The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-09-11, Page 15Base tine f ersQnel 1tttrns Mr, and Mrs. "lis Strahan spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Gladwin Langford and family at Dorchester, Mrs, A. Dewar has returned from Georgetown where she spent two weeks with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Maurice Baker, while her husband was in the hospital . in Toronto undergoing surgery, D�1�CiNG Eluewater Danceland EVERY .FRIDAY NIGHT t Miles .North of Grand •Bend Dancing 10 p.m. to 140 .aon. DESJARDINE'S ORCHESTRA Modern, Rock 'n Roll Square Dancing Admission 750 S tarl to Drive -In Theatre 8.5 Miles West of Na. 4 Highway on Crediton Road 5 Miles East of Grand Bend FRIDAY AND SATURDAY September 12 and 13 "HELLCATS OF THE NAVY" * Ronald Reagan * Nancy Davis The .$tory Jn Gralnd. Beni t– Continued Froill Page 19 day afternoon. Rev. A. E. Bowker, rector. of St. John's -by -the -Lake Anglican Church, Mrs. Bowker, and son, TiJiinale, left this week for a six- week vacation in Great Britain, Mrs, Bowker and Timmie .expect to remain with Mrs. Bowker's family till after Christmas. Dur.. ing Mr. Bowker's absence, a student from Huron College, Lon- don, will be in charge. Mr. and Mrs. William Coch- rane moved from Hillside Cabins, which were sold during the spring to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Plumb. .and are now residing in the Thomas apartments over the fur• nature store. Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence John- son arrived on Sunday after visiting relatives and friends in Windsor, Detroit and Sarnia. St. John's -by -the -Lake W.A. and Guild will hold their first meeting of the season on Monday evening, September 15, in the Parish Hall. Mrs. C, Comber, of 17 May Street, London, was the lucky. tvinner of the beautiful hand. made quilt, drawn for under the auspices of the Orpha Club at the beach on Labor Day. Mr Alvin Miller, of the Lionel Thorn• ton Orchestra, was the winner of the Beagle puppy "Clarence" drawn for the same day under the auspices of the Grand Bend and Area Chamber of Commerce. Mrs. M. N. Gowdy attended the Canadian National Exhibition on Friday, Mrs. Fred Kading suffered a heart attack over the weekend, and is confined to her bed. This 'N That — Continued From Page 13 2 firm tomatoes 1 to 1 cup grated cheese pepper and salt In large greased 8 -cup casse- role, arrange in alternate layers, the thinly sliced onions and thinly sliced, peeled cucumbers, sea- soned. Combine hot water with chili sauce and chili powder. Pour over vegetables, Arrange thickly sliced tomatoes and choose on top. Bake in a moderate oven of 350 degrees for about 11 hours Cir until vegetables are fork tender. 1 g1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111t111111111111t11111111111111t111111111111111111111111111111111111111111p MITCHELL FALL FAIR TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY September 23 & 24 HORSE RACES 2.22 and 2.28 Classes $6,000 In Prizes "The Biggest Little Fair In Ontario" 4'. tittninitani ianlainitant11tianuitn1u1t1 liana 111mlinalianita itano uuu ,Manu lulln11taina a auull' ERRINGTON Academy Of Ballet TAP AND SOCIAL DANCING New Studio Openin g In Lucan Arena Classes Start Sept, 22 Interviews and Registration In Lucan Arena, Monday, Evening, September 15, 7134 to 10 p.m. DIRECTOR Lriian Marlear . Graham , Licentiate of Pine Arts • BATON TWIRLING FOR MAJORETTES * HOLLYWOOD TAP * .BALLET * SOCIAL 13ANCINI ! Y '»rik�y,nP'!Yi'YrmYrry ll NEW SHDHS TEACHERS — Nine new members of the teaching staff of South Huron District High School are shown here, Front row, from left, are Miss Joanne May- hew, French and Latin. teacher; Miss Beth Taylor, home economics; Miss Barbara Baker, English; back row, Tom Kerr, chemistry and math; Bill Thompson, French; Christoff, English; Mrs. Edna Buscvhe, history; Miss. Tyrachuk, English and French; and Paul Hamilton, iish, math and history. Enrolment at the school has The Times -Advocate, 5eptembar 11, 19 Comments About Crediton East By MRS. W, MOTZ Personal Items. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence War - ledge of Guelph and Mr .. and Mrs. William liorney of Meter visited Friday with Mr.. and Mrs. William ll1atz. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wen spent the weekend in Walker- ton with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ed- wards. Mr. John Neds,a spent the weekend with his wife and friends ir, Delhi. Russell Jackson Dies In Niagara Russell Jackson, of Niagara Falls, husband of the former Beeky Bruce of Cromarty, died Monday in hospital following a lengthy illness. He was assistant manager of a hotel in the city and prior to that was employed in Windsor. He was .a native of Petty, Sask. The funeral will be held Thurs.. Doraday in Niagara Falls. Mrs. Frank Bruce, town, accompanied by Mrs. Charlotte Balfour and her Vera a son, Windsor, are attending the i Eng service. Mrs. Bruce will remain hit at the Jackson home for several; days. record high of 612. —1-A Photo Message From Whalen By MRS. F. SQUIRE Personal Items Mr,' and Mrs. Gordon McKin- non and family, of Guelph, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Squire, Mr. and. Mrs. Bert Duffield, Betty and Gayle attended a family reunion at Springbank on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Froats. and Paul, London, visited Sun- day with Mr. George Arksey and Jean. Miss Marion Morley, R.N., of Toronto, spent several days dur- ing last week with Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Morley. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kerr, of Toronto, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baillie. Mr. and Mrs. ' Jaaiies Ander- son, Thames Road; Mr. and. Mrs. James Earl, Zion; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gunning, Granton; 'Mr. Walter Gunning and Mrs. Edna Passmore, Exeter, were Wednesday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex- Baillie, celebrating wedding anniversaries. Shower Around 50 people were pre- sent for a miscellaneous shower at Mrs. Bert Duffield's home on Tuesday evening honoring Miss Donna. Parkinson, bride-to-be of Saturday. The evening commenced with a program with Jean Arksey as chairlady. Readings were given by Mrs. Hamilton Hodgins, Mrs. J. Finkbeiner and Mrs. William French. Mrs. Ronald Squire sang a solo. firs. Milne Pullen played a piano solo and a piano duet was contributed by, Mrs. Duffield and Betty. Miss Marion Morley read an address and Betty Duffield and Jamey French presented the gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hodgins and Mr. and Mrs., Norman Hod- gins left Thursday morning and arrived home Sunday evening ,from a trip up the St. Lawrence. River, Manitoulin Island, Ro- chester, N.Y., Buffalo and Niag- ara Falls. Mr. and Mrs, George Squire, Granton, visited several days recently with Avis, Allen and Grant Hodgins. W.M.S. And W.A. Thirteen members and three visitors were present at the September meeting of the W.M.S. and W.A. at the home of Mrs, Cecil Squire on Thursday after- noon, Mrs. William French presided over the W.M.S. with the theme "The Earth is the Lord's". Mrs. Gordon Johnson read the Scrip- ture lesson. Next Month a collection will be taken for the "Cold Lake" Hospital in Alberta as a mem- orial for Mrs. Wheabie. The sectional meeting of the W.M.S, will be held at Crediton United Church on October 10, Mrs. Pullen favoured with a piano instrumental. Mrs. Art Abbott was in the chair for the W.A. meeting. The theme )vas W.A. Reasonable Service';. Mrs, Cecil Squire read the Bible reading ,and Mrs. Ab, bott the lesson thoughts, Mrs. William Morley Jr. was appointed to look after "touch and. take articles".. Articles for Lyric Theatre THURS., FRI. & SAT, September 110 12 and 13 "MERRY ANDREW" * Danny Kay * Pier Angelo CARTOON MONDAY & TUESDAY Sopteniber 15 and 16 ""DOCTOR AT LARGE" * Kirk Bogarde * Murrie Pavlov PLUS ADDEO SHORTS . Sepfember iy, 18, 19 and 20 "YOUNG LIONS" (Ab"UI,T tfitt ,TAINMENT) * Marto &Ando * Meiitoetitery Cliff COMIND Town Topics Topics. From Woodham Items of Social and Personal Interest In and Around Exeter By MRS, ARTHUR RUNOLE The Exeter T1mes.Advocate is always pleased 'to publish these items. We and our readers are InterestedIn you and your friends. Phone 770. Personal Items • Mr. and Mrs, Norris Webb, Mrs, H, C. McCall who has spent the past• nine months in Rio de Janeiro, .S.A„ visited a few days last week with her sis- ter-in-law, Mrs. Muriel Sweet. She left Wednesday for Winni- peg. Mr, Cornelis Nagel of The Times -Advocate staff attended the Canadian National Exhibition last week and also visited in Nia- gara Falls. Miss Margaret Brown returned Friday from attending the 75th anniversary of the Harper Hos- pital School of Nursing, Detroit. Over 2,100 nurses attended the reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wor- ledge of Guelph spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. William Hor- net. Miss Nancy Boyle left Monday for London where she will learn hairdressing with Bruno's School of Hair Design. Visitors with Mrs. W. C. Pearce over the weekend we:e Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Redmond, Grosse Ile, Mieh.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pearce, Brantford; Mr.. and Mrs. Ellis P'earce and fam- ily and Miss Helena Humeston, London; Mr. and Mrs. William Gaiser, Crediton; Mr. and Mrs. Austin Schwalm and Mrs.. Charles Aldsworth, Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Murray, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mericley, have returned from a two week motor trip to the east coast. Miss Jose Strevett, of Sussex, England, who for the past couple of months has made her home in Exeter with her brother, F10 ' Jon Strevette, has rented the Y- Go -By Beauty `Salon on Main Street and will re -open the salon Thursday of next week. Miss I Strevett has had seven years ex- ,peiience in hair -dressing in England, part of the time in London and comes to Exeter well recommended. Mrs. illildred. Batson of Lon• don is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Harvey. Mrs. Frank Whilsmith spent the weekend with her son, Jack and family in. London. Mr. and Mrs. J. G, Davis, St. ;.Marys, Mr. and Mrs. Amos War- wick and family, Port Huron, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Blair and family, Centralia visited on Sun• day with Mr, and Mrs, Clark Fisher. Sgt. apd Mrs. W. J. Low and daughter Penny, have returned to Longueille. Que. after visit- ing for a few days with Mrs. Low's mother, Mrs. T. M. Din- ney during: which time Sgt. Low took a special course at RCAF station, • Clinton. Mrs. A. Rose returned on Tuesday from a two week visit with her son, Bruce, and family in Detroit. Centralia Mr. and Mrs. V. Overholt and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Theresa Maloney in Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Hodgson and Kay of Waterloo were Sun- day visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Ken Greb and Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Hodgson. the bazaar are to be handed in next month. Mrs. Hamilton For clothing Hodgins conducted a contest, use Canadians "Old Song Titles", and Mrs. La- yards of textiles verne Morley gave a reading. three times the and household use about 42.5 per year, about world average. THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH EXETER "Teach Me Thy Truth 0 Lord" 10:30 a.m.—Sunday School 11:30 a.m.—Worship Pastor: Stanley Sauder, Exeter THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN MAIN 'STREET CHUHCH Rev. R. Van Farowe, Minister 2:00 p.m.—Afternoon Service "How Faith Starts" 3:30 pan.—Sunday School 9:00 p.m. --Temple Time, Station CHML, Hamilton, All Welcome MAIN STREET The United ,Church of Canada Minister: Rev. Alex, Rapson Organist: Mrs, A. Willard 10:00 a.m.—The Church School 11:15 a m.- -Rally Day Service Church and Sunday School Nursery provided in the I'riin- aiy Rooms. Beginners, ages 4.5, will retire during the seeond hymn, Corrie And Worship With Us THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Ti•ivitt Memorial, Exeter `.ev, Bren de Vries, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist Sunday, September 14 8:30 am.—i-ioly Communion 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer 7:00 p.m.—Evensong 210N CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON 10:00 a.nt.—Wershiiy "Seat Control" 11:15 a.m.—Church School lllonday Youth FellOWthlp' ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Rev. K. L, Zorn', Phone 65 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Service Rev. C. J. Kiliinger, London, guest speaker. CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 9:45 a.m.—Morning Worship (English) Rev. G. J. Hoytema, Clinton 2:15 p.m.—Afternoon Worship (Dutch) Rev, G. J. Hoytei ia, Clinton CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD Rev. W. F. Krotz, Minister • Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist Sunday, September 14 10;00 a.m. — "A Great ' Life. Principle" 11:05 a.m.—Sunday School CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN, CHURCH Rev, Samuel Kerr, B,A., B.D. Minister Organist: Mrs. Bob Pryde 0:00 a.m.—Sunday Sehool 10:00 a.m,---Mot•ning Worship Sermon Subject: "The Unjust .Steward" Nursery for children up to six years. Monday, Sept. 15, 4 p.m.—Open-, ing meeting of "Children of the Church" in the Sunday School room. JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH ev, H. J. Snell, Pastor Mi' Lawrence Wein, A.WC.M. 10:00 a.Yh.—Suridsy School 11:00 a,itt.—Morning Worahit Sermon Subject.: "Evangelize. Or Perish" Dug by Sandra 'tyalper and' i1i aNielir litetririe A Warm Welcome .ts Extended To All an ce and Joanne attended the Webb -Jameson wadding in Lon don on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Robert Taylor, Medina, Mrs, Gordon Thomas, Woodstock, visited with the former's niece, Mrs. Lawrence Copeland, last Friday, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Makins, Bayfield, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Ernie Vod- den. Saturday visitors were Mr, and Mrs. W. K. Nimmo and Ber- nice of Toronto and Donald Nim - mo, of Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. T. Doube and Russell motored to Omemee for a few days last week. Mrs. Belch, who has been visiting with Mrs.! Doube, returned to her home ix)] Omemee, Rev. and Mrs. Wareham held open house on Friday afternoon and evening at the parsonage for the Woodham charges. Mr. and Mrs. George Levy of Thames Road were Sunday visit-' ors with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Levy. COMING EVENTS— WATCH FOR further announce•, ment of the Hospital Auxiliary! rummage sale to be held on Saturday, October 4. 11c Brownie's Drive -In Clinton THURSDAY & FRIDAY September 11 and 12 "SEVEN YEAR ITCH" (Adult Entertainment) (Colour, Cinemascope) * Marilyn Monroe * Tom Ewell CARTOON SATURDAY & MONDAY September 13 and 15 "3,10 TO YUJMA" * Glenn Ford * Van Heflin 3 STOOGE COMEDY Cartoon TUESDAY f, WEDNESDAY September 16 and 17 "WOMAN OF THE RIVER" (Colour) (Adult Entertainment) * Sophia Loren * Gerard Oury CARTOON Hensalf 1!Ifi Trip Hransall•Women's ,Institute .ar.A Planning abus. trip to Henry Ford .Muse(im and Greenfield Village, Monday, ;September 22. Members and friends interested in taking this trip, contact Mrs. Harry ,Horton (convener) as soon .ata :possible. ShareThe Wealth BiNGO! Sat.,, Sept, 13 9;09 p.m. 14 Regular Games 100 Per. Card JACKPOT $75 IN 52 CALLS Shop at home , . . in the pages of The Times -Advocate, your; Sponsored by Hensel! Legion community newspaper. (11111111111111111111111111111111,111111,111111n1111111t111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/1111111111111,1, 11111111/1111bs $7,200 Prize Money OFFERED AT Sealor.th Fall Fair THURSDAY, FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 18,. 19 Featuring * Hereford and Perth -Huron Jersey Regional Shows * Six 4-H competitions and 3 championship shows— largest 4-H display in Huron LARGE LIVESTOCK EXHIBIT Parade of 15 Schools, Floats and Bands Friday at 1:00 p.m. Thursday Evening Program at 8:00 p.m. MERCHANTS' DISPLAYS IN ARENA. SQUARE DANCE COMPETITION $60 $25 $15 Open To Any Group — Still Time To Enter ADULTS — 500 CHILDREN — 250 =_ "Oldes and Largest Fair in Huron" R. W. Campbell, Pres. R. James Wallace, See.-Treas. .s a mom llllt11111tt11111111111111111111111111111,1,11111111111111111111111,1111111111111111111111111111/111111111111111111111111111111114 0111111111111111/1M 111111111111llllltillltl t 11111111111111111111111111111111111111,111/11111111111111111111111111W IIItll111111111AV Hensall United Church Monday, September ,22 at 8:30 p.m. Mass Hall under the Men's Council of the Huron Presbytery of the United Church of Canada — TO HEAR —• Mcinning Potts of Nashville, Tenn,, USA THE EDITOR OF THE DEVOTIONAL BOOKLET "THE UPPER ROOM" which has a world-wide circulation of three a millions in 29 languages. Dr. Potts has travelled extensively in South America, Europe, the Middle East and the Far East. COME TO ENJOY CHRISTiA"' FELLOWSHIP Everyone Invited— Men, Women and Youths 1ttun111t11intaI 11rittaattauntlautintatln1ulll Intim l lll11into 1111, ll Iniumila 11Wun1t1111111tin nuunlum.1 Saturday Night Danccs Exeter Legion Memorial Hall With Your. Favorite Orchestra CLARENCE PETRIE And His Nite Hawks SPECIAL SPOT PRIZES Dancing 9 to 12 Admission: /se mein raw, Jackets and leant Not kilowatt