The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-05-15, Page 4Pap 4 Th Times-Atfrotats, Mr( 14! 1750
cha.n;go Vows
• '1.1 St. i.Boniface
Winn:Frecl Theresa Rester,
daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. ;tired
tegier. Zurreh exchanged, :mar.
:lase tows with. Wayne 11Arold
Quinn, son •nf Mr. .and Airs. Har..
old J. Quinn. Detroit, at St. Born -
face Roman Collide Church.
: Zurich. hefnre Rev. Father
Lharles Moyle.
` 'Ieinparance Prlxtt; t • Recithete Scholarship For her wedding the !!ride
"'�o � At Emmanuel Evangelical Accident Victim.Mr. and Mrs. Ed. 5teltk, c'hnse a floor -length dress of
:United Brethren Sunday $rhool llashttnod, received word from .Italian sill: stylcrl rvillt sahritta
ar Travt to uo' all Sundae, prizes were awarded Returns # Home ?. their son, Mervin. stating that neckline appliqued 1u rd
ociai kpli 1 d hand ho
to scholars who. had completed , itis clau^Itter. Patricia, cI•aks ), ed Alencolt. lace and boilffent
I#iteresttng, pictures of the the teinperance course, • Mr. Harold Finlay returned otos!' in evildoing at the 11'otueit's strut. Her finger.tilt *e#1 of
®�ky ;4louaey Vainwestin ttt1 Tennessee. Alrs. A. Al. Aluachet: present house on Sunday front Strathroy' .('ollege hospital, Toronto, has'laouhictitiered iihisihil IV" iridescent flowers
Mianhat'tanh Island, and other . ed prizes to Phyllis Sehade, an- 1lospilal accompanied by his been successful in receiving .lrimmecd rvillt seed pearls. She
.places were shown by Mr. and dra cheek. ;Johnny Geiger, nei„hbnr. Alt. 11'illiaiti (lark. a ;�Eiutlaltd tsuiiinl! prize for the carried a hotirttlet nt rvhtke roses
3li1s. Sitter of Medford at the Mona Sellade, Margaret Geiger, Miss Emma Finlay and brother •obstetrics scholarship and lsn i and lila of the valley,
?4Uy meeting of the • Lutheran
Ruth Geiger, Donald. (eigrr, Jalnes had returned before. All won .a $ t) prize at the liospttal. tis Elaine 'i uinn, sister of
TAlltes Atd, Roe UeAtlams, Emma Finlay, were badly injured mean auto She trill graduate`ItIa� 7S in'.the groom, as maid of honor,
Miss Dorothy Wagner played •Ttlnmy Finlay, Margaret Finlay, arcuient, J.amcs of Victoria Hos. I ( tinvoeatian hall, Toronto. A ease white ernhr !de, ed nylon
;piano solo. Pvachardyrtade Eldon Bullock, Ponna Kipper. • pita!, London. was able to attend! reception will he held at the ;.at•cr mint green taffeta, She
Sang a solo accompanied by hie Larry Kipper, Given }lay. Bar. Sunday service in the-l.".B. Evan -+Burton nurses'residence, Her ►gore a flowered Ite.address and
•lniather at the piano, Mrs. Al bare Minsltall and Joan Rader. ; elical church. All are progress- grandparents, Mr. and Alt's, I Serried •pial; roses and lily of the
beet Hess was 1n charge of the . Mrs. Gidenn Koehler marked ing favorably. Stelek are planning to attend, t alley.
program. the papers. Miscellaneous Shower Personal homs Groomsman was Robert Hot
Mrs. Annie Finlaheiner, prose,,On Wednesday evening in St. :hiss i•Iarlene Wagner of the ton, of Detroit, and ushers were
debt. took the chair for the httsi- Parr Lne 'Natives ' Peter's Lutheran church base l�itcltener staff enjoyed the tt'eelc Marren R. Regier, :Brockville,
tress meeting. On a motion by meat a miscellaneous shower end at the home of her parents, brother of the bride, and Gerald
the ladies a donation will againEdith i .f was held by relatives and friends Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wagner. A1lsterat•ieh, Detroit,
b sent to Waterloo College: .r I , I'nr travelling, the h r i d e
R for Miss Audrey Green, London. Mr, and Mrs. •Oscar lnusie changer! to a blue tweed suit
also that the group eater to a There died suddenly at the chlid.e-eleetl. A mock wedding and Mrs. Roth of Tavistoek with navy accessories.
wedding in June with group .. Desjarriine Nursing Homme, Ex- was held. •• visited at the home of the Jet- After their return teen ewer -
in; charge with Mrs. Loretta .else, on Saturday, ;!law, ln, 1A56.. ;rte •
was beckoned by miss ter's brother, lir, and Airs. Rudy , seas duty in Germany, hlr. and
til' edo as convener. It, was su : l':dith Kipfer. daughter of Mr•, Ju+t » •Fisher in he seated in a . Oeseh, over the weekend,
g sted that Mrs. Carolina PriceAlis. Quinn will reside in De
and Mrs. Alenno h rimae She chair decorated in pink and whits ? Charles Mack, second son of t - :1'.
De -
IA' remembered in fit. Alaiys was a lifelong resident of Hay with art open ulnhrella aim. -
Air, and Mrs. Bryce Mack, is
Hospital. London, on her 96th township and was well known in her. an "en read gat address and taking treatments at the Chit-
. Personal Items
birthday en May 10. a the community. The family were Tanya Parkins and cousin, Terra dren's Hospital, London. Mr. and Alts, Floyd Cook and
t residents of the Parr Line, Hay Black, puled several loads nl 11r, and Mrs. 1'1'm. Gibbons of clau titer, Patricia, of Waterloo,
dt din €:rich tDixiet, until the parents died. hifts to the guest of honor. Also Woodbridge spent Mother's Day and Mr, Clarence Brenner, of
Surviving are • six ,heathers' helping to assist. along with eh( at the home of the latter's per- Kippen, spent. 'the weekend at
Rom John, Elkton, Mreh., Noah. Rolf, bride's rintber. were .ltrs. Reg. cuts lIr. and Mrs. S. Witmer. the home of their mother in 'Eur
n hen +Iowa; Ezra. llensall; Sinton, Black' Miss • s Mr, Clayton Alittlehole of Lon- ich.
a A ani 'Kathleen Hes .
rhe death occurred nn Tues-': Bingham Lake, +lion.; David, R.N. of Liattal.�n. The e rifts were dna was a weekend visitor at Mrs. H. W. Hostetler and chile
day of Lydia J. Gingerieh, toile ; rifle, , Iowa; tiolamon, Brrt+'rs. many and usefu: for which Aud• the home of his brother, Mr. and dren, of London, were weekend
ofd the late Daniel Gingerich in : vine, Minn.: four sisters, Mrs• rey expressed appreciation and Mrs, Ted Mittleholtz. visitors at the home of Mr. etas!
her t3Sth year. Thom' Meyer,Ke ,Kitchener; Mr Lea- invited the ladles to conte and Air. and Mrs. Dick of Exeter Airs, ,John W. Brown. Dr, Hos-
Kyle, Hensel'. Mrs, Lra•
She was born on May 1R, IR7it visit thein at ;!acre home. Lunch spent the weekend at the home letter is al present taking a
Come Des•tar dine, i;xeter• ;llrs,
agd had been living with bei was setvel and a social evening of the latter's parents, :lir, and course in anaesthesia at Gook
Jamb tee, 9clt, Zurich.
sutl, Aaron Gingerich, for the; The remains rested at the was enjoyed. Mrs. Lennard Erh. County Graduate School of Medi -
past number of years. I hiss Gloria Dcitz of London cine. in Chicago.
:Site was born on the Goshen , Westlake Funeral l-iome, Zurich, • Personal Items t spent Alother's Day weekend at Air. and Mrs. *Harold Willard
Line in Hay township and +rasa until Monday noon when a P1tl Miss D an -i' Thiel bas aecep- . the home of her parents, Mr. and family of London visited at
T ,tic service was held in the position n
amber of the Blake Amishted a ee at London. She 'and Mrs. Miltonem le, Egmondville,
the home of the tatter's Mother,
Tt`•ennonite church. ; Mennonite cemetery, G n s h e n spent for weekend vv;;h her par- Rev, Dr. Semple, r Air. and :Iles. James Parkins
Surviving are two sons:.Aaron, Line. The officiating clergymen ruts Mr. and Mrs. Charles - preached an impressive sermon on Wednesday.
g C were Rev, A. Martin and Rev.. Thies
:Hey township, and Edmund, i E, Gineerdelt. . on Parenthood', in the 11.13. Mr. and Mrs. David Monk and
Bedell; also two daughters. t Em• 1 I Mr. and Mrs- ,lackMcKeown, Evangelical church on Sunday sten, -Billie, Mr, and. Air's, Frank
neat Mrs. Valentine Gerber, Personal Items ' of the Tornlltn diskriel, have • evening. Ehright and infant Philip of
Pennsylvania, and ( Mary) Mrs.1 Mrs. Melissa Geiger has re• moved into the house owned by Mr. and A11•s, I3uIle.n and Kitchener were recent visitors 'at
Arose Gerber. Zurich: two broth.; turned home after spending sev-; Alphonse Masse for the summer grandson, Thomas poach, of the home of (heir cousins, Mr,
as, Sam. Zurich. and Solomon. t eral weeks in 'Jensen.rnnnths. Mt. AleWeown is a gond Windsor, weir weekend visitors and 'Mrs. 'Harrison .Schoch,
Hey township. There are alsn > Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ginger. ' engineer and will he close to his ' at the home of the fernier's Miss Agnes Kaercher of Kit -
2r grandchildren and 52 great ; ich and family were rerent Sun : work tbn the Blue Water high -1 daughter, Alr, and Mrs. Thoneas charier spent Sunday at the home
grandchildren, i day visitors with relatives and : way. Rawlings. of Miss Ethel Williams.
'The body is resting at the 1 friends at Baden.
Westlake funeral home in Zurich I Air, and Mrs, Ernest Laidlaw 1
until Thursday when a public; left by auto for Manitoba to at. I
Orrice will be held at the Zurich j tend the funeral of Mr, Laid. +
Mennonite church at 2 p.m.; law's brother-in-law, who died i
burial will be at the Amish ; suddenly,
Mennonite cemetery, Blake.., Mrs, J. W. Horner, 9R, who
Persona Items celebrated her birthday at the
grandson, Mr. and
-•Mr, and Mrs. Ervin Gingerich hoof
KeitlhP1Horner, on the Blue
Mid daughter, of Ailsa Craig, Water highway, left: to spend a
t:isited at the home of their few weeks at the hone of her
nnrents, Mr, and Mrs. Chris. son, Mr. and Airs. Albert Horn•
Erb, last Thursday, and also at- er, Seaforth, then going to the
trended the funeral of the for- • home of her daughter, Mrs.
i.ers' aunt, Airs. Lydia J. G'in• Laura Ings, Varna, where: she
gerich, a member nfethe Blake will he at residence for the !
Amish Mennonite Church. ! • summer !months. ;
Mrs. Richardson, of Hensel!, Mr. and Mrs. Sitter of Thedford 1
re spending a few weeks at the visited at the home . of the lat- i
home of her daughter, Mr. and ( ter's sister, Mrs, Annie Fink-;
'Airs. Lloyd O'Brien. beiner, -last week.
•• Mr. Werner ,'tinter. B,A., son Mr, and Mrs, Herb Desjardine
of Rev. and Mrs. 0. Winter, who spent the weekend at Port Stan.
finished his first year's post leti,
graduate course at University of Miss Pearl Wurtz returned '
Western Ontario on Saturday, home after spending several '
left Monday for Fort Frances, days at the home of her sister, i
where he. will be employed as a Dr. and Mrs. H. Cowen, Exeter,
customs officer at the border Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Mellett and
city for the summer. This is fancily of London visited with ,
Werner's third summer with the friends in Zurich on Sunday. 1 ► f
customs, first Yt Fort Erie and Mr. William Hess of Wood- 19"Reel T)'PC A1QVCr
last year at Sault Ste :Mare stock was a visitor at the home ;
Since Fort. Frances is not very of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Al -
far from Winnipeg, Vernet' is, bent Hess.
spending a couple of days in Air. 'Ed. Diechert of Sarnia SELF PROPELLED — NO PUSHING
that city meeting old friends and spent the weekend at the home
f re he startsjob
chum.s be his a of hie
parents, Mr, and Mrs. SAYE $20 •--.This high•calibre Big 19 -inch LAWN �.� �
this weekend.I
'Hiss Kathleen Hess, R.N,, of Victor Adeehert. • MASTER • Reel Type Power Mower will carpet cut
Mr. and Mrs Thompson and your lawn in double-quick time, with no effort at all
London. was a visitor at the family of Ailsa Craig spent Sun- en your part. You simply stroll around your - lawn <" t.\\
hone of her parents. Mr. and day at the home of their parents, and guide this rugged power mower. Powprful 4
Mrs, .Albert Hess, also attended Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Bullock. cycle, 1.1 h.p, engine drives blades and wheels; J 4.
the miscellaneous showei for; Single fingertip control operates auto• t@ f
Miss Audrey Green last • +Wed — Please Turn To Page 5 p ^
n matic clutch and cutting reel. 5 tool fr of ,+.
nesday evening.• steel cutting blades. Large sectional
Mr. and AIrs. }:art Oesrh and j The straight and narrow path rollers for - easier steering. 'Cutting
family spent Sunday at tiairn, ' would he much wider if more heights -1/2" to 2". Oversize 10" wheels
Mrs. Gordon Johnston, Tiiorn-' people traveled it. with wide tread rubber fires% Chain
lee, is spending a few weeks at : drive, ball-bearing equipped. Handsome
-- -blue enamel, with smart contrasting
black trim.
the home of her brother, Mr,
Harold Finlay and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Armond Bene-
teau, River Canard. were week-
end visitors with relatives and;
friends in the community.
Mr. and Mrs. EarI Thiel visit-
ed at the home of the latter's
sister, Mr, and Mrs. Allan Fraser i
at Exeter, The latter returned
home from 5t. Joseph's Hospital
on Sunday and is getting along
iv refresh yo(, PA, ;f
":041,thtlittrutut,ILIt1,11n.111 nlufU,niuttit11e111t.t I/mto itimmtlrni111mmm It11,.mmo,,f.t.,ra11„7,11
B=A Service Station
When In Dashwood Call At Andy s
Chris Anderson, Prop.
,..4mor0000 o noioo mmoom momialunnmmol.ofmmb,nt,n,nnnnnrGnnnnn"nn,"nnuunt,
�y"YIr111,ebrn111llnn❑In110tinll irinnlnlftlWnnllnYlllnin"111HIil If U1,HIN,lrnninon uuunmuutlrtYUHu�
sart•r•t ref Arlh;ir4i ry filo rpparis+llt srlarta8 and
erl)'•rgcert r•nmfort springs trine t nu ars' filler! with
et Mirrtalr. 'rite anudrrfrrl ',lc Pt) -sort gloms !rit,
the} 't,rmMMr rtM:l} oral,'. ?rllr fret Vika ynn'r,i
1r walking On air. .\Xr7 r r ent5• 'l'8P TS A 4'rl)l'
t'l,rn$r•:lt TO .t'I;rtMAN.NNT Poo'r IT;.lt.xir,
acid the feeling like walking on air. Get com-
plete, lasting foot health,
CY t, -7^ •• "1 / tom;
Zurich '--. Phone 130.W
10, to t la'.t i1
Orti tr Hardn'gaf1 Aftc:lidhtg
IN LlsTOW Lt ftt Y tL 110111.,
Widtyestlay, May 2i — 11 g,iti fo 8'te
rlrrtl11Y11Y{nfl9,r,ttllrt7r•,nitblrlrltell!rlllttrYainI II1ninnrrrrt7tn'rtrrrtTrnnl,nu,II1111n,tlrninrit
18" Rotary Mowers
—The lowest around -town price for this quality power
mower, equipped with the convenient Recoil Start; Clin-
ton 2 h.p. 2 -cycle Engine retains full power or steep
terraces, Offset wheels give extra :manoeuverability--
prcvents scalping and gives extra close front and side
trim. Heavy duty 1•piece Cutting Blade (3 -pc, blade with
r'renewable tips optional equip.
trent.) Adjustable cutting heights
Big 6” x 11/2" semi•pneumatic
rubber tires
Rope Star# 45,95
ToUCh¢n,i o
Recoil- Start
START—Get this easy operating, depend=
Able performer—at big dollar savings,
Special remote control puts ' all engine
controls and the speed you want, right at
your fingertips. Extra heavy 12 -gauge
steel chassis with front -side discharge;
reprovable handles; 5 cutting heights, Is
piece Wad* (2 -pc. blade with renewable
tips optional). Powerful 4 -cycle, 1s/n
Briggs Stratfoii Recoil Start Engine. Off•
sot wheels, Adjustable cutting heights.
Finished' in handsome two•tone baked
rr %4 Il,p, $69,95
"Want a better way to pay bills? The BNS can help yore".
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To open your convenient BNS Personal
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BNS people are friendly people—get to know
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"LETS EAT OUT"—Canadian Tire hos the thins you
need for enjoyable out-of-door cookery. ,
..... , ieea:,,+... ssieess...t.,. ..... :.....
cooks, fries, broils on gild .or en
hinged steel •fry lop. No pan.
needed. His tour level heat range.
set up In seconds—folds ,compact-
ly into attractive red carrying' •
ease. Burns charcoal.18•x11'4"
surface z• 4. 98
For backyard charcoal cookery,
The waist -high grill is also ideal
tor, any patio, picnic or camp
use. Handsome iuhular frame and
ventilated fire - pan; four , level
heat range. Big 20"x q ch=
12" cooking surface A ,N, ■ J
s n• •4 W.t 3•.0
Made from Genuine
Virginia Hardwood
5 -Lb.
10 -Lb., +� 29.
nag e
• , , rj,,PICNtd'' rUG :(lop lefip,W1-gal. Caaacitp,
AUTO ICEBOX—•(top left)--1landiome plaid design; heea/Ap1 Ba)ced enamel finish, rabbet 3 •"®A�e15-
vrrtiaed Inner liner, Fully insulated. 9 p5 ' grip handle. Well insulated a '
Sr.i3" wide x 17" long x III/2" high „«,,,,,,,, ■eii Baked enaret finl,h, .r-
PLAYBOY JUO--6treafniined with (elt.,
CHILL C EST--tiovrer left)• -/!!tractive green pleld; wet! Into. cot, 1-tandsonae 2 -tone itiyi1ng,, Wide
kited to give full protectioir to liquid* or *olidh1-angdaLle, aluminum lop . cup.',
" 1395
fend*, 10"x18"x13'shigh .�A 7
i VACUUM' BOTTLE .—English eleuellfy,
FAMILY SIZE CHEST—(fop rrghl)—This foomy model is ideal extra eiyrdy. 98, I•qi,
rot W.ek•ond, cernping, etc, in:whited. @ �+ . u �, 98
Big iize .101, "x22"x14" high . _ _.,...., ......•: 16;095 t'VACCO" TEA, •x,r Il`;- id* meek ift.
eirparate. contaltter."l `
Dr. LUXE errnIoEIIATOR••-•lietds tall quem boiiies uprtghl. t-pl, cepecitY ,0ie43
Heavy gauge Steel c,se with alrtnirnuM !Metier, r� Q 7CILTtE COOLER (lOWer rlghl 1. 4il'i..
1, beauty! 101,a"x22"x14" high tA,'4�w lite, with removable glass 11 p
liner ■+a►5
436 main St1 Exeter
t'It(ttte 451 IJIiE'tltitt Kt., E obbEt B