Huron Signal, 1850-11-14, Page 3t/••ugh le tarp setb.my, ..d W etmegtb meek a here. • reeler, is poet to ams* mad s West is Mimes.TM tribe wbe.s etre, had been eatesded by he military skill will regard him as • ?riot, while %boss neighboring tribes that were subdued by it west eoaeidse him • tyrant and • usurper. 40, es unlimited power in 001 si generally degenerates into oppreestoo, and as • nodes may mighty and indrpe• dent without •1 the NM time its inhabi- tants beteg freer ihs hem who may be in. .tr.,..ntal in reloading the Inuits of hie eeeetry sed subjecting other satins" to its swat, sot uofreleently has ceded by Ming an oppressor, egoist whom to rebel has been looked upon ss as sot of the purest p•tnoustn. It laeetta.n that this toning - steal of one mac is best calculated to ad, mime the Interest of people in • savage elate -to found • kugdom sot of rogue emetertale-but se civilisation and enlighten moot progress, the wealthy and intelligent become jealous of their rights, and insist • s shatter in the governing power with the sovereign or chief ruler. Hence the angio of the feudal system of the middle egos whew the king sed barons held the rens of g.vernrnest, while the people were regarded as passive instruments of their will. By &grew that education which aloe. eon fit ma for freedom and the en- iymNat of liberty lotted its way among the humble serfs of the manor -they loaned to tbinh-to compare ideas to contrast their •we position with that of their masters -to argue that all men were equal in the natu- ral order mid cnesequently that 011 men had a bight so pursue happine•e, sad to sherein ehe formation of those lairs by which they were controlled and retained fm its pursuit, for the greater security of its Gal sttaie- mept. Here was a wide field for the patri- ot is which to exert all his seal ad ability; for love of country must mean a desire to promote the happineei •ed well-being of the majority of its inhabitants. The strug- gle was lose and wig then., and the victory east a sea of homer, blood in several enun- (ries, but generations yet unborn will @bare t• triumph and Mese their father" for the horsey of thee freedom. 1t may bre (1,e.tenped bow it is that a nation could be tadepe.dent while it• inhahi- t•ats ware not free t A nation is indepen- d.at when ea other nation exerciass au- tbenty over it,'b•mgh the king mar be a d..pot •ed his "objects be slave.. France fsni.hee es with • ready example. The reign of Lenin Qoetorze may be taken as the brightest era in its history. The na- tion was then powerful and independent, bet the Fritsch people were skims to the will of oar man. To contend •gsin.t this extravagant authority of kings in France. as well as is other countries, called forth the most g'orious efforts of the patriot, and the nnee.'s hu been commens.rrmte with the labor and the sacrifices which it cost to 'shirt. it. That gnu nutriment which is sneearobieal at its bead sad repiblican at its base, is the most perfect form that has as y.t been invented. Whether the head should be elective and role for • term of yarn, as in the United States, or be heredi- tary sad =ova•• for lite, ae in England, matters but little to the people, when it has e.rtaie defined Inman within which to act and beyond which it dare not attempt to trainees. With the reepoesible prieeiple in gover•insat, by which the delegate" elected by the people are answerable to them for the acts of the sovereign or chief magistrate, no undue influence can be seer - cooed ower them against their will and con- sent. They bold all power in their own fiends, and their reline can only retain see► auth•rity as he ~ferried 0a them for the parpe.. N ete•mg the hark of slats. - To tine great leem have we at length tr- ivia %breath tim exertions of Mace and do. veted petnots, who have struggled from ap to age by various means to *lents the enedtnos e( the human rete. -Throne* Mirror. teteatrgb to nif It, became is the merge of THE DEPOT TEMPEST. O. Monday Iatt, between the hour, of twelve tied three P. M., the Town 11.11 of London was visited br one of them trem•n- does gales which usually dee.nd on that doeaaed place when somethingis in the wind. Tee gentlemen whom te gods had honored to blow e11 the occasion, were nn the part of the gee•& south wind, Mr. Phi to Bennet, who swelled prodigiously, aided by that old blower, Mr. Councillor Na.h ; es the pert of the great north was Mr. Worry Andersen, who war cuttingly cold throughout ales, with Mr. Barker who Wow all his pith altho' the arnrtb at one time alms.% smothered him. The worthy Mayor est as Jokier es the occasion and emtltsd se M was, M really had enough to do lei ceterol the rebellious wind.. Th. great "w►jeet.f ditpots mea as to whether the meow Depot of the Great Western Ratlwey, which is tie yet only bout in the air, should be takes from its old site in the B orth and placed dawn somewhere teeth of Deaden Street. After lots of thun,rer, lightning and hail bad bees poured forth most unmercifully by both sides again.& •.eh other -after creating quite a bnrricates amongst the sturdy trees of the forest, who groomed sad tumbled about as if they had been • permit of madmen let loom from Bedlam, or the wild beasts of • enenagerte mewed net epee each other, the wonderful depot was, bymeet tremertdnms efforts on the part of the great moth blower, carried, earriaps,card all, to the south of Deaden Street, bet me to the precise N•en M one Innewe. Like an osfortunate bsIbeetr limey be still eppesdsd to laid air, 1t set halsg able to get op nor dews by mem Neje !Levo thet hloweth so kerma deely Whew. it le crpseted however to mime della IMMINO odd dry i• the biters and tbat los with walk megemsios that £8000 will met pay fmtrdmMgoe. P. S. im referees' to the ahem we ham • bees soliwted by the peaceful asd mamma of Loodoe to soh tbe isir gose0400.1 of His Worship the Meyer. lel. As to whom pertsew/ar fsetigattns wee the late paNio meeting a the row. Hall got .p I led. Who get the requisitio.t.te too the deeemeet Balling for eoeb a . 114. Whom His Worship accept - .4 e!74a r.pyitise wee he aware of the prod*. obyeet of the msettmg ! 4th. What N• A has belie plow' by dem slug 1- repwmemtalive for the taws of Leaded tee wield ink bei Worship 0 sr' elteest hes hese slue .d, will that lace s tLmblw red leoper•titee i........ brie. t. sorry 1rwerd &bet Nj.mt to its legitimate melte. 1a other weeds, emu peso the res paper, bem fired the site. (wbleb mime ell she lily &sty' hae fist Mee dens, r it eseseeen1 it etwebest egos the phloem' ie eeetpll tt1 Me 0 wtlb i Ake rows& THE FUGITIVE LAW. At se period le the history of the United 81.1.• was there .ear so much real excite - meat among the people. There are doubt - Ina periodical hissing• amongst the man- es, eoaaequeot epos some party political .ugag.meot, but these soon subeide sed ell t• coon as if the cause or temporary Inquie- tude bad •evar emoted. Bot the precast commotion is of • totally different nature. It to second to none ease eke great revolts. nos threat. It was opompanos which drove tb.mld "tale colonists to rebellion and the deelsrauue of tsd.pesdence. Itis oppres- .00 is MAO pelmet ustiesto which will cairn the colored population --sided by the friends of nal, true, gnome liberty -esu God be tb•eked, bad es ibings are in that mighty republic -there are many sueh- msn sad women too, who will abed their lifi s blood for the take of a glorious free- dom. The crisis then re rapidly approaebiog, whets that horrid and blackened stain must be wiped away from the American same, and the American notion. Threatening however m their political sad social hon- zon may be, w• •earcely think It will be poetblo to break up the Union --that for. madly exists--altbo' socially it my be. - There aro thousands of armed men in the United States who are reedy at the bidding •f any political - to rsim the mus- ket against the tyrant J."pots of the south, and verily they wall sot be slow to return the compliment with interest. Sooner or later blood will he shed amongst them, and perhaps this little blood-letting may cure them of the great moral distemper which at present fevers the very vitals of American nationality, end pr...,. down like a red hot incubus upon their social and commercial well being. Talk not of annexation while the black monster of slavery treads unreetnined,with bloody steps through the length and breadth of the land, neither can there be anything like a lair and egniuble conjunction and identity of interests so long s. such unpnn. ended mos are allowed !o act as the legis- lators and rulers of the nation -men whom w• believe, but for the well-known princi- ples of American nationality, and the fear of public npinion,.wnuld act the pert of ty- rants, reduce the American confederation to a pseudo Republic, as it is almost already. and en.lar• the people with an oppres.ion which nukes liberty only a name and free- dom • bye -word and reproach. it is a mercy Canada exists as aha does at present. She is a refuge at least for tbe poor down -trodden fugitive -who, chased with the blood-honnds of oppression -runs punting and exhsuated to the frontiers of a free soil and a clear atmo.phere. Here he may breathe unrestrained and live a life of freedom indeed: and never Deed he be afraid that Cecada shall be desecrated by the pre- sence of the dove -catcher armed by • free people meth s manacle, chalet. and all the paraphenalia of a Fugitive Law. -Free Prese. ; We have the pimentos of learning, that the tour of observation from which the Hon. Mr. Merritt bait jest returned, will be of vast importance to the ;onion. The ilon. the Commissioner of Public Works bag ascertained and brought into notice the existence .1a channel in the Long Sault perfectly navigable, so also the feasibility of opening a communication between the St. Lawrence and Lake Champlain, which whoa completed will enable eti to compete with any mode of transit which now mists to the New York market. The value of thee* explorations and the commercial results may be imagined but not de.enbed. if Mr. Merritt./ labors ended -ben we might have justly claimed for him the mend ofprates m freely conferred on him by the Pram ea the books of the St. Lawresc., bet we Mee further to add. that his visit below Quebec will we trust be eq.tally profitable to the country. The dafficultr.e of the ionisation below Qnebec have occupied the mind of this "inionery," and visions aro now float- ing before him, as it regards the outlet fron Cased'. to the Atlantic, that may tura into sober realities. The difficulties turn out to be less o'nature's doings than of man. Secure retr.n freight to Quebec, and with a few additional light house., the Insurance Companies will find it their in- terest to remove the heavy premiums here- tofore charged. if Eogland will only extend to her own colonies the name assistance the is now giving to lht Liverpool end New York line of seamen we shall cos the table tuned. Bat should no impression be made on Brttfph statesmen. whtrh we cenoot be- lieve when the subject is laid before them from the proper quarter, we ntverthelees pniee.., in our own bands, the means of accomplishing that which we may possible fell of .ecnring by depending on others. io a very few years Canada will be able to dt.petes with euetom duties; when that day come" ezoorter• will find it their inter- est to ship to Canada thawed of to New York, as 50 per cent saved will be no small profit. i• it not to be regretted, that while we poses.' there net advantages, both natnnl isd political, any armee us should be found despairing of the country! Secti- onal and party interests should all be overt an developing the resources of our mag- liceat conn,ry. Mr. Merritt's policy mild be taken as a whole, in order to •p primate its value. it may answer some objector* toenail it by piscemeal,and store to frighten men thereby from its adoption; int we venture to may, that • policy better calculated to accomplish the purpose of its projector, was mooted is thie or any other country. Comenereial prnepenty,.n- hancement of the value of property, woman log the tenet of the western world's pro- duce, reduction of taxes, mid self-govers. meet, are among the objects proposed. asd we are satisfied mist result from tbe poliey advocated by the Hos. Mr. Merritt. The mere the people become •egnainted with the principle* of this policy; aid the Me..' tare it le calculated to confer on the coun- try, the more popular will its originator he, . sal the more determteed will the pteple be te nuclein his new-Si. Collieries** Jenr- mni. A party of thirties fogilire slaves paned thr•egb Tamaqua, Sehnykill meaty, Ian Pettey, "emote ler Canada. The sees day they were followed by two iradivide•le, who .egsgieg the nm,btesee of w► meets - tile, followed en ie their permit. The per. seem eoeeeeded re o'eetaktee the gloms at Wlhksbrre : but owing to the stung ex• peeseion et halts' neans(.std by the per' plc in their (sear, they wee* fsre.d 1 beat • hs.y retreat. The e s table was isdu nod in /*flew them seder the ImepelMise that they weft horse thieves, het es loam. tag otherwise, heti1.od toi ader Gem fertile_ l• W. L. M.cimrnl• H.. ismsed a leer ad - deem to the Electors of the Comity of York, iotunatug bis wtih.gmees to run for one of the RW Wage, at the meat Electios, if it should be the deem of a eseppntJ .f lbs people that be should de ee. Tbe C.memr videos will be suMemetfy glad to ere LW more, particularly if by airy sort of scheme log, the, car csetrim to get two Reforms era and one Conservative to rue (or the same Riding. This is a "dodge" which dootelese wilt be pretty .xtmiwm y tried at the coming contest,; but it is to be hoped that the Returns Assecituoaa will resp • keen look -rut; and as far as powible, pre- vent the oominauos of two Reformers for ..y conadtse.ty which recurs. but on. member. Then coo bo no doubt that Mackenzie might siert • bene(Ietal influence in the cause of Reform and Progress, 0 is Parliament; but it would bee poor business were be to run In opposition to an squally worthy, tbougb perhaps more cautious R.. former, and by so doiag, Mill lei Reform Ranke, allowing • Coaserrstiee to slip in between them. This sort o. thing should be carefully 'needed against, or Reformer@ will surely suffer by it. -(Guelph Ade. ATTRIIrTan SVICioR ar FoeIT,va 81.- vsa.-Wm. Harris, and hl. wife and child, succeeded • few weeks since 10 escaping from their master, to South Carolina. At Philadelphia they came under the notice of the (rieods of the fugitive, who tided them northward. At Albany some friends paid their passage 10 Rochester, where they were to cross the lake to Canada,. On Monday last, the crew of the boat os which they were, learned that they were fugitive,, and immediately devised a plan to trouble and teri(y them, probably thereby fading amusement. On Monday night, in proe.cu- tion of their plane, they went to the berth of the man Harris, and awsktog Arm, inform- ed him that bis mater was on board the boat, and that they would surrender him and family into his hands. Hanna drew a drik with which be was armed for self-de- fence, drove the hands on deck, and by kis decisive manner and actions kept them at bey till morning. la the morning he wee informed that his master had left the boat and gone on to Syracuse, but would there meet him on the arrival of the host. On Tuesday evening, about 5 o'clock, the boat, came to • stopping place at tbe first Lodi lock, about a mile test of this city. A. is often theca's, • Dumber of persons went abroad the boat„ Harris suppnsed they came to take him, being so informed by some of the crew. In bus desperation be mond his razor, and drawing it forcibly across his throat, jumped into the canal. His wife, with her child to her arms, leaped after him. all determined to die rather than again come Muter the alaveholder'. power... Efforts were then made to rescue th.drowD- ing family. Harris ad his wife were got nut, but the child was drowned. Harty' was immediately conveyed to the office of Dr. Hoyt, who dressed his wouods, ad gars hum other needful atlention. it was found that the cul was not so bad as it might hart been, Bithoueh eaveriag the windpipe, but being ton high up did not prove fatal.- S7raewe (N. Y.) Journal, Oct. 24. TRiAL FOR MURDER. Wm. Shutts, a private in the 20th Regi- ment, was indicted for the murder of James Cobiss, • private in the same Regiment. The prisoner and deceased were togetbsr in the barrack rook on the night of the 17th June. Deceased was talking to two other men, when prisoner came up and asked what they were talkie/ of. Deemed replied, "Not of you: go to bed, f want oo- thing to do with you" Prisoner did, setor- diogly, go to bed; but got op almost im- medIat.ly. rushed upon the dst.ae.d and gays bim • blow in the sack, with a knife, which seemed to be a table knife ground to a long sharp pont'. Deceased pit has bad to bus Deck, and said, "I am t dead into." Deceased languished a week and then died. The prisoner had been heard to say, either to jest or earnest, that be would take some b -'s 'ife, but he ',mild get out of the ser- vice, though he were hanged or transported for it. Meson. Ker sod Casetdey, for the deems, endeavored to prove the prisoner's insanity. Several of hie comrades, who were present at the time be committed the deed, testified that they beltdved he was then in a sound state of mind. Mr. Justice AyIwia then charged the jury at great length, who retired, sod after • los( absence returned with a verdict of Guilty. The usual proclamation being made, Mr. Justice Aylwin pr000uneed sentence of death, in a most impressive manner. The execution is to take place on Friday, the 18th of December. -Fro. The Montreal Pilaf. LENGTH AND COST or TELEGRAPH MN ES ALREADY BUiLT iN CANA- DA. Montreal Telegraph Company 556 miles at £9t 10e per mile £12510 0 0 Montreal and Troy Telegraph Company, 42 miles at £40 per mile 2080 0 0 MestereI Ili Bytown Telegraph Company, 125 mike at £26 per mile Hamilton Bed betides Tele- graph Company, 125 miles at £31 St per mile 3906 5 0 Niagara Telegraph Company, 50 mile" at.C2t 10e per mile 1195 0 0 British North Ame,iean Floc. trio Telegraph Aesocialton, 200 miles at £32 10" per m. 4500 0 0 Total nom. re. HOS; expense, £t7246 6 0 We understand that the British North Aaa.rises Eleetne Telegraph Asmecfsties have concluded arrangemeate with Mr. Toroey to complete their line from Rinses de Loup to Woodstock (a dietetics of 111 mile") at £11 per mile, which added to the above would he £31068 6e invested in Talegnp ts{eleb Lime is Canada. - gores* . 3195 0 0 Somas ---Ow the afi.reoo. of Friday lam, -be wife of Mr. J. Hewer, tame*, P"" heck eewrritted anneide by hanging hereon, whilst s..state of meets' dmeng.msst.- The melaseel set wee committed in as emembeamed b tdish mer the ..home, mulct her ret hem home, enesd- iag n bongoes et hie Sew Mill, sheet a wile dietset. A Coreeer's iagsest was held e* the body ee s.tevday, when it was *bows that dtass.ed hd loam wbiset t• doom Meetly mid law spirits Oar mine time pm@t, sed al.. that .b. bad guffawed meek from minae is her hey. The Jeb] food s verde t to the ease Met r eg+ ____ tad meads wheel liaberhei seder lemperary lees Mty.-(On.lpft Ade, Ten TI .cu or Fa `nxun'a Citingreor. 1Thj 1tM1en 1T ns-tW IN i1ri1Nli -The lowing report on the piece of rope • brought home by Capt. Forsyth bis been wade to the Admiralty DR. ISO ti, DENTAL BURGEON. "Chatham-rard.Oct. 4. t self Nottieghaer, E.gliad, may he "B,r,-l. obedwece to their Lordsh.p'• eusanllad Icor the Demme of the direction•, ramified ie your leiter of yester- MOUTH, GUMS AND TEETH. day's data, 1 here the hullo, to emitter, for To those regains, hie renters, be wei (d their Lorddbip'e information, the report of recomtwed a early call, as mime affectroae bi tbe officers on the piece of rope seat me fur of tie Gums ...a 'Tech require surae time examination, ..d have to obese. In addition to rend*, sound rod healthy. Chargee thereto, 041 the Master Ropemeter.tater moderate. Rooms at the Bcitlab Hotel. Godertcb, Nov. 10, 1850. 39:f it to be a piece of commas rope, and sot whale Iles; further it appoint by the books of the yard that the yellow wonted mark, the detingutabi.g mark of Chatham -yard, Axes the date of manufacture eubeequent to 1824, am the order enigmas different enlor- ed worsteds to each yard Mara date April 98, 1844, previous t. which wkttt worsted was in use al Chatham, and moot probably throughout the "armee, haring been iatro- dueed to July, 1114, as • substitute (or tb• rogue's yarn. "Supplies of roue of many sixes, inclu- ding I2 coda of to inch common rope were sant to Woolwich in Norember, 1844 ; and 41 code of the same description between January and April, 1845. During the lat. ter period a supply of Arctic storm was cont from Chatham to Woolwich tsprsssly (or the Erebes and Terror. "1 return enclosed the report of abs oolwieb Officers, as well as the specimen :Trope, "Aad hare, Ate., " Captain Hamilton, Ica." " Peter Richert's, Capt. Sept." Putewoiy.-Tbe Gnz.uee Pepelari of of Cagliari, dated 69,1.3 alt.. contains se tCC041111 o(• curious combat between two Priests, in the sacristy of the ehunh of itiri. They bad been opposed to earl other in the communal elections. The elder pri• est was aged 70, the youngest 30. The battle commenced by the elder admisister- tog two blows. which was quickly returned by the younger who was straightway knock- ed down for hi. pains. Tbe old ase, be tog resolved not to Ion the advantage be had gained, seized • heavy crucifix and would have finished the battle on his an. tagouiat at the tame time, bad not the am - ton and other* came to the rosette. The younger one, thus released, hastily pros inunced an excommunication against his too skillful and vigorous opponent, from which it will require the power of Rome to release him, while to the mean time he is suspended by the bishop. 8o that both 'pintos! and carnal weapon have been em, ployed in this nogular conflict. Flea. -On la's Sabbath evening, we awoke from • sound asleep by the alarm of fire. V .• poceeded to the place indicated by the tllum_ ioation, and found that a small Beoecu- pted frame bonne, opposite the Scotch Pres- byterianChurcb, ea. nearly bursted down. Both our Fire Compares were on the ground, and did polite servic. by confining the firs to the hone in which it originated. The *littlest Investigation should be made in order to discover the course of thus fire. This is the second ioeteoce of fire and'd..- truction of property, in this town, within twelve months, in houses Dot occupied. No means likely to procure information should. anw be neglected by oar town magistrates. 8t. Catharines Animal. Ifgavr•D.r.oss roa S.DocrioN.-Tbe Circuit Court in Van Buren, Arkansas, lately tried the suit of Wm. Ward vs, James Cougar, for *educing plaintiff '• daughter, a gel fifteen years old. Tbe Jury gave a verdict for Mr. Ward `5000 damages and expressed their regret they could sot legal- ly lay the damages of 410,000. The New York Tribune of the Ord says :-The steamer to -morrow will take $200,000 in silver, received lately from Montreal. and 4150,000 to 950,000 in gold. Times shipments of specie, which were for - merely watched with so much apprebe•eion by the banker. and bank officers tow attract scarcely any modes. itlarktts. GODERiCH, Nov. 13. WHEAT, F.11, per bu. 3. 1--Fpriog. do. 3. to 0a Od. Flour per bbl. 18. to 20s 6d -Data per ►u. 1.04 -Pae per bu. 2e - Potatoes per bu. a Od to 0s -Pork per bbl 001. -Butter per Ib. 5d to 7d -Hama per Ib bd-Eggs per dot. 4d. Hey per ton, S6". to 40a. New York, Nov. 5. Ashes market without change. Bales, 30 bbl•.; 46 12c for Pearls. Flour market -For Western and State, lees buoyant d. mend; for the East and Home trade, mod- erate, but for export, enquiry good. The low grades favor buyer, and in some in- etancee lower primes have been accepted. Canadian, steady, with • good demand. Buffalo Nov. 5. Flour market very dull to -day. Sales favor buyer". Southern Ohio at $3 7bc 43 81c. 43 56e to 43 621e., is • c ffe►ed for common brand" Ohio and Michigan, but bolder, ars not dinned to sell at them rates. Orcin-Abodenteenquiry for Wheat We notice sales of 4000 bushels of Wab• ash at 741. afloat; 3000 winter Mtlw•nkie at 681c.; 5000 Sandu.ky at 76c., and 5000 choice Mile at 78c. from Store. Nothing doing in Core, --head at 53c. Guelph, No,. 6. At the "Guelph Mill"" --Merchantable What, Si lad to 5. 3d currency per bushel Flour, 20e perbarrel.--[Herald. Birth, Ai Stratford, Comic of Perth, ea Thames, the Tek Iftree der, the y of Jam.. W. Crow- feet), Ewa .. of • See. At Stretford ea Wednesday, the 13th kraut, the Wife of Ake. F. Miekk, £.., •f• flee. FOS SALE! A LARGE ASSORTMENT or Surname (OOkI%(i, P1110! A N D R O X _ PT' vj7 MCI MI• -ALSO- A cia.d.r.M. Qreteiry ,f STOVI PIPE, AT iIULDUCID PRICES G. MiLLER. 'Oed.rreb, Nov. 416, 1*30. .3.10. TRAYEU from the au►•eriw,. Lot 19, Ith couce•s.on, Townrhip of Goderich, on or about the 16th of July last, • Pale white OX -with spoilt on the sides -res.' from the shoulder' to the heal -m three - cornered while spot coo hts forehead -with crumpled borne, .even years old -sod small vise. A liberal reward will be paid any person lea.tog information wiih the Sub *either or at the Hares Signal Office, of the said oz. JOHN CLEGG. Goderich, Nov. 10, 1850. .3n39 LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING in the Stratford P. O. up to November 7th, 1860. Adair Jame. Jacob Jacob 1 Aim.trnog Mr■ Geo Inco David Anderson James Jackson John Badli Joseph 1 K.11.rborn Rev A Knott Jno Martis Brian Murray Henry Murphy J.remuab McQuaid Palk MrDermot t Terrence McDowell Robt Nelson Henry Painter Joseph Pickett Dant Robertson Jno Bebach Andrew Simpson Jame. Dempsey Hugh Simpson RicId Durcy bitch( Snider P Fitzpatrick Ellen Scott Wm Frimmer Christian Thompson Win Fry F J Wright Alex Hill Thee Wyllie Abraham Hamilton Jam West George A. F. MICKLE, Postmaster. LOS'1'. ON Wdisdlawmen say the 23rd bestlawmenCode- rieb sod Kiscardioe, s Netted COTTON PURSE with • doeble bottom, cestaming £6 9840 -All notes with the e,eeptias of M aid in silver. Any person finding and navies it at the Signal Office or with the nbscriber, will be rewarded for their trouble. NATHANIEL BRADLEY. Ooderieb, Oct. 24, 1850. v3eU Bernard Henry Prows Richd Boyd Edwd Brea Wm Bain Kenneth Bartle Velment* Barker Jas Conway Joo Connell Ann Campbell Joo Curtis Cha Campbell &Ilfoor Crawford Robt CASH for WHEAT AT the Godetieh Mills. by WILLIAM PIPER. Goderieh Mill•. 5th December, 1849 46-J NEW LINE OF STAGES ■aTr 450 GALT AND GODERICH THROUGH IN 18 HOURS Im ."wwectisa wick aa _... -Drager pima Holailsem. COMMENCING on TUESDAY 1st of October, a Stege will leave the Union Hotel, Galt, at 5 o'clock, a. m., and the British Hotel, Goderich, at 5 o'clock, a. w., every day (Sundays excepted,) arriving n isch of the above Towns at early bed. time, mod will continue. to ion for the Aes commodatioo of Travellers, stertiog purses tually et 5 o'clock in the morning. The subme:ober hopes by p•ytig deet attention to the comforts of the Travelling Public to receive •.bare of their support. Buffalo Rob.., btc., roubed. Any complaintstt mads of Driver" will re- ceive immediate attention, and will be st mice redressed as far as redress is pisco. cable. - Pa►csl• sent by this Line will be convey- ed with care and punctuality, and delivered at moderate charges. Persons traveliog by Mit Line will not be deprived of rest as on the Routefrom Gode- ncb to Hamilton, they arrive in Galt be- tween 10 sod 11 o'clock at night, and leave in the morning for Hamiltoe at $ o'block- • sd on the Route from Hamilton to Gods - rich the Passengers arrive to Galt as they choose, at 2 o'clock to flit Afternoon or 12 o'clock at night, and leen for Goderich at 5 in the morning. T. M. DALY, Proprietor. Stratford. Sept. 28, 1850. 3.-o331f HURON HOTEL. THE Subscriber beg" leave to intimate to his numerous respectable customers, and the t ene:ling public generally, that the extensive repairs sod improvement" which have been in progre.. on the Huron Hotel during the course of the summer, are n ow fully completed. And as be feels confi- dent that bus establishment i' now capable of affording accommodation equal to that of any Hotel in thin rection of the country, he ventures to hope for a continuance of that liberal support which he hat received during the period be has been in business. JAMES GENTLES. Huron Hotel, Godeneh, October 16, 1850. S .5,35 STRATFORD FULLING Qf CARDING MILL THE Subscriber in thankfully ack"nwl- edging the very liberal patronage bee - towed upon lib Carding Mall this ..eon, begs to intimate to his friend' and the pith - lie generally, that be to ready now for Fulling, Dressing and Finishing all sorts of Cloth that will be LA to her earn. He Fulitog Mill, Carding Mill, and reel of apparatus, is all of the most impro- ved and newest kind of Machinery. and wor- ked by none but skilful and expenroced bands. and hie Terme will be always the most liberal and moderate known n the country. GEO. J. PRUSSiNO. For WM. RiBCHMULLER Stratford Stem Mills, Oet. 9A, 1860. (17` Always os hied • large mad will mooned Stook of LUMBER, which will he ✓ eld at fair prlees asd em terse to suit cue• tnme•es. 3.37 3m FOR SALE. THAT EXCRLI.F-NT FIRM ON the Bay8ld Road, Nino male. Ir.-' GODERICH, and Three from 11.1 11-1.1 eosdsting of 190 Atmos of led, 45 0 whleb are cleared, and through which roe that enmities( Mill Stream, t►e 33 Cre.k• lee p•rtimdai apply is Mr. NAFTYI., st Gede•beh September 27. 183&1 13-i?r' r Cbe AME taro the eecloeurs of t►• aecrl- ber &abut the let of July, • tote you •ltd Ee i■ad 1 bits tweeds. IYTRER. The aware u re treetad peeve Mep•r17 P57 sapeaaes sad take him 'my. WJLibl . Hae, London Road, JAMiU delobar Dark, ma elall PROPER'I'Y FOR SALE.' ILL b. GOLD no the moat reasene/8e Teri ., • TOWN LOT, situated o a the cores,. ul South cad 8•.'b West *10,. emitting the Market bqu e/ Guderich.- Lot ot copulas oe•rtf"ha:f as sere of ground, with a good Frame Hoose, sod Fruit Garden nn It. For further penniless apply 10 JAMES CLEGG, Lighthouse et. Goderlch, August 1416, 1150. 26-3t1 1 l3 SPECLLATURS ♦ND OTHERS. -The subscriber hating bad PARK Lets Noe. 435. 434, 433, 432. 431, sed part °fain. sear rhe ceuue of the Tuwa of 8TRATFORD s.r.eyrd and lid out 1010 o..-luerrh sen iota, would reepectfally call tie etiretioo of Parties wishing to become purchasers to the tame.-- F'ree and uoieeumbered Deeds will liege, t •d isi dime paiehasing• or bond for Deed will Ire glee. to Chow who cameo, pay ler Lon cub down, •t .ucb a Iragth of time as may be speed .p... For p.rtic.krs e" to Pre., alto. apply Is Mr. U. H. Lion, Solicitor. Stratford, with wham 'be, plan of the Property Ilea. W. F. McCULLOCH. Samford, 1816 Jun, 1(110. 3w-0411 DI { i.5'1ON CO(1?'1 THE seat Divi.ia Cosner., the 1.'•i,ed Centime of flame Perth .nd Bruce, *till be held at the simes.ad platers following: -- 1.t. Disisie$ -Coart bone at Goderieb,- 1d December. T. G. Morgan. Esq., Clerk. 9d. Derision -Joh, hicks', Mitchell,. -360i December. Robert Casa, Esq-, Clerk. 3d. feefsion-Wood's Tavern, Hirai ford, 3 kr December. Ruby Williams, tee., Clerk. 4th. Division -QvIcks' T leaden Road. With December G."rge Cuter, Eta.. Clerk. 5th !)iuuie.--Meltrnzi.'. le•. Breeefield 26th Dec. James Gordon, Esq., Clerk. 6th. Division -School hoose Bt. Mary'.. lob r • James Coleman, Eaq., Clerk. 1'h. ,"u..ge of the Several Coonit will eom- maes penetnlly at 11 o'clock. A. 31. ARTHUR ACLAND,.J. D. C. Goderich, Sept. Ilth, '50 • Sy -said NOTICE. PERSONS desirous of settling on the Durham Road in the Townships of Glenely, Bannock, Bract, Greenock, His - lo.. and Kincardine, must apply personally it the Office of the undersigned, and no lo- cation* will be confirmed incept such as are made in accordance with this requirement. All assignments of interest in location without the knowledge end approval of the Agent, will be cons;dered as a forfeiture of all right in the locates or assignee. GEORGE JACKSON, Agent. CROWS LAND Orrctt, Bentinck, County of Waterloo. } Mareb 14th, 1860. 1.7 TO BE SOLD. -An I;xceUenl Farm of Land. BEING Lon No. t3 sed i6. en the 14th coa- ae.. i, Township of Leede., eo.tai•isg 900 acres, 70 of which are cleared. The Lead ie of a Superior quality, tied well watered. ft is situated ten mike from ;be Town of Loader, on the Macadamised Rad. There i••" Frame Hones aid two Frame Barns es the premises. -- It is is the centre of • populous locality. The place is well adapted for a Ston or Tavern Stand. This Farm is well entitled to the attn. tion of person desirous of going into Lesions. Thera is also a good Bearing Orchard MI the said Farm, ■.d will be sold or very resemble OMR For particulars apply 10 W. McMa- ba, on the jd oirirg Lot, or to JAME8 McMAHEN, Town of Gsderieb. July ?rd, t830. veal II NOTICE To the Clerks and Bailiff's of • the Division Courts. ►Rile increased demand Inc Bvreoa.ee and other BLANK WRITS, is con- nection with tbe business of the I Di vision Courts in the District, has "emoted u' in printing them in much larger gwanti- tiesthan heretofore, and consequently ena- bles us to sell them much cheaper -there-• fore we intimate to the 1 Officers re- quiring these Blank Forma, that from tine date, Summon,es and all other Write be-•' triaging to the Division Court, will be Sold at the Signal QQice at the reduced price of V' Two SHILLINGS .in BIRMNca eaa Hu.raan. Blank Deeds and Memorials, AND all kinds of DIVIRION COURT . BLANKS, and BLANK PROMIS- SORY NOTES, for sale at the Signal Oifce. Every dmacriptio■ of BOOK sad JOB Printing execsted with aesteese sad dispatch. ET QUMMONSEB required br the /11•1. DN. ET 1.3 tract Court Act, soden other ff1.AP;I F'011r>r:t weed is the District sod Di.isi,a Corte, on bale at the Migral Offer Also, e11 kisds of JOB PRINTING executed @a rho shortest witiee. cad on moderate terms. Goderich, July 19, 1949. REMOVAL. 31)118 ADAM•, TAILOR, 6(38 Ieme to intimate to the MAMA' tants of Oederieh and its vicinity, that he hie Removed h,. TAILORING F.BTABLIRII- MENT to West Street, first door east of M. D. Seymour $$ Cm's Store, where he well be prepared to make all *lade of GAR- MENTS on the shortest none., sod on the most reasonable terms. Conte( dose os shortest nonce. Goderich, Sept. 12, 1850. v5 -.30s1 li'TRAYF.D freer the sodomite of the sob- " venber en the Reynold Road, rear th. Town of GoIer.eh, • Large Red and Whoa Spotted STEER. Ane one Mete(loafer- motion will be .o lsbly rewarded. EDWARD 1'EAi(ANT. Angus 14th, 185n. 131111 TRAVELLER'S HOME. S'1'R.%MBUR11, W area too, 2815 Feb , 1840. I THE Rob•ernber hereby lnitm.res to hie fr,.eds sod the Tramlines' Publt- gene- rally, the, he h.. t.moeed Sem New Aber dee. to the Vinare of Nsr•.bnrgh, awed will now be (mind to IAat well knows hnnn for men, nrenpied by Mr Jneee,--where lee will be mid, sed able In endure to the •nmfnit of Thos who may honor him with •a-•ir p,trneagc. Aird elide he retries eh..,n for peal ( . he hope., by sorter tttentton to the waste .red wwhee of kis +a•tosner, still to merit 5 00511505.e* r1 (hear pal renage. /MIN ABEL 914111111111 cad sti..l.ie PS -MO