The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-09-04, Page 4Non/411..v4001 front
PPrsoPet 'HIM
Mrs, 'Wm. Switzer of Essex,
Mr. and Mrs. Will; Bertram of
Windsor,. Airs'. Dan. L'per, Red
Deer,.�!berta were- weekend
visitors with Mr: and Mrs. How- I
and Switzer
Mr. Jesse Elston,
Mrs. Robert
Elston. and. Mr. andMks. Humph.'
rey Arthur visited irl .Orillia on '
Thu y
rads ..
Thirteen members of the Kirk -
ton Horticultural Society met at
the home of Mrs. Howard Switzer
-on Tuesday evening as dole -
gates frown the society..
1111111#11Il1fffflff!lNf1#11!!flfkll!!11lYNIH1I1f1f#ff111fIf11f1f Yi1111i1
'Beauty Contest
5.m. I'1► S r n i.�r t ---Continued Front P e
• Town Topics
'elle three winners represent-
e resent-
' ed Semple, Signs,, the Tillage
Shop an Lois Jacksen clothier.
Roma of $ociat and .Personal interest in 400 Around .Exeter
their sponsors. in. the event. The Exeter Ttme5.Advocate is aiway4. pleased to pubtlakt these llama,
tt l'Iev, along
with ollr
Peri and snort in the bacl�l roendf diligently for the past few aeelsa K s'nn Sllaw of (rand
While nearby RCAF tet aircraft two sten bare been practicing ' 1f th placeWe and our leader* are interested to you, and your friend*, Phbne 770.
* . wanner . en y
awaiting their cue to thunder past to get their pattern down pat. A Mend, ano student,
the CNE, waterfront at athis third member of the •team, Flying competed in the Miss Western
week's Canadian International Officer Peter D. Giles, will he Ontario contest at Windsor.
Aix Show, two king •Chipnukair- rrisl
lg above the active smoke -
Each .of the 15 girls received
craft, from, Centralia, will se- writing, ready to take over. a, 1958 Cataline bathing suit, de-°
(lately write across, the shy, in should: F:-1.4 Sncl rove -or F , O signed for the "'Miss Toronto"'
".R , „ g its contest. Seven competitors also
smoke, the letters, 1tCAk. Miley .encounter any trouble with
This will be the first time that their smoke -making. eduipnlent, •received rash prizes of $10 .each. #
h k The contest chilllase(flea:
l a pa-
dya "
i • v e •owes started
t ti l A Show :crowds. RCAF Th experiment t
the Chipmunk Sky -Writers ave Making, smoke with Claipinun :ache, variety show and puppy;
Performed in. front of Canadian aircraft !s an innovation in the i e. which
ari constituted .a Thank
erns ons i e spo lou
celebration sponsored by 1
The aircraft are flown by as a result of a chance remark x
Flight Lieutenant D. Y. Snel- passed by Squadron Leader file C'hamher tourists.
:resort alter
Flight + q chants for tourists. Despite cold
grove and Flying Officer J. Ed Granclin. Sl. GrandU1 mentioned vinery weather, the event
Mr. and Mrs. William Pass-
more and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
1 a�. lllnre visited an .t oaest on
Sunday with Mr. and .Ars. Stan
,l I
A1r. and A1rs, R. J. Knapp .of
St. Louis, Micha visited over the
aveekend with Mr, and ilzrs, It,
N. Creech.
Pte. Clare and Mrs. Idle, re-
cently of Gagetown, N.B.11have
taken up residence at Basile
after speeding a week with the
formers parents, A'!r. and Mrs.
Arthur Idle Pte Idle is statsoned
1 Mrs, Evelyn Broderick: is re-
cuperating at her home after her
recent illness.
.leaO'Connell e
A'l'S, e C has r
1 Helen
turned tg New York after two
week's visit at .the home of her
brother, William Hatter. •
I Mrs. Carrie. Helsam, Detroit,
A1r, Lynn Martin, Turnerville,
A i } . Doherty 1r, an Mrs. R. 1and
i � . ,
daughters, Mt. :lemons, Mich.
and Miss Wilma Coates,. London,
visited . over the holiday with
Mrs. Whitney Coates and Keith.,
'. ar s ec, th t t 1 lgit he effe live to lace drew a mond estinla e a 1 Keith left on SlandaY to Iola has
'out the aerobatie manoeuvres of Dashwood band Jed the parade father in Toronto who r5 show
ere ars a le .
at Camp Borden
with the It,C.A. h
1 11 1 ! 1 { 414i14mm44m /+
111tt111 1 11 IA{A1111 1 !11 AIA 1•
Sirs. Keith Colby and family
Chi 1 1 chipmunk aircraft •aft b using l r K r h;
a alu all Y
'56 Dodge Regent
4 -DOOR SUBURBAN—V-8 engine
'55 Dodge Regent
4 DOOR SEDAN—air conditioner, snow tires
'54 Dodge Custom Royal.
'53 Dodge Regent
SEDANS (2)—each
$ 995
'53 Plymouth 4 -Door Sedan
Tutone 895
'51 Plymouth 4 -Door Sedan
'50 Desoto 4 -Door •
SEDAN—automatic, clean inside, rusty out! $ 195
"we 'Trade Up Or Down"
Open Evenings Until 9;00 p.m.
Exeter Motor Sales
Fred. Dsbbs, Prop.
NIGHTS 732-W OR 769-M
beauty -bearing convertibles• •
smoke. Later, lovva the plain street to elle La of i3elgaare, Austaalia left A1aI-1 in Here
Clara It'1'ellin t.
thought was enlarged to include 1 ton airport oil Sunday to return I gspent'
ev ei a ver 1 -lures"
smoke - making Chapnlualk ear Entertasners i n c 1 u d e d tile! !vee s visit Zvi 1:s. o y's Cpl, G. J. and Mrs. Kopp,
planes. •'C'BC."' bots frons Detroit, a father, Air. Luther Penilale and Karen, Gail and Debbie, of
The aerobatie treeing was singing sextet: Pat Finlay, Dawn; other relatives. Mr, and Mrs. Whitehorse, Yukon, arrived in
accomplished, after considerable, of Detroit, an acrobatic Harry P e n h a 1 e accompanied Exeter on Sunday and are visit -
experimenting. by mounting a dancer and beauty contestant; then! to Toronto. ing with A1rs. I�opp's parents,
smoke generator. in a special singer ,leanett Calcutt, London; ; Mr, and Mrs. Herman Dett- Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Brintnell,
wingtype pod on each wing tip and rack 'n roller Doug Atthill, ' mer accompanied the latter's Cpl. Kopp will commence a •four -
of the acrobatic Chipmunks, The Kitchener, sister, Airs; Harold Murray and year course at the University
1 ' t' to Ber-
this original
sin() where the variety concert; the weekend .at her collage "In- •
the sky -writing of, RCAF by the was emceed by Eric Mellroy. to thea. home after several
k' tib A C Ib
pod, designed and manufactured Clarence, the beagle puppy, ' I ay on t hear re ural rap
by RCAF Station Centralia work- • was won by Alvin Murray, Lan- wick,. N.S. as far as Peyton on
shops staff, houses an ordihary don, a member of the Lionel 1 Sunday,
• smoke generator which is ignited Thornton! band, London, which ISgt. 11, Alex Ellis with Mrs.
electrically from the cockpit, played Inc the concert. !Ellis and family recently of Sill-
' The smoke, which is a pale Sponsoring businesses includ-' lo, Man. who have been holiday -
color, lasts for about four min- ed Lakeview Casino, Green Fo-; ing with the former's mother,
• utes after initial firing. The rest Lodge, 1f o t e 1 Imperial, i Mrs, Anna Ellis, and other rola-
; smoke dissipates quite rapidly Brenner Hotel, Amusement Park.! tives left Thursday for Kingston
so that viewers will constantly • Chuckwagon, La Fiesta Motel,' where Sgt. Ellis has been ,posted.
i he presented with the spectacle camera Shop, Ski School, ,Vii- Mr. and. Mrs. Clayton 1 routY
of a gyrating chipmunk seeming- lige Inn, Snack Shop and Roller, and Air, and Mrs. Clifton Prouty
i ly propelled by twa tiny wing Rink. I who left for holidays last Neil-
tip rockets sporting orange Last year's queen, Janet Fea Inlay returned Sunday after visit-
, smoke. warda, crowned the winner. I ing Barrie, Ottawa and the Thou-.
The wing tip pods proved so Judges were Dr. Geoa'ge Kruge : sand Islands.
I successful that further research Woodstock; Mrs. Marian Too Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobbs, Mr.
was carried on and eventually good. London, and Ben Bernie, I and Mrs. George Dobbs, Mr, and
'the maintenance people came up Toronto. Mrs. Newton Clark, Mr. Gerald
with a reasonable adaptation ofMoffatt and Mr. Jim Lloyd at-
' existing equipment which pro- • a .tended the. Dobbs -McLean wed-
' duced smoke.* " smoke.'ding in Toronto last Wednesday.
A five fiallan hydraulic system F n I s h Tale 1 Mr. and Airs. Les Parker are
cylinder is mounted in the rear : on holidays visiting in the West
I seat, filled
with smoke -making /� tr o u t Trip fluid and charged with 125 • /�
and attended the Kinsmen con-
1•vention in Winnipeg. Mr. and
pounds per square inch of cons-; Mrs. Irvine Armstrong also at -
pressed air. The fluid is bled! (For those who niay be in- 'tended the convention.
Ifrom the container to the exhaust 1 terested here is the remainder , . Mr. and Mrs, Walter Cutbush,
: manifold and the fluid, en con- i of the story about Billy Goss Miss Meta Salter, Mr. and Mrs.
s tact with the heated gases, turns! man's trip west which was in-' Earl Shapton, Mr. and Mrs.
i immediately into smoke. Snok-' advertently omitted from last Bruce Shapton, Mr. and Mrs,
i!ng is regulated by an "On-Off"week's issue. The following para -:Wilfrid Shapton, Mr. and Mrs.
r cock in the front cockpit. ! graphs give Billy's description I Winston Shapton and their fam-
Right now the principle prole - 'of some of the highlights of his 1 flies attended a Gould reunion
lem is getting color into the now trip,)at Bayfield on Sunday.
gray -white smoke, 1 The TahahIac Falls, 1,345 feet i Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Koch spent
I Flight Lieutenant Walt An -1 high, in Yoke Valley, B.C.,: "I ; last week in Toronto where Mr.
tell ya. 1 couldn't look down. I ' Kock was marking grade 13 ex -
went up to the edge but 1 had' aminations papers an Botany.
to walk back." 1 Miss Kathy Gackstetter, Hen -
The boat trip across the Juan ;sail, and Mr, and Mrs. William
de Fuca Strait to Vancouver Horsey spent the weekend in
Island: "1 went up to the cap- !Guelph and with Mr. and Mrs.lain and said: 'I'd like to tellIIrvine Foster in Aldershot and
the folks back home I had the were guests at the wedding of
pleasure of drivin' this boat.' I Miss Tresa Lee and Lawrence
He just stepped aside and let 1 Worledge in . Dublin St. United
me hold the wheel for awhile." 1 church, Guelph.
The Calgary Stampede: "They 1 Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Tennant
had a fella hangin' by his feet and daughters spent the holiday
Brews, station technical officer,
!commented: "I don't think this
I problem will keep the boys licked
for long. They have shown an
amazing amount of enthusiasm
for the job and unless I'm very
much mistaken, we'll have
colored smoke for the air show."
1 Two of the original researchers,
`, F; 0 D. Ni. Dundas and Sergeant
Roy J. Burchett, are now serving
at other RCAF stations. F/O
Dundas, who originated the fly-
ing pattern for the two aircraft, from a helicopter flyinaround !weekend in Grimsby.
'is now at RCAF Station Trenton the stadium. if he'd ever fell, ! Miss Leona Alderson has re -
1 with the Central Flying School he'd a busted his neck. I met' turned to Paris to resume her
' there. Bob is a member of Percy Means (of Exeter) out! teaching. duties.
CFS's Basic Flight . and is in there, too, but I didn't know I Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Prouty,
charge of the examining of Chip- him until he took off his hat and ; Roger and Kenny have returned
t sun lasses," Ito their home in Dundas after
easeene sesameml essmeee su11samussaesl s111s sews a,,nssesusse111s1us11s11: ss sal inunk instructors 5�
The Lower Spiral Railroad ; tending the farm of Mr. and
runnel at Field, B.C., which is !Mrs. Clayton Prouty who were
five mites long: Bill points to -a' vacationing. Mrs. Parsons of
beautifully -colored postcard of ; Dundas' returned home with
an ultra -modern train passed' them after visiting with Mr. and
through the tunnel — "I was on 'Mrs. Prouty.
that train .. , I crawled under; Mrs. Harold Murray and daugh-
a bulldozer on a flat car and 1 ter, Fay, of Berwick. Nova
went all the way through." 'Scotia, have just completed a
The "Great Divide" of a river i holiday with the former's mother,
stst Sum :41°
toconvert your
(conversion period expires September 15th)
A.voici the last-minute rusli e t ,. take advantage of this
golden opportunity to get up to 50% more income on
your Victory Loan investment .. ! for quick service
see your nearest branch of the Bank of Montreal,
If you hold Bonds of the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th or 9th
Victory Loans •--- with serial lettere beginningt7, L9,
P3, P5 or P7 — bring them into your nearest B of M
branch today. We will he glad to convert them for you
and to pay you your cash adjustment immediately,
You don't have to be a B of M customer to take ads
vantage of this service, and•you don't pay a penny for it.
Don't tidIci
e sonvcrt tautlye e, at e e .MY BAH
m e '*ttrosuuaals
You can aft* buy Gativerslon
Loan Bands far CASH...
df market prit. .. , bur !dciltties are readily 1
1 available for this purposs.
,. y ..
Exeter, trench:
atAiti.E. WITH, !!reneges
a Centralia, (Sub -Agency) : Open Tuesday and Thursday
Grand Bend (Sub Agency) : Open Mon., Wed. &
Crediton Branch: CLARE IRWIN, Manager
(Opeti Tuesday, Thursday arid Oct Etiday 4.511.- d p.m)
bashv add (Sub -Agent ) : Open Mon„ ''wed er Pei.
Mensal! trench: KENNETH Cl•IRIS'TIA't' , Manager
Ltittil Branch: LACK STEAMY, Mani&ter
Zuriett Branch: 1O 4N 13ANSIfs'rEft, tdaaagee
iW'rs il9f .Ft 8 'U)' 1- ` NP e k 1J A D 1 A It S -1 la t: v/' l:' i!'Y %A t"1C t "lc 1.1#t 1 U C g .1211'11
near Banff: "I took a drink of
water out of both sides "
Banker thinks everybody
should go out west. "It's won-
derful scenery -- you should see
Mrs, Myrtle Hay, Carling St.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Neil
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Turner, Ottawa.
Mr, and Mrs. N. J. Prior have
returned to their home in Portage
Would he lend a fellow 'his la Prairie, Man., after visiting
scissor sharpener? with Mrs. Clara Hack/ley, Miss
"Sure, if you'll take me Olive Prior and other relatives.
along." Mrs. Sim Pollen and friend, of
Flint, Mich., returning from a
trio in Northern Ontario. called
Jottings B y J . M 5. on friends in town on Friday.
Miss. Sally Acheson began.
—Continued From Page 2
_ nurse's training at Sarnia Gen -
imperial and the Brenner hotels neral Hospital this week. Her
played a large part in the devel-
opment of The Bend as a popu-
lar resort. I canalso say that
in those days we got a dollar a
day and as low as $4.50 per week
for room and meals and they
were good meals as many of
the older visitors can vouch
for, •
I might also mention the fact
that about 1912 I built a dance
hall where the L.C,B.O. now
stands..and it was a very popu-
lar place until Mr. Eccleston
built the larger one on the
In our last issue August 23rd
I read an article by Jno, A.
Gibson of the Toronto Star re Joseph Best at Newmarket.
the starting of Grand Bend as Mr. Don Idle -who has spent
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Acheson, took her to Sarnia Tues-
day and attended a tea at the
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Fisher and
family visited with Mrs. Fisher's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mc-
Collough, Gravenhurst, over the
weekend. Mr. McCullough and
Mr. Fisher flew to Lake Laveille,
Algonquin Park, to fish.
Messrs. Douglas Gould, Itay
Jory and Murray Scott were on
a fishing trip at. Port Severn
over the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Boyle,
Frank and Ricky visited for the
holiday with Mr, and Mrs,
a summer resort,
Grand Bend was a very pope -
lar picnic
opelar.picnic place and also a resort
years before he and Geo. Eccle-
ston were born.
There were about forty cotta-
ges here in 1890 that I know of
and there were several other
people living in the village naive-
ly Mr. and Mrs, It M. Gill and
Annie Brenner. Mr, Gill came
tb Grand Bend in the very early
nineties and Mrs. ,Gill was born
here and is therefore the oldest
permanent resident in the vil-
lage. Mrs. Brenner came to the
Bend in about 1892 or 1893. In
those days (the horse and buggy
days) there were livery stables
ill Dashwood, Exeter, Zurich,
liensall, Centralia, Strathroy,
Parkhill and Thedfard where one
could get a horse and buggy to
go to The Bend. In later years
quite a number drove here in
that -Way from Seaforth, Mitchell,
Stratford and Strathroy, all of
Which were from 32 tb 45 miles
of a drive.
Picnics Were the order of the
clay. for the months of July and
August, and cottages were filled'
as well as the hotels -
As time. went on the hotels
added to their eecointnodation,
more -cottages were built and
during .the first ',world war peo-
ple had lots of money and r,ame
to The fetid in larger numbers,
and the Americans bspecialiy
from Ohio and Michigan began
to. come over in large numbers.
1lefere 1915 1 Earn say that
guests from MOW tOWlis and ci-
ties in both of these states had
registered at tlieBreitner House
Arid the liriperial.
Again 1 flight say that there
the holidays at the home of his
parents, Mr, and • Mrs, Arthur
Idle while taking a summer
course at University of Western
Ontario, has returaled to his
teaching duties at Stinson Street
public school, Hamilton.
Mrs. Zoutman from the Nether-
lands, who has been _visiting her
children, Mr, and Mrs. A, Van
Bergen, and Mr. and Mrs, W.
Van Amerongen and also Mrs.
De "Vries, who has been visiting.
her children, Mr, and Mrs, Low-
ell Dykstra, have both lett again
for Holland, sailing Tuesday
from Montreal on the S.S. Maas-
Sunday visitors with Mrs.
Mair and Airs. A,
guson were Mr. and Mrs. Car-
men Nixon, Brampton, Mr. and
Mrs., Alvin. Davis and Mrs. E.
G. Lloyd and daughter, Sheila,.
of Schoenberg.
Mrs. Mary Head spent a week
at the hone of Mr. and Mrs.
William flatter and Miss Fanny
rir. Robert Taylor, Elliott
Lake, spent the holiday weekend
with his sister, lir. and Mrs.
Lorne }faugl, and with his
inother, Iatr. and Mrs. Horace
of Western Ontario; the family
will slake their home in Exeter
during that time.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Southcott
and Michael spent a few days
at Algonquin Park the latter
part of last week,
Mrs. Pearl Powles, St. Thom-
as, is spending a few weeks
with. Mrs, Willis Powell.
Misses Donna Powles and
Sadie Watson of St. Thomas
visited last week with Mrs. W.
were two dance halls . here in
those days. But credit must be
given to Mr. rd!ciestoia fon• the
fine casino he built so near the
water's edge,
P:S.=WT either writer inentioila
the I•lustons, the McCalluins, the
Jolnea fatttilfes, the Maya and
others who Were summer re:i-
dents before the turn of the
phone 102
,! 111111111111111 p 1111111 t 11111 U t 1111111111! 111 t 111111111! I b
Sunday And
Evening Service
Open this Sunday, Wednes-
day afternoon, and during
the evening throughout the
Motor Safes
The Timee.Mitecate, September 4, 19,S4 Page 3
,,Q111111111,1111111111IIIIMIII1!!11l111111 IIIIlIIfllAllilp41111t1111111111111111111111111111111111117.im1111111111u1,1/1.011 1111!
Cornish, a l itcheJI , o.
CE ...TI D P, 1.D C QUN N S
. _R .�t� . _ U�.,_I.... A_ � ... _TA T..
11. J. CornhhL, t ..Corniali 1^l. Mitchell
K. W. Shads. 1�I... auotrat'd
291 D41tiPA$ ST, DIM 2-201t-OINIDON, oNT, I
1wmuttuiptuifilllll Miti11timin WIlly,ul{ut mono 111mmi m11111.1t1m iukTi 1yu11u im$41
ank You
Having sold our hardware business in
Crediton to Arthur Mitchell and son of Harriston,
we wish to saya very sincere "Thank You" to the
residents of rediton and nearby communities
who have patronized us so generously.
We would appreciate the same considera-
tion for our successor,
'All accounts are now due and may be
paid at the store.
Herb and Etta Young
U11e111:11111t11411t11:11111111111;n:mi m1/t0111411111ut1 IIIIM11411111g1Int11111[11111,/a.'t111111lmml•
111111! 1111111111111111!1111!lll111t1111111111111m1111m111111onm11i11111111ut411111mut1itnim 111tlmlmi
The biggest display • of farm machinery ever will take
place at Breslau, near Kitchener, on September 17,
18, 19. See actual field demonstrations of new I -H
t� - -•tors and tillage equipment.
Wednesday, Sept. 17
V. L. Becker and Sons, Dashwood, have chartered
a bus for Wednesday, September 17 and farmers
are welcome to free transportation on this bus. How-
ever, we must receive notification before September
13. Why not plan to go—let "us know today.
1RE666EbiSaii #fllff
V o L. Bac & SODS I
Phone 60-W Dashwood '
_....1111t11111:1111[151,11111111111111111111{111111t1t11 Utt„1111„11,111111111111$111111111111111{111111111 •,j
Friday, Septem
er 5 -
Babb i. Jr, FoQds
Heinz Baby Meats
Jelly Powders & Puddings
WeU-Known Brands Soap$
Instant Puddings ,1LLt7 ,
SWIF2aIF'F & R'k�`rA,L
Homemade Cookies REG. zsd
Imported Candies
LE. 5bX
.2 FOP
L .
1 7c
Imported LgFruit Rolls 1C1tv 4
Many More Lucky Dollar Specials
1.60 e
1 Loaf Toastmaster' Bread
I Imported Candles & Chocolates. For The Children
Atttpts PitrIting
Forme6 Maas. Grocery
FsHONl• 431
#-tants; JC `[hunt