Huron Signal, 1851-01-16, Page 31
*M W
late * edddl«M Ib dtw . ,..*0p. b
trokage,aeIns hem, Mw over
M..4 .9 a s Nd tleakes es she
niter antis Meatal Meetly of-
ppm seats
14hkr by
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.,' eetest
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1 kersby
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of Mr.
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•g petition,
only bee
view Me
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Infamme rs
Meats to
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sad arra-
wilfially or
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Mose of
and then
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lee Ms boe-
Jtttlges mid
Sir, to be
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he has
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Mtge of
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1 Man dors
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Wllllam -
"leek the
*if raw
rrdf ..Mta., a
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Mid sem dr-
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id pati of
about 1t...o
Seeley OW
11804111 err
ti0 ride of (1. w.rk
er 10 iJN Mise is eider
air eMilleetle..1 Ill.
9•: a tregel had of " Cl
siesta d'tdeebtadealteg
*Win yip of lkiele ebi/a.ts
of the ewrdips with Ste oy,
I. forw•rN.g timetkee of seed Herber,
.ea that a lateWfsa Mee/ the emirs( Cum.
attt..attend the said fetedits,
flab, Moved by Dr. Colo, seeoeded by
Ina. Mr. D. Gordon, nett Method, that the Pre-
to esedinga of this mottos be seat to the
le• local aewepapers, rsquesung that they say
tab be published is the •ace.
Mr. Ritchie esu thee eked to leave the
fladietedee elhas•May to his 1<aselt•se
meseabik le 'Mt•r ratan to ted Tr
•dMve die de.epttos wee attempted, tb
hly •mWgmatio of the times.
tit ph WtElitheson / a of the roaster.
M the Asst electiea of as W. 1'. P.
des Cadge Mr. H)d.aa, the R•terrt
dleerAensed Hmti.p to he erected ►.
MUMSi senses parties eppo..d
Acis then, Season it wee
Me .feet be tb0. to
was aroused e tke cry
I IlreaS had ever hoard In Geese*
F ¢Mt10ge trete Ment, and It was said
tie. iasis of • the barred was fou
although tar barrels were seen* sea Gede
lien M shin! days. The looked very It
• " lawless proe.edieg," h ether web,
the iffiest of "Chis* Law."
TM late Mr. • • • • • y bad mom
elozeo'e of Hadar poets broveht from t
other aide of the river .ad on the eke
pNparstory to tech being stated .p t
bill, the little space they occupied w
uafortonately required, theerder was girt
to " Meg them m e the river," eed--
eebr poets l oatsd Money away. I wow
haw melba 'ebbe' 'Club Lew," but, t
literal Mr. Williamson. will pertain my
wv Maly Poor Law.
A certain geastity of paving stenos, on
epos a time encumbered a certain space
cf the mud wharf, sad thea cerium spec
occupied by thus pitying, was t
only epees whunpoa, a carters roue
won could he performed, sod which wee
rmerl 1 forthwith, there was n
tom toned word to the proprietor, 1h
01st were called (I dare Sot call them boy's
hterilly by the " wave of a stick," (it wa
swore to) the order was given, the stone
were carefully raised on their edge, an
eill...l to lay themselves dews oo the
side with • forts and eon" which number'
red, eves from the Court room in London
Now this eniget be ealtd " Stone law,
but etff, i eat e.deretend it better b
the edemas M'• Chub Law,"
I may be asked, Bir, why i recal these
occurnmeM from the oblates i0 which they
have been ee may years bored 1 .kat good
cart one from doing so 1 say, u there sot
real ham is tk.s maniac up old urs 1 -
To these, my mower rte simply tbii, the
when I find parties who acted somewba
pro.iiet parts is mare than os* of tb
despotic and tyn.ical keen which f have
attempted to describs, making tbemselyee
bury to tease* the unwary and ootbinking
to join them is tbe fatal sed retrograde
moversost toward a reju.ctien with the
Towawhip ; sad whim I know that the
eel, bape e(t a•, to raja. them.
*Mow again to pewee, i. 18y •rick junction
wile the 4ewaseip, l refs• 1
of the purity of their motives, especially at
this particular crisis of our existence, when
we bare everything to bops for as we are, k
•eerytbi.g to fear from a retrograde move-
ment. I stated the manor generally, in m,
lest, i esu sect wok m sweetest charge of
falsehood from Mr. Williamson, i hove
sew given a her particulars in explanation
of what I mast by the expression 'Club; at the risk of given °Reece where 1
•hom)d regret Sieh to do en, bot I have
dos it on poem crews•, .ed as I think
for the public good ; and for s ether rea-
ms ; and, should Mr. Williamson wish it-
ff you an not tired of the .quibble -when
be ens fairly digested 'Foreign interference'
which be seems to hare stumbled at, i can
mumps treat him t0 a few smaller matters,
wbib wry1 chew that the emptygaol was
sometimes attributable to the orbearance
of the "powers that b.," as well as to the
Eeoeraf good condeet of the community...-
1 think I could erne refresh kis memory
in this seettet a little also.
I hero extended my remarks, Sir, to too
greet ■ length already, and shall conclude
with one remark on t1ae last paragraph of
Mr. Williamson.s letter viz : the " persecu-
ting and proemial( of Dr. Dunlop in his
ofd age," this Sir, Comet such a pearoratioe
to his letter, as I bare aha■ heard to his
hmnott:es, as attempt again to rouse the
ebalt, sad Mr. Calloway to take the tame.
so, when M unanimously
_Jib pawed to Mr. Ritchie for his able and tm.
Wke partial conduct in the same. TO COUNCILLOR BENJAMIN PAR -
At SONS, ilial.
tar GGo.sarcx, January 1etb, 1081.
We, the uedereigned, Couociltors elected
wee for our roomettes Wards, in the Towa
Couecll of Goderfch; request you will allow
a tot• of thanks w
t• D. II. RITCHIE, Chairman.
of yourself to be put io nomination for the
k; Mayoralty for the •surae year. Aod wit
, least from pant 'sponges, ..d the mus-
ed, faotio1 Elwell in performing its duties fir
• theryear .ow ending, you will mons yield
ke to the general feeling, not merely of the
Corporation, bat of the Tows is general.
the _
Id -your requisition request•
he tag me again to offer mye.If as a candidate
11 to fill the office of Mayor for the ensuiag
year, are latteriag se at is honorable, I ego.
out do ethic mu that aoeept;u it expresses
yearcon6ion** as me, sed your MU.•
faeuon of my conduct dunce the fins year
sfyear f
1 can only amoral you, that i am most
earnestly anxious by every means in my
power, to promote the interests, and ad-
vance the prosperity of this, the Town of
my adoption.
1 am,
Yours respecfully,
To Miners. Horace Horton, James Bisset,
Theodore Reed, Daniel Heeley, William
Story, William Wallace, and James
Goderich, Jesuitry 13th, 1851.
Those mlt *sir* tlllgf bIt at 1110 mint
sad w111 also,be pi Ow 9419 p•
Is politica, tie edicts! teill steed thee:
A.dmrt Coasestarrvs.
a I ams,
Aabtoe, Omitsg,
Merrill, Beecher,
Barker, [Albeit,
ItClary, Teompsen-6.
Clegg -7 •
It ae probable that lir. Morrill will he
- reoelected Mayor. Mr. Modems, op es
count of bis advoc,c of the Ratline In the
Comity Council, will probably be re-elect
.d R..,o--free Press.
The Maim asemesu of the year 1830 fad es
seated to the performers of ear weekly ins►
with the feeling that epos liaise we .hall have
u.esaibly glided tete the year 1851. a traveller who bac reached the com-
mencement 0tsoother nage, tea pees* to look
beck rte the 'acidosis .f est journey. W. all
Me hapa..ed fro whiawl-
ch beset as ter .awl
the misgiving occasioned by a mimeo( the west
of that anent of eapsse.•oe a.oeesar7 to ge,rh
the beam is all weathers, as well as to the limit.
able stability albs favoring gale by wbroh we
were first tempted to spread oar sails and stud
. at tato the broad oc.a of public import. Is
myths t1.1 we hal we hoe overeeme the int
difficulty, we feu we may be oventeppiog the
fair Ammon el modesty, but to whatever came
we may 'Attribute h, the aforesaid plc has mo-
tioned . es with ieefeen.g fwerhos.s, tad we
should fill [silty of gross ingratitude were we
wt w .ek..wLdge tbu ie Apra et all cur ds-
inerits, the pablic has set its ami of approbation
e pos our efforts. To drop meupb.r sad balsam
tie emus epee fact. At the tad of ear twat
vnr. we band we could reckon apo. aeire.htiw
of 1000. At the close of this oar seated yea,
we umber sixteen h.edred, a hare eirc81•u.e
we oppreheod great. thea ba aver yetat-
tuned, by any kernel want el Hamilton, mod
thagh ageism this sanmpled sad saexpertd
' access. we have to place a "heroieg est" to
.eek year's debt, we toter epee yin, set third
year,.io the hope sad belief that with Me maw
tmpatiality sad esterpnae that has hitherto
marked Dor course, Me flag of ti. "Free Pres."
will still be stn is the vaa of th. Wooers
.gadroo--Canaan Frio Press M.LA!eCROLT Ocecaasicg.-Wi 1nre
that oo Monday last, in Pin., a floe young
girl; the daughter of Jame. Pollock, Esq.,
was run over by a team which was driving
rapidly through the street., and .o badly
Was she injured that .hc expired .ithj. a■
hour. This is soother and fearful Inatome
of the awrtoai retake that so (roqu..tly
allow the insane practice of drone( horns
unosly through the streets, and should
rye as a sufficient ',throwing to civic au-
horitiee of the danger of defayiog to put a
top to it.-Br,i'tford Herald.
Paris 10th Jemmy 1851. , t
The curlers of Canada are hereby inform-
t ad, that it baa for sometime put been in
e cootemplauon°by erne of the numerous
curling clubs of the tingles of Wentworth
and Halton t9-ame, booepice, to dear -
mum the skill of the several .
curling clubs of Western Canada According
to EtIquitte in such cases, this can only be
determined by a trial of skill between those
clubs, which, at present hold precedence as
being the better curlers in their respective
district- The curling club of Parts is
aawilliog to Ire ao obstacle to so desirable
10 issue.
its member* is claiming the precedeuce
spoken of in their dtetnct, owe it to mom,
panties, a they have for several years
been victorious our the other numerous
and mors skilful curling club. of the above
counties, as well u of tbe metropolitan
club of the Province.
Justice to competitors compel,' the eor-
lers of Pane the publicly to allude to pert
transacttoes. They therefore challenge
any other emit or association of Western
Canada to meet them on a fair field to coo -
tend for the prize of exeelleoce.
C. . is witlpleaseaddrssSecre-
Sec. Par. C. Club.
feelings of party ; such remarks as these
when ,eutterly .•called for, aro strongly
indicative of a coarse mind, however talent-
ed he tea be -and, as fkete do mot in any
teay apply
to .e, i &ball for the present
take my leve of Joseph Williamson.
You re, X.
"Charge Chester Marge, an Sealey es 1"
At • meeting of the rohabmtante of the
Townehjp.1 Stanley, held ea Saturday the
11th cement, ■t 11•acks • Tavern, Bayfield,
to take tato eenslderatio■ the best memo
of huddler a Harbour at the month et th.
Raver Ilky8l'ld. D. H. Ritchie, Esq., be.
tag milled M the Mate, addremeted the met -
tag ow tie imp.rtas.e of the object for
which the wtieg me salad, 'Moe the
folbwaag eesef18...e were oared sad ear-
ned .wi.sdy.
1.4. • Med by Mr. Sherif M.D•asd,
ed ad by Mr. Desist che trli1 meetl.r reef mimes nd re-
awns that
a joist ee.paq be termed for b.tth
ht$ • Elarbesr et the mouth •f Om River
=a le china elf LI le each. That rte
l itimat tee the mad rafted by de mud
Co.pany, •ube.ripties lets ha mewed.
and opened der }biys.s (rem any aad1.
.deal• M erb andel M the gams. sad
ata ksaa9. '• • • •,rte e ~ wt
▪ 1111.1.
iter \Tr,.11y t .' al
fi sarglg e} -s hdMMyw
i IftmestLlh
,Ile• MeD ssidireeeeedtd
by 1[r. Husks, .doat-
potentthat a oat -
potent Ammer be estasye1 b. Mieway th.
alae of boo eetend.4 bulbaf, Me Freya.
.pa8sYsae sellsester of M. antro
wibb ea tittle clay art yeeeleM, t1W tet a
estmear rte be esker M wet Ow pro•
r supassee salrey.
• Mead byre 0i pa.a14, .evaded
by Mia Matehr sad melee* that ...naw
to,s a tme.sibet se dkTy d. Saw-
haN tralem m►•ef
•ems. Maks 1Plybr, Cei.osyChmlibeer,
Mania Q Osage.
ser. Blab., seem.dod y
saa1.1ty that >ti lra.Y. e
...toot 'Moe e\ tae tali.
PD'" tlr► tllilb41t0
On Monda het, our Town exhibited less
excitement than any election day we can
recollect (or some year. past. There was
very little canvassing previous to the time
of the elections, or it had been performed in
a very quiet way. The election is 8t.
Patrick's Ward excited most interest. it
would be dificcit to define the real state of
feeling in regard to the matters that were
mixed up with the merest in the different
Wards. The ion( gnesuooe were the es-
tablisbment of a Market at the West end
of the Town and the location of the Rail-
road Depot to the north or south of Dundas
Street, which 1st was again subdi.idd by
the secondary queues, if south, what
place ahoold be chosen• Those, joined to
'be metal political gtreetioe of Tory or Re-
former, ar,d tbuof private predelictio. with
those who were careless about local coo-
nderatiooa, all had their influence in the
to 8t. Patrick's Ward the Poll at the
cloy ie the aecoad day, wart as follows:
- Adana 137
Alderson 119
Aebt.n 149
Lennon 100
Dixon 16
LeoMrd 85
Mr. Abbott rseeived 119 votes for ia-
epeetor of Tethers*. sad yr. Griffiths, 05.
I. 81. George's Ward the former Com -
edema 1 Messrs- Carlteg,
barker sad Bomber. Oa the that day of
tate poll et the elms, lir. McDowell wee
ahead of M►. Bacitev, but en the foll*wiag
day, Mr. ameba evortook ►ls with very
little a spate. L. William Dallis was
*lotted Lrpestor. Thit polling place was
wary badly Oates, beteg mealy smile fres'
the Caen Hesse. The pill was takes in
see of the two room of aha mew 'shag
boom en St- George'. Wald le the d.
Camnom a harrel of but tor aha r.-
o1 the ditty,
Wooded with "J. Cnttla1,' b.t whether w
Meter eaf 4091,', or what fstile/aee the beer
1 love 4ereued ie as.v1e the head
of the pal we do not pretend 1e Mg.
Ie St. Astir.,'. Ward tie w.' pet
taken, se .e m enei.ien mas Salmi Se the
Reiser mea
nert. T .9k'. s for lbs
torahip promotes
enmr sod i aMsl A'b1
%. The
reale( es !be Telt .va. +N
debit. The revolt d the pall, bOrreeM
tee is bar M Mr. Whittemore,
8t. Davi/', Ward ►s returned *Mane.
D. M. Tbemptem Jobe Chu.sad Lahatt-
1Lr.Nab relsA few yot.• t 1.-
M e4 NI. Jibe t r bee bite* jay
es the granted AAM his Jan. Jail„
Weal ime area..$ eek team
the pelt sleet& laws bees eissel.
es the .nese tteRDep a mss at lersorthshe 1 I b'
wt. gm as9rtlfh#19a • •
i ...-..- z rew.ti' rmei s /scan er-
in the Goderich Gaol on the 14th inst.
the wife of Jonas Co
Yloer, Towne Jan. 9th
Wheat Pmt Weed. 1190 Ibis 16.. to 210•.•-
Wheat,per bWkelr e01b, In 1. 34 ted.
Bony. MP Weisel, 40 Ib, to N to 3s 1 d
Oats, per bathed, 841be, Is Id to 1. 31.
Pee, per Mahe), 80 tort. f. 114 9..
Belleville .,thWheat, 3s. 6d. Oats, la. 9a-
$4. ?stelae. le. 3d. Potash, lie.
9d. Butter, 6d- a 7d- Beef, 15111.
6d. Lard, 5d. Gomm, le. 3d.
(Next door te M. B. 8.y..., k 0.,.) •
Wog Strood, Cadence.
'unary 1851. 3v .48
BY-LAW No. 9,
To divide ale Turman*, McGillivray lets
Rural Wards. Passed Sept. 16, 1830. it is deemed expedient to di-
vide the Towaebrp of McGillivray foto Ru-
nt Wude for the potpie of Election of
T?wnebip Councillors, Se it enacted by the
Municipality thereof, by virtu. of the pow.
ere vested in them by Act 11 Vie. cap. 81,
awl is hereby enacted by the sutbonty of
the s..., that the Tawn.b.p of McGillivray
he sod the cave Is hereby divided into Five
Renal Wards.
Ward No. 1, to cosine of the 1st, end,
3rd ant 4th , from tb. Tows.
d ip has of Stinnes, eo tie Bide Lila. be-
tween Lots 20 acid 41. together with that
pert of tee North Boasdary bottieg too
said cooeema,.
Ward No. 2, to imam of the 1.t, lad,
3rd and 4th , from the .aid Line
Wines Lots 90 and 31, to t►. Township
taf Williams, also Lot. 34, 35, .std 36 is the
5111. tepee.....
Ward No. 3, to consist of the 5th, 6th,
7tb sad 8th , except Lots 94,
Se and 38, a the 6th concesaiom.
Ward No. 4, to consist of the 9th, 10th,
11th tad 19tb, together with that pats of
Oka North Boundary buluog the same.
Ward No. 5, to toasist of the remaining
part of toe Towe.bip.
Aad Mit further enacted, that the Telco.
ship Clerk be appointed to hold the first
Annual Meeting, and to be Returning Offi-
cer in the First Ward, and that the brat
Meeting thereof sball be holden at Patrick
Flanagan's Travers, is said Ward.
That Mark West be appointed to hold the
fret Aaoual Me tog, end to be t(.turoing
Officer of Ward No. 2, to be holden at the
house of James Barber, Esq., on Lot 19, lb
the 3rd concession,
That John Graham M appointed to hold
the first Annual Meeting, and to be Rotors
Meg Officer in Ward No. 3, to be holds at
John Morton's, Lot 26, in the 6th eon.
That Linwood Craven be appointed to
Conon, C. W. 9th Jan., 1851.
Wheat -Deliveries moderate, and we M
!cannot change or quotauoa. Fall 31"
lid; Spring, 3. 6d per bushel of 60 the.
Oats -Quite scarce, and prices stiff at Is t
per bushel. -
Barley -We hear of no transactions
!rnreek; eek; is fact, we believe there te little E
remaining in farmers' hand,/. not more than
what maybe required for seed to the sprang. J
old the first Meeting, and to be Rotuma g
fficer for Ward No. 4, a24 that the fires
eeting thereof shall be holden at the
School Hose near Craven's corner.
That Edwin Wood be appointed to bold
be first Annual Meeting, and to be Rotor.
jog Officer of Ward No. 5, and the first
meting thereof shall be bolder' at Richard
ramie, Lot 15, oo the loth concession.
WM.FIBHER, Township Reeve.
Dat. F , Clerk. 48 4
Ttmot y Seed -7. 6d per bushel.
CAME into the premises of the mubecri-
ber, on the 17th of December Ia.t, a
Black COW, with some white •boot her
bag, and a white her fo,,.
lets. Lot 41, 1.1 concession, Goderich.-
The owner re requested to prove property,
, and take her away.
January 14, 1851. 48t1 3
Commis DIP.RTMg ser,
Toronto, 7th December, 1850.
.. z is hereby given that He Ex-
CRLLRIrCr Tea GOVRaroa Ganga*L to
Caused, has been pleased under the autho-
rity vested in him, by the provision of the
1st Election of the 13 and 14 Vic. Chap. 5,
to appoint that the following Articles now
charged with s duty of Twelve Pored: Ten
Shillings per cesium ad valore•s, shall be
p'acod in the List of Goode paying a duty of
Twit Pounds Ten Skillings per cairn od
valorem, from and after this date, and .hall
be rated fordaiy accordtagly. oiz:
Cotton Warp Slate, Fire Brick, Mostard
Beed, Ultra Marine and Pest. Blue, Sal
Ammoejec, Prosiest', of Potash, Alam,
Phosphorus, Bleaching Powder, Cochineal,
Copperas, Vitriol, Shellac. Felts, Borax,
Strong Fluid Acid., including Nitric, Sul.
pbarie, Murata and Oxalic Agri.
By Commend,
AT a Meeting of the Provincial Lead
Surveyors, residing in the United
Counties of Herm, Perth tad Bruce, held
at the 8t. Marys Hotel, 8t. Marys, on
Toeday the 7th Jesuitry, instant, the fol-
lowing roealotio.e viers pared.
Resolved, Tbet the Provincial Land Sur-
veyor' itt
rest.g t pastiest in the (Jotted
to be celled the "Berea Booed of Prowls.
eel Lead Seineyor.," fee ted purpose of
prumetieg their interests as a profession.94l
R..., 1prolamine 18.t es the prolam..1 Land
Serveyieg to est boldus important (roots,
and requires proper quelifiestlo.e and high
reepeserbititfee In Its weeders itis the duty
of this board to dolomitic interests .f the
eo. by iodating for an refrarefract/esrefract/esof
the Statute, all partly seder titer settee
who shall emetics, Lied Sonemeg einemeinemktgd q.aldostia.e; mad at *we beard ere
same Wt such Illegal practice is goiter
elle Meek parts of ted United Counties;
et pljg
abrs..94 unl'dlate elope be taken
sad put • stop to the mime sle brag tie I
partied to '•Savo.
That w am
Wife( fees propmed
te•r themselves into a body,
rirmHE nut Division Coarse for the United
Counties of Hero. Perth sod Bruce, will be
held at doe times and places following:-
1at, Division. -Cos„ Moue at Goderich,-
let rehear?. T. G. Morgan, Esq., Clerk.
9d Diwwa-
.-lain Hake. Mitebell,_3rd
Elm., February. Rehm Case. E., Clerk
3d- Dirisiett-Wood's Tavern, Stratford, Bib
February. Rain Williams,ilEsq., Clerk.
4th. Dieisioa-Quieka' Tavern London Rawl
14thFebruary. George Carter, Esq., Clerk.
5th Dieisiea--Wm. Ratteobory's Ioo,Cliawn,
13th Feb. James Gordon, Esq., Clerk.
6th. Dirisiew-Audereses Tavern at Mary'o-
5th Feb. James Colemao, Esq , Clerk -
The Bitting of the Bevels! Coarse will com-
mence punctually •t 19:o'cqlock. A. M.
Gaderich, Sept. 11th, '50 3v-e-xai
Important to the Public.
(Member of the Royal PI I Society of
Groat Brutes, )
is and armed STRATFORD, tk.18. has
purchased the Business of Ur. Hyde, lately car-
ried se by him is the MEDICAL HALL, sed
hovuMeowedg MeowedMedtsie.. fee men than half
the Nobility of Ensiled, and M.
for several Me
here of the Royal Family, dsneg fifteen yeses
erperieeee wit► some of the meet eminent Med-
ial Pr...miooen is that 0091try. H. wilt be
Wm, to give
Teel; persons who my think proper to commit
.apply A lull ply of the theism's DRUGS. CHEMI.
CALK, 8tatisasry, Oils, Vanishes, Dye Stalk
Poet. du., together with a great variety of
other domestic arcomsat!,ebs, will be coaatly kept
ea hand
Stratford, let leaser?, 1851- 46-3m3
United Cocaineof F virtue of a
Norm NorPerth f Bruce, writ of attach -
71 NU. mat 'need ant
of Her Majesty' Conn of Quote's Banat
at Toronto, to me directed, apinat the Ea -
uta Real se well M Personal, of Jobs
Jones, an absconding or concealed debtor,
at the sett of Jams Crowing sad Jams
R. Aadnwe for theses, arite hundred end
n ineteen ponds aim "billows abed five
penes. i have seized all the Weil sed Per.
meal Est.te of the said Joh. Joan, and
salmisthe nM Jebel Joss noon's within
the jerltiotios of the CMrt from edam*
the said writ issued, sad pat Is Bail to the
S OMIS Of tees the etaaa.of (18. J.q'e
Crombie a0d James . Andrews to be dis-
barred white three cdeoda► soothe from
a Wit , Rea
tletet the
a thePer. sal of the Wad
Jobe Josie • or es much thereof se staybe
..e d.srj will be hold liable for the y-
memt, Weekand satisfaction of the claim.
of de mid *BMW as well me M tb.
pay.ect, hoot&t or eat.faetioe of tee
charm or claimedsnob other
pla.taf, as alt a snit tees
seed..[ tbe property ant e4ti d le
Jabs m.i91a from tee
Men .oad wr
teeming .f the e.tiit d.te
teisemstSoMsates teee el awe Ibis, s. is
Uhilsil o ihieD t
.nfU. C. H. P.► ..019u,.stl, ! on4T
»r► •utplb•►14 Made •
by tee adios 709tH..e be adopted yews
Merl and et= ed altered 1.; tthee *II
Proclaim/ ,eaaX1'09..., herse.afte,
coming rete the U.jted Comities halr
ed to *Mee nab Ise held b emery ets
ubjdets,. DM ter ttletal0 Rom the ary .
psfjAs t►.e1 f ibe9 d. copy d the rules and re.
gulations‘ That the booed ie meet at bast
•mel-eseu41 , es oases ad
posse deeab«memo mm.N.w its semi • met) M tam.
Ibitobsid. 'tb es *a sattn be e.Me ofse she
bow( be* b.ij...t , • Uetios eyL"¢pgt-
MrB'MYt1lN Vitt
J. E.
a. marrtaala
Oc RAp
't Berpgijit 7eOTItdkMwl•
edging the very liberal pat names hes-
towed spm hie Cardin/ 4/It q` mason,
begs to ottamat. 10 he (dead: i.d the pub-
lic issersi
ub_lic"gsaersi , that he to ready low for
Fulling, ulling, ng and Finish
eV mists of Clete that .01 be left to his
cars. His Funfair MIiI, Carding Mill, sed
net ed appsreatoe, M all of the moat imps„_
sed sad &meet hied el Machinery, aid war.
ked by as.. but skilful and exponetaed
Md bre 'Forme will be always th•
iOM1 liberal and muivate ko..o is the
Stratford Stowe Mill., flit. 96, 1860.
07' Always on heed a tinge end tell
moaned Stock of LUMBER, which will be
sold at fur prices sad oo terms to mutt cue.
to.ere• 3.97 3m
LOT Se 9 le the Waw Side of North Street
is the Tow" of Goierrbh. Terme Eay-
Apply to, D. H. LIEARS.
✓4.18.1✓►, Struityred.
Otidench, fhb Jsa.a,y, 1851.
Country Merchants,
Anv amass.
dCOMMIE 8daenberas10h,e.T
ht,ed fes IIALEttY
L w.reenty.fiee tj a.a.
OJr vinous `radon Aim se einem meth d
4fU,a6Y DE.1( (.....441:17.11311
Whreh will be Seed ata wall adm its' M lbw
York Preen.
Numb, Cherry Lumber .ad Wheat takes 1o,
cod everything is the Line, eun.raauy se heed,
cheep for owe ur blerchaauble Produce
H. H.
Gnderieh, Nov. 13, 1860. 3vao4 1-3.
AT the Guthrie!' Mills.
WiLLiA110 p4PRR•
Ond•reh Mills, 5th December• n•t)♦ 11941
pI ROM the very &testing support revel -
yea by the *oho -ober on hr. Ant ap-
pear -mice u Agent in the Division Courts,
be would intimate to the othabaseie of the
Dunne (eeeralty, that be will attend the
respective Courts throughout the United
Commies of Hutu.. Perth and Brom, st'each
ant every of their Sittings (health permit-
ting,) and as his el and
travelling expensive, prompt payments will
be required.
N. B. -Communications most be poet.
Godericb, Jan. 7th, 18181. 47 3tf t
- in
CAME tete the Enclosure of the wb.crt- •
bet, 4th Con. Lot 111, Tucker•mith, en 11
or about the 1st of November last,• White e
STEER. with Brown ears, one year end a to
half old, The owner is requested to prove •
iroPe►tl,pyWILLIAM MMURRAY , to
Tuckeremitb, Jan• 4, I84!. 46 R
lee void Ms Elasges from H,rmeew.
October, • Stage will lease tee Us►'.
otel, Galt, .1,6' o'clock, e. m.. std
he British Hotel, Godericb, at 6 o'stoek, s.
., every day (Sondem excepted,) &n..,.t
t each of the above tt'ow.• at early beds
me, and will continue to nib for tbe Art•
ominedation of Travellers, Manitg pass*
ally At 6 o'clock in the morning, Th.'Hmr hopes by paying strict attention
the comforts of the Traveling Puhiit to
eosin a share of their support. Bahia
oboe, lite., fcrsr.bed.
Any complaiote Made of Drjvero will w-
iate etteouos, andrtaw •J 1tmtiB be ea
18ALDIL"(G is the STRATFORD Boo c
IL Office op te Jemmy 7th, 1831.
Arm!! Thee David
Broomhead W J
Boyd James
Campbell Peter
Campbell Archibald
Campo e OGeorg,
Campbell James
Caplet's!! Rebs
Carragber Terrance
MameCurry Moe
Douglas' Mrs Dorothy
Drumm Jacob
D o.d Patrick
Dose ThemaEdwards Joe
Ellison Christopher
Es..on Andrew
Flatter AlenPitapatrick J se
Freak A C
Guinn Wm
Grovel Wm
Gnomes Henry
Hays Joe
Hamilton Hugh 2
Heroo Edward
Jokes Semi 2
Kosedy Edward
11;1ppen Alex
Kremer Fradricbk
• Deana
Kipp.. Jae
Kerbs J 8
L lee
Miller J J
Maltose, 8am1
Metbenll Wm 2
Moore Wm
Moore Widow
Menyleee AkaMcGill Wm
ateCard.11 Joseph
McCaffery A
CA'Leer Jame
McErwaa Joe
McDsrmid Peter
Hauer Lorene
Neil Wm.
Ogilvy Riau
Oield George
Wm Beat
Odben W.
Odben ThosPike Joe
Yater Jno '*
Parsons JPomo,Pory Wm
Qmala Cornelius
Quipop !madman
(aiaberia Ju
Reid Thom
Realty Wilson
Rotrerteee Jos
8aekrider Joo 2
Scott Wm'
8.epler Hoaryar
8peou Imo
Henry Jas
Lowe Robert Thom Alex meth, Geo Watson Wm
Lafferty Edward Wats*. Jae
A. F. MICKLE, Postmaster.
co redressed as fu w rad
Parcels sot by 1Mfe.I.t0s will be eemley.
ed with can and po.etsdity, sed d.ti.Me%
at moderate charges.
Peruse traveling by this Lis tent( cast he
deprived of rest a s the Roetekom (iede-
rich to Hamilte.r they arrive is edit M•
twos 10 and 11 o'clock at nigh*, minas
is the aoroi.g for Hamilton othleeitooe
sod os the Route from Haseeite*►u Ge/r
rich the Pusses en arrive is Gat as than
choose, at 0 o'clock in the Warb.e. s If
o el.ek at meet, tad l..0a for 60d.reet M
b jt. 1hl' t .r.Iog, . v.,... .
T, Jif. DALY, Prorri e.t.:ge
Stratford.8ept- 18, 1860. arms*
HURON HATE,;:---„-
THE Subscriber Inge leave 1. MiliamMet
t0 his somanss respeetablt cert
sod tlr trees:hog public ge.etailys tido
the exteonee repairs and Impreto.e.lY(
chick have been en the .aHutNi -
Hotel during t! f, ase.
now fully eompleted. And •s he fa to evs0-
dent that big establishment is noweapable of
affording accommodation equal to that of
any Hotel fa ibis section of the co..tq; tai•
venture' to hope fors of that
liberal support which he has f.Mssed Sonat
the period he has been in busmen.
Huron lintel, GoJ.riebJA,
October 16, 1830. 1 vee2r3
ON the Bay6eli Road, Nine mile. fresh
GODERICH.gnd Three from Bayfield.
nesting of 180 Acres of Land, 49 d
lob are elected, and tbtough which rune
hat excellent Mill Stream, the 33 Creeb -
er partsoef•re apply to Mr. NAPTSL1 se
oderieb -
September 97, 1850. t3-s33t(
100 1-4 ACRE LOTS
CAME tato the Linkmen of the Sob- h
acrtber es or about till' 1st of Novato.
her last, a three year old .tsar, also about G
the let of Sept. • yeart.g hpfer, Let No.
26, 4th Ce.. Towne/op of McKillop. The
.rtes of the L is requested to
prove property pay expenses, and take
them away. .-t
McKieop Dec, I0) 1860. .46-,*
OR SALE is the Tows et StiatjJoed• Ap-
ply to D. HOME L1ZA1te,
Stratford, 16th Nev. 1830. 3MOtf
Mored teal the Flatted Counties be shirt. ' GodeT1•C%1 k 20018 Nov. 1850.
dd into three wheal districts, for the pur- *t
pose of appointing ether
of con).
toes schools to be as follows vis :
let. The County of Perth to form one
Dittricta eomprteteg the townships of Blap-
chutt Dowse and Gore of Downie, Nortb I
and South Eastbope, Ellice, Logan, Ful -
office, Hibbert, tor.thet with the new
townships to tbe north of the above.
and. Th. tewsehrpe of Baddulpb, McG I-
lirray, Stephen, Hay, 8asby, Tocker-
smith, end Uubone-
3rd. Godench toonabip•nd town, Mal-
let, McKillop Coders*, Wawasosb, A.b.
field, and the Colony of Brum. also the
to.os►ipe to the north of Halle* aid Mc-
Catried uaatimonoly I
Barrister and Attorney .1 Low, fiederieh.
ILL (star mined es Coswu l the dif-
fermet Meides Courts is the Darted
Gestic. of Herm, Pith sod Brno.
0ederieh. 1.t Jatt•n, 1851.
N. B --Parties a e d:nesee wt.hlag re
ibemselees of Mr. Ser.ekes'.woolen, will phase
dawn IM. .9s m, ►..t•reif. riedeeieh. N
r(IHE foll.wirg (.0T8 OF LAND is the
Temente o(STANLEY -
t of 21, 2n4 Con.
Cowhides of 400 Aetna 119 Cleared
Lot 21, :lyd Cbncesaion, rtmaisein .
of 100 Acres, 4o, ekawd, be aremend • h.K
mile. ir.e 1118.
On the latter Lee, then it • GOOD LOG
HOUSE. RA RN. lbs. its., with • rweett Dew•
ire t►taeg► ti. Farm- Them it .1•. owes ewe
which sae tut had at a twderare vet.. The
Loa. will De old menthe or .m egerely, w nee
b. dearth- M the leo re di Ind a eemarie
Cher► art ('.trh Werk. in ender.
--3.•41411M. S. SFItMOtJR i Cr
THF SMISCR18ER bogs lean to
fora hi• (needs aqd ted pe1llc g11h'-
n1ly, flet be bee sow pt the N.ttooal
Rotel ee far cse.pieted, oe to merest him
is smog dee be is prepared le tures.*
eo.a.mdnti.a for woad /arm equal at
lout,'I. mid's( that sen be kind be-
times Leede. and Gedertc►. T1rNetie..
ed Hotel le s mend to tie beeetifel sea
Mule, vitiate ef 8*'.. Sold, i1 raZ
fro. Oedema* and MI mile. Nem Leede
anal firer 11. oeglMety WI the mac •die, lad
MOM 01141011•1110 art .am94o .r Nevem.
be berm for • Man of M'
.• tik IOP Z. E.
JAIIAStIir 1M warp%
t t
1 ..
MR- TW1tAtlr$BleE, worts r *e
I•tI*.a,sd then.... art tldwi.b chane
M nese* deMs•day, the ,Nth Mot. te ops s
Vr. T `m Marne ore same•' nevi, pa ped..
ate Wee iap!snsaae.b0M agitate alma
.p ern
1tg 1 tray ry Ys J 1 i
a beat an mow.S worthkse se e/ so
goys At Vitt *pleb!VviOtt.
Bodkin. Dr. 11. IAM fir"