Huron Signal, 1850-11-21, Page 3• G Ci s.•) . sayer required te milted their offices, he- mmers,he- mmers,„m.. to feet, their eare all 1 sicked up K lllislved by m Fond &i4 usasSommeat the elate of use Somme k are neve, re the 8sleet Committee of the sorted to es beersees till cuming on the w Aambly,isppomted to inquire •peels( of the seat 8esetoo. Wr Aad on **Pohlad * Pohltl Issoare sad Sapeeditere of the het of pavement Akers a Librarian t►s ria N • e ry balky affair, and es As.etaet Librarian, a salaries of w e.ial. h. a lima es large folio pages 1J00 a -year, each. Now, 1t must be clear fitted teen tbwproeeodm,' of** celebrated to the dullest eomprebeo.ioa that the Pro- f; mites we R•tereckment, which occu- vieoe should not bo required to pay 1400 pied .s pto.teeat a po.oumost osg the a -year fur looking after a small collection i.Wreetlrg event. coaeected with lhs tut of books, which ars locked up to the Par- kin/mos of Parliament. The hatnry of this bm aeot Buildings, and which not a dozen Comiltlee easy be weltso to • few words; [ecple 1. th.aPresioce, weep! blembere of it made a great demi of noise at the time, Pantaloon' during Sermon, and few of them. avowal *members an epportuuity of ►oldiog have Iver an opportunity of seeing, much forth epos almost every) subject, called into len .f reading. What business there can oaietaeee the •xtr•ordroary ".Evidence of be fur an Assistant Librarian at i:4000 the 11rel. W. H. labra," discussed acini• a -year, is altogether beyond our compee• my sed relr.aebmeot is all their bearing., henston. The odioe ',mold ,old be abolished al finally broke up without Cheviot effect altogether, sad the £200 a -year reserved oda .ays.g one solitary shilling in the Ex- for sum. other purpose, for .sample, to add peedifere of the Province. On the eon• to the small number of works or merit at nary the printing of the •• Report" now be- present to the Library. fore es retest have added coseiderably lo When Mr. Linduy wu questioned, if the eosu*g.M expeor•e of the house of any advantage would accrue to the public .s Aem►ty. Bot, • gr.fftt deal of ligh has by discontinuing any somber of the perms. bees thrown open the working of dirent neut clerks, ant employing only such es Departtneeti. Ind the &tleettoe of the pub- were from tune to time actually rim -mod?? Iic he. best forcibly attracted to the sub- he gave thus significant antiwar : -" Nearly lett of Retreeehme•t is the expenditure at all the permanent clerks have been 011 the these Departments; sed theegh so far such • e.tabtisbwit a groat many year., i t 1 ing hu been practically does to dimtmsh consider it would be defog thein alt lnjur Cos sspeeditrre, of le geite certain that the tics to discharge them. Vu doubt it woesld lime is not far detest when t!r• preemie di.niaiak the el -pease of the Nurse very con - knife meet be brought tato requisition, and sidera►ly, if Acre were fewer perrnuaeat all useless branches and appe.Jages be clerks, and extra ones taken only whoa ac lopped of. !.idly req tire.] and without i,npuirieg the W• are of opinion that there are more ri.teacy of Ms estab4dwrat ; it being lett penmen employed in the govera.oeot om:es to toe to judge of the necessity."' Here is than aro seeded to there, but we do not C00- an scknowleJgmrnt before the Committee e ider that the salaries aria en tar hilt a by:tbe Clerk of the House, that the cx;.en ■ cats. Here is the first great impediment res of the establishment :mold be e,nside-ra- in the way of retrenchment. The salaries bly deaniaisked without impairing iaeJic;ea rsneot be reduced without impairing the icy, by the ettupl•• process of having tower efficiency of the public service, and there im permanent clerks, and employing extra a coatis odium attached to the dismissal of ones from time to time as their services Clerks. which few men are willing to brave. might be req.ilr.d. But to discharge any No head of a Department wishes to take of the present olSciala would be doing them upon himself to cashier the Clerk* whom an injustice, t. Mr. L:odeay'd uptown be - he 60Je employed when entering office.- cause, forsooth, they have been on the es- Tbey have all apparently something to do; tabluhment for a number of years. In is predecessor did not interfere with them, other words, these gentlemen have hien amid wby *mild he render buttered ohne:. drawing large salaries for a number of roue by'doing so. flu term of office may from the Province for doing little or not last long;•be wiltrlease to his successor nothing, atld to discharge them jest now the tisk of reducing lbs number of offices would be an injustice to them ! This is un the Department, and return to priers a very menu* system of reasoning, and h'. without being to bear the hatred, per- ynt it. is the only system adopted to defend haps the curses, of a ruined family fur the and uphold the present extravagance in the remainder o1 his lite. This is how the head expenditure of the the Province. We veo- ef a Department will reason with himself, ture to &insert that there is not a member aoJ this is why that sort of retrench- in the House Tory or Reformer, that would cont which might be effected without Jul- have courage to move for the diemtssal of pairing in the least the efficiency of the ser the permeant clerks that could bo dispens- vieo, is not practically carried out. The ed with. It to a!1 very well to mak• epee - manner in which too many Clerks have chew about retrenchment at public dinners, crept into all the D.partmeets, is this: ■ id elsewhere. but when th• principle ha• When • change of Ministry takes place the to be applied, and that she advocate an old clerks are not remeved,but so great is tl• the victim stand face to face, thea a thou - pressure of friends, private and political, on sand pretexts •ries to shield the unfortunate cumbers of the sew Mosley and the load- c'erks upon whom the experiment was log men of the party, for situations and about to be made. We know this patronage, that • few additional hands have to be the case ; we know with what to be provided for is some capacity or other, energy the employes of Cie Assembly to safety them. We can see no other plead their cases to iodividaal mem- effectual remedy for this evil than • (moral berm of the House ; wo- know what ,:leasing out of officials with every change influence they can bring to bear in ther to the Administration. The heede of the favor through Confine, and uncles, and •aeons Departments could then provide for • fathers' -in-law, and various other •uarces their political supporters sod friends with- upon the deliberations of & committee ; we amtem out Mereg the expenditure of the Pros know that tho same rule ,ty apply, but nonce; then would be no premiere from with less force, to otherJsprr:went§ of the without to employ more officiate than wore public service, and hence the great difficulty u.ceseary to discharge the duties of the in ih• way of Retrenchment. 1f the sum different offices; those w110 were neeeasn a- of L3,000, or £4,000 a -year be worth saye ly employed could be adequately remunerat- ing to the Province, the thing might be .J fur their services, sod a saving of many done at the next Session of Parliament by thousands casually could he effected with adopting the plan we limb here laid down, the greatest ease and security. - though we mutt confess our ateptici.m as to turning to the "Reports" before as to the sincerity of any party in the House we fled that the int subject entertained by to carry out Retrenchment to u■ practical tbe Commutes had reference to the ort- details. ploys' of the Legislative Assembly. Lite Wo shall, perhaps, be able to glean some mid m good d virtuous o, they resolved to information relative to the fiscal affairs of pet their own House in order, before Mmes- other departments, from these very intere.- trgattag b.w those of their neighbours ting" Report.," and if so we shall not (ail were eoedected. And we must confer.' to return to this all-important subject of that their own Rous. wanted badly to be put Retrenchment again. It is our opinion in order, and we regret to God that nothing that a considerable saving migh: be effect - has been dose towards that end. There ed in the expenditure of the Prov1sce, re so other branch of the public mimes in but we are confident that Mr. Merritt and which anything like the open, glaring ex- those who think like ben, have fallen into travageoce which is to be found in conducts the opposite extreme, and that their !preemboors**.in - tog the booiseof the House of Assembly, g certatlments are altogether imprsctiea- can be said to .mt. There are' t7 perma• bre. its for all who sincerely desire cheap nent officers employed in this branch or the goverument, without impatriog its efficien - public eery,ee at salaries w.ryiog from 1125 Cy, to Clovess and examine the subject tho- tn L400 a-yeer, and of thew 27 not more roughly before the next meeting of Perlis- thaa half a dozen have a.ythiag to do ment, so that some practical plan might be donsg the recess. Besides thew 17 per- fixed upon it possible, by which the friends maoent Clerks then were 16 Extra Clarks of retrenchment to the House might he employed dune( the 8ewioe at two dollars guided.-7broato Mirror. a day, which formed a item in the contin. messes esses of about £ 1000. The yearly -' -- ----- salary of permanent Clerks ammonia • to A COALITION. £6,600, making a total of £7,600 for Clerk Mee for one Session of Parliament, without Several of the Con ssrvtive papers are including messengers, doorkeepers, ser- discussing the feasibility and even advocate slate, lite. Now, it is wiry easy to prove that of this considerable sum £3,000 et least might he annually saved to the Pro- vince, witboot impairing the efficiency of the service Doe tots. We will .hew how this saving might be effected, and we trust that at the next Session our idem will not be lost upon the Cootiogent Committee.- The following are the only officers that need be retuned on the permanent list:- i g .IF7:11 .L1 uT +. c. tC1eRATkroth comm from the good old Cuseerv•tivee DREADFUL MURDER AT NEW eh.au lung ruled and cursed the Cooi'ry, yt)RK . 1' ULLING 4 -CARDING MILI. ,t s not to be wondered at that an oncredu The Tele Rrspbic report from New York' • Di ISO;(, DF:NTA1, FURCF.ON. low .taro ahuuld be accompanied with the last eight ice that rumor erre current If`ROM Notunyhaoh, England, may Le ,nvuluotary Camino( of the tongue to ooe that a dreadful murder had been comunttrd consulted for the themes of the side of the cheek and don't wean it." Suck the previous evening, at a Dutch house is MOUTH. GUk1S AND TEETH. s the ""P".."I"lbkava received, andtis Uev street, to !list arty, by a roan w►u nail To there legume( his eerruea, he wnu',1 +arch Ib. deplorable plight which taken ui out of eharuy. Ifo is staled to reeomoree.d en rorty call, a some affections brought thew to the dernier resort of offer- have murdered the proprietor and hie two sit the (ruins red Teeth n qu0 ire 510 1:,1,0 ing lo do our Retrenching and Law Re- sons and was taken in his attemptesc to a to rt oder sound and healthy, Charges forming ender Clear -grits sueprcres ! The *tilt a considerable 5001 of mune,,- modehe Bh trtr. Rooms at Hie 11001.Dunes were the only loyal -the fiercely On:y ace of the victims is yet dead- They Gederieb, Nov. 10 1$60. 3i:( loyal -but "misfortune to likely to make were natives of Br' un. Tho i,'.] man ^i' them ac since l with strange bed -follows," s `fftA1'ED from t owrab. n•f•,Lit 19, .o abs most ultra re hcanind radical a - whose name, w ti 1viino, u , vas and 1.n a7 WI euseeeefua. Township of Godenab, I'm P the spot, Ilse teen vans, aged JO and 24- on or &hoist the 15th of July let, a Pale ty. Any such coalition a that prupoeed still'.st.1v0, but their recovery m consider- ..lite UX -with 'pals eta Ilse sirleetwira would only mak the Conesrntiro party gond Lope, 'delis murderer'e noose from the shoulders to the head -n Ihrs>t- dc-•per to Ute mire, and melee their want of is Carroll, • Swede by birth. Ile had principle, if such a thing a s.tble, more cornered white spot on Ms f.rrheal-aith hideously transparent tern ever. If i were green dloeed, out of charity, to rc,..ain :n cr„rpi.ird borne, .euro years old -and .muff 1 the house over m ht, end perpetrated 11,. stye, A liberal reward will be geld any • gnestrun of s.nny 01 tnsani'y, the mere dreadful deed shout 2 o'clock in the morn. ,er►us leaven !prewar ion with 1Le Sub broaching of • union of such diacordasl ink. At tidy -break he oar dicovereJ un I g L Y .eiher sir at the //rroa fiignrrl UlTiec, u( maters'., would at once Jeci•lo the point. the roar of an &djuin,ng hoose by the Pulices But such • union in the &!,ape , f a roan- ifa had been usaale to escape.-Toruafo ty entered the brain o1 a Tory. The object however, to be served, is perfectly n!a.n. There is a pule) dlytaioa in the 2'form rank., and the Tories desire to ads vantage themselves hy it. In their ewe strength they could never again obtain power; and even by profca►ing cot&ssrreeee for the orrice in views of the Clear•grits, they could nut maintain their power Or work harmoniously fur • single day. The Clear - grit doctrines are above everything the moat offmuwve to Tory t.1'.,, and :t become' the Clea• -ants to consider how much far- ther off they would be placing the accom- plhahiment of their desired by much a coali- tion. An soon ad the present t;uvernme:tt eas replaced by a Clear-urtt=fury one and tis unpracticab lay tented, the union of the Tories and the unerogresauve part of those now in power, will bo the Immediate result, and retrenchment end tho other Reforms now in demand will be found nowhere. If there is to bo any new arrangement let it tie trade by Reformers alone, the real Ite- forme►s are strong enough of themselves, and hove no need to play second fiddle to the old 'tory, fiction, wbic.`i must never again be suffered to have the slightest shred of power. of the country is ever to be either happy or prosperous. ' The Reserves and Rectories question is still me stair quo. - Peace and tranquility will never remain with u• until they aro attled• The desire for their, continuance is the only bond of union &mon¢ 11. 'Tories, and &!t hough their final disposal is under any circumstancee- witbin hail, no politic or sensible man would postpone that disposition by following a course which would strengthen the bands of a State-Cburch party in the Government, already, alas ! too strong in State -Church - ism, or what is as bad, weak in their oppo, muton to ir.-i''rre Press. Clerk of the House £600 Aseutant do 400 Law Clerk and Eogli.b Tres.lator• •• •3b0 Assistant do 000 French Translator 250 Assistant do. 200 Clerk .f Eagli.k Journals sbo do Fresco do 250 Librarian 200 Sergeant at Arms 200 £2,800 Add to this twenty -foes •stn clerks for one headred days at two dollen per day, or £ 1,900, sad we 56111 have a total of £4,000 as the coot to the Province of the House f Assembly for ores year for *teal hir..- AlI the ether permaeo ft officers, besides those whose offices bare been eseetieeed, re enly employed bona fide dere, the they Nye nothing to do dans( the rest of the year, bet ammse themselves as eget they ems; they all come elder the denemleateso of committee clerk, or genie► elks, which sigutes clerks without em- ployment; and as committees can only sit *We the Semite lute, a e.mmittes et., k eta •sly be employed during the Sessions or while /lee esmmittM efts. The donee of Sb..e clerk. ere .xesediegly simple, tad say yang man boving a tolerable knew- l.dgs of his wether teaggwue., seri able to write a fair hared, could dmeherge theme. - The most that man be required of these eosnesitteee and foster cloths donut the 'Malts., le to remain at the Seat of Goy Mee* t t. eah , but they are LAW REFORM. At a public meeting held at Nemo, at the 10th instant, an Ashman.. Society wee formed. The fuuowin/ constitution wee adopted :- Wm , 1u order to diminish the evils ari- sing from the ewnplieated and eapeosive system of Litigation practised in our ordinary Courts of Olathe. AsIIONeer Lawraal-i-On Saturday left, at the triable/ as issue before Judge Barns, thecae fur the plaintiff being closed hie Lordship called for the defence -the d.'fon • dast'acounsel (Adam Wilson Esq.) then rose and said -Nosy it please your Lord- ship and gentlemen of the Jury -the only defence 1 have ie. that 1 think you ought to find a verdict for the Plaint*!" -[Patriot. Markets. GODERICII, Nov. 00. WHEAT, Fall, per bu.3. lid. -Spring, do. 3e to Os 01. Flour per bb. 18. to 204 6d -Oats per hu. ja Od-Pea per be. 2. - Potatoes per bit. s Od to 0e -Pork per bbl 00.. -Doter per Ib. 51 to 7d -Howe per 1b. 5d -Eggs per dos. 41 Hay per ton, 35e. to 40a. Galt, 13'b. Nov. O•ir Markets don't change much to any - thine, beteg still 5r 3d yuck per burriel for wheat. Gat, however, now bring le. cur- renc y. -Er pur!er. Now York, Nov. 15th. Ashes -Market steady for bot'! kinds ; 6 sales 100 bis •,13 for Puts, ti,S,ol for Pearls. Flour -There has been lees pressing on the market to day, and holders of the I',wer grades have keen able to uhtain very full prices ; the demand has been for for the trade and export, but restricted by the non -arrival of the 'Tows ; Canadian, in moderato demand and market beaev, about 3000 b!s sold at 41,03 a $4,98f is bond. Buffalo Nov. 15th. Brevddtull.-The dulness noticed yester- day continues today, and the difference between the views of buyers and holders restricts businees. We notice sales of 10000 kilo sit flour at 43,69 fur ordinary Miehignn, $3,75 for good northern Ohio afoot, and 04 fur a small lot of soothers Ohio. Law. •rile which hate become well nigh intnle- Rochester Nor. let h, 1850. rable to pe vexatious suits sod to create • nitwit •imp'. and economical mode of adjusting The market has continued without much differences between man and magi -also for the variant'', detiog the week. Wheat has he connection wit Sfegujrom•Hsatiltaw. purpo•• of •bhmieg; through e.1 l.egidators, a been brought in pretty freely And there has - • thorough venues sod reformation of legal pre•- at all tunes during the season been eeongh •C -IOM IENCING oo TUESDAY let of to to this I'ronace. and • eeoeral redaction of of this deecriptioo of produce to fully supply '-'n•bitaOctober, a Stage will leave the Union c,ru on law oror•ed'og•-The ship of Niagara, ire the wants of buyers. But little if any du- hotel, Galt, at 6 o'clock, s. m., and d* -for t of the Town and Township utualpti, pna.t,on to speculate, ether un wheat or the British Hotel, Geilerich, at 5 o'clock, a. Staid. This t'a.m is well entitled to the aurn- da-for ,!lees parpo«•-roar laid a motuetcom- Flour, has been manifested, and the macre m„ every day (`.luodsys excepted,) arriving ilio of persona desirous ol going into buuuesr. poet, and hereby constitute eppresthemeelva into a harm made their purchases altogether .from at each of the above Towns at early bed- There is also a good Bearing Orchard on the Society to be relied, The Natter Town and ran: Fenn, sial will he sold on vet rnwnhle first hands- The consequence of this state time, and will continue to ren for the.Ae- Y Township Association for the aryprsssiogi of Lit- terms. 1'o •rueulua • I to W m. hIcMls- igatioe, aid for the a o•lment of disputes by of things le, that while all departments of commodation of Traveller, eluting pine• p pp y Arbitnt.es, sedge the feed adopt. e• their role trade are doing • fart business at reinunera- tually at 5 o'clock in the morning. 7'he hen, on the adluio,JA MESoMcMAHI:N, of government ibe ioltowuag hiss* ad agile- Ung pricer, no one bas been induced to risk subscriber hopes by paying strict attention Town of G.derich. Om :- capital to large transaction., and none have to the cuntfurtu of the Travelling Public to July 3rd. 1850. ,3o22 1•t. The Niagara Tow. and Township Awn- been put into tight places by- extreme flue- receive a share of their support. Bu8klo - eation for the eupprea.00 of Litigation, shall tuauons in the market. Rubes, btc., a rni.hed. cesium of all persona who Isbell sob.enbe this -,,.. Any complaints made of Drivers will re- D. N '1' I C E ray tb: sere, mad pay sae 'an feeds of the Soca- DO, calve immediate attention, o, and -will be at To the Clerks and Bail) tri of try therm o(ou .Mills/ 'and three penis, ss- y ' once redressed as far se redress is be at truce far. In this taws -on Friday who 1511, lase., MnP 1.he'Divibion Courts. 2.d. Tbseiieersotihi• A•aociatioe'boneoa. Stony ALLEN, wile ol Mr. John Allen, loskeep. cable. TI1E increased demand for 8arroosas site of • President, Vice-Prendenm, Secretary and •r, aged 43. Parcels sent by this Lune will be convey and other BLANK WRITS, on cos- Tressanr, too be rheum ane.slly, by ►albl, at - ---- - ed with care and punctuality, and delivered nection with the busies* of the second Di- such time and plass es may he appointed b• the LU at moderate charges. wisi1s Courts In the liatrict, hs* wltvrawtdPre•dest, or to his sbeeoc., by the Vies-Presi• I Pcreons trevelin by this Line will not he dent of the A•eoctailoo. I I deprived of rest an on the Route from Gulls us in printing them in much larger geantf- 3rd. The day 04 the Prciad••t shall he to pre- ( P ties than heretofore, and consequently rou- bles over the lgele/s ei the Asr.eunes-to a a nen. to Ilamilton, they arrive in Galt be- bles us to sell them much Cheaper-there- /inch spteul meetings ore muton effecting ,be !wren 10 and 11 o'clock at night, and lease fore we inumete„to the 'cetera' Gfficen re- call rcon of theles ie y -en to referred in the morntnc for Hamilton at 8 u clock- (pinny these Blank Forms that from this to the arbitration of the 501 -and to a UNI TED COUNTIES and on the Route from Hamilton to Gode- q g ' y appoint date, Summonses and all other Writs bc- ac cmc and place for their beating and disport HURON, PERTH'Sr. BRUGE, rich the Pasaengere arrive to G.It as they lonyung to the i)i.ision Court, wu11 be F.4,ld aceodu/ to the rule. of this .001.17. choose, at 3 o'clock in the Afternoon or 12 at the Signal (tree at the reduced price of 4mh. All parties whether members of Ilii• As- w • o'clock at night, and leave fur Guderich at • TttO duu.uNus •nu $ ori stR era 5ociatioo sir not, who shall consent to submit The.(,oulnt r Council 5 in the uwrning• I +haw.. their causes to trial by Arbitration before this 1', leis D.ILY, Proprietor. Soddy, by 001 171og M. President to the effect, 1 %> ILL MEET is GODERiCH for the Stratford, Sept.96. 1860. 3c-n33t( Blank I)eed8 and Memorials. shall eh000n• each •it,ely (rem ooe is slit iedi- • Trainee imp of General $asioer, wP r r , ND all kinds of DIVISION ials.tT divides!' on each aide, numbers ante Maria- TUESDAY the 3rd DECEMBER NEXT. HURON HOTEL. EL. BLibiAlei , ofd BLANK PROM18- uios, who ,hull themselves *elect ane or mon a Pervon• hauls( Claims or Aeeoueta on, or THE Subscriber begs leave to intimate ,;l)i v Nt)TES, for sale at the ltigeal enssti a 10110111 to d•c,.l• 0n the case, which i 1(50.111. County Ceased aro rsquessd to fa- THE hie numerous respectable cuetnmer., duly appealed arbitrators 'hall hear itis gees.. ward them without dela to the subscriber. Otfiee. Everydlee►iptlon of HOOK- and Y end the troreain ublic enerally, that tion, and evader faithfully, to the best of their 1 g p g JOB .Printing execute(' with neatness, end ALFRED W. OTTER, the exteneivo rc mire and improvrmcnte S Judgment, • « o• and equiuDte deeiliss tbereup• P dispatch. Comity h b rasa on the llo:un THE Sub.rriber in th- ankfully ackrowl• edging the very liberal patronage bra. lowed upon his Cardmeg hill tits sessoo. beg'. to intimate to bet Melted and the pub - kr Reoerally, that be is ready sow for Fulling, Dressing and 1' iuishinq all vette td Clew that will be len to hie rare. 11i. Fulling Mill. Carding Mill. end root of appoints*, is all of the wast Wee - wed and aoweet Owl of Machinery, and wor- ked by .nae but skilful and expeneored •suds, aid hie Terms will be always the . newt ItWrel sad moderate kerma el til* country. GEO. J. TRUSSING. - }'..r %3 WM. RISCHMULLER. Stratford Steam Mills, Get. 26, Ih50. Aimee. us h:rd a large and well ass.,lydNi.ck u( LUMBER, which will Ise the said os. - sold at fair prime sad us terns to alk ewe. JOHN CLT.GO. towers. 3a37 3ut Coderleh, Nov. 10, 1850. v3nS0 LIST OF I. rltr "iritis.-_ CAML' into *be etieloethe of the aubseri- ber'bcut.tbe 1st of July, a ere vwrr u'd Red and 1 lute homed t:'I'ELR. °'1.• owner is req"reied 1u pint* 11t010rty My Adair Jerome Jeeob Jaeoh 2 ezpe.ae. and trite him rosy. . Armstrong Mrs Geo Irvin David - JtiAlLS W11.Kle. Mader:on Jsmee Jeckeun John liar, Lunrton Hoed. Beadli Joseph 8 Kelrerbere Rev -A October !6111. 1860. aeon • Beinard Henry Knott Jno Brown ItrcLd Martio Br ion Boyd Eilwd • Murrey Heery Brian Wm Murphy Jeremiah Bain Kenneth McQuaid I'atk Bartle Valetais' McDermott 'Ferree*. Barker Jas McDowell ltobt Conway Jno Nelson limy Connell Ann -Painter Joseph CatnphdiJno Pickett Datil , Curia Chas R,,bertsoo JnoI>.;,,. Campbell Morar Schack Andrew Craw ford Relit Simpson James Dempsey Ilugh Siwp.en Richd Darcy Michl Snider P' Fitzpatrick Ellen Scott Wm Frommer Christian Thompson Wm F,y F. J Wright Alex Hill Thole \Vyllie Abraham Humlltos Jan West George A. F. MiCKLF, postmaeter. LUST. NOTICE. REMAINING in th0 Stratford P. O. up to November 7th, 1850. D If .•'!o.V COOT 1:7.x. milt: omit 1)iviaion Comte eye the Comities of Deese Terme and Were, rill 0. held at the times nod place* tel1„wii i - 1n. /Aeisioa.-Court hens. sr iiurtetich,-. lid December. T. G. 3lorgen, I:eq., fle*k. 2d. Dilation. -John Ills kr!. kiireltr11,e- ae1 December. Robert Cas, keyse Clerk. 3d.ihrisioa-Wo.d'.Taveru,Strethod,3let December. fiery William*, Esq.. Clerk. 4th. /iirisior--• T London Rost'. 27th December December tin,rke ('suer, Esq.. Clerk. 51h Ihrisum--Mc eeszie's len Btoer6eld 2G'h Dec, Ja .:ea •Gordon, Esq., Clerk. 6th. 1 ipir•ua-Srl,eel house M. Mary'.. Eth Feh. Jeu.es Coleman, Lem. Clerk. The eliitiugv of the Severl Courts will cer- meac• puueruslly al 11 o'clock. A. M. ARTHUR ACLAND; J. D• C. Gudeaich, Sept. 11th, '50 3v -o -mai ON Wednesday the 23rd lest., 6.twren ('ode. l-1 rich sad Kincardine, • Netted COTTON PURSE wi:h a double bottom. eonuieing £6 9r 4id-all notes with the exception of 4s 41d iu silver. Any person fiodiog and leaving it at the Signet Office or with the subscriber, will be• rewarded for their tr,.uble. NATHANIEL BRADLEY. Goderich, Oct. 24, 1850. v3o38 CASH for WHEAT. A T the Ooderieb Mille: byWILLIAM PiPER. Goderieh Mills. 5tb Decembee.1849 46.tf NEW LINE OF STAGES aRTw a a. GALT AND GODERICH S THROUGH IN 18 HOURS ! PERSONS desirous of settling en Ile Durham Road ire the Towoabips of Wench,. Replied', Brant, Greenock, lhin- lou and Kincardine, must apply personalty at the Office of the undersigned, and- so lo- cations will be confirmed except such u are made ip accordance with this requireneeot. All assignments of interest in Ineatfoae without the knowledge mei approval of the Agent, will be cone;deiced as a forfeiture of all right in the localise or assignee. GEORGE JACKSON, Agent. CROwa LARD 0►Ica, Jlentinck, County of Waterloo. t Match 14th, 1850. • v3e7 TO BF, SOLD. A)4 La'ceUcnt Rom of Laid. BEINQ Lets No. 15aad l6. on the 14th con- cession, Township of Leedom, e.mraining IMO amen, 70 o( which are cleaved. The Land is of • Boperior crudity, and well watered. It is situated ten miles from :he Town of London, •n the M•e•dmmited Reed. There is a rime House and two Frame Bans on the premiers. - It is in the centre of s populous tosakiy. The place is well adapted for • Store or Tavern the expedsocy of • union with the Clear- on. And ie cassia of protnctn! asd tedtou• ext- November. IPSO. 40 which have nen in grog QT UMl10NB1:N required Ire Ike :leer Din grits. As g proof of the contemptibility in- rnin•uoo, or otherwise, the twee -emery expense.' Hotel door( the course of the summer, are RP $trust CesrtAet, eedall ether A/.AA'K to which the Conservative party have fel- for the unnamed trouble of the arbitrators, to M NOTICfr now folie completed. And a. he feels cunfi- Iu/LqS uoeJ ie 4.41 Dirtriet ud niri.ion len, their bitterest enemy could desire oath- Dud equally by the coote•die( paruss, is inch v dent that his establishment a now capable of Corrta, an Oslo et the Signal OAke. Alio. ell ing stronger, I( proof were wanting of what manner a may be •erred epee. To Teacher■ and Candidate■ for Master- atfordung &ceommodeuon equal to (hat of kinds of JOB 'PRINTING ted re dm to enter an action against any patina not • mem•ventures to hope for a conknuanee of that A.deneh. July 19, IEl•19. person has yet had the hardihood to deny. her thereof, &ball first make his oppneent in 0t= 1 the United Counties of Hutoo, Perth and P __-_ -. Their utter intriort•nce as a party, however ter, through the Seereuny of th• Aseecietioe to 1 Bruce. • liberal rapport which he has rccoired during RI::UUw:1L. the peiud ho ha been an busiess. S. Members a this Association haring can.. age Hotel in this section 04 the country, he 'hottest notice. and on merlerateteraes. hey admit themsslve., and whet no Bane . ships far ('ommus Schools throughout y _much it may gall and irritate them, under submit the cam to arbitration before taking I.- Notice is hereby given that the Board of JAMES GENTLES. public Instruction will meet at t'. Huron )011e ADAM$, TAILOR, Hotel, Goderich on Monday.the ath'of Huron Hotel, Goderich, Cktaber 16, 1830. v9n35 flleave to ultimate to the inhabitant., December mut, •1 Twelve . clock soon for----- - of (I•,dprich end its vicinity, that be her the Counties of Huron and Bruce : mil at Stratford onWedneaday the 4th December THAT EXCELLENT FARM next, et Twelve o'clock nonn, for the conn. Y the ,Tfield Rood, Nine miles from ty. of Perth for the Examination and Clam- O'BGODERICif, and Three from Hayfield, fitation of este ern of common Schools, consisting of 190 Acres of Land, 45 ol MEN'Coi un the 'hottest nonce, and on Coe as required by the Act 13 and I4 Vic. chap• which are cleared, and through which rune moot ►ea.enabie terns. Cutting dame to 48. that •xcelleat M111 Stream, ihn 33 Crock. shortest notice. Candidates will he required to produce For particulars apply to Mr. NAFTEL, at (Iodcrich, Sept. 12, 1850. , -n3011 asus(actory certificates of good moral char- t.ndeetch orducary circumstance, would be no very gal proceedings sg•ioet hum -and severally it serious matter to men having the least pre- shall be their dotty to reeommeod arid practise the tension. to even the ewallest ehred of pin- prieeiple• of arbitrator* is all legal rrsanen which caple or patriotism. Notwithstanding their admit of such • mode of (110 10e. press.t low condition the folate would be 6th. Parties agreeing to bring a matter before all before them, with ever chance in then this Asionbendatio• for the eudanc.nti eater into Y arbitration fonds, for the ¢uid5oe• of the arbi«r. favour. Without any care or responsibil„ lora, whose decision ',weapon shill b• final. ty, all they require to do is to find fault, 71h. Thu een•nterion shall be emended at Ivey without suggesting a remedy -to prove the regoler mettle' of the Aseeeiaties, n. at Issas very easily proved fact that • human mea- tee dere 101i01 b.usg ghee from the Preudset to sure is not complete or perfect, -to take that 1ffee,• advantage of the disposition that naturally keep • book end reth. 11 "ball cord the duty the • Secretary ceeeduto exists with most people to be discontented R of this Society at its meetings, sed oleo • brief under any elver metances, and to ntpnr t all who accept office. We can give the Tories account at of then mewed by r. T. B. r gory, e - IA was ,hen mored by M. T. R. Gregory, se - credit for any amount of zeal is their desire eondsd by Mr. 1. H. Culp, that the Report sod to oust their opponents, but It is a zeal Constitution, prepared by the Committee be a- mudirected, or rather m•Ifouoded. With- dopted. Carried. out soy extranrdunay amount of zest being Moved hy Mr. Jas. Penmen. «eroded by displayed, an opposition might trust to the Mr. J. O. Carne, that Richard 14!'" t, Eng., sec,deeta of • few yeah, end the lou of he appointed Prc•Ideet of this Assocutioo.- ebssge inh ly possessed by all, to n- Corned eweimwesly. place them in the favour of the people.- Meter) by s n.' etWe Esq., ttoesdrd by Bet the Torres ere wrong from the founda- C.puro Thompson. 'het Welter -Fitton, E.g nen, or rather have none and the fact Ihat ►e appnaby T. B. Gsidwt. Carred. r Mated by T. B. (ire(ery, Seconded by Jac four years of a bitter sod activs opposition Patterson, 'bat C•pul• [)avid Thnmpseodb• finds them only deceasing to strength with elected g iSecreary. Carried. seeelerated rapidity ilkof itself sufficiently Moved by *alter Elliott, F.eq , seconded IV ewtlueiye lbs ,biy hoe, "o 001010 loose" Jeeves Munro. I -.q , Iho James A. 1)aol•nnl,• somewhere. That a want of principle is &ppaet.d Seemlier, sad Treweror. Carried. their hike( some sow to he sekrsowledg- ed In the desire for a notes with tho clear. rite. There is no leek of questions on which the psi►lie might M .oe^erfelly agitated. " Retrenchment" sod " law n- Ferer," w..ld be excellent moire for say to pirasts to public honour., except the fag - ed of the family compact. Nothing cmild be more popular at the present crisis, but •4,1i rf moi)."=ry The Hoe. Joseph Howe, Provincial Sec. rotary, has been sppomled by the Nora Beetle Goverment to prneeed to F.nglaed to endeavour to prevail upon the E.1luh Government to •.tend el the Provincial Geverumen/ the aid required for the con etrwetaos of the Nova Scotia pontos of the Ponlasd and Hslifss Railway. FOR SALE. Removed bpi TAILORING ESTABLISH- MENT to West Street. first d:cr cast of M. I). Seymour $& Co.'. Store, whore he will be prepared to n tke all kinds of GAR - actor. By order of the B,trd. Septeaah.r 97, 1850- r3 -n3 if t;'I'It.1l'GD from this enclne+,eentthe suh. ALFRED W. O'i'TF,R, ember "n the Bayfield Road, neer 'ht. (,10 ` r Ji I Town of Golfo -di, a Large Red end Witt* Nee, eM.y. l 1. ! l :it'ottod STEER. Any uru smog tnGn- Goderith, Nov.14, 1830, .3-n40 HURON BUILDLVG SOCIETY A LARGE ASSORTMENT or Pt el .II.,11 ___ IuSIIU(wU1 hes..,tah{y rewn,.l.1 - EI►IYARD I'BAI►ANT. Aran'! 141h, lotto. %UZI TRAVELLERS HOME. tl':: INSI' VG, %%create*,0 2 •+th Ftlouary, le.10. S r1 llN Subscriber le ruby irttmtatee t ,. AND ' U X friends and tem Y'.avellrng NAM, g - mil Z1 t AD • rally, that he rias removed teem New Alma leen t rhe \ilial a tet Su ra,b.r'h, sod ei id -ALSO- nowbe f lend in 1141 wel,'noos biome 1.., .4 C,nssdsruils Qrnef;ly •f merle templed by Olt Jesse',-wlrre he awl wI:I 1..' rceJy .nil able In rundr•er to tis' • ....rut of thorn who 1.11 hot.ne hint w ith th-r p,tron•ge. AnJ while he Telmer. Al' KF:IM t'F;i) PRICF.y ! tha.d,• tar pool 441.4... 1,,, nope., by 5111..• (1. M11.1.RR. tit.'ntroie to the elute mn.l ••rhes et kris (ladericlr, Nov. its, usu. ele)9. •netosner5, still to merit a conunuaate 11 THdi E seat Meas or the Shareholders of 'hie society will be held at the Walsh Hotel o0 Saturday vv. sing, iM 30th inmost, for the te- mpi ei sebeertprinn• sed sale n( one Of 10015 5h.,.s. \V M. BEN NI:TT RICH, T. 4. Sea H. B. V'y. Ood.rieh, Nor. 91, 1850. 3v-.44) 100 1-4 ACRE i.U'F'S FOR SALE in the Town of Biratfwd. Ap- py to U HOME LiZARS, Sabel ars 811011. d, lath Nev. 1850. 3es40,( C AME late the pmis•.o( Aedr... M•r41o, 1.1 20, 4th (2..nof M.Ktltop, a Black amd Whn• STEER, three yeas nidi with a white snipe from top albs nigh sboneter dews to the whits of the belly. Aar Porous prem/ popery and paying eapeeseu caa take himaway. McEillne, Mit Nev. 15:x0 40 (OOkRG, P RlOii STOVE PIP JOB PRIM 1'IMU om every .l•sunrn iro•, neatly wet promptly eaeouted ■t tem laic.. Deeemb'r ?n, their pitronege. - JtsIIN Alit 1. K. I1.-t.oO4 $I'ABi.F.1; aod etieul..e , .,11•111. I,•i. 1,• a