Huron Signal, 1852-01-29, Page 4ME DEED' bM moms. Manneen• arWIMOtoe tinct, hie bed; deep hem the cherished be.usbeid heed. Is bs 1tyieg beer we all se dread. Ne fare's lam o was there es Mese The Nit trash. wa u%M SSe dsys... To seethe end sheer tips stricken .as : N e aretbee'e sled to sleep be ewe. When the dodge( eye grew eased sad died Te *peak in time dear familiar tones, That eou.ded eo sweet te 'c.v. is him Noontime. presence there to 'heal. A holy calm o'er the couch 01 death, To raise the .uf]twer'• thrnbbteg heed, Or watch eke soh sed guptng breath. Whim the limit of lone is roused our ►►d, Axed tendon, earnest freed• are nigh ; When house its "oothug tea fence eh•Ja, To leets them all 10 agony : But to be alone, and !eel the b•.amh Grew *hurt and horde.!, end the 550 Dim with the gatb.rrag mut of death. ; Ob ! then 'tie doubly hard to die. ENGLAND. se axon cone. W yes Wet erbdp to hese the truer sell if hem meth ma lemeessi Owe dews the prier.The le I of *boke steps who wast es sad who Is • Mures end Nr *sod l Iris • W to *bow'so'P and tsg the peewit bis "NIL" HoAxrnG Larium 8axtsri,s.-The broadest sad most laughable attempt of this kind we ever beard of, is related by the venerable Matthew Carey, ofJedge Bree- keeridgr the elder. The J.dge, it neer, had a moral antipathy to philosophical so- cieties, which was the more remarkable from his begineieg a scientifc ted well read mat. But he at length explained the mys- tery by stating That to had been rejected by the Amrrlran Philosophical Society, of which he wa, a candidate for membership, ie renege for a democratic vote be had given in Its Iegirlature of Peoosylvaaia, against what was termed the " province looney." Aad be resolvedhiste r en ged in return. He not only ism s atrical work called Modern Chivalry, but be palmed oft upne that body some most ri- dicolous deceptions. Among other things he took hi, gracknotber's fan, and having ingeniously twisted, gummed and painted and prepared it, 'tut it to the society as a wing of a hat ! 11atthew Cary says, " It MSS received with Jue aolemntty and a vote of thank. was passed to the donor. A dc - bate arose as to the species of bat to which it belonrrd-anti a committee of seven was appointed to aKertaiu whetber.it was the wing of a \tad.Igaxar or Canada hat. - The ('otamitlee sat three weeks, and after cousultiug liuiTuo s Natural History, and l:olsuiith's Aminated Nature, they reported that it must hare belonged to a Madagas- car hat. It was pronounced the greatest curio.iIV in the \Tu'ran except a large sheet of brown paper which he Lune in the chimney and disguised w'Ih soot and dirt, and palmed upon the society a, a part of a Brahmin', shirt " Illustrated with em!.." said a young ur- chin; as he drew„ his pocket knife ac; ons the leaves of his grammar. ' Illustrated with cuts; exclaimed the schoolmaster, u be drew back the cane across the back of the young urchin. . My beart in wedded faith to E iglestre 0 emery Isle ;" I love eaeh low and .tragghng sot, each famed eseesuol p le : I'm happy when my •tsps are free open the sunny glsds ; I'm glad and proud emit ti.. throes that crowd It. mut of trade ; 1 gaze epos her open port, where ean:were. mount• bee throne, Whore every Ilsg that COIUSI ere now has lowered to our own. Look round aha globe, tad tell our, can you find more blazoned names, Among i1. 'Biota and its streams, than Lon- don acd the Thames. My soul it Baked right tenderly to every shady copse ; I prism the creeping violets, the tall sod fragrant hope i The citron tree or spicy grove for Otte would never geld A perfume f es grateful se the lilies of the f3eW 1 tbr.sd the wood, i rob the bodge, and glad crewel is etas, Altb..gh they leek the eremite ►rase►, peoegr sets. date sal vies, o 1.vmt cot tkm rieheal fame emote referee show, While England bei its haul -loam ilei blackberries sed "loot, I'll ark if there's a British buy what.'., may be his rank, • Wbo does not dearly love to climb his Da, tin bramble bank, Who would not trudge for many a mile to gain a nuttiest( track. Proud of the crook'd suck in his head and basket at kin bask t Out, ongetere, to ! who -.ball dare to breath oats slighting word There plumage damsels not -yet say, can sweeter strata* be heard 1 • Int other feathers vaunt the dyes of deep, eel raiobow flush, Give as old England's nigbteagale, its robin and rte thumb. 1'd freely rove through Temple'. vale, or scale the giant Alp, Where roses het the bulbul's tale, or *eow- wreathe crown the 'clip ; 1'd pause to hear soft Venice streams plash back to boatman's otr, Or buries to the western flood is wild end falling roar; I'd tread the vast of momenta rage, or *pot serene and flowered; 1 Wel meed see too many of the wooden tied his showered; Yet though 1 stood on fairest earth, ►esesth the blunt beanie, Could I forget ore summer sky, err Wlo- demere end Deemer I'd own a brother in the good alai brave e! any land, Nor would I ask bis slims or *reed hero.* 1 gave my head, Let but the deed. be eve, such that a'. the world may know, Avid little reeks "tea place of birth," or eelor .1 the brew; Yet though Fd Mil a forego same among the Iret ted beat, Oee ewe lrasseeedeet eta of fame wild rtes endue my breast; I'd (point to busdruds who bad deft the mem s'r dmf by van. Amid sty, "Tbri . England's glory serial --hew brighter if you elm "' CHIPPA-WA i •: ' •: e And Steam 14siaie M nailtcto ry. PRE t is sew prepared le de all kinds el weab is tie best ttaaaaer, end et sheet.etise. The Petterwe.1 Pilaus Begiess (necks ad Saw MRIs, are all eery bid ad tb• 814.8 approved bis& Ale, •esepiMeesis N tag, ebaftulg, Ise. fee OAP sal San -i• whit* the meek,. ed the is psrttealrl7 dieMd- tissiK dseiasel ewideeeW Use ad expires* is gotta, M the kelt dseriptio. of Levee, with all the ether nesesearg lie - terse for Maley Saw Milled is teen read) 1. .Ee, them with STINK se.Ildeaoe to these is want of each machinery. Thee Regime., ke, etnime all the fecal imprerewMte, sad are very• complete. Heves of them are now tim.hed, and the demand is ouch that parties dasiroue of purcbasiog can be fitted up fa a few weak", with everything nous - eery. A Boiler Yard ie also attached to the Es, tabli.hme.t, *shore boilers of lb. beet goal - ay will at all ti :.ea b. made to order, on gmeonable terms, and of the beet materials End workma.ahsp, Improved statuary Fir. Emgiase con- stantly on hand. Toady for delivery. Iron Plaiting, Tuning, Screw Cutting, Braes Caetiag sad F(si•bi.g, ko. doe. in emery vorlet7. In eoseeetio■ with the above, there is now to course of erection the largest Stove Foundry in the Province the Moulding Floor of which will petard* of 10,, 000 .quare feet. There will be cosstastly on hand a Stook of the moot operated Postero. of English and American Cooking Ranges, Stoves, kc. fitted with Tie and Copper Ware come plots, also. the ha.dsomeet and newest styles of Ilall and Parlour Stove", • variety of Plate tad Ornamental Pattern* of Cut iron Fence and Gates, all of which will be Bold at lower price* than have ever before been offered to the public, and which, from the position of Chippewa, as regards water commsueation, ea. he forwarded to any part of the Province. at a very light ex - peen. OLIVER T. MAKLEM. Chippewa, June 24, 1851. Bpect.-22 " STOP kV PAPER." ttft*t T•! 111104 MOPFA ?'S IIEIETABLE LIFE PILLS •10 PNONIX BITTERS ieIM..a•.s-tIM moon they brwmW est w tie whisk ter,e•s." nes.• a.e.aYa d rl-s aM .isle t. hat N p55 tae.. w hp.w, *Sit bi 1 tests warty the iea W ver rt.*. w y e • toe esoMilsw. imMg .Ri+>t. a.7 -MIL MP1>®IMP DIVISION COURTS. TBE ant Divines Coro f., the Baited Camila of Hero, Perth and Inc., will be held as the liar awl dere. Whom*. : MIR 51511105. • CM1Ihas"r. Gederieh, 2.1 F.beeary,-pd int April. G. T. Lyster, Clerk. moan 1151119f. John flieka. Tavern. hitdtel, 10th February, and 3711 May. Fuari. Coleman, Clerk. TNIan 5I51.1•,f. - Jame. Wonder' T..ero, Moat(rd, 13th F.braary and 31ei May. Baby WiGums, Clerk. ►OeiTO DIVI.10f. Quick's Tame. Loa.lon Road. 4th February and 2111 May. George Carter. Clerk. 115511 rIYlauf. School Hoon, 3rd February and 22nd May. lameiGorlon Earl. Clerk. ' ,IITN LIy I110f. Babeoek'sTarera, Saint Mary's, 12th February and 29th Rey. James Coleman, Esq. Clerk. ea.C.111 05510103._ Hackies Tam, Vahan of 1lsyfirli. 6th Feb. sad 94th May. David Hood Ritchie, E.q. CI'k. The 8utinne of Ihe.s.veral Courts will COM. woe* yammer at 11 o'clock. A. 54. ARTHUR ACLANU, J. C. C. Dederick, 2_h,d Dec. 1851. .4546 A witty eorrs.pnadeet ie the V1egwre Neil touches or the "Stop my paper" gentry is the flowing malar :- " 8... aims are composed of aced, me. Melee and meant."., "loll parte of each, sad again some are composed of mad and meouseee without an drop of sweeteu'- bodleo all mud and souls all meanneo, and the chap that stop* hie paper to try end burl the honest printer, a not .o mese le his moussaouled ! You might we well file a pop-gue against thunder, blow a match against a hurricane a.th a pen of leaky bellows, or try to put out Vesuri toe with a scow ball, as to *,Irate a oew.peperon mac by mese tricks. Tqe hest pias- ter will tell the truth and shame the devil, and that's the printer that bad one Fate worse thaw bed bugaido Venice turpentine. Aid Oh ! you *illy ofspriag of small pato. tore who are troubled with the alnppign, jut take a pinch of the muff of ►elocu"a, end spar your brain homes of the goblins and cabbage leaves of greying, growling, grunting, ignorance, and you .hl me et once that you ain't whet st=ir be ►v 10.1 sheiks. 11' 701 only wee .•+eble of .•em. preh.nling all the ears, as 1 teuuhle that vv unwaaherl, unheard .1 on .a h -rad g noon** causes m7 /rood the prl+ter. you'd gofer h,m with a fat' hue isi.axi'v. sed entry ,vintners baby of ems Na'e pet es-• welseld fling '.a steeple hh, sad you'. open yIr aonthe eider (ban a auk aeon a let of sheds, we' you'd borrow fee the water till yen had ,ho irate. tattiest of WrIo ll et ytr Mels and mek.n' eeeh i.leetiesl rso hair mewl inr!,grshtty on •11l Lk+ bri.tlAs ni tbe back of a h.rray}•d near. 1.w ear as .1/41 101 If it eraser for the Mosul prir.rer the kns.ee would come up over the !end hk• Inro.la, ..d leave; yen •n mnrh is new ►lade of grate for your 'ea'im'to p.t k at. Nee,et ,wen would bet n. eeareoe. Jaw iw 11.11111117. if it wasn't ter the /motel owa gee he.. it. Tim (*earthly of prin. tows We Meat. and you'd ort to bap► them ,ls Acura .ea Gel0." G k1i'J*Ar11 Aie.clsO h i eI IV auooia s,d Lu1r* r• $U.$OVe rIY IDs s UY$* oo pL•1>•TI - r .e sa1 ass .veL wins Ona eg.ss. we•e•. thn wa ee ad rmr eMht. rr.rO..r. . sea .1....50 - wan thea i/ea earned be ism wow earebe wen.. Oro •!!twee tensest wee 1114100 L.....5 slLIa emTlr&Nene. COLDS a OOOOM5, CIuL'f. CUNNtMPTIli:1. Uel..551a1 w..ww.1lhr .hese► cuaaurr ruruar. Daurolll. war, ..1t iia, .•.r I nee e.do-s 4PTrJNI al Iib at.. alt Yper5L.e, ?LAM LS'.cY, rat et* ono • Ott 5. sue ...err tithe.+ - wa.ti, ,hews ..Yew .ak 1e am.. a u.I., t...•tr. ane fit.-.. .51. 05.•m.J.w.. Wwtw „Or ,.Iwttr• wawa ate. ereae-a sae 4 Wrw entree a,.•r.aa1 - 11 Teen. se 51'115115'. A,1 LE t.fuE0 ru41LNae. of 4t OSYL 11X110. OTJMIIRAL DDDILII•Y. u•N/T. WA.IK100. OeJwtI. 116:•U•"#.110.I•vines •ars. /1.1410 revel. !nr(f..4,4..JruKV *MVIVA r1"", roru.t a000.. litrNDILL LUBA sr •er/ r5TC LIYEl 21 Oels?LAZNTS. LZPausr, Louw1Ne1111., .r.NC a'lalAL DISEASES. - now MY r ,maws owner ee nae Also 4 mewtmr' 46 twr...a.0 t•.. Iv a..i rawer.. prevae ...110.551 Ulmr riwuM la&IFOUI DawLlrr. N1a1"CI 004•PLAINTO Weau wade. U511i%H, (51.5 Tai I.TATw,N dYe radar. PAL' T/5'S t.e1L1C. rBLr8. Trvspais,w-, .. !,5r,n... aw• a.ar 4 ,+ r+. r . 188181 Na..ra kr t 05 .d 150 t.t4 rA1,si r w Ya.,. 55.. irk. 5V. *Ws 1111111110 r A T a r 7.. Thum .rnewJ mini 1V ....1 vela M N. ti. ,1..10. 011.11. .151.1H,D torten II EAU. Scculr. •d1.i t"AOY. ANYLI.I0 .•i, .cuoruu. r III3s0'S EVIL, • me atm. flew O i t.' l• a i. e/ sem a •r•<' •r/ • T7 H O TQ e , . (.1 ands. ata .o..-•..:,, .,811...1 se ..»,:...sr.,... .«oe.r..,w..throb M O. .1., U 010.010 .....Atter. N.tr 1...I. k r, ria TI:E LIFE PHIS AND Pile:NIX BITTLRS PURIFY THE BLOOD. AI.J thus remove all disease (rr,m the system. a •: i. eeint winp! .. ,i. 1.11 6 P111 S mad P N Q'I 1 X BITTERS b. yen Ike r..oa 4.1 e...p.- tiaM r 1M 1111...rwa el *eery patiret. The peri::. of rt... m51,0i.1* an. maw pat anon., oui 14eb, t..artl.rr ..I/ a pave1.:e1. •• x14.,. lima 5.0011.x," 01*100a,ra Ian aw,0t..w &1, .•..114..b i, • ara..4 .1 Srmdr.y 600 K all ,t 1 I Ir eat 1/11.... 14 .tack strange* .1.11.0411a tory ran eery .a0ly 11.1 me. Th. wrappa...5l ymari.aes Ire eerappx/rlafwkra, .50.05. um. sm. mature U•e .4' tante!. •sea as seat 5. anima Ilia ilay an. g....4. bap .5.. wok Fellow wrappers; bag u ye. a.. be ••4 4•11 !baa that, came di,..t from ea, ea vane ,.w.a 11 QT Pr.pa..a wig mw by D IL. WILLIAM D. 1fIO?? TA.T. S r% M.dwq. se... o1 1•0•0y,ares. N at - r. s.r. by Lands for Sale In the Township of Wawanosh. MBE following Lots of 1.11041. the proper - 17 of Wm. Garrett, Esq., Kugetoo, aro now for Sale, ausely,- Coe. 6, Weat,►alf of t7. 100 acres. Cos. 6, Lots 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 1800 VMS. Con. 7, " Ent -half of 29, Lots 30 sad 31, 500 teres. Coo. 10, Lot 10, 200 terns. The above Iota are situated oo, or near the River Maitland. The land is of the very but quality and well watered, one- fourth of the price is required down, and the remainder in ton annual Iostalmente with interest. For further particulars apple to the Subscriber at the Crown. Lands Ottce, Huron Road. JOHN CLARK. Godericb, 27th Feb., 1861. vlo2 WANTED. 4 SHE.,, WHEAT, PORK. BUTTER, til SEEDS AND CORN. The w►esri- her in returning his recen thanks to b. public for the I:boral erlpport received b' ham since hie enmra.arement is Bayfield, Beds to uferm him that Itis stock is vow replete with every artiele 0.11w117 kepi in a country Store, hari.; made eowsidwable purchases to the British and American mar- kets ankets which h. tweeds Selling at cost, Pro- riouatn remaining into the New Store, wh;ch he lamed. to ha ready in the month of Norimber, As, of the abnvo ariielrp tale's As cash as 1 the bat price Allowed for them. Therefore, come to the Cheap Store and study your interest by buying where there is one price and one prise only. W. C. TiPPET. Bayfield, Slat August, 1951. .4o18 rVNI asbearlb., Ur to !.term the Mho- = taste et Gederia► end 114 eisf.lty, that he bee received a Large Supply of the La- tent Improved Pattera0 of COOKING, B 0 X , AND PARLOUR STOVES, which he ellen for Bale at tory reduced Prices for Cash. The eubecrlber also lupe en Mad u usual, at 115 Old Sued, a large and Very superior aesortmeet of TIN- WARE e( every deseripties. Tbs sub- scriber takes t►ie opporttuity of'simiie( his *i thank. to the Public fear the very liberal patrooago he ham received sines he hu been in business in Goderich, k hopes by strict attention to batons, and moder- ate prices, to coatisue to receive a share of public patronage. N. H. -Graining, Paintiog, Glance, Pa- per and Bell IlaegtWILLIAM STORY. Hre. Goderieh, 6th Sept. 18.19. v2,l3l A1101EXE0 NA Jttai9 • TAILOR,' GRATEFUL for the liberal patronage which he formerly received from the tfsepeetsble inhabitants of Goderich and the eurrssadisg, country, begs to inform his cid tieetetelere and the public geoerally,tbaa BENJ. PARSONS, Sole Agent. Goderieh, Jan. 28, 1848. CmLIBmIII1 Inn r11E subscriber beats to Inform we au, 11 nterous friends auu cuetcmer:, sn! the public generally, that his LA1LGt: BRiCK BUILDING is now completed, a:11 that from the great int thus added to his former premie., be is now eeab!ed to offer accommodation to the tnvaltiog public at Yeast equal to that .8aeied by any ether House in Town. And wi'heut being anx- ious to mon opolt.e tba retire UT CIO buti- nens of Goderieh, ho at least hopes for a coutinuanee of the partings which he hes hitherto enjoyed, and will always ecdsavor to secure the satie!actiTa rf b:s ;Tweets acd customers, by attend:0g to the r coiafnta- ble accommodation. ROBERT ELLiS. N. B. -The Stabling at the Co:borne t inn is enteopivo and of the first quality. Godericb, Juno 11,1851. v4o17 HE HAS NOW RETURNED, sad spread 41. T.?1LORiNG EST,AB- LiSILMEYT in the house nest door to yt: B. Seymour k Co.. Store, West street, _GO DER IC II, where, by porctual at- tendance on Business, and strict attention' to the ./VcWcst 4 most approrcd Fashions, - he hopee to merit a fait share of pubife patronage. Goderich, May 27th, 1851. v4n15 AXE VICTORY, 4rc. &c. THE Subecrtper begs to Intimate to the farmers gal other inhabitants of the Baited Cotentin, that he bas jnat competed hie anaegemeate, and is SOS prepared to fureeh .fres, warraolel, of n superior qua, hty,m id on terms suited to the eircomatao• oma of the country, and the quality of the article. He aloe invites all fermate to call encre1 • sate. hlv improved spectates of the CANADiAN SCOTCH PLOUGH, which be lettere himself will by fogad superior ,e essay respects to any other Plough now in aye in this section of the Prorate•.. " WATSON k \VILLTAJfa, 'AIX'''. WATSON of Goderich, Barrister s+ at Lew, kc.ks. and George 1' illiami, of Stratford, late of the firm of Hector, Weller k Williams, Barr(eters, kc. Toron- to, having this day Wesel! into oo-partner ship in the practice aoprolamine e( Las, Cba.cery, and Conveiaseing, will to futon keep their Ogees at Goderich k Stratford, respectively, under the same, style end Arm of Watson k Williams. Dixie WAT$o3, Goderieh. Guises WILUAam, Stratford. tub Dsee.be r. 1149. 01.47 11ARVEY BRACE. God.,deb, Ang. 21, 1851. ,4o97 NOTICE. iBEG to Intimae to ,he inhabnasu of the Towesbips sf Goderieh, Stanley and Cel - brae. ,hat *'dor a pine of Atterwv from the BARON DE TUYLE, dated the 2S,hAril. 1849, .1 am sohoriaed ,n 4ipo.. of his LANDS 1n thew Teresina, and to pant Title Dowd for i►. wme-aadaleo to collect all Mosier, do* hint. ted to greet Mecherges for the n,sp.-.ed T 50.b, regent ell ►.woes 'snared to ,he said is,.. J. Tsyl. fortbwuh as settle sp theorem pestles dream T11011 MFRCER JONES. Ood5ish, this May, 1630. &m..11t, NAT IONAI. HOTEL BRUCEFIELD. TIM HURON SI Is 'Waled 4• Patbfisbd NO, Th isdilile BY GEO. k JOHN COL Poe, Market Square, Ceder'is . CP Book sad Job Pruhag eucetei wltr seataeas and dispatch. -TEN Tante 4- the Harm Sib SHILLINGS per ensu. if paid strictly is adma.ce, or Twelve sad Six Peace with the expiration of the year. No paper diecontipcd until arrears are paid up, unkm the pubhaber thinks it his advantage to do so. Any individual in the country becoming reapoesibk for six suhecribm, shall re. eeiee a seventh copy gratia. PIP All lettere addressed to the Editor must be post-paid, or they will not be takes out of the post office. Terms rf Advertising. --Fix lines and under, first insertion, LO '2 6 Each subsequent insertion, 0 0 74 Ten lines and under, first inter., 0 3 4 Each subsequent insertion, 0 0 ID Over ten lines, first in. per live, 0 0 4' Each subsequent insertion, 0 0 tfr A liberal discount made to those who advertise by the year. 'rug SUBSCRIBER begs !save to in- form his Glenda and the public gene- rally, that bei has now gut the National Hotel so far completed, as to warrant him in ening that he ds prepared to furnish ac commodation for man and horse, equal at least, to anything that can be fourd be- tween London and Godericb. The.V lk,.. 01 Hotel is situated in the beautiful and thriving v dere of Brucufield, 18 miles from God,rich and 42 miles from Lordoo. and from the eligibility of the situation, and etriet attention to the comfort of his guests and customers, be hope' for a share of pub, Itc patronage. JOHN McKENZIE. Brueeficld, 1st .1.n. 051. v3 -n46 TRAVELLER'S HOME. -STRASBURG, WAAAIL00, t 19th February, 1849. S THE Subscriber hereby iutimatee to hie 1 friends and the Travelling Publi- gene- rally, that be has removed from New Aber- deen to the Village of Strasburgb, and will now be foiled in that well-known house for- merly occupied by Mr. Joess,-where be will be ready and able to coaeuec to the comfort of those who may hoonr bon wdih their patronage. And while ber ratans thanks for past favor*, he hope., by •ttios attention to Ib. waste and wishes of bin esetOe11 malt a C0.td of their paerp,troa.11ge.to m JOHN ABEL. N. B. -Good STABLES and etteetive Grooms. .1-1411 garbs. mom I)a. P. A. MCDOUGALL CA N be unsuited et all burs, • Mrs. Wm. F Goodie=s. Frew!-3t- Goderich, Sept. 13th, 1848. 33 - IRA LEWIS, BABRIBTER, SOLICITOR, ke. We*. street, Godericb. Jowl 1848. fve26 DANIEL IIOME LIZARS, ATTORiNEY AT LAW, sad Cosveyar ear, Solicitor in Chancery, ke. bas his `offee se formerly in Stratford. Stratford, Rod Jam 1850. fvs49 VAI FABLE FARM LOTRIs THFTfitWN? C.ANADA.LIFz ASSURANCE Coal P.1xY. .. - THE 13oheriber having beim appointed Agent of the "CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO.," is ps.pared to'receire proposals fur Assu- rance, and will be happy to afford to eey person the Decoesar! information, as to the prioeiples of the instrtlttirn. JAMES WATSON• Goderieh, 3tb Jens, 1849. •1..98 STAGE OFFICE. TiIE 8ubactiber having, purchased the premien at the head of L!ggdd*come Strut, known as the Farntet.' inn, 'and lately oceanic' by Mr. Andrew Depough, is desiroo" of iirtraatieg to hie Meade and snip OF GODF4UCN FOR RALE, 115e ratite generally that be bee eoetmic- OT 27, tet eoee: a*i•Tr, frnntiai the t sed bus: lees ae Ian Keeper ie the Said pre- Lake, elostpnl8,f 83 Arron, tbeot 4ti motet mid by etriet emission to his hpeineee aci erpecln lag to the proper eecomm Lica of thnso who may favor him with their 26 Ind coseeneon,eonlaicmr 80 acres of odd iced. Those Lots are attested about midway b.twen the Town of Goderich and Village 01Bayfie:d. For particn'srs emely to J!N CLARi:, Crown Lard01.'g:nt, Gott.,ieb, 4111 June, 11151. HORACE IIORTON, f,ifarket-square, Garrick] AGENT for the Provincial Mettle' and General loenraae. Office, 'Toronto; Mao Agent for the St. Lawrence County Metual, Ogdesebnrg, New York. Local Agent for Samuel Monlsno's Old Rochester Nursery. July 1850. 39 eda• of which are cleared and Per,eet). and'LOT FRUIT TREES ! ►1 fiF. subscriber is returning thanks to the SA- inhabitants of the Comity of Hare, generally for the very Ilberal eee.oragee meet he bei met wttb i. th• sole of Fruit Trees, begs to aononee• to the Farmers of then. United Cousin" that he is to ietreduee this Fall, • large aid eel se - tectal stock, comprising ever variety of N Frees, upon his u.eal -liberal terms. it would be snperfi,inus to enlarge upon the 'opera merits of this Nursery, and the qualities of Fruit brought from it -but the large quantity of Trees that baro been distributed over nearly all of Upper Cased*. for the last 18 years has gained for this Nursery a superiority over most other". The subscriber would beg to introduce to the notice of all those who with to get good Winter Fruit, the celebrated Northern Spy Apple. its qualities are superior to all others of ire hied, keeping wail July, and preearV- Ing on lie freshness and gator, which is s great doordenlom oatil that period. The .s►eeriber would ale intimate that hie Dwarf Pear Ie to great demand as a Garden reit, bearing ie two years after planting. Every] variety of Fruit Trees, Ornamental and Encereae Trees and Sore►., Hardy fle4hae.oue Flowering Plante, Dahlias, Bulbon. Flowering:Rnota, kc. Catalogue ear be Aad of any local or travelling agent, giving • full deecriptton. Terme. whoa 60 True she taken, 495 per hnadred, or le e.1 eer eey each, under 50 Trees. is ed cy. two er'edit, motes payable with inter- n*. Orden wilt be reeetved, sad any In formation gine by Mr. Hereto Herb., Market Near,. Godertelt, • id Mr. Peter Woods, Defoe Hotel. Stretford, local crow fee thee Napery. SAMUEL MOULBON, Old Rochester Ninety, N. Y. GedKte►, 16111 Jely, 11161. 11 F. k C. 11. BUHL, .\VUFACTURE14,Y of plats, Cape avid Faber Pon, Wh•.ln.l. sad *maul Desists is Peva Prfsle Rehm, Dv.r Shies, Gloves. hilt..., ke. k Caps Pa.d for firs. Thr hlgtM wee paid. .t ail ti nee is Emit, iw all dseenptinae of lghipprng 1'... by P. k C. 11.11911. Detrmit. iiitligae, Alec tali. .1.111 STRAYED fromthe .nbe'ri►entsp, l 16, Hy, 141.11,* '1.n , teen Ilse pa. od-nse Diek R • 1, am other Weise Yellow and Roth D ill fl.a•led. Any NM Reding then and V,.t.1g ieforeetUso 01 0111 they they rose pen nhte,na 1, will bemeltNdy rewarded for their ,r.n,b1. SWAN CAM1101d. Doe. * 18.1: H►48 Wanted to Borrow £300, volt which security :or twice the amoost A; is Real Eotaw, will be given. The property in situated within leas than twenty miles of Godericb tow., on the Icadiog rood of the D(mtrict, ted to ono of the beet Agri- cultural settlements of Huron. N.B.-F'or particular* apply to the Editor of the Herts Signal. Gelarich, 10th Sept. 1861: 80 custom he hopes to obtain a fair share cf petronafe. The Mail Stage In and from Ilamtltoo, leaves rod arrive. early, and a good supply of hone" and cemmodioos vehicles will always be hept for hire on reasonable terms. N.B.-Good Stabling sad experienced ted attentive butlers always i. roadie's.. GEORGE HOBSON. Godericb, Mb April, 1861. v4e8 mTRATFORD IRON FOUNDRY. -Th subscriber hnieg purchased the mer- est of Mr. C. J. Wilton in the shove Ee- tabliehment, i, about en continue the Bai- nes on his own responatbilitr. in returning thanks to the public for the very !,vertl en- couragement received by Oen k 1V,L,of, be begs tointiniato that howl!constnntly keep on band an assortment of Superior CAsTINos, consisting of COOKING, Parlour, and Box Stoves; Amer- ican, Scotch & Canadian Ploughs of the most Improved Noslde,-M.4f.T RO/.i,ERS, Turnip., Lathes, smith's Rollers, ate. THRASHING MACHINES of ■ superior description to any hitherto introdneed,aod better adapted to this coun- try from their lightness of draught, and strength of toestrootion. A call from in- tending porch is regos.ted before per. chasing elsewhereThe .bore will be sold at I.ow Rates for Cask or Trade, oratcor- respondiug rates on approved credit, A. B. ORR. Stratford, 20th June, 1850. 2p-•90 BOOTS AND SHOES. THF. imbeerlbr hereby ialimetes to the hhabitants of Goderieh and the sur- roedieg country, that be bee envenomed bestows is the above her. in the Stets formerly oecupteJ by Mr. Mae, in the lower pert of Weet-.treat, ad will hens eoweteatly nu heed a fell 'apply of BOOTS and SiIOES of every viae and d.orripthae, 504015 snpinon godit , whieb 114 will eall at moderate pies' for r.sh. - N. B. --Hues ad Wheat taken to vg, JDeopeibin O8 PRIRTINO.f *myAserripp((M e. seedy Osage s1 *85 bigbe.t isrket price. pemptyetluetedatIiitiM. # II. GREEFg. OD. OMplsbr Mb Syll. 1851. p District Crown Lands Office. NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN IIAT IN. remaining CROWN LANDSremainingremaining is ABHFIEI.D end WAWANO8H, are sow open FOR SALE. All secewry ishrea- lion rrepeetdeg theca Leeds may 9e.btused by applying to JOHN CLARK. District Crewe Lead Apit. Ord November, 1850. 3.e41tf NOTICE. THE Slibseriber having RENTED the WAREHOUSE and WHARF Wagg- ing to the Mems. Davenport, athilplacei bap established himself a a rnaw/aDEi AND COMMISSION 1I a*CUANT. Any orders or commission from the Mer- chants of Godericb, will receive .ppromps attention. JOHN McEWAN. Wiodeor, March, 1849. .2v-7nt DANIEL GORDON, CABINETMAKER, 'I'luso doors Let of the Canada Company's taffies, West- street, Goderich. August 27th, 1849. 10.30 PLANS AND SPBCiPICATIONB. THE Subeeribet begs leave to inform the Inhabitants of the District enfants, and the neighboring District', that be ba. Established himself in Stratford, and is prepard to give Plane end Specifica- tions of Public or Private Buildings, !hid v0, Mill Dams, ke. $&C. kc•, sed "111 take the superintendence of sech Erections, 00 the moat reasonable terms. Its thorough knowledge ofbie profe*etol and his practice as Builder, qualifies him for any wide/taking in the line. Addreee put paid, PETER FERGUSON. Smiler, lee. ke. Stratford, C. NV. Stratford, March sib, 1849• ,-1171 Village Lots in Port Albert( -- Ashfield -for Sale. THE OLD BAKERY. EI1tEWMAN, BREAD, CAKE, Caaraar • sod Psalm Bim first dear Knt of :he Caen Compa*y's O8,r., Nest -.tree!, Gene rieb. Dod.rich, 8.ptemier 24. 1850. 3v32 JOHN .1. E. LINTON, NOTARY PUBLIC, Commleaieeer and Conveyancer, Stretford. 1 ILLIAM REED, ..,;„. OUSE AND SiGN PAINTER, Iles. a* Lighthouse -area, Cetera', October 26, 1849. iviii. DAVID Ii. LIZARS, `AUCTIONEER, ••1s metered to altel►d Sates in any part of the United Couto Disco the moat r.a.n.ahti tette. A:ply et the Regiet', ofllee, T.tghtbouee-etreet. Goderieh, April 11,1860. v3-s4ti STOKES. CIIEMIST AND DRUGGIST, .trees, Godericb. J.ly 1850. - 20-3 • TIi1BR well pinata! Lets Nos. 39, 40 k 41, on the East rids of Colbot's street, and Noe. 39, 40, 4l rod f1. oe IM West ode of said strut, i. the improvise Villtife 04. Pent Albert, It the Tew.ehip ref Asb eld, North of Oodetkb. For further f.. Revenues, apply to 3, (flea, Sq. Crews Laird Ogee, tiderle', or the proPrWta• ROBERT MOORS Wellesley, tome Welleslepay*. Ns Wslleel'y bed sly, leaf West - HURON HOTEL, - BY JAMES GENTLER, Ged.rick.s,0.-1 Attsetie Hostler* always a band. Godericb, Sept. 12, 1850. . ell -ago' DAVID JL LIZARS, f.AND AGENT. CONVEYANCER 4WD AUCTIONEER. STRA'PFORD. ' TILL tweed sal.e.ra ace pari.! IhUeitd. 9l7 Coeetie. so the moat I.herd Nana. Ap- p!v to John Dalt. Esq., Gi.4., h, at es the sab•criber, Stradnrd. All lettere moat begre paid. Goderieh, Dee. 4111, 1850. .3.41 1/110 rO1RIIA E®= 9 WEST STREET, GODERICH, (Near the Markat Sgeer.,) BY MFRRRB. JOHN & ROBT. DONOGB. GOOD Aecommdauese for Traveller*, aid an atten,ire Hostler at all tires, to t.kw charge of Teemw t adeneh, Dec. 6, 1850. 43-ef WASHINGTON Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co., CAPITAL $I,OOO,000. Ct ZRA HOPKiNS, Haeilton, Agent for the Counties of Waterloo and Hero,. August 27, 1850. 3.16 MR. JOHN MACARA. BARRISTER, Solicitor is Cbascery. Atteraey-at-Lew, C.o.eya0eer, lei. kc. Ogee : Ontario Building., Kieg-St. opposite the Gore Bonk, and (he Beek of British North America, Harn.Ton. 4 16 Ma. T. N. MOLESWORTH, CIVIL ENGINEER and Provincial Iwai V Surveyor, Goderieh. April 30, 1851. v4n11 DR. HYNDMAN, QUICK'S TAVERN, Laudon Reed. May 1861. .4a11 JAMES WOODS, AUCTIONEER, is prepared to attest& Public Salm In any part of the Uate& Counties, on moderate terms. Stratford, May 1850. v4 -a14 PETER BUCHANAN, TAILOR. NEXT door to H. B. O'Conaer'e there, West Strut, Goderieh. Clothe' made and repaired, and cooter deme en the sheen teat notice, and moat !,Bevel terse. December 3rd, 1851. .4.41 ROBERT REiD, DOOL-BF.LT.ER A. JI T A T i O A Ha n t1Nw•tt. Batkwill'. 0.wl,) CgeQ sf sad Tsibet-streets, Lend.., C. W...1 .el Beebe CeOMMM sad Clawiml. Hank. *dies and Riling .f even dos,rtpisa Rtwws eel to the Premien. tr Oid.n fav Aeewr t Bonk., Fre,. the Trod• s a leery M geese' p.aee il sr 551.4 w .sal a hher.l nismest Leda., Musk 3811. 4,4 "FOR SALE T 0T Re. 1 ie were Rds N Narrk goal ie tea Town of Oebrittb. Apply to, D B. LIMA delerisb. hour/. 8U 1