday pests at the foriner's
on's home, Mr. and Mrs, \Vil-
lain Yungblut London.
Mr. and Mrs, _Lawrence Ec'd-
rd motored to Detroit over the
weekend to spend a few days
with relatives and friends.
Mr, anti Mrs, Melvin Bennett
nd 131.THene, of Godorich, were
unday visitors at the home of
it. arid Mrs, Harold Penhale
tear Bayffeld,
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Ducharme
f the 13.W. Highway, spent a
etv days - this week. at the home
1 their daughter, Mrs, Theresa
Iartinan and sons.
Omitted lost Week
We are sorry in the Zurich
Wothon's Instituto report last
week it was omitted that Mr.
Leonard toWitan rendered sev-
eral selections 00 his piano 50 -
neaten during the program' and
after. Ito was aecompanied by
his Wife.
Make it a habit, to Ion your
het ort the ground Aoti you'll
ever IMO far to fall.
Th0 'Tini0040000ts, :Flohruary 5, 19$9 P.188
For Cana
Miss Gloria Dietz, of; London,
was a weekend visitor at the
home of he parents, 11.1r. and
Mrs. Milton Dietz.
While visiting in Flint, Michi-
gan, Mr. Joseph Cantin of St.
Joseph suffered :a heart Oink
and was confined. to the .hospital
for treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Bauch
and San John, :of Waterloo, called
on relatives in the St. Joseph
• area while an 'their way to Port
Mrs. Theodae 'Mace, a To-
ronto, spent several flays •at the
home of her sister, Miss Zthel,
Mr. and INIrs. Harold
attended a Wedding at 1,011401!
. Miss Mildred Olageriekbo
employed itt Milverto4 Nur,
sing home. as a nurses 21141
spent the weekend At Om home
of her parents, Mr. And.
Aaron •aingerleh,
National Electrical Week Feb. 844
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Modern . . electricity brings the modern convenience of
atItomatic controls to lighten your work, brighten your
Safe . . . dean . . modern . . . three little words become
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Keep paper towels handy
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the safe, clean, modern way
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