Huron Signal, 1851-01-16, Page 2perhaps rmpes11lei ; yet the inerrembe
..ober of'ethentauve asses w►e► ear.
tion such import albedo Mast a
fate ground of y "
lent capitalist* y b •l muti-
onslv to set ►yr ltaa-
*i.. s8 ' re-
le rmb '.'. a
mho, -
If Mk he set thio futon serbel-
411.111 j Xjd, !See ideal mrat t,e W » MOM s aOd tier Mommee tam of the
level~ *ted ma led h ooi'a gated Hos. W. H. Merritt, by different porton"
eta. Man stasis upon the earth to rot- of too Prue -sena eery hr from the trot b,
pjsawhmd minim ht M ssngser the brute and •orae eon sear it. Mr. Merritt will
p e ••tuv. by w►.iware to ber give /s cause for bar reseutioe, caul ted
ht f t1* Nmo land who has giver proper ane ern...; sad toes, in his place ID
biilad194p ‘ bee Weaned him, to • the 'louse, he will eatl.fy,ahe toiletry sad
huer et bogy twit, that he hi. , es to lbs aurae he has
eb to 1 l as!
be • smashed s' WMe* here skald be as heap
of core hitch oho tl lop, and the
sty Mall be se green as pate se mho required teforsatioe: taut we most say, that
earth.' the boo. gestleue hoe adopted, as we teak
the *sweet ewru. Te engesdsr gigs cos-
AIIRIVAI.OP 9'tiR, NIAGARA, trnversie., mom out of verbal statements,
New Yuii . Jan. 4, 104,.. w. .ubjsot to nos. on the part
TM Niagara bas arrived at Halos:.
Liv.aroot., Dec fl
Cotton ad d j to 1. Sales were
65,090 baleo. 8pecu1ators -14,000 exports
!lour dull at previous rates.
Lard advanced 1..
Trate exceedingly good.
Mowry abundant. Consols 961.
German affair* unsettled mall.
New Yoa►. Jas 4-1 r. w.
The Niagara, oo her arrival at IIaiitax,
was completely encased in ice. On sou,•
parts of her nearly a foot in thickness.
She wilt be due at Boston to night, too late
for her mute to come south before Monday
Thea.satisw moue -welt ewer*,
is moat anttioes to be iolorm"' on this sub-
ject: sad ter emtaapor•rtea, of course, very
paper!, "doh lobe in a pnsifios to give the
of a rehear Minister, is at all times Injuri•
nue; but under foment eireemetseere, would
be endecornua sad wit sited. If Mr.
Merritt had good names for retiring they
will boep till *be Homo meets, and be given
to the cnuntry in rsrteet accordance with
iaini.tenal and envenom: and
we are.erGetly eattatea that thug souru
will be justified by •in brethren of the Press
-if shot new, a1 alt aeon" wolf be whoa the
time shat; bare urire.I. The corupr.Mn-
sive meed of a rtat..mah, nccepied with
soasores, au* thinks, fraught with adrae-
tares. for bis eoentry, but yet, i• their ap-
pdaatios sumeneded wttb dtbceltiee. is net
to • mood to create capital, by either dod-
after000n unless despatched by special train tag kelt wad opoassete, or justifying even
to-morrer. This will probable he duos by else he may took right to take In promos•
the Dost office authorities.ter his mews. We have mid a much on
The American steamship Fraaklia, hence *his subject 1. we are J1301104 in esyfsg at
Dec.6, 8j A. K., amved off Cowes on Present: however anxious we are to
Wednesday morning, the 18th, at 11 o'clock give the informauoa looked for, we mast
-lea passage of twelve days and fire u, -wait awhile. Only a few short weeks
boon. wit have transpired, video an spot of the
The Atlantic arrived at the bar of Liver- Moto Pr.eeo*, a•d it may be, Noire policy
pool on Thursday the 9th --exact not stand.
-Her malls reached the city at 6 o'clock.
She therefore mode the passage in twelve
daps and eleven boars.
Fbe German qussuon begins to mime
a new aspect, inasmuch as it is now (inspect-
ed that the conference to be held at Dresden
on the 13rd between Austria and Prussia,
bodes so good to the smaller German Suites,
who, it is said, are now using energetic
measures to form a league of their owo,
1t is stated confidently at Paris, that Gen-
e ral Lahitte, the French Minister of Foreign
Affairs, has entered into an agreement, that
if the approaching conference at Dre.dee at-
tempt to make any territorial changer affect-
ing the arrangements made by the treaty of
Vision, the French and English Govern -
aunts will interfere and prevent them.
Amertean provisions Were scarce, and
priees entrequeetly remain Eno.
Lard had slightly advanced and prices
were quoted about 1s. higher.
The state of trade at Manchester and
other manufacturing districts was exceed-
ingly good. •
The late news from Ilia and the Con-
tinent have given • decided impetus to trade
in woollen and cotton fabric".
Money continued abundant. Bar silver
continued is request at previous rates., bet
for'dollan the price bad lieges- to yield a
Consols for account closed on Friday at
There has been but a limited demand for
Annexed were the gnotation. in London
nn Friday, 40th: U. 8. 8'e of'68, 108 a 1011;
Boston Eves, 91j a 991; Peon. 5'e, 84 a
let: Maryland 5's, 90 • 91; Canada 6'e, 103.
Cern bad receded 6d. but holder, gen-
erally had concluded to sell at the reduc-
tion. Supenor Court. of Common Law, or any
Wheat was Id to 9d cheaper. Judge therm( may order and cause speeds
New Yoac. Jan 4, meet.
The French prisoners arrested in this city
The fifth section provides for the Coroner
some time *ince, charged with stealing the if noteesary, the legally gaahfi-
property of Bauman of eerie, a portion of ed eddied practitioner who may have been
wthem on their arrival In
is atttsrola•ee on the deceased, or if Dora
which was found on
this country, were yesterday taken on board attemdd, thea any eoevesayst practitioner
one of the Havre packets, to be delivered to ID actual practice; ad the Coroner cera
the Freaeb Government. duvet that a plat marten exasuatioo eba(I
Weather mild -snowed last night. About a had, and i s.easgary, as anatyta of the
two 'echos now on the ground. Ther, stomach and Intestines. 1f soy person
34 deg. shall sake oath to the Coroner that in hie
Rocmesraa, Jas. 4, or err belief, the death was caused partly
Storm ofe*ow and wind, equal to any of 01 e•tirely ►y the tsproper or neeiteet
the season, now raging -four inches fell treatsest 01 any medical practitioner, or
lav' night. -Ther. 20 deg; wind N. E. other person
shall sot be allowed to assist
Boreal" Tao. 4. at the pest cartes examination of the de -
Eastern can 94 boun babied tints -pros- ceased.
peel of further interruption.The sixth Duties provides, that the Jory
in some cases, if not satisfied sob the sr.
pla•ation of the Medkal practitioner, may
MONDAY NIGHT'S REPORT. reline the Cormier toes!! to the ingoe.t
other Medical men. Should the Coroner
Boemm, January 6, 1861. refuse. he is gvilty of a , and
The Jeegers arrived here yesterday liable to a fine of tee parotids, or imprisoa-
monl•g. meet for one meeth, at the discretion of
ENGLAND. the Court trying the offence.
The Pagel excitement is women, out The *meth Declive regulates the hes of
front sheer exhaustion, to be renewed when Medical Ma i• attending inquest. as wit-
Parltaneset meets. Pio Nano and Dr. neises, as follow.:-Att.adasesat Inquests
Wiseman were beret is effigy at Croydeo, without post marts examination, 15..;
ami' a blase which lighted the eou•lry fee with post mimes exasiaatiea, 60e.; with
miles *retied. asatuisof e.mtonb of stomach sad i•teD-
Prestdest Fillmore', Message toCongroe@ *tees, £5: osd le. per mile in travelling to
attracted more than usual attention fres the busses -to tiepin to Medical proclaim -
mut. Nearly every paper of note punted erase atteedieg, fres the Comity Treasury
*be decongest moire, wooer the papers tat on the erdtr of the Corosor.
did ao wen the London Times, Chronicle, The eighth sectors authorises two Jae -
Deily Neta, and while they profess to ad- tie*, of obs Peace is ey Comity, epee
mire the masterly style est►e M.sesgs, and complete of Coroner er any two of the
the erase sad .ate,ssnitkoa•an•et is weigh Jury, after ►esn.g perms, to inflict a fee,
the Primed's* grapples with the 'sign( sot ex0Mdteg £10, epee soy Medical pr•eU-
euseMre of the day, toy camel at bis tattf' sevmg M sttesd at the inquiet.
policy as hieing against their mines of five tach Ones ao beloved is a summery way,
',see. The Herald a.d Pool. on the cos. by dist*.s a afbmder's reede sed chattels.
tray eesseed the pulley ui *be Ptlestd.ot The meth suttee'eoelnee the operatesun t, I of die all M Upper Canada.
io Ne -popery Meetings are tacos'.
lagNes femme In belled, and the tower
ar.deewpet of me* d lPPsar Mr. W. Remedy. M Kingeten, latterly
to Ise mare meld sod ferb*,ri"g. of Scopine hes proceeded to New Toth se
It is reported upon authority that the 718e way to Eagtad st ea. regesst N Letfy
('hoMsllsr of`Ale Kieheges► wild propos.' Fra•khs, to armlet n seaindrsg for 11or Plot
• en'erderabl, reduction in the duties an Sir Jona. Mr. K,m*Ddyy Dome tiliie age
Colder Warns .f the Board of trade proposed • Mote or ',siva wbietr h appose
*111, h le as amble tis Cbaawell.r to ban beesat Isegth adop*.d.-Plots we es.
woe* asney reduetlor le *be genet patience le Aretie Jner'eyfeg std 11e vigour
t.n/. of both body sad nand, sad r.A1n1M Irev.
As of **Retains ryes deo. of cbaraedst we Mei mho shekel amid
weight le 'Ow t*port *hat the Doe el Wail not have heft better bade. May Me libelee
angles bed reememeeded an 9itltion Of he weeded with Deere. -Tl! idnpnk
Wee* iwO le the ILglbh army.
Asersat.Preo Mistreit' soy that Smith W. T. P. asses.. -.Toe Tippaasp
d1M/h 1111 mid ad* ia.messafbl attempt Prw/bul.' soca se *ha. Mr. **/ *W41
es M iAbNbrmM mooed tad silly breaker s one a tis Noble
iwWs Ilhrb1Ms, it la i 1. IoM le Guards er Velma Atlddwdt.Mfs XL,imel,
thellisettat el lowly .lames. 11UI1 mai mm nam ad the PR -Mews OMae .f
h So mem. 146 eesebsta r a hasp e
Sial,trittsateibliaidy bat wets laalealty 1111- wassiflsr f1r,
' N "MMM a a nam MAW meat
'M M ARUM► heti, It IV s as araimeem
,.std))r l►aradttlyf t1, tRmr.
,•-, . , t w - w +beet
- •firse", .4
. t. ea s.wr..•- .--
of this e.uetry, will be m►mitt.d.-St.
Catharines Jimmie',
We bare lately had an of
seeing the new Act peeved dolls, the late
Session of Parliament, referring to Coruna",
and u it is now in force in Upper Canada,
and as a short synepeie of tt may prove use-
ful, to lay such before our
The first section provides that so request
shall be holden by any Coroner es ally de-
ceased person, unless it shall previously be
made appear to web Coroner, that the de -
reseed cams to his death by some violent or
unfair means, or isles►b or eegligebt mis-
conduct; a oars accidsetal death not requir-
104 investigation by as Inquest.
The '*cod vection provides, that an In-
quest .ball beholden upon the body of any
pereoD dying is confinement in any Gaol,
Penitentiary, or Lunatic Asylum, and that
+he gaoler or keeper is always to give notice
to the Coroner of the death of uy party
occumog older hie charge.
The third oestie% provides for the gam -
miming of Jurors for Inquest, and in default
of Jurors atudance, Coroner may impose
a an.. not exeesding twenty a\illi.,s : a
certificate of such hoe, and the cause of Be-
ing to be forwarded to the Cie* of the
Puce, and espy to he left at the residues
of the defaulter. Sub fines to be levied
and e•treated by the Quarte-. Session 1*
the same Danser u other fines ars levied
ad *,treated ceder Its jurisdiction.
TM forth venues provides, that all defects
or wast of teebeicalities in any proceedings
Coroser• shall not oceesiee of these pro.
ceedinn to be aua.hed, that acv of the
.., .-.., vw..ww wvw. iv.•
Ir Is an easy matter to God fault. The real
mtonufie bolt -(leder flee fewlt with leery
thing. He thinks the moa, with all its boas•
/.iu/r u 4fdh s !.1red tri Idealar• same el that
Bail !s m Ishogssst ped alba sass
tans slices syssslutstisssr" ysla en imbibe
is isle Ass. s "Criss," rids Weed, as bed
ase M set s stiessi Ia the As(, a.d as
am p...Nssa remade for the paymat of
them pled--- ..e is tat pat e1 the Aet
Mat specifies the fees to be paid for the
services ngstted by the Amt, it stay very
reasonably be presumed that these proels-
unless are intended to be lads by the
Cork of the Pesos, who' is realty, dem
sake *boot, It is true, that to an old eche-
,,... GQy .1.1!CH. u -
01/1) gll 1s Ism WA m Tithes
tW sliest it maw Is mire a D*maes,
roil «hat ala amid that if peagsp ill1•
g esso is seed, t►na•/wrtho, at Nast, Odle
she. Tm esabig..111 abaerldip ships Y...
As a matter of eoavesissm, a.d ea a est
of cosmos peace, It reoommeade Itself to
every bosses mat. Itis a fact, that a very
Tarp proportion of m•nklad ousels ease
tied poem rather than merest ; acid, u
there ie 'either ease nor pleasure is tray -
doe sat adastogarn►unttad, r(g11RNb leaf*.rlbsll, Nawa np h the palmy 6.7. of 1 s'la'g bestir tat "Isis Iongtb .r bioadtl
Costa of Law and Lq.ity, were hetotiLill Imlay,tt may safely a presume that ',o
rewarded, there u such as officer u this 'Gages the Toweabip ttitomtisp apathies to
Crier tilde Court of Quarter 8111108111100•11e' be bold at HolmScheel Hoose, they
Tithe be, sod, among other fen., a es
is to will, it reality, ►e very far (ram dsrvug
receive ewes shilling for Seel ?reclamation. the Dame of ",ip M..uoge." That
In the ordinary business of Quarter 8oa portion of the Municipal Corrodible' Act
ta which an, old ases hedsle of higawks, which provides for the Division, iota five
Warta, of etttarivs popr i.Town-
ships, is jest itaad.d .to provost the lieu -
sulfate, %jerk*, and discontent wbkb
must naturally aria from holding the Town.
ship Mmtiags is we particular spot, and
dose well Hoag► without poesesem, isg the Toryism when all serve's performed 1e the *1 to w
Te.abtp ea lbs Arlt Monday o1
power of drowsing people -the sea fa'gbt y
have shone equally bright without delrtltng
bar eyes -the wind aught have istp.Ued
ships sad Liven wtedmtil. witt,ost 61561.;
the shingles .4 bones* mea'* bars --the
gooseberries should hare bees as 1k as
pumpki.s, sad well -baked loaves plight
have grows en trees, Met as w*l1 a1oseb
- art.. WD do love oesuioally b Mat •
real scientific fault-Qnder.-He a si'seal-
ees sad isduserious is hie esdeavon 4 per-
suade everybody that " mkelss.r >is, u
*head,' and his eccentricities wed almardl-
ties are eo truly ridkuloas, that they act
upoe dull spirits like the extnvagast droll.
Brim of the befboa or the Al
He is, is Met. a kind of living Dlepmleary,
or medicine chest "for the monotony etev-
ery-day life, and, therefore, we do loop to
meet bis, oecasisally. But, then is au-
thor, and • very different clam ef fult.6•d-
en er gr.mblen, with whoa we have nei-
ther .ympatby aor vibrates. They me the
saarlisg, ill- t, *elfish, ore -sided grum-
blers, who' are totally road of wit, heater,
eceomtrieIty, sod veal .eatimeet•I ridicu-
lousness. They indention turtling of the
trap, scientific mode of fau11-4ading, but
may be considered mere Quasar, duke, or
botches 'a the profession. They us fish
faults, and find faille, with everything and
every body that do not below: to their ow•
little paltry party, or *bat militates against
their own little paltry interest*, loot their
tanner is oe circumscribed, so saarliab, so
fall of envy, and so thoroughly mean, when"
compare4 with the gnat .pualve prism -
phi of venereal fault-finding, that as leant
man no do rotbing lees thee despise term.
We have, of late, had monis rather extra
poeimam of this small v.prt/.aaissal
fault -boding, rearik.ted again** the sew
Jury Law ; and, before noticing those NPs•
cisme of snarling, we erg lave to state,
that, for reagens which we shall, on a future
occasion lay before our reader*, we seldom
road • long Act of Parliament, (partieutar-
ly if it has bees draws up by a Lawyer.) --
We therefor*, do not pretend to be a judge
of the merits eines saw Jury Law, but we
are indebted to our fried, Mr. Litten, Clerk
of lbs Peace, for his e•rdid opinion of the
ly reeve, itis probable that eat stere than
twisty or thirty proelamatieas would occur
in the course of the year. At all events, itis
certain ,that so man seer contemplated pay-
ing fir • hundred ora banded sad fifty pre-
elaeatioas la a day, at thereto of mss moil- that tee, at as noreaeowble distaste fres
tar w piece ! And therefore, every helmet the groat belt of to population. Or, fa
iatslligent man, will at once coacleds that other word. the f•tenti.o of lob port of to
the new Jury Law neither e.etemplatee Act is to give this whole iahs1taste of the
mor provides for the pays5 01 of its bonds*$ I T•frod sP as eppateafty ef beteg rePre-
or rather Outlands of proclamatiost. seated in the Municipal Conseil, that is, to
But sopposieg that a "Crier" as osis- have a voice io the election of the Conseil,
ry to the process of ballottiag-tat b,s.p. 05 term. and cosditiese as nesrly equal as
posing that some person is seeded to repeat possible. It caasot be dispeted that men
the following words after the Clerk, of too esturally feel most interest is the improve.
Peace has repeated, them. vls.:-" 1f any mast and prosperity of the locality is which
oat, can inform the Ceort why the they reside, or is which their own property
name of Bealdy Baird Weald set be Us situated. Asti if the whole mombee of
inverted ie the Jury List for which it is Conned reside in mss and the same censer
now battened, let him come forth aid ke : of the Toweebip, it is reasonable to suppose
shall be beard," the "Crier" ie just the that the principal interest of the Council
creature of the Coco, sad may be Minim. will be bead u that part -this,
.4 1 by the Court at any time. we ewe, it sats►,!. By dividing the Tows -
And in ballotting Juries, the Beech have ser- ship iota five Wards, as provided fpr by the
tainly the power of employing any permos Act, the Council would be composed of a
they please, sad at the beet prise they us man from each of these Wards commonest -
bargain for ; and they wf11 have no difficulty .y, the ismer..* would be divided -or, rather
is getting a man, who for • dollar a -day, or we should ear, W ielarula of duo whole
perhaps less, will cheerfully repeat this Thwaskip with le esireeed sad fairly and
proclamation 6vs hundred times .-day if satisfactorily represented by such a Coun-
regetred. Bet we deny that the Act either cil. We that the .sbjaet *Hl obtai■ that
authorises or provides for the payment of eoridentio0 to which its importance, and
even this cheap rate --sad, therefore, ors the justice a 110.priociple entitle it.
would jest my that to Magtetnten woo - _ -----
would pay ooe ghillie; a piece or ens plumy During the pest week, the Roman
a pias for the "proclamations" required by Catholic C have impteved the
the new Jury Law, aro actieg outrageously .appearance of their Chapel by suepeding,
against the spirit and intention of the Act, to the belfry, a large, well -toned Bell. -
(odds purpose of lregisg it isle contempt, This is the first of ower
and ars totally unworthy of having any con- blies is tows, who have had etarpA5
trol of the public feeds. The only just enough to provide themselves with this uee-
grouad of complaint in rebrerce to the ex. ful and ornamental appendage. We are,
poses of working tis new Jury Law, in is therefore, nation to give rbcs .edit ler
the case of the Selectee, which might, sad their eatospriee ; and as we hem will a
ie Act, mss: lie done for at moat, 055 bels' pleasure in the solemn sooad .f Cboreb
matter ; acid be aseures es, that tbeprimsi-, the espesse allowed by the Statute. Cao Bell', we could wish that the Town Cone -
pts of lbs Act, e. a tboeougb artier sgaist ads u or
at prumt a comparatively goer se- i cel would enter into some a
ns -
partiality and corruption in the selecting of .try-te.priecipal object of her Legi.latloo with the Rev. Y. Sooner, and that ttacorruptionJuries-as a complete sy.tsm of cheeks andsboald be efficiency on the moat economical gore of hieeeegregatioo, to have the Bell
countercheck. --as a just and egsal distri- scale. And we are impress to impreto -nog at stated boars, at but two or taree
bution of the duties required of Juries. and, People with the important fact, that the times a day, for the benefit of the Tows -
in short, u a public Act, for to promotion chief field for the practice of economy is is We law received a Dopy of Seobie's
of justice, and for the protection and beaofit these little local matters, such as the Se-
lection of Juror*, the ofCtorks, Almanac for 111111. Like its predecessors,
and Bailiffs of the Division Cants, las. ice. it is full of oofel and interesting iaforma-
fe oar Net isms we informed oar readers tion, relating "to the Municipal, Commer-
that a few Germans, unacquainted with the cul, p'inaesbl, Edoaaueoal mid Eulogies.
Ecgtsb language, bad hies. balloued u Je- tical affairs of the Provi•ee ; bride ee-
'era for the IaMCosrt nit:tweet SWriar trees fres the most impertsat of de lata
and Couety cowl, and twat the eirees- Acts of Parliament* I. short, 1t is valu-
ables bad been grasped at with avidity, big, far Myoid i4 selling price, aid .ho.ld
and wielded as a triumphant weapon ambo he n tI of every ewe wbo takes
the Ne,,, Jerry Lew. New,te reel seweelf- an interest ie the albite of the country.
Q7' To C ..,•Ws have
of the whole public, it -is entitled to • prom-
inent place among the chief Statutes of the
country. Mr. Limn is a scholar -a man
of holiness, *be from his very boyhood has
been familiar with to real, •pprovba princi-
ples of systematic or methodical arrange.
meet --be les an extensive kaowedgs of all
manner of commercial tru.actioes, amid has
\ad mod practice in studying and decy-
pherieg Acta of Parliament, and there an
few mos of oar acquaintance to whose opin. ie fault-finder would have come out boldly
ion, in such clatters, we "Meld pay mere and slid, "Why should D.tcbmea be allow•
defenses. Besides, Mr. Lix•ru ie nota ed to live in as English Colony T' " Why
Radical, in the commie acceptation 'of the DO% fora a language .Lich everybody
term, and, therefore, we conclude that the would understate and speak by ietaitfve r
new Jur • Law,ia in reality, very superior to But our Quack fault-finders bare setae
the Jury Laws that have gene before it.- honesty nor talent for such seatimeetel
it is pn►able that there may be some de- criticisms. They could only say, "That's
leets in it -*bat some ,, is your new Jury Law ! that's your Earliest
some of its details may be required for Logielation^ and such other little, envious,
working at eat conveniently ad sati.factos silly things, without beteg aware that they
rily. This war reasonably to be expected, were. is effect, oyiag, " Why 414 Robert
and led." if web amsDdmeets were sot Baldwin seder set teach the Dutchmen to
required in as Act of such mageitude and ',Pak English, or otherwise blot out the
importance, the new Jury Law would form Township of South Eutbops from the new
• new era is eke history of Labs'• Jury Law 7' It b one of the le
tion. 'organise of Radicalism ! it is very probe -
But, the objections which bays bees nig- ole, how.ver, (het Robert B•kwia war not
ed opines it, is se far as they have come aware that Soot!) Fwotbope contains a eau
to our ksowl sed womb we tatted to her of inbabitaoas who are not thorough sue -
tore coasktfens. bat Matt Black and Isom the notice of msetlaig, however, MA* IOW
amiss at present, are sot of the class to tore of the English iia Bdtteahty Tuve jest as little tafi'eeN Iver of the Hotel was alamdasUiol ) fees
which we have bore alluded. They are not probable that at tbstime of eenetrvctiog the the public as they bans over the Heron 11 o'ehcb to I a''alnk; M .+ lam
ebjestiose beaded on certain defects er er- anew° Jury bill, Mr, baldwis war not aware sed, God keowe that is tatter ltbly web ta know by whom 11M !enema
of tots feet, and 71este, bit.semis', Ueald ta mock. alaetti; acid b "boa',at. R ttireitraml,
von b the pro.Mleos of the Aet, wYe► re-
quire to be am.sded-they ere .lreage ob- hey. tome pert, oho ba met s1 lOarsees-• The weather for eke Ids ted days = who las 1111 ryes. MI aril't.-
jeet(oes and de not admit of
yet* ..
pettiest t
.gees sas(Iii g J f
1 ort sesame, toot: ttti
to " seats te the
T*" w Ma
..Opatr •
reek ls; ao•' who
a.d, Iy ho aliewod tits t et;
wades to be desitaafed " s sets ,.roth,
I would mares have eased te appear
is prist, is the far of melt a tmtyvalet
baS.orf it "sttip►atically trochee(' by
surd t
41 Wa li h ea Joseph intuit.:
moa 1 that tis... "hr net mos a teloar1sg
of truth' le seythiog 1 boos ntteda rattly,
Sir, OM 1. wore this sero boob .ad blood
can stand without a struggle for it. Mr.
Williamson bee declared that he will ort
"a..srtion by amertlo.," its., lb may 1111
accustomed to tib style of .rgnment. 1,
Sir, am not in the babit of making seen -
time without hsutng some proof., witbie
my reach, that what I .tate is tree; sale
siege be ►.m throws to gauntlet by mei a
swooping charge.( falsehood, Re.,•agatast
me, without oho word of or ergs -
mat in support of kis aa..rii.s, 1 lamb
defy him to bring sod forward; aid, 1 .ball
.ow adduce a few facts io support of what
1.4 i sled *bet'e'l diff Vol -
lows cause say of Mr.
Williaat.o.'s, or perchance my own, to
utter the "bitter sad excrusiauag petition,
deliver me from my Mead," it is only bm
c.ow! teapot help it, after receive., the
lie.* yery direct from Mr. Joseph Willman.
Goo. 1 ave. b.wsvet, another moot for
bs'n thin plain, vfx.: Me. Willlameoe's
warmest deers at this moment ever to
71. to tat adgertissi,l ma,,therefere,a able
to give Ain a lift u this may, sad as ism
good tan d some* antda, he may Per`
baps, u a livor, let we alma in future.
To begin -this very letter of Mr. Joseph
Williamson., Sir, avoun sot a bale ef
what i call "Clubb law,"-41tis Ems working
on the feeling, pggelMg re.d4ra,
aid met eppis a mei I f shit
words, it is u .tterapt ta - dewn it
brute levee Oman the expeIaie) w
be gamut fairly mat with tret1 sed argu-
Mr. WA1ta.aeoo seam., *fiber wtlhlly or
otherwise, to have 1 my lots
I, that
is geoerally mesot'by "Clair law." I .hall
now, therefore, give a few gpoeisae•s of
what I meant by the sepreestea, and then
shortly, gpiro a few comments on portion.
of Mr. Willi moo.'. letter, as to his la
rut doe " Magee Aadass," Jades mai
Juror." it w pare fed,* , ;
Dees it not appear to you. Bir, is be
.omowhat .iug/l.r that Mr. Joseph
Williamson et eau lays hold era particu-
lar mooting, and spokes( ft as " the meet -
log referred to r .ad rete himself eagerly
to explain bow it all b.ppes.d ! ! 1 "dei -
fed es pesticide/ wasting; yet, he wise a►
dial, that fkis psrfkrler meeting g reqmrd
some explesatae seer see saline ell *11.
other 990 public mostiagi.lillb h. has
Sado • pc is
of Me artful
i* Godertch. Boar g,., .,1 Wilh.m-
son's version of the "medial veered me,"
differs very widely from my know of
the mum, 1 shall sew give yes Woe;; said
I was col be/ is beteg Neem, I wee Hero
at to romp Y Med tlsel *sod
Iltrtber, .betdd my etatesaa M d.si8.
pledge myself to give yea them aim of meal,
who will e.reobevet. what 1 as shut to
state, ase whose weeds H placed is the
below, with them of Mr. Wilf►ast-
en's, would make the letter "kkk the
ra.ived, too late for iiesrfee, a very im- This meatier "referred te,e Sir, wag
pop ailed "1. Rat. called by two Wagistrates to e b.ld at the
teabsr7' soil "Manbew black," Then Goder,cb Hotel, at 12 dein! reser, to •
partieelar day, fe, the purples .1appoisMng
very consequential eetlemen have exered
or •omroatt•g a eomsittse or depotatiee
an isthmus over Mr. James Watson, wee i he de meek 'ismer VP
iodated him to stand u a ceadidata for-tew George Arthur, whose arrival lee wee
civic bosom against his owe coavietiiss- thea daily **Pedtsd. lar hews,
alis w can readily islievs Bot we beg to d, .sfortusaWy les the mnssami* sf Nis
mere these gentlemen that the never w acid mmt(ag. slat mid has Mss I ytedt ,
Ilan f a ma orb sea timid and etsesam.,.N i.aaYj heti
have any in/we.cs or control over the who knew biro, bad a palba l "mad MMIC
Huron B(gwal. Whet these teatimes as isdtmideal the fa gleam
lees, Mr mid lady
hat Mr. Hy one s
are pleased to term our "min -statement.," P aitM
could wily be verified on oath. But even the dee. n.twitMDadrag *1st hie
though (ales, it is the coolest impudence t• 'nether, Mrs. lenela.p W a pp.,a
suppose that the testimony of then gentle. eons? i
with Sir George Art.
men would remove too false impression - Tho indiviial Vie., 1 to, **Neff u
from this blit mind -the may inAoesce the et h of sasotiaffr Iia, he o, f test t!
p 1 7 ry net rte press, sell.d IeNly tet' y 11 -
Mr. Wawa to aef in op/asit• is to its ..n jennieswt, but mo.4jo.rwmed llm Aa;
especially woes they fled that wile hires! hr hese mild as April, and ear tine feat AAM morel eltereeti.m, Dr. Dreier rut
" shrewd, discriminating dalioamnrstl, be has .mea i au bot *.RN he th also and bat( i9Rss Ar
simply became they are net (seeded e. the pees.
Aet, but oho made the very best prevision for de east{,.
Wen a lesjD a Mie t
.ad ether
alt.ptber apart fn. it. The expellee- y of the u.-E.,lified Dumbest that lam` Resealed rummy 14 ser *em Thee sols. w
mb. stat of the ease would Smit 1Uteh111 fltlwaie;
to smovsnes uplift sf working, at will It • . w' 1aen
nom mho w1). eesea, ! Now, beth the admit of. is the 116 amebae of the Aet, - sad Dr. **Cob. Peals. -_-
Sherif ad the Clark of the Paseo, whom. it 16 cloth the Oho d.ty .f t1. Btdectem
misty petters she great put of the bier, gall a 1. "lett*" /he Aaottssst 11YNIC1PAL >M.MOR'i6Mi►
Roll the same of Noah mimeo so 1 r
dukes that they w eget wens "aid for 111
their ser, *has formerly t aed.'we be-
lieve they en acs sew paid. list thee
therm b the Crier ! bis him ales*, for the
two is thee, arse the IaUottia8,.meset-
ed to mems bemired or basdrd sad twenty
Mdse ! ! '1i1. " Cot* r Who in ,tis
Cries t The Ash fr oe fee as ors sem as -
ears, house tase W.-4.. at, i !hist.
eves shoo smell a pew* ! 11 the Mb
esteem of to Ay es And t1a/ the whole
pains a Irebe 1k rN1tie be the Char-
ms" of tis Clusb a mike-. W 11 . Cimb
et as pow. *1v Vballev it a rmpbmd tm
- •_. I ,1 • tit slgaup d tti1 Wee
saws. sad the Clarke( 1h Paw i epi•
omit dr
" Frees W ktegyify 5the imeadoelo of Moir illid iori . seb►g,
artist ill their for f«asst ser, le ds de .Piej.s
of w tlsdoet0►a of Army or iii rargorift
J t18as, awl dimsred sed eempofwarfor the
pet/braised* eta. &hie .f a Arm."
Ifs ' W. woad thigh Met this te .
Mata attempt teetnnllaavhimihs Gator,
hole as oath helm=
el •.nn tlo fssyf
dsr*tl0. A. k11irYt 1 tMear
till be V M.. *m-alada '
d'f' 1 g *L. Cs.gti i1•mea Alomor,
heamd Aim tW siwe t1.
.if the frAel thea nteee't'*a the
`Makateht1 jar
Ma Ma, Nidi'..eeth tw1
-- ,i it r a. :.a.
edam e
Sha whet ser.
hot 1leowe
Werredeosba 4me••Asabn fair- 'ell,i/'
oma. Cru. W11•011,1ma
, .rmbMsOah, Jolts ; `•
[ie,. sod lobe PuNasd. • - •
k ^' s s/111.41 .-4101wt *Maya,Maeel
lrta 11hrt ..aSrV05 aff '411
P•.it• Dads% , T.
diebendrararri. W, 1A04
MOida r' -.Baso iso del•
ild. Dyes, Tbna.. Mr ika.lry, D.
L1ah. Oss.t> t L.
' lose, H.
4aa eJ
+ e Q*i IS sf. sat 4140s4•ascff...raTN } do •