Huron Signal, 1851-01-02, Page 3LW lb 1-
10 Aloe tpK
'B' -- -- 477w4;444fii744
set: w Y• no r. fur
Oho. a I. btdawi•i is
Coiled C**nttee of r
u - of , ..p to .I r'a 1{.
hi Her Msrety• Court of Cturee's Beec' ice" Fira"'er, a .he vert is sow este,
RCIRO •Puou'rd r. tull•er aR miter es►•
�t� iJ
ttl/� Ji
"rink' hr ib1 pRmw. vl A...,„ Mys,M
echelon u a ere toddy► Mal BM say we /) 13Y eM • a►P liar. teed. the erector" d e �a+r�, y1 ;�yt�� years Ltd, sun a .bile
i w *AVM
%bra t evil �• B%■cr • eat t'�+eh seer the urea M toad poet M k l<11 Il%l1t• �'r A��IIVR4EVK. WA' E�. ,here lite b
YI• H f u.en1 uerM1 nut l ba 4 . swwnMu the
aaness Av (U
N 14
want ase pub11- al Toros. , to me aroct.a. airtime, 06.1. fUs•d. 7 try also give seder nbreriber
tate, Real a well are Pere•,aal, o<o rnrd t*e
that fiat i•beadederer to Mr. Leaned Al
Aptl�ge'j IN 4h�^�t�e(s filo
b• peer • Ne blot
►101)TN. GUMS Alt TUTS. I4siKlMop, lith Atm. 1d50. ,• 1' �
u,ppl. m m top of dor oirh shots r dies M
wldre ,.f the Aeby. Amy per..• pro
k CoC at Mr [diene• el ad
.adMrlOar. s,s r
Aaa•lttl'rmS hs'.. N on tnr;nol, • .loom they will pay To those rigor's/ bin senicee, in wet I. ti
R E 8 U R M 11 J moo. an absconding ur concealed &blot, tier reser-tire eaewwrt d .nor 6'114 I M. ti
A Juno. (rombs and Jess. team, sill b* 14TR 1T'YI RD
1lptisla'i ` a., ,-
L rai the sad ofyea n,. s,. .Aa•r u. a e"If ra .M er.we • atter,. 7 (J,�
.i'.6ei*.1 discharge Irina let ate 'I Ib. Gnm• .,., Tret► trt�mien aeae teen FULLING IP CA RUING HMV
R. Andrews fur the auto 01 Five hundred sad h•Wluy• to n rider sound and hoe thy. Chargee
nIM1Kp p•wnJa nine shill. • red Gtr
fr i.lrr 4 ( 7 K MILLER, moderate. Ro.,m• at the ILiti.h Hetet. �-
oderoh, No,. 10, 1820.. le:f
Sis.ibse Wal 11111 sa.i• . rieeiet e!
t1M1/ fsr weed 111000- Gnat Br"ilei) pence i hue seised all IAu Real sad Per Joon STWAR f
Goderieb, 18.1 Dec''tIf50. , G 'I' itnbreribsr in thankfully arb .wy:;
bike .c►q. DESPINI ULla L/sr� the ie►sbtteate 00041 Estate of the sat I lila Jose*, sod 304; rdRug 'bile very L►enl pasW,.r be..
Tv� �}mt •bep/'►N. 11. le sed areeed BTIZAT/ORD, ret be Me unte0e the •add John Jones rs utas wish• --- •„,,,,,i upon Ate Carding MIII ibis s. be..r
{1�0J.�n� Ntthred the Besisow 4 dire MyM, lately ear- the tnedlUlun of the Court . from wiener STRATEo the Sebee.iher, Let If. orb orgy to toumrte to hie 'rends and the pub.
iN.d •.iled �,w� grope
r d w�. vied os by bitty h the MEDICAL H + LLf and he amid ant issued, snit tis Ball 10 the l7 psS•WOs.�ewruAi of
ao� new „r
The Meed ttMwIlkeutrwtrde • hese the abilityd action or cause the .iris• of tb. •aiJJus•w ' ' IS•h ly La, •Pale White vC- () I ) .
1E•*Lad. ad fa rural Clew- ne►ew b. idea TO [' Ill I111K I)7eslll
NO 77
r Y•nersll; the, h• a ready f
the ` flood, Mnas dlspeeeed Medtefeee Ibr mon .ba hail f"' b0. el#s p Gild orb. no N
Aad still see•.esltlM tots 1 iQatbsousaod• to ben d rho )toysl ram*. dories Mime ►ears Crnmhie and Janes R. Andrew• to he die tb bead'. . --red from the sh,.ul.fere 1 ail() 1111h 11y,R
Where Ips!Mry, with her cheerful sang
Ad be/ alai bf 1t Meads beastly ale
-Mime pii..fadd 6miee 1• seldom Nee,
But plenty .prtnt• Oka an evergre.n-
Oeee mtewaa lee fir the fertile soil,
Our hope in Um hottest ploughman's toi
Aed 1. toil mead the4ser we steed aloe
To believe ate beppy .'sad our ewe.
If Nwipeon tt jars; sed more pweld elle•.
Aid Mn grow peace,
Tb* eartw full al' kly b1isb,
are hetety and of happia•n.
Aad if we could aeras
Ow mites! prosperity,
'Ther•'• ro •m /lough for real eel ma.'tkf
Te r lad be friend,, witb.I-
Osr Hunan •/bees her ample plains,
Teem* with Labors ehoie,.t galas.
Teams. y, beauty, mirth and health,
And them are reeve thaw Idenm,h's weals
And thew '» here, Ina serum heves,
'Meds, flow'ry basks .std crystal stream;
feeling Industry to goon
And find a happy, sh.ttfol home.
Let Goosetell prosper *0d Increase
Ph We M iedeetry tad peaee-
Pmeper !o commerce, wealth tied honor,
Tial tura el lrurrmw rest soon ler-
Prosper to 1earwte. lose and light
Till aria, wisdom, power unite,
Awl I. their splendour, ev'n eaten
The bounty o! her scenery.
Timm, .twee, my friends, are the hopes
Wel which J week yep a G000N•w Yea& !
W seesawed test week that J. G.
Seregge, Ge, wn appointed one of her
Nepety's Vice-Chaacetler. for Upper Ca-
nada, einem by the resignation pf Mr.
Jute*on. We now learn that Aedrew W.
Bse11, Esq., Clerk of the Crown lip tb
Cenvl of Cement, Pleas, has been apparel. -
al Mater in Cbaoa-y, in room of Mr.
W. further leers that Lawreeoe Hayden
Gq., hoe beet appointed Clerk or the
Commep Plena he piste of Mr. Buell, 1••••-
f40114 Mr the Court of Chancery. Tbis is
an excellent appsieteseet, mod will be so
reprdd by mem of all parties. Mr. Hei-
d.• w-ww .1d cooafots.t Liberal-a4Ahied,
able mast */ hunieeee-eineemed bys11 who
knew him.• -04441.
u Miro.
U�try Merchants, 'I rutin ..f Moth that will be 1..11 to lite
eepstbae*,,fhb teem of flee ohm .mined M.I- charged within three calendar months from h.rebrYd--w h i d 1 1 ate. His }'irlbng 11111, Carding Mill, sad
tee-oneuered whim spot oe hh.
teat Formicary in that toeor a c'ea'p a ,meas, w.eo year alit
bgPl t rye � � ~
all d1i of the pabhuttra of thin satire, _•t,, moll meas. A liberal reward well be paid A.VD OTHERS.
Ito lea
ret of apparatus', i• ill of 11. suet ,mrrtr
ng i . y,t�r� Es tet Real or Per anal of th, sod ill perew It.nag rub iM 8abvc.i- _ .ed shit neural kuid of Machinery, and wear.
ADVICE GR.f7T8, John Jones or is mutt thereof be may b• t•er eat dee Harem Brrisl(Nli.. of the.aidesHE S.i..,ter bee r r.t,.d few ea k'd by none but •.kiUul and .'per •eared
To all prisons who may think proper la tam& n y will be heW Rabin fur tbo pay JOHN CLEGO
bin mend, benefit Anil saIi.faetion of the claims Gedetich, Dec. 19, 1850. i3644
I, A fell supply of th. *hearer mums, CHEMI- of the said platnuir'. a• well as far the -- - --
CALS. Batioar y. oAs. Varonb.s, Dyedeess. 'pennant, benefit or 111010111C1.1118 of tie TEACHERS' R'' MEETING.
Niels. AA.. together wills a great tarley of .btu, rte claim' .•f rush oth..r k ug or
cerin• ani bald •r
Chown other domestic amoks, will .b• kepi lateu9'i, ae shall or may 1-k• P proceeding. TEACHERS' M II b.
eearlWly ep o
e beat. - J I '•' S JAM:
� ga o Tea nit h 2b h
• araisst the property and effrt• of the omit ° ° "r• , • est., at 12
.r o'clock. o.oe. A g•wnl ui•ndauee a will be
B.atf rd, is iiieaiy, IPSI. 4 -3,w3 issuing of the above mentioned writ of at. inserted.
' OOHS 1TRAUHAN., is virture of which Ibis 00114* is, Dec. I8, 1850. ,3.44
Barrier► anal 4ilwary at Law, Garrick, published.
I • Z ILL ti firmer steed •• Cee*rl •i the itis- ShenfyU. C. II. P. k B.
I'1f ferret Division Coons i• the United Sherif& Office Goderteh, ? [ IN
tCee/ales of Hur.a. Pesti ud Btuu.II
G*d.ieifn J185178Dezember 1(350v3-046TL+i
We observe that no- se of oar cotumpe.
ratios are 'atlacki.g the Government no
*1(00.1 of the eoethn.d delay in tr$oster•
tbe Part Ocoee Depertseet from Im•
penal le Preeiaeeel suttee'. The delay w
/twMbtedly very snooper, and is hr se
we el* see,11 has bees wubo,tt any sufrt
tient erase. But abs daisy roots entirely
with the 1spiAai llorerrment, and, we
bBtp 1r./.watrehl Motbonne* regret it
o+Mplr'etnaay other prfeee, r. the
amelaet appMplbe of the Provincial (3o•
vr.weet, made during the rummer, for an
tm�ir transfer, it sus stated to be
isp.ible to effect the same, and have the
seamen in rwdiner� by the departmental, 5th Octeher IPSO. but that
werytMrg would e.rternIy lee in readiness
b7 4M bib lsmaary, 1831, when the arreng•.
�•s1 world go two effect. Ther under-
standing has been meted epee. and it te
pawed tint the pledge welt be redeemed!,
kgsiibo Proraetitl A4siastrat.o• Wee so
potted atilt•. et--.Gliolr,
•, ten seethe.. •M Uarrit. STATES
AMD AUUra1A.-A Wttahington letter says:
-Austria bio been metier a pert towards
the� fooerempt whish will term•oatr eel
dllptepa•tid rsIb4uu. it.Cabi.etet Vies.
eaa ieetrM,{ed the Auatrien Charge et tine
capitol, M. Hul yams, to ronres•rt to the
.jeuntetrsaon that in the event of K'south
and hie cn-Petriota bei* received and are
(anted u uylu y, tt will be .slew.% mom
lir that government W withdrew lite repro-
e8•talie.. Mr. Webster wee not lour
determining what to do. He repreeentd
tide. Hulysae tet the t+fugeo• .f bleed
tie waste rxtpLa�delepd with open
arm, and tis Adl,$wbiCheirl(e demanded
let t rt world ba randy at any nae
want ;' wh.r.upo. H. M. wrote home fear
further iasMet$eet. Mit 4hiie lot haring
awned 114. *berthed diplem•rist smy eke
eepjugd to erne wdy be a geese *speedy.
- Slaw Yam, Dee. fat 3 o'clock. -it le
..w bl g s ui J W. ale ries* West.
nota Ism pit hew web a sea to the 11.d -
es. 1tir t At 4b Net tee years. A mom
bee of ieM' is base dragged anchor, and it
_ _Jit dosiS0lfljlf M doe* 16.1114
r11e.f.r)r�J�a�s_s�7 9. 18111.
Bsr >,. ed. �rwg b. W.
• '� t-+ iu t It .JI
� i)_ Me -a hoe a srV.a
04 �v +► "H.*m•d'1 u .i b' o..,
• »'tiewi•e11 G _tient Y
LIN' to W t1
•s e t .•illi 1Mt� )Nap
e. .palsy, .held B..eV shin
10.4. le le. bsdel.
' `,_1i �'a1ir4ii.
eMOyW gas • *,
Ari.. .1- at....
7"'it►tieeet•ej gess bow Iver yet
N. B. -Purges at • shammy arbor to •mil
• add, wee Mr. Stamm. pawpaw, ...sum.. et.
,h .atselrw of Mr. Straub.*'• sera.',, "Lple•re NATIONAL 11 n
R. THRASHERS would .H o in.
CAME late the E,rtelowre of IM au
.r, 'per cm err 'boot the 1st of Note
her laame Jen t ere* yeu old deer, Mao
the let of fret. a yeerfi.g hotter. Let N
26. 41h Co., Tow •Ale of MdLaop. TI
owners of the above animals a regmieated
prof• proper17 My, and tat
them away.
McKillop Dee. 30, 1850. 046-.3
Of Immense Importance 40 the
- ic1�r.
boat opeel.g at the Great Wester* Dept,
a Largo aid well_aoao►t.d NEW STOCK --
b- - be tetmda is IMeeday, the 1614 inst.. 10 *pea a
eye- THE SUBSCRIBER begs lune to in- Class in'Pennlanah
a►0.4 term his friends ..d the public pea.- , •
e, rally, that he hat now got the Nationals As Sir. T.'a.perp• an wear Unreal, "p••saa
e Hotel eo far completed, a to warr•.t hes wtiO 0••41 iwpf•.eeae.t Medd miss this cheese.
to t■.areae• that he,. prepared to furnish ere- envy. Lersrea gives of required witbost tram
e conmodatton for was and horse, a rel at charge,
9' Ifo School will ewtwse 2 seeks mad M
leu4 to anything that can low ftntnd be•- looter.
iween London and G.dench. The Natio,. ROO4113 AT THE HURON HOTEL.
d H*ld t• .tweed in the beautiful and Garrick. Dee. 11, 1850. 43
tArtviuf village of Brece6•Id, 18 nide" - -
fres Gederich and 42 miles from Leindnn, -
hem the •ltgtbiluy or the situation, and
• strict attention to the comfort of hie roues
and eostemere, be hopes for a •baro of pubs
Ile patronage.
• Brucefield, let Jan. 1051. o3 -n49
fel Ladies owd Gest.ewa of Go/rid, rat
At No. 11, North Side of Dundee Street
opposite the Robinson H.11, London.
14or.•d that the United Comm.& be diel.
dud Info tire* school districts, for Ilse pub•
pose of w,'ipointing Superintendents of cos-
muo scltuo.• to be u tollows viz :
1st. The.' County of Perth to form one
Districts comptuiag the township. of Blas-
t chard. Duwote and Gore of Downie, North
and South Etutbope, Ellice, Logan, Fut
lertoa, Hibbert, t.-getbar with the sew
townehipe to 114. worth of the above.
3nd. The townships of Biddulph, McG•l•
lirray, St ephen, Hay, Stanley, Tucker-
' 11011h, and U•b•rne.
3rd. G..derich t•.a pahip.*4 town, Hal.
let, McKillop, Colborne, Wawnuoab. Attie -
Bald, and the County. of Bruce, •Iso the
towns hips to the north of Hullet aod Mc-
Carried ounintottsly :
ARE now opening a Splenid Assortment
of FALL and winter CLOTHING
made from use Newest Styles of Material,
of Froneh, Eo1II•h, American, and Cana-
dian Cloths, reanufacuired by tirwt-elase
workmen, under t s town 'operates. awe.
We eel' the attention of the Public to the
followings LIST OF PRICES of Gno:• in
the Clotbiag and Dry Goo.l. Departments :
Lod E • d
English and French Breed -
cloth Coate, all 'colours
and slsl.e,.• 1 15 Ot.1 10 0
Engl uh, French and Mimi
can Beaver Coats, .1 15 0 to 2 10 0
Eng Irk, Frisch, Mainmast
I and Canadian Doeskin,
Tweed trod Sanest Sport.
lag Coats and Tatrlmnie•,' 15 0 to 2 10 0
Cloth, Caseimer•, Tweed
and Doeskin, 0 7 0 to 0 12
French and En_•ush, Patio
sari Fancy flush, Satin
and Velvet Vests, 0 8 9 to 0 15 0
A Srge Stock of Plaid,
(every variety,) 0 S 01.0 10 0
Enol ish, Fre n ch, A mencan,
Plain and Facer Doeskin
Pante, 0 12 6tot 0 0
Comedian, American and
E.pliah Tweed, Stioet
wed Full Cloth, ....0 10 Otoe 17 8
A Jarred tack, (every varied),) cua.taitly
on heed ear made en orde•.
HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS. ke., ku.
America., French and English (tats,
Newest Style".)
English, Amerman, Cal: keeterlliee mrey.
Hnngsri•n •r4 Wide-yerake Pak Monk elt
calors. stir Clith end Glazed
White and Coloured Shirts, Neuse t *yIan.
and Patterns, all prices.
Fritsch and English Broad-
cloths and Beavers, 7e 6d to 23s
Fr.peh, Event+, and Amari
awn Doe•khse,• •. he tones
Enron, Americas femme*,
and Canadian Tweeds,
Saustettti Sete, b 9d to 6.3.1
Striped Shaun's, 7hd to 104
Fetor • Cottons, ebd to 7 d
PrintedCalicoes[alI widtba,J bit to - lid
Mu•lee de Luaus, Plaids, Menne w,Csl-
burg , Orleans sod Alpaccu of every
style, late 3e
Tiekisg.r&Thd earl Amormea)10 to I. 3d
B'sekets, Its 21 to tan
Red arse White Flannel, 1. 31110 Se
Milb send Velem Boa..,., Se I4 to 12e Od
Clomb sad {holes, tie to tis
Woolen Maws, ell prion*. A h medid
Steck of Fars, consisting of Steno Martin,
Mint, Squirrel and Sable Melt moil Seth.
AI.. Vtetornas, all prices.
The Reuel' %Vhy ere can ed will
LE hell C/IP M me fo4low•1 W4 aria /e-
lermoned t• t ter Rr1jp Amory, there -
B.4 peale to maks up, by
Mating a Large tai
esu -tee bays set se pet euutnProei
to pry Ise to sed Odd Amok: And
Int bot mel. 1. we Imre detsvtsiemd �t,oy
IA et Van edea. -our Gouda u. 40
%lr> 'I* P,�ip t1.•d M d'smt,;:
...t wftt tis +limn }eat veil, ow �}�
•heat tial itl oismol,il we neeel/,
e • .tom I: ,IMSPN
-oat w. 'i.+er >.t �
at the
THE Subscriber begs lean to rear his aim
gen taillike to his numerous Coaomen for
.the Very Liberal P.,rnug. he has received since
he has been in Burner in Gonench, and it is
reedier to say that he will eue,,ner. to ase hie
u tmost .denims. to .lent a eea,insunee of mid
pa.r.�n.a.. From the high re/osmium of th.
Week wseetaet,red b► tho subeenber, it may be
pool, re:narked. that he soothe. better Carson
GODER1C11," as all his BOOTS & SIIUE8
.. M.aofactured order his own •uperiste.d-
The stheeober air begs to i•i mate to all
shoes ledebred to him either by Not or Bone
Arcane,, *ohm. a G/1DERICII or CAMP.
SELLTOWN. that rile.. rid Ne.. rod Ae. `-NT^e Mich)
counta are ren led on or b.f... the 15th day *f` (.Oen Mittel
Mummy, 1851. they will be pat eat for collector.
Take freed, wad vee Coto 1
N. 11. -Cherry L.mner, Hides or Wheat, ta-
t0.i -
Truly bre hoots hands, a,•d hie Term, will be always Hum
! uurt liberal and moderate know* is lb*
)iff%L IIO% fH
Of various grades. Also ale emerikee'enact* o
CEO. J. PRi1ssINC.
ltlnrfr•J Sit-.,,, 111l11. lkf, 14, lll:,tl.
f o0 hand • 1'g' apd 11.111
DOD. 41.4 Si ark of LUMBER. phicb *ill be
sold at fair prices sod os terprs Uses, cue•
temper.. 3;37 3o
Which will be Sold a, . email advance no New
York Prier.
Potash, Cherry Lumber and Wheat taken in
aid everything to the Lir,,ly as baud,
sheep for orb s. Merelraetable Peduce.
11 H.
Orktieb. Nev. 25.1650. 3ns41-3m
A T the Gedertcb M IIs.
Grd.eich Mills, 5th December, 1849 46.15
LorirendOhe cmbeIwo.• ithe ltMooy'OX GALT AND GODERICH
those litres Teen aid, 8ri0dled. wish • Whit THROUGH IN 18 HOURS !
Hed. sad a SeU w. The owner n0 hue him
by peyote rummies, mil price,
Tp. Gedrticl, D.e. 10. 1850. 43
OF the aahemereber ahem the beriuning of July
Nlast, a Year Old HEIFER, of • Re. ei ie.
and of *h. Derham Bleed. The owner is hereby
ngseated to prone properly, pay charges 1od re-
move her forthwith.
La: 18, Tecterspitb, Hares Read.
Ike. 7th, 104
Dissolution of Copartnership.
• HF. Copert.rreh.p a JAHF.S URM8TON
u, Dnggi.i. and Merehante, lately
carried no soder the same, stye emit fent of R.
WILLIAMS & CO., at Stratford, is the Ceea-
ry of Perth, befog at .o cad. by the rl..5 all
the stock in trade in the rid firm by the Sheriff
and by the acts of the said Rah, Williams esu.
recitals rsths deed ct Cop•narr-
.b p Tb. s000mrtatr hereby tines Mier that
be will e.t hold himself'..,. _ L esu say shim
or liabilities cootrecied by aha rid Wail
Walton* and forth -room o.rrt say prison se
morass from settlieg nay debts with or said
Ratty .Williams, as they will be oreseceted by
the cre•1;tnn.
Dared at Stmi! N, 9th December, 1850, by
oris, ere the Cnditma.
Office up w December lin. 1050.
lm connection vita rte Stags from Hamilton.
October, a Staae will leers tbe' Unto
Hotel, Cad, at 5 o'clock, a. m., an
the British Hotel, Goderich, at 5 o'clock, a
m., every day (Sundays excepted,) arriving
at each of the above Towns at early bed
time, and will continue to run for the Ac
cummodation of Travellers, starting pune
wally at 5 o'clock in the mrrrninp. Th
subscriber hopes by yang strict Wends.
to' the comforts of 1hTravelling Public t
receive a share of their support. Buffed
Rubes, kc., ttrnuhed.
Any complaints wade of Driver• will re-
ceive immediate -attention, and will be a
once redressed as far u retirees i. practi
Parcel. sent by Me Line will be convey
ed with etre and punctuality, and delivered
at moderate charges.
Persons traveling by this, Line will not be
deprived of rest as oe the Wrote from Gode
,tett to Hamilton, they arrive in Galt be
tureen 10 and 11 o'clock at sight, and leav
in the morning, for llamilton at t clock_.
sed on '114 Recite from Hamilsna to God*
rich the Pa..eniere arrive in Galt e* they
choose, at 2 ,clock in the Afternoon or 12
n'e!ocir at night, and Noes for Goderleb at
S to tbe morning. • . -
T. 14. DALY, Proprietor. '
Stratford. Sept. 18, tear. 1h-n93tf •
TIIE 3ub.eriber Wee leave to rely to
to hie numerous re mecteMe Ssstes efe,
nit the tram:bur public gonerahy, that
he extensive repairs ted improve.ewt•
which here been le pro*rens on the Hiroo
Istel dnnog the course of the imams', are
ow tally completed. Aad u holed', confi-
dent that hes estahIs.bu ant I• nowt capable of
!fording accommodation equal to that of
• y Hotel in thin mecum eit the reentry, he
e nteree to hope fur a continuance of that
liberal .uppnrt which he ha. received duan,
• period be has been to ►oeinene.
Heron H.tsl, Gsdencb,
October 18, 1830. 5 veni5
DI1'ISION C011ey's.
/FOIE .eat Divi•iee Coons for rhe L'rirb/1
1 Horse Penh and Baster, wheelie
held at the places lollowing „e^
Iv,. L4r,aiow -Court lineae si
lei February. T. G. Magna. E.q., prib�Rr
2.5. Dirisu,0.-John IItek✓, 11,Itehel[,e �
Fehro.r.. Robert Csna, Esq., Clerk.
3d. Derision -Wood's Tavern, Stretford. 841..
?Amery Rahe, Fwq., Clerk.
4i b. /Asin*a-Qutea ✓ Term lead** Reber'
14.14 F.braars. George Crimen Seq., CNi ..,
Sib D.suisw--W'm. Rsnnb,ry'alan,CliorM+
13th Feb. 3.... (iedoe, Esu,., CIM,
6th. Duels*.,Andereo.s Tsrere.8t. M*ry ,.
5th Feb. Jean Culem.s, Esq Clerk,
Th. Sitting" of ,he Resent Coors will a•th,
me0ce punctually a 12'n'clock. A. M.
Ged,rieh, Sept. Ilth, '50 5,'l.abl
PERSON8 Owens of sealing m.Oh
Durham Road in the Towiebipe of
Glenele, Beeinek, Brest, Gre•enck, Kfe.
Ions and Kincardine, must apply pereofatlj''
f at the Office of the nnderiligned, and no la -
▪ cations will be confirmed except e0.b e*
d made in accordance with this requlrenne f.
All assignments of intere.t to loc*tione
without tbe knowledge and approval of tble '
• Agent, will be considered as a•forfeitere of
• all right in the locator or asdRR'rte•
GEORGE JACK8ON,'4ljebt.- ,1
n Bentinek, County of Waterlo0,5 . Af-
u March 14th, 1850.?lila
(SOLD. -An �p
.Fhr,n of Land.
- BEING Lots No. 13 and 16. en the 14th elou: r
emir, T.w.ship of Loodoe, ao. io
202 sena, 70 of which are elnrrd. The •
is of a 8epertor quality, sad well watered, t
u situated tea Mike farm the Tr. *( Leaders;
on the M.c.J•miaed 8o144, Throe f. • Forte
House sod two Frame Bares on the prem....• -i
- 11 is is the centred • 000aloes Meal The
- plata is well adapted tot a Fiore or 1...,..
e 1 Steed. This F... is well rooted lathe attar
!tie. of persons duwruos of galas iota rumors.
Thera is air . good Bearing Orek.rd ors u►•
- rail Farm. and will be sold on erg r bla
tallow For P''r�tieelars apply to Ws. Mat* -
.bei, ea the wjpiaiee Lot. or 10
J•►y Sola 5860. t' _
Aade,san Peter McLeod Malcolm •
Arnill Tim McKay Wes t
Beioni foe Robt Jr Niche
Bain Rubt Aka ,
Balh,ts., chl M. -Gill D.rid .
Sart Therh.;d McCa-ci,, n Rabt
Brannon Jae McGeary )I.rnd
needle Thus M. Vey Cho. 2 •
Ih..wo .1 Ms •' McGonagle Robert o
Hind Fled MrEwea Mr v
Mem Hoe 9 McClatchy The I
Mkr.,ln•. Jelin to
McCardie Jas
Call.uo. David
Nett Ws
Ch wen TA01 Pockets Deal
Court JohnNowa! Benj
D..uglar At., k Fr
Godene b , Dec. 25. 5850. 4S
District Crown Lands Office.
THAT the remaining CROWN LANDS
n ow open FOR SALE. All .....sure idormo•
tine remitting these Leh may he obtained by
applying to
District Crown Lead Amu.
83rd November, 1050. 3,641 15
I8 HEREST GIVEN le all parties holding
ISO and Ti..,. Lie -enure in Upper Canada.
white ''pire a M. 5,h Jewry. 185,, that
they will be ranted so mere Mr .ease : sed
tial bl appiy.•g to the IOgset.a of u
their •.rami Ceeatier, they emus rr-
wwal...byre M sten eeedrt,er .:Mra•.eel is the
lord menu of the Act of heat t;•seoa, 13 4k 14
11..toria, esp. 15, to wit :-
" And be it e•eeerd, That • Lienee to keep
melee w Hesse of P•bhe Gt•naia,seet. rimy
be lenrd w my tiro atm The prated of this
AM. end with•« amp CemiieaMa re MI? pereM
Owe 14etdle( a Llama for a Ike per`am. wbiet '
Llama% M be !sed, .boli •sloshes. Pre'
nee le 4N epi Jour limes at tbdae« Owe.
sea tr~.*else. of s�hep�!� r.4. ewe
My of Eternity pa mil ,, i weal the lar
ashy ties.. (e twsiasi.e. ) Set met .
'fierwarain mid far say Ldemso 41.4 1 amt5,14, Me p•.M.' v ~lig o."4
Men ear et Win seep
swo w*1
Ibe sun paid by bbiefet s s edlber i ..'
Ben Mee Aw mbhMrwmediede atieadle • ae M1
sMi 15 bat le the rise A/ wbasb sent 1.t-
. t
,(1 r MI .1.10111.
Peckham F edh
ilonsinore Jr Jr Prinj,l. Geo
Dnnsmtwe Mary As. Powell Joo
Dew. Mrs Parket Jon
Dntlierty Juba 2 Quintero Jae
Desks, Jubn Quirk Mich'
Reid Robt
Rowan Mr
Rankin Chiu
Smith Wm 3
Sparrow T'.ns
Stbsenph Mich'
Benet Ales
Spry Thome"
SlM..M Wan
8lmpsun Wm
8ebbe. Jee
Absorb Mic*1
Stephenson Wm
Rieder 'leery
Sumter Jacob
Thnnipeon Gam
T.eknlwry Naibl
Them woe Wm
Tracer Jame
Tony Rd
Volker Mr
Will,am.nn lee
Wawa Wm
W'thsrnw•n Jul,•
Worm Them
Wallace Mr
tampeey Hugh
Lam Janwu
Edgar Mr
Eun Thee
Piller James
Fraser Robs
Fry P3
Heldman Andrew
Groom Henry
Hamilton lessee
Hewer Wm
I Inffnwyer Joha '
!1fneyer Comma
Il,.nina Jdh.
K.I'er Ileory
L•... Wm
Mo.i "h Woo
Mamma Arehd 3
Moo. David
Malloy Soo
Moa Jae
Marius Bry..
Mo,igeowry Ju
Mnniieth Wither
M.l*ery Mie15
Mumy Jno Jr
Morns lee
7'. MICILE, Pe•twwer.
STRAYED Irmo t ah.d Nate, amt.
STEER, three yore ys
tsft tla/natal•met THE 6.14,4ihi LOTS OF LAID i* tbe
he o. snnewhere t• i►. iow..h.p .f (3.d•rteh, JL TewN p n( STA NL►Y+
107 Perwie wi•n' -wdl pea tl.b.rn , w
le... ,t tie aaiem� Ditch oomrmtme Sir
Lot 1, 2sd Con*
wi l lead le 5,s reedy be bdrwdy ra- Commit*, et 100 Aero*, 10 Gleed
C.iwsOg. s10 Obolli4 AKAR I.o� 21, 3/1d arUuJ)t, alntTillifk['
_• . ,, ,.-.e. e( loo Asses, 40 e1r red, bnq
PIntnitilt -f e • VILLAGE 14 BFWOEFIQiaD•
EO Ger fee On a Let
aA•w1 the .ad tit tweet -A RED
ON the B.yfieW Reed, Nine melee fro
GODERit'H, aid Three fres BI,tiel
rnnrgtinp of 190 Agree of Land, 45 o
whfeh are elew.ed, rad through watch rue
that tweediest Mill Stream, the 33 Creek
Por /articulare apply to M►. NAFTBL, a
Goderieb .
September 27, 1880. t3-.331
BE0M leave to intimate to the tnb.blistitwt
of Guderieh and iterkinitr, the' bre bee
MENT to %Vest Sinn I., 6,.i door east et
M. D. Seymour k Co,', Store, .here he
will be prepared to make all kind. of GAR-
MENTS un the shortest entice, and oe the
must reaeoseble term.. Cutting dune un
ahnrsest notice.
Go.ieneh, Sept•. 12, 1880. vs -.Dote
�fit AI ED from the enclosure of the sub.
scriber on the Bayfield Rod, near the
Town of Gode►,rh, a Large Red sod W1dele
Spored STEER. An, one giving mfor-
marten wdl Ise 't 'totality rewarded.
m August 14th, 1850. ,3,,31
• 98th February, 1840.
t rrHE Subscriber hereby intimates to bit
A trends and OM Tnrellsl Publi' pesos
rally, that he hu removed troy New Abets
de.. to the Village of lMrarbsrgh, and will
sow be found in that well. known hoose toe.
merly occupied by Mr. Jonee,-where 1.
will be ready sed able to coodur* to '1.
comfort of those who may honor him with
their palrooare. And *hilt he retorts
thanks for pest favors. a hopes, by strict
attention to the wants and w,,he• of his
costnmere, atoll to merit a contitivapc• of
their palrocage.
N. B. -Good STABLES asd attentive
Grooms. el-s4tf
Conveyancing 4 General Arasan
100 1-4 ACRE LOTS
OR SALE in the Town eat B,m,Gwd. Ap-
ply is D. HOME LIZARD,
Stratford, 18th Nev. 1850. 3.04041
Godcrich, 20th Nov. 1850.
ark. from the
}tPtel CM Li wart
i � M w r. the Fswn
+.e yr.r, tM mat ghats n. 4 (IOD L11i11t
Woods 6, al•dm-nte 18wteblp, 4101711. BARN. •e. le., wee • .nolo 801111
: • ,' ar . 7. sped Own* tae -•web . Ate w ala WOO MID
THE S.b toDoo Du ea.rnaeerrl she *re..
.t'h.0ewt et 3055!1 NTEW-
A T. F... Ba►re.,,r, &e , &r.. Weer start,
Loden. h. whore he will paetioaUy aimed is
ALL K114D8 et( Aviary ts:th .h,rh thepehljs
N WT f.'., b.n. Ile hw..p.e.d a R•tnk tar Iht
ngr.' , ,d Lamle In le- tol.t, ...5 the ,.ntee.f
pers. * •i.h,.• to porter.% with a avortipt
efprewerin•awsm4 nod ra to rid -*la, • tt'
goal dtenouu,de . 41n .'or
R. Si CE\1S611.r1
G*d.riei fDre. 1l. 1850. ��
NOTICE. ';•'• '':',;
VY'��er��.'.�j�' t T..eber line Nei. 1 8ebsrt Bees
(.•**ear.., who bMa s f44s0 clash.
sen flew *) tsufpese,a appl.oatwr .111 )
a..»41yA*Tr.�.It.en,sr1.11ib.3'hMJ.. '
uk111em1 et
4.r°,1 ate lintel. l4.$4..l.
welt •leered .edr • '
see et
As t FALL. WMAGAT,n$O10the satiny. !'°Rit is, `. f^', tltnun,e 1 .
Luz�nb as be had at a wdsrs ytf�MCb mala Dram Is
i z e sA1/M 'loll r,�t�� asl 1
wed tit be Veered. O.ohoEetle ries OM asl.
Ash:.n.*e.wr Wirrlte4e
eo/NenWere .
.14itF'Bi - •A.34OCT MeNiokMpr.
OS KIf4 a a4a sal "e".
fib, 0.. p roar
OltrniBier. t, *t
Qa ` *ix
It �1
•yN - �p
.aeosad to p.... prop-
el,, a
�Ian a b�.lf/a
yitft La eted}.