The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-03-20, Page 21Town Topics Mi'.. stay Triebner, assistant accountant at .Central Mortgage and Housing has been trans- ferred from the London branch office to the Windsor branch. Miss Joan Parsons spent the weekend ld i7 London. ,. Afr, and Airs. c Ivan 1r ty and soils. goner and Kenneth of Dundas, visited over the week- end with Mr, and Mrs, Clayton Prouty. Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Bonenof Toronto visited last week with A1r, and Mrs, Wesley Johns. Mr. and Mrs. James ' Ithrilson i of Granton, Mr. Fred Thomson+ and Alr. and Mrs, William Lad - brook of Toronto visited Sunday with Mrs. AWilliam Thomson and with 1 A'[ °" Thomson In h - tl i the hos- pital. ' _. pital. Owulb to the latter's ill- ness, Afr. and Airs. Thomson were unable to celebrate their , thirty-seventh wedding annivers- ary on Sunday, It's smart to starte � tri tr ready yfDl Easter now BRADY CLEANERS Guarantees Delivery by APRIL 5 on clothing received for Sanitone Dry Cleaning any time this week! Easter is April 6 and it's closer than you may realize! So right now is the time to let us have anything you want dry cleaned in time to wear it Easter morning. Right now, we have plenty of time to give you the incomparable cleaning job that is typ- ical of Sanitone at its best. So why risk getting caught in that annual last-minute rush. Call TODAY! Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd. PHONE 106 EXETER 5$ ,130 j 0 !,140111111.IA01111111111A.,111111111.111,1111111111111110#11% News Of Your J. By N1i_, RS. At this season of theyear as more and more birds return from the south we wish we knew more about them, their habits and their distinguishing features.. A book which gives this infor• motion is:. Wings In The Wind Another title for this book might be '`.Birds I Have Known and Loved." It is a chatty ae- count of the highlights of an amateur's years of bird -watch- ing written by Anne Merrill, Wings in the Wind started as a weekly column in Globe and Mail. It was to run for a month but it has run ever since. The author's hope was that children might learn to love and protect the birds so that the woods might be filled with their song, The author deals with the Her- alds of Spring including robins, plovers, bluebirds, crows, flick- ers and sapsuckers; the flower 1 orioles hum- mingbirds, birds warblers, 1 mingbirds, bobolinks wings over the water ,--• ducks, grebes, loons, herons, gulls and swans; birds that brave the snow — blue jays, chickadees, cardinals, wood- peckers and owls and many others. • * * * Girdle Me A Globe We hear via the grape -vine that some of our towns people are travelling abroad this sum- mer and we think they should read this book "Girdle Me A Globe" by Eric Nicol before they set sail, Eric Nicol the author, has been twice winner of the Lea- cock medal for humour in 1950 and 1955. The vast amount of experience and wisdom com- pressed in to this book - was gained at first hand by the author who, with his wife, spent nine months girdling the globe, It is intended to be a cheerful assortment of do's and don'ts for the traveller. This is con- sidered the best book yet by Canada's lop humorist. Visit your library and join the many readers of books of your choice. Raps TV Show — Continued From Page 2 a much better reception and in- troduction than the one they re- ceived. Even the fact that the Leprechauns' roster boasts three girls failed to make any diffe- rence to Mr. Sullivan who didn't bother to present them indivi- dually. If the brief appearance and introduction was a customary procedure on the New York show it needn't • be given a second thought, but when Sullivan gushes and ad libs endlessly over some _ second rate come- dian whose nonsense leaves* his (audience cold, the poor treat- ment of the Leprechauns is even more apparent. There is no doubt that the trip to -New York alone was a big thrill for the young hockey stars who were probably not insulted in the least, but for the parents and friends who crowded around television sets to watch their youngsters debut the rebuff must have been galling. Fiom the St. Thomas Times - journal. Election Day SALE Conservative Prices Liberal Trade -Ins Social Credit Terms - c4PJDH g3nowAid L S ';p 111111 IIIc 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,1111,111111111111111,.. ▪ '56 Meteor Rideau llllllllllll SUNLINER Cor_vertible V-8, automatic, dual ex- haust, radio, skirts, mirrors, window washers, whitewalls, chrome discs, sexy black and white, 26,000 original nlilcs $2,595 ,,II,I If1f11111f1I1111111f,1f,f 11,111,Imff1m 111 m1IIIII11111111111111111111,1111,1111UI,I1,1h•. '53 Chev Coach !X1110001111,1,f1111,11111111111,111111111111f111111111111111111111111/1111f110001111111111111111, Have You Driven The Marvellous 15 8 MORRIS Guaranteed 40 miles to the gallon. Full price, including heater, licence, and tankful of gas, only $1,585 Why Pay More For Lets? .4i'Hin1'i001i0i01 i 0fhfifOn ll00+010f0mi10nri0111ifii 11i0111Y11I11funits. Lou Baiiey PHONE 459 W 0 O EXETER MWODA Bulletin aA .report .on the activities of the Mid -Western Ontario Deycl- opment Association.) 91 A Stratford, with the .annexation of 275acres sptitl wes t f the city. adjacent to. No, 7 Highway,. is proceeding with plans to inte- grate the area, Stratford s ,com- petitive position in industrial de- velopment will be greatly en- hanced by the acquisition of this fine land. • * s Advice has been received at the Stratford office from the Prime Minister, FTonourable Les lie M. Frost, QC, that a hospital for Re- tarded Children will be eonstruet- ed in 1 -Huron County. Mid -Western Ontario Development Association had previously asked that the Re- gion be considered for location of this institution, whichit is report - cd will cost about $10,000,000. Control of American Marsh Pumps (Canada) Ltd., Stratford,' Lias recently passed from U.S. to Canadian interests. Manufactur- ers of complete fire pumpers, aerial ladder trucks, portable trailer pumps and industrial pumps, this company will con- tinue to be sole distributor in Canada of the products of Ameri- can Fire Pump Co. and American Fire Apparatus Co., Battle Creek, ' Mich, * 4. ,} The new dial exchange of Bell: Telephone Company in Clinton is I already so crowded that a permit has been issued for an extension. * More' than 1,000 Ontario cloth -1 ing workers in Kitchener, Water- loo and Stratford, members of Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America (CLC) have decided not to seek wage increases this year. * * * Duscussions continue in Water- loo and Perth Counties concern- ing establishment of museums. A recent meeting of Perth County Historical Society, held in Mitch- ell, was well attended. * * * Construction of a large new plant in St. Marys is nearing completion. Owner is DeLong !look and Eye Co. Ltd., an as- sociate of the Scovill Manufaetur' ing Company, Waterbury, Conn.. •* >M Rapid strides have been made by Union on Gas Com a of Can- ada n- ara Limited, in bringing natural gas to the region, Latest develop - meat is plan to enter Huron . County .with a line to Goderleh and other Huron communities. (, Construction of 24 rental ;homes in. Stratford will start soon. Costs vrill be er mn-Pro• vineial autpihoritiesby Doandinioadminis- tration will be by the Stratford Housing authority, Also reported are plans for a 1,500 home sub- division, being planned for Forest Hill Village in Kitchener. A new induskry !s announced in llespeler, Textile Mending Com- pany, Cloth Finishers, has recent. ly been established and employs 10 people. McGillivray WI Host To Official The McGillivray W.I. were honored in having as their guest speaker the district president,' Mrs. Gordon Culver, of Komo-; ka, at their March meeting.. Mrs. Culver's talk was of a. varied nature and interesting. She spoke of the Log Cabin, which is being furnished with antiques and asked for dona-, tions. She also demonstrated the making of a cancer pad for the clinic. I Airs. Garnet Hodgins demon- strated a fruit crunch dessert, which proved tasty; and also explained the T.B. survey pro- gram for the X-ray test, to be held at West 'McGillivray Hall on April. 15. Reports from the different departments were given by the conveners for the work done during the year. It was decided that the W.I. would purchase one more table for the hall, as well as pitchers for pouring or coffee. A donation was voted to the Institute in Ceylon. The contest was won by Mrs. Les Shaddock.• The roll call for the April meeting is to be something made, sewn or grown in the past year, donated and to be auctioned for raising funds. The roll call for the March meeting was answered by "a current event, and where it is taking place". Mrs. Karl Pickering read the scripture. This Week In Winchelsea By' MRS, F. HORNE Personal Items Mrs. Minor Dobbs who has spent the past several months with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Brock has left to visit with her daugh- ter, Mrs. E. Stephens, at Lang- ton. Misses Wilma Walters and Kathleen Horne of London , also Mrs, Fred Delbridge of Ridge - town spent the weekend at their respective homes. Mrs Brown of Crediton and Mrs. Nelson Squires of. Farqu- har visited on Wednesday last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Walters. Mrs. Garnet Miners returned hone on Thursday after spend- ing the past week with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Eric • Carscadden of Exe- ter. Air. and Mrs. Stanley Martin of Whitby, also Airs. Jack Wicks, Lori and Michael were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters. t Mr. and Mrs. Alex Garton - burg and children of WoodlYam, also Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bailey, of Stratford were guests recent- ly of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ford. • 1 * The Water Resources Commit- tee of Mid -Western Ontario De- velopment Association met in Stratford, Feb, 12, under the chairmanship of Dr, E. A, Mc- Master, past mayor of Seaforlh. The meeting which was also at- tended by representatives of con- servation authorities and the city of Kitchener, adopted a resolu- tion to be forwarded to members of the provincial cabinet and the Ontario Water Resources Com- mission, asking that the latter body undertake, without delay, a complete water resources survey of Western Ontario, without cost to the municipalities. Value of such a study was stressed for fu- ture municipal planning and in consideration of the competitive position of inland communities in industrial development, having in mind the anticipated completion of. the St. Lawrence Seaway by 1959, Thi( Wigle In Blanchard By MRS. G1.ADWYN HOOPER Community Spell I The social evening o the - Eighth e: li,hth Line Community was held in Metropolitan School on l ridgy. The evening wag, charge of Ilii, and Mrs, William G. Jones and 11Ir. and Mrs.' Claire Sisson. The program included several numbers by local talent. Mrs, George Wilson presentod tures of her tour which was much enjoyed by al!. The door prize was won by Doug Donnell .after which lunch was served. Personal Items Air. and Mrs. Leonard Thac- ker and Iamily were Sunday. ,guests of Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Parkinson. Mr. and Mrs, Gladwyn Hoop- er, Very], and Jeanette were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. N, L. Carter of Clinton and also visited with Mrs. James Maloney who is a patient in lin r C l0 1 hospital. ilal. Mrs. Lottie Jones of Rannoch, Mrs. Alvada Hopkins of Mit- chell spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. William G. Tones. Mrs. Fred Pattison spent Sun- day afternoon with Mr. and Airs. Edb Hazlewood of Kirkton. Mrs. James Mossey spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Mossey. You buy from Wait BROOM! BROOM! donate two ways when you a broom at regular price Exeter Lions en April 24. for the blitz! Thea Tinaa-Advocate, March 27, 1.951. No. 0044414W141014 4qu}A W11U100110. 1001 I1ut111gQ1A�IlUg011.1 A.FN 11l�l6S!lttldluilyt!-nlll1.1,MIn4,tIIIM�MAtI A� tch Cornish,Mitchell e _ .CERTIFIED .PUBI.IC ACCQUNTANTS H. J. erni G h. P. co 's 't s L F � .I_h rn D Mitchell K. W. Se. W. E, IYOCIN"IprgION/ 291 DUNDASST.ladDjal 2.2651 ,ON"I:"p. �111I010101000011111111Af111101111101110141.1111111111041111.1111,101010 11111.µ1P11g1111111101110011U0111111111., �� Dext&yeeu, eics/up deww BE SURE TO '"'?"7 (a�/qs1. Y'c, ;,:/'r`iNf't'•w yIY :' 31S ;.:.,"{R b v.. wbt...Y?' Phone 1095 For A Ride To The Polls FOR INFORMATION OR ASSISTANCE, VISIT OR PHONE THE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE HEADQUARTERS, EXETER "Carry On, Elston And John" Inserted By Exeter PC Association w Town Topics %Ir. and Mrs. Alonzo Redden, Toucan, were guests with Mrs. R. Hedden Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Johnston and sons visited on Sunday with Mrs. William Walker in Clinton. Mr, and Mrs. L. illcDonald and son, Gerald, of .London, visited on Sunday with Mrs, Russell Hedden of town. Mrs. John 1tead of London was a recent visitor with Mrs.. Ella Redden, Andrew St. Brides -Elect See The Albums Of INVITATION$ • SgRVIIETTIES A MATCH8S • COAST E IF3 FREE! Recipe Book with purchase of Kraft's CHEEZ WHIZ 53c Try These Tasty WHIZBURGERS HAMBURG BUNS Pkg. of 8 23¢ Ground Beef 41c L. Devon Sweet Smoked BACON Rindless — Lb. Pkg. 65c • MAPLE LEAF MINCED HAM L6, 69c • Bologna Sliced or in the Piece LB. 33c Catelli Spaghetti 10 Lbs. Sugar Nabob Coffee Shortening Margarine Kadana Tea Bags Bailet TissueALLs 2 COOKED LG. 2B OZ. TIN REDPATH GRANULATED JEWEL: 10C OFF LB. BAG LB. GOLDEN DEW LE. P.KGS Heavy Duty SUCCESS LIQUID WAX 99c Qt. Tin Nescafe, New Giant Size, 30¢ Off 8 -Oz. Jar INSTANT COFFEE $1.37 Aylmer Tomato CATSUP Treesweet Unsweetened . ORANGE JUICE Stuart House Heavy WAX PAPER Colgate's Regular Bars BEAUTY SOAP 1l -Oz. Btl. 2 FOR 39c Lg. 48.Oz. Tin 39c 100 -Ft. Roll 31c 3 FOR 25c GIANT SIZE TIDE !OC OFF 67c Raspberry or Strawberry 24.Oz. Jar BREAKFAST CLUB JAM 47c ORK ICE CREAM • AYLMER -FRENCH STYLE Green Beans 21,01(49c FROZEN FOODS HIGHLINER Haddock Fillets rt:G. 35c ■.--.. 23c 98c 75c 29< 4 : 89c 77< 23c WO'S ROLL` FRESH PRODUCE • Sweet, Juicy Florida Oranges .ss.„ 2 noz, 75c • Crisp, New Carrots 3 B. MIA, 0 29 c 0 Fancy Delicious or Mac Apples 3 trios, 39c '/2 Gallons 89c Sealed -Sweet Blended Orange and Grapefruit Juice 2 f..oz, 39c Fresh Maple Syrup Now In Stock A & H MARKET PHONE 532 Free Delivery EXETER