The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-09-25, Page 7iive.ryo.ne Says A-Continued from Page .6 fla' race, A.terrler. Baynhant; open Sardie. Weills. Schwartz, 4-11, Calf Gluts Beef section, famal0 - Keith Rs der. R. R. 3 7,,urirh, Lara] AI er- nen Till. :t 7uneh thnth senior];. Gerald Thiel, 11.:R. 3 Zurich (jun- lar Sleeve - r; lit Wrinkle. RR t Zurich, Bill Elliott MR. 1 /iii- i'rh Joan EBRIM!, 11.11. t Zurich, Tina Thief, MR. 3 Zurich. Sllnivntanahip (till TlliirtIt,. Gail Ale:Bride. Keith :[fader. John Leh, pion Thiel, harry Sterner, ,Ivan Ellintt. tlet•aJd Thiel, Pamir seetlen Joliet Erb. lilt. 1 Zurich.--.- Chamber of Cern 'nerve, trophy for high e s t total 'poltlls on achievement day ._ (aU .A1cflride: runner-up, Bi11 Elliott, #'Riefler 'Black Hamburg, Esti! Becker. T Battler insets. and herd: SS Barn burg, all prizes, :Tattler; B. 'Flock shop+, rick and hen, Clifford Pepper; 'F, 'Rock show, rock and pullet t, f. Pepper; P. Rock, util- It;, hen, C. Pepper: B. Rock, enc ltert•1, C Pepper. Mrs. N'orntau. Pepper: pullet, Mrs. A. Pepper, C. Pepper; •white, rook, show, hen, Earl Becker; white rock. utility, .%r•nnld Siemer, ('. Popper; hen, Siemer, C. :Pepper; white melt, utility, cock and pulley, all prizes, C. Pepper; light !wahines, hen, E. 'Becket': dark braltma., melt, :f;, Becker. Tattier: dark brahrna, hen, Battler, Becker; cock, Ratt- ler; dark brahnla, pullet, Tattler; black minorca, pullet:, C. Pepper; cool:, C. Pepper; hen, C'. Tepper: cookerel, C. Pepper; black min- orca, pullet, C. Pepper; rock, Battler. Becker; brown bighorn, men. Battler, Becker; roi kerel, Battler: pullet, .Clatter. S.OW. Leghorn, show, rock. Becker; ben, Becker; cockerel, Becker' pullet, :Reckerr; utHity. cock, "hen, cockerel, pullet. C.. Pepper; R.C. '1V• Leghorn, rock, hen. rockerei, predict, C. Pepper: Buff Orpington, rock anri hen. C. Pepper; Wyandnttes, hen, Pul- let, C. 'Pepper; Polish, rook, hen and pullet, Booker, fl,1, Med, rock and hen, rnr•,kerel and pullet Tepper; Ancnnas, cock, hen cock- erel erel anri pullet, C. Pepper: Ban- tams, tl'nhnoted, r.0et;, Becker, Mr's N. Pepper; hen, Becher. Mrs. N. Pepper; cockerel a.n4 pullet, Barker•. Old T:nglish Gain A. rock and hon, Becker; New Jump. Red, cock, hen, cockerel and pullet, C. Pepper: Sussex, emelt, hen, C, Pepper; Light Sussex, maker]], C. Pepper; Becker; pullet and cock. C. Pepper; A.O,V., welt, lien• cockerel and pullet, C. Pep- per. 'Ctilily pen, Light Susses r. Papper; hybrid heavy, Becker; white rock, C'. Pepper• W. Leg- horn, C. Pepper, Becker; light hybrid, Fencer. Dunk. and Geese Pekin ducks, drake, T,ennard Siemer; Pekin China ducks. Mer. ner: any variety, drake, Arnold Sterner, ''Becker; duck, A Mentor, Becker, ,young drake, A Sterner, Becker; ynung duck, A. Mercer, Becker. Geese, all prizes, Leonard Mer- ner. sheep Lincolns •— L D, Steeper'., Ailsa Craig, all prizes. Oxford Downs — Donald Dear- ing., Exeter, all prizes Leicesters -- D. A. Graham. Parkhill. four tiee tanda; • R.Pepper,Saforh, two firsts, three seconds, Cattle li If's i'ne Fest Fair ',,:.Y fat fr .'• uric ,fiver H..atl''i v'. ZURICH FAIR ATTRACTS RECORD CROWD—Here's a bird's-eye view of the crowds which milled through the midway at Zurich Fair Monday afternoon. Officials said the show attracted a record -size crowd. In addition to mid - Senior baby beef, Gerald "Wa.1- lis, Kiopp, Webster, J. and B. Elliott, -Keith Rader. Grain end Seedrt Early white oats, late oats, mixed grain, •Fred AloCiymont; white beans, Del Geiger; ensil- age, .1, Battler, Geiger. Dur-harn—Cow in calf. Roy Pep- 1"egetahlee per, Seaforth, W. R. Pepper Sea- Katandin potatoes, McClynront, forth, Thomas Webster, Auburn; Len Merner; Sebago, 3. Battier, yearling heifer, Webster. Marl T. B. 'Elliott; any late variety, FJaxbard, Zurich, rt. Pepper; Battler, Elliott; any early ver - heifer, two years, Webster, W. iety. Battler; Herb 'FC1opp; Trish Pepper, R. Pepper; junior hull Cobbler, "Battler, Elliott. calf, R. Pepper, W. Popper, see- ' Hent porn, P. 'Wlllert and son, and and third; Junior heifer calf. McClymont; sweet corn, Del Get - W, Pepper, first and third; senior gel. MciClymont; Yellow bantam. hull ealf, Webster, W.'Pepper, T,, Henry 'Nlaxhard, Merner; red Pepper: senior heifer calf. Web- onion. Mentor; yellow onion, 'tjer- ster, Ns', PeppAr. R. Pepper:' hull, lice.. Battler; dutch sate, Battler; under two, Webster, W. Pepper, Spanish, Battler. R. Pepper. aged bull, R. Pepper, Field carrots, Mectlymont: short first: and second. Hereford W. Coates and Son, long 6, Battler, Robert Manson; Centralia, all prizes. ting' carrots, Battler Alanson; Angus — Cow in catI, Richard turnilsh turnips, Mesmer; re table Doan. Tliorndaie. Herb t'ilopii, turnips; Getter Elliott, red nran- Zurich, second and third; yearling gelds, Mercer, B ; Intermed- Zurich, Elope, Doan; heifer, two late man;;oids, Battler, . Merner: Years. bean, Klopp; junior bull stager beet marigold, Sterner, Rattler. Drum 'head cabbage, Battler, Denny :Bedard; blue cabbage, Battier, :Siemer; Spanish Jong radish. Spanish round, white rad- ish. MernerL cauliflower, Mercer. Bedard; golden beans, Bedard, Del Geiger; y e 11 o w pumpkin, Battler, Merner; pie pumpkin, Battler, Laura Pepper, Long citron, Battler. Merner; round citron, Rattler. AteClymont; mammoth squash, Battler. Mer - nen mammoth pumpkin, Be tiler; blood beets, :Battler, H. Truetn- More Results On Page 13 calf, 1. loop, Doan; junior heifer calf, Doan, Klopp, second and third; senior bull 'ralf, Doan: senior heifer calf, T'liipp, Doan; bull, under- two. Klopp. Beef type. -- Helfer calf, under enc. Keith 'Rader, Dashwood; steer, one year, Gerald 'Wallis, Granton. hloltp. T. and B. Elliott, Zurich: steer, under one, Wehater, Bert McBride. Holsteins — 1 -Totter caif, render One, Ma;rilyri Erb, Zurich. Specials — Three hest. beef type, Dean; heel get-nf-sire in hear, Whitney Coat'ek; hest herd grade, Coates: truest to type heifer calf, Webster. Remember•rer last December.r? f1ii�1�1•� : �C . B.III®IIS xe 1EFAUVOX® -4®► /41111111F WARM AIR HEATING . ■sw� tw res Get set for winter with qui aits ora Don't wait till raw December reminds you how bone -chilling an inhproperiy heated home can' bet, Make certain Of. winter comfort now with Lennox Warm Air Heating. It's the modern comfort system that warms, freshens, cleans, SET SET FOR AIR CbMBITIONIN$ a AT NO EXTRA COST (Lennox cooling 1Jnit3 au$e slime blower Atilt duels 2S the Lennox heating sVtle* You huyi humidifies, distributes air to every corner of every room=—and does it all so automatically there's never any work far you! Ask 1166ut 'The Lennox EasyPay Plan, tonne 1111 et. paten. ifs NOW Lindenfields Ltd. PHONE 101 EXETER ''yhuq' GERTIt lElD' LENNOX tit ALE:R.00EitT way, fair featured a wrestling match, evening !horse show, dance, baby show, and a 4-H competition. The school children's fair attracted the most entries. —T -A Photo BEST BUSINESS 'FLOAT—Parade of school children and decorated floats at Zurich fair Monday was one of the best. First prize business float was entered by Hay Municipal Telephone System, above, with a realistic "leen at work" display featuring Steve Meidinger and Lloyd Denomme on the front, Ivan Meidinger at the back and with Harold Zehr. at the wheel. —T -A Photo Northern Visitors i St, Joseph Youth Chief and Mrs. Jonas Kewa• i queelo and W. T. Philips of r Miscoot River, spent a week's'Ass n Manager holidays in one of . Mr. Stanley Smith's cottages near St. Jo-' Jules Conlin, son of Mr. and se p Mrs: Joseph Cantin, St, Joseph. Jonas is well known as a guide, (has worked himself up to quite an expert stone mason and car- an enviable business at the age penter in Jog -cottages, and at of 16. Jules is now the manager one time crossed Georgian Bay I of the El Rancho restaurant and in a birch bark canoe. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz en- tertained them at London hair and Stanley Smith took them to Flint, A4ichigali, Point: Edward ]and Sarnia. ,Jonas oektail bar in Flint, Michigan. Just recently he has been ap- pointed manager of the stew- ards and cai.erers, association of hadn't been there for 40 years, Perloner Items Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Layten and family, Mr. anti Mrs. Dat - ton Kemp and family, and Mr's. Elliott,. Mitchell, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Bert Dunn Jr. Miss T.atitia I)ucharnc left favorable retunrs to the farm - for London, where she wit be era employed at Brescia hail. Baechler Reunion Mr. and Mrs, Amos (lingericli About 30 members of the were Visitors at the home of Baechler family gathered at the Mr, and Mrs. Heinz Benedictu9: home of Mr. and Mrs. William at Sarnia. Baechler on Sunday for the first Mara 51; Cowed of Exeter, Miss of what, is planned to be the Minnie nix or Totontn, were Sat- annual Patchier reunion. urday visitors At the home Of the g'ho gathering also honoured fanners sister, Miss Peen' ttev, and Mrs. Soloman l3aerll WtWIy ler, on the occasion of their 46112 Mr. and Airs .Amt' Oliver or wedding itnnivcrssary, St, Marys were Sunday visitors Perianal Itemsat, the Koine of Miss Inez Yung- blot. Miss Marlene Wagner, who is Mrs. Stanley Gingerieh and on Ude teaching start al Ritchie - ton '11rian, spent a few days at tier', returned to her duties in the honie of her parents at that city after enjoying a week - Preston. end at the home of her 1Sal'en'ts, Mr'._ and Mrs. Leonard Wagner. Mr. and Mrs, Martin, and daughter of Gownstown and Miss T)itiny of Moot'1icld Were Week- end visitirx at the horde of Mr. wk.* a visitor with mauves' in and Met MOW Steckle. Zurich, Please ':Citrin 'to Page a 1St. Joseph G.W.L. Tuesday evening the monthly meeting of the Catholic Women's League of St. Peters church, 5t. Joseph, was held at the home of Mrs. Mozart Gelinas. Thirteen members were pre- sent, and in the absence of Fa- ther Poisson, the meeting was opened with a prayer by Mrs. Ga lines. Plans for a bazaar to lake place: at the parish hall on Nov- ember 15 were discussed. Gaines of cards, were enjoyed by all, fter lane Bean Harvest• `rile next meeting will lake Bean harvesting and Thresh- place al' Mrs. Corriveau's hone. ing has been the -rush of the day as farmers- are- husy putting away their beans, Regardless of the showers the past week, mark has been accomplished towards saving the crop, which brings .Mt. Jacob Gascho and dough- taer, Edna Gasclrot Imlay "City, Michigan, visited with friends and relatives ,iii the Vlt;itlity,- MS Tiny 'Gesi*h, nI •Terolito melee tic $c•lenee- ha•ktntt Whits. bread, liathieen :lay, Airs. .H. Klopp. raisin buns. Airs. J. •Geigel; loaf cake, Xlnpp; an- gel food cake. Ml's J.rh, Airs. Earl h Iaxbard light layer cake. Airs. Earl J.slaxbard; sponge sake. Airs. Del Geiger; tarts, Mara. Earl Ji'iaxhard, Laura Pepper; cherry pie. hits. J. Geiger, Mar's. Earl Etaabard reffee rake, Kiopp; panned raspberries. Kropp; ran- nerl cherries. Klapp: canned pears Air's. Earl .k'laxhard, :Klopp: can- ned plums, Elope: panned peah- es, Pepper; calrrant Jam. Elope; regi,,cwrant jelly,, Alen, Earl flax - bard; vinegar pipkles, Klopp; catsup, ;Pepper; pickled teed vat).. hate, Mira. Ity :k'lexharrl: canned tomatoes. Mra. Ear! Flax hard; canning eollection, Pepper, Klapp. Specula • ,'hili salmi,. Pepper; C'anada Parkers, pie. Pepper. Mrs, /Ian Ts')axtrard. Klopp: rake. Sirs. i.arl FJaxharrt: 'Pasty -:fin, sand- wlehes, Mrs. [rel Geiger. Flores l'.x.hiltltrt Large bouquet, P. Wiilert and son, Herb Kinpp; small bouquet. Geiger; salvia. Geiger: .dahlias, flatt ler, Bedard; pansies, Willer,; petunias, ; four annuals. Willer,. hlnpp; cnantoa, r;eiger: zinnias, Battler, Geiger: gladinl- us, Wlllert. Klapp; ravine. Web- ber; table bouquet, Erh, Klapp, The Times-. dvaceto, September 25, 195 P000 ,7 Help The Blind to help themselves A: 94n IS NEEDED, THIS YEAR JO train, r.halaiIhe's trod balm, .the 'final in this district. Community Chests s, municipal $triols will .provide $51,190, r C. N. 1• TN -COUNTY CAMPAIGN HURON - .MJDOLESEX + PERTH (Excluding tandem and Strattford) clessd ' ,244444.40. `rc+d jr 5. B. TAYLOR, EXETER, ONT, 1 �LVS EKTM MedFS' FiCOM 0A4Ote The All -New —All -Speed MOflPOWER TURBO -FIRE SPARK PLUG MOR -POWER "TURBO -FIRE" SPARK PLUG is scientifically designed and engineered to give an EXTRA LIFT . , . with `a new power surge that will restore instant -action response ,to the touch of your toe on the accelerator . at traffic lights, for high-speed passing or pulling under load. Replace old worn-out plugs NOW with MOR -POWER "TURBO-FIRE"—for a difference you can actually feel! • Jet -Propelled Get4tway • Extra Fire -Power Under Load • Reduces Fouling, Pie -Ignition • Boosts Gas Mileage MOR-PO';'ER "TURBO -FIRE" SPARK PLUGS ere puorenteed EQUAL QR BETTER than original equipment, et on actual savings to you of more then 30%. Engineered to exact specifica- tions to ensure the correct type and heat rano, for every car, truck cod tractor. Install a new eat of Mor -Power "Turbo -Fire" Spark Plugs today — for extra power et greeter ravings. A C - Each ENGLISH CARS .65 & .69 • .FREE Sperk Plug Gap Gauge with every set of 6 or mere Mor -Power Spark Plugs. SPARK PLUG T001. LOAN SERVICE We will loan you the wrench and wire- type gop - setting gouge— on refund- able deposit. Don't Put it OFF -- PUT IT IN! nti-Fre HCP(13 You Chocked Your Plugs Lately? Spark Plugs should be replaced at least every 10,000 miles to keep your engine perking in top condi- tion . . . and to assure maximum miles from your gasoline dollar. Save safely—with MOR -POWER. Motor Master Super 1. G4G Polar Brand s e 3 r.Al:. 97% Ethylene Glycol . , As good as any Perma Fill ther manufacturer's best' Gera, a 740, 10.0% Approved Ethylene Glynn! plus Cooling System Conditioner 436 Main St.. Exeter Phone 451 Milton R. Robbins ' " oWrit lartr ONTARIO HOSPITAL IN URANCE Application forms for individual 'Pay -Direct' enrolment available at banks and hospitals, In communities without a bank, the forms may be obtained from the post btfice, litdivi duals roust register by September SO to have protection effective January 1; 1955. ,1/401 it 'ANT: Do !MI to isi'ee as MA :ireditidudl ; � ;vel ds'l ror`st¢ra Ct'afip. ONTARIO ittlSPettAL SERVICES tllflftllAsit I0000% 1 • W2 8.93a1i - we ,.•r_:."9► aauwat-'1�w91Y„. 4',.,'ik.wr a:a14,:..+PITnWAi, ,4.44ie41 • s. sat r:. q. t•' m ,w, y.., we 4,` ,.. 4 yl