Huron Signal, 1850-08-15, Page 3DSNMARR Wh i DUCHIES. Psbbr opines is repel(' • 6ltgerw they As scilea isposiporolletilleb atlas of -War to to& with. W.•Itne bsdo WWI crop W the U.. Devil a wheat, mad Weever ''-Lire t16y tt� there .. vI4y f•t$s sidled 'will he bead ss er whip^. trade Write 4 w joppd,te mum. I A CCom�'+ Est.~ 10 her eat jed- wt u till lief ittsWlftem!' - , els west le the �t we N• KEN ,e/ leakeet dr-• will mute op W the top M essews, bribed the austere, mud hate Ndsnt'e triples, • ♦ �s Thr �olre N i obf.%, fbcludfn s.RR- �duet Diet ►R sa..ie e.wte.t v1), Nf*t 'p� a Aestlaabi' iiJr4 &H.// the pM4g(MktrTee proof "hal they meant detgrmmed to, maniac the ridiculuua pea Drew OD q■melted n(" privilege" which they have saumed. On • nutation totroduced by the lion. M. Cameron, s•co•ded by Mr. Perry, sod couebeJ M fellows : " That it be resolved, That it ie accuse - try for the ifdepeodent di.eharge of the high functions of the I.egielalure that the rivh will es unties ma his haul. $e baa tolled as mesh kr his crop a4 u1 other as, sad be rill eat, sed mast ha tasks/ed. sky be dolt get ss mach for his wheat u any other mttpla►I.'sulks will be pot la 0a• shape or gambit. i/ will recur with every crop of wheat the *sentry yields, sod we notate to ay it mot be soswered eatieAeto,tly to the people. Let no man say that our only remedy i. 10 be found is Assezation, that would 001 remedy the evil, except by ogtntisg • greater. la that sleet we • boeW not have 1t is our power to cavo customs dative, Int is aur aam:est polities! relation we bare. Public opinion will, warn tern of Partiality* shenM remain sojn Ge 'fin-. appealed to os fhb Nbj♦et, •ay, w 6i11 as o� ger submit to a °acid regul•t(oa at ed, and subjret 6t; the t •bjudtnUoo of lunger 1 is its exactions, beaten evaded by rw•ay- •zpensive is its collective. betimes of the natural situation of the country. sad at. productive, became unequal. Gi•e u• • ample ',steed el a complex mode of raising • revenue-gooe w. system that will en- hance the value of Canada, utdral pro- ductio.•, and moat certainly in the eossaseryetfab son atry. •.S. Cgtherises the Representatioe of the poop e, is wham behalf thew pelvikl*, have been always at aid maintained, yet it is equally neeetisary, for girtnt that moral weight to their proceeding* which me ,.obstructed maniac, alone can insure, that every re. - enable facility should be afforded to the pub lis, and especially to those eenneeted with the pmts. to be present at their delibera- tiens, sed that•to most, as far as practicable the melt hews whites of the people ie this A Paw weeks stews noticed an excellent se*peet, Gettable and Conneaut aecorreno- datior be pearled, ostler the wheelies of &11, Mairht in by the Noe. Malcolm C•m- ktr. ts state part of the Hew. u eros, for the exemption of a certain amount •►all'ii rsdael hue from isiempdtoe, for of good. and ebatteb of eartue kinds from thee. hobs as.? beemplayd by the press to seizure, under exeeutioo tamed casae. Oa "staged. thea while the door are epee ; the 97th alt. Mr. Camera. sieved the ...,..,..i....se - staged. the orders of taw coed roadie' of the Bit!, when Mr. Ilmltke ARRIVED. lims. w of F erooteeac, mored in amendment lethief iefAKMt 10-psetaio.ia.gor, from KincardKincardine.d A ken•oioa was carried on for these . all be read • •ecoid time that da) viz M r, do hese with closed doors. sad on • division months, which is equivaleot to its beim' tiding piece, but saves la a Heusi con-trasts' 61, voted for the resolution, ria every good meuun proposed by any ee Messrs. Smiles of Trouts, Boultee d "or of tau Ministry hu been treated. To Norfolk, Cameros of Kest. Ferguswo, the 'moor of Mr. Merritt he was this time, Holmes, Perry, and South of Durham. as be gtroeralty is, oe the side or progress. Aad the ambers coo•idered the preetf- The vote stood forr them rang, amendment BadR le?, eat skeet of their denial of the rights of the Attorney Gee. Baldwin, Cameras or Corn- plire peed Mr. their ..a. a the Mr. wall Cartier, Chsbot, Solieitor G... Drum- mond. w W Cbrwtis foresaw the aeon- mond. Fortier, Fournier, Foerquin, Gury, viable notoriety which hie course 'Geld Goillet, 1lineks, Lacoste, Attune Gel. have girw him, both woold gladly here LaemMcDonald Lafontaine, Lemieux, MDld el Kings - pocketed the affront (if any there was) and take. no further notice of it. Bet both the 10",McFarlsed, Mc ,eco, Metbot, Meyer., Hones and Mr. Christie have gone too far Nelson, Polette, Price, Robinson, Ross, to jive way ■rt1 • good pane how, sad Sentt of Brtowo, Scott of Two Mountain*, asytuisg *dame dame to what w right in Smith of Froatenae, Stevensoo, Tache, the matter world be beneath those who av- Tbompsom, and Viger.-33. ppi�er to the Impecna►ttity of a Parham.", Nays -Mean. Bell, Berritt, Cameros of The idea estartaised by those who form the Rent, DeWitt, Ferguson. Flan', Holmes, „Hist Legislator. is evidently that the Laurin, Meriitt, Perry, Richards, and Smith relation between than and their coostitu- of 1Veotwnrth.-12. .n1. ceased wbee the members were return- It will be sero that Mr. Merritt,is this ed. TO. object of the members previous to io*uece, was the only r,ne o! the Moiety their election being to please their coostit• that voted for lie meuure.-T►e.Yiugera wooly, and after their retorts to ?dame them- 'J'u' selves. The .ere to have so idea what- es Cacnoaau £rmotanre-Gaaar ever 0 the They that they are a repheir wars Moitf•Ltrr.-A correspondent of the Si. pee body. Ttse idea wigs their it own Louis Republican, of the 18th Dost., writing p1aM1y indicates them to bare of their own• p g position is simply that they are not sent to from fort Laramie, tinder date of lune 17th Parliament to represent the views, wishes, says :-.The heavy tide of California and interests of their constituents the pts ''t'i,gration is passing Ibis post at this time. pie, but as the chosen wise mea of the About 10,000 have passed within the last country, called to give their own superior past four or five dye. The whole number wieder': form and shape in legislation, and registered here u baring paned this spring presuming apue .,ch a fancied possession, stood u follows :-Men, 30,904 ; women have a prteulege to call :n question the pc,o- horns, children, .18. The number of wag- plas digit to judge of their set.. They gone, 7,113 ; hos, 10,336 ; holes, 6,471 ; tenet by this time be perfectlyrawue of the oxen, 18,339. The regietntiou is, is the position which they have aeumed in •+pen• mai.,a+ correct, u officers ocer. tak• great salon to their ene1titueots, and th.t the p.seodea.oring 10 mak• a eorr.et,tbough question tried before them must' evidently 'tome trains have parted without register - yield a verdict averse to their pretenrons. "'g their names. As near as ( kers been b• l in so fere preen the steed takes by.the pre • to estimate the a,ahere, I tb;nk one - carcass the merits of the came which he. half the emigration is from the State of brorght tp thi• gaetie,t the feet of ibtro Missouri. During the past week, we have bean; redly any Mescb of privilege or sol 1eiteened a treat amount of sickness and distress i. thous* of Mr. Urs, It.. httte to dodistressin different trains. In /act, have the principle of the question at ileus.- n ot 7s1 beard of • train that has escaped The existence of self liparticular .aered,sacrednessseekeess, and, in nearly all, the monster ora member of Puimeni oney as well he Death bas taken one or more victims. To tried by Christie se. Ure as in any other n ame. It is • weti a'bat would have to be ettled Bete thee, and it a better tried now then hereafter. The priv.tege• •ad duties of the r•e io this matter are too important to be left undefined, and the ten - dewy of privileged bodies tie stick to the last shred of their privilege too inimineet, to trait to tisk njuoeu fes the perform bS.t li( a dirty. '1`f. heaters met them - solver d aids, tied to them the press cat e sside.tly appeal as advocating their own dearest right*. The public would certainly richly deerve to he tyraaizmd over, if they (.Deli set assert their owe rights in oppoai. it.. to a body who are but ib. "breath •f their acetrihs." •- • •--Fru Prue. As antagnnism hes evidently enseed be - twee the Glebe and the Hon. %V. H. Mer- ril, on the @objet of retroschie.t. The Minister regol.te oar revenue from customs by public opinion. The algae seems t• doubt tits character of the arbitrator. Now, whetter public opinion would or wo.ld not regalito the matter between the erotic • Orr sod th• revenue dep•rtmsst,tbe partiere being it •ppnsitius and bawler different in- terests, we will net Dan bet of this we are quite certain, that whenever public °ppimon mem a% OM/ Mille 6016 f/ite tis sash le whoa (test teeter, 'itis Ear diM I NNW 6n . -1hwelf stigmas Roar Ibis is Mee Mee INN es to alit r pinspfte M es& w will Ohba* be main is s ssspIo at tie7w w lured ep N Yls, Wise she wiill teepee Noisy waste sod be Judy** take Merkur k the Use es bee test aisesahoi deb Dohme. • iy/kll.+.fl'be Times' ms w a dhotis% was pet t arms 0.e 6s. "A labor'sg mss, of Resets(, o ANN" pl. a Vetea.,.»'wag to Lars• toe{►.tills- trsetsd at the Dopeees:v, atter .siei•( considerably from the difficulty it caused it drawtwg, was Iold by the operator the* the fee wad sixpeose, op which the fellow' very .slyly replied, that tiaucb was tar ease, as he bad not any cash with him, be must he good enough as to put the tooth he again. The Washington Repsilie •unoosets of- ficially that the new planet Parlhenope, daeovered by M. Gasparie, of Naples, win observed at the National (Observatory. le Washington, en the night, of the 11th, lith lira ult., with the filer twicrometer of the large eynatorial. This is the eleventh in the family of interlude, and the scvemtb tint has beep dieco,ered within the last fuel years. It resembles • sur of the teeth magnitude. The New York Nereid the deity of Pre•idest Taylor was secellersted Or' unskilful medical treatment ; and that a tolerably skills! doctor attended him hdr- would No hying to -day. • PORT OP OODP.RICM. Highlaed.r, do 18-Aaeaawa, A Mee, Asa, do Easily, Pert Sards. CLEARED. August It-Passtaogor, to Kisesrdite. McGregor, do 111 -Highlander, do Penetaogor, do McGregor. do 15-Highla.der, Liseardiae. PROPERTY FOR SALE. `� ILL be SOLD on the most reasonable Terms, a LOWN LOT, situated o o the corners el South and Swab West s's., adjoining the Market Square, God•ricb.- The Lot contains nearly half as acre of tin; ad, with a gond Frame Home, and Fruit Garden nn it. Fnr further particulars apply to JAMES CLEGG, Lighthouse st. Goderieh, August 14th, 1550. t6-3tf SPRAYED from the enclosure of the rob - scriber on the Bayfield Road, Rear the Town ofGoderich, a Large Red end H bite Spotted S1'EER. Any one giving infor- mation will be suitably rewarded. EDWARD YEAMANT. August lith, 1850. ,3n96 POCKETBOOK LOST. OY 8aedy lot. the lith is«aat, is frost of Mr. Joseph Herres mew brisk building, in the Tows of Gederieh, a Small Calf Skin Pock- et Book, oontaioieg f.11 13s 9d. in mosey. - Any penes 6sdong and returning` the isms to the subscriber, or leeriest it at the Heron Signal of- fice, w111 be gratefully rewarded for their trouble es it is all ab. •we. is the world, which, if net (hoed. will lei.* her helping, es s1s is as old weals, sad unable to wt.rk. CATHARiNE AUSTIN. Gederieh, 15th August, 1850. NOTICE. . Goderich, C. W 1441 August, 1850. THE subscribers will sue, without any distinction. the coming Qr. Session, and Division Cowrie, all over due Notes give yeti some idea of the siekevss on the - and Accounts, if not previously settled. plains this year, f will mention a few eases that have come under my owe mimosa obeereatton. i visited a ,train on Tuesday last. Of the seventeen men composing it, sixteen were sick. Another train that i passed buried even at one time, five or six more sock. and *sedan, a. I paved. In two inetaneou 1 have pawed traits where all bot ons ban died. is ole ls•ta.ee_ I saw, - w, at an escalopest, one tent left eta. -Brow, Mile. Berry Edwin B v3 -n56 4 M. B. SEYMOUR k Co. LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING in the Stratford P. O. op to Aorta 7111, 1850. Oran nos Kelterbw, Asp Brown lessee - Kipple Ale: Bert Mich! Lamb hemi. Brogden Chu 2 Miser Lewis Menses Jame - M.rry Divi*! ' C alli• James Moore Mrs Elisth Clarke Robt Moon WW Coeuids George MeWhinen James 2 Chow.. Theo Mae TO.. Campbell Arebibaki Molloy Jobe Dune Hari M.G111 Willies Diekie Ake Meiraddo, Andrew Dr.emed Pak MsReugkt«I Mrs Disperser Besoel Hasse David Did, Catharine Ni.berlie Asgnt Estes Joh. Paterson Peter Flynn The J rich« Georg* Fredh Grieve Adam Getter Anthoey Harris Samosa Hsa.ah James Henaenery Richd Henly Robe Halfm.yer Jobe Hay Widow ding, and another " street,' but lying ee the ground ; alio, a barrel of crackers, seve- ral blankets, six or eight pair of boots, bate, cues, shute, Ise., ate., end sesr by, Soo grans. Several getlewa have passed of wbo left Fort Ketey four days after W. did, eat ooe hu coasted 160 graves, bat he neglected to take names. From all i can loam 1 hate no doubt that at least 350 emi- grants tau died, within the last fifteen days, betw.,n ben and Plum Creek. Thor hr, i can hear of bat one death among our St. Louis people -L. C. Mason -and ( believe oar train is trebled all the rest from our city. That Caors.-The weather for the fait few days has been very favorable to the farmer for boo•tng the crops, which is now Is appealed to, as to wheatber we shall rain coming of, and which we are glad to learn Irving Gee a ravens* iron, eustome, or meet that porta• iiabondant. From what we have seen, Kenn Hairy es of the "woye and mune" by direct tax- sed_what we eta gather, we think the fall "ate" Pisa atlas, public *Mhos trill soon be heard to wheat erop tea boot 1141 b" bee. ►uvest- A. F. MICKLE, roreraeslet. give a preference to the latter. it only 'd for many ynrs. "Pilaf Wheat hos In Farmers, Thrash out Pik. Thu Rutledge /ohs Riddle A.drere Ratlege Peter Outrider John 8eegmiller Adam Sr/miller Mies tli1tb Sehiam•as H Sagest Capt Thu Shealy Pah Taylor Wm Wilms James rreegqslres that pnblic opinion he takes on the lorry to say, he bee. very entertain in- 0Iject, and hadly as the Aroyl, may he is. j'ind is some places by the loa.ct. In ohs AND i termed is the mimeo oflineal economy,. o< Spring W beat ihet we examined ,Get it wit! soon be pronounced in favor of the field Bear Bloomfield, we should think that the (met CASH for your WHEAT cheapest and moot hoswt way that ever a crop was air tenet hilt destroyed. The rot -runes was raised. Wheat shipped frost thio ia►het will he of TOE Sabaeriber will pay CASH few soy TI3 le B(1 Cougtry ie .the 'Orli more a *operior quality "bis yer, u it psrrolty Qoaniity of favorably situated for the admission of sr- iD u ptamp ss ft wall baa N. Wear. arty MERCNJAfTABLE FALL WHEAT ocintcurer 4144 d4. celiada, Tien to no to know tied if we want toiavail eurrire. d•liro^d at ale Steve ptaioae to the P,rst i1W t i 1„„p.,,,,;,,„04. hoot so of say s.►bet Miriam vele ewe, that the dy el Bapt•enher emir, -..or he will ulnae doing, eta he A.a.ilr provided for : and odion• 90 par Bait- 494y elep• between 0e C.sh se � hose and 8•tl it o• fnmaie- ' tis' °•' ekes the Cemrner• and hfkh IxisM. And whit• alluding to ib. Nam either i Molars tl or the Mks an the es,d adraetagw of sets% 4 chive aro stow Ae.wfesn duty, we may me well add tbot Welfatsd Cuali r alley he Woof on. . premishg. Whomever the the future of the 10""*hen fes I0 the Moslem* COIN( G.dwisb, Jalf Ike► )44t0. „toothy u.d•ata•d, tbatled.N of "yin._ readers the *banes of 'attic Emeipr•.al' 1 C. CRABB. da sky er sow, 'a phi Nat w ma ss thaPIMt when with the !Jetted NOM has 10 M4 in 8OLb^44 � l Ass entering la tato timid than when ono lu/allsi.d item hob t,- lg t/ 4�ar y��_ .ee..s.asutry,� tawdb the mess* of the use- P.i11u,1ts 1 Arms `, cry,n.ki,h M M tmnae.t y . shwsaB.0.us bu g j }t - Ile, a 1 lIib cu- lled they will settle the . que.Uoe. "pay " _ tet e6.11t mire, M h b♦tliyga, costume r Bavt♦ce abfrt4--qb fb�lit' kid rain womb e1 to seenee that the steamer Batik is meek a a ll 01' Lemke. 'Pis 1 t • /!00 geedenbf et to say oily le the Ni t Sc ria =Toydeb. that ie r60 a ra' • Schlosser l' t is dr'? N, aN welt wawa. ft will per another, war Niagara row. She left maw. se w w 'mss j �M Tow. tf lAafir . .57 gaao mos tell ea that a direst tax lie morals' .( � IMO ultimo sh a Mak Nona meter. There p . "prams woelJ met he a euisg to such a nisei The sada ..er i.mr the hetet of owe .f the, It ie hike rare i �~ ~ 1Y' WINN parts( ... mashasies N itieg.a aie ease them Owe, ode NMN* K'tMM elty, Of W sr is ewes* re bsgt� yes will ,017 that ihma t•,.es e a e a. N w e, be.dr.1beard • Nude Mew se sellena.1 Masi not Meek wellemdttai te the saws dileN-ewiMs we.Y mope t taw Sas hos. ate !.f'f�r�t, net he serve.wbl..hie r.. TIM ops , F � �d _ wheat d Nie hod the es u t > r'b�"btt,�f,' Dutra .r Mimi e•I s.�e�(� N ease et take thefts, Mee M~th. /etmmV• whish (e tsidile of lite a large , ae re 4'wm M4�' tlptlMi ifs( hetbe,, "lard ee i . f - > q0 m•s gsatyit t s( water. iiw��f' M tltt N INA% with riist.asvieced, I *N at kirk, bat the water Smea N ill I. • 7abi. MN. wTT ; s . ' INI t • 81:0 IIP• pbseltboi u anoint/ \l ktsseiiimogist lair • 7+s + +>N f b rMMver - ? { 1,( .w * sof alliytMa N Ohsmime6s Ntillsdite week& t as ACTED AI> dila. MSO. aII� s11 tlmp Stlitliw.r.M+sl1' IMM *Me the pulse IMT N, ' Wtaatb�p sw...u7 y • +y -Law. to mitt evts(s �'fs' r 60110•1masarev t N be gets(, I.ti.ee is•ia, for the Geesrni Gotrerstwet of the tofu mil piss" If ONION .NOW Oderk►-Re k enacted by the Tow' Oosseil of NO mid Tows up �k of say Wil, elder 111 Ni. y ". of tiadwieb, is Coosetl aosunbted, under sad by hetes of u Alt whore withal" pts bake of Dia ',Iowa. of the Parliament of this Provtsee, intituled "As Act to pnefds Da. That (lost Sad diel fes passim .K Awbr4„�ga by a General Law fur the snafu; of Yueisipal C , parses shalt plsp M leave • team of Meese, *segos, eleige .mar i e nd the eats►tsekest of R.'uletloos of Police, la .,4 (ee mho trap ei h,ar Model or oole.d.d, way bora%seddied or otherwise, * even! Couuto«, Cities, Towns, Townships ad V1iMgw in le say street of the Tome without beteg prepay fasweed oe Upper Canada," That for the good Hovers um .(the oak as topuniest sejW.ets. Tows of God.rich, and other purposes hotels i.tol+ds4 the fol- nib. Thad M say pence or persons shalt recces or stump* lowing enactments, pr.vimou, role., sad regulations shell, from to reuse any ewer% cattle, of otbir sinal Impounded, or b.i e soil after the mailer of this ByeL.w, be h force within thank talus to be impoosded, sect peon or persons skill 1•r(aa Toro of Goderlel.-Tial is to say s p.y the sesl of see poised. let. That no ulna or persob• shall erect or came to be 19th. Test .N odd every person we peruse who Awl! te(sN, - erectrie epos the aids walk of any India' road of street within or neglect to give the Mere.or oe Answers of the Tare fee,. the limits of the Town, or within twenty feet of any road or (0. time being, epos pupae appheett.a bang made, s any trd street, any hog -stye, cow.house, privy, or any ether outman.. corroot *fecund el MI sub rateable praprty, is 0E4 she or ttq• of this kind, nor obeli they deposit any refuels or rubbish, clue- may moues witbte the limits of the TWO, shall be ess8 sing of cellars or other place ; nor pile firewood ; mor empty a 6s• of Un. pawed. rma carts, waggons, or packages of any description, erupt when 'iib. That no peewit of ppeefstlrl staff too s0] they are about to remove the same immediately ; on sAy of the pilon squib, or Sultan wtthte one hnedr.J yard. of ^ ., street. or side -walks of nid Town, nor shall a8y ',argot of dr other building within the tome I engage fm t►areveie, et a cart be allowed tp remain on the streets or side -walks after or anent other. ioertgag.d, N Wow hares, ring hulls, about or night, nor shall they eu6'ur any stagnant water to rentals oa mete other unusual sores, to the annoyance of pe*sablp pee. their premises, or Muse to draw it away, or remove it, on being some ; nor write any Indeeut N Imm.ossl fields-. as repe..Nt.t n otified by the Akers of the Corporation to do so ; nor shall tion, oo any (Coes, wdl,pat., house, ss.t er b.iUiee, sr leap they obatricethe water ebannels on or under any df the streets meatier writs, chalk, mark, oe daub meq (.neer wall, gate posts. • or side -walks, under a penalty of dot less tau two 'alleles and boars or building. •• six -pence for each oteeee, Provided always that parties about to 1416. That no d•olriptioe of Gambling, *nth as dies, eatWjt' build or repair any boas. ot buildin shall be permit ted 10 oeeupy or rot ette, .huh lie permitted in toy tatters, ale hos.., or ether t►e space of the street to which tbe (root of their property ex'. house d weeert.ls�es t wxhes said Towsyander a pushy of mot teed., and is breedt► ono -ball the width of the street ; for de- tees than Fir. Shillala apt mon than Five Pounds (pi: ait1� point .f their building materials, ase.; bur, ender all aircuatan- tome,. meso the footpath .ball he aeobetr.eted, and .task (/eop.tion Ibth. ','hal N pekoe ot ppsettseeno than writ any desert feks .hall only attired for a reasonable tilos to complete this building .f sleigh within the emits of the Tows without haring live or or repair of web bone or building. more Nils 441xed tilt the bone ee hbrets iratelet the samI, .l- oad. That a tax of two shillings and nzwp..cs for sub dog, be during the present ardd♦ery succeeding year, so long at lbw ��pwa bs of Frye ShilliaDm for fifth *Reece. By-law nmaie in hroe, i and levied '31008 the owert `.ser ..•H land w de b * hyue, or householder of hitt inpe.edthe exposer or his lend) thee, 11i1Mw.tjff*e Months mer lie. (netdeat within ,Tow.) ofeery dog: and all dog. footle mofthis Sy Leos ledsod pr.ald. a good .s4runnier st largea the Town, epos which the tat bis set ladder, tobe appended Mmew 0.M% tstbSy tMpti..iy .0.01been paid, or wita collar ..if the ewer'• nests thereat, hi sad to be of sulkiest lust* to seek the hoof ( std s Inkjet •hell be liable to be destroyed -sed all doge *ball be Chemed op .l.utsci..t bmgth to rook hem It to /he eYtsey. or muzzled free the lith July to the mrd of August ' 17tbt Teat no 6re composed .t Mood shavings w other bate. termed t0• "Dog Days." rid, .hell be made ea say of the politic streets er thoroughfares, 3rd. That no persos ghat! rase, ride or drive at aa immodo- utbie .e hedred feet of any heyw or branding t mor, os stay • rate pace through or in soy street or streets of the Tows. private property, wake thivtg fit Many hoses se other ►nils. t Iib• That all swine Toted reeving at large within the limits Eng_ of the nid Town shall be liable to be impounded and bold sob- 161Y. That sty proses Melee i8 bis of herr Powtsiio8, a8y r jeet (when no damage has been sustained) to the paytemt of weights or measures sheet .1 the steadied w or measure two shillings and sixpence, besides poundage fees ; o.. -half .. by law r.q'iir.d, and not orep5I7 Mampd f er say st.elyed gang to the person or parsons driving them to the poised ; they or ether belated mot they er *bo .hell use the man, of Oboe. shall then be imwedl.t.ly advertised for sale, the Pooled -keeper of them, whet bayit`` or swelling, for the weiglieg.eg m•as mills. ruing two day's notice ; and them, if not released, the .ball N of say ligoor, groterl.e, Noce/ meat dty good., it ether cola - sold ; and the Pound keeps is hereby authorised and empow- modify, shall, on conviction, be .ubjogt to a One, end to sell all pugs so impeusded at the expiration of such se- 19th. That 00 fall grown porno stall be bdriiil iiilthin the ties, at one o'clock in the afternoon ; and after deducting` then- limits •f the Tore, 11 a less deplb than fire foot ; sad. whsrp from the fees bed expenses of keeping the same, the balance, if brick or stabs vault is constructed. It shall not he built wfthih soy, shall be paid to the owner ; or, is ease so claimant appears, two feet of the surface without the kick or atone be pure* i the same shall be paid into the Genera! Funds of the Town,- bedded to teertat. - Provided always, that it shall be the special dutyof Pound- 90th. That any petioli or Mhos/ tailty of shutter et osier keeper. and Constables to impound any loch animal ot animals, obscene, profane, or fodecent language within the limits of the when found running at large. Tows, obeli be liable to he find: btb. That all hones found reboisg at large within the limits Bl5t. That se urban or penman IAA .s 100 Liord'd not, de : of the Town shall be liable to be dealt *110, and subjected to any Manner of oseeraary work, Dell or expo.e say membile- the same fees and p.palt.TM. wbice swine aro subjected to, by di.., or good. Whatsoever, tir engage in any ordinary calling; or rule number four ; except that in the eve of Nle, there shall be openly protege, paatla* oramuaeme,t, soca aa to fish, shoot, ten days notice given. Provided Winne, that the owsen of soy ten races on foot or otherwise, er be found disturbing pekoe horse or horses so gold by the Pwnd-k0per, shall have the pH- woreSip, or the pence of thi 'tows in any way or mutter. vilege cf redeeming the paid animal or gaimes at any time 99od. That so.tove pipe be permitted to be mud if platted' within fifteen day. after M tis of sale, do payment of all rho- nearer them eight inclose Nolo any woad partition, or flee e sonsbts coots and charges. eeitief, and that no bpright piping be bbrmitted io deb *Mrs 0th. That .11 hones, cattle. sheep of swine forted trespassing placed at a distilbee Wes than eight inches from the wall, slue on any garden or other property within the Tows, the same b.. mash will be built of stose or brick, and so stove pipe shill he Eng enclosed within a lawful fence, shall be subject to any permitted to pals through any ceiling or wood•a p.rtitioal damage sustained; and if any dispute arise between the proprio- lees .•eared wit hh stone, brick, or tile, constructed for wet( fair for of the garden or other property, and the owner of the animal pose, and that 6o stovepipe be permitted to par tbreve or animals impounded, it shall aid rosy be lawful for the Poised- roof. keeper to send for one of the Assessors of the Town, or either And be it forester 1 caei id, That, if any perm et parsons • of the inspectors to aa...s the damage; hod tar amnia .warded shall be guilty of say BBreach, default, or eon -observance of any by either of the said Assessors or Inspectors .ball he final sad of tie, foregolbg pror(tioo., etha.•., Pulsator ruga tlesia, .nub conclusive ; and the said Assurer or Inspector shall be emitted paten or person., upon conviction %honor .fore ;ate Mayi mer to the sum of two shillings and viz pence for his trouble; and in Police Magistrate of the said Towel, or before one or more of default of payment r,f the damages and expense, the dietrees t. Her Majesty's Jostens of the Pease, abalt forfeit and pay the be sold by auction; on the Pound-keper giving len days notice, in penalty "mud 40 web prori.ioei etau.e, rate of "gaieties ; and the case of horses, cattle, or sheep and forty eight boon notice in ca.. nq penalty w named, teen each parses or peroses 11 in the case of .wine; and the overplus arising from sock sale, if forfeit and pry Neb sem of money, beings set Ise thee Fi,. any, shall be paid to the owner of said animal or animals after Shilling, ndr Mon than Five Pomade, es to slush Mayor -or Po - deducting costa and charges. Provided always, tbat is cage. Hee Magistrate, Justin or Jnsticee shall shim mut ' am, ib d. - of damage done by hornet, and .wine, it .tall not by needseary fault of ietawdiate payment or any mica Nail or pasalt,-, a*e /he to inquire whether the femme be lawful or tot; horses and swine lawful costs of conviction thereof, moth person er • 01..13 being in all cues prohibited from running at large within the be, by sueb Mayor or Police Magistrate, Jisti.a�elstiee., Town. forthwith committed to the confinon Jail ot the Miffed t o8nties 7th. That no fences enlists the Tows shall be considered of Heroes Perth and Brume for.nch period setexeitedisg thirty lawful fences, unle.s the same, in sae of their ►.tag coe.truct- day., a4 each Mayor or Police Nsgi.trate, limit* or Justice* ed of boards or mortice posts and rails, .hall be at last four .ball .djedge, unless Wed penalty or sups, together With Ib. feet and a half in height, the openings not to be mote thee loot eipete, be sooner paid. inches within the first two fest of the ground, and ouch (imus BENI. TAItBON$re so constructed u aforesaid shall N and aro bsroby declared to 'I'woose Keen, Tow dirk. ' N lawful reser.. C.lorit, 1831 Jogai., 1800. Ittb. That ne Stallion, Ball, Ram of Best, 60.11 henceforth 04 TOWN OF GO ! rrr�ed » at►w.."..rza„ ear e or 8.' tiles ? slit • �O SPECULATORS AND d11HERS. ArtistoN cOuEtV The sebeeriber baths had PARK Lot. THE wit tyhishie teats for the Da4ted Nee. 435, 434. 437. 454. 4..t, end part .f 496, I Certain of Butes Penh hoe Beebe, Will be wear the entre of the Town of S'I'RATFOR Vt•k at the rices Clad phase fbfl. sg aid laid sit lite sae-leerth acre Lou, ler. Dedeea.--Ce.n how a Ofanieb,- woe nepeetielly cell the bonds. df Pettier tot Ooisbef. A. 0'. Mer a. iPaq•, Clerk. r• JOHN %ANS'I'O1Yfi, WAGGON MAKER *es BLALIDRIWIllt. ice. sraa>`rosq. HAS now received a NEW �K of pp IRON, of every dbJeripldoe, sad M wis%isg to bourne psrbybrd ,ii the ata.- 9d a,i.idw-Jehe Hleks', tlNtehep,-9.1 "d7 fo •x eu is esy eod►H 1e tell Ifs. Free and ' 1 Dad• will b. fait T. -September: Rabat . Esq., Clift. 8tntford, 3rd Angusy idbd, 88-13 those peithad.g, mer bond fere Deed will b48iven 3d. J' die-WoodaTalon, StutbM, 60i le those who cannot pay fee Lets ease dews, a thstenther. Without Fut heat. For Sale cheap such a length of time a may be'pe d epos, teat. wa--QQvieko' T•vers L"dC.. *std For particular* as to Prise, Act appy: to Mr. 13th Bt'ptegbev. Qewge Caster, Clerk DOUQLE WAGGON. Eogsire of D. H. Clears, Sobel., Stutfefd, wadi wham 5th D`suiss-331eiiet$e'• ins, Ian'''. pit. Carrot, at Mr. Gepr`e Brown's the plu d tie Propent lien. sept Jaron Oevdov, E• Sea. Lake Shore, of *b'. Jails*y W. F, b(aCULLOCH. 8d0. bieieew-Sehtnl kI elSn. •a 4th * r 8tntferd, I8i0 Jese, 1830. 3v -s98 t• Ase Ce{ts�s. E.S . Cleel. Esq. Godt 6. tlitti.g• of the emeriti Cum *11 colo Augstt 8. n9b-if H U R,,O,;,N�/'DISTRICT "'moo Pe ARIiy13 R ACLatic , i1' D C. JUST RECEIVED, oil • icul. ural Siciely. (lederieb,NOTICE. Jdy left, '!0 sue -vii .4 L A R G E SUPPLY �%�OP plate at w Coltterte 1.e (Mr. Etter), a ERf30N8 O.. T I C E 1. ant NEW GOODS S ! ! Wed.aiq the, 28th wit w' Attest scot. P ng UOARB, TEAS, Naili, SALT, GLASS O'e THE es, A DAY Durham Redd 1m the Town.bip. aN from 7x9 to 14x90, she Crocker track The A+eiety .,1 rR br Dubhc awtiea ton. ;Wulff, Butisek, Brest, Greenest, Rtneete will Sell Low for Cash or Predate. thorough bred DURHAM HEIFER CALFS. o•• and Khsoardioe, moat apply pmrsosdll iS-4 C. CRARR. three nin..hs.ld. 't the Offen of the nndereigned, and so te- Ter•-..o pore erei it-approrrd endorser' 'ohms will be confirmed eleept such as are S T O R E S , notes t►f11 be regstred.tntide in a'eordance with this requirement. R. O. CU:D(NGHAME, 8 a ee'y' All sesignmente of rawest locations requirement.„...„ l `1 I fjt a ti a IDmgnisi, Oedw3h,110th lay, test v3■94 lw itkont the knowledge end appr.rtt o! thr Jul Agent, will be coauthored e • forhrtt" of W [3t'i q i REF,T, �ap�,. GODBk1Cii. .11 right ie the locet.e or assign.*. y Iit80. t'^ GEORGE JACKSON, Agent. Cavern Lewy Ohms, 1 BEG to Intlmste 1e the idtahitnts of tate Marek, Coast of Waterloo. Townships of Marti 14th, ('silo. .7.q w �^�►. I�.I.y red co- on, tor a pnwef if Aimr.41 Item the IfOTI�I�.--The f'attnerehip,109 11il 40 Ti i. datd f ♦ 7Sth April, 1819, I tai Ielharltwd ion dfepew M Ain LA Def ►eretdntt alt eti.RR 6elwee. Aasxasmsd f these Tewatolip•, gid a psi Title Deed for alut..ree O a Csad.0 3..,. Wham .Ilb1 gree -and ales to edleet an biomes dee him. BtnhtsH, ..`�r., P.. Tilt $bow of FALL WHEAT will n.6. An Excellent fat'ern & Tavern Stand ft)r Sale. TME *Mu Teruo w eiteet*en 0. for meet IJgbthouw street, adj•isi•g tie Meth* Imam at pre• st *emptied by Mr A. ihaasgh • Ali thew will be gi for all ton part of the methane toes5y. F father piemieskint apply t• GEO. ELLE es DO to OTT, Sea. k.. "terte•bi of Q.derie .fir., lr(e� graft DischargesOth the stets. -all f M6L1. ti p aeme elle id fro, of art A Wives. is in. W. MmOON �r River Sa ii .or le A _065157 dimal►.d by meted vestal. All deytir regat ell bwiik ,whited i the gid B. l ,N d0.d.rie At�fr^. d• Tmjle, firtbwiib n saxle sp their tie, OS. b teeny 1 will he p4,4 bf tblsid I- esetivJJNit Qederie0, July 94, 11160. mai" nor , i•NieD IrI(te ikr s wlnsii alt duo) dile a 't. THOS. MACER JOPt2 8. Sftrim M Is pt6dfort with. g Wr 185a !v-•lsrf OTiCIl.-110 Sobeerlb.r hep M lett. B.�ar tees is elf fiat N ttssy .eseetn, the ' (lis uNamenet lw A. NOTICE 6N Dl.feiora Cu* tuft beef rut* ILEEO a Mimeos a all that it wee qpw%, the Die. Clues to EHsddebi. Tb `- ', "het I have mbar • poem ifAArwp Nike of that CNN will be annealed MTV At ynp d, to r►It.L1AM BTtMY• oulksris.d bt senor' ell e•eeye 4.. a .tilers 81.w.0 Okat�j ki• sumo... B•ed•I ee by Y► NDi�N1� of �IVIdf COUiT b Oka mBeBIAM of lett Mao Mee of hi B1aAR yd iILANK DROMi` b'he « «bih.v. ev. os. d>fse ate she efaes.vOise,+.! Y M .t• at 1;;117igel'N'ph,M iw•ittshei " i'M •fid IAAIRS GORDON, Cloth Every dweripties n( 1104* awidta No. 3. Dhistos Court. OR 1lii8g bbaseted wild se 11.0,1 Wire. Y WffCAiTFJI. r Clinton, 9510 Jess, 1850. *Sell iapetish. Gedetick !Mb darlisp, the 'Nit JY O ?!J.cF..