The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-03-20, Page 14NresemalimmielswimlieleMeleoli
Pa 14 The Thritro.-A0vocatt,, :March 20t 1.9.511
)f TF IE. IrishH olds
As LE:Dr.;chauns. Hit 5t
Between 8 and 9 p.m. last
Sunday evening, the streets of
Lneen were deserted, Those who
•Owned no TV sets visited their
snore fortunate neighbors where
big and small, old and young
all tuned in to. the Ed Sullivan ;
After weeks of indecision and
-disappeintment the "Luck of
the Irish" held and L.ucan's!
Leprechaun pee wee hockey
team (12 boys and three girls).
together with mach W. J. Smith
and Zr. and Airs. Harold Rib -
fon, finally made New York.
The $128,000 question was
"Would they actually appear on
the stage or would they merely :
take a bow from the audience?"
P.401131111111illitilltlitatif iii • l
Every Lucan eye was glued on
the screen as Ed Sullivan talk-
ed of everything .else under the
sun but Leprechauns and hoc-
key teams. Bands played their
numbers, singers sang their
songs, acrobats and puppets did
their stunts while the clocks
ticked on and all Luau waited
Then, suddenly, at 8.40 p.m.,
there they were right up en the
stage in all their Irish splendor
with Ed Sullivan in their midst.
But scarcely did parents lo-
cate their offspring when they
were gone. Even Ed Sullivan
had just time to ask one quest-
ion. "How do yon pronounce
However, in years to come,
WANTED so • loo , 200 ,or 300 Acre FARMS
150 Acre
100 Acre
100 Acre
Farm—Choice clay loam, very fine buldings.
Farm—North of Zurich, fair buildings, black loam.
Farm—South of Dashwood, clay and sand loam.
First Quality Nylons
• Fine dark. seams SPECIAL
• Sizes 81./e to 11 VALUE
• Individual leg lengths
• Popular Spring shade
• 51 gauge, 15 denier
• 45 gauge, 30 denier
• 60 gauge, 15 denier PR.
Finer Quality
Admiration Nylons
• Full Fashioned
• Fine dark seams; Sizes 81/2, to 11 • 0
• Leg lengths .. . ................. . PR.
• For tots, boys, girls and women
• Tots, turn cuff, white and colors,
Sizes 4 to 61h
• Boys, fancy stripe cotton
Sizes 6 to 91
• Girls, rayon and cotton,
Sizes 6 to 81/2
• Women's, rayon and cotton,
Sizes 9 to 11 PR..
• In new fabrics of drip-dry, no -iron, $198*
Arnel, Terylene, and linen -like •
• All new styles
• Tailored and fussy
• Sizes in the lot 12 to 18, 14 to 20,
38 to 42
New' American Beauty' Bras
• Plurging neckline
• Elasticized back for freedom of
• Side boned for support
• Cotton or satin
• Sizes 32—A -B -C Ciips
• Sizes 34—A -B -C Cups
• Sizes 36—A -B -C Cups
• Sizes 38—B -C Cups
New SLIPS For Easter
• Large range of the most popular
styles in Nylon -Tricot, Nylac, and
Sanitized cotton
• Sizes 32 to 42 2.9
Lucan Dry Goods
.... ... „„„.„.„ ..... ,,„
',those fortunate young LePre•
chaunS will be able to tell their
grandchildren how away back
tin March of '58 they appeared
.on the Ea :Sullivan Srow in New
York in hockey uniform and
also saw the St. Patrick's pa-
rade on St. Patrick's Day.
Its n; .-r•
The regular meeting of the
Lucan C.G.I.T. was held in the
II.7nited Church parlors last Mon-
' day evenin,g with 11 members
:present, including one new mem-
ber. Connie Bardawill.
The worship service and study
book on Japan was taken by
Mrs. Chas Sovereign. In craft
the blanket for Korea was conti-
nued, The treasurer reported a
bank balance of 523.32.
- Plans were made for attend-
ing a rally .at Lieury United
'Church, April 18.
PaneI Features
Phone 109 Lucan
And District News
Correspondent: MISS Abbott
Special Service
First In History
For the first time —in th
history of Haly Trinity Church,
a Mothering S u n cl a y service
was held last Sunday. This tra
ditional service dates back to
the days in England when
children returned home to their
parents and family church on
the fourth Sunday of Lent, It is
a unique and impressive ser -
The Sunday School • children
attended in a body lasI Sunday,
occupying the front seats. Miss
;Line Abbott was • the leader,
Mrs. Clarence 1(ardy presided
at the organ; Airs. Kay Ega
read the lesson; Mrs, Harol
Hodgins, Mrs. Calvin Rasket
New Fashions Prepare Plans
n For TB Clinic
Attract 20.. Hamilton Ilotigins of Whalen
- •
'Youth Meeting
The Lucan-Clandeboye
met in the Lucan United Church
parlors last Sunday evening at
• 6:30 p.m. instead of 7:30 to per-
mit the members to see the
Lucan Leprechauns on TV at 8
p,m. There were 24 members
present, Marjorie Sovereign's
Faith and Evangelism Commis-
sion had charge of themeeting.
A. panel di s•c ussion on
"Prayer" was taken by Marlene
Revington, Terry Culbert, Frank
Hardy and Wesley Stanley. I
Sherry Walpole Jed in a game
after •which members were di-
vided into five groups with each
group composing one sentence
of a prayer.
Coursey School Euchre
Mrs, Harvey Hodgins and
Mrs. Harry Stokes were hos-1
tesses for a six -table euchre in
the Coursey School last Friday
night. High score prizes vent to
Mrs. Guy Ryan and Air. Roy
Stone: low score prizes to Mrs.
Harold Coursey and. Mr. Guy ;
Ryan, and lone hand prize to
Mrs. Evan Hodgins.
Mrs. Joe O'Neil and Mrs.;
George Hodgins will be hostesses'
I for the next euchre, Friday,
March 28. 1
In Holy Trinity Church Satur-
day evening, the Rev. J. P.
Prest baptized Nancy Jane
Stretton, small daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. Herbert C. Stretton,
Godparents were Mr, and Mrs.
John D. MacFarlane, of Forest,
and Mrs. William Sangster, of
W.A. Executive Meets
The W.A. executive of the
United Church met in the church
parlors last Monday night to
make final plans for the annual
hot dinner in the church, Wed-
nesday, March 26.
Couple Visit'
New York City
Delrene M. Coursey and Don-
; ald W. Downs exchanged mar-
riage vows last Friday evening,
March 14, in a quiet ceremony,
performed by Rev. J. P. Prest,
at Holy Trinity rectory. If
' The bride is the daughter of
Mrs. lfene Coursey, of Lucan, 2
and the groom is the son of Mr. s
and Mrs. James Downs, of
1 The only attendants at the
ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. t
Merrill Edwards (nee Marion
Coursey), of London.
On their return from a New
York honeymoon, the young e
couple will make their home
with the bride's mother, Mrs.
Tzecnari.eCoursey, on Water St.,
Personal IteMs
Mrs. Pat Crudge spent. last
weekend in. London, the guest
of her mother, Mrs. Mabel Ryan. t
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Ford and
Robert of Detroit were weekend
guests of Mrs. Irene Coursey.
Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Allison
of Parkhill were Wednesday 1
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold 1
Mrs. Eleanor Emerick was
taken to St, Joseph's Hospital
last Saturday.
Mr, Dave Park left last Satyr- t
day for a business trip to St. A
• Louis.
Mrs, Harry Beaumont and Mrs. 1
Rodgerson of London were Wed-
nesday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
.1, W. Smith.
Mrs. T. C. McFarlane, Mrs.
Roy Stanley, Mrs. M. 0. Smith k
iand Miss Kate Bowyer attended a
the "Quiet Day" service at. St.
:John's Church, Arva, last Tues-
day, The service was in charge A
!of Sister Dominico and the 13_,
Rdtr, A. 1-1. Jared administered u
'Holy Comr
munion. The service
lasted from 10 arri, till 4 p.m.
Mrs. Margaret Stewart of Lon-
don was a weekend guest of s
Mrs. J. R, Murray.
Mr. W. 14', A. Tlfnas was a
Satin -day guest of Mr. and Mrs. f
IT, Cantelon.
A stage, edged with large pot
of flowers from Redersi, Exeter
and hacked with floor-th-ceilin
festoons of flowered branches
formed t ,h e setting in th
Lucan it Meinoria.
Centre, last Wedimalay night
for the "Easter Parade of '58"
sponsored by the Lucan Home
and sso la iop.
The vast floor of the audito.
rium, filled with small tables,
set with gailey colored serviettes
and centred with miniature hats
of every conceivable shape and
color lept an air of festiVity, a
s was the guest speaker at a meet-
ing in the Lucan Community
g Memorial Centre last Alonday
, evening in connection with 'the
o TB Clinic to be held here April
I 18 f • 2-5 pin. and 7-10 pin
The Liman Home and School
Association, the Canadian Le-
gion, the Legion Auxiliary and
the on -en's Institute under the
leaders, Mrs, Sheridan Reving-
ton, Louis Staples, Mrs. A. E.
Reilly and Mrs, ' Murray Hod-
gins will canvas the homes and
distribute literature,
s Medway Euchre
The Medway Euchre Club
belcl a five -table euchre last
Saturday night at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hughes
with ladles' prizes going to Mrs.
Erle Middleton for high score;
Mrs. Clarence Lewis for lone
hands, and Mrs, Sevinour White
for ,consolation,
d London models, M s F E, Ezi-
ner, Mrs. H. A, Porter, Mrs. R
M. Dillon, Mrs. W. 0, :Oates
Mrs, J, A. Simpson, Mrs. A. El
USOn, Mrs, W. Watson, Mrs, T
E. Bacon And Miss Georginia
North displaying furs, :hats, jew
dry and hand -bags from Furter's
and Elizabeth, paraded among
them, Mrs. D. W. Kells in
black ensemble, chic hat and
Reddcorsage was commenta
Bawden was fashion co-ordina
At the door each lady was
presented with a sample bottle
n cott gave ap-
propriate addresses.
During the singing of one of
the hymns, nine boys and nine
girls from the senior classes
distributed a rose to every lady
in the congregation. The boys
carried the trays and the girls
gave out the flowers. After the
second address, Mr. Prost plac
ed two vases of roses on the
altar in memory of the Mother
of our Lord.
Judy Haskett, dressed in an
Indian costume, Mary Mathers
in an Irish costume, Nancy
Haskett in a Japanese costume
and Carole Davis ;n a Mitch
costume, took up the collection.
Mrs. James Freeman had
charge of training and dressing
of the children.
After the service, the roses
that were left were sent out 10
the sick and shut-ins,
J. G. Morrison, florists of
London, donated all the roses.
Lion's Travelogue
Entertains Club
The Anglican Men's Club held
its March meeting in the parish
hall last Monday evening with
Mr. Jack Steacy's group in
charge of the program and re
freshments. In the absence
the president, Mr. Austin Hod
gins, the vice- president, Mr, Pa
Crudge presided,
•The guest speaker was Mr
A. .T. Sweitzer of Exeter who
gave an illustrated travelogue o
a trip to the International Lions
Convention in San. Francisco an
the Canadian West. pictures
of the Grand Canyon and the
Calgary Stampede were particu
larly interesting.
Robb Reception
At the Robb reception held
last week to honor their daugh-
ter, Rose Marie, and her hus-
band, Jim Bawtenheimer, an in-
formal hour of entertainment
was presided over by Rev. Ed-
gar Roulston of Lucan with
Mrs. Ross Cumming, Lucknow,
at the piano.
Mr, Ben Farrell, of Ripley,
sang "My Best To You" for the
newly-weds and "Galway Bay"
or the Irish
Rev. Chester Wilkinson. of
lotherwell. a family friend,
poke briefly as did Mr. Leslie
Lamont, Kincardine on behalf
the Farrell connection; Mrs.
J. G. McLeod, Kincardine, for
he Ruttle friends and Mr. Wil-
bert Stanle, a member of Lucan
United Church session, for the
church. Singsongs were enjoy -
d by the group.
Among the guests were two
great aunts of the bride, Mrs.
Gideon RuttJe, Kincardiee. and
Mrs. John A. Farrell, Ripley,
at present at Waterlbo,
Men's PriZes went to Bill Mc-
Comb for high score; Bill. Stew-
art: for lone hands, and Wilbert
. Stanley for consolation,
The next euchre will be held
at the home of Bill McComb,
Saturday, March 29,
of Du Barry Flutter-glo compli
rnents of Mrs. Lillian Radcliffe,
who was in charge of make-up,
During the evening six door
prizes donated by Reder's Flo-
rist of Exeter, Mrs. Milton Trice
and Airs. Allan Scott of Lucan
were presented to Mrs. G. D, Ai
Chambers, Mrs, Clarence Car-
ter, Mrs. Mel Culbert. rs, Pat
Crudge. Miss Bette Leake and
Mrs. Jim Reader.
Mrs, Sheridan Revington,
Borne and School president, ex-
tended a welcome to the over
200 community ladies who filled
the auditorium and later thanked
the two London firms for their
splendid display, Mrs. Lloyd
Acheson, instigator and general
convener of Oa project, Mrs.
R. G. Kehl, lunch convener, Mrs.
Calvin Haskett advertizing con-
vener, Mrs. Murray Hodgins,
ticket convener Radcliffe Drugs
. L.U.C,A.N. Executive Meeting
Following the TB meeting last
Monday evening the executive
of the L,U.C.A.N, met to make
plans for Lucan's big hobby and
trade fair to be held in the Com-
munity Alemorial Centre May 12,
13 and 14,
Automatic transmission,. tutone green .and white, sharp,
• est car in -town!
Very low mileage, radio, spotless inside and out,
New paint, good tires, mechanically A-1,
'53 CHEVROLET iiARprop
Radio, automatic transmission, a real sports model!
'futons blue, custom built-in radio.
New paint, overdrive transmission, very economical
Graham Arthur
Phone 210 MOTORS Exeter
for advertising, Mrs. Radcliffe
for make-up and favors: the
• prize donators and all who helned
in making the fashion show
f such an outstanding, success.
Millinery Short Course
I Mrs, Dorothy Hutchison of the
Home Economic Service of the
, Department of Agrieulture. Tor-
- onto began a three day millinery
short course in the Community
Memorial Centre last Thursday
for 18 members of the TA)
W.T. The course continued Fri-
day and Monday from 10-12 a.rn.
and 1:30-4:00 p.m.
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs, Sheridan Reving-
on and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Eller-
mgton spent last weekend in
Toronto, where they attended a
Jewish wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. A, G. Ford, who
lave returned home after spend -
ng the wint-r in Florida with
heir son, Mr. Elgin Ford and
Mrs. Ford, were Sunday guests
of Mr. and Mrs, A. M. lieddin.
Bobble and Jimmie MeNaugh-
on, small children of Mr, and
Irs. Harry AicNaughten, of
London, spent last, weekend with
heir grandfather, Mr. Wes
Revington. going home with
heir parents on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Linda -
ns,„ Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Has -
eft, Air. and Mrs. IT. A. Chown
and Mr. and Mrs. lack Ready
vele among those who attended
he. tenth annual hall of the
relent and .Accepted Scottish
ite at Hotel London, last Fri-
a v night.
Mr, and Mrs. Sheridan Rev-
ngton, on the way home from
oronto, called on the former's
ister, Mrs. Gailev .thhaQtaa,
ho is a patient in Sf. Cath -
rifles General Hoapital, and
ound her in fall. enndition.
Mr. Harold Corbett was one
f the 26 r
ex-wadens wile atteed-
erl the annual Middlesex Ex -
Wardens' Association banquet in
London lasf week.
Mr. and Mrs, CiIhrlOk COthOlt,
who have been holidaying, in
Mexie.e. returned home on Mon -
da' after a trin.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Cowtiji.
lin and :Indy were Sundav
Ior.q or M'-, find Mrs, Charles
Coughlin. of clandeheyt.,
Ilev. A. AvIestoe,k, of North
tpens. and
Mrs. 1Villiont Avlestoek,
3.14(nrie brAttrAn, baby
And Mrs. tob Drennan. bet to
he taken hark to Vitoria 1/0-
0 t on 8tIntillr,
PrAtl ThMitriqnti wlm toiq
been on the SiOklJf, wmMile
fn (AO '+116 $iriN"hi the ?Wt.,
(!ror“ (ninth on PntitTRAf.
'rh tilt' an .t!IfilOt rarni6it
tkosh. 1,, nun 1 han'uefaf
Arnittfibnno fund, tXettri
last Saturday evening.
Ni! Marie triteef Adwi!efeve
OMNI $licies Sad 101501
DALiftv ritromeetti sYlw idAkADA
4,16o kt10611 COW, ttlItoritis
New Canadians
I Wed Saturday
A quiet wedding was solem-
nized at 2.30 p.m., March 15, at
Holy Trinity Rectory when the
Rev. J, P. Prest united in
riaae Cynthia Sterkman and Jan
Willen Schuler. The bride is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
J. Sterkman, of Haarlem, Hol-
land. and the aroom is the son
of Mrs. F. Schilder and the late
.1.1, Schilder, of Naarden, Hol-
Given in marriage by Austin
W, Hodgins, R.R. 3 Lucan, the
bride wore a grey and white
flowered silk gown with mauve
, and grey accessories. A short
grey veil hung front a head-
dress of mauve and white flow-
ers. She carried a cascade of
orchids and streamers.
The bride's only attendant
was Mrs. A. W. Hodgins. in a
navy blue gown with white ac-
cessories and corsage of white
D. de Boer of London was
best man.
A recentinn was held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W.
IT origins with Mrs. Charles
Grose of Ltiran and Mrs. D, dr
Boer and Mrs. Bloomfield of
London as assistant hnstesses.
The young couple will make
their home in London.
U.C. Evening Auxiliary
Last Tuesday eveninz. 17
members of the United Church.
Evening Auxiliary met in the
church parlors for their March
m e e tin g. Mrs, Jen Andersen's
group had charge of program
and refreshments.
Mrs, Andersen was assisted in
the worship service by Mrs,
Benny Saulmer and Mrs. Art
Black. Mrs. Dave Park, Mrs,
Bert Thompson and Mrs, Ernie
Ross had charge of the study
During the business session, a
hake sale was planned for
March 22.
Personal Items
' Don AYiestocl . son of Mr. and
Mrs, William Aylestotk, is on
the sick listt
'Visitors with Mrs. W„T. Mc-
fi ails last week, ineluddd Mrs.
Elizabeth 13cre, Mr. Mark
Itedgins, Airs. Florence Cunning-
ham, Mr. and Airs. tort Hazel-
wood and Mary Lynne, of
Mr. and Mrs. 'Bob Lewis spent
last Weekend with Detroit friends,
and attended the lee Cantles.
Audrey and Peg Copeman, of
Belinbrit,,spent last Sunday with
shelf gratidoarents, Mr, and
MrS. VMS iforlging. Thev were
aeeempanied by Carol Shackle
ten and Pon Barker, also of
Ttev, Canon C. if. Ouoo.o.
hiocesao Commissioner. will
show his loclachroilie piefures.
"My ObserVation *rollr of the
Merest of trandoo." in the
tjarish Vali tit StuidaY even/hA
at A P.m,
Mita Tan CO liago Iti
Mrs. H. Hodgins
Dies At Granton
Mrs, Henry Hodgins, 81, the
former Rosetha Duffield, died
, Thursday, March 13 at the home
of her sister, Miss Minerva
Duffield, of Granton. She lay
at rest at the C. Haskett and
Son funeral home, Lucan, until
2 p.m., Saturday, when the Rev.
T. L. Dymond conducted fune-
ral services.- Interment was in
St. James Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Clare Bryan,
Norman Hodgins, Percy Hod-
gins, Elmer Raritan, Hugh
E(Cyeannisraliaa)nda Kenneth Hodgins
Daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Duffield, of Elan -
shard. Township, she lived her
married life on Con 10, Bid-
dulph. Her husband predeceas-
ed her in 1947.
She is survived by one (laugh-
ter, Mrs. John Gollings, of Bid-
dulph Township, and one sister,
Miss Minerva Duffield, Granton,
The Lucan-Clandeboye Explor-
ers held a special expedition
last Monday afternoon to com-
pensate for the expedition miss-
ed during the big storm.
Counsellor Kao Haskett had
charge of the worship service
and the Japanese story. Mrs.
Murray Hodgins as honorary
counsellor installed the new of-
Warehouse 757 Res. 4574-31
Rob your Rest..
Many people never seem to get a good
night's rest. They turn and toss—blame it
on 'nerves'—when it may be their kidneys.
Healthy kidneys filter poisons and excess
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impurities stay in the syatem—disturbed
rest often follows. 11 you don't rest well
get and use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's
help the kidneys so that you can rest
better—and feel better. 136
Dodd Kidney Pills
Your problems demand
prompt Action!
You know the problems of West Middlesex. Some of the long
standing examples were solved by prompt action of the
Diefenbaker government. Those remaining come up for
consideration now and Bill Thomas is the man to help solve
them. Diversified experiences give him ideal qualifications
through . . .
Years of association with rural life as a successful
farmer — in municipal government — county council
— farming associations.
Years of experience in city and town affairs as a
principal of one of Calgary's schools — as a member
of Calgary City Council — Calgary Stampede execu-
In your community today he is .prominent in civic affairs
and in addition to his work as a member of the First Diefen.
baker Government is . . .
Vice President of the Trustees' and Ratepayers' As-
sociation of Middlesex County,
Bill Thomas has the ability, experience and energy to help
solve your problems. Make him a member of the Diefenbaker
team March 31. Let him speak up for you in Ottawa.
This Advertisement Authorized 'by West Middlesex
Progressive Conservative Association.
1958 Studebaker
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