The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-01-08, Page 131
ta+A111lLIWA1{tlnllnnllll{IllllJnllllllllltltlnllnUlU{IItItllAlllnhlllmllllllJllIIIAItltntnlltly.4nlllnthn1ll11lnA111J!{,' ,
alleths Nu chart's"
:M:ar•riarlea .anal. Deaths
1Mard•iaaes -And deaths ars :rolaot•tcd without charnel
in nswa t*olul»na. Tdtia charge applies only to listing
under Announsernent3.)
arcs of Thanks,' Engagements .... 75
In Memaridrn.s (4 -line vor;p). J t)R
Extra .vcraas, each 25e
1At.L 1. -- 51r. and Mrs. Lloyd Mr and 31r8. Wesley Dearing
l,watet. rra'•ht,rinli, anon not, at Ilte lle!rat find nIl 8l t1 home
t',e birth nt a Qaughter, 1'tre.ndy 1%Ish to Blank relati%ea and
{la 11, at Smith k:turnn klns.pital, friends fpr , isils, treats and
.1annary i, :inures, espr.•lalty during the
1'hrIst was FnatAnn. R+
We wish In 81‘.1/t088 0111• lu•1u•i
fell thanks a1t(1 appt•ecta1inn for
1he arts of itintnoss, messages nt
sympathy and la 11 ir floral
1rhltl'e 1•errlv011 frnl nor nelgh-
hnl•s. friends and relit Iivr's during
ii,1"t,i; Mr, :nil Mrs. 'rntn' ICt10, nut• revert beroarentenl. in the loss
klrnsail, annr't It a 1ho bill it of
snu1t11cttgfi 11•,
in n. thrine la1'(t'0111-
•*` ear a- -a slater' Int' .l' tut'it,
t•l,N/":tlt -- Alr. anti 11J'5. Vince
PPnesil,, Palling
't , k,NalPr•,
an:nnnIrr the hlrtIt or a *tauglt-
tor, .1a net 21arle, at Soul 11 Hi(-
rnn Hospital, December 28 it
s�'.ter for Barbara,
1'1'"I'11 S - h'/j andalt's, llarnkt.
31111#'IPF, t4illlnlnrts \pis.. .KNe1P1',
annnitneo the birth of a snit,
,Insnph Alp.,tancter, at finch Hu.
ran kinspttal, ,Iannary 1,
of our' (1(81' Innther. Sprrial
thanks In Rev, Parrot 1. llev,
Smolt s. 14 Boyd, 11 r, i+r rim r.
gear, soloist 'Harry Itofflnn, ar-
cntn118nlsl Mrs, 'rreveibirk, pa11
hearers and the Strithrnsnu rune-
raI home. The fancily be the
lake 31rs, Arthur 'Lewis. Rr
T wI;ah In thank all 1111158 (vhn
111ILLS - 11 r, anil Mrs, Part 21tiis, giftstrdand lemic tirliile fInn
Kirk lon. are happy in anntinve Marys Memorial 1lnspil;tl and
11)8 anaval of a baby girl, 8111re leaving hospital. --
Connie i
11 r
I I \ 'i
larr it
t'I. Marys 1. 1I 1
F i �'1rlP
h e 1.s
Memorial IfnslClal, 1'trr•et11r•
1 1 1 t
i t In ilea all Ulnae ,vhn
a --a sistfor Gwen cosi ilea, l(iiel
Fn kindly remembered. site „Milt
,her. ral•rls, 1rea18 8114 flowers w1111,' a
Ai,,N'rrlr•13dr9Rl. std•. and .51J•s, n, patient in (Knuth Hnrnn Ilnsplla1,
Ii. ;llnntgnmery, of t,l.Iean, re Special th881(8 In 51 Is lion 1Ind -
happy 111 a onontwo 1,11e, birth or gins who ,t•85 so 1ctnrt nn 1 heist-
a son, Vinvent Kevin, st 51.
Joseph's Hnspil al, november 11:+
a brother for •Kirk and
1 1 1 i It • 31r. and 21 IS, Clement
negisr, $urlrh, annnnnee the
birth or a daughter, Mary Alin,
51 South Huron Hospital, Janu-
ary .fi,
SF.NI•,ItSS -. ;tlr, and ;Airs. Then
SPntjetts, R. re 1 t,uran, an-
nnunre IIP ninth of a sort. 5v11-
I.latn Hubert, at .Botch 11 main
heist) ital, !Wernher 21 --a, brn-
tltot• far Jahn and Helen.
fir1131:iSt•IN--,1tr, and Mrs, Alsop
Robinson, Centralia, I
the birth of a son, larerterdr
Pharlea `tt Saul h Horan tins -
pit al, 1aunary 5--8 brother fpr
Shari, Patt and Paul,
ftt1S -
il ,era. t'".
fa,i Mr. a td Mrs. t F. T1',
noose fleuFall atnlnunr0
tV1P birth of 5 riaugllter Siti1•In1•,
at Smith HuronHospital,, (lo-
, rent1Pr 21 a sister' for 'Mar-
' ravel, Albert, 2Linnie and Mar-
Sit :1,1'---51r. and Dlra.'l'y Sliso',
R.R. 1 Exeter, annnunco the
birth of 8 daughter, Mary Ellen,
a1 South .Huron Hospital, Janat-
art 1.
S 111 • arr, and Mrs, "William
rn 1) It. `hurdr'h, antimatter, the
birth of a son, Stephen Thomas,
at South Huron Frospital, in-
vernber 2 -a brattier for Ron-
nie, Larry and r)ianne,
"lAYJ.oR-REItIsK'y In ,lames ;;t.
P,al'=nna _'0, (111 %VPrl0,8Fr18 y, Por.
1, OSA, William Robert Tay-
lnr, 21111n11 Lake. 10 )`Piano
Marin frrclisky, Melia mile rlstanrl,
1' ,1ich 10 (',)end ,fly sincere
anpreela1inn 111 all those w11n mobiles have become 50 numer-
tltntteh11u1ly remembered ole 1-Ith
cards, treats, gifts and 1•isits 0115,
wilt Ir. I 1,•:t' a patient in South * * w *
Huron I{nspllnl and sines return-
ing home- -espl1•lally atlas ('lay- The commercial air base at after a tour of three Years in
1,01'., Mrs. 1.8arn, al) the staff 81 Frobisher Bay on Baffin dstaltcl
Snulh Huron Hospital, 110, PIM-, Europe with the RC'.AF's No. 1
(iter, not•, 1:Prr and all my i has a population of less than 300 Fighter Wing, Alarville, France.
fed :mitt 11 nr1 neighbours in 111e 1 but is a stop -over for mote than \Vhile thele, he and his wife,
'Part•nllndtnt;• 'ennttnunit ios• The;1 000 ] ,
otos P111. -Airs, tarold `1't 1pp. Sr
The family of the 11110 'William
!~hos wish to extend their heti rt-
ra11 Umlilts and apJ1reriarinn fpr
5018 nr klltrdness, rPFsagps .nf
F•vulnnthy cost; heautdfnr fl era nf-
foriugs revolved front 111nr1 rota -
lives. fdrends and neighbors: r1l8n
in Pet•. Brea ole 1 rips 'far his
emu fort ing 111pssagr Dr, Piet viler,
1fnpper-1!ark ey funeral Immo, the
nal! hoarors and in all dinar who
r0(110111hrrnrl. 11111 111 any way rhn•-
Ina his 1011g illness, R•
0811 t inItrrioaic'Iha
t'h, in he (ln Bolt,
Herman Kinsmen anti K. trial
('tuns, 1lie 1(0nsa11•tnn luau-
lart '1100sa11 Public, Schaal and
In 1111 many friends for 1111 gins
or fruit, ratan and Ings and
rhP0ry visits do ring 111)' ,fr11g181•
1/111088. 10
I RI l.v f:urh;tnan. Rr
T wish n
11 11 1 express
my , r r • •t..
'I 1 rL
Ilan :1111 111an1tM
F fpr 1ltr d inti"
flosses shaven to both n10 and Inv
(Am 11)', for 1116 lovely (lows arm
ler by the Legion Altvillarr, 11nn-
sall United t'hurrlt, Kitten l"huh
and fpr the r•ards and flowers
son) in me by Many, tyr5nt friends
during my slay in hath 0118)011
Bort London hospitals. Sincerely, -
11.a.r2' ltnrhanan, Sr
(1l amel1 In laving ntnnnl•y of
Perry h; 1'e 1.11 1 (tream., don
fathor or r11rrny r r'onp.
I'h0 yoar has (nine. with rllPp
tt brings bark s. day we will
never forgo).
I 1P foil asleep wit Wald saying
gnndhyn, rived 111 Winnipe,, wltltlrl ca IC 111 •all
REUNION AT WINNIPEG ---Pointing out the routes of some of their European travels
to- their son, RCAF CorporaI George Nos.eworthy, right, are. Warrant
�Officer and
Mrs, Stan Noseworthy of Kenora. When the elder Noseworthys returned from three
years of .air force duty in Francethey
, were delighted to learn that Scali. George.
formerly stationed at Centralia, had been posted for duty at the s
11 same station. as his
father. Both flow serve at 14 Group Headquarters, Winnipeg.—RCAF Photo
4 b
careers Unite Fat-.
At Winnipec� RCA
A Kendra. father and son, both
members of the RCAF, have
been reunited at Winnipeg -the
s 0 0 0» 4 time that duty has
and trailer from Montreal to
Winnipeg, the elder Noseworthys
aroused. considerable interest en -
route -especially since the car
brought them together during cal rigid a colorful sign presented
their military careers. by colleagues in prance, rcarl-
The airmen are Warrant Of. ing "From the Banks of the
fleet Stan Noseworthy, 51, a Rhine to the Red .River Valley."
mobile equipment superintend- An intended stop of a few min-
ent, and. his son, Corporal ides in a small Michigan town
George Noseworthy, 30, a public tut•ed, into an Hour's delay when
relations photographer, Both ar- they were requested to appear
1nca1 t'levlsion Droner
Put, memories nf. him trill no1'PP weeks Of each 011ier, Cpl. George Noseworthy' went
--Will always he remembered ht rhe previo s OCCasiglt 011 whleli tn. 11'innipeg from RCAF Station
lis rrirnds around 1':vrtor. 84 service life brought the pair to- Centralia, where he was Players
gather was in 1946 when George, Coach for the station "Combines"
You don't hear so nauell about then a navy gunner, (vas sta• hockey tean], a eouncillor of the.
the n]al, in the street since auto -tinned briefly at Darl.moutlt, ail force families' community
there, and active in local. al-
-, at the nearby towns of
Exeter and Grand Bench, Be
was !for two years secretary of
the Western Ontario branch of
the Commercial & Press Photo-
graphers' Aassociation of Cana-
N.S,, where his father was a
member of the RCAF station,
Warrant Officer Noseworthy
has just returned to Canada
r r., 1 C1 SODS a 1Vee1C 1t'lt0 atolw Fell,t
hind rhnns:htF of P,•rrynne Will the !.Denier Edith of Stone- During his .5r.conct World War
tend he remembered.—Mrs. Jnmt's 1 fly the trans -polar• route between 11 all 1T ltt spent their holid .holidays
service with fife
alru;lP. s• 1 Europe and North] America. inuring mnos1.' of the countriesr of Noseworth,y srrved4 1111 convoy
"Teach Me Thy Truth 0 Lord"
10:30 a.m.-Sunday School
11:30 a.m.-Worship
Patton Stanley Sauder, Exeter
Pastor: Ivor Bodenham
1):45 a,m,--Bible School
11:00 a.m.-Alorning Worship
'7:30 p.m. -Evening Service and
Wednesday, 8 pace -Bible Study
and Prayer Science,
Eivengelkal United Brethren
Rev. W. E. Krotz, Minister
Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist
Sunday, January 11
10:00 a.m.—"Give Thent. Christ"
11:05 a.m.-Sunday School
Thurs., Jan. 8, 8 p,nt,-Week of
• Prayer Service .
Rev. A, G. Van 'Eek Minister
ec i; a,m,-Alorning Worship
Rev. A. G. than Eek, Exeter,
2114 p.m. -'Afternoon -.Worship
Rev. A. G. Van Eek, Exeter
3:30 p.m. -Sunday School
i0;06 a.m.-Sunday School
11:00 can,-Se'vice
Trivitt Memorial, Exeter
Rev. Bron do Vries, Rector
ftbl�erl Cameron, Ornfirtist
!:30 4,111.--Jlaly Communion
a —Morning Pre ler'.
• rant ,Sunday So-1toot
13,m.- t vf'nsorrg
R i V4
R. Vail �d it tY Uf a
+t Minister
2:00 p ni, Aftayifiotlti Worship
Pr'epara'tory "servite Cot" Lord's
,4 uppei
4;30' 1l.1if,' tlltdayr School
> (lid p.iit. lfhtiiTile' tt'firlea CRAMM,
Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., 13.D.
Minister •
Qrganist: Mrs, Bob Pryde
10:00 a.m.--Sunday School
11:00 a.m.--Morning Worship
Sermon Subject:. ('The Barren
Fig Tree" -
Nursery for children up to six
Tuesday, Jan. 13, 8 pans --Circle
meeting at the home of Air's,
Fred Simmons.
Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor
Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W,C.M,
10:00 a.m.-Sunday Schorst
11:00,-Morning 6Vership
Sermon Subject: "Overflowing
Anthem by the choir.
Solo by Marion May,
7:00 p.m. -Evening Worship
Sermon Subject: "The Must-
ard. Seed"
A Warm Welcome
Is Extended To All.
The United Church
of Canada
Rev, Robert S. Hiltz, B,A„ Th.D.
organists Krt. A. Willard
11:05 a.m.—The Church School
11:15 a m.---Sel'tttoit:
".Habakkuk's Tower of Prayer"
Nursery provided itt the Prim-
al:ry Rooms, i ogdttners, ages
4•u will v retire r•o Sill .
d 1 the
second hymn.
Conte and Worship With CJs.
9;45 letlr.-•,sunday School
I.t:00 aart,-Wnt'sliidd Service
7:3t1 dt,ttf.... Evsitgelisttc Service
"Prepare 'yet flus way 0r the
Lord, lattice Ms Mille straight.,,
--St. dlathew 3:3
f'cstori Evang. L. Winn Bu#ter.
Eva, jali al Utlited Brefhrbti
Rav, 44 it, th•brne, Pesioi
10:00 a.n
] , ' W
"Silt. And Salvaton"
d1 ta' a iti ..-Church School
biontlaytr 2 p.tii -Missions .(tally
Guest Speaker; Rev, Toshia
Ota( of japan,
Western Europe with tent and duty in the North Atlantic he-
trailer, travelling as far afield
as Yugoslavia.
W02 Noseworthy is a Free-
mason and a lnen,her of the only
all -English-speaking 111 •t sonic
tween` Canada and the British
Isles from. 1943 to 1047, and was
a member of the commissioning
crew of HAWS "Warrior", ('a-
nada's first aircraft carrier, lir
Lodge in France -- Adoration Juieced the RCAF as a phnto-
Lodge No. 45 at lielr„ tom grapllet in 1952, after woi;
posed entirely of Canadian and for. the Sunimerside, P.E.I.
a "Journals),
nd H.S. serviceman.
Driving their European' car Cpl. Noseworthy is married to
Message From Zion
New Year Visitors
Miss hazel Stewart, Byron,
with Mr. and airs, Warren
Air. and Mrs. Wellington Brock
and Air. and Alt's. Tont Brock
and Karen with Mr. and Airs.
Jlnt Rowcli.ffe and family, Lon-
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hero and
Linda of Jarvis, returned bome
last Tuesday, alter spending a
week in the community.
Mr. and Airs. Cecil Camm
Exctcr, with Mr. and Mrs, Mor-
ris Herr( and family,
Last Friday night visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock
were: Air, and Mrs. 'Milton
Brock, Mr, and nit's. Norman
Brock and family, Mr. and Mrs.
d c( Miller and children,
Thames Rd., Mr, and Mrs, Bart
Morgan, St, Marys.
Mr, and Airs. Milton Keller
and fancily, Exeter, with Mr.
Mc former Janet Matheson, of
Central Bute,„ and they
have five children: David, 12; Ice was a member of 'the Cana and Airs. Will AIilier, l 1 Church t ra Tames
Garry, l0; Janet 8• Teddy, 7; dian Legion and of the 1. .O.F. '. A Street. Exeter. in COnfralla and
1 and Charles, 4 y' I.O.O.F. Tr, and Mlrs, Anthony Allen • in Colborne Street United, Lan
C*pmisntts: Ah it -
(reHton East
fly MRS. W..MOT
Mr. and Mrs. harry Lewis .and
Wein and Ur adndbAirs. star- Ntrw_. Year's Visitors Alr, and Mrs. T G111f"slalt ,
vin Wein ad fancily of Parkhill Mr. and buts. Joseph Heckler f'oinoka
spent Christmas with Mr. and and son, Karry, of Blake, with Alr. Lindsay McKellar, 1•auris
Mrs. Alec llaindlfofi at Grand .Mr.. And Alrs, Donald Scott and and Bob, with Ur. and Arra, "
Bond, faiitily. l!.ergus McKellar, Seatorth,
Aiiss Marcia SntSth of xeter A1r, anti Airs. Heber Shute and Mr. and Alrs. Ed Luck with
spent the Christmas ;and New 1'atilily, ld:<rlk1on, with Air. and fir. and Airs. Harryurr[a,, "
Year holidays with her :enter:- Nt's, Robert Gardiner and family, l'oronto,
mother, Mrs. Sani J3ayiihairi and Air. and Airs. Robert Dodds, y Miss Olive Spear With gra •
of Walton, with air. and Airs. Clive McDonald and fan i1',
Alr. and Airs. `Wet. Dorney of Norman Harburn. Aiiteliell,
Exeter spent New Y. ears with Ws. Henry Eggert, 01 Rostock, Air. and Mrs. Robert Gardiner •
Mr.:and Mrs. Wm. Alotz. with Mr. and Airs. Alex C.dardiner. .and fatttily attended a turicey
Ronald Alotz of Zion spent a " Ales. Sadie Scott and Gerald 'dinner iii honor of Air. and Ml.i;;
few days;last week with his aunt Scott, ,stafta, wall All. and Mrs.. Wilmer Howatt's thirty-fifth wed -
and uncle,'Air. and Airs. Win, Go 'don Scott and family, ding .a;nniversary, in their new.
Alotz. Ate. and Al's. Robert Laing, home ill 1,ondesbora. Airs. klow• .
Marilyn and Margaret, and Air, att is a sister of Mr. Gardiner.
and ..'firs. Gordon Laing, Lorraine Air. and Mrs. Robert Boyce
Mrsp ft and David, with Air. and Mrs, T. have gone to Toronto to spend
Klr ttQbWe Laing 'the wittier with their daughter
D' Alr, Percy Duncan .and Ali : and son-in-law, Mr. and Airs.
iets In Manitoba Pearl Duncan, -of `Thames B0atl,; Uarvey Spading,
with Alr, anti Mlrs. ,Bohn Ho^ i Air. and Airs. John Hocking
Airs, Robert Sweet, the fainter %miter' recently with their dau h-
Elizabeth Prior, .died in Portage tartlt and Arlene on Saturday,
La Prairie on Saturday, Decent- Mr. and Mrs. Carter Kerslake, ter in Brafnpton,
iter 27, in her 34th year, Joyce, Brenda and Craik, Staffs, • Mrs. Al'. Lamond entertained.
the ['.G.
l T. tri
:firs, Sweet- was a native of with Alr. Andrew McLachlan. girls her home on
Exeter, and is survived by two,Air. William Patrick of Wyam- !Monday night.
brothers and one sister, Norman
ing„ with friends in. the'commie!
and Herman, of Portage La nity,
Prairie, and Miss Olive, Exeter, Air, and ATts. W. N. Binning' ,Mrss. M Siearnoin.
Intei•inent was made in Portage 1liebard ane! Robert,
La Prairie, with Mr. and 'lies, K. AICIiellar, b rn iv
Alt. and Mrs. Tien f)a.vey,:
Wayne and Gordon. London, A1r. ilton Sleai'non, 75, tits
Airs, and Alrs, Iloy McCulloch and 1 former Eliza Ann (Annie) Jones
daughter, Helen, Mr. R. Waddell.' of this community, and a real -
of Fuliarton, and Mr. and Mrs.: dent of T.nndon for the past 1f3
W. Baxter, :Bobbie and Catherine," years, died unexpectedly in Vic.
Mitchell, with Alr. and Airs. Cal -:loris Hospital, on Sunday, Jana.
A veteran of World War 1, der A1cKaig. ; ary 4,
William Sims,.66, died in West- Mrs. William Hulley and Laura 1 A daughter n late Hospital, London, on Beth, of West Milton, with her 8 r f the lac Ax's,
and Airs, Henry Jones, she was
Thursday, January 1. parents, Mr, and Mrs. Alex ; horn in t'sborne Township on
Born in Sarnia, the son of Alt's. 13atnsey concession, but as a young girl
Eliza Sims, and the late Janah Aliss Doris Schwartz, Caaditon,'moved with her parents to the'
Stns, he eau]e at an early age Miss Rulh a~nechtel, Rostock, :rap ot, highway 4, south cd
Al'ilh his .parents to a :cern on the and Air, Ken. Alanrelararl, Nota Exeter, where a nephew, Ltoyd
Crediton road: Scotts, were weekend visitors . Jones, now farms,
with Air. Mrs. rs.
i . Mex C •d r
cat In r
Ile In 1 13 shP
h served vmarried Milton overseas s 'r 3
i has it World hl ii oft
War 1, and following his return, Mr. and ]sirs, George ("initian ! Sleamnn of Elimville. They ran
he lived in Exeter, moving and family, of Auburn, visited', grocery store in Centralia for
In the farm in n until Town- recently with ATr. and Alt's, Rob-, 22 years atter which they moved
ert: Gardiner and family, 1 to London.
ship, except for five years spent Mr Thomas '1TeCalluttt of 'rn 1
Airs. Sieamon was a mei]iber
nf 1110 T'n'tad Cl ]in
The Thnce•AtIvecete, longe try , ;1' Pepsi
Cromarty Comrer.
Ely. MRs, HEN :MeK E I.LAf
William Sims, 66
Veteran Of War
in the mines at Kirkland Lake. ron:to, visited recently with Air.1
tat es, , Surviving are his wife, the anti. family, Stratford, 111x, ancl. inn•
Warrant Officer and. MI's. former Gladys Dew, of T-'sborne; A'1.1s. Eldon Alcon and family, Survivin besides
Mr. and Airs. Alf Ross, Sr., cosi : c her husband
• Noseworthy have three married two cl aughters, (Labelle( Airs., ar0 0110 Claughtrr, (Tune) Mrs.
daughters, two residing in Win- X ervyn Schmetzer, IAdteltener, fancily, and 110, and Airs. Alf Alcan Parker,of 'Byron;tl]
nipeg. They are May (Mrs. W. and (Audrey) Mrs. Walter Bent- Ross, ,Tr., and baby, Sfaffa, Mr. ; grandchildrenT n in 5', ])pug
Keogan) and Joyce (Mrs, J. ley, Exrtrr; 000 son, Evan, of and Mrs. Murray Christie and and Bryan Parker: two brnthers,
('unin ham). The third, Violet, ltsltorne 'Township; his another, family, lvith MIs. and ATrs. frank John and .(;r+nr p .;'nn s Exeter:
is :firs. C. .(dope, of Montreal. Mrs. 'Eliza Sims, one sister, Mrs.1 r ,d
Allen and Alr, Will 1'1'orrlen, 011; nor shirr kNr'llie> Dirs. E. Call•
Leri Wilson, one brother,' Ted, all Saturday. n t faa, Fillmore, Sask.
c Exeter, and five grand andMrs. Lore Elliott and 'T110 body seated at the Dnnpmp.
Tonics Froin children, family. Staffa, and Mr. and ATrs.,)Ioelcpy funeral hnnte where the
The funeral service was held Al•
vin Kemp and family, ATunro.: sarviee was baled on Tuesd.ate,
at the neral •Hoit'e funeral with Alt', and Alts. Robert January G. with infcrment in
home, conducted by Rev, Been He•
mdlton, on New Year's, ' 1:;,•rter tetrtetery,
By MRS. ROSS SKINNER DeVric's on Saturday, January 3, Visit Out of Community 1'a11b0arrrs were Lloyd, Ray
with. interment in Exeter Ceme• Alr. and Airs. Duncan Scott' and ,xTnr, al ;Tones, Arnold Was,'
with Mr. and Alt's. Ed Dearing,: e t e' li'illiam Allen and Clair
Untended For Last Week)
Pallbearers were Andrew Icier- Stafla, C>arfas,
Jing and Lloyd Reynolds, of the Alr. and Mrs. Jack )-logizarth
Mr, and Mrs. Alex C'ragn, o!? f,egion; Cecil Rowe and Clark and Arlene with Air. Perev Dun
Kirkten, ATr, and Airs. Norman Fisher, of the I.0.O.F., and can and Miss Pearl Duncan.
Routly, Air, and Mrs. Floyd neighbors, 1-1, H. Strang and dlr. 'and Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdalil.'
Routly, tl
a t of
'1T -
, t. andi s
Cl �
Kenneth lion; ad family, of arettch Down. Alice and CChesa, with Mr. and
Thnrndale, Air, and Airs. Allan Alts. John (ea., Alitc.hell.
Summers and family, of Sl, L L Air. and Dtrs. E. Hat4,urn Riley,Marys, .Ates. 1,outly, Alt'. and H .• fti- fltS Mr. and ;firs, Lloyd iley,
;Firs, Bob Canning, of 'Trenton g :1liloltell.
Mr. ]jolt Csnni, of Huntsville, -Continued front Pae 3 :lir. and Alt's, T. 1,. Scott cost
Air, Jerry l?annie, of diensall, jrct, family, and firs, E. Moore, with
with Air, and Mrs, William Rout-
^ ♦ s
ation of a swimming pool pro•
ly, Anna and Grace. Zurich organizations began de-
ATr, and Airs. William Webber, velopmcnt of a community pari: 1 lenSe��l Personals
of Thames Road, 1110. and Airs,
and, • pressed for recreational Air_ and Mrs. Keith Lindsay
area improvements along the cost Pamela, of 1va visited
Carl Akdcrson, of :Kitchenar, with
Air: and Airs. Lloyd Webber and
I Air. and Mrs. Horace Del -
bridge, Bruce anc1 Fred, of Win -
Saturday with Mlt'. and. Mrs. John
Pat Lovell, R.R. 2 Kippen, was Henderson and family,
elected Miss Western Ontario. (lir, and Mrs. Glenn McNaugh• 1
Entertainment highlight) again ton and family, of Toronto, were .. T
included SHDHS commencement, weekend visitors with the form. Ws G. Thompson
Air Forc • Dav Kirkton C
(In Ti'uek Load Loll)
Gar -
chclsca, Alr, and Airs. Russell e the Gar
King, Wayne and Ruth Ann, of den Party but Hensall Kinsmen's
Crodilon, Mr, and Mrs. Donald Ontario Bean Festival and Exe-
Parsons and Susan, of Hensall, ter Kinsmen's Dominion Day
Nr. and Adrs, Alvin Cooper and Celebration was cancelled.
Floyd, with :lir. and Airs, fii`ucc Revival of Scouting activities
Con ] •
children with Alr, and Ales. Har- 1.e1• bit a pea]( with the organization
old limn. Air. and Airs. Bass Armstrong of new Salts and the winning of
With. Altr, and Mrs, Ephriam and Anne, of SI. Marys, with Mr. outstanding awards by district
dlern Were: Alt', and Mrs. Allan and Mrs, Hubert Heywood. • i youth.
Wesleott and family, Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent l3encsik
Alr. and Mrs. Ross Tlern. and family, Mr. and Mrs. Rich -
MTs. and M.t's, We1•lington lbrn('k and Joltns, of Exeter, with All,
visited Saturday with A t•, and and Airs, Philip Johns,
Ales. Torn Ogle, Strathrby. Alr' anti MZrs. Euterson Pen*
and Mrs, 13111 Stewart and hale Douglas and Brian, of Win -
family, London Township, visited ehelsea, Mrs. Ralph Batten, Bill
Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. War-
ren Brock.
Air. and Mrs. Ross llern are
leaving Saturday to spend. the
winter in Florida,
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton ,Taqucs
and children visitor] Sunday with.
and Mrs, Norman Jaques
an(1 family,
Ste. and Airs. Jucd t)ykrtrtan
and Joan, of Exeter, with Air.
and Mrs, John Batten.
Mr. and Airs. Donald Stephen,
of Exeter, Air. and Mrs. lack'
Robinson and fancily, of Kirkton,
Air, and Airs. Laurie Stephen and
fancily, of London, Mrs. 'Thomas
13e11, with Air. and Airs. Charles
and family wart: Sunday visi- Air. and Ales. Norman Jatlues,
tors with Air. and Alts, Pani harry and Shirley, of Zion, ATt'•
d)ykeman and children, Crediton. and Mrs. Donald Par'sans and
Saturday evening gnosis of ,Susan, of Hensall, Mt'. and Mrs.
Air. and Airs, Norman Jaques Alvin Cooper, and Floyd, with
were: Airs. Atargaret Thwaites Mr, and Mrs. Ross Skinner and
and Mrs. Allen Jaques. and Dawn of Theo-lito, Ni'. Amo- faintly, and Mrs, Philip AMureh.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Jaques lia Jaques and Mr. and AIrs. Nr. and Mrs. Donald Mums and
and children at JCdrkt.on with Carl Jaques and family, St, Ata- family, of Itensalt, Afr, and MTrs.
Air. and Mrs, Cecil Dobson, ry5 and Mr, anti. Alts, Bill Emerson Penhale and family, of
Mrs, Norman Jaques and Shir- Moore and family, Rannoch. Wilchelsca, Mr. anti Airs. Donald
fey spent a few clays last tveelc Mr. and Ails, Norman Brock Pcnhale and family, of Exeter,
whit Ales. Margaret Thwaites,
New fears Eve visitors with
Alia and airs. ,ltl(f DA:a start
were: Air, anti A11 s. Roy Dyke"
luau London, Mr, and airs.
Paul 11ykcntatd, Crediton, Misses
Ruth Ann and Jane Dykeniatr,
Wiitgham, Miss Francis Iiuston,
t,ssex, NZI', Gerald Dearing, gab -
ler, and Harry Towle.
Mr. and Airs. Barry Dern and
and •family, ;Alt'. Joe Bailey, Exe-
tet" ;Mss Belly 'Batley, Wing•.
ham, Air. and Mrs. Bert Morgan,
SI. Marys with Mr. and Airs. Mil-
tn)1 Bi ock,
Mr. r
an Airs. l AT.1, . t'li Y Jaques
and children, spent Friday eve-
ning; with Mr. and Al]'s. Bill
Iohns and fancily, 'Thames Road.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward :Dern with
Air. and bars. Bill Dixon, Clan.
with Ails. Cl0rdon Pe etale,
Christmas Visitors Away:
Alr. and Mrs. Howard Johns
and .family, with air. and Mrs.
Wesly 1 t
Nail, it nl.
,aflik t
Air. and Mrs. Franklin Stilarter
and family, with Mr. .atid Mrs,
Arthur Runrdlr, of Thames Road,
Mr, Mrs. and t ., i
t tr john Richey,
with Mr. acrd Mrs, John Willis,
New Years' Eve visitors with of E,t eter,
deboya. A11, and Airs, Howard Pynt and
Air. and Mrs, tante ;Tolosa were, Joan, with Mt. and Mrs. f)on
' �y ! Air. sold ATPS. D. Finnla anis ('rich, of Clinton, and Mr. and
miss B.
i ellanC� family, St, Marys, Mr. and Alrs, ATMs, Alvin Pym, of Exeter.
+ an Paynter• and Dir, aped. Mr, and Airs. Aiton Johns and
Native Of PEI Mr's, Raymond r'ayntor and Taa• family, with Air, James Olce, of
vitt, Kirkton., Alt. and Mrs, Bob Anded•sort.
Aliss Belisle, YeJland, a re;si. Il,iedeedson and Ales, ()ligney, St. Air.. and Airs. tdarnid Idarslake
dant of l,xeter for fifty years, ;Marys, Alr, and aides, se, D, and family, whit 111'. and Mrs.
(died '1"idesday in South 'Huron SDhnee rind 11111 or Woodham. 1)011x1(1 ('ar:, or 1 xeler nnt'th,
year. Abd"
it her eighty-ninth All's. I,Ioyo CClshmatl, moven Alt'. and Mrs. 'Dt'lltter Skinner,
r_ 911(1 Alic'hael, 1Bxrler, vistlrrt Edward and F'1'anrt's, with Hits.
MTiss Y rllatrrl rt 95 born in l' fldav will Mi'. anrd Airs, Jud Vera Jnitns, of d',xeter,
1'i'iltr`e Edward: 1819)1 1, a (laugh-
and family. Misses Sharon and illrloti
lee or the late Rev, •J, (l, :(nil dlatten a1•1' spending a few days
Ail=s, Yelland, She.carol's In d',k. I'ors#nal (tons r With Mr. and Mt's. Lewis johns.
oder with her parents when they Air. and Arcs. Thomas Hero Air, and ales. 'Wesley i'l yeetees
retu•ed U'ont active servdco ill and Sholda, accompanied, by arty spfulittg ihe. Clcrisbnas: 11011-
th,el Methodist 'Church. Adz;, and Mrs. Clifford Salmon d93'9 with Ales. 1)avo 111gckwell,
Slid is survived by ,end bro. and Margaret of Dashwood, of Pct.rolia, and Miss .1laaoI fiey.
the J`h
tl It
Gibbs Y'edlancf df visit • with , � i
tI fir A 1 s 1..11-
i, and r„
c Mrs. Yvo d
i , i.
„ ided. verve Nikseh, of 'Gary, Indiana, oroDehio f.
The will tihe�heltl+Thurs. last. weekend.
day attfernnnn al 8 *Took from Miss Parham . here visited Ali men are err•atecl &lual
the 1•dopper•ll'nekisy funeral home with lret' cousin, Atiss Ruth And and endowed ivy' their creator
with interment i11 the Bxetor' Sei ion of Dashwood, last week- with ae insatiable urge to be-
cetiietery,, nal telt'ta otlietWitas
er's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne;
Miss Ann Linstra, of Exeter,1 Es5. _ CIIi S
visited last week with her par•+
ants, Mr. and Airs. R. Linstra. I Limited
Mrs. Miltaie Sangster returned;
home after holidaying, with' Mr.
and Airs. Doug Sangster in Lon- PHONE
don and Alr. and Airs, Herb
Stratton in Lucan.
The he (tl metalcornered'
� ul�l
binder! EWA kin
71/2 1z 10%
1114 x 1076
Other 13hide t'a
Led .9 er
91,4. 5>• 11141
11 x 14
11 x 17
S 8V end 6 x