Huron Signal, 1851-04-17, Page 3thi M for, 11 sole M the• skew e mesa Cito le ob. Wain hsIPSO Wine 'Hese le est !esti" POMO g ehy w 7 to tot ► les. M le le !11th 51114 111111. meed ,d a mann r tis r Per. was In is t NG, • be tti ea .weer M W >r tai.. 1 ell. brttlY told Za mind Wan kw 24, iiBwel teem. r .l►• Ve war IkMee ii*rwham tarp me ,M101 milt, al 111114: 1115 dlia- • D.wie* Mess Is the neer. M•. R.har'• pass,•/ felt, tato the town i.ipet..i pith, • IMeewee,send /*.tilt the lire lest sem • limes of Pertinent. Respsctlsg the se . •loOos ol eitials,,4 lad base �./he mid the OM a %he Tory Peon. • •i81st M 1,41. w) M s�•0i/ Mur $.d 11.0 row T r tube flid set *hid em e rr roux, b NMr n'�Mw at •sew,.e «t. He wee K ,dies, sed sew they a oradd green -- M &veer el •e .Osie* owning fell.* INA test., Mr T JOHN JAMi1 EM EDWOD$TO'/E L I '451141 G,•o Stege between trt.b anon sente le Roe's ous.e. Mr 'lmi ee• ie the Calmly uf Weatweeth, ll bar moll,. Bisk.•de eddre.se • a large number of hi. t LINTON, et pwae•r is its Cie, of Iona. awl Nr. Roes Kamen*-.'. Tavern, os papyt them tel.• it 1111 tit than ti.ie them •nee • sed nye-! ,erg ppw.w nen.. es the Tame Teof Buh sed. I. the Owes, , .I PMI, asp 4 the U.is.d Cents, d Hers, Path •seed arose. en Premises of Coons, sod Mite • Co...meson. de hereby gleewow w Llai 1 Isom/ ht t • Pendine le .roma Amore. L. . elp .the C«slf Civet A she Uoft.d Caw - .les .1 Hetes. Perth sed Bow. works to he misdeed tomillse ley d 4w. -...r sod siker. ted i bepe.& std hem s8 P..e.s., sees wok - see ell !aeon ..d +. esrrredn .f lamb .«.t. •114101540. Ise M. men es mf.s, Peel sad b.. - d /du; and 1 heeny Minn ave aerie. shit Mt he went W..pprt • mg w►.s the moiler .f the mid holies Oak lib' beer/ late M adrntird is the Cased. hear,., breraiht (.rward by the op0eowie sad is the Heron dggmel arwepae►r, d its .ieietrj: whoa be was OMrlSNd that st«th at hob. Leet dust she dote arses( A. egg retresekmest was eel, hteeded t .ieiGs .y bend, ,bin •-very-...end da, of Oa y the p..eroteget. At the .eeclew..n Ilsre lm1. ib ayes. M. Lord n• thous." James Row. E.g., proposed s mete of teak tar 7 te Mr. Bberde, whisk tree aeeoado/ by JOHN.J. L L111T011• y Jae Me1atlrea, llieg.. sed wanted hoe• .A$ Bans,•.,. Fie.. Astormq far .ppliremo. Dederieb. 94.9 peseta tolthe etieiretem. -Tee 5 Fesl•iar. NOTICE. inns MORNING'S MAIL ! ! Apenmen pe en a►. hereby forbid earths.- Mg two Notes .f bead, both dated DESTRUCTIVE FIRE IN GALT. Aptll 1st, 1860, draws is favor of Witham 1►e we dew manni epos to /menet the wee/Withers of Kincardine, inch for 8msty-two wsmed.. *m•dser•1i.a Mel err. lepp'.ed iswousde tee shilling, made payable on sod tW *lime. 11 a,mm•s.sd ie M.. Mush"'e)Iwo yews after date, so 1 s1.11 sot be ae- gotalas for the persoet of tin non. WILLIAM BUTTON. Riseardise, April 10th 1851. whoa bestow., Mala Mimi. Monty Wm. II •'cloak I n .i t. ;ad aIibweb die 6...e mod pre* their hie. lis Noma sad ear .addler'a ehH wnh all fM et.balldt.p w.,, totally ose•••d. Alrhegb the weedier wee will. s.4 eels,.. trait mew AL1. e.th1a8 bar irwYe Tilt TuWNRHIP OF 'LAMINAR') esan.w... oiSod by the Provident ineervtetioe Olga ammo, Genesi with ti. Tr.ses.r fel. t4. Mr Wallsee. sues beildi•s se..d the defuse- year 1350. ties d the whsle haloes' part of the .we.--0DES•,.OR. £ s. a. Wehen eor time t• amplify, bet the klkwies_Nikadp pymeata per olden .f en the Mewed 1•.•••, hot • peat deal of were R.00a. 166 1 64 pada sed fawn•re were mv.dr- Fe mild dist Balladry 1.d Pwt.sm, 0 14 Ile Peter Cook. £716 Gore Mutual and £$00'T. Bala.*. der to War/ 8.. 1, 1 0 0 Ma/NO Fite I..ers.e. t A. It. Monet de d. 11. i 10 0 5,600 Hartford £'1s; Ale. bluebell tin de 4. 3, 10 0 0 basi& but mpr«.d about L900; Glints .d Fleming 0750 Gore Mutual, £hoc £1113 6 0 Bertin Am•rks, L600 Morahan... Mutual — el Bartle ; Robert Walled 1675 Gore CREDIT.£ a. d. Mutual; 8teveasnn and authorised, ea in B, omegas ►Naive/ fife Tows serums • John McVeso, saddler, eo ins. .hip Collects", asee 100 9 11 per w Cw taste. J. K. Andrews, 4.100, Gore Melo 37 t ssi.Le C.. ! lT 6 B, am.m.t d .wage - •1. Torsi leas from 11130,000 to 1,10,000. t, meaty. 13 11 i --Reformer, Extra. 14 New York. 1411. April. 1361. To .mewls free. debt side. s 6 Th1 a ifle. welt► mule on W 4..14my Bakew is the Trememr's b..t, £d9 14 84 tat Ltrer,o•I, es etr«dy over 900 psaws• Fewe.bip of Blaanlard Beira ,sassed. Feed, by emoset .1 Aemee- T1. mesmut, Nara .1sweice, arrived meat, titre Ate•« mud Nov Orl.a..s, yesterdsy3'6 paid eaperist..dnt's drafts, in whale. of the 01.11. t4h. Mega 100 paimegers. Medi depreaw •e is bosun,. Benner io for Trnwrre'. heeds, 4.t 1 6 5 . Vb.gre.. 0.041. Iowa, ibis is Now W. its . de.ip.ed de hereby entity .bat the York.'bey. u u a *rue orm*ot .1 the Tresa.,P. Hamilton, lath April. books for the Toweslip of B ewer/ se te this /edit. Nei bier /,Mite from Hsldimand elec ED. COLLie DICKSON, tine ; but • report . current is town that JOHN INGERSOLL Auditors' Msebslin is abed. Dated Mk 8th day .f April, 1851. 34 4 IS 17 4 11 '1. /boom Rus/, '•e Heade, mote lest. • Latter Valk*, rearelsing • black Snits Viet, three puts, GM • Hydrometer. Tee Seder ern be reworded by Isdvle( at the 8'.sn of C. CRASH. Goderinb. Qederkk, April 1614, 1351. 9 HUMAN d1UILDIJ10 SOCIETY pTW B eras Me.tty.7 the 0...-.14.,. .l t►b L Sahel, will bei.M .t the British 11.trl se ower/*, equable, the 98eb lowest. far .1. re - ...p .lusbwspiime .ad m4 w( ewe n mere Berm WM. BENNETT RICH, T. 8•s,. H. D. fry. STAGE OFFICE. THa Subscriber barter purchesed the prompt at the Awad of Lighthouse. Mtreet, Ireton as the Farmers nn, and lately occupied by Mr. Andrew Deno.gh, ie dearness of intimatise to his friends sed the public generally that he has commen- ced bunion as Iso Keeper in the said pe- rms.* sad b .tnct •healon to his bowman and especially to the proper seeemmnda tine oft►oee who may favor him with their custom be hopes to obtain a fur ahem of ,!alto*age, TI.. Mail Statin to and from llamilten, leaves and arrives daily, and a good supply of horses sod txma.edieus vehtelee w,11 'aware be helot for him o* reesenable terra.. N.B.-Geed Ambling sed . 1 ani stteatire hostler. always a readiness. GEORGE HOBSON. Godorieh, 9th April. 1851. vane HURON DISTRICT BUILDING SO- CIETY. TILE Third Amplest Meeting of this So- eiel , w111 be held et the Briun Hotel, on Mona, the Fifth day of May meat, at Os* . clock, F. M. when a statement of the Affairs of the Society will be submitted and an election of Director' for the *.m- ing year take place. Depositors are re - guested to gall la settle o0 or before the, into ApriL W. BENNET RiCH, 8.e. + Treasurer. Ooderieekr, April etb, 1151. .4.8 4s, 40..., Lae. Do.aytr.w,, TerM/e, 17th Msrcd,'1861. NOTiCE i1 hereby peen, that the •oder. men tio..d Lots (appropriated ler School p,rpoee., coder .em Metal* I1 Victoria Chap. 900.) in the Tows/Mips of A*h6eld and Wawaeooh, ie the County of Horor4 will be open for alt upon application to the Resident Agent Jorw CLARK. E.q uire, at Goden.h. OR and alter the THIRTIETH' day of APRIL next. (Upon prior 19e 61 per Acre.) The purchase money to be paid io CAM t ase teeth at tar time of the Sale, the re- w.nde* ie am« equal a..os1 i. 00Imentw payable w the Amu eV J.«arp M mash eget, with interest frees the dere elf Bulb. TOWNSHIP OF ASHPIILD. (Weeder* Diewise. ) Frit N•,rtb of Town ,!mate 30. (114) 40. (164) 41• (111) M (i77) 44, (1M) 43. (116). 1%5Ceppnoe, 1. .t L 1N 3,4,0,6,1. i l i b o 1,5.3,4,6,8,1. 13th de 1.3. 1, 9, 10. 11 11th d e 1,1, 44, 8, 9, 10, II. IL 14th de 1411.4,1.8,7.3,9.10,Ilk 13. 14, 16, 16,11.(73)• (Easter' Derf ii...) Ind Ceneepeioe. 3. 3rd de 7, 8. fhb de 1, 1. 8th do 1,1. 3, 4,6,8, 11. gib do 1,9,4,5,6,7,8,10,11. 10th de 1,0.4,6,6,8,9, 10. 11th de 1, 9. 4, 5.6 7, 1. 10, 11, 18. 19th do 1, 0. 3, 4, 6, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, I1. iItb de 1, 1, 4, 6, 6, 7, 1. 10, 11 I/. 1411 de 10.14 661,916 11. TOWNSHIP OF WAWANOSH. I.t Colosseum, 18, 36, 14 39, 41. tad d. 30. 14. 30, 311, 37. 1/, 39, 40, 41. 41. ltd .r 17, 11, 119, 31, 33, 84, 36, 16, SS, 19, 41. 44 tti1; 17,13,SO, 31,31,33, 34. 35, 30, 17, 13, 39, 40, 41, .t. 41. Sib de 19, 30, 33, 34, 36, 36, 31, 41, 41. 0th do 33, 341:1. 36. 37, 18, 39, 40,41,41. Tth de 34, 35, 38, 38, 39, 41, 41, •th do 15, 17. 90, 91, l3, 14, 16, 16,17,19,30,31,31, 33. 34, 339 5 38, 37, 38, 39, 40, • 41, 41. 9th do 13, 20, 11, 22, 23, 14, 15, 27, 28, 29. 30, 61, 34, 35, 16. 38, 19. 44, 44 10th do , 15, 16, 17, l a, 19, 20. 11, 13, 24, 15, 14, 17, 19, 11, 13, 14, 85, 56, 17, 53, 39. 40, :312440. 41. lit► de 13, 16. 1 /, 17, 18, 10. . 11. 13.la.S 97,r,19, 11, 33, 34, 36, 36 $, 39, 41. beth n #t1 3!. 33, 34, 33, 33, 37, fl • 19, 40, 41, 41. l•/h t r , 53, MSe . , 36, 38, 30, S 41. I41h ' iB ”114 19. 30. 31, 32. 33, 34. 3• 6; 36, 17,118, 39, 40, 41, 41. 0:7•1%. L;{oie (Toronto,) and tea 1lw- roe Signal pill tisert the above owe o Week. Gala the day .1 8.1e. ".4.6 Schedule of Convictions by Her Majesty's justices of -the Peace within the From the January to the April Sessions, 1851. Sere eat Pr mmm.r. Nems ✓ ilia °%deet. li+e 4 she Mery Asdr.w D.ae.gb, lobe Holl, babel 1/14.... . Joseph Ortfs, ?beam Duey, Loges McKay, Themes G. Merges, Jame. Do., Ji Albs, Homy sett, )Ire. 14.89.1 Kills, C. Reid, Lana /Item/, `us, Ceekre▪ a, Atiken% RNeseb. 'batt Sen here. Welter 'Haw neve '7 Asa V M.Eweo Peek Sark Whitely, Peter Waw.aker, William Kills. fobs Clark, 'Christopher Dul.,g, lob Miller, irc ha. Campbell, Cheats. L.uJ., ..sees** Kerr, 'Vuhela. Doyle tail , ladle Jdeete., tiles Cameros, amj. Loogw.rth, alert* Brews. Hilary Horne sad James Holmes, Atha Cameros, Jobe Lints, Christ. G. Sparing, lames McKay, George Babcock, 31epbes Parker, Genre F. Hutton. (1 I..M HP * J Ialiumpetfit lobs L,sgwor,h, E.q• t leases McM.Ms, I.'►n Lnsgwortb, !�• t !arty Brace, S tribes Aetnd, Esq Imes Walser, seq. I Benj. Pavans, Esq. 484 Parsons, Esq. Seed. Per..., Ewq. Hebert Gibbs., Fiq ' ham L eetwort b, Esq. leases Wateoa. E.q. ieoj• Panties. 0•124 ;teem 0.be.., lobs Lwsgw.tb, Lames McM.hue, Req. Ike). Parsee', I.te L oogwert . David Clark, Esq. Be j. Peruses, req. Inert Gibbe.w Lq S Benj Paresis, E.q. George Braga, Esq. 5 8..j. Psreose. Esq Rabin Miller. }) Semj. Parses. ) lobo Longw.ril, $eq , bootee Nollideb.s, Esq 'bsnj. Parsons. Sowers Gibbose. £.q leas Wangs. Seq. Bee). Panes% seq. hetes Wates, Lbq. Gongs Brows, Jr. isq Bee). Parses., Req. Jamie Wat.00, Req. James Winos, Er eq. Penrose, E.q !souse Watseo, Dn. J. Lw b, F Iia). M Seq. 1«.w Wats, Bog. Ione I,.m� wart!:, E.q. Themes Christie, Seq. Tho.. Christie, Req. noose Christie, Esq. Thomas Christie, Frq. Themes Christie, Esq, Tbee. B. Gerrit. E.q. S Themes Christie, Reg. rhos. B. G...t, Esq. Messes Duly, Esq. A. B�o.rs�e Butler, Seq. lobe CW.Daly, En Malmo Ct,nik, i'eq 4e►.eti.n /'rebel, Beq .maser Gr..', 0.q Peter Greer, 0-.. tsnGlt �Nr-Ny M Seas. Prows Benne %smolt sed Better, imbtsta,. 1)M PROVISION VIVRE. TILL t beteg. pion up Ms T /*loris rim to weft ttM Pills beeise s, be hos sew .,'..4 s IITOSE lir ere sok olaN link.! Pretienes. Is w Brill Hesse burly *ween/ es • B&.ee M Rehm Perk. E.a Won Street, Odert.k, sad Beet 4..r t. tie ♦ome . H.tet. Cs.h will he von kr all lis& d ped anreb•st•M• pM.w at lea Marls, ~dime N. 1. -Th. Bdecriber Sem• en heed a q.swl. sy of bee rete W bide y (N.Leed's). while he wig ..N to s peke white the .ymrtor meanly of rhe erns!* wenn.* blot is /deg Having be.. • gems nun 1., *4...t.seiw midi, be Sere h.w.d.r• gine; the B.beeriw esrw..tly sells eyes all hope who ars i.debied to him to wow 4.4 wt,ie at Mee and save emote. ANDREW DONOGH. Oederieb, April 3.11, 1tl51. 'h7 STRAYED from the .obecriber os the 1315 of Morcb a dark trey filly two years old tbi. sprint, had on wheel left to head.ta)1 of falter, u) peraoa thin ouch teforr.etles s. will lead to her recovery will be smt•bly rewarded. DAVID MOFFETT. Leads. Reed Lot 3, 1.t Coe. .4.3 LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING i. Ofee .p to kb Alive Rev D ROA Chrism Brwe.homd W J Borrie W. Brodie, Coes Resew. I B madk lwwpb 1Myd Rob. Collies Mark Carry Meares Cassell Park C1pse Gem, De sm.n Js. Jr Dines Deal Ditnapery DDeersh S Seabee Deep. Ambrose Ep. Thetas 0o.r Joe Gorily Andrew homilies James Hie. Wm Hy Hoy Owen (l.wn W. Healy tamed Heary dash H.f ...p , Joe leeks.. James K.wo.r Peter Rine Hoary Larkw.rtky Mi. Iwo.. Jame. Lark worthy Georg. Loa.. Wm Moir Jame' Methenll i►. Mee. Wm Moore Mn Dr McFadden Andrew McCealley Jas A. F. the STRATFORD Pea April. 1061. M.Qeoid Sind. McCi.mk, Owes M.Carthy )os A P4,elt W. Mews, Mn !desk Genie Rookie James Robm►.se Themes Lust Jae Rete L R.sberfeed Timms* Ryes Joe Remo., Wil.. Reid 0.orp Rowse W. Been E W. P enny Aln 8tod.r Gawp Bled.e Neer, Al Shame MWI Sheeler Hy 8ebaek Plilip S enn. 04.4 Boatel Christ 1 Brbneg Jae . 8eboa Ames, Seamen Al.. nit les rider Jo* B erri tiff Jae & Miehl Tb.mpmw J Th.•rp•se Merin W & T• V•swa« Joe • . Vwwm« Au Weed 7.• Walliek Christi/ Ward Jam Wilms Themes MICKLE. Postmaster. LIS Or Rt'o~*.* Ill. ICL, . M Ap►it, u181. Ammar. c.. limn Ann Samuel Alla. Wm Bwl4.001 Lara. Imenila Mere 8oedy Mr .II..wea BL•t/1 Bolsi JainleerY n�.�•.—a Bnd, Testas Memo ham v, .� w Jai Hieb =nimbi:: 1.hel Sa. l eat.ba Peter McMe j.r Cenral Desist M.Ot . PA Craw 3.... M.M.se., H. 8 Cs• Daily N.ekwek► Jesse► Cabbie. J. Jobe Curry 9*14.k Mel.... MSrlwh ah Cid J.I. 91aD.a.ii Jabs S Cooper Tboome Mo • fses Ca•terl a )darn Me MN Cwt J.ha Me Lots Join • Ilenry McRisam C.. J•be. McLane Dosses Dolmas Omuta McI., -m.m Deets. Mr 36.14.. D olma Mimi.. M.Cauwl) Daisies RI.b•td M.Dma1d boogie D•mehes tt..►uI McDwsld Jobs Demlet► 3.4.1 O'1)in, Mr Fob ret M O'Co•t r Jae F4..is Patriot Perp Jab Tulin Job• Penes Al.aas6e .melee Henry Promtw W F Fret Plflip Phew Rmhen Few... Wiilli.. Tnrsw James naber Illlehoel rale*. AmwMo f ?Moe Jreerelat Peek L..uu.l /sty ]mom �.as Robert Fr, Mrs mmwy Willi.. Gill Joseph 1 Ri.y Pwrl.l 0er1., William 3.... Ts,... Orilla Elk. Bees 3.h. Gard... H•sb Baartl WI•laes 0ibr,a Jams.. Batt.. R.►. s (Mille Elle* 8 Bailie.. Jwr7 0.ben. 0..rp smith R.ebont Holland H BL.we d Jmba Homilies Geri. Itb.pbe •t.tbtre Harley Jobs Sermon Jame 014.r Hamar David Shire l'suiek Had&. William Bern J.4. His.ies Nslrw Sbepor4 0,..,. Hart. Mom! r 8r.warr David H511 W Beate. Desi! Jere. 8.ben Jests Jean 11 58"ak... Ma1Mw Jnoti kw J.b..... Tsae.a. 1.rw, J.... Innen Mary ''' '. 1. £ B Johnston Jame y la.. • Tts.n 3ebs {Mbit. Ssawml Whit. Iwwii Webb Dari/ • K siaht Alfred Kell, Jame Keine' A.. Kilpatrie Edward THOMAS KTDD, Pmlmallor. JOB PRiNTiNG of everydeeerippties, ...ty mad promptlysweated •t Mb sin. December. la, United Counties or Huron, Perth and Bruee, ?reg ess sod (*.edible amity. Leve..,, Assault gad Battery, Assault, Drnakesaees sad breach of the P•scs• o sod broach of the eons, .swell ea Wife sed ?easily, 1D.r q aim. 810. JIT•.. ✓ GlwrAr.g JYiskre. a.Gary a, unary 114, Jens., 93, -Deming a Deg alleged le hen February 3, .teles, Trainman( nano* ad Unite* *wily property, ebtstar, 6, Freed, Fraud, February 3, February 8. Febe.ary 16, Aecaesary t. Rep., Marl 0. 13 0151 s, sod breach of the Marsh 9, Karel 11, 4eoa.1*, Karol 27, nineteen( to nem! P'bilip Way -Merck VT, !need. 1 RailingWhiney te Wine med.Mareb 19, Aesanit, beeawlt. • Mien oar. 1 Cash deo for !.beer, 'Cash d.0 for labour, Cosh dee for labour, .tiea'It, :Maiming mosey odor a 6.4.. %Rt sg Ligier winos. lissom., Assault and Battery, January 7, January 13, Jess... y 17, � ektiary 17, Jameary 30, ill} Luagsbr • ...... • • Amari!! gad R• 1 tePl•• «.111.11... • Aiwa 4 "ese.t Lim Malcolm Willis. tltam Is.N ell ••• diipbosl Daly..••.. Coneer....►Ir.•.A : i+4wseid Colls..... 'am A •••:•'lb.saY Gordon H eekip trh •r. • • • • Semi D +k See. •..... rev lames Aoylas•.... Reforms't. de U,ss a eM.w••.. Ilse. 83, 1O.... ...i.eAe.amlt las. 3, Irl ... eI Jaj• sty t. ,.405311 • .. £smelt Miry to p►e/8vy • •• • dtetktsg • 11.s... kens Geselos. !1 Jame. News • s, M i0 tea.rny, I3,.. ilaDNNw �tw 4••• rr•I.. rqPamir? Ili gli SPA Ili. Aaa. 4war qt Paneetp, Retableen * mireit ee m hells whom pied ri se a, Qasrp. psi/ t1 mead J4.amid esti•. See m.Yfa--- l- �Allrebil �timeliest),. 'attttpltti eget to pay 'g.te--£1 be 14, Dismissed with asst.-ef.stbwitb, i6. 9d, a 104 lee with ties isf.rtliwitb, mem*1. ewe m 5.. ' L7, 21 7e. el Is 14, 21 7s 70, Ll, F..tkwith,in Gmos* Net paid, Constable and Clerk, Treasurer. Forthwith, hwserer. ,••.hill; rtewith, nes �Mwy, 4511, 11M eye. My it , ak - 21 8.. r.ww(Ih. sl se .0. ad se4 omits Forth with • Ib sod seats FM►wile .lee M net* its 1 weeks ee•te em..e.., iins ow 49. .J tw M *ee3o Forthwith e eiet�le 3d F.rtewrtb yi8• d•!t to 4. a Tr" °IWO tie mor of Conricdott3 made by the Justices within the United •I 1. . .el.MnMt! I M 1!'I • .. , e ttn•r•m.r ..e . wee or TQa -CLERK QR otiouslek, 1lfts AprrID1, 1 � Treaee tor. ?niftier. ?reams/or. )ohs Blackwell, Teweship Treasurer, ?restorer, Trw.per ••a Defeedsat belted to keep the pesos for esti peer. RENAMES. Dittoes Wettest issued *41 set year ,alit more time being gives. Committed for es. omen o. /stamp e1 wormy pm.ely, sed till Gaol ddiogw, 9it woroosog to give Reeep nsee.fle Pass.. Petered Nb & p lith Febrility, tad rebels& Net yet pail. Sewed le keep the page, few two yeses. Dismissed. IDiemi0e0d . • Dismissed. Bound to keep the peace far or. Pew. Committed to Ageism. Cemmitti4 to Quarter 8..i.... Assault Case — --d. Bottled by De ed•lt pyisg Si sal bee* .tab!., fess. :m..rees Warrent iss...d. Reeegsit ed te appear at April IGesiein Gee dia.iessd. T• gust i♦ Paid Net 'AI he • 01 .Iwrd se frivolous sod novae tee prows Not p14 -ewe Wersat Wed Resod 'e beep lbw peen for ns year M9d •• • Paid oeeel.••. .tea day H, Wsebe .,. Ss to p 9.44111 days or am, week •� Gael it« O0ult1510Bd'P' led of record in this Oise, from. tike January • • . NetYes set aspired plApps.w DAN. LIZ In the April Sessions, 1861, CLERK OF THF. PEACE, United Counties of Ruro., Perth and Roue. IF 4111 • 1