The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-01-22, Page 14-Page 16 The Titiles,AdVeleate, January 22, 1959
Clandeboye. 'Ladies
.Elect '59 Officer.s
MRS. J. H. PAWN Mrs. Cora Carter.
Officers For 1959 i•Perso.nal .items
Officers for the Clandebnye ; Mr. and Mrs. Maurice. Sump
trilled .eburch W.M.S. and \V.A. son left one Friday to spend the
'Were- -elected. Honorary presie weekend with .their daughter and;
dent of W.M.S. is Mrs, Edgar son-in-law, Mr. .and Mrs. Peter
Roulston; president re.cleeted, Banks in Sarnia it being irs.;
Ms. T. :Collins teeselectedie re • 'In the Sarnia Hospital on Satur- Board EntertainsMrs. W. Darling; vice-president, •Simpson's birthday on SaturdaY. Entertains
cording seeretary, Mrs. Rea. day night, Jan. 17 a daughter
Neil; supply secretary, Mrs. T. was burn to Mr. and Mrs. Banks PS Safety Patrol
:Collins; treasurer and seeretary Mr. Ward Hodgins suffered a ..„ „ ,
Christian Stewardship. Mrs. R. stroke at bis home on Sunday eIr. Murray lim
odgs and Mr. I telepdtillevioec f?); hmuantite' 4nextthSartutt., Femme] Wesley Clow of th
Williams; !morning. Clare Stanley "Presenting the day, this time from the arena Lucan Publie SehootasPres
• Secretaries. associate mem- Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Carter. Lucan Public School Board took
when it is hoped the weather cant of the Biddulph and Nord
Middlesex Teachers' Assoeiatiot
bees, Mrs. W. Lewis; literature, Carlyle and lan. were .guests with the Safety Patrol ehildren last will be more favorable,
CI ri
And District News
Phone 199 Lucan
...Correspondent:. Miss Line Abbptt
Fqx *Mt poopaned D'
only some 45 hunters braved eachers
ast Seturday's \Vitae' blasts
and near zero weather for the Falk Arithmetic
Church News
Holy Trinity
In epite or lack of co -opera— demon F. G. Liglithourn, R.A., ineetints of sewing and knitting.
tion from the weatherman ,there 13.11., Die_ arehdeocou of Perth Mrs. J. A. Graham Was in charge
was a good attendance in lioly and rector of St. James einireh, .of the devotions. A :report was
Trinity cbureh Sunday morning Stratford, who was a particular made of the 50 new beenn books
to cemmemorate the opening and . friend of the late Bishop Arthur ptirellased by the W.A. and eledie
dedication by the late Bishop ' Carlisle, reetor of Holy Trinity ; gated New Yeer's eve.
Williams, 50 years Ago.
Senior and junior vhoirs, and IS aisa the last Bring
! at the time of the ladies
In!lheutrsadtae-the aimelntelniolefermrosl.
Servers' Guild 'ere out in large ordained by the late Bishop -Wit- etered Thomson for •a. prayer
numbers and aceompanied the -hills- . !Meeting, prior to visiting Pines
clergy in an indoor Precessional , The elude provided special 1 Haven Nursing . Hoe—, -where
around the church, eluch of the music and five meneherS of the ' 'Mrs. Graham led in the devo.
service used at the opening of Servers' Guild assisted in the ' tions. Mrs. Howard Currie read
the •einirch was repeated. set:wipe. , the scripture and Mrs. Ed. But.
. . -
el, The guest
speaker was
Are,1:- AptILYesjil,Pccia:ini.:C, laTtiodieilbo)l-e,oAni.eYs:P•IAn• intehe: i' .e.aleierOac,BneelinitFlees'initdae,(41111,1,5:_cidsi_7iInstilf'sviiiolt.neth/clatnahileaisdalY:o.tiriutinesgisi
1 . rs Jennie Scott M , , „ . Sunday evening with the lien', in eeree, mrs. Graham lee in
vvjScQnsin.Native chair, Chaplain Pal Egan As-, ij• .. ,
sisted in the devotions. i uteri conducted a hymn Jockey
Miss Line Abbott, one of the 41.141"..
! Funeral services for seers. de
.11- advisors coneratulated the group N -
e ;Bennet & Pincombe funeral home offered serer° suggestions .1°r: "
on _Saturday, January is, Rev., illa,k,.ing 1959 an even bigger sile-!medway Euchre
cronyn :memorial Angliea.n church To celebrate the branch's first The Medway Euchre Club of
, anniversary February 13, a vak four tables met at the home of
- Canon J. Burton Thomas, of ; e..e'"
Mrs. 1 Scott Tuesday,
i e (1 11.1 lVictoria... i eltinlevasda‘.norteedisto beehianyggeplaartnnleecline, 1 jiAalsrt, .,Naliosdnd'saelyrsn. night. ,- eership fee of 50e. !McComb
:,13, followine a lengthy illness, Ladies' prizes went lo Mrs,
Austin :Hobbs for high score.,
Mrs. Earl .Middleton for lone
hands and to Mrs. Clarence
Lewis for consolation prize.
afternoon and evening
were installed by the Rev. Ed hands
Clarence Lewis for high score,
Gents' prizes went to Mr,
Last Sunday the officers of the
gar Roulston at, the morning
W-Me.:8,,• Mr, Austin Hodgins for lone
gins for consolation prize.
and to Mr: CarMah Hod
next euchre will be held
On Monday the vomMittee of at the twine or Mr. and Airs,
Otto Daley Friday, January 23,
Legion Auxiliary News
Mr. F, W. Hovey, past presi.
Missionary Monthly and World Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Carter WednesdAY, to see Walt Dieney's ; presided at the ,January meetin
Friendship. Mrs. T, Collins; London on Sundae'. ;show, '"ronka" at the Cannot. • which was held last Tuesday h
eommunity friendship, Mrs. Ar• Mrs. Eslie Hodp,son spent a the.atre, London, f Walter G.. idley
..o..owect by re-
; On the suggestion of the in
SeOlt, a London resident tor ' " WinnerS
t over 50 years, were held from the on its first yeax"s activities and! ame
the Granton school.
mid Blake; press secretary, • few days last week in London freshments at the Two by Four
Airs. Rea Neil; Christian Citizen.. at the home of her daughter and . restaurant. District'Farmer , spector it is -as decided to clean.
ship. Mrs. W. Darling. . son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. Sum- l Mr. Hodgip's son, WArd. is -- — - - , .-- - - - . - ' the plan ar program for the res
Mrs. Will LeWiS was present. ners.
ed a W.M.S. life membership' , Mrs.Roy Mellann is a pa- Other members include Coralyn away,at hie home in Lucan to an inservice training, in arith
before she left to spend the tient in st. Joseph.s Nospaar Donaldson, .11onnie Drennan, Ed- Seednesday, Jan. 14. He Jay at peptic. The inspector was un
winter with her daughter ( jean) Mrs. McRann. spent some time ,na Ryan, dean Marie Lankin. , rest in the C. Haseett and Son able to be present and Mr, Clow
Mrs. Bernardo and family sn in the hospital last fall. After Dale Illissee'• Ron .Woodwardc funeral home until 2 p.m, Fri- was more or less at sea as to
London. leaving ;the hospital she snout -Bill Nen, Randy Paul and Keith day, Jan, 16 when the Rev. J. the procedure to adopt.
about a month with her dauebter Montgomery. , P, Prost of the Anglican Church' :However those present -were
conducted funeral services. In- divided into groups of three ot
Appoint Officers terinent was in Mount Pleasant ' four each and asked to discus
President of W.A. is Mrs. Ay- . George Noyes at Delaware. .;
..„,thur Simpson: vice-presidents.; Mr. and Mrs. Andy Paton of ; t cermaeitthez,rersLondon.i
luded Gordon . problems in respective . solutions to various types 0
Mrs. G. Eaton and Mrs, P. . Nanton, Alberta and Mr. Earl
Voisin; secretary. Mrs. Alex Paton of London visited on Wed.. Of Granton 10F ,-1:aore, Frank Preston, Roy Guy- ..A leader was chosen for earl
Macintosh: treasurer, Mrs. G. , nesday wth Mr. J. H. Paton and , , Jack Cbivers, Venn Dwyer group also recording secretar)
'Eaton; sunshine convener. Mrs.' family. At a meeting of the LOX. ,a' and Arthur Guy.mer. to type and submit to the in
A. Blake. i On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J.;
:Granton. _Malcolm Spence was i lie is survived by his wife, spectoe the result of each dis
H. Paton and Clare visited Mrs.. elected chief ranger of Court , the former Grace Welch, one mission. Eventually at the en<
Clandeboye Party I -Carlton 1.0.F. .
,Aleen Riehl in Stratford. Bob: ' son, Bert, and one daeghter, of the year each teacher wil
Riehl returned home after spend- pec.ete,
Other officers named were
Fred Cook; e c P Margaret (Mrs. Clifford Hart- receive a copy of the complete
On Friday evening, Jan 16
in a few weeks' visit with the • !;---; wick) both or London Township, results.
Mrs. Clarence Carter. teacher, ;
And pupils of S.S. No. 12 and Patons. Mrs. Paton stayed for , Robert. Garrett; recording secre- , also two sisters, Mrs. Ethel Roll call was again answered
4 held a euchre party at the who tare, Kenneth Hodgins; 'finals -
a few days with her niece, i i. ' t Willi Legg; • '
Dwyer and Mrs Gordon Moore by a craft idea which as al
echool with prize .winners; ladies' has been ill. am of Chatham. ways proved helpful hut it was
c a secre ars, •
Mrs. Wilmer Scott; gents' • treasurer, Walker Gibson; chapsi -Mr. Gidlev was a butcher In decided to dispense with in fu-
high,high, Arnold Blake; ladies' lone e. - • - .. • . e. se ...., lain, Bruce Lindsay; conductor. London for a number of. years lure as it curtails the time. left
. ,
Message From George ja.meson, j before taking up farming on for discussion,
hands, Mrs. Ernie Lewis and • —
—gents, Bill Simpson, S. W., Elwyn Bryan; J kk
—.'?" , Concession 13, London Township. The February meeting will be
- With eight tables in play, pro : same Hamilton Hodgins; S.B., John On retiring from the farm he held in the Liman Public School
e. reeds were for the Junior Red . Greenway t Youngson; „LB,. Ronald Mills;'
Cross. . ) a trustees, John . le an. Wil' moved to his late residence on when discussion on Arithmetic
George St., Lucan. solu'ions will be continued.
• .
. liam Legg, Delmar Westman; i 0
• Clandeboye WI :'. ' ..:•.,..••.:•:...,..:::.....,........„ court physician, Dr,
F. S. Kipp.
...• Personal Items , Summary Day Plans Courses
Studies Metal Miss Marion Hicks of London l Mrs. Jack Steacy and Mrs. C, I W 1
:spent the weekend with her par- C. Bradford, teachers of the "Sew
Industries committee of Clande- . elr. and Mrs. ered Rinkof
er '
;Luca.n accompanied by Mrs. Er- I ci s Cancer Work
The Agriculture and Canadian ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hicks. :to Save" course recently held in •
boye Women's Institute pre- Sarnia spent the weekend with win Scott. Mrs. H. B. Langford,
pared the program for the jan- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd . Mrs. Harold Whyte, Mrs. Benny "The Historical Research, and cancer dressing meeting, to he
uary meeting held Wednesday Brophey. ,Ssutnier, Mrs. C. H. George» Current Events" meeting of the held in the Anglican church base -
afternoon at. the home of Mrs. . Jr. and Mrs. Ervine Eggert •
and Mrs, Murray Hodgins. at- Lucan W.I. was held in the Com- inept, Thursday evening, jan-
David Kestle. visited on Sunday with Mr. and tended "Summary Day" at Niles-. munity Memorial Centre last nary 22. As the gift cupboard is
„ A paper on "Aluminum Pre- . Mrs. Norman Kleinfeldt of Exe- ' town last Tuesday.
Thursday afternoon with 31 mem- getting bare it was decided to
pared by Mrs. George Simpson ter. , Each branch was asked to pro- ! hers and three visitors present. each assist in replenishing it.
was read by Mrs. Alan Hill des- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Steeper ' vide one number for the. pro- Roll call was answered by the The president announced the
cribing its origin. its construe- and Lynda visited on Sunday gram so.Mrs, Jack Elson ac- naming of an interesting place next copper tooling course would
tion, its uses and where the pro- evening with Mr. and Mrs. liar- . cornpanied the ladies as soloist. near Lucan. The motto of the begin Tuesday, Jan 20 with Miss
duct is manufactured in Can- : vey .
:Ada, I • Tweddle and family of West Joint Birthday Celebrations !meeting was "Our days and Doris Weir in charge and con-
. McGillivray where a birthday: yesterdays are the rocks on
Mr and Mrs. Jim Tubb and i tinue each Tuesday at 8 p.m.
Mrs. D. :McFarlane commen.: supper was held in honor of mrs.! j. - •. .
-, which we build".
'mane of Mitchell and Mr and for the duration of the course.
.c, on e MO o"The mou is Steeper's father. Mr. John Twed- Owing to the president, Mrs. A weather craft course in charge .
of the nation depend on the : dle's eightieth birthday. Mrs. Sam Earl and family of, • ; • „.
f •" The• 11 II
veered by naming "a stmilY side ' of Sarnia spent the weekend with
was • Mr, and Mrs. Clare Ritchie .
,I Woodstock were last Sunday
Wes. Hodems breaking her arm of 'Mrs. G. E. Nicholson was •
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wes, the prrNeisr7sioA.s Hcia.y.c);eTregevpicree-siicrieesdi: alsTohedisperuesssiedceent ahhowleed the
of farm life." A nut contest was her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Law- ! Hodgins, the occasion being a
conducted by 'Mrs. Hill and won : renee Curts. joint birthday celebration for I On the suggestion of Mrs. religious rally, sponsored by the
:four of the gathering, Mr. Tubb : George Paul it was decided to Recreation Council and the Lu -
by Mrs. McFarlane and Mrs. Mr. Henry Belling returned to ; and small son. Jimmie, and; visit the woollen mills at Has- can. Ministerial Association to be
Norman Hardy. the home of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Marie and Bobby Earl. peter. The secretary was com- staged in. the Community Centre
President Mrs. Arnold Blake ; Brophey after visiting with Mr..
presided for the business period.. and Mrs. Eldon Young and Personal Items . missioned to write for convent- at 8 p.m, Sunday, Jan. 25 when
daughter in Lucan.ent dates to make the tour and the Medway High School choir
Partial plans were made for the .
Mrs. Kay Egan last SnnclaY en-; to report at the February meet- will lead in the music.
annual, fa mily night and pot i Mrs, Fred McLinchey visited: tertained for a joint birthday i ing. Mrs. .Jack Steacy reported on -
luck supper to be held Wednes- , last week with relatives in De.: celebration for her son Pat and !
Miss Lina Abbott displayed the Summary Day at Nilestewn,
day, February 11. ; •
troit. her mother-in-law, Mrs. Dave book. "Bier and Beyond" spon- :fan. 13 for those who took the
A report was given on tbe Mr, .The Carruthers is a pa- • Egan, sored by the Birr W.I. and com- course "Sew to Save."
White gifts sent to Pines Haven tient in St. Joseph's Hospital,: Mr. and Mrs. Jab]: Lankin and
Nursing home at Christmas. The piled by Mrs. Clarence Lewis. As district director, Mrs. Cecil
London. !Mrs. John Park spent last week- she r . 1
hostess prize was won by Mrs.
Alex ?Macintosh. i
4 Assisting the hostess were
Mrs. Blake, Mrs, AacIntosh and
Patrol Captain for this year.' Waiter W- GidleY, 71, Passed. of the yeAr and devete the rim
..eW.A. Officers ' and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
, I Mrs. Scott's parents were An- The next meeting will be Feb.
1 when the films of the Lambeth
e drew Willard and :retie Temple ,,,„,„„enee win be shown.
, She was born and spent, her '"'"
1: youth at Beaver Dans, Wisconsin United Church
' 1 where her father was a brick
- manufacturer and later a Mer-
: chant, also serving as a member
I of the Wisconsin Legislature for
I some years.
In 1892, deceased married the
tate Dr. J, L. (Lew) Scott, V.S.,
a native of concession 15, Lon-
- don Township, and onetime stale
veterinarian of Wisconsin,
They took up residence in Lon-
don in 1903 where Dr. Scott mall- ‘vvibuetirthae(if otgleiVionfgficiewpss 1,11.eerlde
uractured stock foods and eon- On Wednesday the annual dent o( the Lucan Branch of.
United his veterinary practice. returned to o'ffice'7 ToCfLincsaecidta•isyan.of Lgeioagijontsitalluexdiliatsh;
He died in 1910. Superintendent, C. B. Culbert, During the business session it
Mrs. Scott was predeceased bY assistant, Herold Whyte; secre- was decided to hold a weekly
An teachers on the staff were and jackpot of $50 to go in 32
pianist, Mrs. ll, B. Langford, Jan. 22 with share the wealth
Lary - treasurer, Howard Kew; calls. each Thursday beginning,
also returned to office. r
fromII Robb touched on a few of the
1 end in St. Catharines and found book written by the late Mr. highlights of the Lucan W.I.
No man is fully educated until ; Mrs. Galley Johnston still ser- W. Revington (Adare) as which included the making of
he learns to read himself. iously ill.
%cmilltstilmtieettglett letniele=
Gaeta a as seas •
* Has years -ahead styling and construction!
* Has ALL the practical convenience features
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1B/04411(' RIBBON CHANGER- Quick, easy, hands stay clean
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NU STANDARD KEYBOARD -Same size as on office machines
Piss many mote exclusive Royal portable features!
Coe in and test.type it yourself —soon!
OS Months)
This Week In
Thames Road
three of the W.I. members are 343 dozen cancer dressings,
his grandchildren. Miss Abbott meetings at Ivan, Guelph, Mt,
suggested the purchasing of a Brydges and area convention in
copy to be left in the hands of London also the remedial proj-
Mrs. William Cochrane as an ect
assistance in writing up Lucan's Mrs. Wm. Cochrane convener
Tweedsmuir Book. of Historical Research and Cur-,
Mrs, Gordon Banting and Mrs. rent Ei'ents, was unable to be,
C. C. Bradford volunteered to present but her paper "Changes
represent the W.I. at the next in Lucan 'in the past 15 Years'',
was read by Mrs, Robb. And
what changes there were! Many
business places have. changed
hands, the arena, public school,
Pentecostal. Holiness Church, or-
gan factory, not to speak o( all
the prominent people who have •
Personal Items
Mrs. Reg Hodgert entertained Lady Breaks Arm
.several children on Thursday
afternoon in honor of Grant'sSlipping On Ice
sixth birthday.
Last Wednesday morning when
Mr. and Mrs. 'Melvin Gardiner i
and Marilyn, Mr. and Mrs. Len Mrs. Wes. Hodgins was going died.
Harris and CharlotteNesbitt out her hack door to go up town Ken Hardy, 10.year-old son of
visited on Friday evening with she stepped' on some ice. Though Mr, and Mrs, Norman Hardy,
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Gibson of she did not .fall to the ground entertained with two solos.
; she partially lost her balance Mrs, Jack Steacy was lunch
Mr. and Mrs. dim Love, Gin-
hitting her Ieft arm against the convener. She was assisted by
ger and Debbie or Grand Bend,
»brick wall breaking a bone above MIs. Thomas Lee, Mrs. William Mr. and Mrs. James Hodgert i the wrist; Cochrane and Mrs, Aljoe Cul.
of Exeter, Mr, and Mrs. ArnoldNot realizing R was broken. bel
Cann and Judith, Mr. and Mrs, she went up town. It wasn't until During the meeting Mrs,
Ross Hodgert and Giant
evening when she went to lift a George Paul presented Mrs.
Thursday evening guests with pot off the stove that she found Steacy and Mrs. Bradford with
Ohl her arm was broken. a small gift in appreciation of
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Cann, the i their :work hi the "Sew and
occasion being Grant Hodgert's Personal Items cOurse.
Sixth birthdM • . IIay. , tsarvey Hodgins who un- Save"
Mr. Arthur Gardiner, Bert and ("elven( an operation inVic-
District Youth
Mary and Miss Isobel Turnbull toria Hospital last Monday is
with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gard- , The president ; of Holy Trinity , iLead 4 H Club
of London were Sunday visitors making satisfactory recovery.
iner. ,s. „Nee Guild „.1 ,.,,,, 1 „,1
"-- s'-- -"s' '''''''"'" -ee'l
Group No. 3 of the W.A. eater- ers meteat the homeThe four top winners of the of Mrs, Gee- t
i, ,
ed to some 175 people of the ald LeWiS lag Fridto 2 -aY - first Bryanston 4-H Club were
iJack Garrett fourth, Ronald
Federation of Agriculture on Fri.. arrange and equalize the five ,Smith first, David Smith third
day evening in. the church base. groups and also to choose some
hunt. 1 new leaders, and Jinn Hudson second, The
I Mr, and Mrs M. 0. Smith who '111.81: three al. 1"a1 ho'..
Mr. and Mrs. Foster Bray ore, ., -,
Toronto spent the weekend with 114(' '0. ea-.12.el t!vsit .1„ t ,
—, heir weekend i 01 the 15 enrolled 1.3 com-
Mr. and Mrs, Aimee Paso -tore, ; weat Mr. .a.nd
had as sunt.0:54e,ntedkv,,gire. p.droje,cts with
The club leaders,
to .K11 dS on owing Mr. and Mrs. John Bray.
her cohditions
Mrs. Nee 1 Bob 0 Nell an Jim Dickerson
David, Dennis, Darlene and bale .daY ,guests
visited on Sunday with Mr. and !a clue andlDa nny, and ..Ir, , and 1 arNev,h°Ath. sotft‘ilvaltri, mid.
rs. Les Franey and Neil of
Mrs, Wellington Heist or Credi-, l'.1
Waterloo 1 dlesex North was the guest speak.;
ton, Mr. liaise has been in bed , -
taroara Lynne England and er at the award meeting spon-
for some time, het' mother, Mrs. Thomas Eng. sored by the Bryanston W. 1,
Mr. and Mrs, Carl Willert of ,, , ' home -C. G, 1: T.
With visited oft Monday eve. ,111,710), eavee, arrived,from 1 • The C,G.LT. reeetitig in the
nieg with Mrs and Mrs. Glenn '31,,,Adcn,SethiS1
Jeffery. Sbmosipbletsall.returned to ed with games P el
United . , ; p
en -
Toronto on Sunday afire ets rt ' last onday eve -
The anhual eoeseregatienal
ing his month'e leaven e -'1,e,26-1. ; n ing. Ten menthol were pros-
Tielletiby htnitid or ish/ulskdaysupepveer,, his parents and relatives. ent, Mee, Chas. Sovereign was
ning. January 22 in the base- ai„h„3, wemer Jones of Kt/511ml, 310 charge of the worship seevice,
meet of the chin -ch. daughter of' Me, and Mrs. Irving, Margaret Armitage and Rom%
who Arin Mosul -Wenn were Darned to
Peesentation t(.;mitbiseornereolift WaanteropSeti:AtiCotliciRnin S1., 1 narxitstmeirieteitg,
he "
wsiliP service
Thursday (wining the lirAf Joseph's libepital, is mikieg Ws! Owing to another meeting in
ThameRNA sebook
Community eight was held in the %I' 1 ,
Mr. Ka(hh"en ('hapman or the church the new craft projeet
Euchre was played And prize Exelew and Mrs. Bill Leonard NmVilalt{nneot be started till next
winners wort: lastiti' high, eirs. of Arkansas were Monday guests "--" '
Harold Ithwe: ladies' low, Mrs. or Mr, and Mrs. C, C. Brad. •
Willight Snow lone hands. Lee (NA.
Auxiliary Reports
Webber; rnen'S high, William Mrs. Trehe Coursey, Mr, and
Ferguson; men's low, Wilfred Mrs. Den hown of 'Weal' and Successful Year
eft. and Mrs. Merrill Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Cbarltis Borlaed Aed Ada Walker of London TheJanuary Meeting of the
were called forward, Alvin Pass- were sunday guests of 'Nir. and United Church t7erting Auxiliary
Mete read' the address and Alvin Mrs. Ear( Shaptoe of Exeter. was held Tuesday at 'th e home
Cottle and William Snow preseets Mr. and Mr. Alf Mains of or Mr. Ivan Flew with 24
ed Mr, and Mrs. Borland with London were Wednesday and members peesent. Met, George.
A tri -light Janip and a hAseock, Thursday gutees or the fottetee's Thomson's group was in charge
Both MP, and Mrs. Borland re- sister, Mrs, 'Bob Colenia, of peogrant and reffeehdletits.
plied, They moved to txtter The surplus MOW from Main MrS, ThOrnaori led in the wee -
Some Milt ago. ,St„ is being removed by the shits service and reviewed West
Mr.- arid Mrs. Alvin Cottle and hew ttptiPrelent and Indies in the study book.
Mr, and Mrs. Alvin PAeAniere dumped At the ArOnA, ; MOSt of the busineSS ;session
were iti tharge for the evening, Mrs. A. "ll Wilkinson, Whet ,MIA spent 0 dietneeilig. acid
&tweed an tspertitiett ill St, Yo., MARI plans for t(M.
A160 est the things xvo. wit eisple'n Ro i11 1 hle 'Yearly reports showed•kW-
Th ti aren't Wettli the delay, heft 6. j year in TA,
stewards met al the church to
make plans for the annual pot-
luck supper and congregational
meeting, Jan. 28.
a sister, Mrs. Rose Lander, and
a brother, David Willard, both
in the States, She is survived by
several nieces and ;nephews'.
Pallbearers were 'Willard, Scott
and Jack Garrett, Harold 13. Hod-
gins, and George and Warren
Scott. Interment was in Wood-
land cemetery, London,
Pentecostal Holiness Church Personal Items
On .Monday night, Woman's The 'home of Mr. Jim Leitch,
Auxiliary met at the home of being built by Reeve Cecil Lewis,
Mrs. Meine Eizenga for a work now has the roof on.
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