The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-02-20, Page 12Palo 12 Mei TimwAtivocote, Frintiary 20, 1 9,58
Vacationers, .Skiers
Marooned At Bend •
Slimmer tourists who wanterl.
to see what Grand ,_Bead is like.
tit the winter time got more than
they bargained, for over the
Three busloads of skiers from
Petroit. who were eitiing up,'
rOrth, w.ere stranded u. Grand;
Bead over the weekend. One 'bus
contained a group front General
Xotors research department and
another contained the Skiads
Your Car
Ski. Club and the Michigan Bell
Telephone Ski Club. The Brea-
ner House served over 100 and
were serving until two and .three
o'clock on Monday morning,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Neowa, Gaud
Bend. invited 11 young people,
all of whom are regular vaea-1
fiances in the Keown cabins dur-. Anglican YPA
ing the summer, 'to the resort . -
for the weekend to help them D
celebrate their thirteenth wed.' me -Organizes
ding anniversary. Caught in the!
— And District News
Plume 107 Luean
Correspondent: Miss Lina Abbott
MOW UJ 1I. the group bad to re.' In spite lef the zero weather
!Storm Halts New Year's BabY
intrii until Tueeday. 118 people from Irtly Meriwy and Lucantlschools
e party was arranged this . ty C nu 1, can, and . James were closed on on ay as a
summer when the young people; Church, Clandeboye, attended an blinding blizzard hit the village.
. indicated they would. like to visit A.Y.P.A. re -organization meet -I Only two Lateen •teachers out of
; in in the a ish hall last Thurs.i five. made the school, also a few
the resort during the cold weath- g p r
er. The group included William I day evening following the oyster children so school was dismissed.
and Betty Lambert and Jake : Supper. • 1 Mrs. Warner 11IcRoberts at.
Wiley, Mount Brydges; Lam- i Miss Lina Abbott spoke brief- i templed to reach her Whalen
ence Ullynt, St. Marys; Doris ly to the young people, after 1 8610°1 11Y bus but the bus bad
Kester and Norma Arthur, Thorn. i which the Rev, J. P. Prest pre. I to turn back. A few London corn.
I dale; Bruce Lambert, Strathroy: ; sided for an election of officers. i routers reached the city in
I Jack Cook. Arkona; Robert 1 President is Marilyn Brown- l safety but did not venture home,
yooThornhill. Robert Kish and John lee; vice-preeldent, Al Bromll.' The Li
w, H_Alen ons club dinner, the Ang-
""' McDonald, London. Vick; secretary Jane Steacy4llea's club' Exploreet
Personal Items treasurer, Dow Wilson; group , meetings as well as hockey
1 • \ '11 r co • eadms. Tom Tomes, Frank
' games were cancelled.
ISometimes it's smart to put all
your eggs in one basket .
1 especially when it's your insure1
ance protection. You'll enjoy the
1 convenience of haung all your I
I personal insurance in the hands
of one person who knows your in
dividual needs. Gall me anytime,
also attended the celebration, 'Egan, Helen Hardy; pianists,
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Young Jane Steacy and Helen Hardy;
and Mr. and Mrs. Wally Des_ !advisory committee, Rev. J. P.
Jardine visited in Toronto Iasi Prest and Miss Line. Abbott.
Mr. Prest explined to th
week. he Busy Beaveh
rs, a branc; group the four•fol purpose ofe
of the Junior Red Cross, are A.Y.P.A. work, worship, fellow -
planning a doll festival in the I ship and edification,
Pentecostal Church
Rev. Fred Thomson conducted
. public' school on February 28.1 When the newly elected presi- services in the London P'ente.
The girls are looking forun-; dent took over it was decided costal Holiness church all week
usual dolls and Mrs. Griffin ; to hold meetings at 7.30p.m. with a number from the Lucan
Thomas is in charge of col.; every other Sunday beginning church . ttending. On Friday
lecting them. 1 next Sunday with Group 1 in night the Young People held
. Carol and Sandra Bossenberry ; charge of program and refreshtheir meeting in the church with
ments. As the United Y.P.U. Mr, Jack Eizenga in charge and
hold their meeting every other his brother, Allan Menge, Of
Sunday evening also it was de- London as guest speaker. This
visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Acheson, Exeter, over 'the week-
end and were storm -stayed.
Mr, and Mrs. Vincent Maillet„ tided to hold the A.Y.P.A. meet-. was followed by an interesting
Jimmie, David and Donna Jean i lags on the Sundays there was "Bible Sword Drill."
Coughlin of Met Lake are visit.: no 'Y.P.U, thus enabling anyone,
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert ! who cared to do so, to attend Anglican Church
Dewey. They attended the wed- ,' meetings at both churches. Zero weather didn't seem .to al-
ding of Elizabeth Ann Coughlin, it was decided to contact the feet 'the youth attendance at Holy
in Sarnia on Saturday; I Wesley Church young people and Trinity last Sunday for 18 mem.
b • th jut tor choir and 38
; Mr. and Mrs. William Sturde- invite them to stage their hu- els; OLe 1
members of the junier congrega-
tion were present. After the
service the executive of the
newly organized .A.Y.P.A. met to
discuss a program for their next
In the afternoon Rev. J. P.
Prest had baptisms in the church
when he baptized eight children,
the largest group he has ever
had. They were David Glen
Neelin, John Keith Neelin, Mari-
lyn Elspeth Neelin, William Don-
ald Neclin, the four children of
Mr. and Mrs, Donald Neelin,
also Sherrie Darlene Davis,
Norma Jean Davis, William
Stephen Davis, and Carole Anne
Davis, the four children of Mr.
and Mrs, Richard Stephen Davis.
The parents of the children
It pays to know your rant and Mrs. William Love vis; morous play "Aurelia Bridge
STATE FARM Agent 1 ited in Toronto with Mr. and From Hemlock Ridge" in Lucan
!qrs. Alex Love while Mr.` in the near future.
Sturdevant attended a heating
, the remainder of the evening
Mrs. H. R. Edwarde, Mnntreal, was anent in dancing and re -
I Following the business session
C Rbb chool.
is visiting for a month with her 'freshments.
_Mrs. Edwards and family.
Phone 254-22 Lucan son, Captain W. G. M. Edwards,1
g.=1:1 1.1.163 70•1*. •••••••11 1 Former arden
v.,..........m.„„,,,x„„,......,..„„„„.„„......,...m.,„,..... iiiii H.,......„„„..,..„,
riJustice Of Peace
i .... ,•,• i i t•
.... ••,,,,,2-41,,,,t, , • ^-,,
. 1 1 Mr, Harold Corbett, former
See f !reeve of Lucan and warden of
I. 1 Middlesex, has further followed
1.' ilin the footsteps of his father and
ob .nuytall
grandfatherwhenhe was re-
ed by the Crown
..!e I Attorney as Justice of the Peace,
i:, I in and for the county of Middle -
:4 For
(&111101111119010111 llll 214100emetughltliIININIIVI7Mittalley01.1Pktgngpi
i,, • 11,1111M1 I I III 111111!!!!1ifil I 1!!1111131,1111, 3 1,11,11111111,111111 I If:11 I imiill, t III ii,1111iltIttl 11 I '(1,1,
Do ge
'56 CHRYSLER SEDAN—Black and white, VS,
automatic transmission, power steering,
power brakes, radio, new whitewall tires,
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ONLY — $1,595
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ONLY — $1,595
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ONLY — $1,395
GOING FOR $1,595
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lex glass, law mileage,
ONLY — '$1,995
Exeter Motor Sales
17- rod Dobin, Prop,
NIGHTS 762-W or 709-M
sex. This position has been were the only god -parents.
vacant since the death of the
United Church late Mr. Walter Gibson.
e The United Church welcomed
Oyster Supper
The oyster supper, sponsored two new members Mr. and Mrs.
by the Anglican Men's Club, Ernie Ross to the senior choir
last Sunday.
; drew a big crowd in site el
. its having to be postponed from In the evening 31 membere of
Monday to Thursday. It I the Lucan Clandeboye Y.P.U.
still very cold but roads-- w1t1Tes met in tiie Lucan church with
good. Don Lankin and Jackie Park's
citizenship and serv-
The club tried to notify the ice commission in charge. The
public by phone and radio of the ,skit, "The Brewery in Our
postponement but still two car- Town" was staged- •by Beverley
loads arrived Monday evening Butler, Terry Walpole, Heather
from Parkhill.
Presents Study
In Native Dress
The Evening Auxiliary of the
United Church held its February
meeting in the church parlors tour of CFPL T -V station some
last Tuesday evening with - an Saturday in the near future. An
attendance of 15. The President, invitation Will be sent to the
Mrs. A. E. Reilly, presided and Licury Young People to attend
Mrs. Ivan Hearn' t group liad the next meeting at the Clande-
charge of the program and re- bore church March 2 when the
freshrnenls, Rev. Thompson, secretary of
Mrs. Hearn led in the devo- the Ontario Bible Society and a
Lions and was assisted by Mrs. returned Trinidad missionary
, will. be the guest speaker.
Chown. Mrs. Hearn, Mrs. Dave The' evaluation sheets, were
Park and Mrs. George Paul, read by the president Allan
in Japanese costume, Ready. The meeting opened- with
presented the study book "The
the singing of the new theme
Youth of. Japan." song. Don Lankin. led. in the
devotions assisted by Jackie
Quarterly bake sales will con- Park and Heather Stanley read
tinue, "Holiday Plates", a novel the story "The Perfect Gift."
Money.raising scheme, was start- Two new members were enroll-
ed. Each person was given a cd.
!paper plate on which had been On Tuesday' night the senior
'printed 16 holidays. As each hoh- choir held their annual pot luck
i day arrives members were askr supper at, the church. Guests
ed to place a dune en the plate. were Rev. Edgar Roulston and
Mrs. Hearn condueted a Bible Mr. and Mrs, Ernie Ross, Mrs.
quiz as lunch ;was being pre- Bert Thomas and Mrs. Lloyd
pared, The winner of the quiz Acheson brought in the slate of
was Mrs. Ben Saulnier. officers and Mr. Howard Kew
Personal items presided for the election.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins President is Mts. Dave Park:
and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ab- secretary-treasuter, Mrs. Bert
bat and family were Saturday Thoinoton; organist, Mr. How -
guests of Mr. and Mrs. 1.1. A. ard Xewt librarian, Mrs. E. M.
Mullins and 'family of Loedon, Cook gown "'wen"' Mrs.
Lloyd Achesori.
Following the election of of-
ficers a feW garnet Avert enjoyed
before beginiiing the regular
weekly 'practice,
Supertest Annual Party
• - Mr. and 'Mrs. William Brown-
lee, attended the annual Super -
lest party at HOW London last
Friday. Bridge and euchre fol.
lowed the dinner.
It's, Brownlee occupied one of
the kicky chairs and 'Vim a bou-
quet of 'flowers,
Stanley, Allan Ready, Harold
Frost, Don Lankin and Jackie
Park and proved very
ing. Sherry •Walpole led In a
game of jumbled city names and
Helen Hardy favoured with pop-
ular music.
It was decided to make a
nti#01 INN" 0,01' kith( PIONEER
Repairing everything from Meet to farm buildings, clear -
trig new aereage, cutting winter fireweed these are
just a few of the tfriut-saVieg, money -making ways farmers
&craft the country are using light -weight, eaty,to.serVice
Pienter chain 'Sawa. Let us show you hew a Pioneer caw
tan; help :you to 'More profitable faritinigi
Exeter Farm -Equipment
06066 SO
'kA 16" '01630 H .1kt $103i1
Dies In Thorndale
Rose Mary Farr died sudden-
ly at Thorndale, Friday, Febru-
ary 14. She lay at rest at the
Edward .1. Jones funeral home,
Thorndale, till funeral services
were conducted at 2 .in., Sun-
day. Interment was in Robin Hill
RoseMary was the six -week-
old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Theo-
dore Farr, formerly of Francis
street, Luean, who moved to
London last Sall. Rose Mary had
the honour of bein„e Victoria Hos-
pital's 1958 New Year's baby,
Besides her parents she is sur-
vived by two brothers and 'three
sisters, Donald, Teddy, Donna,
Alice and Barbara Farr.
Euchr.sTAotin c
c ouoruleyand
se.sySchool Mrs,
Roy Stone were hostesses for a
six table euchre in the Coursey
.school last Friday evening,
High score prizes went to
Mrs. Guy Ryan and Mr. Harvey
Hodgins and second high score
prizes to Mrs, George Hodgins
and Tommy The lone
hand prizes were won by Mrs.
Wililam Brownlee and Don
The next game be held
Friday, March 23 with Mrs. Guy
.Ryan and Mrs. Allan Ryan as
Medway Club Euchre
,'The Medway Club held a three -
table Euchre at. the home of
Mr. Wilbert Stanley last Satur-
day ,evening. The ladies' prize
winners were: high score, Mrs.
Earl Middleton; lone • hands,
Mrs. Bill Stewart and low score,
Mrs. •Clarence Lewis,
The rams prize winners were
high score, Bill •McComb; lone
hands, Grant Hughes and low
score, Bill Stewart.
The next game will be held at
the home ofMr. Earl Middleton,
Saturady, March 1.
Florida Holiday
For Newlyweds
St. George's Anglican Church.
London, was the setting for the
wedding of Jean Marie Noyes
and Beverley John Hodgins on
Saturday, February 1, with the
Rev. Thomas Griffin officiating.
The bride is the daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. George C. Noyes, R.R.
1 Denfield, and the groom is the
son of Mr. and. Mrs. John Hod-
gins, R.R. 8 Parkhill.
The bride was dressed in a.
formal gown of antique pure
silk and nylon net over duchess
satin, fashioned with elongated
basque bodice, styled with short
shirred sleeves and an Alenclot
lace yoke trimmed with sequins
and seed pearls. The full skirt,
accented with lace motifs, ex-
tended to a chapel train.Her
doable veil of silk illusion. Was
held by a bandeau. of lace and
• pleated tulle sprinkled with seed
pearls. She carried a hand
bouquet of white orchids and
Wearing waltz -length gowns of
peacock velveteen, bridal attend-
ants were Mrs. Harry Hilton, as
Matron of honor; Mrs. Mason
Brawl,. sister of the groom, and
Miss Boney Francis, as brides,
maids. Candy Noyes, also gown-
ed iti peadock veclveteen, was
flower girl.
Wayne Hodgins vas grooms-
man for his 'brother. Mac Hod-
gins, another brother, and Jerry
Noyes, brother of the bride,
were 'ushers.
For a wedding trip 10 FlOrida,
the bride donned. a black seal
skin 'fabric - suit lopped with
grey Persian lamb coat, pastel
blue accessories and white or-
chid corsage.
The couple will Make their
home in Parkhill, •
Mrs. F. Armitage
Blanshard Native
Mrs, Fred Armitage, 73, died
suddenly at her home on Alice
Lucan, on Sunday, Febru-
ary 9. 'She lay at reg. in the
iMurdy funeral home till 2 p.m.
!Wednesday when the Rev. Ed.
I gat Roulston, of I he United
Church eeedected funeral sem,.
ices for a tarp number of reta.
fives, friends and neighbore,
teernent was in St, .Tines
try, Clandeboye,
Pallbearers were Don Thar,
Freddie Allison, Wes Hickson,
Ralph Smith, Clift Abbott and
Murray Alteitt. Small grand-
children were' flower bearers,
1 Mrs. Armitage, the former
Ethel Shipley, was the daughter
•of Mr. and Mrs. Tilos, Shipley
Blanshard Township. The late
!Bev. 11, A. Thomas of 1-loly
• Trinity chureb officiatedf her
marriage to Fred Armitage 51
Yeara AO. On November 21,
Personal items 195n she and Mr, Armitage Cele -
Mr. and Mrs, W. W. Garrett brated their 50111 wedding att-
end family were Sunday guests niversary. They lived far a yeat
of Mr, and Mrs. Bob Coleman, in Cloderith before settling on a
Mis UtHatn 8ka1nk of Win' farm it1 concession 5, Airldulnh,
tillleg tlevy to Toronto and then abaft three miles north of JAI.
nine by ear here 'to attend the can, to) yetkr. Ago on roliriAg
funeral et her aunt, Airs. Rafe they moved to "Met,,. Lttean,
Itodgins4 Being delayed she met Beqides her husbaeri, Mrs,
the funeral between Lucan and Armifage survived by live
tirr. 'Remover the casket at the ,dAoggiefee,a . e soh: Mtg. xell„
grave was opened Tr ,
or her, noth Thar And
(bora) ef
The Stanley Hardware Store mr8. ptn wifeog (gyetc,,n) (if
has been el68ed 1° few days (web Shund, Mrs. Layette API-
0Whig to the Illness of the OlVril son (Leta) of Parkhill, Mrs. J.
er, Mr. Ii. T, Stanley, P Graham (Wilda) of London.
Peter and Harry Prost, Mit Mrs, Armsld Ainley (Rub') M
of the Rev. and Mrs .1. P. Prest, rittean and Cecil Arreitage
who have been confined te their tudgl; aim one sister, gra, 3,
horrid f�r Weeke with flu, chick. ictiotoo or tudatt,
en•)� i1dnideslet were able
P4116101 his
to Attend,,chtleell lag SunOS'. -
Mts. H. B. Langford has been Mr. and 1Virs. ?rd Peril and
en the elek Itobett of botroit Were Weekehd
Mrs, 1). A, Ashworth IS making guests of Mrs, Irene Cettratty,
satiaftletory redovery in Vittoria The 1,6,L. 46g Ate holding(
after het redefit, euchreIlitheir ledge robins
fititation OPeratieli. 'Wednesday, Pebruary
Lucan Pc rsonall Items „Meeting of tb,e. :LUcati, *
•the COrninunity Centre, "Mira -
ATM Warner ,,Alelloberts at-
tendeda faui1y gathering at the
home .of her brether, Mr. Theron
Creery of .Woodhant last Fri-
day evening.
Air. and Mrs. Roy Schlueter
attended the funeral of their
nephew, two and a half year old
Renneth ,Schlueter at Ingersoll
last Saturday. They left" their
family with Mrs. Schlueter's
sister, Mrs. Gordon. Kemp. of
Mrs. Isabel Underwood Of
Lucian was agueSt of Mr. .and
Mrs. Aljoe Culbert last Wednes-
day, who .accompanied her to
Elmira to visit her :niece, Mrs.
Milton Oppenthauser. On Thus-,
day she returned to London with
Mre. Culbert and her :mother
who were attending the funeral
of Air. William Wood there.
Mr. and Airs. Earl Waddell of
Whitby attended the funeral of
the late Mrs. Fred Armitage.
Mr. Arnold Charlton who was
severely injured when a frozen
corn stack fell on him was able
to be brought home from the
hospital after several operations
were performed en his broken
ankle. His back is also giving
him trouble.
Last 'Tuesday, Rev. E. • AT.
Cook, Mrs, Murray Hodgins and
Mr. Wilbert .Stanley attended the
Middlesex Presbytery at the Col-
borne Street United Chureh, Lon-
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Amos
spent last Sunday with their son,
Mr. Clayton Amos and family,
of London, The occasion wag
their granddaughter Marilyn's
twenty-first birthday.
Mrs, Charles. Frost, who is at
present making her home with
Mr, and Mrs. W. J, Frost, visit-
ed her husband at Camp Peta-
wawa to celebrate his birthday.
Mr, and Mrs. Peter Butler, of
Strathroy, have moved into the'
apartment above the Mayfair
Bakery. ,
Last Friday afternoon, Mrs.
Murray Hodgins again appeared
on the At -Home TV program,
when she took part in the speech.
seminar conducted by Peter
Dearing. She was asked to read
Iwo short passages,the first,
tongue twister. She re Au ,ptrfect-
IY, but :the second was .criticized
for lack ,ef "punch".
Miss Gertrude Rent, who has
been very ill in St. Joseph's
Hospital,. is much improve(L_
Air. ,and Mrs. Frank Dickins
and Keven, of Ailsa Craig, end.
Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis, of
Centralia, were \V e cl n e s &a y
guests .Q1 Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Mrs. Ivan Hearn had a family'
gathering last Saturday evening
in honour of her father, Mr. Jitn
proWil, of Motherwell, who cele-
brated his seventy-fifth birthdaY.
Wendy Weir, small daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, Charles Weir, .of
London, spent a week with Mr.
and Mrs. Edgar AieFalls.
spAleart. iCaastil rrCrido.ackyer,
Mrs, Roy Hamilton,
Mrs, Evan liodgins and Helen
were Sunday guests of Mrs.
Walter Fitzsimmons, Thorndale.
Mr. A. L. Kernick, who recent-
ly underwent an operation in
Victoria Hospital, was able to. be
brought home last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Erle Young
were weekend guests of Mr. and
Mrs. George Young and family
of Clinton.
The Luean Lions Club will
hold ladies' night this year on
Monday, march. 17 at the Knotty
Pine lnn. Paul Brothers will be
the entertaiiierS
Members of Clandeboye W.I.
Will be guests at the February
I dAS, thrum.
field,r, WU1131; ;o.
gettin,,lip.ped on. Itilotig.illiSeidD voila
vIciAtaTacoyelin.iiattorlasts-4'icilliiiatulvt'501:::kathet niesilv.ehieriseena'ri''Elige:lias:ta eN;v1ho‘lov li eiti 1 1.11L.:1 lernt3:,
a wit;e'sugg'cist:olt, toEhlegrhiLhusebaSnedr:
I "Dear, why don't you read to
1 InTe hlevilihluesbIansedw?i
obviously didn't
warm to the idea, stammered a
bit, then said: "1 tell you what
1—you sew to me while I read."
iiiii ttttttt ttt t t llllll
. S. W. LUKE
London, Ontario
Cash Buyer Wants to purchase a 150 to 200 acre farm.
Must be good farm with good buildings,
Farms Wanted For Spring -50, 100 and 200 acre farms are
needed for spring. If you have one tb sell, contact --
Phone 151 • Parkhill
serves' all CANADA
The R.C.M.P. provides a challenge to
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and able to meet the demands of a
The prinie requisites of a. member of the Royal
Canadian Mounted Police are intelligence, loyal-
ty, integrity and courage. Service requirements
frequently entail long hours, inconvenience and
perSonal danger. Service benefits and advantages
include it certain. prestige, gooil contradeihip, a
measure, of adventure and satisfaction through
service to Canada. A
you. arc:, interested in.,/ career in the Force,
some of the qualifications art:
Age: Between, 18 and 30 years,
Height: between 5'R" end 6'5,
British subject or Canadian Citizen,
Good physical condition,
Ability to pass an edttation 4est
based on a Grade X level:
7 11 ylni feel that you possess the basic qualified.
tions, you, are invited to apply at tht neateht
R.C111. Police office or write to: