The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-12-31, Page 4Crane in to high Clinton a old
el?autts wveir es pride and jay In -ane on the 17th at the bend. was Howie Giealis of Clintons Clinton took a 1-0 first period
of local circles in the hockey e rlcy Sanders won the Exeter Team i`lat ie High Individual (5 games) Total with 1,325, T. 'Nelson of Stratford lead on a gbal by Kenny Lee and
more, The peetwee club recri.erl • stub titewhile
Wilkes Petroleum, Strathroy (i. Kuntze 10",35,)5
teampublicity than any other dens followed1 , Cedarbrook Golf Club, London tM, Leff 1293)
team around as it wdn the '•D" , ladies' division. Avon Hotel, Stratford D. Bishop 1079)
division championship at Young CUFF DUSTERS FOR '58 — Dashounds, Dashwood (K, Kraft 971)
',Canada Week in Gas rrirh antler Fred Wells w':1m the J. B. steady All Stars Exeter (stay Van Dorselaer 1193)
coach Bill Smith and jeurnc'yes trophy for being chosen the most Sod Posters, Strathroy (B. Stoner 1'169)
onthe United States as guests \'a cable player in the Lucan t'ontinontals. London (G, Campbell 1105)
on the Ed Sullivan slices. :Molt- Shamrock I.:^ Wee Tourney ... Fish art(! Game, Clinton (IL ()reels 13-
1 ' 3$ 4i "1'h Tirnes'A' v$t ig,
'h Yea! ° I: Review
.v,r-.torn ()ilt,orirr Cltampi:\ns h:p.
4°Celebrate in 'Sall"
''his slogan could easily- be �G _ tint lieneeeve
'Used for Exeter and Burr uree e FOWLING
CO 1munittes o'er the past l',-'11. the I.3ri.e i11.1tI,11 Zone li)'1,
weeks as local teams and lr'dt- rr.l?to1i eharnpi!idi1;I) in h lits
vidual Ferforinasaces shone the hi -h single anti triple dive
1°"-' in d i'''i'tel. I'.',i er
k)ri , • t in baseball, hrca.ey lira's 1.0: -..,,le clan,mpions stilt!
gais', • target ahoiting bowling, „
:!';softball and broombail a\ rr•a t 1',i1: C) +tot h ' n'. e,
Horst racing was also a hi,7,1v Loore 11e' . inai, 'i.l: triple. J,ac`k
light as local thernughhreris tore feller 871
follies' League
Up Teranto s new 'Woodbine race hia11 r.;}es. '!dare !Tanen : wt. •
track all fall. 'Crory Iiriwetel:tile" triples, Lor-
SHDHS captured titles in vol- r<'ine Peock 7e3 end Pauline Sttn-
levball arid basketball and con alnrlq ,art, ht zh al, era^e, nll.t' i,;--
iributed a new track record awl sere Ina and Norma t.'aldv ell
track meet champions. 186.
On the other aisle of thefence, ED1t 1,i 1i Elft I�tAI31?5 -- Jack
bcrsibly' the most disheartPtrttl., F'Itirhmt• non rift' i.,ruinn tourney
event in '58 same in the bore!'e v ith role lie' wwd anti Tel
field when Exeter .•Iel,avk; flocs^y runner, -tip.
famed in an OHc'1 title bid be -
tense of a weak prntcMt that smells .,_ !.'gash GIP1 eitrelit> s
shouldn't have had a leg to stand �.�r111rir hoy:3 cl�ppe'l the Perthex
'On- Another was the fnir}ing of •Cenference Volleyball ball title white
the Exeter Intermediate ha,P' 'wst5s I,• 5erg11{'i s senior girls cdi l
ball club after 1t► straieeit losses. the same in. basketball. Each
Last but not lea;,', we n,tl't team advenetel to \\t)StiA. but
droit we failed in nor attempt bowed out in the finals. ,
-to win a quarter off Den '•Are 'Allnnn Clarke too a new track
§outhcett and George Mitchell revert' for the Perthex in the
On the golf course. Ilandieans 75 yard dash at 9.4 seconds. Field
will be better in 'S2 re\•e holet meet champs were Mir;l;a and
*ao we can hardly Wait to get at Kristine Gulens in the Peonies
them again. The square Dun?t1p while in the fecal nu'et the same
golf balls we got from Old Saint pair along with Allison Clarke
Kick should really baffle thetas and Norma Geiger won the ,
on the first tee! seheol's annual track and field
.Mere are the prominent .sports dive:tees For hays meet,
achievements of 1958. - John Guenther, Pill Svtslna antd BOWLERS COMPETE FOR $400—Forty-eight teams
ace At Stoics Friday alight
Tribe. Clinton Renew Feud
ame Winner*'er !
awks 0)01 rlashNets
, iittti sale osse,'saoA �f first Placa
Bsyn .. termed»
!late "B" hockey league this Fray
day night when they tackle the
$ raves Tame "
I^( third race Clinton Colts on the
!' 'Ideal reezF.
Ilarcl.skating centremau Bob give Clinton a 4.2 lead but "Red" . The tribe managed to pull out
llaynhant emerged as the hero , Loader got that one hack .after an uphill 6.5 decision over the
of :\lohawk's important G'S vis-. sinking a drop -pass from "Doom" , Colt in (Anton Saturday night
• tory over the Colts Saturday, from 10 feet out, and if they can- tin the tante
night in Clinton when be drilled C:9tan Weise 'played a steady this Friday, they'll move nut in
home a sizzling 15•Looter at 17:58: game for the tribe on the 'blue-. front with a two-point bulge over
of the. third period to bring a« lame as he reeked up four as Mitchell Red Devils, who now
sudden climax to one of the Flats w;'Mile"Bud" Dietrich in the share the ldtip lead.
harclest•fottght contests n, the IExeter net was a51/lentil
flat as a fire- ;liitchelll thwarted Mohawk:'*
loop this y -ea -i'. cracker particularly in the first chalices for first place suprem-
The decision was a vital one two periods 1)'v li e a C 1 i n t o a acv in an overtime thriller to
to the tribe since it moved. them , swarmed all over the tribe. Milehell twa clays before Christ -
into a tie for first place with I o1er n', -!'flute,. a mas when they pulled out an
Mitchel' and wiped out a 7.6 los,!'' T �>[:TFmr -r;oaf, rliatrich: Aetaiw,. exciting 4-3 decision with just
at the hands of the Colts in 'an •Tttntdle, swills; rent,'!. I.nasee: one i111nute and 3f 5econd5 re-
ea!'licr game in Exeter, lliiu;a, a;ra'ctI. Sahourtn: alta!`' nlallling in the extra period..
nates. Flay'nham. Pincotnhe, Fits-
1laynhant scored twice in the sail, cat, aft, Rattan. Czame Should 13� A .handy1
Clinton contest. the. Sirst girls ttA\TIM •-- Goai. Tfennmme: da. 1\'hen Clinton • iu\tides the
the young centreman has been ''ranee, t:aron, Sent t; centre. Ti.
able to puck up this season, For.I,ot1; „iags, *Mariam. Lea; alta- tribe's stamping grounds Fridai
the Mohawks, his scaring• feats turas. Bob T1org, iron iiugili, S. night, the game promises to be
Soltnctiala• a thrillsr from start to finish,
couldn't have come at a better i•irrt Pertoti In their • last meeting on Exeter .
time. ()then tribe snipers in -1_ i If1,,nn. Lee lee, Cli•nton won a 7.6 verdict
eluded "Roam" with three .ad ((a,rnn, \TPriamt __ _..-_ 1.;:sn when they scored with just 11
ni Red Loader with one. 1 Penaltira-Ciarnn Ihr5ldin , F S
„ wveise tr,•nae-eteeoctngt 12.wn: Fa- seconds remaining in the gathe.
• Colts were below full sireneth i,ntt:in terns*-eheekinel 15.43, Up in Clinton Saturday, Exeter'
for this one but. they stymied the,
tribe for nearly two and one her and Perlorl
half periods before the locals' 2— ii a it t14r•aacit
could shift into high gear. Mo-; 3 !lour, taevnham
hawks themselves were short: ct'n1ten. \\•Pkat
players but finally broke the- 9—`11111j��i'R. nntg'
bounced back from a 5.3 deficit
with just eight minutes left- to
son pull a victory out of the fire on
i,;.ac a 6-5 count.
Action generally over the hal-
titi 17:14 once of the league is quiet ai
• game wide open in the last half : ,-...c iin>on, Ileriam the majority of - teams are
of the third. ' al, imoig, )4% rots) xs:=3 makinge majority
use .off the team bare
Jack .leer}alit sank two of the rem -titles vane, day season, of However, on Decem-
er goals while Bob Doi ra'.n1rd i'rrtntl het 30, Clinton .will invade the
Ken Lee and Ken ,Doig addid 1 6—conn n,, merian,
t I . gala•, ri. hale') _ _ 6,19 Lucan -arena to do battle with
shiglCS. 7-•I:aatrr, l.n:lolls _ the last -place I
competed, for $400 iii prizes at
the holidays,- Inget'sall and
3'ASE6ALL •— Behind the :41 Nick Fedossow tank the. stoners. ;;deter Bowling Lanes in a Schemer tournament c) to
White, firstand S�((111(1- prizes anti this Exeter -Clinton team, above, I eisei vett, \\'aloes. _ _ n.,
laerlative pitching of Bob \trh, , TARGET SHOOTING -••• HarryStratford teams CoppedMelse Starts It 4 s t'ttntnn, K. tic, � is:le
tlriclt Lumber eu i u s were Ata;bet of Exeter outclassed 57 third From left at'e Lloyd ('ushman, Howie Grealis, Best Harris, Don Switzer, �,, 3__ F;sa,rt, i;ralnlr
]ala ed tl i C ltnton 1nt„ht Dave \van ex , r t nl,an,, wvhliP, in :A
crowned OBA Interm('dhe'. ' (' nllpnnent in a 'Victoria Day shoot ,tills Crocker, all of Combines "A' Alley opera.toi Bob Pooley,• right, shacks scores,ti
baseball -Champions. They won in St, wines \villi 9:3 hits in log`�-A Photo
the local Iluron•Perth grouping tries to win the shoot over .Doll Case was els° a member of the team,
in a thrilling playoff with "Link 'Canadian and American eampet-
I`tellfritseh'a Mitchell Legion- iters.
naires, then trounced Caledonia
;:Riversides and Latta to take the HORSE RACING --- S II I 1 I e y
all -Ontario honors. Listowel Jun- harvester. owned by Bill Au}-.
ions added some spark to the son and Torn Yearly made ifn-
I'I-F' •letup to Earns a five -team pressiw e rhn;tln„ at Toronto's
loop with Exeter, Dashwood, • Wctodhinc. Bill 1:llerin„ton, Exe-
1•ish. The wa°'
Lucan has been going lately, it
wouldn't be too much of a sur-
c.ept fora third period outbreak'in-I•:.PtP,, r±rglPt, tww'etse) la.,
"Dutch" ,\Io...,asst,
prise if they
which saw Clinton's Ron ldugill•11.,T•;.Ptnr, ram the. r
thrown out of the game for I \seise) 17:i5 in their :last two outings by only
fighting, A pushing duel started
11 jnrt ._-.
Exeter's Combine "A" team in the corner between John Scott
xfofi. Bowlers f thColts anti Red Loader and
fconsisting of Doli Case, Lloyd o -en uie\Vilest it looked tq be bi 1* p,
>�t w
Jim Crocker, Bert
Cushman, for some unknown reason, 1lugili.
nuum uuut,
1 111 u
111 1 m 1
u ! II
11 1 11 11 IIIIII 1 1
the Exeter player. mai was +''ununnnquuumnlmml,mlammn,,,mq,unnuuulnunungmnl I u , t t
Harris, Don wet zee an Harold across theice to dive on
D S t d
pture Local ase
(,realis tied, with Clinton at
,,iltel1e11 andZurich
t -�
lien- tor, and. Sheri( an Itcvingt n' nailed Town prize
T'cnaittaa -»l->rarait rknapine l one or two goals.
S:4n; So'otr (roughing. ma
11:07; Loader ima.(nrt 13:07: 11u-
Aill (malnt•, la-nitwite misenn' ' 'is well to forget the pan
,(nett 13.117; Sahnur•in (tripping)
15:uu: wleriam (hairline) 15:00; because the future will give you.
plenty to worry about,
:^ahnurin (tripping) 15:10.
G,•15 fns for third place which assessed a five minute' major
Zurichmoney was just 97 pins of the pace set and 10 minute, misconduct. "Red"
gall Bantams- provided some stir- Lucan, bought Governer G. for Cecil Crane, classy performer he clown
top by the srcand. place Stratford
ring moments. for supporters in a reported .$12.50o from George on the Ingersoll Oxford Dairy for h7gh single honours with a Loader took a five minute major
the• hunt for the OBA. Bantam Meagan, Gnderich and Dr.' i:itas, Six, was the big anise in .the 37(i game,• and wrapped up the Craig's Alleys,
while Scott was nicked for a two
"D" title as- they advanced to Houle, Mitchell, Schenley Open Bowling Towne- high total pinfall for five games I Ozzie's Specials were• in fourth minute roughing and five min -
tae Ontario semi•finais before merit at t} c' Exeter Bowling at 1500, He also shared in 5250' place with 6,574 total pintail. ute major,
Under Ed Corbett CURLING -- Harry Ailey rink Alleys over the weekend as he first place money for team effort' The team included Bob Osgood, I With the penalty box loaded,
bowing out. ip the lien- won Exeter's first invitation trundled a five game total of an as the Ingersoll Oxford Dairy . Bob Nicol, Bob Wettlaufer, Bill "Boom" and Ernie Chlpchl, c, 1 e Bonin Came up with a pair of
1 clubc eel the WOAA title honspiel. tree Learn quartet cart- even 150o pins to pace his team group walked off with first place Bedell, John Davidson and "Cap" tallies less than ' three minutes
byl_ fe pepped , ed off the Exeter club champion to the major share of prize hcnours with a pintail of 7,618, Foster. dPfratin., Seaforth, Atwood apart; the second. at 15:40. On
and Mildma , \rnthcr ship while the dim McAllister storey. They beat their closest rivals, T. Nelson of Stratford Craigs the even 15 minute mark, Gib
tingling platy°off to.1 place foursome of iic;lsail, took all Fusty -eight teams competed in Stratford Craig's Alleys, by 876 rolled the second highest single Sabourin and.elack Merin w were
of the tourney with a 341 game also nicked for minor penalties.
spine l . , .
ill Mitchell h K' 1 t t un the honours in that district. lien- the two-day affair which offered Pins.
w as ire nn pts ;,, g r r
terr•ifc struggle to oust :Munro sail's Carlin„ Trophy \vent to $3i;0 prize looney. Other Ingersoll team members while B. Hughes of London ,lust 58 seconds after the two re -
)laced third' BawriI sii ed in
o -n ice the Cyclone ,uui, base- lane Ina a
ball laurels. GOLF Ii,,,, S°:uthcntt Joined individu 1 honours in \which "88 rain "Casey" Chambers, Bill with 3t0. winning counter.
BobIllgguts and' Runner-up to In ersoli S Cecil CI Held L
HOCKEY Lucan Lepre- the chart. ed circle with a hole- active participants took part, was Chamberlain,'i,:� C tl 1 al five -game Intel
25 )
treat Canadiena also eseerted the
.. 5230 Craigs was third will'. 1,306.
' 5819'
hr Exeter star Godcrich Fishers, Gnderich (B. Rush 1127)
boys around New York as the Al Pte ar'
d fu1mel e"
was named tne.t �
I i 1 '-ev'S hall or S. Metro, London (B. Meharg 1339)
two teams were
in Manhatta•h lysine with 21 other Canadian . Bob Freels Store, Strathroy E. Healey 1093)
Et the same time. RCAF athlete': ' Stu O'Neil of Tiller_ I'1g Six Exeter ill U, rocrcl 11081
Centralia lost the training scam lete`
ton was .
chosen as the best nth- Silver Hawks. London tL. I'rulotte 1172)
nd title to a ]lard skating •1v1game Minor hoetwv scor-.
Farmere's Outfitted Store, Strathroy OL Vargo 1039) ,
elec. forth. nailing three deer in a
A S is Specials. Exeter cr. Wright 1101) .
!tier CuExeterna fete at ()1C Guelph. ... Frankie
club in when they
('ouaiitne ' A -. .i:xeter and ClintonCIlt(I). Sweitzer
sudden -death Anflersnn made a . remarkable T)ominion House, Stratford t C=. Weber 1167)
-bowel-1'1-4 in a
recovery from tuberculosis. - . .
Luehnowv Poll Cats, Lueknuw t B. McIntosh 1033)
btu < tt,
fail with Clayton Horton, Sea -
Builders, f •,•Passmore, S a (D. Passmore 1142>
Ana champs were Lloyd MooreHuntinr trips wore common this
midget, dim ,tones, bantam, and
Allan Saul, pee Wee
ter Mohawks dropped d ft
oma . , (Guests in- tI• \I, Dillon Co., Landon D. Hassan 1017)
the local 19 -man hunt.
Dickie to the area included Dickie Moore\W'indnlills "A", Centralia (13. Wcttlaufer 1127)
lofty Se=nior "B" league to home. to
Legion, London (L. Minton 1169)
brew "13'" d lest mit
of Montreal chestlleas. Tint Plus- Born arcs: Exeter U. Fairbairn 1141)
_int the ,
R flacks, and ns gee`; of Rochester Red Wings (z ;\Isco s, Gnderich (J .11eMillan 115th)
e Ontario semi-finals when and Al Bruno, rnet'h of London Strikes, Grand Bend (I.. I)esjai-dine 1002)
L d ite dert•lrcd .1 Red oa and
to plat fors Exeter. Thee ,Lords• Poo' -ball Club. 1 Butchers, Exeter CII. Wolfe 9stl; 4
tribe impresser] followers with 1 That's it. so in our parting Centralia Chipmunks, Centralia RCAF (C. A. P. Foster 1095) (333
ei 12-3 season record. The record words for 'i8 may we wish one ()Id Timers, Clinton CII. ilarris 1133) - fi3G7
Of 163 goals with only 91 against, , and all a truly happy. healthy Content Mixers, Exeter' (L. Cushman 1013) SBsi
A\•as otle of the brat ,• codecs by anti prosperous New Year. Windmills •'13", Centralia f,I. Crocker 1218) ti3i
-""Devils `��' 1
53(13 inOvertime
6227 .
6:;33 Bill Issy Powe , 3 -y ear -
58.16 , veteran of the ice lanes, handed
6071 Mitchell a Christmas present
6515 Tuesday night when he fired his
5901 second goal of the game at 8:24
6743 of an overtime- period to give
6135 his Red ])evils club a sparkling
5137;4-3 .. victory over Exeter Mo -
5223 hawks in a real thriller allthe
- 551'1 ; way.
51165 Over 400 fans sat in on the con=
6088 test, said to he one of the hest
- 6181 on Mitchell ice in years,. The
609 victory was sweet revenge for
Mitchell, • who chopped the open -
nth ing game with the tribe in Exe-
G ter on Dec. 5 by a 9-5 count,
Dietrich Was Sizzling'
it was one of those games that
1 provided plenty of .end-to-end
rushes for the fans with first
5. one goalkeeper cooling Up ,with
•. a spectacular save and (lien the
other robbing a sharp shooter.
7, - "Bud" Dietrich, -classy net -
3 Minder of the Exeter Mohawks,
2. was nothing short :of pitenome-
4 nal throughout the game hut par-
an Exeter club. Exeter won the
WOAA Fiomiebrew "C" crown by
dawning Philipsburg Chevs 4-1 in �.
abest•of-seven series. Against
vunos op
Bradford Brad- Exeter led the
OHA semi-finals 2-1 before pro-Double
ro-o u - Bill
test trouble arose. With the two A»r irtls, London (R. Barnes 1033)
taken away, and Bill Wag-, Exeter minor bantam and mid Rockets, Exeter (Len Thompson 1255)
, Bill 7 incombe, Bob Coates . , 1 k ' t ' ed a Wildcats Exeter (1 i11 Meanie 1099)
Goderieh Legion, ()Menet (B. Doak 1092)
Duchess of Kent "11", London (B. Hughes 1266)
Craig's Allies:Stratford Stratford T. Nelson 1306)
Duchess of Kent '•A", London (G. Ditchfield 1224')
Mike's Allies, Stratford (G, Ney 1152) ..
Pepsis, Exeter (Jack Coughlin 1141)
Walkerton Plumbers, Walkerton (N. Mortimer .1140)
and Jim MacDonald all out with et roc et cams s
injuries, the Mohawks called it double victory ewer Mitchell Combine ,
"•B", Exeter and Clinton (Howie Grealis 1128) . 613
a season, hoping for another; minors here Friday night, 27 Central Ordnance Depot, London (Jim Krowchuck 1210) 636
Bantams copped the first Coke Rollers, Exeter (Jack Heywood 1014) 533
crack at it in the . , cant-' ^ (locterich Tigers,Gnderich (Vince 11701 557
paign.•.. , ..Zurich d^'lyers wvalk9d 'game of tlte, doubleheader i)-1 b
off with the WOAA Int. "De ,while the midgets added more Ozzic'a Specials, Exeter i B, iledell 12361 . G5r
crown by dumping Brussels and . wood to the fire by chalking up bed's Billiards,Exeter (Pray Van T)ot'sclaer 1220)
a G 1 win. i t'romarty. Tigers, Exeter (Amos '1)arling 947)
Clifford, 1 Oxford Dairy Ingersol (C. Crane
6'63. Ocularly 1n the first twenty null-
:5i8t utcs of play. lie stopped,, shot
after shot from the goal hungry
j Devils by coming up with point
8 blank saves out Charlie West
2 ratan, "Issy" Powell Mary Shantz
;( and Bob Marileib.
G3.t7 ; M•Iitchell's Bruce Chesscl at
5.73,1 :the other end of the rink wasn't
7618 —Please Turn to Page 13
Strang paces Midgets "
EItOOMPALL. -- Dashivoad Ti-'
ger° elided a three year reign « Gnrdte Strang g
was the big gun
oh the district championship by in the midget victory as he fired
Exeter Mohawks when they won three goals and picked up an as-
thegroup- title, Captained by 'slat in their 6.1 romp. Other
Charlie Tiernan. Dashwood acs ' gnalgetters for the molls i n-.
\rarieed into the Lake Huron Zone eluded Frank Boyle, Don T{ii• ;
playoffs where they copped the; — Please Turn To Page 13
We speak out with our
best wishes to you, for
your happiness and suf.,
teas in the New Year.
Scott s a Iliord
L- r k I i- j Lan 5
ere'sUp-To-, ,ate Hockey
wwt)w\ cittsll i' 1 • w1.i'r( lit.i.l, Titoui-ts ti,S I.t•('tx lit V41(
i,nut Vw Pray a SrnrP ti ! t, A P flit r A Ti F'Itrt
1•';n+rr '1, t'tittrt,n
!Marv' ``blitz __ c 1n 1 1:011 Ilnflt•i _ f 7 4
ltnri 1, Nvosl Miall. r: 1 1,t 4 :ti nw•e storey '„-� -.-- i 4 9 ,1
:1111,1011 4. i,.alet. 3, (rn/ lT;i11 14,u,•I! 1i1' t-• i P' n
Stood lug%
1' w' I. T Ta A p
...,.__w 4 Il ' I, r:;1 as 1:.
5111,-1.411 I, Il 1, :a as 1.
I 'l,ntnn ,r 1 t i
Tldarinn tl , : G
txttr'a1, _ _ _7 a l a 2.'. 4s Ii
T''Ittill'P triter:est .
tic, "',th•,•
30 r'IIirl nit sa. - T.lican
• t ftnir,n 'ha. 7:teter
1,'fl�r, on , a. I,n' a:,
Ci-•-)-ai•Crr ia, stilt+11Pf1
t'finlnn t:i. 11+1,,rtnm
9—r•;1 Prer •1,4. 1.Irenn
1Tite11e11 ca. Clinton
11111 '1.'i: rnr' -l' 1,414 5111-4
r; A T' ism
NIA re wi,M1tirz, *f
Tia:, 13 a 'n
"i;“nt1l' i u-n',t,tt. Tt - lr: in :at 4
i:a+^k Myriam.1' 1 Y ; i't
T1.,r nl,r•r1a. 1 ... i 1I 27 12
'•j'tr,1' 1,,+a.t', T. .. • 111 1, 27 :'
Vtslo•tmu, I' 1t i if' '1
1 -Imola 51 rsin,:,tt, ;\( 1; I::
(:Sit 1 ttr11. ;51 1n 1
Al'. in IV char, *i . , , Ii It>
I.t 11 in \t'ahar _,... 7 1
nob itartlr,t, ,, i . I
••irlt,k' Ttt.l,dl'itat'ii .,,- 1 4
wt41,11 t•riln .. 1 4
t'ung Smith 1
ir. 1.ntts:,,,1 - '2
7•:.I 1lnit»a ,. . ___ W_ 1
111!'iter• ;::t ss SAL,'... ,.... ..... 11 a
• 1::I p' 1',•I:” It T
t TC,•it11 Aitcl,eann.�.. ,. It A
it. 1''•Ir,e I'
*1 • »"1 r•!3 Ift-ifs i,1111C 313 itier
petial l;
1 •):.`,,1::14,11t :11:01.1:twwlhS
i tt \
'-T »mics" t;i-ntAlt 12 to
11,11 01,et•le It I I.
"i ori" I railer 111 11
r••,try Ilaidelnan ., 1
I1mIl J'inemmnl,t 4 4
.Iinl' Ituaan/l 4
eon knurgltP -.. . -
; ranh J1„mlaitt _.
rin"hit \5'hi•tte . .. ..
Ion rr,+' itt
ern, ii,'•f,nli.ilrt
.1-' ',tO nicer
T1ar17• \\'mill, ... 1 •4 1 4
1 \Turin. Tl{nn,I,Pnn _ ml 1 4 5
• ')'I 1\Itthi.'sitnu'u''. ....W.. i 1 Y 152
Mart} ilay 1 1 2 n
T)ar, i•9ntehrr _ a 2 2 2
• '1 *lack - NI•ks 1 'I 1 15
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tafAt,Ti1411 rI'Vt+ TCTIT6w.ft(,e ,1irn,t:' t't,,,,.1 .ltaruk .... ^r d ' peltalti',
tl:,. rt rut, "josh ttnt''mm .,.. 1 1.r (I su I
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Paul if,lntlltnu w., t 4 \1101 t •11 t'nllt,thl"int Alt, glad to s-ce -,you 1)ack
I.r, m I.:cmfr ' it TS t
it.eft+r '1'.Ita'a :rt d ,t' . 1 r n T"nrntatrt Ir 1 1 ' i front 'the llnlday, old boy. lel
r r h0,,.1. ST I! ••+; 1. ,1, I tc :lTnrlt V, q 1 1 ti
/..,,,,,.,-TtarmaP. I, 1 4a Fl col '41611 S1'10611'1 44 n n d Y 't)�� )Ifih w'itlt �hflf�!11
TVIII t„• ,r.,,p*+t> a 1st ;11:1,,,‘;.,r li \rh7:.: , nIA'Yes, 1 alae Valli pH, with
J. 11 sir lit•Prrn . C. .41 r'wwlrylrh t„fY nit h' k
fl",'„r 'T.•1/41!I fx '('.4i rT,trnnrrg in-fallnitlt5 11a15iryrtrlttcti\slyly Latin,
tf• urarhnrottgh, 1 8 AR 5.501111C 4uricil.
r'Flli.trgt t'mtt9
3fih•;,nii Ile'! 1101 lig ..
T o I
t u I
I \e£ryr .,
h0I rl+n 511sT Ilii
1n ..:11 'iI 4 door„e lea,rir `!t 1 1
ine.reasecl it to 3-2 at the end
of the second with Bob Doig and
Meriana denting the twine. Ba'yn-
ham and "Boom" found the
range for .the tribe to keep the
contest close.
At 6:19 of the third Merlons
sank his second. of the night to
It takes a raft of 'friends to
keep some people afloat,
a >r w >•F.
If you wish to be perfect,
follow the advice that you give
spe,a 1•nir~itl a A n 1± ' them, aft with Utdmi awl slept
Jan. 2
8:30 p.m.
Clinton Colts
v s.
Exeter Mohawks
This Ad Is Sponsored Through The Caurlasy Of
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