The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-08-14, Page 5Zuricla Personal Items
Robert Selrilbe, ;On .of Mr. and visit friends an.d_.relatives..
Mrs, Ray Scbilbe, London, spelt Mr. Gordon Srrlith of. the :Blue
a week with his cousins, Donna, Water Highway made a business
Richard and Wayne, children of trip to Kitcheacr one day last
Mr. and Mrs. Hebert :Ss,hilbe,. week,
Rev. and Mrs.. 0, Winter .and Miss Inez Yungblut returned
Wilily and Mrs, 'Anne Turkheim home.after stranding soinetinte
spent, a few days in Toronto. Rev, with friendly, at Tecumseh.
V'inter was guest speaker at St, Mr,. and Mrs. Bert Becher(George's Lutheran church in and laniijy and mrs: Chris Swart•
the morning and at the martin zentruber spent several days in
Luther church of that city in New York State visiting relatives
the evening. Geoffrey Lun•Tel- and friends over the weekend,
gen, It student of Waterloo Grum) Mrs, Gruof Birmingham,
nary conducted services in St.' Niich., visited a week at the ai.ome
Peters Lutheran church, Zau, h
ich, of er sister, Mr, and Alis, Ivan
Miss Gloria Dietz of London Mrs, Ted Dieclrert of 'Toronto, a visitor at the home of her
Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton silent the weekend at the home
o[ her sister, Miss Ethel Gabel.
Mrs. Leonard Prang .and son Mr. and Mrs. Wen, O'Brien jr..
Edward and Robert Bannister of London were weekend visitors
attended the Mary Hastings pie- at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
nic in Exeter. Leroy O'Brien.
Mr. and Ilius, Willard Du- Mrs. Irene Farwell of Zurich
charme, Detroit, spent a few is spending several weeks at the
days in the community visiting home of her daughter, Mr. and
relatives and friends. Mrs. William Regier near Dash-
Mr. and. Airs, Pete .Jeffrey and wood.
Air. and Mrs. Morley Fournier, Mr, and Mrs. Quimby Hess
London, motored to Detroit to and family of Peterborough
visited with the former's mother,
Mrs, Marie Bess, their sons re-
training to spend their vacation
with their grandmother,
, Mr. and Mrs, Louis Ducharme
and Miss Anne Duchar•ne, Miss'
Bernadette Drulland and Mr.
Leo, Ducharme, Windsor, spent
a few days with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Peter Ducharme,
Blue Water Highway.
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Sierran
and family of Goderich were
visitors at the home of Mr, and
Mrs, Peter Ducharme. .
Mr. James Wild, accountant at
the Bank of Montreal, returned
from a vacation in Florida and
other points in the south.
Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Johns-
ton of Kincardine and daughter
and granddaughter of Oxnard,
Calif, were visitors at the home
of Mr, and Mrs. Julius Thiel.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hess of
Woodstock were Sunday guests
at the home of the former's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hess.
Mr. and Mrs, James Hackett
and daughter, Linda, have re-
turned to St. Catharines after
spending their vacation at the
' home of their. parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Ted Steinbach.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Horst,
FOR A t. X711/ Kitchener, and the latter's Me-
ter. of. Toronto called on rela-
B U T T O N - FRE E tives munityand friends in the coin-
!1 Smooth top—no buttons, no bumps,
no lumps
! "Golden Sleep" mattress with smart.
durable cover
Crushproof, pre -built borders
t iru•balance coils for firm support
! Handles fbr easy turning
e Matching box spring $38,88
Report On
Personal Items
Mrs. Elizabeth Carnie of Lon-
don spent a few weeks holiday-
ing in the vicinity.
Mr, Harold Finlay and family
spent Sunday afternoon with Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Gingerich and
Mrs. Elizabeth Carate.
Mr. Hugh McBride of London
spent the weekend with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McBride
and Johnny.
Mr. Bob Dinsmore of Windsor
is spending his stunmer holidays
with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dins-
moreIaHANE 20 EXETER and Mr. and Mrs, James
'r. LO„1,1,,i,l,l„111,1„11,111111,11,11,,,,,0„1„O111111,I,lo, 11,11,11n,,,,i,,,,,,U„O„",,,,„,,,,,,,l,,,,,,,,,,,,,n,,,,,,,,
Automatic, radio, slip covers, whitewall tires,
windshield- washers, a real dandy!
ONLY $2,395.00 AT
• Graham Arthur Motors
Studebaker — Sales and Service
L.,l„11,111111,111l1111111111111111111111, 1111111411t111111l1111111111110I1101111nu llllll,,, 11, 1,„1,1011,,11111111111111111111,
' Win* Elesiric Blanket s
Missionary Visits Ar, lL .fhera
I Earl. Werdo, of IOWA, reOn tart Ladies •
Former P ata draw sponsored by the Sea
forth Lions, a double bed size! an For r Even
Rev Father Kenneth Dietrich
son of Mr.. and Mrs William Die
trieh, of the Goshen Line, a tulle
north of town is spending some
lime in his former parish and
with his parents,
Fattier Dietrich who spent the
past number of years as• antis
sionary in the .t'hilipines Islands
serving 'in a large parish of
about ten thousand, is on fur-
lough and will take tip advanced
studies in Rome for three years,
Shower Bride elect
blanket. 1'be Lutheran Ladies' Mt! met