The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-01-30, Page 14Pap 14 Th. TimesAtlYocate, January 30, 1910
Clandeboye Comments
Vestry :Meeting'
St. James Church held its an-
nual vestry meeting in .the Sun-
day :Saga room. with, the rector,
•the Rev. J. P. Prest, presiding
And Karl O'Neil, vestry ,citrkv
Whcr was re-elected for Ins fif.
teenth term Of office,
Other •Offleers .cleeted for 1958
were; pettplee warden, Andrew
Carter.;. rector's warden.,
:price Carter; seeretary-treasur-
er, Mrs. Alan Hill; lay delegate
to the SYnod, Maurice Simpson
with John Hewitt .as alternate; •
Retard of management, HarrY .
Murless, Bd. Flynn, Roy Curl-
ninghani., Alan Hill and John
Slinpsen; sidesmen, Earl Mor.
gan, Joe Cunningham, Clare
pawn.. And Torn Tomes; auditors,
Cecil Carter and Roy Cunning.
ham; :cemetery board, Moore
Cunningham, Erele Lewis, Mau.
rice Simpson, Jim Cunningham
and Karl O'Neil,'
Bae Hodgins, Karl 'O'Neil,
Cecil Carter, Roy Cunningham
and the warden were named to
idminister the Emmanuel Hod-
g ins memorial fund from Tiffen,
UC Reports
At Brinsley
The United Church held its
annual meeting in the basement
of the church on Thursday eve.
rung. A pot luck supper was
served by the ladies of the
The meeting opened with a
worship service conducted hy
the pastor, Rev. A. Menzies.
Mr, We W t
secretary for the meeting.
Reports were given by the
various secretaries: treasurer's
report by Earl Morley; mission.
ary report by Jack Hodgson;
treasurer's report of the W.A.L
report by Mrs, David Morley;
the baby band report by Kath.I
leen Morley and Gordon Morley
gave the Sunday School report.
The average attendance at Sun.;
day School was 55 for the year,
Joe Amos and Wes Watson
were reappointed by the board
of stewards. Douglas Lewis was
re -appointed organist with Mrs.
.Tack Trevethick as assistant. A
vote of thanks by Wes Watson
was given to Rev. and Mrs.
Menzies for their work during
the year.
All reports showed a success-
ful year for the church.
Mrs. Karl O'Neil gave ,the
W.A. treasurer's report and Mrs.
Cecil carter, the• Ladies' Guild.
villi Tom Tomes for the Sunday
Sehool which, were satistaeterY•
Plans were made to have the
centennial of the church this
Year with Mrs. Alan Hill and
Mrs, Clarence Carter added to
the former committee, also to
:have a church sign board erect.
The wardens were elected to
represent St.fslanies congregation
at a sector proposed project.
Following the meeting the
ladies served refreshmeets.
Students Sunday
At St. .James church on Sun-
day it was "Theological College
Sunday" with Mr. Herbert Her-
ring of Seager Hall as speaker.
He said that Huron College is
the second largest college in
Canada for young Men but men
over 30 years old may take a
three-year course at Seager Hall
and be ordained and take part
in the church's ministry.
At present one member, Stan.
ley Tomes of St. James church,
is a student at Huron College
and on Sundays he is assisting
Cannon Trumper at St. Alath-
ews church, London.
.Personal Items
Mrs, Ed. Flynn was able to
leave Victoria Hospital an Fri-
day and is staying with her
nephew, Mr, Charles David and
family in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin. Carter
made a business trip to Luck -
now on Saturday.
Mr. Alan Elson has installed
equipment and will take orders
for storm windows and other
woodworking needs,
Mrs, Otto Turner returned to
her home in Detroit on Tdesday.
Active Quilter
by Mrs. Karl Pickering; W.M.S. Reaches 87
Mrs. William Cornish cele
brated her 87th birthday on Wed
nesday at the home of her son
Tom Gilmour, who with his fain
ily, served a turkey dinner.
Guests included a niece, Mrs
Otto Turner (nee Annie Neil) o
Detroit, Mr, Alex Hodgins, Mr
and Mrs. Alan Scott, Lucan
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Lindenfield
and family of Exeter and Mr,
and Mrs. Ab.
And Disprict News
Phone 109 1,usart
Correspondent: Miss Lina Ablsott
Pigeon Club
Enjoys Fete
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hardy,
Mr. and Mrs. Normae Hardy,.
Mr. .and Mrs. Clarence Hardy,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hardy, Mr.
and Mrs. Wilmer Scott, Mr. and
Mrs. Art Abbott, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Young, Mr. Neil Me-
Rann and Miss Barbara Benn
were among those who attended
• the Forest Pigeon Club's turkey
banquet and dance at Nordon,.
Hamilton Road, London, last
• Saturday evening.
Guests were there from Grand
Rapids, Toronto, Hamilton,
Brantford and Chatham.
During the business session,
there was a presentation of
trophies and diplomas., the Lucan
members receiving a liberal
share. Mr. Jack Lake presented
Mr, Frank Hardy with a special
cup as a reward for the best
performance of the year.
Sixteen members from Stoney
Creek, Hamilton, Toronto, Byron
and Chatham, were dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Hardy on Sunday, and some of
them called on Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Hardy, also.
Guelph Resident
:Dies At Ilderton
William Montgomery, 91, died
I funeral home nail Monday
! morning, when he was taken to
McLanaghan and Walls' funeral
• home,. Guelph, for a funeral
service at 2 p.m., Tuesday.
Interment was in Woodlawn
:1 Cemetery, Guelph.
Mr. Montgomery was a Guelph
'resident for OVC17 40 years, but
; for the last eight years, he made
j his home with his daughter,
'1 Mrs. T. L. Patrick, of Merton
I Besides his daughter, he is
, survived by one grandson, ('al -
'in Patrick, and one grand-
daughter, Mrs J. D. Carrnichael,
both of the Merton district.
Saturday, Jan. 25. He lay at rest
; in the C. Haskett and Sons'
Mrs, Cornish, the former Nel-
lie Dagg, daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Dagg was
born on the second concession
of McGillivray township on Jan.
2i, 1871. She married John Gil-
mour 64 years ago at Trinity
Anglican Church, Ailsa Craig
with Rev. A. Shore officiating.
The couple lived in Mooresville
where Mr. Gilmour operated a
woodworking shop, except for a
few years spent in farming. Mr.
Gilmour died in 1933.
She is noted for the many
fine quilts and mats she made.
In 1943 she married William
Cornish, and still resided in the
old home at Mooresville,
Mrs. Cornish has twin sons,
Tom, who lives on a 200 -acre
farm in McGillivray township,
and Bill, who lives in Fort Erie.
She has 16 grandchildren and 12
great grandchildren, also one
sister, Mrs, Minnie Riggs of
Fort Huron.
Mrs. Cornish has not enjoyed
the best of health recently and'
for about a month she and Mr.
Cornish have been staying with
her son, Tom, and family. A
niece, Mrs. Otto Turner (the
former Annie Neil R.N) of De-
troit has been with her, also
sister, Mrs. Riggs, for a while.
Mr. and Mrs, Bill Gilmour
of Fort Erie were unable to be
present for the party, but spent
he weekend with his family
Message From
Brinsley Ss Crediton
Fills Posts
Mr. Wes Watson was elected
perintendent of Brinsley n -
ed Church, Sunday School. As-
sistants are Gordon Morley and
Marwood Prest; secretary, Gor-
don Morley; ass't, Eddie Wat-
son, Helen Lee; treasurer, Edith
Morley; ass't Gordon Morley;
pianists, Mrs. Jack Trevethick,
BBuglas Lewis, Ruth Trevithiek,
Helen Amos; Cradle Roll, Mrs.
Harold Lee.
Teachers for .beginners are.
Mrs. Jack Hodgson, Marjorie
,Fenton, Grace Trevithiek; pri-
mary, Mrs. Karl Pickering, Kath.
leen Morley, Mary B. Amos;
juniors, Mrs. Jack Trevithick,
Mrs. Earl Lewis; intermediate,
Mrs. Wes Watson, Mrs. Ken
Sholdice, Doreen Sholdice; Bible
class, Mrs. Earl Morley and
Wes Watson.
Vestry Meeting
• The Brinsley Anglican Church
held its annual vestry meeting!
in the basement of the churcht
with about 50 present. A pot
luck supper was served. All re -1
ports showed a successful year. t
Personal Items
Mr. Bert Greenlee. and Mr. /
Harvey Morley left a few days
ago for a holiday in California.
Mrs. Gordon Scott had a quilt-
ing on Thursday.
Miss Grace Trevethick of Lon-
don spent the weekend with her
Mrs. Douglas Dixon visited
with Mrs. R. Steeper on Monday
Mr. and Mrs, Roy Hamilton
of Lucan spent Thursday eve-
ning with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
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Enjoy Euchre
Atli vill
The second party of the Elim
vine Euchre Club was held o
Friday evening at the hall ,.with
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Routly a
There were seven tables play
ing and winners were: ladies
high, Mrs. Gilbert Johns; gent'
high, Mr. Chas. Stephen and
consolation, Miss Frances Skin
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Bell wil
be hosts this week f?r the party
Ladies' Euchre
The EllinVille 'Women's bull
tute held their ladies' Euchre in
the hall last Tuesday afternoon
Mrs. Lloyd England returned
on Saturday from South Huron
Hospital somewhat improved.
- Mrs,Ruth S' t
Mission Band
The Mission Band of Crediton
Zion Evangelical Church held
their regular meeting on Jan-
uary 23 with 35 members pres-
jimmy Finkbeiner and
Glanville were in charge of
I the program,
I Camp songs were sung by
several of the girls. Mrs, Jack
Galloway gave a chapter from
the study book "Kenji."
President Jim Finkbeiner con-
the business followed by
a work period,
I Personal Items
Mr. Albert suffering.
from an attack of pneumonia at
the home of his daughter, Mr.
and Mrs, Robert Dinney in Exe-
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wein and
, daughter, Monica Lynn, have re-
turned to their home in London
!after spending three weeks with
Mrs. Wein's parents, Mr. and
!Mrs. John Butler at Daytona
Belch, Florida. Their trip was
made by Eastern Airways.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Zwicker
spent the weekend with friends!
in Detroit.
Miss Clara Oestricher Dei
troll: spent a few days last week
with Mr. and Mrs. William
Mrs. John Wade has returned
after spending a month with her
husband W.O. 2 John Wade in
Ma nitob •
Buy Equipment Club Hears
Far PS Patrol ARA 'Official
The Public School Safety •
Patrol. project was the 'chid' The January meeting of tile
item of business at the Lions Anglican Mews club was Leics
Clubdinner meeting on Monday in the. Parish Hall last AiondaY
•eveniit was voted. 10 00 -0Perate iParestlideent•c'hAaill:
with the school and the school Mr. Pat Crudgc substituted for
board and to finish outfitting the the seescials%),b.otsewaasseseof•;
patrol members. tlAiler'sierk
1W. Hovey,
lisOLne .of the main items of busi-
Church Loess was the planning of the
oyster or ham supper, Monday
Topics !evening, Feb, 10. A committee
was named to make arrange -
ANGLICAN' — Mr. Herb Her-
nlents: MessrsA. usEtirnwinitotteit,
ring, of Segar Halls was the Pat CrOge,
guest speaker at Holy TrinuitrY..Jnaoeskeoe•Hodgins,
.Murdy, Jack Steacy,
arveY tiodg
Church morning service,
ins and Wilson Hodgins, It was
Herring gave a splendid address
-decided to secure the same two
on the -Call for Employment."
Woodham caterers as last year,
Sixteen members of'the junior
re. •to take charge of the cooking of
choir, who sang an anthem,
e oysters,
mauled in the church for the
service, so Mr. Herring directs I Mr. Harvey Hodgins' grou
ed many of his remarks to this had charge of the program an
young group, urging them to refreshments.
make all possible use of 'their 1 The guest speaker was Mr. If
talents in the work of the G. Hooke, graduate forester, of
'clIFtioreilho.wing the service, Mr, Mr. C. FS Corbett, consulting
Exeter, He was introduced by
Herring and Mr. Ken Clarke:engineer, of Lucan. Mr. Hooke
were dinner guests at the gave an interesting, illustrated
. rectory. 'address on the planning and
PENTECOSTAL CHURCH — developmet of the Aussble Con
servation and water problems.
The Pentecostal Young People,
instead of a meeting at Lucan, He enlarged on the change
made at the Exeter dam.
last Friday evening attended the
London Pentecostal Holiness Tommy Hardy, small son o
Church to hear an address Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Hardy
given by the Rev. James Tay- I entertained with guitar numbers
tor, Ontario Conference super -1
intendent, of Toronto. I Letters Interest
newly -elected officers of . the
Mission Soci▪ ety
Edgar Roulston installed the'
The January meeting of the
church school at the Sunday'
United Church W.M.S. was held
morning service, Airs, C. H./
in the church parlors Thursday
George was appointed represen-.1
tative of the church school to , afternoon with the president,
the official board, Mrs. Alex Young, in the chair,
and Mrs, Edgar Roulston's
Explorer News group in charge of program,
The'second 1958 expedition of study book and refreshments. In
the Lucan-Clandeboye Explorers the absence of Mrs. Roulston,
was held in the 'United Church 'Mrs, Harold Whyte took charge.
parlors at 4,15 last Monday after -Inc' was assisted by Mrs. John
noon with an attendance of 25. I Park and Mrs, H. B. Langford.
The worship service was taken I Being the • annual meeting, two
by Counsellor Kae Haskctt with , interesting C.G.LT. and Explor-
Nancy Haskett reading the scrip -I er reports were read by Mrs.
lure lesson. Those present were Charles Sovereign and Mrs. H.
able to complete their "Sit- B. Langford, for Mrs, Calvin
upons" in the craft period. Haskett, who was ab1ent.
An interesting story on• Japan Two letters were also read,
was read in preparation for be.; one from Mrs. John McLean,
ginning the new Japan study ; who is now working in Toronto,
book at the next meeting. and the other from Miss Elsie
Bunner, daughter of a former
Birthday Celebration •
, Lucan high school teacher. Miss
Mr. and Mrs. Harold West-,
Bunner -is now a missionary in
man and MISS Mabel McRoberts NH She f I
/ • r ca. le wrote o life and
of London and Mrs. Warner Mc-, her, work as a missionary there.
Roberts of Lucan • were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Westtnan. Personal Items
last Thursday the occasion be -1 Guests with Mr, and Mrs. Wes
ing Mr. Westrnan's birthday. 1 liodgins last week, were Mr. and.
;Mrs. Don Rankin and Janet, of
Personal Items
Glencoe,' on Wednesday, and
Mrs. Edgar Roulston, who 1Mr. and Airs. Albert Robinson,
was a patient in Victoria Hos-, of. London, on Thursday. The
pital for some time, is able to Wednesday visitors also spent
be home. . • part of the day as guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Sovereign.
Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell,
of Riverside, were weekend
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hodgins
By MRS. J. DYKEMAN and Don spent last Sunday in
Mitchell, guests of Mr. and Mrs,
Jim Tubb.
Chicken pox, measles, flu and
social evening Friday at the Sun- colds are still rampant at the
day School. Mr. Howard Kers- public school, Principal Wesley
lake of Exeter showed pictures Clow, reports the school. atten.
United States. scarlet fever has hit Medway, he
ance getting worse, Though
of his trip to the West and the
Personal Items says as far as lie' knows no pub-
lic school pupil is among the
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brock and Wefts!
Karen, Mr. Wellington Brock Mr. and Mrs, George Young
and Murray Turner were Mon- and famil3r, of Clinton, were
day guests with Mr. and Mrs. weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Jaques.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter P'ullen,
Woodstock, spent Sunday with
Mr. Ross Hem,
Topics From
W.A. Social Evening
The W.A. of Zion West held a
Erie Young,
Misses Tena and Margaret
Eizenga and Audrey Gaynon
spent last weekend with Toronto
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Hern arid friends.
van were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs..Harold Corbett
Mr. and Mrs, Bob Hern, Jarvis, have returned home after spend -
Dolls, Doreen and -Iargarei.1ing a few days in Toronto, guests
Brock visited on Sunday with of Mr, and Mrs, Hamilton
lr. and Airs, Milne Pullen of Corbett,
VVhalen. Miss Clara Howard is a pa -
Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Lynn, Ger. tient in Victoria Hospital.
Id and June, Clandeboye were Mrs. Frost of Lancaster has
Unday evening guests of Mr. purchased the home of Mr, and
nd Mrs. Harold Hern, Mrs. A. C. Magoffin, Alice St.
Mr. and Mrs. Toni Brock and and moved in.
(aren spent Sunday with Air, Counsellor Kae Haskett and
nd Mrs. Bert Morgan, St. Rose Revington last Monday eve -
Mr. and Mrs, Paul Dykema ning attended Counsellors' Fel-
'sited with Mr, and Mrs. Dick lowship at the Byron United
ykemae in Galt on Tuesday, Church.
Mr. and Alm. Angus Earl vis- Miss Rose Mario Robb and
ited with Mr, and Mrs, Archie Mrs. June McKenzie of Detroit
Jeffery, Dublin, on Sunday. were weekend visitors with the
Mrs. Ephriam Han and Mrs. former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ilan Westeott, Exeter, visited Cecil Robb.
Imlay with Mr, William Steely- Mr, and Mrs. Sheridan Rev -
ns In Stratford General Hos- ington and Gary were Sunday
ltd guests of Mr, and Mrs. Cecil
Miss Muriel Hern, Zurich MeValls of London,
pent Sunday at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bonn
Mrs. Lavina Hern, Exeter, Is are happy to announce the. birth
pending a few days with Mr. of a son, ,Tames Joseph, on Sun.
ed Mrs, Gerald Hern and boys, day, January 19 at St, Joseph's
Miss Ruth and Jane 'Hospital, brother for Carol, Exeter, spent AVM- Arm and Mary.
esday with Mr, and Mrs, Jud Don ClICI" and Miss Items
*man, Chown were Wednesday visitors
Paul Dykema -a Is ih Thropin of Mr, and Mrs. Clarence
or two weeks where he has ac. Blougb, of St. Therms, whore
her home in Montreal after
" spending two weeks with her -"
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. John Butler 'who g
have been holidaying in Florida °
• are soon to leave for Texas and a
Mexico. They report that the
. weather has never been so cold
for so long a period in the 25.a
years they have been going
with seven tables in play. Win- south.
vers were:: high score, Airs.
Verne Pincorribe; low score, Mrt, A Gaiser
Mrs, Everett Skinner and near-
est birthday, Mrs. Newton Clarke., Ch
Winner of the blanket was Mrs.
Thos. Coward,
, The Zion ladies will have
charge of the next party which
will be next Tuesday.
Personal Items
Miss Helen Herdman of Lon-
don spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Squire
lierdm an.
Mr. and Mrs, John tatten and
family were guests Thursday
evening with Mr, and Mrs. El-
wyn Kerslake,
Mrs. Philip Murch spent a few
days with Mr, and Mrs, Ross
Skinner and family after Jim-
my Skinner returned home from
South Huron Hospital,
Miss Anna Routly of Teachers'
College. Toronto, spent the week-
end at her borne. Anna has just
completed a 'week of lest teach -
ng at Hawkestont. Next week
she will be teaching in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Crago of
Kirkton sped Saturday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Rally.
Mrs. Allan Somers and David
isited TucsdaY with and,
Mr. W.lloutiv
'rho Eliniville Mission Band
Vitt be herd ort Saturday the
°me Of Larry Lyrul,
4 ido-svit akritrak. •
ibhra ti I irofAi
Olt0047:Citioceth Ora (ft
vv h
urch Worker
The death occurred in St. Jo -
seph s liesprtal, London, on Sun. e
day evening of Mrs. Albert p
Gaiser of Crediton, aged 05
The former Adeline Einkban-
er, she was a daughter of the s
late Mr, and Mrs. Michael Fink- a
beiner of Stephen, where she
spent the greater part a her
life, having moved into Crediton ,
some few years ago, !ja
A member of Creditor). Evan.
ge ica 1..B. church, she Was a
faithful worker in the women's e
organizations and a helpful .5
Member of the church choir.
tier first husband, Herbert e
Morlock, predeceased her by se
eptcd a sales positionwith the , the Thriller assisted in the
tcel-Briggs Compaay. Masonic installation of their
A number of the ladies in the nenhew, Mr. Sydney Joseph.
onlitluunit-N, a(litenderlthe W.I Ashwrill is a Pa-
e years.
She and Mr. Gaiser marked tl
their fifth anniversary a sholt vtt
time ago, in
Surviving, besides her hus-
band, are one son, Ray Mot:leek,
three grandchildree; two broth-
ers, Joseph Finkbeiner Credi- 0,
ton and Daniel of Exeter., and
One sister, Mrs, Ilannah Swell-
zer at present in Germany.
The body rested at II •, Minty
'funeral hOlue, Motor, until to
Wedritaday at VW p.m. when, G
service was eandueled lri Credi. C
uc re 'rnes ay afternoon lien inVictoria ospital, Lon -
Wednesday of next week the doNnirs. Roberts is 011 the
Lon -
10 Township Hall, Elintvlllc.
aro having a family night Si& list with pleurisy and her
the Sunday School roams. mother, Mrs,' Refold Allan, of
.tooeirioikroakaa*Iorna Montreal, is looking after her.
'Ice, my ear hag gone et the Luean bry Goods' Store.
on the sick list, is back On duty
Mrs. Irene Coursey, who was
Fair One, to poMan: ",
Officer: "Stolen, 0117" A,te. waingina troaigias, wilo
Fair One: "Na, it can't 1'0, has been vigiting relatives in
vo insured it against theft." unn, /Amon tflItf Cass city.
fi Xvangelieal ehurch by llev, ligicfr,i.7etattnrein6Afil ll'Vnight,
. wow,. frorihttit was in -Ktivforo, wor(it sway vlsitorn of
aoditn tematry, Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Hardy.
Churches Report Progress,
Elect Officers For 1958.
Anollean Vestry Meetings
The annual vestry meeting of
Holy Trinity church . was held
in the Parish Hall last 'Wednes-
day evening with the Rev. j,
Prest in the chair.
Mr. Jack Steaey was .nemi-
nated vestry clerk. Other Mt-
eers included people's Nvarden,
Wilson Hodgins; rector's var. -
den, Clare Stanley: sidesmen,
Mr. Allan Scott,Mr. Roscoe
Hodgins; building committee,
Mr. Edwin Scott and the Board
of Management; sector project
committee, the wardens.
Lay delegates, Messrs. D. A.
Ashworth and 1301) Coleman;
substitutes, Messrs. A. G. Jack-
son, Clarence Haskctt; Board of
Management, rector, wardens
lay delegates, Airs, Hay Egan,
Messrs, Erwin Scott, Don Bant-
ing, IT, F. Stanley, Jack Steacy,
Harvey Hodgins, Charlie Hagaar,
Len Pechter, F. W. Hovey, Mrs.
T. C. ' McFarlane (secretary);
auditors, Messrs, Charles Hag.
gar, Jack Steaev and Don Ban -
ting; cemetery -board, Mr. Jack
Murdy and Mr. Austin Hodgins,
The reports of all the organi-
zation showed a good year.
Evening service and early
-communion is to be lield only on.
special occasions. The books are
to be closed December i1 and
a report sent, out September 30
with a report of the member's
donation up to that date. The
renairs at the rectory are to be
left in the hands of the building
committee. The board of Manage-
ment Is to decide on the possi-
bility of obtaining more storage
snace under the Parish Hall
platform. They are also to meet
with St. Jamas Church Board
to decide on the beating of the
UC School Elects Officers
The officers and teachers of
the United Church Schbol, met
in the Church parlors last Tues-
day to elect their 1958- officers
Figure Skating Club
.After four weeks' tuition from
Misses Margaret Neil and Anne
Marie Murdy, the Lucan Figure
Skating class is off to a good
start. The enrolment at present
is 29. A number of Parkhill
skaters are among the group,
Mrs. A. Knowles
Dies In Granton
Mrs, Albert Knowles, 93, died
suddenly in her home at Gran -I
ton Wednesday, January 22,
She lay at rest in the C.
kctt and Son funeral home, Lu -
can until 2 p.m. Saturday when!
the Rev. Thomas G. Head of
Granton conducted: funeral serv-
ices. Interment was in Granton
cemetery. Six grandsons were!
pallbearers, Franklin, Grant,
Orland, Don, Harold and Elwyn ;
Daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel Mills of Carling-
ford, Mrs. Knowles was the for-
mer Martha Jane Mills. She and I
Mr, Knowles farmed just north
of Granton in Usborne TOW11.
ship until the latter died 10
years ago', then she moved into
Granton, She was a member of
the Granton United Church.
She is survived by three sons, I
Albert of St. Marys, Ernest of'
Blanshard Township and Wilbert
of Biddulph Township, also 19
grandchildren and 20 great grand-
following a pot -luck supper. The 'Maguire, Gordon Bantipg and
Superintendent, Mr. Cliff Cul- Cecil Robb;
bert, presided for the business Eldora, MyronCulbert :(hen,
session and Rev, Edgar ovary), George Paul, W. J. Stan.
stop for ,the ,eleetion. :ley, C. P. Culbert, John Park,
C. G, Lewis, Erie Haskett, Pon
IteVington„ Robert Murray, iyala
Stanley, Wan Hearn;
Auditors, Harold Whyte, J.
W.A.., Mrs. 'Cecil Robb, presi,
dent, Mrs, Harold Whyte seem
tary, Mrs. Jack .Lankin, treasur,
er; WJtLS., Mrs, Alex Young,
president, Mrs, Erle Young, AM'
retary, Mrs. C. H. Cantelon,
Itreasurer; Evening Auxiliary,.
IsTrs, A. F. Reilly, president,
Mrs. Bert 'Thompson, secretary,
and treasurer, l‘Irs. Chas. Sover.
Superintei3dent is Mr. Cliff Cul-
bert; assistant Mr, Harold
Whyte; secretary -treasurer, Mr -
Howard Kew; nursery -kindergar-
ten, Miss Marie Lewis, Mrs.
Howard Xew, Mrs. Don Maguire,
Miss Beverley I -Wier.
Prim ayy girls, Miss Margaret
Neil, Miss .Sherry Walpole; pri.
mary boys, Miss Marline Roving -
ton, Air. Jack Park; junior girls,
Mrs. H. .13. Langford and Mrs.
Boas McRoberts; junior boys,
Mr. Harold Whyte, Mr, Jens An -
Intermediate co-eds, Mr. Alex
young and Mrs. Sheridan Rev-
ington; senior co-eds, Airs. Mur-
ray liodgius and Mrs, C. H.
George; Bible class, Rev. Edgar
Roulston; and Mrs. Murray Hod-.
U,C, Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the Lu -
can United Church was held in
the church parlors following a
pot -luck supper last Wednesday
evening, Officer for 1958 in-
clude; stewards, Harold. Whyte,
Rob yourRest.:
Many people never seem to get a good
night's rest. They turn and toss—blame it
on 'nerves'—when it may be their kidneys.
Healthy kidneys filter poisons and excess
acids from the blood. If they fail and
impurities stay in the system—disturbed
rest often follows. If you don't rest well
lack Lankin, J Alex Y , Fat and use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's
Sheridan Revington, Don Abbott,
help the kidneys so that you can rest
Howard Kew, Wesley Reving- better—and feel better.
ton, Murray Hodgins, J, H.136
Cantelon, Clarence Stanley, Don Dodd's Kidney Pills
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London, Ontario
Cash Buyer Wants to purchase a 150 to 200 acre farm.
Must be good farm with good buildings.
Farms Wanted For Spring -50, 100 and 200 acre farms are
needed for spring. If you have one to sell, contact—
Phone 151 Parkhill
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Writing Perfection
The Times -Advocate
'HM111111111111,111111 lllll 11111111111101U1,10101H111111111111.1111 lllllll lllllll lllllll I llllll HIH11111111111111111111 lllllll
th, Nzvre ,
Rural -road,
near Stratford,
6:45 p,rtt.
Hard gravol,
Ono killed,
The driver of this car was travelling at an estimated
70 invp,h, when he pulled out to overtake another car,
Re lost control while overtaking and rantned into
the abutment of this narrow blidge, lie was crushed
to death on impact.
Before you tramp down on that accelerator, remember
two things (1) The faster yoit travel the less control
you have, (2) This photograph,