Huron Signal, 1851-01-16, Page 4a ft T W6''dV i1!ARMS FOI BALE. YR /alibis 9 "eller fed the ether velilt VOL 1111611,41,1.0T NI fs ed"r ill cia 11. 11111e8 ad oY/ Tre CONTA irillt4 ACRES, 10 beamed at the epee red by Lake ISI*ss, tied et the archer by a Palate Repel, -sad 44481ad 111 LO? IS lith Comae.tee, W.kuta 11TAlION 100 ACRES, ISP ajd t at tea Jaactioe of two Pah- Pot tortle.iars spply to JNO. McDONALD, e.q. aderleb, 11th Jutta 1844. .ta-tf NOTICE. --The ■edereigeed by puss' of Attorney dated the 27tH dos of Mos, 1850. pew hi. by Themes B. WooMNa. to whros all ..tataad.n( deb.. do. tit. 1.1, F nm of Mik, , ANPrtade eI w seam. CaYSITtL4a, mL4TV sad Wodite mad hiasebpersoeollr-Arose.( an LaACV. t..edi.te settlement .1 the ems or ,boy will IalYtaa nod A00111. hr *r .910•1911 dtjaw Iwo (raw Owls wedwm ••tawit" be hoed • sok el. r•• be elm to the Clerk of ow Mimeos Coen for wrae. „mage, oke a thalsoe leave 411ibeltilow. BENZ. PARSONS. oars ltaw awow-.woe btrtb.owakaLw•,rrw•ses- Gedsrieh, Jose 19th. 1830. •3.19 TINY THIN. u 44414.11121. ams Si CUM. 11011LMis1 gI: serL_t�llor4, • trier. &ma VD$ �LL. Nk4b 'q�LI. /Laws ow. 'mecum 11114111. IL•MUM* V •M1U..I OR e TrsM i luaus. .141111084:11. LUIS w ♦Psi SALE . i . 1 . TMt. LITZ* OO9gPLAIATs, LSPitU(T. L00•SAVIb MetROUDIAL D1STi.AuLII.- new .-nor w hal m wdwes .serge ae at gams d 111...s, we W ady smear Ibis the seri .•rwY'wme••••• d 3119..••,119. WONT ew14Te. 1,$*POU. °LawLwT 1'. I(irUCI COarrL4IMTI a/ dr ems uia4MC arriortoms. rlLrJTArPOM N w IL.*T. I4SMTsa'O eIULSO. gig L Id s . Ms awls! re ptew of .se w mewl at fleaea it'll rugs wdlw b V on 1 •k= leslb.mee Winn I'll DO M w lmd, eds. tori, hub. we and ahem IIM>ct11(ATi•M. Tee Oho.* with tag torah dhows. trilby eve of nod MOM le Ndleissa ROM of BLOOD M tar MIA.t soon ►Y. surauws. sowatim at IICROrULA..e B;Ixs'B •VIL, is lea awls hems. ULCER,. of every dMyesso W O*NIL ea idwia .e ibrwsab e•S••d M tear Meir.. ..,met. ,.nal A* ••••••••••••••• Nes eau OW 161919.0111191 ■ .94.004 IWO win be swam 1841 III )& 11 I�. MMOPyA '11 ►VttUTA$$1 LIFE Plitt 1 flR. P. A. McDOUGASI,L, ae • C A P1 be c..seited et .$I jiver., 1t PH BITTERS Are. N's F Owdieg's, FraJ- Ib. ktak W bald WWII tolesw tbsre e� e.le of Galena, Sept • 13th, 1848. u - theMeelenew hem semdee/b Snit barAlls sOi•q to as L meeff st sbZf l tggess em uyw royale au .but wow . I. ['• WI .s , for r11./Wwara. taw•lp�iasir•�sil•11 Ite.kr�,a� RARRI nov.IerTO Mfa► eel Ow( Winne sr be Ike AIO d • Ns 6c('. , his*. 184d. RQDUICH. IMAM w.atLaD[. eciAmeelesioesei ' cy i.T,f4. AU0Tw ewe 00111.i40 allness11000. o1/2C1'te.tsl w N,aswgwr fsuwIga *UJOO, mavens a wan aaaarsannL-- N *ks emit .ad wail whim *se Meru w..al. Was eel as feed rn..bte. floor.. Mews sod .ham who am w e tams Yeheleite see..aw.ugi 1a w11heet r. SWOOP (7NQLllt oied WAS Lesemew. MUM QQrr1�OOLDS a COOOYa. Caut'L; Oeed with a•• saw w s lbw Erma COasV/r Ivaoha; /soriria, 14:431 sshr A. rep Soma •w.Ma Osumi. Se maw, deem woos rase smalw.me oma b r £WP A VALU t131 -E PROPERTY Tux subscriber offers for SALE his GRIST and SAW MILL, situated) in the Tiestt•bip of 'McGillivray, on the Big Sable, within three miles of Fluaga•'s Corner. The Mills arenon 1•;operation,aod Iletlely built. The Privilege it) the beat oS the Rims, and situated In the but Town- ship in the County of Huron -well settled, mid Rued* opeteed a all directions to favour It. The Machinery aid materials are of the very boat quality, end put up by Abe ve- ry best Machinists. For Particulars in- quire .(Jam.. Crumboi Esq., Galt, or ap- ply to the euhscriher. PATRICK FLANAGAN, Proprietor. McGillivray, 14th Jawwrft 11180. 2,5otf 7 Tb• Galt Reporter will tiger%ike above until forbid. FARMER'S HOTEL -MITCHELL Ft FISHLEIGH begs to takes hi. a' Mead., sad the public plurally. that he bee .tabli.bed him.lf is the •be.• Village, sod h•psbl alriet alteltiea to tbe comfort bed see- amiesc. dTravellors, to writ a Aare of their permeate. Geed Saddles and as attends Groom i. introduce. Mitchell. May 13th, 1850. 3.•.15 TO BE SOLD. -An km FARM, FARM, being LOT No. 12, MAIT- LAND C O N C E S S ION, Township of Godar4.h, oi.taiotag y0a aeteo-811 of which 1s cleared. The .and is of a superior quart- ler b.d well watered. It is situated wet- lyMao mess frees the town efO.derieb on tHta.a fLes4, and at the jennies of six difeeeet rends; wad aa it is 1• the retro of e populous mad preeperoes locality, it is ex- eelleatly.d•pted for a Tests Sited or s Dem. This faro is well. entitled a the atass, ia. of posse Askew of u eligible situation fes bwiaww, rad wtM be oor very reasonable terms. For particulars optto D. B. LiZARS, Lend Agent. • b, June 90, 1050. i, -ate - • NOTICE. T BEG a Iodinate to the inhabitants.( the .1 Tow.hlpe of Gedsrieb, Stanley sed Col- borne. Atilt seder I power of Atones frees the BARON DB TUYLE, dated the tfeb April, 1848. I a. authorised . digow.( hie LAlf{08 1e thew T.waohipe, sod t. gnat Title Deed for the wm..s.daloe to .olletell Movies dee him. led to great Docksides for the saw. -and I hent' repeal all penes iad.bted to she mid Bone de Tyle, forthwith to emits ■p their re -- pieties debts. THOS. MERCER JOKES. dlsderiea, 8tH My, 1850. 3v-a15tf NOTICE. T BSO a intimate t. all that it may rn. 1 that I bruit seder • power .(Attorney gram ed t. WILLIAM STORY, aeshoris.d him tr owns' •U moseys des se either by Note of bud of otherwise, sad grout disbars,. for the site. Ad I hereby repent all to use beilswith te cattle lis some •d save Istia. JOHN LANCASTER. Gdetieh. 9Mb d•! May 830. .3.17 NOTICE. FINHE Seb•eriberhavieg been agepst.t.d A(e.t ler the PROVINCIAL MUTUAL AND GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY. her- by iesi.mtes, that he is prepared to restive 8.b- .crlpti•es for Stoats tba Proprietary Braaeb. end applleatieas for l•o•ra.c. 1* the Metal Brevet, ad to give each i•foc.atiw on the wyest u say 4.. requited. JOHN CLARE. Gelerieh, 20th Sept. 1849. bra34t. PLANA IND SPECIFICATIONS. TiIE Subscriber begs leave to inform the 1f :obabitaate of the District of Huron, end the Mi bb.r,l f Menus, that be bee Established himself in Stratford, and to pnperd korai. Plane Dud 8p Plica• brae of Public or Private Buildings, }Indit- e', Mill Das. ke. ke. ke., wed Milt take the supwna*sad.nee of such Rreeties% oo the most tttw.a*Me berms. Ta LIFE Putt In PWII BITTELI PURIFY TEE 81000, And thea remove all disease from the site.. aniewe writ u. LIFE P l l l t sad FlaNIX 9 I T T E R l Mywd w rough Otiose - Wes in W savetiw of um prism. meet wyThe peer* of them .. mese .eats prep Y .hW -N.&i.Dead Ihisebw ensawl lands. together elete the %Unmoor, h.. mental' M. thsiehri of IMDod. y ham WWI woo st eve tome, by alike enweew .moa, the sky res .eq stein std ss. Tit weep. sad Ismrti.w oro ore yriabsef, ew..he theme who poems them wish gbh, wrapiten w M serail 1Mt I►oy w. 'emir W ean*1, mad de .r b•r W... .h►,.f.w ....pore; boa If yea de. M .1.5.d Wit they owe iwr 0.1 T. es sew wee rm. PR. wILL I k* spaind *. *OTPAT. ns $...away, .ver of +.Dove lsM. /.w T.A. ga. 1.1. by BENJ. PARSONS, SM. Agora. God.rieb, Jan. 98. 1848. WATSON & WILLIAMS,' DIXIE WATSON of Godsric:h, BARRISTER AT LAW, as. dee. ad GEORGE WILE/ANS, of Stretford, lam a too 6riw of Hector, Weller aad Williams, Banisters, Ike.Toeoat., hotting this day esuered into ,is the Practice, sed Prpks- eo• .t1 Law, Caare,iy end CO PPPPPP will ie foters keep (herr Offices .t Goderich red Stratford. respectively, under the same, style ✓