Huron Signal, 1851-01-02, Page
TWO 010 001 . pie
POR *AL11i. UE
...meeeemelebeeirome "meow"
ONi witltia s atlas. M1 SIbS "kb' The wean MIK eh the chair, the GOND fielded ii.,K late
Pb.atT. ant Ie I.CT is Ie 1S1 °sane- The Warden mesiested Mr. Wallace to the their.
else, T•ww►il .1 G.dereb, let. ens...-bi A. **red.
CONTAINING 164 ACRES, sed. see.—ea to McCeere menace adopted -
1° ielwe.4 pi the aft Ned y take 1 rid, Sed. see .--adopted.
obit be other by a Public Reed,—sad *h. Ape- de.
OW mowed ed is LOT 6 is 8th Ceaeeesies, btb• net. de,
Gabor**, W.I/trieissti 61b. sae. d•.
OOIf'Y'111N1M G 100 ACRES, 'lab. See. -70 A. adopted.
sea le Nteated et the Juacue .t two Feb- 8th. 13.c..-71, Rh,. otaerwtse
Tea Particulars appal to •
' )!IO. Mell(►!f ALD. req. The received and coo6rmtd the Report •f the Committee Duuiet. es. the Lomita cornet, we recam w pyiaws
Lint* Committee. bens ast4td.
la Oita a 4,662 d 4stlorloh ?ewe a eoatwitte el thew • ea the Report el the Ism& and stldgM
11, de. Anomie flea the rtn rail pee r
Meet, fey the w ei hip AA* Pfly
dal, moiled.
aM— r•,
. • s fin ILISI.
vvsvTk11ufE P1L1►1I "• A.
CA N lie
33, dot Leese from cls Trmwter, eery roped, *nog the - PNlZ 11><► S171111111 I .
. henries el the Council to obs sltentios in the law, *Inns to
Cotters* po rote pa►ik'modw roto the head. of TownshipTeta *r. bid W wine/ os is .r r.r .w. t lie
u *INA w
.even. At uta e.asUne we trouN neoo,eed than the Count oldie trot err+
Trimmer hold ell tL Collector's Bond., sad "Dori thee *kW
m •.nen
*beset we beg to eel th. Weed** *the varioustree • o V tin :w, s= . ai alrp 4
tthen accents with the Comet) are Welllysettled themeless, W .rtes tW w▪ ' " ' t' tb"' = ` Hes, ew + ;ZVI! • ;%
change in the w referred to, sad resmesed them to Mk. whit urarum. aittrwraaaasao asweers*lt AL WrOrll e'P ` '
. teen tiny tisk best, sober to imam the amoeat of antrety. or auaasaar tanara t
211.10olalovosvya 11I a hms a..arectos 5• General Age* 4111-040614100
~ The Cnemittt• row sed t1. Warden haeisg w.s*ud the chair. 33, do. Account of Mr. Strachan, is the sunt of the
mod f t
Gedsrieb, 17th Jus. 194!'. r9-tf of the wbote, es the Report el Reads sed of into 34, do. Tie 8sieitor's account i■ defence .f the nines
W—toad b! Mr. Ritchie and, seconded by Mr. Weiner,
COTICii.—Toe •ad..«conA he s,.•r •t 'I'h.t the War4es riga w order upon the Teasurer is fa- setts, raised apiu•t tee Counties' duriag the present year, may lid
lv A,tnra•,M «t tI Y;,', ,lar ..r 11... le -141.. v,,,,r 01 J-u,es Geeing, for tae n„m of three posit, Leing for ted paid after being aanni-
Ii..e biro by TMwnos H. N'„adIid, t.. c..4..rt use of the large room, donut( this protest :3ossion, and the last Mottos 86. Referring to all Solicitor's *comas.
all ot.uad'od den's 4e• ,o- laic t`.in• Mil*
opec,al and April Ssssiott• or the t'eoacil, es well u for test std 35, do. Aeeougt of Mr, r for n nu the hayfield en
PIM pa g 7 ,
and Wodli[..oJ hiawlt p.rertally—r.l•.•t a cawing ted drnat these r3essto.s —Carted anawlmn•sly. titan le paid after hiss audited.
tsstad5 t sauletaeau .f the .anN .r 'n.r will do. The amain of William Moors, the same as the last.
be gives t• ted Clerk t( tee Mei.•. Coors for X.—Mored by Mr. Ritchie, segsded by Mr. Wallace, 36,
sellosina• 11F,t1. PARSONS. That tie Wardell sign orders on the Trwerer for all sees -37, do. As seesuet from Lemma it, Hart, London, for deer-
tistiwich. Jane Itch, It4511. •3.19 .edged to he paid at the setting of the prttevnt swans o[ Cosset timewhile 3,11. and res S Woties of the ol or adverts n ,the same,ieg * £41st•
after the same have**. adopted.—Carried Unanimously.Stool g only
` Y.—Mored by Mr. Helmer, seceded b! Mr. Helmer, t,99 17 10, ere ere aM recommend that the Clerk write to the prb-
A V LUABLE } IIOYEK C} That the undito* he directed to make out a detailed mimeo( tern to Leaden, stating that the Heron Signal account for tbe sate
of all th• debts god stabilities of thew united Counties, and t• lar work is only £ss It 10. and offering them a Debenture int the
tin wit» before the Compel at its asst hettiag.—Carried easel. MM gement, and is the steer of their sot receiving the sang*, to
THS •tthaertber offer* l,,r SALE his seu.15. be referred to the next General Mewls, of the Council.
Gili1LT eat ;IAN' NILI., slmnate•1 to Tit. Clerk was Intrusted to intimate to thew wee are 38, ,. Accoost d James Hedging, Jus. for work dose on the
the Towa►bi• .f M,Giltt.rsri nn tl'. int prevent to day, that the next meeting of the Csusun
l will Seale Hill, is. eomotend to be paid.
Delon, Inane three otter r.4.Yhnsran► tub.. i,;.„. en Monday 14. 3051 last. M, bM
. Sm
Gsjon 87, in addition.— Note heat tbeSolicit-
res►. The able *snow te;npure7 —
t'es.abd ' Moved by Mr. Holme., .eco.dd by Mr. Hays, or, requiring teetlruollose relative to the suit with tbe Leedom Dot
e.wly befit. The Privilege is the beet no That i h. several Town Reeves do mine a rrstsmest is writing trtet, we ►ng to refer Loth. continent* of the Concert.
Ohs River, and situated is the best Town- of the somber of Tanres in their respective Tewesilips—Carred 40, 41, 40A, adopted. Note from 11 r. *recess relative 1. hie
*tip is the County of Huron—well settled, soas•menslJ. geansteeng the payment of the debts is stria sgaist the Comet,
.14 goads opened is all directiose to favour A.A.- Moved by D. H. Rini*, Esq., and seconded by William .ceesepasted by a letter from the Warden to lb. Treasurer, te-
tte The Machier), sed materials ere of Wallace. E -q.. ,tenets.( Ion to espy out the istestto.5 of the Solicitor. Ws beg
tis very bet quality, sad put up by the n- That the Ceased do •awes 'MA Monday the 30th instant to to .refer the Conseil to the Report of the Fwsce Cemsau•s et
ry. best Masbusu. Fur Fitments is- met at On iiwes Hotel,(inMneb, at the bur of twelve O'clock April Inst, wherein obey Sly pledge the Ceesefl. fee the perms*
Barrs fleets Crumiie, aq., Galt, or age- for the purpose of receiving the List of Leads in arrears of Tose, of the costs, in the *vest of the seise wag mandrel's: we rot Sea
ply M the whaenMr. aware that the Cesarian Intended to pay •es creditor to referee*
PATRICK FLANAGAN. Proprietor. to aeo•her; as by tksu mesas they could set take a sans „ay taw-
IredllKvny,,lbtk Jouary, 1550. lv'01f erderod to b prepared ly the Treasurer, sad en otbr rotten.- ands muitiplyisg 0114U siting ere. Cssaty; bead* it would 1. s
WTI", Galt Reporter will insert the Gatti seadmotwll• moire., injustice to those parties who have hoes good estate!
above'If bid WILLIAM CHALK weans
Warded of the sailed Cmatie of .P.ill. moist
..0 or to watt t'utng
49, do. Lett* .from the Eduesttos Office chaining *Iwo*
FARMER'S HOTEL,—MITC▪ HELL. ALFRED W. OTTER. for numbers of the Journal of Educauos; we are not aware 'bat the
Cauaty Clerk. come .(the Journal referred b were ewe erdwd;and are inclosed
— .1' nae s,s d fHLE1GH hep to inform his to thick that, they have been sent voluntarily ; we would therefore
iriettds, dad fin ti the
remit?. that lI.., lass - duchon to order say pique* for the some.
h..sby.1 eblateilf to the slate Vill.g., sed
I,.psslrpmrisr ntreauim to obs comfort sod cos- 43. £20 period• to modes 88.—A• PNities from the oun-
.*.,L..ed'hsvellsrs, is twrn a share of their t! homier, Ioniagfor as advance of salary, is answer to the
pwrasss• Geed Stabiles d u attasati.e same, we beg to recommend that be receive the sum of £ 15, in ad -
them untold**. dittos to his salary as fixed at Iwo February Session.
Minkel', May 151h. 1850. 3v.s15 44. Do. A meserial from the County Officers referring as 10
the superior aceomt.odaion to he ha. in the uo roofed house, be -
"'s"' `"+"etasoes.L.ew.e ,A`aaaa coi.LLC7OJt 4/l co44a N gi M:
SIMMIR 000ca1ClRtat•. ,• Mw
WILMS Gowan'.
wta '0, Oat. 1, 1649 —sail --
e trot
a aver tiro3 a as ri,`witsa .. JOHN STRACI I . o. •.
mown. wn. l o t til. Sri* flare
.aa-s..rMrsiindew BARRISTER AND , .,.! IIF
iOrrtoea of sa aM• JD sou. impT LAW,
nVMM eats MOM new ear sane ores tot SolictN, Its a 1
rassmrilosrifts* earOwl • ink mee Oa pPTA tM 1111 A'
obis • new temool•" nes .w.elssH.' Has his sass 40•Mfie test, Oaken*
e sATl7irlbt:76„ , it i ce Underfelt, sad .twee p, lata. Senile
4. s e1O areatrtaeN erne w ATTORNEY AT 4 a
L=Ta*pp. pLazatss. lies his sake u MswrI,, is Stretl.r4.
sarsosFo'tuO0ea [ A L [t t of A a 1. gr• Btntfoi d, rd laseary, I1b0. *i.Otl.
ra wsbwa ltnrrwrbtrr++as4arihealie + B.— r. elnebaa. e/ tltn la
anewseidis. I tncha. Lias cut faces to set u
11131111111/1114 L ra7011111112.1?
a AL 1 !
erg itewe• rms.areeetwya
MIL etrrsaa arose as tan r out Csai.ysecM, Jfefki/or n
Pl'O BE SOLD.—An Excel- longing to Mr. Gibbose, for Comity Offices; we would recommend
Int FARM, bay LOT It. t9, WAIT- that the Warden enter into arranghmeat with Mr. Gibbons, for
LAND C 0 N C E 8 S ION, Township of the renting of the same. after the expiry of the seising arrange -
Goiania, containing 100 aeon -30 of wbicb meet for the prosiest offices. He may not the t.teeded ones os
L cleared. The ,and is of a superior goali- the following cod'tiens:—
ty, and well watered. it is situated exact- Mr. RrTcau in *be Cbair. let. The rent per annum sot to exceed £37 10s.
1 eine mile from the town of Goderic! oe To lbs Wades and CoL.ctl of of Huron 2nd. Thal Mr. Gibbons shall make any ,eeeetary alterations in
the Heron load, and et the junction of six Perth and Bruce— piercing the walls, sad patting is rings for stow) pipes, at soy
diDhsest roads; and u it is in the centre of The Select Committee on Finales, baeiag carefully examined the time they may be needed, and that he rem". all the foroitol",
• !spate* and prosperous locality, it is ex- dil%not documents submitted to them, beg leave to Report w books, papers, ice., ennoecled with the County Offices, at hie own
eills.Uy adapted for a Tavern stead or a follows t— ,expense and deliver them free at the tin roofed house. To prevent
MW,.. Title farm is well entitled to the No. 1, adopted. soy misunderstanding amongst the officers, to 'electing the rem.
attention of persons desirous of an eligible The first doeumest submitted for our eoa.ider.tioe is the Teta- to accommodate themselves; we would recommend that they ern
eitsatios for busiosus, and will be mold oo snter's Report.
very reasonable term.. For particulars lo that Report the Statement of the Debts includes those eon -
apply to D. IJ. LiZARS, Land Agent, tractd is 1649. By reference to the By -Lawn, made for the Li-
l odsrish, June 90, 1550. is -eft. quidatios of tie Debts due by the late District, the tax imposed is
1V 0 T 1 C E . only for the payment of debt' due op to -the 1a of January, 1849.—
They will thordor. require to be paid 6r.t. We beg else to refer Caused .f Ellice we beg to declie complying with.
8E0 a What. is the i.hsbitsets of the , to the A 19 Viet chapter 81 em wenag a to sake the By- 44dot A bet .t the apportionment of the Tavern license
ITowable, d Oederl.b, Steele, and Col -
Wm, that toner a *wet of Attars* from the
BARON DE TUYLE, dated ube 25th April.
1841, 1 am setborlsed is dispose of his LANDO
le le... Tswssbipe, and t. gnat Title Deed for
ted sense.-edatsa a eelleat all Monies des hits.
end a great Discharge' f. the cam..—and I
hereby regeest all Know t.debtd t' the aid
Maros de Tyle, fertkwith to settle ,p their rn-
pectin debet.
t3odb1b, 8th May, 1850. 3v-e15tf
HiLL, '
United Cousins
s■..dkt lasw+ertL N N lbw P
anew enrtdyrt xtt►ooe .j• S1 a k n+ i
rt.rprrs N es arse -- tea . ssvr Apgt sad Cott.wl for $r bus.. is X41
.LS►raWI s'ars abbe
mirrors owe ,sus rig 'Warred to ►len from 8ttatf rt..
D -Lal_ TfawYtmtttrm'sMsder __ y
ter ems tot rs.srsaS.eM r madame t49
mai.. R WILLIAMS & fic► A
range amoopt thereelves, as to which will suit best:. hot is the
event of say difficulty arising from this arrangement, any differ-
ence or dispute, will be left to the Warden to settle, and hs de.
Minos w+ll be field.
46, Do • A. application of a grant of money from the Township
tamt.e.btal,iMtttlilli ►1t'
>.• „es ,alio, with di C li1 f f tab l er GGu7' t
M [[ s d M A?[ s 1 nig, LlgatlM
wnmis ta• eel
helms or wYf to abut lMinim Aad , q . e-
AVM ad OWOO So the MEAN. engem Talsw. p ]IOMres, Mate.
• ` NattwslM: t.o..
,aaoro, til I A• :e•I .. esema
UMW Se mum
Asia.+ St OM Sufis r• TA TIOi
egos -geese. tome. wel'1•.e• ,•.steles ter ohm rroto
.. •1 e'tOtsAef.wr Prowitetiow r . win amens% MIK
w • >e =ler 1 as Medi, see rr'wslr w'easr M i look. ie -e 1S.
.ere for wawa. b romee a
BEG to intimate to all that it may *mem,
1 have'oder a power of Attorse!J grat-
ed ie. WILLIAM STORY. e'tbofiord him to
este* all mseys die ins either by Note of
Wed* *tbrrwi.., WI tract discharges for the
met: Auld i Mein mimes' all perms ietlehuid
M the llrtlwitb u wale the sate dwen
0•deriel. 95th day May, 850. •3.17
Tis un mu tri nate turves
UNIFY TME 61000.
Asd thus remove all demise from the system.
a&SW „y.l ION/nos ere l 1 f E Pill! and
e s N i X SITTERS ►s *ae• ee ••es'r'ene'-
titian to W e.brtian •f see.1'Woo.
Tie grimal,.. ttWoe 1an•iebtiee rot pd.p Yelk nt'. G..•d .d wither
ther garb • e.pbkt. tel
•• tr.ww.. s•sisiaiut t a Yeasts.. ae.
• .►e► k • emote", or 11••de•r.sta W.w crest te w -
(Wanlye►1.► Oniteen `intig Win "V or reit
TM . ••d e•r •it•r ,w a•h•K
aaf a ovens
W..i4. seer ted. procure than ebb eke* wenpan r•
M atoned rat ted eft j.u. 5 n. aroh4 •rI d. est
by tow web saes e,y,en; 1•t if Toe In be aaata.e
Wet tins sena anon eree se s dot ter.-► Wen.
Ur Prawn! ant red by
a arwwieg..ieiYs tl> Wr .s1.='*lir
yen sae 1r
Lew ill g•astioa; fee easNisg i"le l r.ssunt tesaiiea► ser a time*" Peed, famished by the Treasurer a recetvd by bum from thole -
contracted i5 1649 sad 1860. We would tee ,mead "11 15 b sweeter treserrl. From the list submitted, it appears that there
sent to Terosto at the expense of the Counties, ad sadsavor to le a great deficiency in some Townships that we are unclad to
*genets • Loa., theta or elsewhere, of £2,000, with any of tbe think cruse from the eireometasce of the Isspec'or of Licence
Basks or other parties willing to do tbe same, upon the most foto- for the Coifed Counties giving credit, at the time parties take out
roans terms he an get; cad also that the Warden do aamonahas their limns. , W. would therefore recommend that the Warden
the Geverao► and Dir.etors of the Caine Compsey on the sans .nue 4010 oemessateati00 with his, ted the /miteetor, cameral earl.
subject; at the same time ulliag their attention to ted einem- elf their attend.' to tbe great deiciency, sinning le sen. Tows-
utante• that • great part ofthe 110557 will be immediately pod beck ships, with a view of the whale beteg paid op forthwith, se to to
by parties who bate purchased lads of diem sad are at present in enable the Isepeetor General to issue bat warrants to the different
arrears. Contentions Whin the Comities, that ars short of what they ars
2, 1, 4, adopted. l'reas.rree Abstracts from 1st Jester', 1850, entitled t•,
t. let October, 1850 may be 61.d. 47. do. Copy •f a letter from the Warden to the County
6, adopted. T►ns accounts from Mr. Rowse'', Townie, which Tresarer, relative to the alteration in the law about Township
seem to be all for the came thing, the "could* Well the cam., but Treasurer; we have already made a deliverance (No. 39,) we beg
is tbe bill of participial" ecoompearag the ass., it swan • great M refer to that.
THE Subscriber Orson( been aa1ppeiasdgent A
by animal*, tha.lo is prepared to ,weir. Ssb-
sariptioss for $..ek is the Proprietary 'mach,
and 'yplleatisse for lasers** is the Mutual
Branch, an to giro such lefotnaues *tee
*beret as may be regairsd.
Gederkh, Wit Sept. 1649. eve•34t•
"sal of lbs *Oki" were got ee • the late Mr. Doe's priest. se- 48. do- Petition of Jobe Hawkins, ad others of AabSeld, re -
coast, we would therefore r_Mmmed that the Clerk ted Asdtt- labs, to tbe ver' ledi ts* meow in which the Anatomist for
ors select felon thecaee what Wel* were got for this w of the the Canty of Beuee, ken leen takes: we would ree'ommend the
Casettes, and the Wades give as order epee the Treasure ,for County Council to take se action in this matter, wit is entirely a
19s amount. Township affair, and rets with the 4:5.15s* Musicipalitis. to
6. adopld. The seeount of M►. MrQosse foe Print—mit oP 10 punish any dereliction .f ditty in their offices.
the 8pth November, 1850, 110 he he paid after beteg 49. do. Toases deliveneee as the last.
duly audited. b0. do. Aee.s.t for repairinngg ►ridge. at Jacob'e
7, do. As foment fee advertising is the Hares Signal, State- Tavern, sad Warrens Crook, Loads. Read, we recommend for
meat of ole Debts and Liabilities of the Heron restrict, ad Tree payment after being *edited. •
sure', Abstract, we recommend to be pstd after bang duly editor- 81. do. A memorial from ted "New, sf the Tows 01 Gode-
8, do. Ace**, agaMel the Tras.anr for Prating and Adm- web : we an of oplstom that, ter is uonecesssry to gin .57 grnrae-
tieisg streets of Taxes, the same deliveracce as the last. tee to the same, as the tax has bees lswfnlly imposed; if the pro-
., do. Aceeoat of mos'' wag" .mplgyed by the Cowry Sor- per officer ►.sally performs his duty, the law of the Preview, is a
*yon, Is Surveying sed manumit the works connected with the eyf&ie.% gs.rseW a.d be wilt be fully prorated thereby.
Cauda Company'' I t Fund, the woe as tbe last. 51. do Ball foe en . reran, books for the sum of £26 es., we
10. 1s answer to the petition of John McCurdy, praying for reenmm.ed b he taw.
some advises epos a contract, partl'6sisbod by him on the Mitch- 53. do. BSI from lbs Canada, we reeemmeed for
e11 Road we would roeommsd that the Warden Issue al/sentare paymnt•
is ba favor to the extent of76 per cess. upon the contract. 54. do. Aeeoost of H. RewMY, Tereste, for sutio,ary up to
11. de. See also 85- A Bou from to. solicitor regosetieg is- 1st July last, ere recesomeed for payees'. after being duly audited.
formation whether In will accept summoasss .poet the County, And we would ,ee.mareed that the Auditor* ad Clerk, chock the
sad also requiring information -about taking . elan"' same, and seg that sews of it bas been charred before..
EdwardStiles Collector for Blan.bard, in answer to the first we 55. do. Account from G.111. Graham, Lassies, for insanitary
rip HM Sube
.nber beleave to inform the
A- !ebahaa
itt@ of the Distinct of Hares,
. ad the esiggkbboring Districts, that be bas
Established himself in Stratford,
and ie prepard to giro Plass end Speciftea•
ties of Public or Private Buildings, Bridg-
et, Mill ,)ams, rte. Inc. ke., and will take
the eeponetendettce of suck Erections, on
the moat rewesable terms.
His thorough knowledge ofhis profession
sed hie practice* Builder, qualifies him for
any udertakia to the 'toe. Address poet
pard, Builder, ke. ke. Stratford, C. W .
Stratford, March 6th, 1849. 1v-a7tf
^•'-7b w►.mibsr bs.i.g pe rebel* gee tem,
set of Mr. C. J. Wtt.oe in the above Es-
Wdeheseol, is abet to contuses the Boot-
ees es his ems responsibility. le retuning
Minks to lb pubhe for the very liberal es•
eourapttsent received by Ou k Wtuos,
lie begs to intimate t at be will5.seteatly
keep on Wad se assortment el/Wpm*
C.eno.e, constitute of C 0 o K I W O.
Parlour, and Box Stoles ; Amer-
ican, Scotch & Canadian Ploughs
in the inner Improved Mould...-.VALT
ROLLERS, Tbirwia /-wire, 8enith's
5 .r.,4.• THRASHINGMAClfNis
of s &upKtnr deseripttea tot fey bhherte
lgbwdued, ad better adapted to that mow
: h.m their lighesess eldre.ghl. and
1 .f eoetreetiem. A sell frees is-
ismhsg parttime,' is rsgs..W blare per-
&wieg elsewhere. The above will he sold
M Lem lines he Gel sr 'rude, se steer -
11111,104•1 *It w arptmist chore.
' IeMMRtt! l NINnik oft
irrras.-a i1/41-041•
. .
S.f. Agent.
Gelerish; Jas. 98, 1848.
BARRISTER AT LAW. ire. die. ase
GEORGE WILLIAMS, of Lve,o '.t,
tate of oho firm el Seesaw Welter and Willtame.
Banisters, dtc.TWOS to, hems this day eater*
iateee•putserstip, i. the Printiee. an Prefer
O M al LAW. Ca ad Cog mucus,
will is (.tore keep their Ori... at Oodetieb and
Stratford. reopeetively, oader the same, stye
sad firm of *imp sed Wataas..
Diva Wino., O.,I.rtcb.
Gsmoa Witt**, 8tntl.54. f• -•47t1
December, 1849.
w•'ld reeomme A that the 8e11eitor be authorised to accept any we recommed for parniont, after brtisg aodutd•
memo** or writ *tenet the County, end also that be 56. do. M'Craig's account for ltatsaary, the sate deliver-
tostrnued errata* Edward Stiles. se. as t1. last.
13, de. Aa *mount of Williams Waugh, (leek') for clewing 57. de. Aeeetrst from Elijah Moore for furnishings for the
reed in Logen, we recommend the said account 10 be paid tf se$- County Clerks Ofsee, sod certified by the Clerk; we recommsed
eiept Ieea1 money Indus the Teem/nip of Logan . for payment
13, de Another accent from, we recomss.d the
we recommead the above to be paid, out of allover* for before the 1st of Jesuitry, stating diet it is impossible to do tbe
same as do. A letter from the Trss.ur•r, in as'wer tote Mottos
14, do. As /neo"t of Jobs Rabb for work or Whirl Creek requiring him to prepare a lit of thelade is amen of lane,
ss b,e.ebes, ones immediatele. Os Weenies to the 46th Section of tie Aet
16, do. As **est of *dies **eel. pealed as above. 13th and 14th Vienna; it appears t• b imperative that the seem
ie, dn. An account for wort se Badge over t1. Ra►., Teams, must be does before the let of Jamuery soot, as it appears t111 as
a M pied as slew. that in the tweet of that eat Wise dee., the is . chaffer of
17, de. As scoots) d F. Swoot, fur wok se Ma. Reed t0 loosing all the beck lex* then dim; we would there'.* recommitted
be pt/d, neem w above. that the Tres,onr be is.treetsd to Wroth* ems ready lefere the
18, in. As eesoust •1 Daniel Gorham for making Desks for 30th met,; .,,d for rho purpose of sashimi him to de s•, he my
District Clerk's Office, we *ween end te he p.d alt., being duly eel at tin einem el the Ceasing whetsysl help will i
edited, lIt ,kat porpoes ad fir tbe fell e.rrying eat tha intettt000 of
19. de. As Deepest of Do..ld Gordon for sestssarias f.reid- said Act, +t will be .scessery that a metro( of tbe Ginty Shanty, e. Lake Mees "Ammo Hay, tow ace."'w . be eeseeeee r mare• W asd tui.
bunt" Mon w fe the hooey? Biose d C.u.s4 k du1peed SR 89. do. Losel seem* ewe Mlles in newer of /invertt, ea. Aa sem* ef B. Plrc..5, reel me.mmeed to be year tB'mp' Il, tot resesers,si to be yid, het beg to sell
after beteg duly .edited. tM.ttesties of ted Aednere, to this and any ether local acretiistll
11, de. A. sceesst •f- iisq., 4m mama y sundress mfreta Splen, cad Ch
Me et twee of IMO neve .a
ve Mees added before
the Cloth d on
the Pe., to t» prl 4 r+'tlertt tel cedes gives fit thee'.
11, d.. A..eeeet of Witham ambers far rgaltieg Bridge es. es, Meat hose M►. row for limber fersit.I1r tis
in Contents, to be pard est .f tleswwtef odds. bnaebsa. Gael I by it Inner rant the Clerk of IM M/
33, en. As Off Wild d 8teerN... for wee! hes N
Bridge, kc tot Canto**, to be the some es sieve.
m, 4e. As .eenret d Pater Metras, nettled y IieReeve of
A.hi.kl. •►feted stator 1b4Air breddlti bs••heU tore *Mem.
mind M payout saw bow sealed.
18. M. A. •eese.t el Jobe Asks% M NpJM1ag 11(;s wee
Week dub is Dusts, te be peel ewe of IM std ke m01Me
breathe• s.' T
Se da As t*- h
a/AS ll . Art1N! 6eMle f - N ,e
PwT t►snCek.
be prides above. 7e. s.
e7. d.. de M'Mli 1w big Vag 4►.
i ..etas rd ..dte.a. s•
J. K. G O O D I N G,
j 'LL attend SALES in apy pert et the
County os reaso.abl• Tomo. .►r
ply a his R•eideee•,. Lupbt-H.ssgp{.
firwt.rirh. April 411 1849. ..5e.e5
71►w duces Caw el re. Comas C.'s. e '
• ooa1 /i
A. a 11711, 1605. IMAM
*OOT ad $HOE Mbar, tlae4sep AM
or Mi. iet*p Videsa'w asks.Mi.
Front street. Goderts►. ., Y
Ape; MA, 1880. tll a
Gommtai . Queen's Brisk
AN excelleset spsaittg for a good Wa•
goat milker will .t peal . fend is
the nsingsillage of Clistort, situated *the
juncoes of the roods leading from Hamiltes
and Lodes to Godsneb, sod beteg twelve
miles distant from tb latter. This village
is surrou.dd by tbe most prosperous set THE Subscriber Wvisg RENTED the
DSI I 113I e A IL
Jany 31. tact. :v -eft
0.i. 96, 1949. sr
DAA ll,. LJZAI -
A V C TION3Sdt • •
IspnM rsd sorts mew pad
thoUsite i Cenatie.ts•WMsuIksesbsgs
able term'. Apply at the ". Ib
Lighthouse street.
I:1 1
Goderieb, April 11, t660. -- tie •
tenon is tbe Huron Trset, and alreedl WAREHOUSE sad WHARF Wider
promioe to become a place of VOWS tenor.
tante. Then are now several tred5sm.n
is it, sod a good workman in the above
Ione will assuredly meet with liberal en-
For further particulars, application may
be made to Barclay Lavin, Blacksmith Chs
too who whin ebeetfoUy give ssa.tasee to
the penes wi.hiug to commene5 wagon
sinking in the above owned Tiller.
Chows, 93rd Oct.. 1850. v3 -n26
oder of weaning: we b be alibi and pi/•
88. dot Acmes( Neal Wbeq, the ems d.liesreale i reseWooVia, 41111
the last.. 1r
h. ha. Aeenent h ptD.stlee lSr.snlagett/ M. t1p7 Oteidtieh,
de sten, aw..eeti. lk acid", UM ants debe*eses r
MOE Snberiber began ignite the isbsbitasts
1 •f Osdrieb sad its 'knit?, than be bat re-
ceived a
which be often for SALE ser my
11. S.bseriber des keep** hard, as steal.
at his OLD STAND, a LARGE ad vary Se -
poem ■s.ertoeet of
TINWARE of every description.
The .abseriket takes this'.icy drew.
Megan Mee* thinks i I21 Pone fet the very
Iteral patrewge be' his reevi..d .tee. be bee
leee i. beetemia 0.4.rleb, rad h.pssbynnet
atteetim t. besteM. sod 15.4.,.'. proms, a
.ewes is wilily'', a shared Ike a parrssene
ees►.,eider.. WILLIAM ST Rt7•
Gderieh, 6th Sept. 1849.
tog t• the Dereepert, d lbie pose
has established himself se a
roam ass tfeYwA.
Ally einem or • frees the t
chants of Geie►ie►, win mos s1 $
atteotios. JOHN MeiWAN•
Wildon, Merely 1fet. •Acinic•(
STOILB9.i: : •
(Chemist an a
Jsl' 1860. l0.1
TH$ 01•D IAxmtl;
. an Power natter, nese ifeltP
Cassia C_ usey's Mee, WMMJenede,
tiedrrisl, epunber Si,
TRL emberiber having b... appsistd
ABA% if t
e'CA14ADA, L M$l7RANCE CO.!"
ferried t4AM t. for Asee-
rsie., ee4 W l ae 1iy to agy
OW as to the
N. d. Arcane Mui. Willes Ono, WNW% ser Ae CA RDiI'
"`' f•qs ,1 ► ince igr a, w (JY.g N MAIL..,..
hr ted y lts pint
Iter pM.11.Mt>M M - 71igwisid°;sryheri751111.:4
en11ewttiilltD6lt la MRtq• s 1111'yy.f 1 ..
et do. M arils'. eeeeee4 sodk ebb We pteet.d11101b ardde• *tors
lobe pa44 sleet billed mortified sad 71. dot
latleg dc. A. a..es0t 0f o'o'N Wiwedt w rw•*smll to be '# 14
1 eb, ,ler rAwew.sneelJespbMoes/ M ,
Omni, net. D .1,1.1 tn.ey4171 it he pa*
Stas St
Farmers' Mutual Ins
L'Z&A moraIN$,_Hat tIs
the Cassese d Wisatko
Augwl117,1a1S.---- - •`'-SN/M+
DAVID 0.. Ua
LAND VC•R0NE-q f'l ! •
V T CL sere sates ke
r C•sah..d'lie
pt4t asonash .irpkw
y,w ggW
01110 eM M:I fltW eft ._
VAIN -11 P.' .,-tl
D` HYDE reepestful
'vatic is end seemed
esee►ed isle Parrserelip
se Ch, 'std Bheii.1.
ftem Iaale lei bit.
S X11
WEST Iraszr, 00
1T IIdY. P00