The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-05-01, Page 14151prirrir•Ifi•11W151}1•K•0•1910,011N•PHIP.iiRiPIKiecif•WW.4#0,114,1,,,Ndltir_ .y1111: • -AV, •,1{..:1•••,,,••••.*15,Nrei ;
Page 14 The Tintes,Advocate, May 1, I9
:Ven Missionary $ociety
Celebrates 'Diamond 'Year
The WoMatt's Missionary So-
iety of Caven Presbyterian
celebrated its sixtieth an-
ziversry in the church on
Thursday .evening. Ladies of
W.M.S. auxiliaries -of the other
churches ii town, representatives
from Stratford and Huron FresbYterian presbyterials and for -
Suer •membere and friends were
Mrs. J. D, Lane, Clinton. was
the guest speaker. She paid
tribute to thoSe who pioneered
the offices ,of the Woman's
Missionary Society. "The world
today is vastly different from
that of 60 years ago but .the
fundamental things .of We do not
pass away with the years," said
the Speaker. "By precept and
example they have left us a
rich heritage." She challenged
the lathes present to, keep be-
fore them the objeelive of the
W.M.S —every woman of the
.church a member of the Wom-
an's Missionary Society.
Mrs. ;Fes- Taylor gave the hi -
or it of the 60 years of the Cam
W.M.S. Mrs, Jack Pryde led in
the devotional. .Alrs. George La-
mont, a former member, sang a
solo and Mrs. Robert Pryde con-
tributed an organ solo. Airs. J.
G. Cochrane for many years or-
ganist of the .church, presided
at the organ.
Mrs. George Clelland, presi-
dent of Stratford presbyterial,
brought greetings from that or-
ganizatinn and conducted a
The year 1957 saw Canadian candle lighting ceremony to hon.
Pacific Airlines inaugurate three or past and present presidents
new international services — to when candles were lit around an
Portugal, Spain and Chile, appropriately decorated a nni-
iiiii It1111111111111111111 iiiii 11111111111111#1111111111111 ttttt 1.1111111IMMIlli
1 Attention Mothers!
Make MOTHER'S DAY a real occasion by letting us
set your hair with a Spring Cold Wavel You'll be
surprised what the touch of expert fingers can do
for your hair., Make it a point to drop in and see use
1 Mariorie Dilkes
i?,,,...-,. , 44- - -e, - .,•:,i4
,; .
Your Hairdresser
• 1,
For The
Modern Mother!
Cold Waves — Styling — Cutting
Make your appointment today to be at your best
when the family takes you out on MOTHER'S DAY
for that special treat.
Modern Beauty Salon
versa* cake
Candles were lit for the late
Airs. F. W, Ciladman, first pres-
Went of the org,aniration• by her
daughter. Mrs. Wa•rree Sera;
the late Mrs- Samuel Sharpe
(Wood) by Mrs. Percy Jaques
Inee Jessie Manson). London;
the late i%Iiss Jean S. Murray
by her nieec Miss Joan M. Mur-
ray; the late Miss Hannah Kins-
man by Mrs. Charles Harris;
the late Mrs. Amos (Fissette)
by Miss Margaret Brown; the
late Mrs, John iorgan by her
niece. Mrs. II. C. Rivers; the
late Mrs. Thomas .Cameron by
Mrs. Reginald Knight; Mrs. M.
G. Graham by Airs. John Kvdd;
Mrs. J. G. Stanbury by Mrs.
David Millar; the late Miss L.
M. Jeckell by Miss Fanny if. t-
ier; Mrs. D. C. Hill by Mrs,
Harold Whyte, Lucan; Airs. Wil-
liam Sillery by Mrs. H. 11. G.
Strang; Mrs. E'ari Mitchell,
Faris, and Mrs. Alvin Moir lit
candles for themselves.
Airs. Strang read greetings
from Mrs. D. C. Hill, Fort Gary,
Man.: Mrs. James Foote,Win-
nipeg; Mrs, J. B. Rhodes, Toron-
to; Airs. Kenneth McLean, Cum-
berland and Mrs. J. G. Stan -
bury, Fort Erie. Mrs. Donald
Sinclair. Dundalk, expressed
greetings as did. Mrs. James
Scott. president of Huron Pres-
byterian presbyterial, ft e v .
George Lamont, Mitchell, for
Stratford presbytery, and Rev.
S. Kerr for the session and board
of Caven church.
Miss Fanny Hatter, oldest
member of the W.M.S. and Mrs.
John Kydd. member of the long-
est standing, wcre presented
with corsages by Mrs, Harold
Simpson and Mrs. Carman Cann.
Following the program the
ladies were served lunch in the
basement of the church,
Kinettes Enjoy
Bowling Party
The Exeter Kinette Club mem-
bers bowled at the local lanes
on Monday evening with cap-
•tains Mrs. Harold Preszcator
and Mrs. Jack Coughlin. Win-
ners each received - chocolate
bars and the losers were treated
to suckers.
After bowling two games a
buffet lunch was served at. the
home of Mrs. Les Parker by
the program committee. Mrs.
Ward Kraft won the lucky draw
for the evening.
Attending the organization of
a new Kinette club at Aylmer
recently were Mrs., Irvine Arm-
strong. Mrs. Les Parker, Mrs.
Ray Frayne, Mrs. R. Wuerth,
Mrs. Don Robertson, Mrs. Shel-
don Wein, Mrs. Jack Coughlin,
Mrs. Ralph Genttner, Airs. Lee
Sherman and Mrs, John Burke,
Let Us Style Your Hair
With An Easy -To -Manage
Permanent For Your
"Special" Day"
We Suggest A Flattering
New Hair -Do And A
Soft Permanent
"For Latost Styling"
• ie
Here's a wQr*rfq, gift for
irAgrulai1E2'0 IL
'.••••• • `••
She'll rem ember Otis Mother's y foryears to coxndit
you give her the. Magnificent new Hoover Citation
Special. It beata... aa it sweeps • . as it etealtt—ots
out al/ the deep down dirt. Washable vinyl outer
jacket bolds disposable dirt bag. Double.streteh
hose Makes midden cleaning so convenient. tetiuti-
fully styled in two-tone Jade And White,
Sc it a
.•` 'elealeseeleessmemesoseema"......"."6"."1
CANDLE LIGHTING CEREMONY—At the sixtieth anni-
versary of Cavan Presbyterian W.M.S. on Thursday eve-
ning, Miss H Fanny Hatter and Mrs. John Kydd 111 candles
around an anniversary cake for past presidents Miss L,
M. Jeckell, 1930-33, and Mrs. M. G. Graham, 1926-28.
Miss Hatter and Mrs. Kydd were honored with corsages
as the two oldest members of the society. —Simpson
Huron Waves
To Hold Picnic
The spring meeting' of the
Huron Waves group of the Mary
Hastings Club was held at. the.
home of Mrs. Roy Morenz, Dash-
wood, last Tuesday with 15
members present.
President Mrs. Edward Johns
opened the meeting in the usual
way. In a short business meet-
ing plans were made to hold the
Huron Wavts group picnic at
Riverview Park, Exeter, on
Tuesday, July ie.",
Mrs, Ernest 'Wight, 'Medford,
gave a reading, and Misses June
and Sharon Morena gave tap
dance numbers. Lunch was
served by the hostess.
Mrs. Ed. Johns, Mrs, E.
Squire,Mrs. L. Johnston. were
present from Exeter,
The tkventy-seventh anniver-
sary of the founding of Beta Sig-
ma Phi was celebrated by the
local Alpha P'i Chapter at a
banquet at the Brenner Hotol,
Grand Bend, on Tuesday eve-
A toast to the pledges was
proposed by Mrs. John Gotten.
Jack Rata replied. Mrs.
Mel Gaiser, secretary, and Airs,
Wm. Huntley, treasurer, gave
reviews of the yeaet activities.
A message from the founder was
read by Mrs, Robt, Dinney. Mrs.
M. C. Fletcher conducted the
Founders Day Pledge.
Following the banquet, Pres'.
dent Jean Taylor conferred the
ritual of jewels degree on the
three pledge' members, Airs,
Jack Ratz and Mrs. Cliff Bus-
sell of Shipka, and Mrs. Norman
Amos of Kirklon.
Mrs. Ted Jones and Airs. Van
Laughton received their Exem-
pblearr. Degree from Mrs. Clara
Wellington, Client e.r director,
and herself an Exemplar mem-
Following the rituals, .Presi•
dent Jean Taylor conducted the
installation of officers. President
for the coining year Is Mrs.
John Gamin; vice - president,
Mrs. Mei Geiser, Shipka; secre-
tary, Mrs, Wm. Schlegel, Grand
Bend; treasurer, Mrs. R. W.
Read; director. Mrs, Clara Wel-
lington; sponsor, Mrs. M. C,
Mrs, Ross Tuckey presented
the retiring president, Jean Tay-
lor, with a gift,
Legion Auxiliary
Enters Tourney
At the meeting of the Legion
Ladies Auxiliary on Monday eve-
ning plans were. made to attend
the Walkerton bowling tourna-
indnt on Wednesday, May 14 and
the rally at Blyth, Wednesday,
Arrangements were' made for
the ladies bowling tournament,
Wednesday, May 7. President
Mrs. Stanley Frayne presided,
Thirty-four members were pres-
St, Peter's CWL
Stages Bazaar
The C.W.L. of St. Peter's
church on No. 4 Highway held a
successful bazaar and tea in
Neil's schoolhouse on Wednes-
day evening,
Tables of fancywork, aprons,
hemebaking, white elephant kid-
dies toys and clethes, parcel
and penny sale were the most
popular. Tea was served after-
Draws were made on an um-
brella quilt which was won' by
Mrs'. G. Dignan, London; _fruit
cake won by Mrs, Harold Presz-
cator, Exeter, lamp by Mrs.
Annanny, Huron Park; silver
relish dish by Mrs. Mellhargey,
Lucan; and Micky Mouse by
Father Preulx of - Centralia
There 16 Only
One you
In The Crowd!
And there's only one way to
solve your figure problem.
Let your Spirella figure stylist
solve YOURfigure problem for
YOU with a girdle that fits
YOU exactly and supporta YOU
properly. Let her help YOU look
look and feel your very best.
Mrs V. Armstrong
11T Anne W. Phone 125
••••••000 ••••••••111••41,04VIVIIMON•••••••••••••.**01/.....1.0.9111.1101.111.0111110.1411041 o .1 oo VitICH oo oo • o ...11.1.1•1•440412.1.1.
• Father Son •
And Daughter!'
From' The Family!
Hi -Line Beau ty Salon.
Moo toward; Prot",
PHONE 7104W1
Till -
Mra. 3
Oh* why does Man pursue the.
it has no valuable .pelt,
it boasts of en ,eseutehean royal,
It yields no ivory or precious oil,
Rs icifiethat, its .death. is tame,
A fish as humble 44 its nafltet
Yet take this SAIrtion somewhere
And bring me half a dozen smelt.
•,-Ogden Nast)
It seems that many :people
agree with Ogden Nash in their
love for :Smelt both aS a food
And Lor the Ain of catching them.
Travelling in great numbers
Mostly at night.; they are an
easy prey for fishermen and
sportsinulded folk who line the
banks waiting to scoop them ails
with nets, pails, saucepans and
even hare hands.
The flesh of the smelt is
treinely delicate .and has a rich
delicious flavor. The home eco -
mists of canada's Department
of Fisheries tells us that frying
is the most popular method of
cooking smelt. }lore are the
tested and Approved directiona—
Crispy Fried Smelt
2 pounds smelt
1 egg beaten
2tbl, milk
ltsp, salt
Va cup flour
1/2 -cup fine dry bread crumbs
or finely crushed craekere,
Clead and wipe the snielt dry.
Combine egg, milk and salt.
Combine flour and crumbs. Dip
smelt in egg mixture, then
in flour arid crumb Mixture.
Heat vegetable shortening in
deep frying pan mail very het.
For best results cook a small
amount of fish at a time. Civet -
loading the pan reduces the
temperature of the fat with the
result that the fish take longer
to fry and become fat soaked,
Fry fish on one side until golden
brown, turn and brown on the
other side. Main and serve im-
If you enjoy eating crusty,
golden brown smelt but object
to the frying odor in the house
the fisheries' home economists
suggest that you bread the fish
and bake them in a hot oven.
For a subtle, .flavor talc's try
adding a hint of mint.
Baked Smelt •
2 pounds emelt
3/4 cup milk
1 teaspoon salt
4.1 cup fine dry breadcrumbs
4 tbl. melted butter
3/4 tp, dried mint (Optional)
Clean Melt and •dein. Add
salt le til ic and mix, Dip. fish
in .Salted Ma 4114 rell in
ertinabs. Piseein .2..greeSec1 .bak-
1114%. Pari• SpooA matted butter
i'Q li1I, fmint le Used mix
with butter, piace in ,* very hot
oven (450°) and bake for 10
min. or until flesh will flk
easily when tested with a fork.
The bottle economists of the
service, Canada Department of
Agriculture in No, release
suggest a gis;ed rhubarb pie
which we hope to try,
Glazed Ithuborb Pio
mins miser
few grains of salt
1/2 ellO Water
.6 cups rhtillatt, tut in 1.-inth
tbl, cornstarch (71..04iti
red food toltrliit
0" baked pie shell 1 3050 EXETER..
Pitase Turn to Page
Let Us ,
-rf-m gutc146WwAY l� ""
4000 J-04-114 ANI - i-tAPPINE$5
et110 tIMIR0W PATH
11'3 -1145. PATH -11-1A-r
.E.,425 10 iriftilEREIKV(
sew- FROM
All Your
It's Convenient! It's Safe! Your furs and winter
clothare fully protected from Fire, Theft, Moths,
and Summer Heat. Call us today for proMpt pick-up
and delivery service.
Mid -Town Cleaners
"Bud" Preszcator, Prop.
144410 ttttt Int0441104Uniniestuln4014144101 ttttt IflilltHe ttttttt tttttttttt ttt snmintimitunlmilit”
• irVe-AITS
10 Days Starting Thurs.,
To celebrate five years in business in
and Irwin's Ladies' Wear, we offer first
prices you can't afford to miss.
Ladies' All-Wool—Values to $59.95
Worsted Suits
Ladies'—Values to $35.00
Tweed Suits
All Sizes, Complete Stock, Ass/el Shade*
Spring Duster Coats
---. -N,-,"'"7"•:-\. Shadow Panel
. Sizes 32-40
SPIAL 1.95
j# (g
May 1
Exeter as McKnight's
class merchandise at --,
Anniversary- Price
34.95 .4.
To Clear At Only
17%95 .,
Values to $21,95 sviC
14.95 ‘
Seam's and Seamless
First Quality — A Real Stay
SPECIAL •..• .. 65
_ C
Rayon Briefs'
Size Small, Medium, Large
39c Pr.$3
Cotton Skirts
Summer Weight — Sizes 12 le 18
• • . ,
Cotton .-- Sizes 14 to 24'/2
• , a
S 2 FOR $5
Shino Jackets
•Misses'a Maid .Lined, Reg. $6.9S
Sixes 12 to 20 .,.. ttt ..„, tttttttt $4,95
ExQuisitE sizti 32 to 40
Bras $1.19
A Surier.Speciat for our Anniversary
Sale Only
' Rayon -A Luxite,
1 0
le Chief' At ...„„„.,,,,.,,,f,,,,, $1 90
• Snuggier Sox
su.. # V2 f 0 11 Regular Y00
. 5.9c
A'Speitiar Price 4.164*.tv.rtmscrowN1444
Ladies Blouses
Smart Atiaortroefifi $ize$ 1.2 to 30
% Off Reg, Prices
, .
Irwin s ..,0 ies Wear
PHONE 4V$ kXttElt