Huron Signal, 1850-11-21, Page 4Lall ritettika 11.4 Of the Examination and Classification of Teachers of Common Sehools, prescribed by the Council of Public Instrrction for Upper Canada, as required by the Act, 13th and 14th Vict., chap. 48, sec. xxxviii. and adopted the 3rd day of Oct. 1850. TO BE IN FORCE UNTIL REPEALED OR REVISED BY SAID COUNCIL/ N. B. -Candidates shall not be'eligible ,to ,be admitted to examination, until they shall have fUrnished the Examiners with satisfactory evidence of their strictly temperate habits and good moral character. 1. Qualifications If Third Class Teacher's. Candidates for certificates as Third Class Teachers, are required: 1. To be able to read intelligibly and correctly any passage from any common reading book. 2. To be able to spell correctly the words of an ordinary sentence dictated by the Examiners. 3. To be able to write a plain hand. 4. To be able to work readily questions in the simple and compound rules of Arithmetic, and In Reduction and Proportion, and be familiar with the principles on which these rules depend. 6. To know the elements of English Grammar, and be able to parse any easy sentence in prose. 6. To be acquainted with the eleinents of Geography, and the general outlines of the Globe. 7. To have some knowledge of School organization and the classification of pupils. II. Qualifications o% Second Class Teachers. Candidates for certificates as Second Class Teachers, in addition to what is required of candi- dates for Third Class certificates, are required : 1. To be able to read with ease, intelligence, and expression, and to be familiar with the principles of reading and pronunciation. 2. To write a hold free hand, and to be acquainted with the rules of teaching writing. 3. To know Fractions, Involution. Evolution, and commercial and mental Arithmetic. [Female candidates for this class of certificates will only be examined in Practice, and mental Arithmetic.] 4. To be-atquaintedwith the elements of Book -Keeping. 5. To know the common rules of Orthography, and be able to parse any sentence in prose or poetry which may be submitted ; to write grammatically, with correct spelling and punctuation, the substance of any passages which may be read, or any topics which may be suggested. 6. To be familiar with the elements of Mathematical, Physical and Civil or Political Geogra- phy, as contained in any School Geography. III. Qualifications of First Class Teacher:. Candidates for certificates as First Class Teachers, in addition to what is required of Candidates for Third and Second Class certificates, are required 1. To be acquainted with the rules for the mensuration of Superficies and Solids, and the elements of Land Surveying. 2. 'I'o be familiar with the simple rules of Algebra, and be able to solve problems in Simple end Quadratic Equations. 3. To know the first four books of Euclid. 4. To be familiar with the elements and outlines of General History. 5. To have some acquaintance with the elements of Vegetable and Animal Physiology and Natural Philosophy, as far as taught in the Fifth Book of the National Readers. 6. To understand the proper organization and management of Schools and the improved meth- ods of teaching. N. B. -Female candidates for first class certificates will not be examined in the subjects men- tioned in the first three paragraphs under this head. By order of the Council of Public Intruction for Uupper Canada. J. GEORGE HODGINS, Recording Cterk, C. P. I. 13th and 14th Victoria, X2Ti Aad be It eaa.ted, That 1t shall be the duty daub Coity Board ofPoblio Isetrretioe Brody, To m.t ant lee than feet time. a year ; to determine the time and places of its own meetings, ad the order of its 'reseeding., •ser Ib. manner of recording them. Strewdfy. To examine sad give emificatee e( goali6estioo to Teachers of Common School., arranging inch Teachers into throe clasaes aeseritag to theft atteiameets sad ability, as shall be prescribed is • programme of examination and instruction@ to be provided according to law; else to ascii say 'loth certificate as it shall judge expedient : Provided always, that oo certi6este of qualification .hall be gives to say permit as • Tambov. who 'hall bet finish satisfactory proof.( geed mons character ; our to toy perms who .ball tot, et the the time of tontine' for melt sertiiNe .f gesli8vatioa, be • atom) bora of ■ateraliued @object of Her Majesty, or who shall not, produce • certificate of having taken the estb tr(.Ilsgrese teller Majesty, before some ogle of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace far the County in which he .hall be • resides' ; and ell betimes of the Peace are hereby eethorieed to administer sues este e( allegiance : Provided also, that soy inch certificate of qualification. shall be glesuml, es regards the Cosoty, or limited as to time or place, at the pl of the meiority of the metnbero of the Collet, Board of Public Ia- .trsedts pm.," it inns saemiesties : Presided likewise, that every inch e.rtifieete shall bee the migastura of et least oto local Superiatende.t of Gemma. Schools. Tiirdfrr. To select (if deemed expedie.t), from • 1i.t of text beaks recommended or authorised by the Conseil of Peblie Iatnetioc, mach k..is a. they .ball tbiab hem adopted f r the see of the Commies Behools d such Comity or Circuit ; and to ascertain mad recommend the bet faerillties for precedes .nes boobs. J'wreily. To adopt all arch lawful m'aes is their power se they .bell judge 'seediest, to advance the templets mid us(ulow.1 C.ms.s to pnaeW the esteblishmeet o4 Beard Libraries, sed to dame usel.1 knowledge is such Comity or Circuit. By order of the Board, GoDvucti, 14th Nov. 1$50. LATE EUROPEAN NEWS. PROPOSED SUBMARINE TELEGRAPH BETWEEN ENGLAND sun IRELAND. Negotiarieae ore beteg mitered into with the Londe of the Admittedly and Government authori- ties fon the a•abllNmeet scree@ 8t. George's ChaeNl of • ab.goess telegraph open • simi• Mr. t►aagh much mon extended Peale of that sew Mies ued.rtske. betw.e■ Eeglend and Flea., the promoter. of whieh hare, it n ceder - weed, after considerable isterviewe and treaty, mese to terms this week with the French Gov - meowed for the •telo.iv possession of the pro- d eteetrio 11e from the Freed% ems* to CDr. Pr•6siery surveys hese been made for ihte proposed meanie c.mmnoieatioe ammo the Ir1.5 ehanel. sad the masts oe either side, coot - Steed with the ehmaries .in leeeridaed by . e.di.m for the waking oohs wires, are found. O wls* to the fo.od.uea beige comperatively free frees reeks end Meals, ea compared with the Smelts .1Dever. and with treble the cares* n( sbaaael, to M favorable. Notion of the ilia. - ,W. "fibs pronustete in apply to Parlismest next ..,,ie for es eeibon.11e to lay dews the line will b. glove Th• points et which telegraphic eytioss es the E•elis and Inch mere will be e sablihed will depend es the Welt of the G... moment •eotmisehm enw pureeing its ligan, as re the brut place fir tb• e.ebli.hme.t •n the Intel in (reload et a gnat ir.swdaatie packet elation. At present two telegraphic routes ate propped -the one of 173 miler sere••thechart, Irmo Holyhead to Kisgrien sad Dublin. and thane be the Orem Meetbern sod Weetero rail. W5y to Conk sad Getwsy-the ether from 81. Dade. Heed, es the Welsh roan, end •e ts Wexford, W.t•r(.rd, and the extreme western pointe •f Deleted to Bsr.heves sod Cew,bh.t.s, the letter being the last points touched et by morels stwtrd bad for the Adeline From this poi.t es dm vitreous wester. eosin of Ire - sad t. Ha1ifaa. the .serest leh.gnpbln moues ee the Atomises side, the donees le 9155 mil.., end se this Wight be saecinpltrsd by th•steam see ie 5 or 8 days. E.glead. br oras• .4 the leer -week of Ia1.ges0514 M.M•ieliN iso etirt- onee en the Adan@ ..sbeerd oe the •e• side, .ed the Lake Frontiers es the nher, nosy he pet to peneee.lee of ell polities! Sad erie ser.iel la- a•nigese. Item the Am•rie.s sod r.f.,..e see. tweets is flare iser•d t/ mom 19 5r 14.- T►. prie..4 *web it io ..stud it sighs b• Moe erieh eN.ay, den set esol..piate asythleg ithe the immseneee 'prise d • win sake the •timerie. -111hinsies Cirenied. $,tieetwes et . LAMM Sror.. -Th. Frani MetM1s Godard, a.d• then ir.t t.- w,�. ems A 1%* w Sawdeyt ALFRED W. OTTER, Sec'y. in the large halloos which they have just caused to be eeestreeted, celled '• Ion Ville do Porte." - They were secorpeined by Coon' (3titon de :imolai, Dr. Terme, M. Louie D.eehamp., sod M. Mases, and their ioteation was to make e loss toyer. They left the Hippodrome et iweety-three Initiates past 6re, .d puled.low- ly towards !fetidly: bet on rising they fried another curtest, which cheesed their direenea. sod they plowed 'spit ly over Aeeieree and Ee• 'hien. after which they west pretty meetly is the direction of the Northers Railway. The, peed over Clermont, Boras, Arms. Douai, Lisle, Turcoeg, and Roubsia. They neat got into Belgium, and neer the frontier distinguished the light. of eleven or twelr. tows. After pre- reedto( some time they found they wen ap- proaching the nee, and accordingly deemed it necessary to make • dotterel. This /h.y warm - Wished at Gin, between Breit. and O.tead, sed at only three tepee from the coast. The wind wee blowing oohed, et the tis.. the night wan very dark, and then w.. o eomher of tree. All thew areemetane.e made the dement a very difficult operanan. but it wan safely effected with en ocher eni.hap than the trashier, of some tree. and the grating nlf of the skin from the hand of M. Metes, who endeavoured to hold the cord e( the anchor. TIN time at whieh they alighted was Eve misstate peel ten, sad they calculate the di.tamor they trowelled (allowing fee sheart mooed by change, is the wild), at .host 100 Ing.n (ISO melee Eagheh. ) is mom elaeoe they were se seer the Iced that they wen able to q...ilea the epeetstors, bet the violators e( the wind fr.geeedy pr..sted thorn from Marie, the replies. Breves Peaseavre n Betitwe -A plry,iries who hue travelled through Bwitserls.d d.enhes a process of pnrreing better a adopted ie That e.a'ry, and wh,ch he stere to be far preferable is the English plan datives The pree.ns is e fellers: -1•6 a oboe ripper pas (better me deem, lived) pct any gummy of better. say from Iw.ety posed to fort, Mend, sed pl.c. it •ser • made bre. as that it may Welt ta..1,, e4 M hest be se graduated that dm Meh.d ma•• enl esm• to • boil i. Iess them sheet two bee D.ri.g •11 this time the bitter met w frog tly aired. may •.e. ie ire at toe remotes, a that the whole mese may be thnremghly iewrwifued. ,rad the top sed bettors ehe.ge dem hem dsbt to t1.,. Mee the melted mise belle. the 8m is re be s regehned es beep the better el • ,mole boil (e, about two hewn mere. the •ilni.g Mitre eesuneed, bat est oese.sanly se femme 1e. Woe The vessel le thea IR M n.usv.d from the fin sed ort eaiele Se mal eel untie. sill gradoslly. Ade preesabif •mwlieg is soppegel doe to steelre deet mels his,,. The melted resate is thee, while Mill 1484 w• be widely meted ht• ohs east- m jar to which it 1. to be kept. ie the process of coaling there is depedted a whitish cheesy sedi- ment, proportioned to the gneotiry of better, wbeeb to to be ear.f.11y prevented free iseerteix- ieg with the preserved batter. The cameos grouted. are very palateble and •srieioe., end are constantly used as food. Boner so prepared will lest for years perfectly good wittiest any partresler prraatiee beteg taken to keep it from the air, or witboat the ,lights.' addition of salt. liter sen i,cua anaur.-Ws baro to report with d.cere regret, the d..trectiee of • bn.ti- fel School -hoot., teeeetly buds• and scarcely 6aiehed, in the Parish of S. Michel d'Yama.ka, es Saturday severe, lest. it will be remember- e d, that on the merein` of that day Meme. Delight and Jobasee bei held a Seemed 8...les there. and that olio a leetthe.ed artist • satis- factory settlement of affun armed to baso bee% attained. Tbe destr.rtios of the Scheel-hoees took place • few hears aiterwarde, rad mat be attribsed to ieeeodiene., probably to lame who were enraged at the rntoratinn of peace, and wished is excite • sew the dieeo•teet whieh had been happily ,waled. Bleb infamous eo.dect will roof, we treats to cease • reaction amino the ataiRwoin, aed is milt@ all reepeembl• parties is seppert of the law. We have further to *mice the preeeedlege of a . riotous mob et Bt. Hroeiat5e, let Wedgy "i,W. Tb. 8... MrCbieiq,y had Men speed- ing meted day in tbat village, end had address- ed tb• people repeatedly e• the @obleet a( Tem- per -sem. Uefertantely, hie ethen.Cee produc- ed effeete d5 di.sitro.s kind. The iedignatioe .gal met wee rained to troth a pitch that • wise eolleeted ass Monday events,. pro- eeed.d to • bsllt.g ahem ea be occupied se • Mowery .ed di.tilrry, sod *weed by Mr. Plslllip. e( Lapnrrre. sled entirely di.'la"Id it. e ineshrwg item three they meld le, their Matte *e. similar est'sges were enmwtin.d et . .eighbeeieq teems. end farther mischief was throeen•d. The teed magi.nsos rel is order to take some fee the ad psnletl- me.t of the rioters, bet ti.ey were warwef. that If dere pereadt.d. their owe Moses week, atom be visited is like emeser. The a... Mr Chiaigy meet be deeply 'nam- ed et dle..toward meet. No nee will sense him of lesstreeeliy .ieleade` Ora mods; het bosom, Mos seed tee rive* leapey. 1. M- ,oiNeg IM or dreehrieseit A dim stisieg spies the t•wtplen t• mist ties Ha Willem piers bis ►sA. wsl i.8,,.e. 1. ,..w - ht titins,, end showing she Widow diet thew wine sea .lm*tio h mNeedel.g ewe. rail geese •41 the }*A ./ 1r. M(wr swemiee.5111104 - NOTIC.R. ._ ISBO M latimeas te the hiliehimaim of the Towerelpe el Odeeieb. Mashy sad CeI- -horse, dim seder • power 11 Aileron fres the aAIOR DE TUTLE, dated the 15th April, 1949, 1 am oath/Mud teatimes .( 16 LANDS to these Towsebipe, aid to great Title DOA rot the ase-rMalms as miles' ell oleates dee him. sad te rest Diee►argeo fel the saes. --wad 1 hereby reemeet all p.reees isdehred to the std B eim de Teres, forthwith a intik sp thou m- ooed,' debts. THOS. MERCER JONES. Ol dens►, Bth Mei, 1850. 3,-.15d NOTICE. BEG to intimate to all that it mar •oee .r., I that 1 Mee seder • power or uevasy emot- ed to WILLIAM STORY, •utherieed his to collect all mosey dee me either by Note of bead or etherwioe, tad met dischuses for the same. And 1 hereby requiem all peroesaiudebted to me forthwith to settle the came and sere 00rt. JOHN LANCASTER. Goderich, 256 day May, 840. •3x17 NOTICE. THE Subscriber baei■` bees appointed Ages. for the PROVINCIAL MUTUAL AND GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, here- by iMimatite, that he ie prepared to receive 8ob- ecriptio.e for Stock in the Preview, Breech, sad application for Iosonaees i. the Mutual Branch, sod to give nth iaformetios on the subject ss may he required. JOHN CLARK. Goderieh, 98th Sept. 1849. 2.-o34t. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. TIIE Sub.crihr begs leave to inform the Inhabitants of the District of Huron, and the neighboring Districts, that be has Established himself in Stratford, and is propend to give Plane sod 8penifies• Bose of Public er Private Buildings, Bride• es. dull Dam., lie. lite. ice., and will take the .upenebadenee of such Erections, on the most reasosabl. terms. 116 thorough ksnwlodgs orbits profession and be practice as Builder, qualifies him for any undertaking is the lisp. Address pout paid, PETER FERGUSON, Builder, km. ire. Stratford, C. W . Stratford, Marsh tib, 1849. 96-o7tf NOTICE. -The •sd.rapeed by power of Attorney dated the 97th der of May, 1850. given him by Thomas R. Weodliff. to eoltaet all osutandiog debts dee the Isle Firm of Mile and Woodlm8 and him.eliper,oaally-request as immediate beldame.' of the same or they will be given to the Clerk of the Dirisies Covert for collection. BF.NJ. PARSONS. Goderich, Jose 19th, 1850. •3.19 A VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE ! ! THE subscriber offers for SALE hie GRIST sad SA W MiLL, "rusted io the Township of McGillivray, on the Big Sable, within three miles of Flanagan'. Corner. The Mille are now in operatioo,and newly built. The Privilege ie the best on the River, and situated in the best Town- ship in the County of Huron -well settled, and Roads opened io all directions to favour it. The Maebtaery and material. are of the very beet quality, and put up by the ve- ry beat Machinist.. For Particulars in- quire ofJimw Crombie, Esq., Galt, or ap- ply to the subscriber. PATRICK FLANAGAN, Proprietor. McGillivray, 16th Jaaumy, 1360. 2v50tf (17•The Galt Reporter will i the above until forbid. FARMER'S HOTEL, -MITCHELL. FRANCIS FISHLEiGH begs to inform ►ie friends, and the peblie geemily, that he ban .etabli.b.d himself a the above Village, sad hopes by strict eti.ouos to the market tad cos- reawe. of Traveller., to sera a Mara of their p.uooage. Good Stabile( sad es leitmotivs Groom a atteadeoc.. Mitchell, May 156, 1850. 1,615 STRATFORD IRON FOUNDRY. -Th subscriber haves penbesed the inter- est of Mr. C. J. Wilson ran the .bone 1''- tabltabrneot, is shoat to continue the Bun - D a. on hie own respoctblltty. to returning thanks to the public for the very liberal en- couragement received by Oa* k WuLaoii, he begs to intimate that he will constantly keep on band an assortment of Superior CASTIN'', consisting of COOKING, Parlour, and Box Stoves ; Amer- ican, Scotch & Canadian Ploughs of the most Improved Moulds, -MALT ROLLERS, Terming Loan, .~Math's Rollers, q'e. THRASHING MACHINES of a superior description to any hitherto introduced, and better adapted to this coun- try from their lightness of draught, and strength of construction. A call from in- tending purchasers is requested before pur chasing elsewhere. The shove will be sold at Low Rates for Cask or Trade, or at cur responding rates on approved credit. A. B. ORR. Stratford, 90th June, 1880: 9.-n20 NOTI CE IL a _._ . THE VILLAGE OF CLINTON. AN N e..11wst speotag for • - Ws- goa maker will et prsswt fused to the rete, village el Climes. emoted at the jsoctios of the roads leadief fres Hamulus tied Loudon to Gedericb, sad bends twelve miles detast from that latter. The viliag. is our -mustier' by the meat promptness set tlemeot le the Huron Trost, rad already promisee to become a place of some toper ta.ce. Thera oro DOM attend trsd.smes ia It, and a good wor►maa t5 the above lies• will assuredly meet with hbeval .s- coureg.ment. For further particulars, applIcalios may bin made to Barclay Lane, Blacksmith Clio ton who w111 cheerfully give assutasce to the person wishteg to commence wagon making in the .hors named village. Clinton, 93rd Oct., 1860. v$ -n36 TO1I. TH E e u bsetiber begone inform the i.bebi tats te of Goderich sad ie •ieialty, that be hes re- ceived • Lars• Supply of the LATEST 111• PROVED PATTERNS of COOKING, B 0 X , AND PARLOUR STOVES, which he offers for BALE et very REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH. Th. ebecriber else Memos bald, as meal, at kis Oke LD 8TAND, a LARGE .ad very Su- perior aeaelimeet of -TINWARE of every description. The 'subscriber takes this opportusity of riter- Miag his deem thank. to the Public fm the very liberal pivoting* he he received piece be has been in business in God.rich, and hopes by strict avenues to business, and moderate price., to centime to receive • sharp of the public patroeeg/ N. B. -GRAINING. PAINTING. GLA- ZING. PAPER and BELL HANGING carried 0o se heretofore. WILLIAM STORY. Ood•rieh, 6th Sept. 1849. 9v-a31tf TWO GOOD FARMS FOR SALE. OYE within 9.mileo, and the other with - Io about 3 miles of Goderich T.,wo Plot. The first is LCT 10 in lot Coaces- sioo, Tnwn.hip of Goderich, CONTAINING 161 ACRES, Is bounced •t the one end, by Lala Huron, cadet the other by a Public Road, -and the second a LOT 8 in 8th Cooc...o., Colborn., W.Dt.i.tou, CONTAINING 100 ACRES, and is situated at the Junction of two Pub - lie Road.. For Particulars apply to JNO. McDONALD, Esq. Goderich, 19th June. 1849. o9-tf Da. P. A. McDIi J 411 , CAN be Nwoeftd at oil Bose& es y►e'. Woe, J'• arrlioro, Gudsrteh, 8.,t. lath. 1841. 118 w I. LRWIS, BARRISTER, BOL1C1TOR, 40., Jo.., Idea GODF.alCII. ALFRED W, OTTERt, • General Agent & Coneeyatac.r COLLECTOR OF ACCOUNTS,je GODIIUCB. O.t. 1, 1849 Iwo o JOHN STRACITAN BARRISTER AND ArroR/li` 41 'LAW. Solicitor • 'sear,. Q , NOTARY FUa110,' Hae Bis oldie. is Weal Street, Geula. God.rieh, find J y, 1$50. 1•-.41 DANIEL . HOME LIZARS, ATTOYJ4EY AT LAW, sold C delimiter in Chews & Has Me o•es a• f rrtteerty, i5 Streth.d. Stratford, Rod January, 1310. 9.-548 N. B. -lir. Stitches, of the I.te Arm e, Stricken is Lams, ...ti..e. M set me Agent and Counsel for Mr. Lilacs to all matters referred to hint fres Btntfeed. ' WA'I'SON & WILLIAMS, 7)1X16 WATSON .1 Gadded* BARB/BYES AT LAA' Oke. Q.. sad GEORGE WILLJiBIS. .f Sterj,d, late of tb.firm .f Heater, Wd1er .ed Wfdllrlamme, Barrister., de. Tomato, ►smime Ibis day rstewd isle co•pert.ent.re. i• the Practise. sod Peeks, - otos of LAW. C lar ..d Co--.vff,..�, will is (mare keep their OM0 e...t .derieb end Stratford, respectively, ender die same. .tyle ..d firm of Were.. Mod Wrt.Li*at, Dinh WATSON, Gerlerl.h, Ocoee WILUAtm, Strsdsrd, 946 December. 1849. iteraeffef R. WILLIAMS, t& Co. CHEMISTS ANS DRUGo1/77, And Gement Dotter. is Groceries, lAner., Patois, Oil. Nsr.l ties, Dy. Ikea, Hardware, ee., STRATFORD. P 'otiose dispersed with astaroey 8.4 prnmpeltbde. 3.•.15. J. K. ,GO,ODI NG, AUCTIONEER, W'LL attend SALES in any pert to/the • Co55ty on reasonable Terme. Ap- ply at hie Reeid.sce, Lipbt_H.5N Street. Goderich, April 418 1849. ...gat DANIELtGORDON, CABINET MAKER: Tire doers J:eor q the C.nede Co'.. t015s, WEST -STREET, GORE/MM. August 9118, 1149. 9*,440 • YOUNG, BOoOTMaedr. GeoRO Make,, .5e door West f BBE rge Vid.a.'s, Blaebssitb, Front street, Goderich. e. Ape. 2618, 1850. ,$a 1 JOHN J. E. LINTON, IoT•aY POBLIC, Commissioner Queen's Bench, AND CONVEYANCER. STRATFORD. CANADA LiFE ASSURANCE Ct).MPANY. -TIIE Suberihr baying beet appointed Agent of the "CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO.;" is prepared to receive proposals for Assu- mes", and will be happy to afford to may person the necessary eafortnatioo, as -10 the principlee of the Institution. JAMES WATSON• Goderich, 9th June. 1849. ,fin 9lf KINCARDINE ARMS. (Near the Wharf GoderuA,) BY H. MARLTON. THE shove Hotel has good accomodation for travellers. Stabling, lac., dce. The Packet Mary Asn will leave Gods- rieb (wind It weather permitting,) regular. ly twice a week for the Kincardine Settle - meet. For freight or parings apply to Capt. Rowan at the Kincardine Arm.. Gnd.rich. March 25th. 18:.0. n0 -e3 PIIIIPT ?IE ELISE. MOFFAT'S TO BE SOLD. -An Excel - test FARM, being LOT No. 19; MAIT- LAND C O N C E S S iON, Township of Goderich, costal Dime 100 scree -30 of whieh is cleared. The ,and is of • *opener quali- ty, and well watered. it is situated exact- ly nine miles from the town of Goderich on the Huron Road, and at the junction of rax different road,; ai.d as it is In the centre of a populous and prosperous locality, it is ex- cellently adapted for a Tavern stand or . Ston. This farm is well entitled to the attention of persons desiroes of an eligible "iteration for hurries', and will he gold on very reaeooable term.. For particular. apply to 1). H. LIZAR8, Lead Agent. Onderlah, June 20, 1150. 96-ntt0 WINTER READING! THE Mosinee' Weekly Traw.eript, a Family Newspaper, devoted to Morali- ty, Pure Lit.ratsre, Foreign sod Domestic News, Agriculture, Comm.nc,, the Aria. 8eieesee, sod Amessenent,-tis published every Tseday morning at the following rate" :-Siegle copier for ten mouths 6e.- 9logle copies per awesm 8e.; Claire of se. wn pip, asosm •7; Club. of tee per annum flux (and a copy gratis to the getter up of - a "doh of ten. Ow •ocount of the low pierce of sultans diem, all lettere mo" he pout -paid; if not. the postage will he deducted from tbo sum « pati. tl?' 8sboeriptlees di.castisoed at the tltptvatiee of the time for tettteh they harp boom paid. Seb.eribtws will therefore beer thio in mind. All letters t• be addressed to dee under . dried Proprietor, et tree edea, Hnepitel-et. D. r'DONALD. Mealt3al, let (int. 185 VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS •ND PHCENIX BITTERS The blab a.d ..•i•4 a imeity shwa Ion pro-ewlesa M.A..l.w w.• seq.lr•4 res UMir i.,ariabl. •ie.p i. .n IM 4..... ewti.l dory prose. to eon, W ,..Ned the .ileal practise of pease sot tory ...e..«ry, aN a.ww• thy of WHO. They an t.ee. by J•b fish ; iMM pied verbs notifP 8e J... 5.d t5y trite Dot y the 8410 .f 10. aviator. Z1w JS L= 111:3 AIL. WM 11=1 IOW ry ASTHMA. ACUTR seed CHRONIC IHRUYIrnsa AFPSCTI'INS tl nor BLADDER owl RIDNRYB. 1II.IOU$ spree. 8 LIVRI OOMPLAIM'I..- te tie wen. .d west. thew thew 4w..es owed tb., .at be feed I.nirb5. PMetre a...., a.d ei5,.r+aa awe m. taw Med ossa .al woe .hwe8 be within J... SULIOU. CHOLIC ant l5ROUS Za renew. 14Lr. CoSDtrlNtes COLDS 4k cations. cess'C COMOrr no.. 0.5 w05 15- 1. ib5 CORA T HUMORS. DROPaIl.L i'=QISI'UL&. sevens .its t•,. .tamer die ewe. Swot Mu ..'f then ..Yri.e ravel edit. RUPTIOlm ./ aa..55. tt YttPtLA1, PLTY LING Y. !MVlR and AOUR. tee SOesep ofU.IOW 01...wetrr Ib.. etetiitd.w will le 8w% a rsk wade, sae mum tweedy. Other a sdarie. ban rbo oras tiSd. t r e alma the 4iw.-e eon he Wen sweakee et rw.Ms.t_ t1Y THEM. Pt aATmr ect AND et CURS0. POILNtee ./ comp LIRION, •s9g14aRAL �f ROOT. OIDDINIet, mum_ NEADACMge, yl etl 5554, INWARD FRYER, INFLAMMATORY mI/IMA rnM. INPURI BLOOD. JOINDERS. LOBS of APPI• ml. LIVIDIa OO>lPLLI99?S. LIP&on Y. LOOSZNRBS, M 1. R C V R I A L 5... 815 to r.A.0 whiny .11 on Sher .d Moamar 1i With roes Iwo he ..i termed prs..t5r er eaeSge,Ja NIGHT SWRAT., NRRYOUA D*IILITY. NBRruu. COMPLAINTS of an M.4., ORGANIC AFFIOrtiost PI L PITATION O o. HEART. FAINTttY'B OMOUO. P i L s I. Tr orteted ori w.r Jm. ew4M.aw maw ..mad S Nil of m Nam .8.455 Mee e•• of the. bleb ■onobro Moro. PAINS le the M.4. MIK bot. bubo. hese owl ate. RM1.UleA WIBM. non emted web Y Were& Anew will b.e. 4wE.r he the 148 sa541e1.sa RUM et $Le1OD to 18e M=AD, wintry. 5ALTENRt'IM. DWELLINrt.. 110ROP11La. ea =K13I'S MITES. 5m os.row. ULCSRA Nw.r 4wwomom W O le FAS. s• .. ereeetir smarted be Jew U.08.. carom we 4a wA...5-e. ' 5.. war we 15b erre.. • e wet•ea nose vie Is mew. TRE LIFE RLL: IM ?IIRII 11117111 PUR1fY THE 8100D, And thus remove all disease from the system. A Weer4I sea thee Ow LIFE Pal: sod i N CE N I X B I T T E R S ieved isWi meet of...,,. Wee N the .rhMt1..f rem pseN.a The Owens* .fMao 1NMl..e wit sow "'mg=w�pp..w mad 101.15. .g•J. .Mb • moo wtY 0.d as..M.w'• e...rldg r, .s width h a hale' of 5redw., bon u Meet . w t'i.s. 5y shish Mvwentekdiltste no .11y w '•'r ..,1y O wl .. Te essest..a Si imeesso eve •.p,.$ 8.4, careers tow .5e peewee then Wine whip tweppes a. 5e weenie /W iSa1 nos 5. ..earl 5- 55, Sew wa tis . b. K tee b. .. M .SW Ow they ems . Wes s h r art toe& eta P2. WILi.IA s =orr4w, 501Foe I ree • a.Mary meet. New i 1111841. FAIROONS, "ate 411* (:oderieh, low. so, 1848. , ' DAVID H. LIZAIta. WISHER is iahnsts to Ibis iaba5hWu s G•derieb sad Ibis grn.sdi.g reentry, that hobos essrso.eed besiege, e. Coe 'onset., Geserel Attest and Aeeetatnet, tad by amide. 051 sureties, accuracy, sod seeders,..hmp., hopes to be useful to each es witty require Me *crakes. Toes, wisdoms to eopiey him is say of the above breeches will plea. call .t the Registry Gm .., Lighthouse street, Goderieb, 13th Marsh. 1850. '1.48 DR. JOHN HYDE, tiara r•o5 1115 , riff 211111C Io iv ` IId� STRATFORD. July 11. 1849. WM. REED, NOIRE AND RIr:N PAIXTJ4'R4 f.., LIGHT -HOUSE ST. GODERICH. 0.t. 25, 1849. >.e2 T() LET, TIIAT two story Time Dwelling Heats lately occupied by /edge Adana, sed Im- mediately opposite bis present r.Nd.aes. Ion tenni, and farther penieslm apply to ALEX. M. ROBS,Ron►SL Osdrrieh, M.7 93, 1850. ,3.11t( DAVID H. LIZARB, AUCTIONEER. 18 prepared to sherd Soles in any part of 18. United Couoties oo the sect meso.• able terms- Apply at the R.gi.Uy OSes, Lightboua street- rieh, April 11, 3850. .1•e 1 NOTICE. THE Subscriber having RENTED the WAREI101JBE and WHARF belief - befogs to tb► M . Daveo port, of tbi. pias. "*labli.bed him..lf ate a ro.WA.DRa AND coMMIMtop IllaC1ttT. An) elder, or coomia.loo from the Non shirt. of Goderieh, will receive rrnm attention. J01111 ■4ENAtr. Windsor, March, 1848. ,t. -ltd HURON HOTEL. GODERiCH, BY JAMES OSN►TLES. Gsdwie8, Sept. 11. 1960. ,8+.$ ST KES, Qihcmist a� b ibntgaist W EBT-BTtLiT, OODi RCB. J.I y 14160• M'1 Tits OL Mtttt1T. NrW99AN.BRZA%CAMS, Comillo 11 sed PasFStr a. bee door Mem ni Cetlpasp'� fJitlr . 0ede/i.hv Lpti mL. a3. WARIiINCTOK Farmers' Mutual Inaufranae Olt CAPt iL • .000x000. �'!R A D.u'lltes. AMet t' jos ritetirnewer wittrameoemb ass' 4.0 �+ Ihs CwwsM.. e1 Wirt(.• aed ►/were Atrgil.t „, 1ff90. lvt9 [laahMedw•1visebod et is MOM .O V( WWI as Pa B � ••• Tees LINOS or Twa of the, N• paid .p, tam. to • spoaaib'. tk 1TA pest pat peat .e 8islier E. Tea Iia Ea Oyer t. Ea CTA 5v Betty Hi Bess W Adam 8k E'er A. Thei Th Teas H. No w T► Bet, G. Asd Fa Tbst • w Dir.d Of Glad R. Dirid Pat Amer C•I For Tb wha Hi, 8.e. 1■ Whit As Oe' Th Whit Th Oe• To O.e Fo Tbul Th A. 't Th I. s, w Tog Is th Mi Sere I. Wht, '11 N.'. Di Arne 0 No make Pre Octet it a ani Moot' oeoasi The Eine Ousel the br DOW In 1t 1 that C Divtet last . A are "1 timers' On Brad. oe tin Motel colas In the COMM elbow Dr. L intone here tog er Bows Pas Wong bill of wh loth. the 11 Show lease Kies,