The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-12-31, Page,FF'Q'
111.1F •
'Goshen. Mission banci
entertains Parents
-Goshen Mission Band .enler-
fained their parents and friends
ti Sunday kive,ning in the schoul-1
room of the -church, where they .
held the ;Christmas meeting.
After the president, Gerald
rayter, welcomed everyone,a
:Christmas earol was sung, with.
T;rs, .Clare McBride at the
liana. Diane ,and Debbie Mc-
Kinley gave a recitafion.
Dianne and Donna Peek sang
8 (met accompanied by Mrs. Ei-
mer Ilayier. Other numbers on
the program. .were: recitation by
Arm piano- number by
AiarilYn Keys, a quartette num-
ber by •Gerald and 1.3e1)Hayter
ad Wayne and Donna Peck and
a short play .acted by Marlene
Keys, Patricia Robinson, Joan
Llho.t, .lacqueline, Donna and
Dianne Peck.
The Scene was portrayed by
John and Debbie McKinley as
Joseph, and Mary with Ronnie
McBride and Irvin Keys as the
wise men and Cheryl Peck and.
Allrl Hayter as angels.
The final number of the pro.
gram was pictures shown by Rev.
Pitt of the Christmas story and
aiso pictures of the childsen at
Vacation School last season.
During the offering Karen Me -
Kinky Played a selection on the
Leaders of the Banrl are Mrs.
Bob McKinley and Mrs. Clare
McBride, They were assisted by
Mrs, E. Hayter.
Hold Social
The Young People of Varna
and Goshen held a Christmas
social at the home of Donna
Hayter on Tuesday evening. with
about 28 present.
Following the worship service,
Sunday And
Evening Service
Open this Sunday, Wednesday afternoon, and during
the evening throughout the
Graham Arthur
seven tables of .erokinote were
in play. The winners were: high,
Frank Postil And Joan McCIY-
mont, and low, Mack Webster
Persenot items.
Saturday visitors with Alr. and Group ConcertsCo Highlight
and Patsy Dawsen.
Mrs. Melvin Elliott and family i * -•
and family, St.Airs. ;MarP
ys, Mr.faff
Mrs. Lee Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Celebration Of Christmas
were Mr. and Harvey
.44TA111,1511E0 1900
, . “
AL 1.
ney Lamont and lane Lamont,
Christmas was celebrated. at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wits
liajn Hayter on Friday, with Air.
and Airs. Elmer Hayter and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Hagler and Joyce, '.'arna. Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth MacLean.
Airs, Mary Ann Stephenson and
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Tibbet.
Christmas Visitors.
Air. and Mrs. Clare McBride
and family, in Hensel), with Air.
and Airs. Orval Rapson. Also
present were Mr. and Airs.
Murray Milton, Toronto, Mr. and
Airs. Donald James, London, and
Air, and Ales, Gordon Ranson
and son, 'WilIgham.
Air. and Mrs. Will Robinson
and family, Byron, Air. and Mrs.
John Robinson and family, Mr.
and .Mrs. Richard Robinson and
Mrs, Margaret Erratt with Mr.
and Airs. Elmer Hayter.
Air. and Alr.s. Douglas Robin-
son and family, spent Friday
with Air. t,nd Airs. Chester
Sturdy, Goderich Township.
Mrs, Robert Robinson is still
confined in thc. Clinton Public
()sot a .
Mrs. Margaret Erratt has re.
turned to Barber House, Toronto,
after spending a couple of weeks
in the vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs, P.suglas Robin.
son attended a banquet in Lon.
don on Monday night,
Air. and Mrs. Bob McKinley
and family, spent Christmas eve
with Mr. and Mrs, Don Hendrick,
Grand. Bend,
Mr. John Armstrong and fam-
ily held Christmas at the, home
of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Armstrong
and family •on Friday.. :Present
were Kenneth and Lee, Montreal,
Ronald Armstrong and Shirley
South, Woodstock, Howard Arm.
strong, Orangeville, Joyce Bell,
Goderich, Douglas Armstrong,
Joyce Fisher, Zurich, Merle
Armstrong . and Stanberry,
Goderich, Mr, and Mrs, Allan
Armstrong and family, "Mr. and
Mrs. Garnet Mouseau and family,
Hensall, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
Armstrong and family, Bayfield,
and Mrs. J. McBeth,
The annua l Sunday .Sehool llc1. dustrial Arts and Crafts; Mr. L.
Christmas program of Emma- I Mrs. Milton Desch, choir di- Wein, music supervisor.
Evening Pf Song
last Bundles'. Preceding the pre- : tate, a St, Peter's Lutheran church
gram, Miss Mena Gabel,. pianist I
noel E.U.B. Church was twirl , l'ector, was pianist for the •can-
oi the Sunday School, played z ur ch School Concert was heautiully decorated for the
ChriStMAS PUISie• The first part ; The Zurich school :teaching "'Evening of Song" which was
or the program consisted of reek! staff hew their Christmas con.' held on Sunda', Deceinber 14,
tations and songs by the ;Maim. cert. Jast Wednesday evening Prepared by the junior and senior
&heel, which was a decided success.. choirs .under the choir directors,
department. of the &Imlay
); The senior choir and monbers Room 1 with grades 1 to 3 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald kieburich
le tin aY e 10° Plesehteg- ruses arid earol singing. Alts.1 Ron Pleimrieli gave a few s
verer." Lorne Amacher played teachers.
the cantata, "The Great , meNesgstaa and Mrs. Kyle, !words welcome and also /
1 thanked the children and every- Letter From
the Part of a Roman soldier' Room 3 with grades 3 to 8 with one elm co-operated to make
and Earl Horner Loat f t •
Yeller. Bethlehem maidens were apd Mrs. t,avencler, The junior choir presented a l
f tl Sd Sc
• , iiiit111111111111111111111111110111.111111101111111111111,111111111111.111111111111111111111111111111111,1111111,1M1111111tilinfl$1,4
Cornish, Mitchell & Co.
H. J. Cornish L. F. Cornish D. Mitchell
K, W. Slade W. E. Suchard
291 DUNDAS ST. Dial GE 2-2651 LONDON, ONT.
May the New Year ring in a briglit
future filled'344t/i happiness antt
prosperity for all our friends.
George Vriese
"Your Imperial Oil Agent"
Cheeriest New Year
greetings to you t
1 -teres Within you
the very best of
everything in 1059
health, happi.
nets end SucCeSS I
South End Service
Riot And Chlittk Stitit
PHONt126. And Staff
I • , opened the program with cho- and Mrs. John Tuerkheini.
By 01,1480TH
Christmo Po*. Posts
'With Mr. and Mrs. Allen
Steckle were Mr. ;and Mrs. Peter
Steele and Miss Pauline Steak', at ;Kitchener -
Waterloo Hospital.
Mr. Hughie AlcBride, of Lon-
don, with his parents, Mr. and
Airs. RoY Alc,Bride and johnny.
Mrs. Rudy Oesch, with Mr.
and Mrs, Thomas Penhale, of
With Mr. .and Mrs. Pieter
Gingerich were Air. and Mrs.:
Kenneth Gingerich and family,'
and Air. and Mrs. Keith 'Ginger-,
and family.
With Mr. and Airs. Josiah
Steckle and family, were. Ale.
Harold Finlay and familYa and
Mr, John Steckie.
10 a a" Mrs. Olive 0 O'Brien Airs, E. the program possble.
Earla Hav Janet GaSCI1Q, I.
Gabel, and Mrs. Elroy Desjar- teachers presented recitationS, number of carols. Included in I
drills, flag drills and . skits, A the
dine. Bethlehem children were , vocal - solo was rendered by RI- program was a dueld
Bonnie Benco, Johnny Geiger, I chard Stade accompanied by his (Silent Nigel.) sung in Germen
by Mary Ellen Thiel and Carol
Margaret Geiger and Cameron , mother at the piano. Mrs. Bea- Fischer, Cheryl Stade and Ann
Witmer, 1 trice fleas was pianist. for the Webb were featured in an an -
in the processional were Mona !evening. Members of the staff
Schade; Ruth Geiger, Donna ; are Mrs. G. 'Lavender, principal: them. A duet was sung by two
senior members, Ruth liaberer
Kipper, Barbara Minshall and Mrs. W. Siebert B.A Horne and Marion Turkheim.
Linda Gant»). Acting out the , Economies; Mr. R.. Skinner, In-
pantomine, "Hark the .Herald An-
gels sing," were Elizabeth John -1 1 „
sten, Gail Siebert, Emma Fin -
Jay, Phyllis Schade and Helen :
Grainger. Airs. Laird Jaeobe ' T
and Mrs. Newell Geiger weretreat Citizens
the angels, Mrs. Allan Gascho . Monday evening Santa made
represented peace. Mrs. Jack :
his appearance from house to
herds were Donald O'Brien, Glen ;fact it seemed to he Mr. and Mrs.
McClinchey was rary. The shep- i house, calling at the homes, In
Greh, Leonard Merrier Robert . Santa,
as there was a pair of
Horner and Elwood Truetnner. : them, and as they went along
Anthems were swig by the on their route. they doled out
'choir. Airs. Pearl Melick took the I nuts and goodies,
solo part in the anthem "His ' It surely added to the spirit
Words of Promise Brightly of the season, Sing Carole No,
Shine," assisted by Mrs. Clara I you even could not get a word
Jacobe, Mrs, Delbert Geiger and I out of them.
Rev. A. M, Amacher, I Personal Items
Solos were sung by Janet Ga -
Mrs. Melissa Geiger of Bay;
scho, Dennis Amacher, Cathe-
rine Rader and Airs Beatrice field spent Sunday at_ the home
Hess; a duet by los. K. m. of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs,
Breakey anti Airs. Harold RaderArthur McClinchey and other
and a trio by Mrs. Breake,
y, relatives.
Miss. Dianne Thiel of London!
was a weekend visitors at the
home of her parents, Mr. and
Leroy O'Brien and Mrs. P. Me -
Elect Local Man
To Forum Slate
John Soldan, of R.R. J Zur-
ich, representing Hay Township,
on the Huron County Farm For-
ums was named vice-chairman
of the group at the annual meet-
ing in :Blyth. The chairman is
Robert McMillan of Seaforth.
J. Carl Hemingway, Brussels,
secretary of the farm forums
and Winston Shapton, president
of the Huron Federation of agri-
culture, were among the speak-
Winners In Two Draws
The lucky winners of the
draws conducted at Thiel's Su-
perior Store, namely, two beau-
tiful dolls, went to Victor Masse
and Curtis Gingerich,
The Rader and Mittleholtz
Hardware, draw first, a tricycle
went to Bill McAdams, and sec-
ond, a steam iron, went to Roy
Erb, while the third, a child's
wagon, was won by Freida Neu-
sehwanger. Other draws will be
announced later.
Many Animals Vaccinated
At the rabies clinic in the
Town Hall last Wednesday after-
noon over a hundred dogs and
three dozen cart received their
"shot," of vaccine to combat the
dreaded rabies.
The officials who did the ac-
tual work were Dr. W. R. Cason
of Zurich, and J. M. Mitchell,
London who were assisted by
Conservation Officer Charles
Horton, of the Stratford area.
Eimer Restameyer, of the
Bronson Line, Hay, brought in
12 cats,
Dislocates Shoulder
Mrs. Fred flaberer on leaving
the early communion at the Lu-
theran church slipped on some
ice on the steps and fell dislo-
cating her right shoulder.
She was. taken to South Huron
Hospital for first aid and was
able to return to her home, She
is improving satisfactorily.
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs, Victor Dinnin and
son, Bill, lett for a two Week
vacation to Florida.
Mr. Hugh MacKinnon and sort,
Ross, of London, were Sunday
visitors at the home of the for.
mer's mother, Mrs. Matilda
R.ev, and Mrs. Ephriam Gin-
gerich. spent a day at Kitchener
last week,
Mr. and Airs. Nick Gascho of
Pigeon, Mich., are spending a
few days with relatives and
Leon Jeffery, a patient at. Clin-
ton Hospital) is progressing tav-
Airs. Roy Gingerich and son,
Melvin, accompanied by Mrs.
Clayton Steckle, Mrs, Curtis
Gingerich and Mrs. Amos Gin-
Gerich, motored to Stratford and
New hamburg on Friday,
Mr, Nelson Bedard, who has
spent a few weeks in Windsor,
returned to his home, accent.
ponied by his brother, Cienteht,
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Bedard, spent
Christmas holidays in Windsor
and have returned to their home
On the Blue Water.
Mr. and Mrs. Wrillaee Gino -
rich and family Motored to Ba-
den. on Thursday. Mrs: Ginge-
rich and girls staying trntil Sun-
day In spend a few day t With
her parents.
Miss Ann Datars spent her
thritteias vocation at the home.
of her brother, Rev. and Mrs.
Albert Datars .M: Taviatdield.
Mrs, Aerie SAnye, of TorontO,
mvent a few days at the lie
of Mr. and Mrs. Latimer TWO
ad ether Trind4 Ih Zurith aed
Mit S Arlene I:falterer of i.011.
den and Artie Meyee of Poet
nuron spoilt a fen( daYS M the
home of the frirther'S parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Feld }laborer,
Charles Thiel,
Dr, Archie MacKinnon of Galt •
was a weekend visitor at the
home of his mother, Mrs. M.
M'ss ?Uary Lou Fritz oL
onto is enjoying the holiday:sea.
son- at the -home of parents, Mr.,'
and Mrs, Ward Fritz,
Miss Meda Surerus and Miss
Jean McKaig of the Toronto
teaching staff, spent the Christ -1
mas holiday at the's,
home in Zurich,
Mrs, Matilda MacKinnon, is
progressing favorably after her
recent illness, and is able to be
up and round the house.
The ice out on the lake Huron
five or six miles was seven to ,
twelve feet thick, so if this. pre-
sent December has anything 10
do with. a long and bitter win.;
ter don't look for relief in
Mrs. Arthur • McLean of Lon-
don is convalescing at the home
af ber parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Lloyd O'Brien, after her recent
Messrs Curtis Gingerich, Ken-
neth Gingerich and Dan Steckie
made a business trip to Mitchell
on Tuesday.
Mr, and Mrs. -Edmund Schwart-
zentruber spent last Wednesday
evening at Tavistock, attending
the golden wedding anniversary
of the latter's parents.
Mrs. Kenneth Gingerich and
girls and Mrs. William Steckle
spent a day with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Amos. Gingerich
last wdek.
Mr. and Mrs, Rueben. Ginge-
rich and family and Mr. and
[Mrs. Alfred Ropp and famuly of
Nairn attended the Slake School
concert, which was well At
Mr. Wener Winter. who is at-
tending Western University at.
London is spending his holidays
at. the home of his parents, Rev.
and Mrs. 0. Winter.
.Me. Kenneth Weido is speed.-
: ing his vacation at the home of
his parents. He is .attending
• a
,Seachers' College At London.
Mrs. Elizabeth Koehler and
friends, Wiliia ni Stevenson, Mrs,
and 8011" ',fames and
John, all MDetroit woe re -
The senior choir sang three
anthems. Pastor Winter told a
story about Christmas.
The evening closedwith the
congregation all singing.
The members of the junior
choir were grateful to those pre
sent, at the service .for their gen
(Taus contributions to the lun
which will .be used to purchas
Annual Christmas Concert,
A large and enthusiastic crow
were present at the annua
• 3
Christmas Visitors
Air. and Mrs. James Trevi -
thick, Mrs, Ruth Watson and
Bobbie. Mr. and Mrs, Don Wat-
son and (laughter, with Air. and
Mrs. Carl Treeithick, London,
Miss Ida Hardy with Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Morley.
AIr. and Alrs. Wes Lewis with
Mr. and Mrs, Melville Lightfoot,
St. Marys.
-t Mr. and Airs. Goldie Glenn and
- family and Bo ::- Glenn. with Me.
aand Mrs, 'Brock, Exeter,
e Mr. and Mrs. Florent Bishop
; and Mr. Bishop Sr., with Mr. and
Mrs. Young, Parkhill.
di Airs. Lin Craven, Parkhill, with
1: her daughter and son-in-law, Mr,
-, and Airs. Luther Morley.
'Mr. and Mrs. Jack Trevithick
with the latter's parents, Mr.
1' and Mrs,Neil, Parkhill.
t ; Mr. and Mrs. Lou Fischer,
Detroit., with Mr. and Mrs. Wil -
ham Darling.
of the school, was chairladly
schoolconcert when a fine pie
grain was presented with Christ
mas carol, singing; an interest
ing flag drill; anti a play "lo
Per Cent Tommy" at which Bit
ly Dinnin took a proininen
Mrs, G. Lavender, principa
and Airs. Beatrice Hess preside
at th.e piano. Most of the ,par
ents of the children participatin
were present.
Two Win Prizes
For Decorations
At no time in past years ha
there been such fine Christina
decorations show as this year
Decorated homes and places o
business deserve men crecli
for the interest taken, and muc
time and effort were in evi
,1 Miss Grace Trevithick with her
d parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jack
g Mr. and Airs. Raeburn Steeper
with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Steeper,
Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. jack Kengh with
Mr. and Mrs, Andy Keogh.
Christmas eve guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Odd, London,
s were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood,
s Mr .ancl Mrs. George Prest and
Mr. and Mrs, Roy Hamilton,
f Lucan.
' Visitors. with Mr. and Mrs,
h Andy Keogh, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Pickering, Shipka, Friday
evening, and Mr. and Airs. Ross
E' Pickering, Khiva, on Sunday
e evening.
t Air. and Mrs. David Morley are
spending some time in the south,
Prize for best decorated hom
went to Gordon Hess; ; whit
Pearson Motors won tor bes
decorated place of business.
Traffic Accidents
With the continued snow and
cold weather and the roads be-
coming heavy and hard to nevi.
gate, a car collision took place
on the Babylon Line when a car
owned by Neil Gingerich and
being driven by Mrs ,Lennis Gin-
gench went out of control in pas
sing another auto being parked
on the roadside, and got tangled
up with a pick-up driven by Ma
Ion Sander.
The Gingericli car received
considerable damage, while the
Sander pick-up also had some
dents. Fortunately there was no
one injured.
Santa At Zurich
About 500 attended the annual
visit of Santa Claus at the Com-
munity Centre, Uric)). Jeibert
Geiger, president of the Lions
Cwas chairman, Mrs. .Bea-
trice Hess was pianist and led
in the singing.
Don O'Brien ran off several
1'1 • ' e
After whim Santa appeared
and the usual excitement, sing-
ing and merry -making foLloweci.
Chrisfmas visitors
.Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ginge-
•ich Ana family with relatives in
Mr. and Mrs. William Hess of
Woodstock and Miss Kauileen
Hess, LondOn, with Mr, and airs.
Albert Hess.
Alr. and Mrs, Neil Winner,
Gociericn, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin
rent visitors at the home of ••'Cliade, .Dashwood, a. d families,
Mr. and Mrs.
Gide.oh Koehler Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Schoen
and the Johnston family.
and daughters, and Air. and Airs.
A,sshs, „s, ;, Keith honer, Grand Bend, and etilleinrdintgorYSil,s
est-erh-University at Har, old ,11",, Zurich, witn „Mr,
London, is holidaying at theand Ms. ssiase Homer m Con.
home ot his parents, Rev. and ,14 Zurich, • -
Mrs. A. M. Amacher and bro. Mr, and Mrs. William Brown,
ther Dennis, I Forest, and Mr. and .Mrs. Hat.
Miss Ethel Gabel is spending vey Pfaff and family, St. Marys,
the Christmas vocation in Tor.' at the home of Mr,. and Mrs. I).
Onto with her sister. !Roffman.
Miss Pearl Wurtz returned 1 .Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Yungblut
home from Exeter after spend.' and daughter Marion and Miss
ing Christmas at the home orlinez Yinigblut at the hone of Air.
her sister, Dr. and Mrs. H. H.: and Mrs, Ilarold Ruiner, tive•
.n;r.i.<:•''''i3'7.:1,:::.:v...:':17..r4.;;;;;:::;.,r,,::::.;:a, 1 thArir. and Mrs, We $ Wilier
This Week In 1 with the latter's aunt And other
!relatives in Elmira,
, I Miss Ruby Church, London,
inchelsea .with her mother, Mrs, Ella
by Mits. F. HORNt hillle.11.and Mrs. Donald Weber
I and (Sillily, London, At the home
' . ' ' - . . . - — • of the termer s graridniother,
I Sles. Carrie Weber,
hrisietlaS Visitors
With Mr. and DI. Ekon Lynn, ! Mr. and Mrs. Art. 'Ulrich of
were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Skin., Fitmore, Mich., with, the lAtter's
her and childreis, Mr. and Mrs. father, Mr. Lewis Prang and
Harvey Skinner, St, Pauls. I othee relatives'
With Mr. and Mrs. 'red Wal- I Mr, and Mrs. Rebert Ostland,
los. were Mr. And Mrs, Bill :Aldershot, and 'Mr, and Mrs. Fut-
Ilroek arid Linda, .Me. and Mrs. ford and SOS, London, Miss Ar-
t ph Cowan, all of tendert, and lett Harberet mid Mr, Arnie
.. t, am Nils, Jack 1Vicks and Myer, Sarnia, at the home Of
children of Strafford. Air. and Mrs. Ford }laborer,
With Misses Beatrice and Dora
Delbridge, were. Mr. and Mts. '
Geeeo Battey and me., Ito NI, Wilma, Mrs. Minor nobb. Mrs.
bridgeveline Stephens and boys, all
me, and nes. till wAtors And ot Langton, and Mr. and Airs,
tYamiy wtth Mr, and m. . it Cliff frock and hos ot Croditoft
srti Dityinst of kipoth. with Me. mid Mrs. loll Breck,
Mr. and Mrt. Gordon Vend, Iktrs, OarnetMinstA roturfiod
Mr. And Mrs. Freaman Rmo ahence 6t Saturday after snowing
and family, mini Mr. and Mrs. tho 'past month 11fith; her &alb-
Williani bickey of Woodbani. I tee, Mrs, Erie Carstadle of
Mr. till bobbs, Lam Afici its:der,.
The. TimptiArbffnotIo, Pecttnbor 31, 19$11 Pap S.
Rappteet .New Yeara
$reetirls. .•t� you,
frkrg0 •gn4 potrone,
Noy toe thank
you oineerely for
your patronage,.
.with you thebeat
year .everi:
Guenther -Tuckey
Our best ;wishes to our
good friends.,,for a new
'Year bursting with health
and happiness...a.nd
crowned with succas.
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