The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-08-14, Page 11tt
Veen Mieulittenentiteftentutomminotummintimmenete timmentemmeleinesentielleflettles.4.,
P., ..
Births • . -
. No •.c.h4rpo
Marriages. and Deaths ........ ........, ....... ............ ... 750.
(Marriages onct deaths r.reported without chargt
in news columns' This. charge .opplits. only to listin$.
under Announcements.)
cards of Thanks', Engagements 750
In Memoriams. (4 -line Yerse.)
Extra verses, each. 51,00
prxi- and Aire, 11. L.
Duncan. int reiumbla
l'.\(' Centralia. annou nee the
boa nr a daughter. at South
introit Hospital, August 0, 1918.
ri.r.NN---mr. and Mrs. Al. Flynn.
118etar, announee the birth of a
daughter, -Valerie Elizabeth, at
South Huron Hospital, August
8, 13x.
•JA,FILONSKI-51r. end Airs. flasyl
Jablonski, Wellington SI., Es..
ter, announee the birth nf n
son, Jerry Tony, at South Introit
linspital, August $, /916-s. bro-
thel. for John.
$1eLE111N---le en and Merle 1 nee
Diehert 1,• Kipper', are happy to
announce, the birth or a flatlet.
ler, 1111 Chat•lene, in
Hoepital, August 4, 1958.
SV VERT - Fred anti Helen
\\*neer h nee Turnbull 1, flat!,
annottnee the birth of a daugh-
ter. Anvy Lyn n, a I South Wa ler-
/On At emoria HOspital, Galt,
August 6, 19.58,
51r. and Mis. :Harold C. Bell, or
Heiman. wish In announce the
;engagement nr 1 heir elites! daugh-
ter, Shirley 5IaY, to Ale. Ronald
Carlos fiassmore, son n Atra.
Passmore and the tat e Carl
PassmoreTb e marriage In tali 1'
place on Sept ember 8, 1958. at
12:011 noon, in Carmel Presbyter-
ian Chu t•eli, Hen sa 11. 14.
The Pima:zest:lent is an !invitee('
sr' Pal:Line Joanne Ness, daughter
of Mrs, Elizabeth Fels!, of Credl-
t en. and the late Hera Feist. to
e• Robert Firms, ILI horn. son
..3•1r. and Mrs. S. I,. Hilitnen.
1'4.'yt on. Tile Wedd I ng will lake
P r, • P. (171 September 6, at ...An
P.'s, in Zinn Tevangelleal Unit ed
Bissihren Church, Kitchener, Ont.
'1i -,
Clarence Davis wishes 10
Heels her many friends, neigh -
hers and relatives for their gif le,
LIn els and cards sent In her
IA 111e a pat lent in 51, 05epli's
Ito .011 a Specie 1 thanks In Mrs.
Jr.!. Diets Me and Mr. Harry Ca r.
rol I. --Airs, Clarence Da v is. 14e
•1 tr. and AI is, Lloyd 5Inusseait
it • di to t hank all those who so
t nt ly rem thl he red Barry wit II
(. tia, t refits and g ID s while a
1.; • nt in South 1.1 u ron Hospital,
ilia nks to the nurses for
11 ir kindness.
•.r. Miner Stewart wishes to
. -thanks" to all who remem-
1,. eft hint while a patient in
seoth M urn n Hospital and since
rt • •• king home. 11'
Trt EVE ft v.. in let Ing memory nf
flea I` 1% I re and grandmother.
Elsie TreffrY. w ho Piteeed away
one year ago, August IS, 11117.
One ear has passed since that
sad day
The one ie lot ed waS canoe
air ay.
Hod took her home, it was His
tv 111,
But In our hearts she 11 veth
-Lovingly rememberel and sad -
Is missed by her huaband. Earl,
and daughters, Erna, Peggy and
AlacEWEN--in loving: memory nf
a dear father, Almond D. Mae -
En en, who posed away August
17, 1910,
His memory Is as dear today
As in tha hour he passed away.
(10d took Mtn home, It was His
Flu 1 in our :hearts he nth still.
Uver remembered by 1ionna and
Harry, 14*
wish In thank 1 11 e man Y
(riends, relat (vest and neighbnrs
who so kindly Veal embered nis
with treats, flowers and visits
wattle a patient in South Huron
Hospital a nd slime returnine
home.-AIrs. Pet e Durand, 117
Times,AdvopIlIt ,August 141 . Pop 11
TA Bargains Are Nothin o nee
2 5 Words or less. 7 Oc
More Than 25 Words
2' Per Word
200 -OFF
if ati fiaidwith order or by
;Satqrday. following the last
$14.ccggoiNo INSERTIONS 40r
More than 25 Words ,
11/e Per Word
$emi-Pisplay Classifieds
(Restricted to one column)
.First Insertion $1.40 Per 11)01.
Subsequent Insertions
$1.25 Per Inch
Minimum One Inch
Classified ads -accepted up 01).
Wednesday noon. Auctionsale
copy should be in Tuesday at
imc.111 $ Iter M DaVri,
S3 per Al DeId
0 ltith
110 per M .Del'd
7 int•It 141 per 51 riel'd
8 Melt , 175 per 51 Dont
'rho family of the late William T's, Y's and Elbows in Sloe%
-rat" Veneer wish at this rriees for 111" 12" and 14"
time to express a very grat e fit I on equest
thank -you to the i•ela lives, friends
and neighbors who Were so kitd RYDALL BRICK AND TILE
to risd. ;luring his long illness: LIAI1TED 1.1tfi.
rot' all the 1 reels, beatit Vitt flow-
et•s and visits while in t he hos- Elginfield Phone 193 Litean
pita 1 and a I' ter ',outing home k
special thank -you to nay, Daniels. orricf, 121QUIPMENT
Malkin*, 51 rs. Mae meLellan, rivartcrafot floyat typen'i'lters,
Mrs. 'I homas Swint nell, the sea -
forth Clinle, Qtteensway Nursing sVaIso.etor adding machines. We ran
you money: Exeter Tim es -
Home, Bon therm 'funeral (tape)
and anyone .n.110 1.,ippd in any Ath:feats., phone 770, 27tre
An•oar3t-e, n.These will never be for- Rao rut.,Dms-HoalibY,
'LI* well raised, vaccine t ed for broil -
The family of the late Mts. ehitis and Neweast le; 13 weeks
.1nlin B. Forrest, Hensel!. wish to old nee ;lath and July 'rd. Dis-
ex tend heart felt appreciation in counts nri tares orders. free de-
alt their relatives and friends for on all orders of 000 or
the I: indnesses and messages el more. inspeetion invited, Enquir-
syrnap thy and beautiful floral Iii- les promptly axis -worm. ('alt or
butes during the loss of their write •oore's poultry l,:a.:1r2n1re
st a ff of the Queensway Nursing r-31.
11 nine, itensall, the 'flew. Samuel
Nen- and the W.M.S. and l\',ABOUT 2,000 seeond-
of Carmel Presbyt erten Church, hand. kriply Box "B" Times-Atl-
mother. Snecial t hanks in the MIL 3 Seaforth, Ont., phone 617-
140 8 -orate.
I wish to express my sincere
thanks and appreciation tn alt m v
relatives, friends and neighbors
for their many letters and beamt I -
fill cards during my recent illness
in St. Joseph's Hospital, London.
Specie I thanks In Rev. Zorn, 'Dr.
Gulerts, Dr. Alowey and rir. Hee-
sin n.--111 _Lorne ent t nor. 14* '
New Conversion Bonds
Take 65 Tons Of Paper
With fatal conversions of Vic-, Canada Conversion Loan program
tory Loan bonds now well over concludes in mid-September, the
the two billion dollar mark, a new bond shipments from the
cargo of paper the equal of a capital will be sufficient to re -
thousand Ring's ransoms will be- peace six billion dollars worth of
gin moving out of Ottawa any Victory Bond.,
day now. The record cargo will travel
Altogether, by the time the express by rail and air, in close- BARGAIN!
]y -guarded packages addressed
to agents of the Bank of Canada
from coast to coast. Each pack-
age will contain bonds of the new
56,4 billion Canada Conversion
Loan in denominations ranging
upwards from $50 to $1,000,000,
While the shipments will be di -
Personal Items .. rected to the Bank's agents in
Norma Hem, nurse -in -training the major cities, many of the • rammor,DATon, Avestio:thouse,
at St, oJseph's Hospital, London, new 'bonds will find their way approximately 7 eti. rt., excellent
was a weekend visitor at her to smaller cities and towns where condit Inn; 375.00. Mrs.. -,''aieria
A rmst rong, .49 A nue St. V\ , Ex -
home in the village. a great many of the estimated pier, phone 1'5, W.
Mrs. Lloyd Smith, Diane and two million Victory Bond hol-
PTANO, medium size, plain ease.
Dougie, are holidaying at Grand ders live, mahogany finish, with beneh;
Bend. Officials say that the cargo of fully stuaranteed. This 15 a real
Mr. and 'Mrs. Ernie Vodden bonds will weigh roughly 65 tons. smart pia nn: 12500, W. Ma rt in,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clar. Never before in the history of the ii3"1 Pr' phone 19.
Portables or Standard
MAGAZINE HUY - "Ain erica n
1401no" non' selling at. 16 issues
for $2.00, half the regular rate.
Stitsc't'lbe now at The Times -
Advocate, agent for all magazines.
CASE THRESHER, 28x17, nn rub-
ber, equipped with, Ebersol grain
thrower and shredder, 141i t,
belt, 'Vriiliarn Stan lake, 11.11. 1
Exet Pr, phone :09- VV -2. 3:71 (0
nrsrivr.r.: chronic, and 4
chairs, Apply Box "13", Times -
Ad vocal e. 14:21c
Topics From
haled best in Independent test. •
Reg. $219.ns
NOW $195.60
Phone 27 Exeter
encs Routly at Plugtown on Bank of Canada has there been won. Q l'ICK sAbrii-ia road' -to -
Sunday. a bond cargo of such staggering 1" 'Red x Sussex pullets. Tour
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hogg size. • eltoiee at $1.71 each or clean lip
at si.nn olio,. Apply Cann's MIll C. V. Pickard
and David, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Presses at two Ottawa bank- Ltd.. -1.1"1". 1 to
Hogg, Roger and Joan, London, note companies are.. working at
were Sunday guests with. Mr, maximum capacity to complete
and Mrs. Norman Haziewood, the printing of the new issue. I -log Shipper
Ralph Wareham spent a few Using paper made for the Bank
days in Appin visiting friends of Canada alone by means of
last week.a special formula, they print ceived a suspended sentence for
• Mrs. Harry Ford spent last basic supplies of every denomi- three months. BRAND NEW 5-bedrnnin hemp.
week in Kitchener with. her son, nation. As the bonds come off Howard Smale, shipper em-
(ompletelY Modern throng holt 4,
Clayton Foi•cl, and is spending the press, they are trucked to played by the Hensall District 101;11'2g:3'h ma7 be purchased for
price or on easy terms,
this week with Mr. and Mrs, the Bank for' signing and pack. Co-operative was charged with sum, & A PARTMENT-Derel lo.
Clayton Brock al Guelph. aaino• unlawfully and wilfully -causin" eat ion. Suitable for o Mee nr
Mrs, M. Copeland and Jean Not for another month will unnecessary suffering to 81 hogs sitop. Very comfortable 1;8 ing
" quarters. Can be purchased on
very easy terms.
41 -'BEDROOM HOC -SE, well Pleat-
gecal.ra:041.1e,orl: pkriti:h.e ns 1, oaonntlio 0$111-1
room, gond beat in g equipment:
abtkillal nelet.andle. Liberal terms nn
11.P.11,FS. HA Y, 3S1 bales. cer rind ' H EATING SYSTEM SC 51SILII VHICIIS, pi Mitt ship- ODD- JOBS, *VallwillerillS. PS ii,11:11tIlfge
11;11roliini,44.11 A "'lit WHO; vreilit ;loll. '
day, August '23, for the supply •
k'or Exeter Arena ment, j ;ray chteke, dual purpoeed 01.'. Ploaeo 'Exeter 408.
1ti1:IN:lei:1, (ipat3tifileidtss.. Srootr»ev,soVelcirtextlir,(Alisr! i miscELLANEous
Tenders will be received by the
undersigned an or before Satur- tiro), tow maintenance. Order •• ,
and installation of an oil:burning, A.geni- kirie carseathico, ..xeile41. eIsidk et8iyTleDalcizeylsiLItsk. n a° w11,0011pIcers laort
phone 244.W.
1,10 'Sande' s St.. Exeter. The Villa
kl.V.11,,le liA 1", 111 equal e halt s,
s --'t11 illi Apply 1;,,rt•
14-17 IS trio lir
11 Pit A ED A PCI.E.8, 1. I rns,
tom a t ore, 1,1,: t, o. con], V. re"
L•tilillcion.4 1. Pit 1 lip Alc.
E 0051e, phone nensali 681- ft -41,
or Exeter 14.21 :28 At•
tern: SALE till TB. 8 -
luevele for girls' bleyele.
log limprees .8% e., Cen-
t ra ha
W ASH 1N1 3.1.1CILIN II- Aloft v 499 •
Sie ENater, phone 2114.‘4".
IIONE I! -Gond Hes es Cus-
»Ir t nn iners, :11e II.. Pails
auppned if requ 1111. I.:wart PAIII• •
:4 Si meoc Si., E se ter, phone 03s-
.1, 14.
2.10 PCL LETS, .1111 ftp (stand Tted.
started if) lay. Apply Nub. 'Far-
quhar, pitnne lieosall.
11.• ;
Pi- 51 ONA-11111, automatic, gond
eroulit ion. heater, t•usiont rad to.
windshield %% ushers, whit
0:(0).1 nrioo. A intiv 441 51alit
Exei er. phnne 71S -j• after 5 p.m.
foreed-air heating systemin Ex- ', la under the management of :qrs.
eter -Memorial Arena. For par- „ . . , - - . (". DeNardine. Exeter.
.;-sj II.S. ',SASH! If 3111 . YOC-LI, FIND a lot to like in
tieulars, contact Alvin Willert at :NEED s • *
the arena, Lowest or any tender 11; ould like 10 add 141)1)0 to 1 Ito A\ ant Ade. Head ns Pr the
riot necessarily accepted. per week 10 your family inroine 1 hany 1 'stings . . , oddities, in na.
selling. Avon products, writ e Airs. cella nernis a rtu•les, homes. am 0-
holleisn tlreen, 1)18141M Manager. , snobi
A. L. SNELGROVE Secretary
, les, many *other it erns. 14ne
Exeter Community Centres
1Mx. 281. Hanover. Oitt. Several
A .%01 territories now available te)
J3oard ambit tons, mature women to Ste.. -HELP WANTED -
Exeter., Ontario phen, Hay and rsbotte Town -
14c oipa.
I 'WANTED - 140 1 11G 14 $01-1001./ nor . for cleaning
of summer. after school and Sat -
and washing ears. for remainder
ureaia. Apply Hunter-Dut ar Ltd.
niovor.E. is" frame. in
I'm' 11' su uf (UPI good vonditton, Box "0" Times.
nlj 141. 1 he Homo 11)1117 Home,
11 111 be 1'10.011 et 17' 11t
nod, 1 ipt Monday marn- 5fir,s; cOW. quiet Hoist elm
1112 tigust 2... lo1s.
! preferred. being used to being
Tenders are to Ife sealed and hand-milkeri. Clare Paton. Clande-
dart8 oft as tn contents. boye, phone Lucas 161-11-3.
sere:fu at ion for fuel oil le as
PO (chi%1.
1 Oil. 1. iecesi I het c" AUCTION SALES
And tam Sas holt units. '
artiniti. with each lender "
0! a ex tender not neves-
ST rIA Av -711 A (he:4 or SI raW from f'11115- attept ed. Of Real Estate and
vornhino, $2.110 per aere. Appls
Herman linst e, MR. 1 (Jrnmarty•1
Tr.:1,1.7. VISION SET, 21" serest.
Admiral. 1115 model. Apply 441
Alain St„ phone 71S -J Exeter.
.1P.% TI'DIENT -One of the better
part- f urniffli ed 4 -room apartments..
Large airs rooms 111 private home.
Bath and 'hot It att.'s. Central lo -
eat ion; adults. reaenna hie rent.
Posse:felon Atm. 1, tInrage avail-
able. 113 Andrew St., Exeter. 11"
4$t8 11 A PA RTAI ENT. fernishei.
height and rosy, snit a hie for we
people. S21 per 30011th, Elliot
A pa rt men Is. pt•one 478. 7:14,
kr 1 rtrAIENr •
• • enni, ia 1.
living room. Islteh unf urnisheri.
APP1Y Alt field's Store, Crediton.
W. C. Pearce
PI10110 435
Farms -3 acres to 300 acres
Houses -53,000 to $11,000
Stores$5,500 to $23,500
When buying or selling see us.
'WARTIME Mt:SE. 2 eberirnorn,
with garage,. Call 7,51-11, Exeter
after 0 p.m. (Not on Sundays.)
rAn.m.-1 arres, Quite modern
barn with fine home. AN ater
pressure systems in barn and
house. A lot of maehinery which
kind be bought with farm. Large
silo. Possession as arranged. Near
K Ir kt on.
FARM -100 acres. Fine home and
good barns. Near Exeter,
11.51-100 acres. 'Modern equip.
ped house and barns, 30 geed lo-
cation. Best of land. Wnuld like
to sell implements and any live-
stock wanted by buyer.
A. lot or other properties in this
section. Would like to meet pros-
pective , buyers and sellers. Phone
1 or write Mori eT Wass, GriaTntironnt.,
agent for R. IL Harris, Londtm,
10 A CIRES OF LAND adjoining
'Exeter 0.n ighway 4. Apply rho
Broom, 'Box 137, Exeter. ; .
- Continued From Page 10
J. G. sEnnr,
(-wino. of Huron.
Orin& Wiese,
lloilerieh, Ont.
•-•. for the supply of fuel
no I ice Huron Count.% Cnurt
11(01. , 11m -tell vh, a ml the Heron
roinO ntfzisiry rwlep, (ledorioh,
011 Ip rtch ic• Pit by the under-
signed nal it Weilneseay, August
17. 1914.
Tenders are to be sealed and
.1.erix marked as to. content:A.
To ink may be for each nf the
nbeve. nr they may be combined
ode One tender.
Speeifteat inn for fuel nil is as
-No. 2 light indestrtal fuel
$ Miles Smith Hensall
on No. 4 Highway
at 100 pan,
The Estate of the late Thomas
Hobert Jackenti.
riE,At. ESTATE!: Consist ff of 7
arras or land. more or less. upon
which is situated a 2-stnrey. 7 -
room frame bons() env erect with
asphalt ehingles, Hill basement,
hydro; also hen house and barn.
TERAIS: 1it"e day nr sale: hal-
anee in 10 days; sold subject to
reserve bid.
Anyone wishing to invest iga e
this property may do so by eon -
Is ing William Coleman, phone
671-r-22 liemfall.
HA.TT F11.5: 2 -burner el eetric
is, psi er nn y tender not neves- store; eno1: stoVe; bow heater;
warily accepted new nr.A. Vietnr radio:: (tester -
.1. G. ilk:Tiny. 1 Lipid: organ and stand; bedronm
Clerk -Treasurer. ' nun e; beds; rnekers, plat form
county 01 Huron, rock et'; odd ehairs: small tallies:
c'nn rl Krinse, lichen table; cupboards; lamps-
grelerieb, Ont. :Mocks: mirror; sewing machine
14,210 pillowe; stipple t new); bedding
dishes; kitehen utensils: hot plate
HEATING toast et*: kiti•hen salve; sealers
2 temper churns; bicycle;
Tenders for 1110 supply of coal mho vets; forks; saws; nnlon
for thr •Iiiiron Count y Gocle- crates; wheelbarrow ; harrows;
eieb. will hp reeeived by the scythe, ladders; hog troughs: sa,tv
midereigned n t 11 Wednesday, horses; plough; roller; garden
27, 19:•.S, seu filer; scrap metal; 3 tires.
Tenders be SPA. I erl arm 450xe1, eine new ; 1929 Model "A,"
Ford; many other items.
P. L. lieJ..:ACGI-ITON, Clerk
fT)T113P71"1', Auetinneer
e 0.41 ImArked RP to enntenis.
1,nwegt any tender not trecea-
Pard.l. a rOopted,
.1, (I. nErtny,
roil 111 y df 1-Tnron,
Court' House,
Ooderieh, Ont.
Tenders want ed tor the e.onstrue.
non nf content eidewall.. 4 fent
rode and tit ely snn feet
tone. corn raetor t o furnish all
materiels and complete I he Jab
by oel ohm. 4, 1715, Tenders to by
in the hauls of the Clerk on or
before A1111051 30.
'Village of nensall
Ja mrs A. Paterson,
51 ii,tiii;sinnaull.
Of Modern Household
On Main Street West
in the
AT1.11.11.4 'V, A. L ot sT 23
at 1130 p.m.
under ins! ructions received
from B. Kienzle, we :will seri :
4 hells with, springs: 3 dressere:
sideboard: kit ellen cabinet:
chen cupboard; extension table. 3
TRANSPORTATION small stands: 4 rocking' chairs:
step ladder; door; 2 radios: Seve-
The Hay Ten nship S'ehool Area ral kitchen chairs: small kit ellen
Board nf Trustees hereby van for sl nv.°: antique dresser arid bed:
:tenders tor rho ransporat ten of se "rig ma eh in e: Dun Therm
Puhhip children,
1, 1958 to June 30. 1958, as fol.
sept ember spare heater: couch; (dies! erfield
roiant it y of lumber, bass-
wood; indoor 1 oile 1 : p titre
No, 1 --All the children from frames: 2 eleetrie hot plates: Int
of kit ellen dishes and 1; 11 ellen
('lay, 1°,11; Iggti tilvaa331•Y N‘lo " n Li ni oe insS; 1 S aCe7p8tS C ; carpenter
ND. 11 on High it aY No, 32.
'what originally was 5.94 No, 6 deme. Every article will he sold
Mar to :Zurich No. 7. (Salim as in to highest bidder. No reserve.
A.n.2--A 11 the children froni grinder. 'Many other miscellanentis
cleaner; coal nil sin' e: sausage
No. 3 -All the ebIlilt•en on Con-
cesainn 4, lots tn 24 to:
(51 Zurich Sn.
(b) S.S. No. 3 Parr Line
The Board will deridewhich
rout eThey will accept or either
la ) or (
the ehildren front t he
.E.x.tveriat, rinsed School Section Nn. 14 liv.
chase Exeter homes. If
We have el) ent s Nti Ishtng to per- 1115 an the ("merry Road P St. from
3,0o nosh Kippen and on Highway No. 4 to
to sell, sea us. 11 onsall TM Idle Setionl.
No. the children nn Con -
We are offering the folloa ing
and other properties: cessinits 2 and 3 from lots 22 to
28 Mehl:five in S.S. No, '11-1-11,,I
miles soul h from :Highway No. 84.
were weekend visitors with 1-110 the Bank know the precise quail- being transported 3 um. Evi-
former's sister, Airs. G. Stephen- tities needed in fifties, hundreds, dente was presented by Croivn
son and Mr. Stephenson, at Ap. fivehundredsand ' , Atterney Glen Hays, Goderich:
pin, ers of Victory Bonds convert from Arthur Jennings, Goderich,
Mr. and Mrs, Reg Wilkins of their holdings, There Is the addeti the SPCA inspector; Sgt Ander-
Toronto visited with Mr. and complication that while most s0r1 of the Provincial Pollee;
Mrs, Norman Hazlewood on Sal- holders will take advantage of Chief H. B. Thompson, Clinton;
CENTRALIA -- - Eine 2 • bedroom
urday. Dr. G.S Elliott, Clinton vete-
th f • d h If n • • . ' • •
Mr, ancl Mrs. Boss Gunning, teres .at and meat inspector at k'$)(",74,,,4 jrn't'att''ign.e7A7Z"':;7,:sci NOTICES To CR EDI TORS
Toronto, ivsited over the week- 25-yearetha..1 goe'sliwith the rirlarY
bonds, SOMe wt. convertGoderich; Garnet Mousseau, a good 101. Moderate wive. 8;7
end with Mr, atcl Mrs. Jim 3manacrer of the Hensel! Co-op; 1 P SPT All"NT TrousEs, LOTS and In the Estate of
Miller to the shorter term bands at a .
Ern. . C. .' -,outer .,..opei les,
Era! Payne, of London, lower rate.both hog shippers. o Colborne To bit Y nr SOH, 4;06 r .. V.
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meanwhile, across Canada 'and Township. Douglas H. Miles, ric.KARD, il.eali nr, and General
ntin the on Tuesday evening, particularly in the smaller cen- a ('?"rietiltural representative for insuranee, 394 Ala in St., Exeter,
Sunday v i s i t or s with Miss tres branch bank managers havehone 105 and 828.
Pfohl of Walkerton Ruth D. in" business which has greatly 6:11fe
Huron County also .was called,
Grace. Doupe were Miss Ruth .M, expressed surprise at the walk Defence Counsel Frank Don-
pfohl of Mildmay and Miss exceeded their expectations. Lite- witnesses. r 011 A rtal PRI FAL INSEMINA-
Elizabeth Nairn, Mitchell Road, rally hundreds of. local people, This' charge was dismissed, a's 'NON sorviee or ni nit informa.
Mr8. D. McIntyre, Mr, and most of WilOnl had owned the was a similar one against Joe
Mrs. Doe Carruthers and fa'
mils, Victory Banda since they pur- Corey, manager of the assein-
of Appin called on Bev, anti chased them 'during the war, biy point, and employed by the
Mrs. ,1. Wareham on Saturday went to their bank or investment
. Ontario Hog Producers Assoeia-
evening, dealer office immediately they lion.
Mr, Harold Tufts of Toronto heard the conversion program, A 80001111 charge of causing by
was guest speaker at ilit wood- Many of these 'people are past wilful neglect the suffocation of
ham Sunday School on Sunday middle age, °Metals saY, and are six pigs, a.gainst Mr. Smale, was
merning. attracted by the high interest also dismissed.
DaVid Tipping fell off his Lrl. rate to reinvest in the 25 -year A second charge against Mr,
cycle on Wednesday and broke' bonds, Quite a few were delighted Corey, of wilful obstruction of ,...„
his collar bone, A, to learn they could "eat their
Mr. and Mrs. William Dicky cake and have it, too," bY duty of A. Jennings, brought a .1;'!gl.1r1;A"‘"""nd. (l'hi,u,?1"la
asked to tioload 1 cr., lo 005t. ta low. ,..itrn
and family attended the Black taking their cash ad:108(.1116a LP conviction. When
the pigs, Mr. Corey had stated AsvoNti wishing to hat' their
Knights cetebratiOn at Guelph make some lininediate purchase he would call Toronto i'irst for
on Saturday, and then having the value of instruction on tilt Illatttr. Sus.
The 'WoOdham 17,P.U. enter -
their bond intact in the new padded sentenee for three months
(Alfieri the Mt, Pleasant 'Y.P,U.
issue. ' •
was levied by Magistrate D. E.
On Priday evening. A game of . . ..
baseball was played on the Kirk.. Hobbes. . •
. . . ,
lon diamond after which a weiner Marys . .
St. Couple
roast NVAS enjoyed on the bank of
the creek at David Wheeler's
Mrs, Wen Copeland was plea.
Sanity surprised on Tuesday 0Ve.-
ning when the school children,
mothers and friends gathered at
her home Mr. a social evening
and presentation. A program of
readings, inuseial numbers and
contests was enjoyed.
Daphne and Dolitia Williams tif.
Si'. Catherifies are !Milan/ft
with Robert and Derek Ware.
In Case of &mitt, please con-
tact the seeret ary below.
in all t enders the insurance
coverage must be allertnat e. and
sa isa.fetory In he Board and
paid t :person pottering,
Ln west or any lender not 'locos.
sadly accepted. All tenders 1 be
in the hands of the Secretary by
Monday, tigust 18, 6:00
14. W. 11 ROE' EINSH T RE,
Secret a ry-Trrasurer
Zurich, Ont,
nelley, QC, Goderich, called no
Herbert Ralph Butler
:Nervier, is hereby given that all
reed i r s and 0t having
elfaints Reit inst the state of Her -
heft rtaleh Butler, tat e of tha
Tnwnsh 11) of Hibbert in the
County of Perth, Farmer, who
died on the 12th day of Jetts, 1918,
are required. to forward their
Hon,telephone the ll'aterlon ('at- stgtipd
l fnin o 1 (•1 1)1. i 1 e
th 01 hieratitinddear;
11 warding A ssoviation 14111ect at of .101gLiFil, 1 ft:i8.
Clinton UV 2-3411 bet ween 7 -11! AND NOTT11,1 is further g it Pfi
RIO 9;30 a.m, week tla3's. 1 itt! that after the said date the I44:e.
11,11. on Satniatays. tto net van 01110 t'5 Ns Ill ortfucod to di strihilt
for aorvioo on Sunday. Coy. 5 in 11,e ramiehat ing regard 01113'. L .121101
\\1, supply sarvire to trip onalitY -11.Vr1,:T1 at P.Ixetcr. this 24th da)'bulls or the 1 tolO elli. ,lerSey, of July, 1V.R,
A Yrsh Ire, Guernsey, Ilenven tie iss.
Red Poll. Iferererd tnnl led and W. G: Cochrane,
horned), 'neer Shorthorn 1 ph t bit
and 116111001, a tot Dual Pm•pose T4a p1 nr, Ontario,
Exeettl ors' SOlieltor.
Ianat the parsonage.
Mrs. 1.1, G, Bolding, Donna,
1Throthy and Debbie and Mrs.
tmh Hurst of Detroit' were
ThirradaY Viaiters with Mr, and
JIM iGeorge, Wheeler.
Feted By Friends
Mr. and Mrs, Wesley 4Tanues.
Exeter, attended the golden wed-
ding anniversary of Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Cook, St. Marys, on
Tuesday, Auguat 12. A surprise
dinner was held at Pine Cita
Inn at 1 p.m. by the family Arid
close relatives,
At the supper hour, hatch Was
served at the home the bride
and groom of 50 3,eara,
A lady of 40 sunimers and 110
‘vinters was much troubled by
a personal secret she feared the
mart .she was about to marry
might discover, lither despera•
tion she wrote to the matrimon-
ial agency whish had turned up
the man Tor her in the first
1. tell him my secret be,
for we are married, he may
not want to marry me; if 1 wait
until afterward atut he finds
out, he may divorce me," she
wrote. "What shall 1 do? My
whieh photos were taken and secret is that I've got false
gifts presented.
Mrs. j. Dickey was the only U'citili"
'afew days she got Mc ad -
one present Who WAS At the Wed- vice she sought "Xtep your
ding 110 artag� mouth shut.,"
barns or lienhomges whit shed
eat I BIll WalsOn. Phone 37-1,19
D as hwoo Also grain or corn
spraying. roftic
1 n the Estate or
Mary Magdelina Wein
NOTION is lierebv gat en that
all Credit ere and others haring
Matins against the (iStrile of :NiarY
lliflIIEST CASH' rill.CIPIS for knowit
down or disabled horses and as -'310'1.'3.',"' f
1. 1'01 r; (\ 1% 111. (P1Ye 1117.(1 ;1 't Olt a°V13'' S.1 C‘n. Vt: el'. Ca I 18e Nt4 1" .11 ."11 ri I. I I :11 1521111;r; 11111:11(a..11C.:1146110t::‘111,c 111‘17'11,11°hlefilli(ii°,(111.111)eitrYtno
11 Sett rOrIll,
Peg n 'rod to forward their ria11115
thily proven to the itildersinned
('17.111(4TiNVELD PIZ/ in bours• 01' borne,. the isi day or son.
11°"I"g, Dr("lmt Ph"rn.„1,11,„".','; that rater the 50141 date the T•lte-
1.15mIt TIossell 1.11ortric: tember, 1915.
tletisall anent Vint, AND NoTIV1,1 Is further git.eit
• - 0111015 01 11 limo, 1,011
the estate Wrong traarri 151117'SEPTJC TATiS planned, itntiorit- the platins of 'Mitch they th111
lar0 14111" IT',.,",r41.; shall bat 0 nen le.
phone er 113. 71 -
11.8 THI1 at Exeter Ulla 8th day
Vt'S'1,11,\T 10,*Ali1tN1NG with SP an Of .,S 1Ig
W 61958.Mit sso .110 1"11 b Appl
sorrt p,xetr, pimpIr:, Cot
Ester, Ontario,
'PO At 10.1..1"Of. 1111.1INAMI Executors' Solicitor.
4.!..1 .1 ' 8e.
rontart Alev irvino, Searni•th1 .
, plume :189.I. 7 11#
fl..M8.Nt;11 an d tensitIP,11
Apply' 'William Harhurri,
or phone 13,r-15 Dublin,
reofil Prom
TA Classifieds
14, SMITH, Auctioneer
Crediton. Phone. 7-711.
Experience Preferred
Call In Person
Phone 302
natural colour to your noir.
14eott a AnG
Anti e ray llairtone,
white. greaseIrss cream. Is equal,
ly tfferthe all shades of 414(r*
Lanolin base. 1111 1101 stain
lows or Mottling'. Guaranteed. 3
oz jar $3.011. 3 ozs, ;8.00. At
Jobnet n's Drug Store. Mt.elerl
and Wilson's Drug. Bensan, 14ts
e Save
We're local people saving
regularly (with a healthy re-
turn) • • . or borrowing at
low cost. Ask us about our
Credit Union.
Open Mon., Wed, Thurs, Night*
Main St, (Upstairs) Opposite P.O.
It takes
Jean Mailer...
p to serve friendly people like you
1111any things make good telephone service possible,
but none is more Nita]. than good telephone people.
Jean Mailer is a typical example. As a skilled
telephone operator, courteous and efficient, Jean
symbolizes the thousands of people who help to
InaLc telephoning more enjoyable for countless
in communities large and smal
1N'henever 011 require assistance, friendly tele-
phone people like jean Mailer are there to help
you -,-at any hour of the day or night.
This assurance, that there is a capable alert
operator always as near as your telephone, is one
of the many little things that make your telephone
service such a truly good value.
Nobody Beats
Tire Bargains
Brand New, Fully Guaranteed
Goodyear Marathons
And Your Recappable Tire
(Add 50f4, If Mounted)
ACT NOM -This is the hottest tire value we've had in 15 years. Trade
in;'our tire troubles and drive aw;iy on brand new guaranteed MARA-
THONS by GOODYEAR today! Remember: Thrty're fully guaranteed.
Mothers Bros,
Your Chrysler • Plymouth Dealer
Jimmy Hoyteris Garage
Exeter Motor Soles.
DOdg* and Degtotb Sale t And 'Strvitit
South End Service
Your Mtury :Lincoln ..Mtifoor bdikit"