The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-01-22, Page 12• NIS 12 The TittteA-Aelveelte, J(stipBey 12, MO
New Empire Design
Sets '59 Head Style
The empire 'Me i5 the new Mrs. Dilises. was successful. in
trend in hair stylea for 1959 ae- -obtaining her certificate from
cording to Mrs- Marjorie Dillies. the school.
ho attended a n advanced;
clause in hair designing at Bru-
Aeadetrin Toronto, last
"The hair line. at the top of
the head. is definitely raised."
Ole stated. "The width is -cen-
tred, at the sides and :side curls
hug the head almost covering
the ears vompletely.
"The bubble hair -do is still
very popular," she reports. "The
bair flows :from the crown pivot
point into detailed forward. petal
imps. At the back, attention is
Centred on the upswing at the
Mrs. Pearl Henderson et Mo-
dern Beauty Salon and Miss
Margaret Coward of the Hi -Line
Beauty Salon were in Hamilton
last week attending a. hair and
fashion show at the 'Royal Con-
To Mrs. Henderson, coloring
was one of the main features
and various shades of red were
most popular. "The hair is short
with the full front look", said
Mrs. Henderson. in a. draw she
won a free week's course in
hair styling at a Windsor school
to be taken h
nape of the neck allowing for at er own conven-
variations of the French twist
or "Hair styling for spring 1959 is
not too different from previous
styles," said Miss Coward. "The
bouffant front and upswept look
from the neckline is quite pro-
notmeed. A two-inch or two and
one-half inch length is favored."
Per LellteSt Styling
Darol Tuckey
Beauty Salon
41/ Main St. Phone
Shirley Coe
Peerl Henderson, Prop.
Beauty Salon
Air Comdititeirti Dryers
PHONE AC 8-6661
Mare Coward, Prop,
Mrs, A, Mitchell:
Born At Staffa,
Mrs. Arthur Alitehell, 78. died
in South Huron Hospital on Fri-
day, January 16.
Mrs. Mitchell was the former
josepha Tuffin of Staffa. Fol-
lowing her -marriage to William
Pollen they lived at Farquhar
until the death of Mr. Pollen in
1929. The following year Mrs.
Pollen moved to Exeter and in
1937 'married the late Arthur Mit-
chell who predeceased her in
Mrs. Mitchell was a member
of Caven Presbyterian church.
Surviving are three sons, Ed
and Harvey Pollen, Exeter, and
Simon Pollen. Flint, Mich.: two
daughters, Mrs. C. W. Kestle
(Millie) of Clinton, Mrs. William
Fawcett Meta) of Mitchell: one
step -daughter, Mrs. Alvin Moir
(lla) of Exeter; also 100 grand-
The body rested at the Hopper -
Hockey funeral home where fu-
neral services were held on Mon-
day, January 19, conducted by
Rev. S. Kerr. interment was in
Exeter cemetery.
Pallbearears were Arthur Day,
'Maurice Quance, Victor Kestle,
Stanley Mitchell, Ed. Coward
and Heber Snell.
111111, •••••11
Best Place
to Buy
First Aids
A well stocked first
aid cabinet is your
first line of health
protection. We make
it our business to
have everything you
need, all top quality,
1 d
1 um so
Phone. SO
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GIRLS' CHOIR MARKS ANNIVERSARY—This girls' choir of Christ The
King Roman .Catholic Chapel. RCAF Station -Centralia, prepares to eele-
brate the first anniversary of its formation in a practice conducted by
by Mrs. S. Howard, organist, assisted by Mrs. S. Alluert. Back row, from
left, are Bonnie Dempster, Faye Ananny,, Dianne Doucette, Judy Lesnick,
Debbie Lowny, Ann .Duffy, Lynn Ferguson, Bernadette Owens, Celia How-
ard, Peggy Gagne, Susan Kelly, Claire Chaboit; second row, Fluerette
Alluert, Lynn Lesnick, Marcelle Alluert, Patricia :Bone, April Ashbury,
Heather Manny; front row, Judy LeGros, Vicky LeGros, Donna Robinson,
Ellen Doucette, Sarah Owens, Sharon Kelly, Missing are Margaret Mc-
Carron, Lynn 'Dunning, Barbara Galbraith. .
CVVL Hears
Station MO
Dr. N. Daly, Station Medical
Officer, was guest s peaker at
the January meeting of the ('a
tholic Women's League at RCAF
Station, Centralia.
Mrs, R. Freeman introduced
Dr. Daly, who discussed the code
of .ethics that guides a Catholic
doctor. This code, based on. the
highest moral principles, was il-
lustrated by numerous exam-
ples of its practical application.
Dr. Daly flavoured his talk with
quick Irish wit, and the result By MRS, J, M. S.
was fact and information pre-
sented in an interesting way. Do you feel as I do that we and vinegar and mix well with
Mrs. L. Howard president, COM in Exeter and community are rotary beater. Add green color -
ducted the meeting, and Mrs, J. missing a great deal in not hav- ing as desired and mix, Quick
McCarron, secretary and Mrs. ing any night classes in Exeter? chill in flat dish. in freezer till
W. McLaughlin, treasurer, gave When classes were held in partially set. Return to 'bow -1 and
their respective reports,
Mrs. T. Thompson, vice-presi-
dent, read a letter received from
the editor of "Our Sunday 'Visi-
tor." ,Mrs. Thompson urged the
mein -hers to make practical ap-
plication of the fact that each
individual must be a critic of
his own reading, listening, and
viewing entertainment.
Mrs. R. Freeman, 2ncl vice-
president, asked for used Christ-
mas cards and stamps for the
missions, Mrs. Freeman an-
nounced that the Christmas par -
eel sent to India had arrived in
time, and, thanked Mrs. M. An.
nanny, who organized that pro-
Mrs, P. Kendrick, 3rd vice-
president. reviewed the policy of
the League as slated. in the
League by-laws. Mrs. :Kendrick.
who is in charge of the League
pins, arranged that Father F.
Proulx, director:bless the. mem-
hers' pins at the conclusion of
the meeting, and the members
recited the League promise.
Mrs. E. Dempster, spiritual
convener, reviewed the many spi-
ritual blessings of League mem-
This year's annual bazaar will
he held Saturday, April 18, and
the members briefly discussed
plans for this 'forthcoming event.
Mrs. W. McLaughlin and Mrs.
T. McCarron volunteered to look
after the chapel flowers for the
coming month,
Father Proulx
meeting with a
answers to the
euestion box.
1. rill
roncluded the
brief talk and
queries in the
Junior Institute
Plans Parties
'"Let's Have
...theme of the
of the Junior
Shirley Morley is president for
1959 with Marilyn _Marshall and
Margaret Brock as vice-presi-
dents; Mrs, Murray Dawson, sec-
retary -treasurer; Doris Brock,
district representative ancl Mrs.
Hugh Rundleas press reporter.
Mrs. Bruce Perry presented a
talk on preparing for parties and
2 Free Tickets
'Best News Tip
Of The Week'
When you learn of an incident which would make
a good news story or picture—a serious accident, a
spectacular feat, a human interest or humorous oc-
cueance—phorie 'us at 770 Exeter (Nights 11) im-
mediately. You don't need to have all the details
just give us the 'tip', we'll do the rest.
tach week, The T.A will award the person who
sends us the best tip with 2 rree Tickets to the Lyric
Theatre which may be used for any regular perform.
The Tmes*A..dvHocate.
a Party" was the
January meeting
Institute on Wed -
SHDES two or three years ago heat again with beater, fold in
they were well attended and a prepared vegetables. Turn into
great interest shown. Although mold on top of cranberry jelly
we know it means a sacrifice and return to freezer. Turn out
on the part: of the directors and and garnish.
instructors yet the interest shown Mrs. Koch says that either the
and the direct results should be red or green part of this salad
a reward, makes a fine salad by itself,
Air. G. C. Koch is instructing in place of sandwiches or ham -
a class in art at St. Marys on burgs, pineapple kabobs, bacon
Wednesday evenings and Mrs. curl -ups and sausage rollettes
Koch accompanies him and is were served.
taking cooking under Mrs. Doris
Pineapple Kabobs
Cappleman, a local St. Marys
lady. She was telling us about 1 can pineapple chunks.
their Christmas party and has 1 can of ham cut in cubes
kindly given us the recipes ror sanie size as pineapple or use
a salad and snacks and appe- home cooked ham
2 tbl. soy sauce
tizers. 1 tbl. brown sugar
Christmas Salad 1 tbl. vinegar
Although the color scheme of On toothpick put a pineapple
this jellied salad is red and chunk and then a' ham cube.
green. it can he readily adapted Place on baking serving dish.
for any occasion.Continue until pinea.pple and
1 pound cranberries meat are used. Mix rest of .in -
1 cup boiling water gredients and. pour over kabobs
2 cups gran. sugrr and refrigerate until meeded.
Pour sugar and water over Place under broiler a few min -
berries and cook 15 minutes until utes. Turn while broiling.
quite soft. Press through strain- Bacon Curl -ups
er. Wind one-half strip rindless
1 cup strained cranberry sauce
breakfast bacon round a stuffed.
1-(t cup cold water
1 envelope gelatin olive and spear with thothpick.
1 cup hot water
Broil. about 12 to 15 minutes.
Turn while broiling.
Soften gelatin in cold water.
Add hot water and stir until dis- Sausage Rollettes
solved. Add cranberry sauce and Pan fry small sausage till
allow to cool. Pour into a ring brown. Roll rich pastry and
mold to set. place a roll of sausages on it
For the green part take end to end. Wrap pastry over
1 envelope gelatin ' until it is sealed. under the roll
vs cup cold water of sausages. Cut diagonally with
11 cups hot pineapple- juice sharp knife making about. three
11 cup salad dressing
1.4 Ip. salt 'cuts per sausage.
Place on cookie sheet and hake
2 tp. vinegar in hot oven. When completely
green vegetable coloring cool nut in plastic bag and put
21 cups shredded or chopped in refrigerator or may be froz-
vegeta.bles such as cabbage, car- en if desired. Before serving
rot, onion, apples, pineapple 'warm in oven.
or celery.
Soften gelatin in cold water. James Street Mission Circle
Add hot juice and stir until dis- piano were made te send
solved. Add salad dressirig, salt Valentine treats to the Protest-
ant Orphans Home, London, at
call was answered by a fancy the January meeting of the Mis.
eookie recipe., Barbara Kernick Mon Circle of James St. Church
gave current events. Marilyn held at the home of Mrs. How -
Tuckey was in charge of the ard Holtzman Thursday evening.
program. Miss May Jones and Mrs.
A committee was named to -ay- Mary Biro arratiged the pro -
range for the :mother and (laugh- gram which included the study
gave a demonstration on making ter banquet. Members joined the on Canada, the worship service
fancy sandwiches. She was thank- junior Farmers for a Ma Meet- by Mrs. Garnet Shipman and a
ed by Barbara Morley, The roll ing. reading by Miss Olive Parsons.
Fetes Bride
Oe. Monday evening a iniscel-
laneous shower was held in the
parish hall for Miss Marie White-
head, Lucan, bride -elect, who
has set January 24 for her wed-
ding day. The groom -elect is
Mr. George Atkinson of this
Marie received a number of
beautiful and useful gifts and
expressed thanks to all present
with special thanks to ` Mrs.
Charles Atkinson and Mrs. Hugh
Davis, hostesses, who arranged
the evening,
Guild And W.A.
Mrs, Hugh Davis gave her
home on Thursday afternoon for
the members of the Guild and
W.A. of St. Patrick's church for
their January meeting and also
conducted the meeting.
Mrs. Ross McFalls was soloist.
Airs. Tom Kooy conducted a con-
test which .Mrs, Will Dickins,
Lucan, wen. Mrs, Dean Gibson,
treasurer gave an itemized re-
pOrt of last year's work and pro-
Some of the ladies quilted
while others pieced blocks for
a butterfly quill. While busy
with their hands plans were
made for a congregational sup-
per to be held on Tuesday eve-
ning, Jan, 20 followed by the
vestry meeting.
Personal Items
On Wednesday evening Mr.
and Airs. Raymond Greenlee and
Air. and Mrs. Earl Greenlee and
boys were guests with Mr. and
Mrs, Earl Atkinson, Mrs. R.
Greenlee and Mrs, E. Atkinson
observed their birthdays this
past week.
Mrs. Arthur Abbott was sup-
posed to enter South Huron Hos-
pital, Exeter late in January
but on Saturday evening Mr.
Stork apparently lost his sense
of direction and delivered a baby
boy to the Abbott residence on
the south boundary, Usborne.
Mrs. Abbott and baby son are
reported in a satisfactory con-
dition at their home with Mrs.
Ron Carroll, Nurse's Aid, in at-
Rev, P, Dymond conducted
communion service at St. Pat-
rick's for the first time since
his ordination in December on
Crediton East
Airs, Sam Bayham is spend-
ing some time with Mrs. Frank
Coates in Exettr.
Mr. and Mrs. Alec Hamilton
and Bradley of Grand Bend
spent Sunday With Mr. and ales,
Harry Lewis.
Quite a number of relatives
from here attended the funeral
of the late George Flynn in Lu -
can last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. 1-Iarry Lewis and
Eber and Mr. and Mrs, John
Sims knd Mr, and Mrs. Sam
Sims attended the funeral of
their sister, the late Mrs. Ed.
wands in Exeter on Wednesday.
Federation Plans
Sunday Visitation
Members of the Woman's Fed-
eration of James Street United
church at the meeting Monday
evening planned to make an all -
visitation of the group on Palm
Sunday, March 22.
It was decided to make. per-
sonal contact with their mission-
ary for prayer, Miss Willa Ker -
min of Korea, and to direct their
missionary efforts above their
allocation to the needs of her
Members :planned to eater to
AOTS suppers in the church and
voted $25 to Story Time on
CKNX-TV Wingham.. Newly -elect-
ed president, Mrs. Harry
conducted the business.
Canada, it health and welfare,
was discussed by Mrs. Douglas
Insley. The devotional was taken
by Mrs. William Johnston who
presided for the program. She
was assisted by Mrs. Reg Mc-
Mrs, Beverley Skinner favored
with a solo.
Eiirnvilie Vti
Backs .Club
Elimvitte Whmen's Institute, at
the January meeting last Wed-
nesday afternnott voted to spon-
ser the 4-11. Home Garden Club
this spring. Miss euth Skinner
and Mrs. Norman Jaques Ivere-
named the leaders.
Mrs. Clarence Hawkins, :Kirk.
ton, demonstrated the making -of
.hats and also -copper tooling.
The motto, Character like ern
hroldery is made stitch by
stitch, was ,discussed by Mrs.
Howard Pym. Current events
were reviewed 'by Mrs. .Philip
Mrs. Ross Skinner, convener .of
Home Economics and Health pre-
sided for the program.
The groupdecided to have a
euchre party on Tuesday, Jan-
uary 20 with • Elimville North
ladies' as lunch committee. Re-
port of the Ladies Hospital Aux-
iliary .was given by Mrs. Harold.
The roll call. "Draw a card and
do what: it says" caused consider-
able merriment, President Mrs,
Delmer Skinner conducted the
:Hostesses were Mrs. Phil Hern,
Mrs, John Coward, Mrs. Jack
Mrs. Theron Creery and
Mrs. Jim Miller.
Vancouver has the least varia-
tion in climate of any Canadian
city. Highest temperature there
is in the low 90s, and there is no
official record of the therinom-
eter dropping to zero,
let us give
your hair
new beauty
Jose Strevett, Exeter
for the
compiuments ok-
d O'd
We want to say
thanks for the way
you have been com-
plimenting us on our
"Home Cured, Hickory -Smoked Hams and Bacore"
We'll Be Pleased To Cure All Of Your
Smoked Meat Requirements
Hom'e-Rendered Lard, 20-1b. pail $2.95
Exeter Frozen Foods
"Eat Better and Save More" PHONE 70
All -wools by
Regular $10.95
Reg. $7.93*
CHURCH SHED li)t COMES POPULAR RINK For the; crowds up to 100 and provides hockey facilities for minors
second year in a row, Dashwood Meifs Club has trans -I in the district, No charged and the activity
formed the Zion Lutheran Church shed into busy natural; is supervised,
ice skating Mk. Open night •arid day, the rink •attracts1 Photo
141014t 474 EXLItit 'LAWS' MAK