Huron Signal, 1851-01-16, Page 1e
art of
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Y(► Z1H6'/.:r,rr AUT 10 f0r1411lu vett •t• ems
•tads*" •t' '„r, •.i :a •Wi . t • .•to . zege.s••, ,J r.•
•1 i' . a; •• .r'• 1• ' n . as t tee • tarty ‘.J i : -cr.
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I IN 1 * seas '
VOL111111 III.
•T Tata nab •• Tea rue.
�!)t inion Signal,AGRICULTURE.
taint AA 8
ell haws vee.
erg oswtw'r•iq a5t, .eeeate.
• ST wseaT TOO Li tine.
i lute •d Jeb «tet, mutat whit
mitosesseel • i.s,
Tams sVtsw tees SOWS- -TEN SIM -
USW 'Me if paid strictly 1. ad•aaee,
or Tweave 40p Sax. ham with the eapwslles
of t1)pt.
to paper tllsoiesdnsed moil arrears ars
paid tap. maims Wpbliaher disks!, hisan-
do etala ay ideridnelle the savory ketosis! re-
sp.ewa►h M stir sahecHbere, stall ressi•. ■
AM letters a jdrrsrd is the Ldiwseasi
Net Mid, .rtb.p will mai las takes ort.f the
V ams far •w.imtrww.
trs f.Lead«,Orn ileertiwa LO $ i
Tea lrillaudeof hamlet0 0 1+
ileetimmersion, 0 3
Ltaw.wti.s. 0 0 10
Aevtire Istamiee nt ieerniem ysr li•e, O 0 I
0 0 4
Q thee. wee
Pweeiess.-it bee bees remarked that
the beneficial effects produced 1• ploughtoe
ell mately du to the free adwlssioe that
spsratioe gives to the sit, whereby ebe de.
eampnhiUoa of the sunset patties of the
soil is greatly facilitated, as well ss the sum
version of decaying vegetable matter into
reiterate acid, ammonia and Water. Air Is
sne..ury a the gerveleatfoM' of
.baste the maim Irby se mesy Moans
.kinds of weeds spring ss whom the soil le
Rut stirred to the depth of six or eight
leeks, the detonate to vitality of the *.•ds
INS nig renewed eider turreted*, resales.
Plug bang ales dosses@ the soil fres* woods
and ruderfag it sure porno., it moos
lbs young sad tender roots of elute to
ptreetrate le search of fs.od-it aloe fsetli•
tales the sbeerptiee•f rein water.
Many clays costae a quantity o/ free h
is the form of tbm black rest of
iron, a sobetancs noxious to vegetables ; i5
lbs presence of air it is ena,erted into the
rad urn of fres a harmless. eompounl.-
The sheep. is the character d tie erne
Tb the Clerks and Bah iia Of rust destroys the eat/foam .tad senacety of
the clays, and converts them tato row
the Division L`Ourtg. retively loose and friable soils. Farmers
Tiff; faev,aod demand for SUMronass skits th.unfae* of their fields
• old ether BLANK WRiTS in eon- with the ►nose's. It to dVY«t 15055 the
tamieews' With she beams, of the severkl Di- ratioatdo of the opsnsion rasa the deeper
emu Curies 11th District, bee warranted the plough penetrates. the gnats benefit
eta iwprimist them is Dees larger quinti.. is likely to result.
a ee des hentdore, nod eaasequentty sus.. Teo euMnd plough is mneb need in Greet
Mee es to tial them meet cheaper -there- fANaS,-ti rervr.e to break up and loosen
resew, issiwete is tae emerel t/Pieere re- too eartb 10 01 52 !oohed below the lisle to
writs obese ilisshPeruay that from tits *bid) the c• mann plough penetrats..-
datoe els end ani weber Write las. Subsoil pIonghiog is of little avail oo rode
lowireDaviel.s Curt. wdI h• Hold po•sessieg • retentive bottom. without the -
at tits gnat O$es at the reduced price of tooth draining.
Crp The Rwtueu At•m eixr,iic■ rsa Do""ow•-The .tenstve istrednetsn.
13,' ...a ofa proper.y.l.m of drainion, cossIitute..
aneeme•er r • anquettonablo, the great modern improve-
ment in the Art of Agriculture.
!Rank Deeds and Memorials, it. effects aro due,
ND alt Weide ef DIVISION BURT lot. T• the greatly tnereas•d porosity
SLAB amt *LANK PROM IS- of dr•ised soils, allowing the circulation of
t NOT= fee eels et the Steal air among their particles with every champ
Oils. Every diseriptiea of BOOK and.o/temperature.
JOaPeisbmussed.mussedwith '.teaslad
e* d Ind. To the rapid removeof seper6utus
and stagiest water, Mooch on endrateed
INN 611• the pore, or .mall..pateee betweee
their mild particles and opposes the intro-
duction of air into it. place.
9rd. To the site/ration which takes place
le the .sekan►cal sompooltioif of the sell,
.ber.y N 1. remised sue, friable, mos
easily worked, tad at as earlier period of
the year than else esdraiw.d.
4th. To the great change it produces in
the temperature of the soil.
Atli the suds oro this, r Recast have wati.feetonly
And ed0 tbNaie M Mm s tot »*sbttsbdd that tbe d one
g y, et polled of .uper6nous or dreiaa(e water.
AMww AM wftbu ; that le, of one pound of water, over, mad
Wm" Oboe" AMM 15 em15005* year f above the ge•ntity which • sal is capable
Pt • trait ego -4U It W tweet - of retaining by i'a power of eltractton or
Fortin V love ; I :b.rbtioe, lowers the temperature of the
Oto little yearns, 1 soil tee degrees. if the one paged of water
Md•aremereasmey •Aims, ]eve, ;pas. offby the drain., and not by •vapnra•
dsdadmw4sM see. ;lion, oo reduction in tempesture take"
• bpi the light i them m• mord, love, Place.
Rem is..ts.bele.nesse, The mean bigh..t tempentore of the sir
Bili let at denies., • in Mash (the earliest 1 month
is bs.bsed bans..: in Garda,) is 34 degrees. The warm wee
Mew AIMS aha•the ie sew Melt yeir 1 melts the meow and froze% writes of the
'itis m/t sgemus it be erste f _ soil. 1f thoraethty drhin•d, the water will
silverly filmy to the dosis. turns* *erne
UT by cheek to my disk, lags ; hues of the day-ttwre, and ter et the tew-
e hn.r age, . perst,ire of from 110 to 50 deer's, will Jef-
et woes* see rend, and Mitek, Ione, Use de realer,.. tbewi.g, before it is cool
Ae the Maw puska' grow. ed to 39 dere much from: soil. to April
Via the relay hoe has bad, love, the mean bittttfst thii�perstere ti 71 degrA.
• �,}N a flesh that gees and pewee them IS &rim ; devils
LW •Sewer Mtn fret the died, Inve, many hoarse( the day. warm sirs se d,sie-
Asli W •'sr the tombs r
Meiotic ad .oils, twat folies diameter. tad rapddly
Sew akee{i the bei, a ase tiler* rout impart such of it. warmth sound aodbs•
It u set tip -••eat it k. eau 1 low the Yowl roils of plain., thus lode-
tipsepapowapplemprowtpisepoweawewasows ae as e.rly+ind rapid growth in tithe way
imports,* pat of the plat. Expsriaaeta
have lama made in England on the tee�sen-
tare of undsieed soils ; they exhibited the
Morelia end May impottaat hets, that the
tm bp,rai ,. bl i wet soli sheer roue dtiHeg
e asy, months above 47 degree. -.sews
Sebes below the sodium The same .oak
wbeo drasjd isiieated a temperature, ,after
• Aged*, /torte, a 64 deifies at 7 Melted
NUS the enrfeee, h'a'd' a depth of two
a dii pi,' di
oar' feat iamb ioehea, a fat••
grunt. W bN would be the •Sieg f. lbs
L dm liikn era' etre is priw eoustry where the temperature of air ted
Ibis ie Maw fest erat rail is so mach crake than in England 1
slew a obs deemed
WWII !tfi•f1Nr•• fu she waggly [A very large number of soled bootie, •
sab1bit ie altraMUoe for water, es wood
.-, . s; .ster.q,.1,t. I 1 rsys•Md glpie ire, Ili.•. A11 fatly bodies aryl
j tierNY4d oils, Our decided reoota(os for tete
•hr4w year, dialer � pdrtielpwo f Slip ; cheer cutlet N
MM _leen. lar R the pail wettesdd it. wow will metals at-
dumeggefw L 544 meas guise taebed to the surface ofa stew pinee
k5iai>/pylwso pees*. of eves wins hnw.*4 •b*►mead do# toe goiekdrar wo.lidd�fs I
T olr'YWir'rtasr, bet set frWi i aft*
pas, d tine. Mild e.s be wetaeiry
quicksilver shire ahs soothes is free
deem lest. fleet se mow alines
mKtar M *44
mad; se M t• forte a Ion
yI .rel*,C.4:61,6f to MS
at«, the fluid will
MUN tole therm.•
ties N Oa glwder truer he exactly
y .bol eN ofec s.
taw w w ti.rt ulwy.tb
naelebNge �'Alst y M
Essittrimit dw �l legbee theyt
satwmttes pewee for wohr. 1t%
in town [a*wtt.
Pees ly hood Armagh Sy We, lore;
I. s s• suweals, brighWS rib t Ml rate, love,
h err s. ry brow.
Dee hie Meal away, love
TM ywr IAt will Mt! i. the Ura l
hftaseU 7N ds0i1bli.mow calif.
amara (ss all sols rAYvee blue) M fallewed
h a gide Il theld si liamirwtis avid •sti.ity. -
The magas iasshee mM Well NatWest morn
teir 1.440140,10•.11161, the kplsit emape
• • lahe ptilwaj qi.s-
ti/ isal
d*0sr •
l� which j• h.m*.0 op
fjii thelfAist W4 .i a did
gill, la all
iiditit/mtkm nisi
r. v
whip at bas daubed06 I0.. CURRAN'S GRATITU DE.
Calcareous *sod (Bead sand) 4'9 do .r
Loaay Soil 40 do "Allow .lieentlemen." said Curran on
Chalk 45 do covering,
to a large party, "to give you
Cin Inas 60 de eentoseet. Whoa a boy, 1 was one morn
70 de tog p4ying to the village of Belt.alley, wit
(Jebsetee) a light heart 0.4 lighter pocket. The gibe
Whoa water of attraetio. slowly disappears tied gest went gladly reined, when sudden
alma*e the process of evaporation, the soil ly among us appesred a stranger ofa remark
eenerects seed •mesal•. 0sseres, this genet Mk and very cheer:ul aspect; bis intrusion
to particularly ogeeresble on clay width. 11 was int the least restraint upon our men
u worthy of remark, that soils aborti stub little aeumbtage. Hs was a benevols
moisture from the atmosphere. "Different mutant, and the days of latency (after al
soil• possess this property in unequal de- the hippieet we ever see) perhaps roes upon
rms. Dunes a eight of 19 hours, and his memorys• Hoven bless him! 1 see his
orbs the air is motet, aecerdieg to flehub- _ 1.e form at the dietetics of ball a eeutory,
ler, 1000 of perfectly dry t rtsy Band es M steed beim. toe 1. th.Batl-alley,
Pon Cly•
its heeding ad•oealss, 4 this`` nisch award re-
elydsier the pr•pessity foe •Ieohof,o idalgesoe,
• bet Me deeper grated we take contemplates the
a mereal el the craw el. !be s•rbid sppetlte.-
Ths Prue miens r drag h•ma•iry ped eerie
• is et,reetisg dee nit...tis el besereleet minds
,o IMbnrerrs of war. We wield teach era so te
lire that !be war peewee w«Id die within them.
- hewed of speeding all oar strength ,s ?Mots a
• . restrain the brad rage in mea for a oration's
blood, we w•.kl ,teauee lib owe blind of the
�• hellish last. Then is the Anti -Slavery reform.
I "Ho in the freersaa whom the tratb snakes free,
1 Aid all am dares beside."
Thee them ars moved, social, political, land.
*herr, .ate. and salon reforms. We are the
•'herald.•' •f them ail W
(o.dau.a of these all is rsf.rreg the whole
JI `um 0 lb*. •f water. to 10.4ys of my cadd-lrood. His oases rasa.
Caleareons Sand 9 do was Bo�ea; be was the Rector of Newmar• Medical .r health refers is «r tsars pecalier
Clay Loam IN do I was wrtming sod foil of w•,gery, thick- of �, Brisk, tad sedicf«, and Is the employ-
Pue. Agriwitsral Clay 41 do I5( eesrytbiog that was secestnu, sod by swaI e( all dna hyet•sie sge•ete•, wa regard as
Aid peaty wails, or such as are rich is volts- DO Waal a miser of my eeoeoutcit es; every abs Minns etembls54 aleck i• the why of ho.
table matter, s st11: ! tty." We one was welcome to a share of them end 1Imas ps•P•m Tem dei"*"• peas three-
(manorsdlhesyet fn this o the ruses orb dad int to spare ager basin freighted er Msr• !*list-.e..rlie. of Siad sad
ti p � 1 plenty pe R g body_,. M cubit wasted, se writ., ow. wwsed
potato plmrts always appear refreshed is dry tsu eompa5v. doss sweetmeats rutty ,•i,.p;d ; and agaisa th.w 4.l•si•ea w. shall
weather, after the earth has boos aimed M tthfdhed toe home with him. !Warped from still wags •'eEeoa•s sad teles•.. war." With
the boo rinsed shout 'bar roots. The spin Bops my alphabet and my grimmer, *ad "simple eaters" u oar aisle asaheritati•e teach -
is mode more porous, in effect a much lar. the rudiments of the clwis. He taugbl er, we shall criticise with all pariele frsednm.
ger ssrfaee te rzposed to the air and the sit all he could, and thee seat the to school th.l.sebiap and amorist of lb* leased• called
mwnsre 1 sty costa*. -the moisture a _0#iddlets. Is short he made mea two ye .•flea• sod doisgv °f the want-
•hooOl.d, sod oa'0eere to the growth hit _.redaect It war she"' thirty-five yes,. ad sskmaed, called a:eerieee: As ever,
drooping plants
,. .ba. .rd. orb•• 1 had rswaU to eetne o0 oa alt pts. i• ins- ymrera ally we wit 1 11.11
It b oCeestonslly urged by practical Molt" Nee at the liar, and when 1 had s seat 1st all caaad •ppoasats repecaNaNy; bat n',
ere, thorough draining will not succeed to 'arliament, on my return one day from dolmas ted oeuiosar we stall beadle wliboe!
the hot avid dry simmer reason of Canada. teed, 1, fogad an old gentleman seated cocdiuoaa.
This u a uptake, the roots of vegetables lees to my drawls, roam. Itis Nast hem- The leveed may talk aid write se posterity
shun *tartest fever, they tura aside when liariy placed each side of the Italian Ulm- that 'role het rhe learned eau modernised them.
their descent would bring them is contact oily -pees, and hu whole air bespeaking the Sot. c,i M..? The teamed t, medicine are t«
with it. They will penetrate many feet conectoneness of one gnite at bonne. -He routes' a k. ••Iwrmrd pveple rennin hi seam -
into the soil if it be welt drained. Bit torsed round -it was my friend of ea.da1iog iggamsee. it a nisch reeler to are
is the awe with our Canadian field. 1 My. 1 reekec ansumeti•wly into bis arms,, re•eeirs. epnrx..rad ares, t• s
When the roe of wheat or other t toed • 1t 7a r r:C ay t thea a reitab..hbb
1 N a�lera., ted horst roto thine. Wordy cannot de sway. I1 i. sou wr to arts eprsiablehebky
Weal begin to grow is the .pripg months, scribe the 'mewl which followed. 'Yoe are • a the i s•raoee 01 iM memo. than 10 edema.
theydimmer at the depth of six or seven nght. Sir, you are right; the chimney -piece them. Be ours the harder task. We will leave
tae • .apply of et.gnant water, which s yoore-the peter.• are yours -the house ••common 50515" to do the best they or with
can 0d on escape but by cold -producing joyous. Yee gas. se all i have -my the preaeet state of affairs, while, we will labor
evaporation. The roots are ant *sly tithed • ray b..efeeto, Mediated with me: to make good the poet. prnpheey. Ws ark
chilled, but absolutely prevented from and. la the steamag L caagbt the t.. elates- bat o. tenadl,los• ass favor -access t. *Air pantile
peeetrsting deeper to eeareh of nutriment, _Mr ill hiefine blue eye, when he saw poor 'u'"d Gare .s 'be estd the eel" -
they etenot thrive wht et led br tow paspk, she bile if yeu please. Tbey
Iset-ii/s►eaitrro ofbfm bounty, rising/.1115505 breos° whiskers, sed then o.-werken ;
drainage water, their growth le retarded, Ira she Muss f', tot reply to a and thee a geaswtirre of see and w•l"en .0511
and their rat(* limited ; os a drained soil right boansbl•. P.m Boy.! tea is (s.1.: •rase and tbt.artb, .either cradled is
they strike d.reet;y downward. to the level and mo goiter had a loog•r deposit of parse*- sic nor bros,ht up in isigoity, in the phvsioingt-
of the drain., and in those depth., they tis• cal benerolenee in the Court above• This al sea bet reared with healthy b•di.a, pare
sever a euppty animators in @tremens of- u wise -let us desk to his memory." beers, and clear bead., hoes ie strength, yet
dronlb,'preys( 1p from below by the _ Iambs la rottener. Give es reader. sad sob.
scriber. Help a to ietere«rm with as meeh
wbieb every nil po..•e.e• the power of D,aa•osTrom or ase Amami& Eimoos• 0.... mid a p5sthk, ud the eeeesaatlou
abortiar. It bin been ascertained by _This fact of degradation, atraogely *tali- d she esp.erl re(nrre we labor fur, wilt be pro -
'e tale aMln a that .nets cease to pornorteiy b►aeeed.-N. Y. Weakly Trtawu.
ge pry V. caged in geological history, with reference
,row, r loos ire Oast heti,@ to form - to ell the greeter division. of the animal
Lamy Heft 91 do keit. o me he took a particular fancy. Ectal. The delseaoe of the world is the matter
the d we shall
.544. ieefte sod rail
power .1 eaptlery attractant, besides that
the seed. Its morgue are Oben •ielwnre- begdoes, has often appeared to se a her- From the New York Tribune.
ly devoted to thpt Qwest. The (aeration [ p u,.agly wogsrhd .nes. W. one was but THE FUTURE OF INDUSTRY.
of the *Pod. 1s many 01sde of cultivated _ imperfectly. is those twilight -Wythe to -
osis roto wing cJcr� A begins
ide isle Jumer wbah all such sehjeeta necessarily belong; . That great changes in the practical re -
M ties, sough does appear to stow . lulus el Wealth to Went of Capital to
P•w41 til, sell to the depth d fine or tit t� skyat a feiel thwtg inNility-t Industry, of Land to ill Cultivators, are
'aches. rho litmited depth to which the try be. The general
rooto ham pesetrat•d prevents elites from lei's bees laweulahygrast. The lower predicted and insured by the progress of
obtaining a eu$cieeey err
r melt:ere' the .*alone of the eetebr•ta preceded the memmi= Timeline
tad „lanai e l the u of h -
y esNera Isom drneth, a /,trope .vivo •ootioo tad d Pbyeie•I Sei000e is our day
T ped, and the eaemmdan+tie quo is well know■ that *ammo *mires
theater which bait takes place to a very drupsd pneweded maw And 7a, a therees►'
Targe extent this .u, with respect to elo- of thou great divisions in wind, M■ at leant and thinkers of all partfa., ieclading these
ger sad `ay, and if�!bw dry weather bed hos• es ow prominent feature, •
the preeeat,tbrsaotb :r °f the most Com•rreatieo ea 10... already
tinged a fortoigbt'longer, the labors and the mysterous element of degradation, isnot share and frequently avow thew cum -
hopes d the farmer, is malty parts of the
provmos, would hams been altogether de-
feated. Comparatively little damage would
have been done on dras,ed rile, for the
coati of vegetables, following their owe
sa11sM teedeeeies, wontd hese been able
to pesotate erase the early paragto..sibs,
deep into thoeseil, sod there God • wppll
ermoisture, removed from the rapidly ever).
Mktg Algoma ofa hot sue trod a dry at-
[The'rest r•botacle to thorough &Me-
tsg 1* Canada, ie the 1
with the low price of farming produce... -
Within a romeeient dist,ace from largo
tones, "iberi i marhet for *heat, oats, hat.
per, teretpr. wgel wunul, re desevelly
to he ubtate•d, ibis objeeties ems Mareely
hold good. The •sat eosins le the
average product. the superiority of the
e•a,pl., the early maturity of the crop.,
their comparative safety from the effects of
droutb sod the 6, : all trowel the pre.
emotion of a rapid end profitable return
Jot se outlay of capital. in districts re-
mote froth markets, the expenes of thorough
dratede eimetttutes an inoperable objee-
Uoe 4Titiritduction. Duch Rood ata,
howooltta eCt:ompliabed by clean opal
fkrrow. 10 •r 19 inches deep -mod so cut
that they shy admit of a coattpoous fall
of excise tb eetb their whole length, so
that ne pertiou may domain le soy pat of
the Ostrow. As inelhestienief ope Diet is
three hundred will be footle sufficient to
sedan se etbrokei eutreet. if the fill be
quite callers. Wheel the hid lies low,
the moot hees4etel welts will be Med.
ced by • ♦rata. jog , w the depth d two
MEL. with bete sod there a belie to the
d k of tries mod a-ka(f or four foot -the
b 'and alvei. Whig fitted up to wields
see foot from the serfeee, waif Mouse from
two le els *ohm is diallodeg teem unored
with a pod, lrefepted dowqs ted ailed *p
with earth. It .say bete he reaearked, that
epee drabs with sr **skint raider-Rretied
drtis, ,egsbs dens sero it eow*trrctioe
41011 mensal p dueled to them. Thorough
telyifog ie as at itt itgell, sod ippfiss se
pith tits sltpt;pepeselio. of
W glijmase, Weide* • pttwets-
leeeYi.4. A meet wel-
00 I6411410111gampriMptf idle' "'trate /eke
MI tMt
inferior to the past? There was a time in tions. A teaser instance of roc's
which the iethyie form eneetitoted the avtrwal 11 given in the Iasi Nertk British
highest ssaople of lie; but eke sera during Review, a new and vigorous quarterly es -
that period did not swarm with fish of the tab abed at Ediobu b is of
degraded type. There was. in like man- the Free Church' ,agitation. Toe WI/ -
article arise when all the Carnivora, and all article in this number treats of'The Agri -
the herbivorous q iadropads+ were represent.
cultural Cris*,,' toot it amort skillful and
ed h repples; bus thereat* no roar mage*• able medication of the Abolitioo of the
6cest reptile. oe the earth now es reigned Coen-L.wt against several .const arraign -
over it then. There was an after tuns, meta of the policy tad jas.4ae of 10.1
when bird" seem to here been the sole re -
The whiter fights W battle
ptpent•ti,.. of the worm -blooded animals: throtyhout s the ground that Rs•
bat we And, kom the postale( their feet left mal dor est tn,otve r IsdawUah end
tet.•ad.toas, that Lb. *4114.4 mea 011(111. Social id fotutino, whscJ w neiet that K
bays doers amt for that .tithes role+ice en It. He
"Walked under their huge legs, sod peep'd
Further, there Will an age, when the.q'sd-
rupedel mammals were the magnates of
cre.tilme, but it win as are In which the
sagaea.usslepheat. sew =beet, eave M
tit.: comparatively small Asians tad Afro.
can circles, and !HlreCted to two ap.cies,
was the inhabitant Of realty country of the
old Wend, free itseastbere extremity tee
the femme shares of the unborn deems;
god when tut herds of closely .!lied sad
equally calcium' genius occupied its place
is the New. Acid sow, is the timee of the
high placed humse dyeeste,-M thew fors
malty delegated menarche of crestium. who..
nature ,e to look behind them upon the past
and before tbein, with mingled fear and hope
Upon the fetor,, --ds we mot ea eertafslr
clues, however, with the following sigat6.
cant paragraphs, to which we would give
the widestdtffusios mod the feU•wtempha-
sis. Depend on it, the far-reaching truths
they embody bare • signiAesace for Mud -
ea as well as Europe :
" But indeed, the horoscope of the agri-
cultural classes is by so wase so difficult
to cast. In the first place if the poorer
lands .hall, as Professor Low exposts. ' go
est of cultivation; L e. out of tenni farm-
ers' haods, their pace may be at once sup-
plied, with no dimieutaoo of real, ani •
ceasiderably isareased erodes*, by misuse
proprietors, or by what would perhaps be
bettor is the pretest sate of the sgrisulto.
ran Masses, pottier teasels at /eat Inion,
iabadia( tram lo me1Aedr of kigk.rlpttatihe.
The prej.dise• of pel,ucal eoosomisis
optima l4 F'Site whirr* have bees modi-
see the elssseis of a stall d /iisd of late by the (tests Io eta favor preyed
degradation, whisk w to exist for nese, see- Mf Mr. I*iseo book oa Norway. Mr -
o( a .tats of Scream perfectibiiityr,
to which tkere is tope no end, Nay of a
higher race, of widely we know bot
this meek' we et bust know, that they tag
slue espseslate awe (Irl el•.was-..
that of the "e act amply and of 'wise
Suit kept sot their first ..tato."-Inegi's
Miler', "Pltefpr6an of the Creator," re-.
Salad is 01. 70 .tab Di iii t (jtoHkrfy.
Blacker'. 'pith. Hos. J. Hewitt'. success
is Wised, the late Me.. Davis. Utlb•rt's
s$Nnmesita is douse mod elewber4 lad
a mess of other evident., which has as far
cenaeted Ur. Mill, the bet political econo-
mist d theday as to-eamee 0.. to ptre
his adbesies to the party whish adenomas
t e pati(.' No dosbl .n Nee 'ye-
tis • greeter arso.wt of produce a hammed
., 0*o d with habits of finis, eslfweetrasnt
and indepsduce ie the cult:motto, M
"''1i)i"Warsa-(0.e" with in ls- which our laboring classes are saw, alas !
preen 0. 4'Pt slbilnuesere r Memo' of 1t- rapidly 1 it has its
seen Meiits Mutase �M.s+. td heti.. *rani in doodles', sesertbelw : it u a moois-
slbis iU�tr°e teed Nrtemttef�idlralblr«al- ems_ i_!4+ tkert(•rs ttapomary d not a
Wm m a dst*f art hap.Mest - tIw sw sheM"rTs'm>R
owes 0..wier Mabee woe tie** espies. its• el soetety�; at .tfl6rl.
void plwys a wenches y het Noy sMl! efrirtUIIties lot employing
rgsA �hlwa . sse♦twv err tort.. tbg atreWs� of a mitieeuee, fon iav«ung
luxe eapitaN to pmtila works *eel wisely
's laprovame5te ; et cannot be lb.
. gut of autism which Tike Great Dr, -
Meg Me proved by experMmt the ewer -
Same powers of *Mee and eo•persthss. lo
.10 .tis.. •.sh as harms misdeed.
' {tart. .141 /or the plow, rel might
e p i to y wretployed : brit the ea] •Aly rat
Doi* wade meet sod wall mwuttme to be
of l�t [ cdii•oyd bt ' he growth selling.' Neuse
t.mM4 slosh ahold .ane s edeesemges
NM_dg*edam h.shg. Ad Soso r ,
am wheat*, hos system soli Moil be
eetWellowig SWAM prefiesidiri as est.
PMdo Lem. s00b-Plyr taIe.tsev Y
atrtlhammb•� ploy d hepara 4%e
*MI Ogle
incl, ell i nit No and Ilk N�
eeemeeme 0ism owe* se be erlmhei
Bess Neter lege .amity, es they awe y
Air wwlN. with the Mt--ft'as ' bt.L Abw.. pawykw.
' "ter Mir words
wsim *Muse le boo rmaisard itself iota
Wowl MMRaIMsr 1611.11111060, 54
J i -
id 08
Thus Ase MS w0. of tI,, **Rte
sal aegis Mt1Mi M M boa Vete NStti
tlr't - ' r .
!.ill la! i
*waif Me die` t' it
(R M esseissed-1
tesMatigi illi d +het dashi,.lhild p/ss4Wrea
wear ase .row *y D, TWA dth Weer,
114 it= inlet= eat*
bangs 9eM4samaat %m.sMliAwbeiisnheep`
silt 1= 40 -
or M M'
erefl.bardleggehielaiMberfaile iambi
wlsbiaa. We wma0i bees boar bm.sss.
hila T.mpwwswa orbs. «wow passswathd by
w111, by attempt:mg to tweets Mr. Hestsble.
tbe laud well he permeoeatly improved, the
peeduce increased. the labra' wages,
dwellings, ctealazanon bettered. Whetters
Of not Sir. Fewer'. megneieeet Improve-
ments on Dartmoor pay been or tet, tb•
thaog Is done ---it is a preheat 1s hie coups
try oleo much skill, labor, cultivation; sed
the mind must be 'sadly warped which can
find. and some do, to such ea action a MS..
Sun fur contempt. But further ; why may
not the joint stock company principle be
anolied to farm. a. M• -
Why may not a board of directors, by
mean. of their skilled servants, coking.
vast sheets of country with skill, as Pavey,
a largeness of design as yet 'minium i•-
' Whet will Cockney directors know about
farming t Wby, what did they knew about
railroads 1 Are railroad directors saris.
eerie and sureeyers 7 No, {bey are simply
min of capital and men of busioeee, who
have the happy power, as yet unknown to
moat farmer'', of rico/nazis the men d
really practical science, and (tatting thele
to work -as they did Stepbeo.osand Bru-
nei -be they will hereafter toms of the
very men whom Professor Low holds up to
the ridicule of ignorant and conceited boors.
A war, or some other cause, check foreign
investments ; profits, according to their
law of tendency toward a mtsimum, wy
and will temporarily sink so low u to
make the chanes of profit by land invest-
ments worth consideration ; and we may
see, perh.N in the couree of fifteen years,
large jntnt stock capitals poured out upon
the half tilled lands of Britain. to the i..
slow improvement of culture moi cativo.
tion. Doubtless, its • will be laity apaeu-
etiun., failures, losses ; but the money will
be there -so much surplus capital locked
op --sorely to a better place than if it were
with the last surpluses, to repodiated luau
and treaolss• railroad.•
But ergo thin. the ideal object of seise -
tine 'agriculture, the msx:uw et production
would not be as certainly reached
as by " la perils caflrre" tri Belgium and
Lombardy. Why, then, easy not the ex.
periment be made to combine tb• two, by
ratwans of associate labor, in which every
individal employed oo a fern, front the
.mere paid worker to the capitalist, •booed
receive hie proportion of the pro6ls, the
muscle of the laborer and the skill of the
scientific man befog accredited to them, as
they easily may be, as so much capital i
'• Mr. John Stuart Hill, io bis employe
on the probable futurity of the laboring
classes, which we would gladly e.tice
more at length, did space allow, points N
some such arrangemeot as the certain
goal of modern industrial society.• It is
at least a question deserving cetera cos.
sideratinn, whether the benefits of a plait
which has been:found already .tcte.•fal is
the Cornish mines and fisberie@, sad im
the various handicrafts both is Leaden and
Paris, may not also be extended toagricul-
ture. Wby should not, hereafter. a whole
parish for example, be cultivated by one
loge associate corporation, in which all
the civilizing appliances alba model lode.
top houses might be combroed, without the
least intrusion on falsity independence,
with the economy of a eotnmo■ Michas,
w•.h-houses, store., school, and library -
why not* common place of worship also 1
The government of each a corporation,
even if every member po.seased voles io
,proportion to his capital, would *twi s
remain in the hands of the most wealth
and .killfal, while the very poorest Would
empire self-respect, iedependeec , ..U.
restraint, chivalrous and self-eaerificireg
diligence, under the ennobling comment-
ates of corporate life and permanent inter-
est, and ander the wholesome premiere d
the public' npinioe of the community. The
Amato.' of labor might be carried one to an
extent as yet uokoowo io agneulttires and
yet combined with a civilizing variety of
occupation. The sales sod rarebit/es of
the establishment might beconducted by a
stogie salesman, who could visit markets
now inaccessible to most farmers, with an
enormous avis• of that time, Outdo ud
horse expenses which are tow wasted in
market journeys by isolated Armor.. At
theism's time, it is by no mass neessary
that the whole population of such so es-
tablishment should be devoted to agricul-
ture. On the contrary, the maximum of
re being the eosditioa of tb.
Nartdtty, it would be adventsg'ees to admit
a proportion of artisan., who might seed
their goods op to the metropolis, se the
watch -.makers of Peixanca do now had
whin .baring 1. the bluster of •os.try
life. be Outmodes. a besSt to the
lf the satertats of moth as
tob.cen, silk olr 6u, were grows ire the
tarp, tits amount •f capital combined would
allow of oracharry Wing greeted to work
them tip. The machinery meed waver be
Idle : whether steam or water power, there
would .1..,. fir it to
Rndferbe cors. is s.itehteg tax, er is pimp.
: and thus the •normo..
water power of our moon might be road*
the very agent of their cultivates•,
mann/acture rd agneullur. might be com-
bated in the same eomsosuly, end the
civNt.N,se of Ma eben•r spread the •sow.
,te .0111b it pis eases, and resolve the
health .t nuts, amid the wasted sol.1.4..
of the V°rk.hire bill..
This is but as .Mali imperfect. dreamt,
• " The loam 5f the ' .f
t•deatry.' be r.• s,bw is summa! ep Me
ispo5temt diememe s ea the. •sbj►M. fee
healing lbw wideueg sod
*nem betimes ahe,.hw ef Whams amt the
sloes e/ e. woo, i web, Waren
,Ins f by dorms «. all Mae bWtwly ew-
iset ea the *imbues ted s..ab«iwa of
modem 54, • • • Although,
thwJmoe, estiege..as1 sf t►u ort aro
a•w .w thaw rs/sasy, thew m.ittp1' *Y.s
emigres* Mme wbssitlpm they emir . the
gaawN Maws r bmsmssNs, ave
owes *0 . Wogs .say meat 1104•
Yiw1bMartimes, sloe ie • letter se 11.
so w» tbm sau* s• Woko f !oho'
tlbml q.ogty