Huron Signal, 1852-01-08, Page 2THE HU MEN Ditims.a4,ul Pi►
111TAIL$ OF Tilt
The Cauda, which we assosse.J by tel.
Krsplr r.Scbel Bootee os Mudaf
...p sees
Inf. lly follow's'the einereview of the
b t'K
shacking .ve•'s is Pane. Herald.)
From Correspo•Jence of M. Y
Paas, Dee. 11. 1851.
TIM Matto to ever ! Tb" wgime de et
bre vie. for the per..ut, ret.N'eheJ over Ili•
.Mgbl7 p epic of Freed% sums base so often
tLsg►1 M coageer its hearty ; as l it has
bees sellesest to erne tbo *oil of the
avast, Ia• men sub. Marl twice at wooled.
dike a (sol, to coeq•ier " the throne of his
...le" .,vie aree a hia power which 0 bin
IOWA 7 wowed se to snob down, at
epee, all the hbert:u of a nation. %Phot
will be the i1sn• of such $ coop ds eta 1—
Willbamostly mil., lee m•,.ssutary sue -
are Mt the re lmpreeeleo of them tee.
Mimio. Th. Jsermi else Drate wee sub
ere ',beteg w� lee hsvi.g po►llsh-
ed o letter sf Mole. whisk wee *pietas
thaws ageism hie .omie*tios se • emeshee
of the " Cameleer.* Committee." M. lerr-
ue, tie puhlieber, wee Mat for et the Illyeee,
earl was trail is very street hags» a that
he had better MOMS quiet, If M winded 1e
N allowed Is live" aid fres /h•► very
moment be .*dried the office of heist the
only mirror of the guvereaeet eateries,.
'Mi. 1 camel think right, and in my opts-
too it would bavo biros mon hosursbie for
the Dcfw/e to step i1• owe publication.
The civil war has decidedly broke. out
's the 4.p$rtmeas; ..d, though the Preach
newspaper* are daily pu►heh,eg the f -
able .*.*sole received tram every pert of
the musky, It is • certain fact that • prier
trimmers has taken plaell in many •eco.
O( eig•,ty•eta departments of which mace
to composed, we bare sow about bol( is a
irate of serge; and d lbw eoetil sd0 the
whole country will be under OM* sort of
tre*tme•t. The latest meta received from
the south is, that is tits Boma Alpes the
socialists have been victorious, sad here
ditvets out all the soldiers and the politic
officers. Thom it may be aeon that the fat-
teior. of Louie Napoleon, vibe dare to say,
that by ate corp d(tat, he has modulated
1831 and the socialist*, ars all wrong; for
nn the contrary, the Premien% has hammed
the time which was so much dreaded, aid
hie ruin more courage to these who ars,
like the spirit of evil of the gospel, Qresrs
ems gams dererd.
The affair of the treaty five millions
"roughly borrowed" from the bank by Mr.
Caes•bissea, has bees somewhat explained
by the Elm's; but, whatever clay be the
"ayingi, of the party; it is • eertats fact
that :hue twenty five minium have been
taken from the cellars of ibe National Bank
to pray the ezpeoees of the coop ef eae, l can
say, as a positive tact, that during all these
day. of riot and blood, the regular pay of
the army b.e been as foI'ows;—An officer,
Mese frame; the second officer, five francs;
and the soldiers, one francs, extra sod above
vibe regular salary. Besides this a regular
*apply of beastly and tobacco was freely dis-
tributed to the army; and I can assure your
readers, that the defenders of public order
who were on duty. were, for the most part
drunk, not keowisg..bat they wore about.
The official report of the government
gives the following table of the losses of the
army :
24 mistime kilted, among whom 1 officer.
184 '• wounded, " if
This is all right; but what id the number
of the ut:furtunate citizens who have been
cooly murdered. while they were only pro-
menading on the boulevards'
The Archblabop of Paris, according to
certain reports, had been acro.ted end kept
prisoner in his hotel. This rumor was dant•
ed, 'DJ 1 am told that if the (act d.41 not,
take place, it was not because it had not
beep propmed; but it was decided that this
would be too unpopular, and of Cunt'.' would
injure the interests of the
ble priest, as soon as he knew the terrible departments.
sweats which had taken place on Tituroday Newe from the Basses Alpe where, nts ts re- how-
l accompanied by oma ingexcepting
or hie v def, his hole a lace where ever, the chief Digoo sod Srsterou, have
of his vicars, and visited ever p troops. M. Nots•
the wounded and dead had been deposit
uhD been
has Mee vat atsp6eiherty • M M. Cr• -
ton Auvergier do Hauranno ere 111111 at
Vincennes. M. Thiers arrived at May.oee
on the 10th. Several
changes are
fanctionar as
Anighi de Paulus has received the Grand
Cross of the Legion of Honor.
Mo!DaT.—Yesterdal Geoirols Ouiiot de
Reggio Milde Lacristoo wore released from
the fortress of Monet Valentin. where they
hare been confined since the 14th inst.
The publishes the following
Toot.Ile*. 11th, 9 a. r.—The aroad-
tseement of Toulon is entirely pacified. Ail
good citizoi" bf every sheds of opinion b e
confidence in the Presidenhod f aSRepoli'
Lyon., Dec. 12.—Lyons
are tranquil, as well as the rest of the ds-
part40eots. The frame -worker. are occu-
pied at the Croix Rousse. All is tranquil
io the flame Saoue.—The rural population
is ••imated with the best spirit. Prodoc
has everywhere rime in price. Th" P
tett of the Banana Alps was about to
tutee by Si.teron the aroidu,em
insurrection, and to r••.tablisb sot
A,accto, Deo. 8—The pant
the Preaidect of the Rept
received by the people
teal sod military .0
their adhesion to t
er.m.o t .
sees t 1 think—yes ! But it is certain that
he will b• abut et the Opera, or to the
"treats, b7 sense daring man soh... 11 vac
Mice lila life upon the alter of his country.
This bloody deed will sod the dtf6:o117 :—
Ted it is sow,.11 tits awful epoch, the sal
•5t thing to be dase in order to got .id of
soeh as atrocious sailcloth.
The last words of my letter .f the 4th.
were, tauthe
l woulclosing my loe cannon had tto,
reached m7 oar.
whoa the fight betas—sod it had so eau.e
t• Mgte ; (or there was no other exeits -
meet but that of the people, and no goo
was fired against the truoce, as hasitres
falsely reported. The readers of the lfrrald
have the only :roe account of the affair,
which hasbeau made up from all the retorts
I have had from eye erttoesoeo, end from
people whose position in the polittc►1 cir-
•lm allowed them to get at the true wore*
of i•formauo0.
The first shot or discharge made by the
troop* against the people, took place oppo
afe Torino°, and it was dimmed
•hke the C
poa•group of twenty you( moo wbo
were congregated together, carryte( os
their should'!" e04 of than. who tea red
leg to the army the prenrsciase*to of the
two hundred representative* who declared
Louis Napoleon an outlaw. At the eova•
maid of an officer, three platoons of soldiers
fired upon th• young toes—nod this was the
Mgienteg of the butchery.
In the mmotims, ..•oral p•rS000 055040.
bled in the houuk of ilii Boulevard Mont-
martre and Bonne Nouvelle,
tweeemtt 0 whd the o
gods they" found at band,
dews of the h000e."8rrl upon the soldiers.
A. quick as lightning the wiseacre began,
and without reading any 'riot law,' artille-
ry sod musketry were discharged upon the
masses- As ■ matter of course, those who
were gaily escaped, whilst that innocent
paid the forfeit. This w • signal ns the
the barricades; and 7nu will
French, which l mailed to you by
this steamer, that the prise darst was go -
From this Inomsst the army occupied the
city of Paris, and took despotic command
over the cuisine.
You must M aware that the proclama-
Doe addressed to the troops by the Preoi-
dear, provided them with • metes of re•
vests for the disgraceful treatment they
•xperiemod in 1830 and 1818Since that time the rupocteble A
.-- Thip,wa4- who
nitunlly sufficient to excite the army ; and is
tail`f gtemUsf•boJtoao r friend, rho
giving them help and comfort.
A private decree. signed by Louis Napole-
on, has been issued, which restores the
Church of Ste. Genevieve, generally known
as the Pantheon, to the Catholic religion.
This. as • matter of course, is a contusion
made to the Catholic clergy, to obtain their
favors sod good wishes; bot I do nut think
it wit amount to much.
M. 'Mere, who was re.toreJ to liberty,
was again seized on Tugela), morning, by
(out pclicemeo, whilst he :was leaving Gia
hotel—Place St. George$—to mike some
calls on hie (nude—Without explaining
anything to him, they threw him into a post
Ger ny. Wherebwas seon t
down, the head mai of the oro: Cold him
n him
to go wherever he pleased, g
to ease he returned to France, he would be
sentenced to death.
Teem was • rumour that M. Louis Bane
bad attempted to enter France, and bad been
arrested. This is untrue; aid I was told by
an Americom gentleman who called upon me
this morning that he bad seen Loui. Blase
is LUIS.
I am merry to announce, at the end of
my letter, that, among the poor individual,
who were wounded during the straggle of
Thursday last, was an Amet:ean gestle050
—Mr. Jukes, a relation of Commodore Joss
He was *but through this leg, and crushed
down by the mused. Amputa:too was
thought 0.cmury, and it will tab plass to-
� of .L ne,+3-*fir'"
law of the 3 I st May Wawa b. quietly mill
peeled or modified, sad that the Preaiate
would avoid any disastrous convulsion.
Whitler the preset coaditiuo of affairs it
superior to what was then coatemtalated,
melt be left to the lodgement of each ire-
videsl. If the existing buoraney of the
Rants has resulted from the use of the pub -
lie mosey or credit, it is probable a farther
cossiderabie rise may yet be promoted by
the same means. Hit has been broe$ht
about by private speculations, and rcactaos
vaunt moue when the various accounts shall
come to be chaired; wbile , if it is so to Ike at-
tributed to actual purchase on the part of
the public from a conviction that .a tree
basis for peace, economy, and commercial
progress has at length been secured, it will
then again be steadily waiutaiued. To the
majority of pekoes in England, however,
even If the best asaumpUon be adopted, it
will most likely appear that Fren.h Mock,
yielding very little more than five per test,
is is the face of the number of chamois
open for the employment of eapital,ia E-
land, the Uutted States,and the colonise,
not an investment that for permanent pur-
poses can be regarded with much favor.—
[Loodoh 'rimes. •
on ilea
the Me
vote, L
11.6 slink
riget the de►
rrprfs f
members N neat.. -
TM SMele hes r.••�,
The Bellet1. de Pone ..
Verso.. the df»ete/ of tbt
he Mee made a maw el s
Legis. of Hew. -
0. Moeda► sight
Republic held his MNN eh
siece the retest emeleffieet
tours crowded khan the festa
be expected, thbre wain( till teaaa o
of officers of the arw7,
remarked however tot trade thins.
of ht. de Identatedetott, the gneet aro.
Parliamentary noow• wen .11 dew.
The Marquis of Normadye
rad his appoarase• was M M
ewer to 111 rumor ►bot then was a
degree of coulee's betweee the Pr
and the repruestetive of Great B►ANia
since the acomptubrment of the cos, d'
(tat. 1 have sot beard of the 'biases el
any fustier of the corps dipinmauouo,with
the exception of M•. Rive(, the Ameseam
Minister, who shows bin disepproMtioe
which hie countrymen feel with respect to
recut events by vol yet Dementia/ him
self. Tbere sun lea ladle. proses', red
there tea so dsncisg. The whole affair
was over before mrdaigtt, and, to short. it
tea by no memos en gay ►s in days bygone.
The Preselect fakes an whys part is the
drawing up of a new Casebooks with
whtcb he is to gratify Fns'. 1t is said
that he occupied no Igoe than tight hum •
dsy is ibis great affair. dnog with M.
her M. Barocho. sad M Trop"l,.ng.
Scree Days Later from Europe
The Royal Mall steamship Af-icn arrived
at New York on Friday morning, with dates
from Liveryonl to the 90th, I.00doo 19th,
end Perin 18th Dacombnr.
The news is not of greet impo(tanee.
Lows Napoleon holds the mina firmly.
The Cesar has sent a tomtit Amhalydor
to congratulate the usurper, and confer . n
him the Order of St. Andre, the highest
military honor of Routs•
Some of the Imprisoned Assembly sou
base been set free.
The newspapers begin to appear again
in Parts.
Ballots for the election are distributed,
and it is thought that all will pass off quiet
ly. Tore aro 300 voting place" in Parrs.
The French Reoolstien•
PaRis, Sunday, Dee. 18t6,11351.
The .*bailer, puhltvhee a new edition of
the member who Nieto form the Counsul-
tali,. Commission: 1t now consists of
17e names. The Commrtsio0 is summoned
to meet on the 93rd of December, for lbs
pergnse of examining hetvotes on the Pre-
sidential creation. M. Prosper Hatchet
is appointed Secretary General of the Com-
mission, and M. Donis (Aprils Secretary of
the Minutes.
The .Ifo•sirerr al.o pub!ished "decree put.
ting an end to the extraordinary missions
of M. Maurice 'Duval to Fisieterre, M.
Culler to the Cher, sod M. Berard to
Somme. From this .t would appear
no further danger is apprehended in those
they all mimed like very dully. we
a motto, even was tho signal of the death
of any individual ; and I have alas ! the mis-
takes to number among the dead two of
say best friends, who, being the gentlest
young mos of Paris, bave undoubtedly
Dot &aimed the horrible fate which they
have amt. On Thursday evening, I enter-
ed as tf, by instinct, ma of the ambulame
established in the street faubourg Mont
shot through the lungs, lay ono of them
and still ketipiog on Los Marmot'
face the mildness of his sweet temper. The
semod ose was *most the bodies carried to
the cemetery - Mciatmertr•, covered with
laud, his soiled kid gloves god patent leather
Mots still oo him.
Who would have believed that this rm.
peatable man bad eves satd a word which
deserved death / Neverth•less, he was ly-
ing. a- corr., among a hiindied and fifty
ether% who bad not touched • gun, and
who had been coolly murderml among the
erowd of spectators.
I need not repeat tbst public indignation
te unbounded, and that the voice of bathed
agaiast the butchers of tbe Putsch people
la SOW on the highest pitch. This is eo
mach the Net that Louts Napolue has
seareely found out • number of men sutfies
lent to assist hen to his sionseotary trumph
Ice. are so much tares that they cansot be
same•ted for.
The norms oy the members of the com-
mittee of Coneultation, which sccordrog to
the Pace Coostitutionel, sod other organ,
of ao Elysian press, have hese selected a.
along m•ny other& are, for the most part,
&Mums. I wee told by one o!" them be
lise sees many of his would—he colleague,
wbo assured eim that they bad never cos -
meted to allow the President to put their
same. on that list.
Hem is the Duke uf Alblifera's letter to
Louis Nappies". 03 this subject :
tita—My Whet left me • name attained,
Mr. Litho Faucher, who wee formerly so
h devoted to Louis Nat:oleo!, wrot• h.
following letter, of which I ea•• a
glen by the ex unioter
tile: President .--lt is wit'i pa
mom that I eee my in ile
if the members
rimer behoved *0
mite In insult
der A la
{I le a
es hest
ore. Ns
f • 10 de
course of
deponpent the
The aces teem
totem to be " favor*
Roar , has boon oblsiel in
An order of the dad gullets of the r
1111 barrack" and b andhicb the' Mte1•t0, .4
rune of Pan.. by
War announces that a gratuity is to be
given to all the officers of ort the
t army
second class who took p
of the god, 3rd, 4th, 6th asJ 6th of Decem
bar ; that is to • *y, in the soppressioe of
the Parts insurrection. This extra pay to
to consist of 160 frame for each captain,
110 frames to each Lieutenant, and 50
Noce to each eons officer.
The•D,.ke Outcba, the eldeet see of the
Duke d nephew of
d'O rad. has been tappotinted Minister Ploo Count
d'Or 1•
po l.euvy a Hesse Cassel. The Dale* d•
Combs is married to the daughter of Mr.
Maekie•on, M. P. rt sent of the
It is said that tee Dees
police a to be mimed to the ask of • Mfiu-
(ry, sail that M. Cartier is to be the sew
Minister. obs eftbeaii•o-•t
Coeol Glazeoepp0.
camp of the Emperor of Runk ►u seri
sis said %bat be bee bees
b rho [t Rosettes to
fie Alio Autocrat of anther Auto
plimeot the President o• bio recent
and to present Min, to the same of
ter, with tho grand cordon of the
the Russian Empire.
Geo. Cavaignae M* boos
out eooditinns of any Watt
id the
Coed 1
1 weld
, i,
ft aO4
day 1 .
ea the•Vi,irvii 4011
farther attempt at resistance wan"' il;e
pected in Paris, and the an smiira„•
French Rentes had clo to 1,1011
96, caused the En
morning at a
cent. It wa
They then re•
appearance until
further decline of an
e list prices being 971
.1 91 for the opening is
the market Win enmparati
, arrording In telegraphic sec '101 bree
.4 "5 :its relent. Some of she "monies letters
i ''''''''' from the spot avert that it has been tali
, 'f''''. an7 br direct operations for the purpose, •
,. tnts inference mat of ermine orteur to every
dition of eurpric or terror into which the
.0 Lem Fell1colla whole city has been thrown, there ems lave
t .4+31. I been anylenffirtent transactions tei the 'tort
ir vista of thine at the porelest\ at the, reerai ribtie 10 warrant its wag
Tweley has been equal to seven per e
la priee is now hig-her then Mtn*
*Mender the impveneleme thee
I truth to my that WO
*IWO ear". boon before, sem docket
tome of la
pinkie Le Satire SW Le nevedireeketel
ler the etheia, which are dady peblishedo
Hy au act of tbe het
was made for the takise •
sea of both sections of DIP!,
bead of a family is reratireito
be furnished to the WOOS ACC"' Acerbi-
ty sad correctly. Some i•Odgdie
that the stoat of seekiti
is to tax the people
is a rhost absurd Ivo
nothiog to do with
Through the poli
swamis who has
Commiserate*, for
led to piebliab
or deprite oat-
h appeared.
The trim
• tleflreseenes 00 It Pie
• War, for the relief
the Republic and
in the lists prepered by serat., Eleven
:atrof Honor
eir et the
of the Mar President.
their ailh .cree of the President of
TIM. .efirms the decree' of the
P" 4.• demonise's were plated ie
SW II 41000eratta
will, after los routing%
bride to Italy. The A
sithongh he will not
has withdrawn his
T b. depart Men to
Amiens, on
cent on c
Tory jogreal SI
thwhere any of such cermet
t passengers, having their per -
te• tt' addition of the usual permanent
widener% tird also the mine of erery mem-
ber of the family then temporarily absent.
1 ,( Whether mieried or Cagle, widower oe
- means if any
1"(". wit6wCe100111. 4 Peneee
mi"ccern flax mod
Po clif now at full
01/0,e_na'of upward of
,a11"1•74"ek and several
ehhillejoa taken place in the
improret;re, and oven is the 10 -
*bens 011111•0111symp-
To 4,,,,,erationei eats* that fratersal
mi.,. 174,,,,,,rneiterork oll over Frame. Love
,„at railway shame are said to balm
3-„,./1/0113 London. A settee firing the
„ pot elm?* to 0111 : tilers are ise lug then
Attie vote beteg by baiim, the prune.
iiiegs of Seorday raid Sunday may pe
meted to pass smoothly. Arrests aro still
Of' beteg made is the praisers.
111•ILIMILLOS. Dee. 11.
named All things are at preeent quiet bar% and
people kept in awe by the soldkr% who are
bivouacked is all the principal streets asd
equate% temporary Weeks having hem
are guarded by cannon, aed a steemsfrigam
is moored opposite the principal street,
with mit 84 wieder* petered tattle there.
The President of the Republic visited, es
Saturday, the atelier' of the faubourge.—
with the masters and wartime.. He *eked
sod obtained the same* of ell the opera -
time who bad not left their work on
Thursday, daring the fighting. It is eta
ted that for their " good cooduct" they
will receive at the end of the mouth double
wages for that day. It h not raid whether.
the funds for that object ore faced by the
theinnel•SP, by the sky, Of by doe
President of the Republic.
It affirmed that the total somber of
Frembnies tilled 1. Paris &ad the Depart
runts ia carrying out M. Boespertee coup
d'etabie siot lees than 2,005.
The Presidest of the Repute., bee de
creed that a sem of 11,100,0001 Auld be
allocated by km Minims, of Prathe Werke,
for the perehatte avid demolition ed the hens
e ss situated between the Louvre lied the
Tuileries, asid the Werke( of the greesd
Mowers those tee Meese.
The Monition, 000tato. atm /ohm's of
S UM" of eritthere decorated the tsar Dom.
dem Parisi *lea late tosiblibes. Sues eel -
ahem Mee received the erase ths 140r••
of hese% for woes& fOrOffilli it the ask
a* WORM sasses ef the wet es Iffer seem
,. received in
Arroci are given
Legion of the National Guards
is droolved.
% ▪ Venetia.. (Voodoo, Mame, Mobs
re -sit -Loi re, Gem, Cortese, Vosges. Me -
rot -Garbo**, Loire, Hants' holm Saone-ot-
Lefre Haute Bea Rhin Seise—et-
Manch Costal, Puy d• Down Dmx Seam,
cll., sod tat the islialittasts are rammed
0•070f1 the President.
101111% ‘ti the oteme itto pet/iciest coon -
1110 ••• Om inhabitants of MI esteems« of
tb• M toner Si mayekre. timely -may ore, sod
287 muetelpel couneillom a dm Mateo. ere
seesemed es hamar east addresses to km
Prostrate% se Iratees et adhesion t• the
measures of the Red el Demeter.
tlier Cook of Repeal frifetie bee treason -
ted to the Wriest. or yisettem on
the late eseassess tha Presides( the
"'chase's is the
of the p
hes, f
ry int
Deaf and Dumb, Mani Lailatiaa or 14.-
°t5Tlimie. who have attemded School
the _year 1851.
The births and deaths &rime the ewe
period, with the ages of those who my
have dMd, sad, where mineable, tba mese a
Every Grist sad Saw Mil, aisd ail egber
tors may demand, arkerding to the Sched-
ules furnished by the
they will be retiaireil
Tbs No. of Auras bald
a" efesierellal
• tra
in 1851 sed the rodeos
eisTbe. 'reality 14106
the 13th dare of
ine'raf Awned tine easebe
slianaed tobeuk of all
the aceoents sod
foretaid, end
toed to ssk b
by the said
Hebei; and
or shall
Awe eife
to ODS1*er'
OS that
mth Creel (Destesh Ile Mho*
W sheet IA% eased their
bar When sad tiffle
*nth theitiikeb alMel end
is this
tier pleeltd
reek, w1 'Meisel le