The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-10-23, Page 14P4100 14 Thi Times,Ativacete, October 23, :Students Of Teacher Thirty-six pupils of Drayton achool attended the marriage in the Christian Reform church. s Exeter,. of Betty Petrusma of Ottawa. to their teacher. William V.anWeiren„ on Saturday, Oeto- i bet' IL The bride's parents are Mr. = And Mrs. E. H. Petrusma re- siding in Heron, Groningen, Hol- land, and Mr. and Mrs. Dick VanWeiren,11 are parents of the groom. • The Rev, A. T. Vanden roe. • I;;traYton., performed the cere- • mony at 2.30 p.m. and Mrs. C, Van Daaler, Zurich, played the wedding music. The bride wore a floor -length ;Sewn of silver brocade in prin. ▪ cess style with lily point sleeves and :matching headdress. She carried a bouquet of rust colored mums and stephanotis. Mrs. W. W.eatherly. Ottawa. was the bride's attendant and Clarence VanWeiren, liensall, was groomsman for his brother. • A reception was held in the -.church parlors following 'the cer- emony and in the evening a family dinner was served at the :home of the groom's parents. Guests attending from a dis- lance were Ken VanWeiren. St. John's Nfld., and others from Ottawa, Hamilton, Galt, Bramp- ton, Drayton and Brantford. Three Officiate Yellow mums decorated $t. Patrick's Roman Catholic church. Lucan, for the. wedding of Mary Cecelia McIlhargey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Mc- Ilhargey, Lucan. to John Joseph Keogh, son of Mr. and. Mrs. An- drew Keogh, Ailsa Craig. in a double ring ceremony on Satur- day. October 18 at 10 a.m. .Rev. Fr. J. A. Moekesy of- ficiated assisted by Rev. Fr. J. Kelly. Mount Carmel and the Rev. Fr. J. Oraham of Hesson. cousin of the bride. (liven in marriage by her fa- ther the bride chose a floor - length gown of chiffon taffeta with empire waistline and lily point sleeves. The full skirt ex- tended into a short train. tier finger-tip veil was held by a crown of seed pearls and ir:- descent sequins and she carried a white prayer hook crested with American Beauty roses. Her sister, Miss Kathleen Me- llhargey, was maid of honor and another sister. Helen of Dela- ware and Miss Rose Heenan, Lucan, were bridesmaids and were gowned alike in peacock blue velvet. They carried white mums. James Carey, cousin of the groom, was best man and ushers were William Heenan, Luean and Robert Blue, Detroit. A reception was held in the Luean arena decorated with yel- low mums. For a wedding trip to St. Anne's, Quebec. Ottawa and Petawawa the bride changed to a teal blue dress lopped with a grey Persian lamb jacket, black WE HAVE 'EM! bkJ Beautiful sweaters . . . in all the newest styles of the sea- S011 . . . exciting new colors accessories and a corsage of and textures, too . pink rose buds. The couple will reside in Lu - can. CWL Hears Area Author Father R. Buliard, chaplain at Wuisley Barracks, London. was guest speaker at the October meeting of the Catholic Women's League at RCAF Station :Cen- tralia. Prior to his present duties Father Buliard spent 13 years as a missionary to the Eskimo in the extreme north. Father Buts iard who is the author of the book -Wel" fascinated his audience with his description of the Eskimo, their customs and his life in the Arctic. For his work France decorated him as "Knight of the Legion of Honor." .The speaker was introduced by Father F. Proulx. • President Mrs. L. Howard con- ducted the meeting and intro - (Weed the new treasurer, Mrs. W. McLaughlin. - First ticepresident. Mrs. J. Thompson. briefly discussed the articles in the Catholic Press and urged the members to write letters of appreciation or eriti. casco where necessary to those who supply their reading and listening pleasure. Second vice. Mrs. R. Freeman spoke in appreciation of the gen- erous rosponse to her recent ap- peal for clothing for Mercy Shel- ter Guild, She asked for used magazines to be sent to the Sis- ters of Service. Mrs. P. Kendrick announced that she had member- ship cards and pins on hand. Mrs. E. Dempster, spiritual convener, announced that Sun- day would he the CWL commun- ion Sunday and also reminded the members that Sunday. Oc- tober 26 is the Feast of Christ the King to whom the Centralia chapel is dedicated. Plans were made for Perpetual Adoration to precede afternoon benediction on that day. An important feature of her talk was a discussion of the Blue Army, an organization dedicated 'to achieving peace by prayer rather than by an accumulation of arms. Mrs. M. Ananny reported that she had collected eight pounds or 220 articles which were sent as Christmas gifts for children at a mission in India. BULKEE KNIT SWEATERS 100% Super Nylon in V -Neck, Turtle Neck, Cardigans $9.95 and $11,95 Handbags Pretty leather and plas- tic styles .... from $1.95 Irwids Phone 474 Exeter Ethel's BEAUTY SALON PHONE 18, GRAND BEND For Latest Styling Darol Tuckey ETHEL DESJARDINE Proprietress Modern Beauty Salon 429 Main St. Phone 349 LATEST STYLING PERMANENTS HAIR TREATMENTS Shirley Coe PEARL HENDERSON, Prop. Did .You This Cit py... Ifyou don't have a subscription to The T -A, Now's the time to get one during the SHDHS Subscription Campaign • If you buy your T -A at a news stand or don't get it regularly, heres a wonderful opportunity to assist local high school students and make sure of regular delivery of The T -A each week. Part of your subscription will help finance student activities. Subscribe now during the SHDIIS campaign. YOU'LL ENJOY TOP NEWS TOP PICTURES TOP FEATURES EVERY WEEK IN YOUR PRIZEWINNING LOCAL NEWSPAPER . Subscribe To The .Exeter TimestiAdvocate HENSALL COUPLE CELEBRATES—Mr. and Mrs. Robin. son Dick, liensall, marked their fiftieth wedding annivers- ary over 'the weekend at the the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cudmore, Exeter. The couple farmed in Hay for 25 years before moving to Hensall. They met. on a %blind date 54 years ago. Photo a Area Wrs Plan Rally Hurondale Women's Institute will be hostess for the county rally for the three districts of Huron County — East Huron, West Huron and South Huron — in :Cam Presbyterian church, Exeter onWednesday, November 5 in morning and afternoon ses- sions. The theme of the rally will be "Education" and Mrs. Doug- las Hart, Woodstock, will be guest speaker using as her sub- ject ."Remedial Methods for Re- tarded children." She will be assisted by Hassack, Em- bro. Mrs, E. DesJardlns, :dis- trict president, will preside. Menbers will bring .their own lunch and beverage will be sup- plied by the hostess institute. Re- gistration will commence at 9:30 a.m. and the meeting gets. underway at 10 a.m. E.S.T. HI -LINE Beauty Salon 'N FANCIES THIS IA THAT By MRS. • This is the time of year when the family seem to develop huge appetites and we welcome rec- ipes for supper dishes that are filling and nourishing. Here are some suggestions that were given in answer to the roll call at Lucan Women's Institute: Cheese Souffle 3 tbsp. butter 4 tbsp, butter 1/2 tsp. salt, 1 cup milk 274 cup grated cheese 1/2 tsp. mustard 3 eggs Make a cream sauce of the but- ter. flour, milk and seasonings; MCI cheese and, stir until melted, Remove from the heat and stir In the unbeaten egg yolks; fold in the stiffly beaten whites. Pour all into a buttered baking dish and bake in a moderate oven. 350 degrees, for 40 minutes. Serves 4 to 6 people. Tomato juice may be used in place of milk. Delicious Supper Dish Slice potatoes as for scallop- ing. Fry hamburg • nice and brown with an onion. Place a layer of potatoes layer for layer with the hamburg until the de- sired serving is obtained. Pour a tin of tomato soup with milk added to cover the potatoes. salt and pepper to taste, Bake until well done. Sausage Upside-down Pie 1. lb. pork sausage 2 cups chopped tart apples 2 tbsps. lightly packed brown sugar 1/2 tsp. dry mustard Tomato biscuit dough Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Brush an 8 -inch square cake pan with shortening. Place unpricked sausages in a cold frying pan and fry until all surfaces are nicely browned. Arrange the cooked sausages in prepared pan, Combine the chopped apple, brown sugar and mustard and sprinkle over sau- sages, ' Make a biscuit dough using to- tnafo juiceinstead of milk and spread evenly over the sausages. Bake in oven until dough is cooked and nicely 'browned. about 35 minutes. Serves 6. Biscuit Dough 2 cups sifted pastry flour 4 tbsps. baking powder 1/2 tsp. salt tbsps, chilled shortening 1 cup tomato juice mixed with 1 tbsp. finely chopped onion Serve with brown sauce or gravy. .Stuffed Cabbage Leaves J. M. S. Mix rice, hamburg and season- ings together well; add just the whole tomatoes, save the juice for later,. Place a spoonful of meat mixture on each cabbage leaf and roll up, secure with a toothpick if needed. Pack the stuffed cabbage rolls in a large kettle, pour over the remaining tomato juice, cover tightly and cook very slowly for 1 to 2 hours. These rolls can also be placed in a greased baking dish and baked in a moderate oven, 350 degrees, for about an hour. Education Topic For Kippen WI' Guest speaker' for the October meeting of Kippen East Women's Institute on Wednesday evening was Mrs. W. L. Whyte, of Sea - forth. She spoke on education and 'was introduced by Mrs. Wilmer Broadfoot and' thanked by Mrs. Robert Upshall. Current events were reviewed by Mrs. Arthur Varley and Mrs. William Broadfoot gave a read- ing. Roll call was answered by "What service can I promise to do for the W.I. this year?" Mrs. W. J. F. Bell. Mrs. Campbell Eyre, Mrs. Arthur Finlayson, Mrs. Russell Brock, Mrs. William Kyle were appoint- ed delegates to the Institute rally in C a v e nPresbyterian church, November 5. The group voted $10 for Canadian Mental Health. Family night will be observed Friday, November 7, in Hensall Legion Hall. President MrS. Campbell Eyre conducted the business and Mrs. James Druin- mond led in a contest. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Robert Bell with Mrs. Verne Alderdice as en - hostess. Phone 102 for • HARVEY'S TAXI 24-HOUR SERVICE 1 large cabbage 1. 1/2 lbs. hamburg 1 cup cooked rice large tin of tomatoes 1/2 tsp, salt 1/2 tsp. pepper Few drops (abate() sauce and a little onion if dd. sired. Core cabbage while whole and place in very hot water for 10 to 15 minutes until leaves peel off easily, CANADIAN PROPANE GAS & APPLIANCES GRATTON & HOTSON 1., Phone 156 Grand Rend ouniuludUrniulal**WHilmmilfili110110fltiliu10111111 ii i * ii 011110t Have You 'Enquired About Our Curing & Smoking. Service?' Delicious Hickory•Smoked Hams and acons ..Exeter Frozen Foods PHONE 70 MAR! STREET et a Located • in Cook's Hotel, Centralia Air Conditioned Dryers Full Line of Revlon Products PHONE 750.W-1 EXETER Marg Coward, Prop. is tops or „, taste on. #onith . When you're feeling "under par" there's nothing like milk for a quick WS so :de= licioust "0. refreshing. .ancl.s a • "7 good for you, too , rich ilit; food values for ' • health and pepl V? • Enjoy milk plain or flavored, around the clock: Use'''' it in cooking and bakingvaiso., Any way, every way. ... the whole family loves it. Better keep a large supply handy! EXETER DAIRY Phone 331 Daily Delivery • HIGH n fdod value [K.101317 p ,j. -.c LOW in cost Fret! Marie Fraser's new Cheese Casserole Rea*. Send todayIi DAIRY PARMIVRAflPrAlliklADA 409 Huron Strea...,10ront3 sVeirestss, • ; in the fashion -centers of the world, ,rvarrs 'SS'S Ii r I ...................................................... they use BERNINA ...the -sewing machine rated FIRST In the glittering feminine world of fashion, BERNINA does everything . . autontaticoPy, tiernina brings all the glamour and eiegint fathiOn of Paris, Rome and New York into your own home. It does every possible sewing job—from buttonholes to aU the varieties of 2 pnd 3 needle embroidery—from monograms to the most perfect blind stitching just at the touch of your finger. Get fashion -wise Bernina, .. a master piece of Swiss craftsmanship ....starts as low as $109.00 Ask your NECCHI-BERNINA dealer /or et free home demonstration. NECCHI SEWING MACHINES (CANADA) LIMITED Montreal, Toronto, Van6ouver, • See The Bernina At Dime* Furniture Your Ncchi Bernina .be-olor r EXtTER