Huron Signal, 1850-11-21, Page 1,u EEILLIHAe
gle awvswrt. S
ettit 1)aron. Signal,
OD Ef•Orrif0 oaf 1411130011011 xr.nT Tre0e.41
Worm ave ree►aaar.a.
MlTlpt ■A0attttr ossa, .oegatxa.
00' Beek sled Joh relating, ereastsd with
eewra.r and digatek.
Team es rasa Hones Stsast.-TEN SHIL-
E,ia i per asses if paid strictly is advance,
sit?waive .oD 8*Z Poses with the ezpintfes
d ►e yew.
We papa dieeentissed until arrears are
Kiley, belies the publisher thinks it his advan-
tage to de w.
Asy isdividsal in ik0 country b.comieg rs-
sppoMkA fir six os►crlbers, shall receive a
weyestk copy gratis.
t•T All letters•4dreeseed to the Editor mass be
pat paid,�« er they will sot be taken este( the
• ass er 1.181.
H1zBea sad sade►,firm i.sertiea LO 2 f,
Each subsequent iMart We 0 0 7l
Tse Itemised soder, first insertion,0 3 4
Sash cabeeenest issertios 0 0 10
Owe ate lies., brat iaantios, per Ilse, 0 0 4
sabsegesnt insertion, 0 0 1
liair A liberal diee.ant made to (hoes woo
a/Welles by the gen.
NT e4. W. S. LIMO.
't'be wry breezes dimly do rest
!fro noir wild havoc with the chassis(
Tbe bird, that dock set yet f rsuke it. thea,
*lege where es lately stood the ripened
Vaal the Mlle, end dews the valley,, Ines
A gelds. hese through which the old wood.
Decked is their Amur" robes countless dyes,
Which res veiled .aa salute* with tempered
bear .
The very streams go glittering o'er their beds,
A. if they, ten. Wats e•ptire to the spell,
That all mesad s...,hi.t loaner* abed.,
A•d whispers amine far-off dell.
When their dear waters, darkesed by the shade.
Of many dancing leaves through Bummer days,
Stag te the balmy wiads that hither strayed,
Aad bard the borders .f their chasers! lays.
0. blessed days ! the last till spring referee,
When hills sad woods eerie nrce. to the heart!
Ye .re Air j.Weh whlrh th. Beamer spun,
Whes gutWv.g top her tre•eares te deport.
Berea. October, 1830. -Tribune.
Knit ROT Too roes 600Q.-1 t ,a fre-
q@0otly a great error in farmer' to weber,
.r attempt to winter, too touch Mock. -
When we have large crops dh•j, it doer
n ot speed es well se usual, and o•• ea very
bob. to be deceived as to Ins means of
wtat.rug stock. There is but very little
old hay in New Esgl•nd, and much of the
large crop of the present season had but
little.w.sbias on it before it was eat ;
t111010 were several weeks neatly cl•cad
te*ath.r jest before haying commenced ;
of sour.., K was very deficient in sweet-
ens and atritioa. And • large pert 0f
lbs area that was tut lea had but little
• seshies es it after it we. cot, and • greet
diol d it was poorly made, et isjured by
White then is a very Targe crop of bay
it is not geed •cosemy to keep animals
*Doug\ t• cosseting the whole the Ent
winter, for a seareity of hey often follow.,
which, oceurriog when there is • great
amount of stock to the country, weal reduce'
it to very low prices. In this respect,
every individual must Velge and act for
himself ; and we throw out thew hints for
r.Aesnoe, fir we frequently beer of cattle
dying of starvation io the wring, or
•of eriae se nisch from sort all..wing.
that they are bet very little profit the Dom-
ing 8escoe.
vault, sad ofhared to "make it up" with Mr.
BI•ocbfield, which offer was acceptad,-
Barrett payug LI b costs, tact reams(
a caution from the Magistrates to take heed
as to hie conduct for the f The pars
ties charged with a essult
Mr lleff
were three young men earned Casey; but
as owe of them had • wises" to prove ae
alibi, the case was dderred till Saturday.
Consider'sg the number of persons who
were present at the Fair, tbere was but lit,
ale druekennew; and the business was con.
ducted with order and propriety. -There
appears, however to be one drawback on
the efficiency of our ottani - • 1 Fain, to
answer the papas for which they were
delegated; namely, their being held on Mon.
Jays. We have heard complaints that
Frei the Ni.ppm80 wit
1fs chop was M ell i.te • well, aj track,
I Leder makes he might shiver there till be almak
WS Willa oat, without say toes errs to his eta,
masa he sang est murder. or sonembiag *Ise r'"
te •I.rm his w a reaves. Jost
wife sed Min her
es it is is regard to reeroltiodise. A etas may
hey his shop (d1 of goads, bet if se or keel's
it, whet good deer it do him? He may have
two or three se a dors teed eestoeaw, but to
fetch a crowd, he mast all a crowd, sed the
only way to call 'em is to weed the sews is
that 'tarot trumpet. lis Newspaper I Advent.
stag goads ie jest like wares' .r takia • sryia'
baby to Church ! If you Are in eh.rcb, .ed
dent smote, hew's folks in the back r.ts er es
the gallery, to knew abet you ere Mee/ sed is
regard to the baby. folks wouldn't serer know
you could raise ono, if when •om takes bias to
eherch, he dfdr't begin to let off stems. Bat
wises he yell. set geed sad strong, eery body,
parson, end •I1, kel maty goad, they look at his
cad say to themselves, „6ne baby that, by be.
farmers living in a distant part of the Cove- key ! a regular agog rhi•oeaereow, by gem !"
try, cannot bring their Stock for sale, ex -
andmore he bollen Elise more people knew it.
and the more they keel' it, W eters ter stink
abut it I And on the 1404 principle, erfently,
the more seise you mks in a eswp.per's
colonies. the mere people think *boat foe; deer
reed, mark, lean, and rawsrdly digest what yen
my. aed the• they go and see you. Spo.i" two
sin eau was beets • tooth aed tassel soder
your bed room wieder, how'd you and year wife.
if you are lucky lruongh to bre oar, know them
sett was th.r melees they med it knows? You'd
be as irnrreet tithe last, as as old shoe, bet lb
more they yaw and yell, •rd yowl, the mese
satisfied you be that, -them. em. They adver-
tise, •m4 at let yir wife begirt to turn is is
bed, sad you expect she's gets to gore taws
toe, and to prevent the rombo cat -as -trophy, you
get up cession all eraser of au, and *penis the
wirier quite sly, yea seed yir old bootjack •1 the
critters, and you are sure you winged nos and
wowedid the ether, from the way they went
(min' sod spittle' aed yellia' across the yerd.-
Thee yir wife sea " fund for Deny I" and yob
tare into bed •gin and are soon fist asleep,
&eerie' of cats, bootjohns aed banjo's. Now if
• little advert,ei• from • pair of par Tom oma
could do all that, whet ti dues.* most a widely
circulated newspaper have ( Yea can tell by
the old rule of three -if one pair of tom ata stir
■ p see tan .ad wife, bow rany men aed wive@
would five thousand pat through? That's the
considered • seer : way to work it.
A reel genuine Yankee is full of anima. I New does fire -marred devil -driven, virtue
lien, checked by moderation, guided keg `hens' scandal meters do busters? If they
want to spot a man or gall's character, do they
determination, and supported by education. talk to themeelye., or to their shadow or in their
He bas yeseratioe eerrrected by toles. dap 7 No tliey get on the house top of ill -fame
non, with a lots of all -approbation sod I and nick their Lep over the erre teen, sad talk
it ea till the very aimwphere stinks of sulphur.
emulation and when reduced to a stats of They beslime all that come sear 'em. Aid is
sggravatino, eon assume lh.roost profound
regard to Meitbiaiu, f "twee' cowsidsr thin moan
worse than dr this/'1 11 tree hear • whited
di•81mulatioo for the purpose of retilistiow I sepolchee, trvio to besmear a gond man's sem,
always combined, if possible with 'petals -1 lest pot yir fingers to your erased walk away. -
If ate hears • vile story asd tells it he is Weis
the slanderer to advertise, aid the older • story
gets, like • bachelor, the uglier it grows. The
sandal hatcher advertises.
sept by travelling with it on the Sabbath;
and we heard considerable dissatisfaction
expressed on tbie point, by differni parties,
on Monday last. It would be much more
convenient for farmers, were the Fair bald
interested will make known their wishes to
the County Council, st its next Session,
that body will probably at once concur in
the desired alteration, end memorialize the
Government on the subject. As the next
Fair will not be held till May, 1851, there
would be sufficient time to apply. to (.ovinia
meat, and to procure a proclsmstioo, pre-
vious to the March ,Quarter. Sessions. -
TIN Guelph Advertiser.
A Daot.r. Dsrtnmon or A YAsias..-
Ae the Yankees are cresting no little ex.
eitemeet in the commercial, political, and
military world, i hope mf de0mitioo of e
real genuine rate Yankee, may not be
A reel lire Yankee, knit caught, will be
found not deficient in the following quell -
ties :
H. is self-denying, self -relying, always
Irving, and into everything prying.
Hs is a lover of piety, propriety, notorie-
ty and the temperance society.
He is • dragging, gaging, bragging,
.!riving, thriving, swapping, jostling, bust.
hag. wrestlieg, mu.ioel, quizzical, esaroao•
mica!, patties!, philosophical and comical
Bort of a character, whose manifest destiny
et to spread civilisation to the remotest
corners of the earth, with an eye always on
the l.ok-out for the mein chews.
Meatant' lmmeerrs,-The Elevesib As-
ses' Meeting of the Inrfitste,'for the election of
Office Reoren te *erre for the eawi•g ywr, was
held in its Rebase. Gnat 81. ANION street, ere
Moeda, evening, the 4th mt., erre the follow-
ing gun tleme. were elected;
1f yea are an honest man and here goods to
"ell sad went to sell them, there is one or the
ether kind of ad•etusin will have to be did. The
Ent is to advertise io a paper that is popular and
that folks reed, gut • rush of customers, sell low,
sed get now goods .11.., and rhes you her •
sight to keep up with the rinses end your pri-
mers / Pay great attention to the ladies, they
arc the boss, don't forget that. For instance iu
your advertised catalog, you have broadcloths;
well a lady sees it. Now they are moreparticu-
lar about their husband then you'd opine. She'll
sey to her man rt breakfast, " my dear, your
Sued"y g toeaonto-m tin
et is very shabbyand
seamy, I'm ashamed to be seen with you io it,
sed you knew • cost is a great thing and all de -
peed" es snakier • good show, externally, for you
harm coat make* the man, sed want coat the
me.key, aed then is Gimp & Bobbin hes jest
get their sew goods, 1 son their t
in the seer Mail, last sight, •mel they hey
gleediferoo" new broedclotb, aed they are "elfin
Lew for cash or approved credit; I had better go
down and pick you out ■ piece, yea know how
wen that inviable trees has worn that I bought
you two years ego." " Well I donee, 1 epos*
PreeiM•t Dr. Bernard. yes knew best. homey -dock," sex the ma0kiad.
First Via de.... ....... Hector Munro. 8e away the better -twee -thirds gees and gets ter
Seeesd de. do Henry Behar. new coat eat ad " 1• then anytbiag else **-
Third do. de C W Meakise, day, say" Gimp as be is yir up the pareel.-
Feorth de. do A Ramsey. " What to the pries ofr/at $neve&" ragtime the
C Sechea,p J Fletcher. lady, " Ie that the sew Jeeny Lind shawl that
Recording Seeretary. .. James Hayem, yes Newti..P" Well, see leeks at it. three
'Pressure, .... ........ J A E M'Oill. different ways, tad se" "she'll thick ef it," sad
Librarian & Cabi"et-keeper Daniel Grey. she has been thi•kie d it ever sisal the .4,.,-
c,.*. o, coaarrrar. ri"eneet appeared, lost yes foe it wesIdee't do
A Stevenson. D.nwl M'Nevie, A Berens, for ver to esy we till the right tire. 8o bene'
C P Ladd, J Daalop. N S Corse, Thee Wright, she goes thinkie emulsify d the shawl: wham
W A Towered, J O'Mwr", Jobs Tweedy, her moo comes from his workshop she hes an ..-
ani., 0 Crfkeha.k, R irwia. .smelly ace *tipper teed,. bad altogether ebe
For the Aerial Report rend at the meeting. seems to a wo.derfel gid hunter. After nipper
which we regret ie of 'Itch a te•gth ae to reader oho shivers the cloth, aed the huebead thi"k. She
es enable to publish it, we lean that the le.ti• hes med • good bargale, and he gets tate "
At tee present time; stock ie io geed de- tete hapreprred arise' the p•eif.year, mid is hewer leo, for sushi* make" hint forget hie m
sew i* • better papilla than it e.,r w.. at any .e &boa as to find his wife mulisg and geed -
wand. sad *07 see who ha. • serples d fertsrr period; that Voce the date of the previous watered, sethin makes him feel sea like driskug
eaimal•, eam woos them to a sutteblo Report. rhe member d memberii bite i.creased gin es for her to b. 1a the sulks. Be se i was
eambr for winter's/ wihwt,seri8ee.- from 4114 es 457; that 147 valises. of sew books semis he is is • good hereof sod he asks iT she
neve bees ead.d to the llbrary, the isese of had seen notbim tat she wasted, wase she was
These who •tteelpt to *tater tee meets •.I"i*.e from which d.ri.g the pan twelve vet •hoppba. Then she talk" of the scarcity of
stook, dep•odrng on buying hay, often 6th, wisi3r" •,"••fuel to 88611: sed tat "bort £hf0 emerry, end is afraid Meg eun't afford to speed
d old deet". dao the Toy, ave bees.
ras paid ng.
IoM in mister and epriag, that semy are ID Abe we Inn from the Treasurer's Statement,
as sumelt*suoo ; and It is trete esu to that the rec.ipt. during the year •mnented to
which misery doe. sot love corpa.yv- .{N. 7 Ileo 3�d: Ere expeedit@re to L349 3. fid.
le•vi•g a bela"ee is sed of LI8 11s 10d: aed
6. Farmer' the li"bititiea are sew redieed to ahoy( L90,
while the seems are rebooted at £8.78 11s 104.
&.nl:pe Tatt Para. -Was held oto Mon Previous to the tt0eti.g brattieg ■p, m rese-
day (get, toed was better attended, In every 1.ti.s was aoeelma"ssv P••t.d, she
nfiee Maters for the pet ywr the ,bank of th
to advertise, 0 grad re fess en boost Pr11ac
in safes., tot's Tensity: esd obey me Met as
feared of hie. I'nt always is( a chap
that has • store fell of goods •ed weer meads •
vest in r•kiu people aware of it, he is .1110, a
big feeler • big shave ! Wk.. seat • can is
laky enough to get a soon cestoascr he'd or* u
take • dagrytiped him sure fir it dot likely
he'll w him 'fie in a berry; for vee see the
mem that dent advertise serer sells goods twice
to the sane perm, he sells we little aha, he bas
to charge like thunder to be able te 1155.
so stingy that he would let his baby sat to •
beggar at a penny a day, sad if be air gave a
blind Ansa • cut it would be sure to be • bad
ono. Hu store amens re aery with hie dosed
std six year old moth sates Sy .peaked old fash-
ioned goods that is eaoagb to knock • megro
dews te go baa it, let alasrt a lady. Yoe see,
goods is like galls they mast go whoa they are is
the fashio.. and gold bertha.' se else • yoke of
ban wou!J'ot draw 'em .ff afterwards. The
rose that Weenier rest does Moet 0081/041,
because kis dont maks ore seek fear sae fifesi.e.
i know • merchant of 111111 dee.trict who hasiao-
ported three different batches of goods within a
pear, from Esrope-sad seats of your emelt
schooner loads efibey each time-aed seer he's
nearly sold out •gin! How does Be sod his
partner get rid of se easy geode ( They edver•
1l' mon tbas all the other* pat together, that's
he /ono, 1 can prow U.
If you wast to borrow money, if roe want to
sod mosey, if you wast • farm te rest. if you
have one to sell -Advertise. If peer bees, pi``
ow. colt, sheep oxen or hu.baed go rimy, ad-
vertise them right oQ aed sot res the chance of
581• Ibem altogether Of 65/10 to pay as mach
as they are worth is charges for their keep. If
ou are a shoemaker, tailor, blacksmith, waggon
ker or only ireful y kind d eful mechanic, show pee-
l. that you are net ashamed of being • me $a
c, by advertising. If you keep • hotel, make it
keow.. When people neo • sen advertise, they
know be is a business ran. The world is full
of folks who r•A.t. BOM* weal a 5111, some
0801 to boy. and the only way to meet these
waits and make merry is te advertise. Ad•er-
isiog it like h.o.ty, it pays well if followed rep.
Merchants think .othiog of p,yi■ forty dollars
or esig• with .othisg bet their same 00 rbit.-
Well what do you tbi.k of basis two rsaad
signs a sera is a 0*eeraper. 1v it you can
show your whole eetabt1.bmso1 to the coasary
every week. Ii you are wise, jest rub your eyes
and go to work aed advertise.
say mare mese ed Wade , fir •." while, ofd top
by .yb0' that Gimp tried bard to nooks her take
owe of them splendid sew shawls that ere se
1sehissable-oat she's skid say east mists it.
Well the hssb•.d aria my hetes acre the
shawl, fee hart he last got 0 *oat et the hew
pier of elwt is the tows: ad a replies-" If
you like the 060.1 cry dear, pa must have it, t
des't be baba my wife is Ashby, ..d
yes knew deck that i west to see yes se well
stepwt, than 517 Io.i.•asoal fair eroa held members of the Iesei.ce for their servers while dresued se yaw nelgbsre." Nett oaks, dot
Ike Oaf ph Tbe !*setity of (took, egbt- re mice -Pawl- Shawl is advertised, sad is •awl is sold.-
lofted fir ,al. ver large, Dad some of It sea. Whet yes ed.ertf••, silvan gin thing. i0 de -
Nn. Ro.0 W. endenuad that the tell. 141i. yes sl' ree0fosd • gearnl aes rt-
ef eery rtpestse fealty. A soars** am- School Leeds is tits Ruane Tr.ct are to be 111 meet. die., Mut the eight way. Spade yir wife
Anal ef ietnileis a t.oe, an ear as ws tan fhs 1011010 ern 10,14104- The result will mew- basks 1180 shies or pr, ss irsedi.aly Ivies
looses, w/Ivy Ak tarter. wwity be a Ingo *00.00108 of wailers es Sr dbe- Op the's8. sper to sWesty f0► We.-
thttn►ntegl. tate was eaforto.. e. Opining the It will 'heroism be Mies 1* 880 rase meet pasmeet thing tab as a
/Ire little **sed �J, slyvfossy te the adasf tsg..the t.abit.ou d the meth see* se 0 let of aeerw psev.nisad.
Mat satiated. h pereens tlgdstAreen, Atli • pnetwehle read shn.ld vein- asd .bas they go a sobs etre. toy Ave sea
smut Ere ialu*eoe of titpsor. pe. tine, am that thing et1Mg* with tee setttewteet es tkisg elm that they dtla't ,bi.k d afore, and
Me Swwt►-west ohne el Lake Hume, (a di- aket door that: it ko Eke* that o 'finis 'Mot .d-
eered Nortek Barrett. threw • large eters teas d *8 nr 20 miles,) from .bele* toe er01! 5ertieed, dna haws a vests. ash. b.". let
at smother paws' sawed EittebMld; the ?oat
w "Me
ts•y be 0atie( rod. as ityse0. dthit hefwa .he
pr0 ggAe pfo throegb. Alweyssee-
.to.0 @tett * lits l.wer ja.r, kfecked him be. met a eessarily s is Pert of to say ler ties tblmp i* detail K yes ere a ntnloe
511 is en,nry h that dir.0tlss 'Meet to M "ea- The whir 3.1010( edesnids Is doetse
Iran berbesi s d hat hos holly. Bas. tied. Herwdor. hes mead the ad- aim f1 1 boo boo peat ad a I as growthdie
other Weal* 1 .w.. Hefferums, ytM•.1 • ws a widish,
by lb. ee0wroetiat ad I error hawamres0tyet, *s 414.'4
of web • road. might he dieared te 8.400\•.. 60 Ida owe 3l' 4.*e ate dila'. t the SherTat, sad iI►. R. •\•►i •►fiH walking The ;omelet .sd anticipate) artier..13. deer-10IOWA 01001111100001010m she lat. Aod whets
w iff
tort sidewalk 1s44*. to (ha British us. bas de ell is their power te forward swab wok. s muses dowa seas sew it i. like • pllspie
- /0.. i'beeeeesaelte sawed adman Obe -Uee4i Win" 1qtoe rosis. with • esy.-
Way W was Maidn
t4rash rap t* lash at th..arks
set dr se .w if Is salsa i@ go.a sods are, he awn
8 Sae aide r tb purpose 01 /atlas ■p • the Trrircw, wasting (raw W..teh.Mer, 4.dl b13,11••811•14,6*"_._ ../ to ...-
rani. The ell�wre wale howwrsr, mens rail* t11. •ttemuon Ofthesotaoube b • lasers scan. q niatie, of 0 ser* bl tae w...h.
Lids sed es Tee.ds/ amiss, Obey waft spot en Om Acre, notreed by him 0e Ester- Ase welt ismgies aMt a.Uy ass ryvravh*e
4.v 1151, at asap. i y the gid d s Mhsbd ti•Ad M �~ �' 1Da ores *Awe •ad
Me gb1 w bdeNtil htsA •A'tl•rMtsetes at ver .134tp44 s\. sweet wild, w err r he 080•
rlElO4'5 SMR tlidlg*l the r ` a best blAer w.Mt 1 � dm* atp%.J.. , gnat at1 ill'. kis putt r�r
1 tl►I"gs. 116wtM/Meftb /AM. lA r..+kt/MINIM
wag *flat M hers hens nes "we 041111.--A
•v - oaAmtas- AW Ats.
Though pride may show some ■obleoes",
Wheo Honor's its ally,
Yet there ie sorb a thing on earth,
As holding heads too high
The sweeten bird builds near the grand:
Tits loeelreo flower springs low;
Awl we mei stoop for happiness,
Here its worth would know.
Like water that incrusts the rase,
Still hardening to its core,
So pride incases human beams
Until they feel no more,
Shut up witkis themselves they lin,
And "elfishly they end
A 111., that neer kindness did
To krudred or to (need.
Whilst virtue, like the dew of haven,
Upon the heart descends,
And draws 1u hidden sweetness out,
The more, as more it bends !
For there's • strength to loveliness,
Which wanes as to enden-
A heroism in distress -
Winch re 'fenny readers • et ► sore/
The humblest being born, is great,
11 true to his degree;
His virtue illustrates his fate,
Whatever that may be !
Thos let ea daily (earn to love
Simplicity aed worth:
For sot the the dove
Brought permeate the earth !
As occurrence has unfortunately taken
place et Nottingham, which seems very
likely to show the abenrdity of capital pun.
i.hrent in ail ewe of murder. On Friday
last, a child tea year' of age, wilfully
drowned kis brother, aged 14 months. He
has gives two contradictory accounts in
esetelpeties of himself. He u, therefore,
comicial" of* wrong act. lo all probabi-
lity be will be tried for murder, and Engli.h
lawyers and judge* will argue from the con•
61cua excuse, that this precocious areas -
48 was perfectly aware of the enormity of
bis crime at the time Of eom.tsolo., and
po.eeeted what hedge Blackstone calls "a
miscbisvals discretion," and hapng so,
they will infer the necessary malice, and
argue that he took the poor infant out of
his father's house, and led him is the river
side for the purpose of murder. It is equal,
ly probable that the jury will convict bine,
when sentence of death must be pronounced
as • matter of eoune. If the abettors of
legal sad judicial homicide be oos.iatent In
their prisotples, they will hang this infant
of ten year,, as ao " exampfe of terror" to
all anions, old and young, and is profound
ignorance of tb. Hebrew text, Batter them-
selves tbat tory are fulfillingthe divine
sd to end tae blood of hits tams abed
mane blood.
Thio murder, for such until the inquest
has been held it roust be unquestionably, is not entree, nor are execu
none of were infants on the gallnwe of ran
occurrence is ci•tinaed England, which has
!labeled the capital penalty on more people,
and hoe In coseequeace had more murder"
tae a enestr is Eerope, except Spain,
and p.v p. its y. The following remade
of oar extreme folly .ad herb/wan ars eel -
looted by tlir William Blackstone;lis these eases oar musts is that sel114.
eepplertates. Under sere. years .f ark
least, .. hhse menet be guilty of belay;
ier that •tie...• a aflame so
Im lit le nature, bot at atao1 years
of b y ere guilty of Velour. Ale,, seder
fewness thoogb an feria .hall be MOW
hash adjudged tit be ' deli eerie,' rut if A
year to the error* gad j.ry that b wee
' deli capes,' .d could desiogot.b beta..n
good ad evil, be may be convicted and sof-
hot loath. Tawe, tt girl ef tbirte.e kiss
brew besot hr isw54ert.g hes mantras, sad
owe boy of toe, .nil aortae .f wise yeass
old, whet had killed their , base
ham ite.t seed to death, cad he of tam yews
• amplify booed: boasee It appeared es
AT TU ... 0a 108 1540.
their trials that one hid htm.l(, and the moa could hare catcalled :hese saw" 18 the
other hid the body be bad killed, which corer of • book ; nose but • ea/was
boding m•oifated • con•clouaness of guilt, rogue could have have suggested the plan
and a Camila to Caere between good and bone but a vigilant jj•.tiur could 11410
and esit. Aod tbere was •o toataoce in detected n.-Spring/tdd (H.) Jourwe..
the last century, where a boy was tried at
Abington fol
firing two barns; and
it • -
paring that he had malted. revenge. and ERN COUNTRY.
cuoutog, he was found guilty, condemned
and banged accordingly. Thus, also in
very modern times, a boy of ten year., old
was coorizted on his own confession of
murdering hie bedfellow ; there appearing
iw bun whole bebavour plain taken* of • we
cbte.o.s d,scre tion, and as the sparing of
hie tender years might be of dangerous, con-
sequence to the public, by prop.gaueg a
eotioo that children might commit such
atrocious erimee with impunity, it was aro
••irously agreed by all the judges that he
was • proper subject of capital puot.broent.
Such is the wise law aed practice of
Engl••d. it 1s atnnge that Blackstone
should have forgotten that of the eight per,
eons who were hanged •t Tyburn, Febru-
ary 11, 1751, three were eteldnn-ose for
some depredation in the street, sod the
other two' burglaries !' Dr. Taylor in his
Letter on do Spy System ••t Boltonle
Moors,' ateahone Hat person* were
horsed et Lancaster for not1 and felony to
1813, one of whom, an 'idiot boy, was so
young and childish, that ae the scaffold he
cried nal for his mother, thinking she bad
Ike power to wave him.' We might enu-
in.nta t instances of the revolting
barbarity which has been practised in (hie
country under the maxim, that 'Malice
supplied the defect of age,' but the above
aro sufficient to show what might be ex.
peetei'. A country in which such a deed
could be perpetrated as the dragging of a
young girl to the gallows by six men,
without amending its •iclous vitiating prac-
tice, is capable of any atrocity.
We can believe that the young fellons
enumerated above, possessed that mischiev-
ous discretion which is nee ..e.ry to satis-
fy the law and the judge, but that any one
of them had that knowledge of the await.ty of murder and arson, which only citify a
rational man that they were on a level with
adult murderers and incendiaries We may
well doubt. Had the law been devised by
Waco himself, it could not be more pro•
foesdly regardless of just distinctions in re-
gard to persons.
We have no doubt that all the cases
mentiooed by Judge Blackstone were cases
of insanity -a disease which our judges, of
all men that can read and write, are least
able to and d. Baron ATdersoa could
not perceive the insanity of Mr. Pate, he
could not so much as comprehend the deci-
sive evidence given by the experienced Dr.
Muoro. Tbe condemoation and execution
of William Crouch, • few years ago, who
to a proxysm of lunacy killed his wife,
affords another proof of the inability of
It 1A a remarkable olrcumetaoce that so
Kitt!, attention has been paid in Canada to
the immense tract of cuuotry lying to lbs
north of our boundary line, and known me
the Hudson Bay Company's Territory. --
'Mere can be noquestion that the Injurious
and demoralizing tinily of that Company,
over a region of four millions of square
miles, will ere long bu brought to an Bad.
and that the destinies of ibis ostracises can -
try will be united with our own. The peo-
ple of Upper Canada are the most interest-
ed to t hs cootroresy bow going on between
the people of Red River settlement sed the
Hudson's Bay Company, as to the validity
of the Cowpsoy's charter ; and we think
the time is nearly armed when Canada
should become a party to the demand from
the Horne Government fur a etrtogent In-
quiry into the validity of the said charter.
It is unpardonable that civilization should
be excluded (ram half a continent, oa at
best but a doubtful right of ownership, for
the benefit of 232 shareholders. The in-
terests of the whole of this boundless coat -
try, civil, moral, and commercial, are with-
out law or restriction in the bade of the
Company's ts, and well informed per-
sona do not hesitate to say that fifty tribes
of ladies' wattled in various parts of the
tract claimed by it, have been systematical-
ly demoralized for the benefit of the Comps:.
Our present purpose is not, however,
with the validity of the Hudson Bay Com-
pany's claim to the country north of the
Canadian line, -but to call attention to the
value of that region, and the sant comma*
tial importance to this country, and..p•-
cially to this mitten, Which must, ere long.
attach to it. T$. too -general impression
entertained is that the territory in questiw
is a frozen wilderness, iacapole of cultiva-
tion, and utterly unfit for Europeen coloni-
zation. This impression was undoubtedly
set afloat, and has been maintained by the
Company fur its own very evident purpoe
see ; so long as that opinion could be kept
Encash judges do deal properly with ques-
up, their charter *as not likely to be die -
tions concerning the state of another per- turbot. But 11ght has been breaking in on
sons reason. Bellingham who was hanged the subject, in spite of their efforts to keep
for shooting Mr. Percival in 1812, in a men- it out. Europeans unconnected with the
oar in which none but confirmed madmen Cum as tiod'senaets of the Company
adopt, was held by Lord Mansfield to be P 7t
perfectly in his eases, because among with whom ruptures have occurred, hew
other curious and weaker reasons, ' be had from time to time boon droppiog 10forma-
gone out like another moo; be carne up to thin on rho capabilities of the amt, and .e
London by himself at Chnatutas; he was believe it Is now established to the sant-
under no restraint; no medical machad •t -
tended him to cure his malady; and he was fatten of all who have studied the .ubjset
regular in all his habits: Professional that there is an immense tract of most
psychologists know very well that murder, valuable land immediately north of Upper
attempts at suicide, and other violent acts, Canada, which will, ere loo'yield a rico
are frequently the Ent overt indications of return to the hard pioneer of he forest.-
insanity; and for this reason, and the .iogu - y
ler inaptitude of criminal judges to co:pre- io a recent, work, by Mr. Jame. Edward
bend the existence of the malady any Fitzgerald, it is staved that " tbar. u pet
other form than that which is described in a more favorable situation os the face of
law books, we ought io cases of murder to the earth 'for the employment oPe ieulta•
subject the prisooer to scientific exams" -ase
tion before putting him on his trial. This seal industry than the locality of the Red
course is followed in France, and, we be- River." Besides this eztona►. settlement,
have in Belgium. It is found to be of ods he odds, " there is the whole country sev*-
mirable use. Both judge and jury are then seal thousand milt is *x10ei between the
quite assured that the accused is perfectly r
sane, and the former saved from the risk of Red River sad he frontiers of Canada,
making himself langhsd at by talking on a •long the bus of Rivers and Lakes which
subject of which he has no knowledge, and connect Lake Wbinnipeg with Lake Seps-
is opposittoc to competent reediest opinion. nor." " This u • magnificent fes
Tits case of the child at Nottingham offer •g touur 7
an opportunity for adopting this French civilisation." Sir George Simpson, too,
improvement at once. We are con6deot speaks highly of the beauty of this country.
that :t will be found, though be did give and the fertility of the soil. Sir Edward
false accounts to exculpate himself, b. has "cher, speaks el." the net' lands attuned
not that knowledge of the beioousoes• of
murder which alone can be bold sufficient on the Willamette and other rivers." Mr.
for conviction, whore reason, and not pre- Ballantyoe gives similar testimony. Sir
judice for the laws of law books, is consul- Alexander Mackenzie wrote-" Than 4.
ted.-Lordsa Morning Advertiser. not perhaps • hoer country in the world
i+•.n.ou. MoD. TO asp A rwuon.R s for the residemee of uocinlized man, than
EscArw.-Ye.terday morning • auspiciousthat which occupfce the space between
looking package was received at the Pest Red River aid Lake Superior; fish, noun.,
Office h this city, postmarked " St. I.oeu fatal and 'wild nu are in great platy ;
-30o, paid -care of M. Wickersham."- the fruit are •trawb.rriee, plums, cherries,
Baker, to whom the package was addressed hazelnuts nos berries, ci.rrents, resbernes,
was arr.stsd a month er two since, on the t g
mail routs between this place and St. Lou- pears, kc." Montgomery Martin speaks
is, after being detected in the act of taking of one peep where the River Swan " mime -
one ofthe mail bags. A /tow days altar dare for thirty mules in breadth, sod con-
ttu, soon dtscovenes veers mad. it t t►umk
to poe.ge110• of • wome p•uia for Ba- flood by 'two lofty ridges of equal betght,
her'* wife, in St. Louis, which implicated displaying • most delightful intermixture
him as having been extensively eog•ted in of wood and laws, which stretch out uncal
mail d.predatiows. During Raker's confine- the hies mol ob.curee the prospect ;'
meet, several demonstrations have hese
made at night •bout the jail, s supposed, " some part,'' p. says, " of the inclining
to effect hie release ; and on ne or two heights me cheered with stately fol.
occasions h• came ver a making his esu, relieved by promontones of the finest
acme. The jailer therefore pot him in verdure, where the Elk and Buffets enjoy
wens nod secured him to the door..-, The
package alluded to was named and found a delicious pasturage.- AeJ be cells re
to cantata three pamphlets boned together that "the Swan ran• 80 miles through
sed lettered with gold, " all for !ea."- such .canary" in latitude 56 deg. 41 m.
Our pustm..ter and Mr. W . concluded that North.
these pietphlete-nne of which was the Yr. Fits ereluthat n
d serts, thea
trial of Professor Webelsr-were at�t so g
mostly bast le, nothing. Aceordiegi the 500,000 square miles of AWL a great part of
book was take to a book binder, .h pro. of which n 1 lele fur eettloment sod
ee8ee.4 Hat nethi.g w.. cenresl.d abut aviculture, sod ell so well supplied with
it. Thee did sot ntidrr Wrek.reh•m. Hs saws, •s to ire rent facility to nedowh
thought fres the (kith
eees of the enyer* g g g y
that the book contented something which ties• Ilea 1. •Mod for Canadian .ret.
was to sestet Baker in making bis escape.- rprizs ! 'there used formerly to be e trade
After reaching home be cnmmeneed cut- routs from Furt. W blain, 11 the boed 01
ting up the covers of the book, •ltd 100
mall sews alma eight inches is length, Wks tin nor to Red River antUemamt
„,,,.ch as m.chineste sss is sawing tiros, through ,hrs fine trail of etentry. bet the
were br.ogl.1 to view, It (Pm bet a work- Awrinwy demserreged 11 from fear of es