The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-12-19, Page 7•
Have You Bought Your
111.11„„„„,,„„„14111111,11114111111,1i1mu,,1tll11U4114411e,,„41Aln.11.11111111111.1111111m,11.111.omit11111111/,•11j 11m1t11U110
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otiswzot L'�t L'�L• e L i i .'c c l L• it l
t/� 444 tasii7��a7�c7JJ
Flowers Capture The.
w Spirit.
See The
Now On Display
Reder Fiores:t
04-mi2��s��:gyrlt�ittmti lR7I� 1gito
Time Is Running Out!
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Gifts For The Whole Family
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Electric Heating.• Pads
• 'M si'Ca1. Powder Bowls
0 • Ladies Electric Razors
• Yardley and Shulton Sets to Choose Prom
For Father
• Electric Razors, Gillette Razor Blades
• rine leather Wallets by Buxton
(as advertised in Life Magazine)
• Smart Looking Lighters and Pipes
• Old Spice Shaving Sets, Shaving Brushes •
Sundry Gifts For All
• Gift Stationery
• Choice Toilet Sets •
• Zeiss • and Kodak Cameras—Plash Attachments
• Travel Alarm Clocks in Genuine Leather Cases
tltl Chr'isfeias h complete without a Gift Wrapped box
of Smiles'. 'n Chuckles Choeoletes for the Tangly,
Priced From $1,251 to $5.00 Per 'Box
Ali 'Boxes 'Gift Wrappldl
WjiSon's Rexali Drugs
'A1i1lst �ill0"•tlri'1DrlI itf,► OP01 0s1Dr tiO4 1 1140,
C.. ristm is Tome
.For Ar ,old.. Circle
Mrs. Stewart Bell was hostess
for the Cbristinas •meeting of
the Arnold' Circle pf :the Presby-
terian :Church, liensail. Worship
was under the leadership a.f
Mrs. ]1 s. Piot Bell assisted by Mrs,
tifrry Hoy.. .A Christmas mes-
sage ,was ,given by Mrs. Heil
assisted by illrs, McEwan,, lllis.
Sangster and Mrs. Stewart Beit.
M1 reports were suliinitted:
Officers will resume there duties
-for 1958. President is Alrs. A.
Orr; vice presidents, Mrs. E.
fink,. Mrs, Stewart Roll; secru
tory, Mrs. Link; treasurer, Mrs:
S. Bell; pianist, Mrs, W. Brown;
home helpers, Mrs. H. Snell,
Mrs, H, Hoy; welcome and wel.
fare, Alp. C. Bonthroh; Mission
Band leaders, Mrs, Bell, Mrs,,
Snell Mrs, Mary Hildebrant,
Mrs. Gordon Troyer; supply sec-
retary, Mlrs. Hoy; literature sec-
retary, Mrs. C, Sehwalni,
The .January meeting will be
field at .the manse, Rev. D. Mac.
Donald. in his inspiring message
told the meetbers not to shut
Christ out of their lives all
through the year and just think
of him at Christmas; "Does
Jesus really pelong in our World
or are we all business and plass-
ire and , our religion only a
-show?" he said. "\\°e must have
a faith that Jesus Christ came
into the world to save sinner."
Exchange Rings
In Varna Church
Marjorie Catherine Jane Dow -
son and William Russell Con-
sitt exchanged marriage vows
in •a 'charming setting in Varna
United Church Saturday, Decem-
ber 7.
The Rev. T. J, Pitt performed
the double ring ceremony ,with
tall standards of white mums
forming• an attractive back-.
ground. The bride is the daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dew -
son, Varna, .and the groom, son
of Mrs. Eileen. Consitt, Zurich,
and the late Russell Consitt.
Miss Marjorie Webster provided
traditional wedding music at the
organ -consol and accompanied
the soloist Miss Clara Clarke
who sang "The Wedding Pray-
er" and "0 Perfect Love."
The bride, who was given in
marriage by her father, was
lovely in a formal gown of
French Chantilly. lace and nylon
tulle over Slipper satin, with lace
bodice and nylon shirred yoke,
lilypoint sleeves, and an aisle
wide bouffant skirt of double
tulle, styled with lace scalloped
insert in two tiers. Her bridal
bouquet was red roses. Her
tiara of irridescent sequins •and
seed pearls, held a veil of iris -
ported French illusion.
The attendants were Mrs. Ken-
netli. eCoreen) Caldwell. Clinton,
`sister of the bride, matron of
honour, Miss F'atsy. Thompson,
Clinton, and Mrs, Bev. Clarke,
London, bridesmaids, Nancy
Consitt, of Zurich, sister of the
groom,. flower girl, who wore
snatching floor length gowns of
red velvet, with three • quarter
length sleeves and low neck-
line, with full pleated skirts,
matching headpieces and acces-
sories in matching.,shades. Each
carried bouquets of white mums;
The matron of honour and
bridesmaids received a sterling.
silver in, and the flower girl
a necklace, gift of the bride.
Ringboarer was Gary Dowson
of Varna, cousin of the bride,
who carried a white pillow bear-
ing the rings,
Groomsman for his brother
was' Tont Consitt of Zurich Ben:
neth Caldwell, Clinton, and Wil-
liam Dowson, Varna; ushered,,
The reception was held in the
church parlors with shite mums;
pink and "white streamers and
lighted tapers forming attractive
decorations. For receiving the
bride's mother wore a blue silk
crepe dress, with metallih 'trim
and matching ,accessories. The
groom's mother chose a gown
of blue silk crepe with • match•
ing accessories. Both wore cor-
sage§ of pink carnations.
For travelling to Florida on
their wedding trip the bride
wore a blue jersey dress with
accessories in -black and white
aed a corsage of pink roses. Her
gift from the groom was a set
of belle luggag'e. '
On their return Mr. and Mrs,
Consitt will reside en the
•rrooni's farm,.: on the Parr Line,
Stanley Township.
Topics From
• Zion
HensaU, Zurich
Hear Hu ron Ag Rep
Mr. Douglas Miles,. agricui- on behind the prodtiets which
Wel representative who is re. , we buy." The speaker was in.
spoitsible Tor 5,943 farmers in'troduced by Mrs. Sim Roohol
lluroii, County, was guest speak• ; and thanked by Mrs. T. V.
er at the Christmas meeting of` iCoates, who 'presided,
klensall Women's Institute held Mrs. A. M. Anacher of Zur.
hi the Legion Hall Wednesday , lex. rendered a solo acconipa.
at which :Zurich Institute were .Hied ;by Mrs.:.. ;ahirray. Mrs:
special guests. . L. Erb ,also .of Zurich, eontrib-
Mr, Miles spoke on the ohanges ' uted readings and Miss G. Lam-
in agriculture down through file dnie rendered a niedlleY :of Christ'
years and the problems
they mcarols.
brought. The foundation laid by Posresident 11irs: C. Payne took
early pioneers made possible the chair for the business ses-
'1 achievements of today, "Times sion. It was decided to ,gi.v.e a
.are .changing,"' i e'said. "Science ,dcontribution of $10 to the 'Sa1v*
has speeded upaproduction ur- .tion. Araly. London., for the
lug recent years. We should Christmas fund. ;special col
know just a little ,of what goes lection taken lin at the nieetin
amounted to $12.00 which t will
be forwarded to the War Me.
inol'ial Children's hospital, Lon -
P V t School' ' don. Mrs. R. N. Peck reported
on 'the exeoutive meeting held in
Mission Circle
Zion West Mission Circle held
its Christmas Meeting at the
home of Mrs. Norman Jaques
Sunday evening. Greta Stephens
was in charge of the meeting,
Alma Hern gave a reading.
Personal Items
. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton, Jaques
and children visited Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jaques,
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dykernan,
Exeter, and Mr. Gary Vowels,
Londali, were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and. Mrs. Jud Dyketnert.
Mrs. Ross Hern spent the week-
end at 'her home, and has re-
turned to Detroit
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock
were Sunday visitors ,with Mr.
and Mrs. Edwin Miller and
family, Thames head,
Mr. and Mrs, Ephriain Heat
spent Suiiday With Mr. William .
Stephens, who is a patient in
Stratford General Hospital.
Mr, aiid Mrs, Lloyd Lynn
Clandeboye, visited Saturday.
with Mt, and Mrs, Toni Brock.,
Mrs. Ken Hern attended the
trousseau tea Saturday which.
Mrs. Bell, of Kippen,held for her
daughter, Elaine, bride to -be of,
next Saturday.
Mr. and MrS.Loriie Johns andchildren were Saturday evading
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John
Miners, .Elimvitle,
Mr,. Douiglas Stephens, Sun.
shine Lin, visited Sunday eve.
Hing with Mr. and MWS, Loins
Mr, and Mrs, Jud 1_'1Ykeniail,
ltiitli .Ani'`, LYndllt and Eniity,
visited Saturday evening with
M. and Mrs. ,toy Dy dlhali,
Csrmel , ociety r dv $L W
Elects Officers110104140/0100440040KOVIOW
Rey. D. MacDonald oondupt
the election of °O eos for
f Woman's Mission.
1115p o theW man >E M i n
ary Society of Carluel :church.
President isMrs. l•
.res ....E r . S. Dougall;
Vice presidents, ;Mrs.D. Mae-
P•oneld, ,Airs.. R. Y. McLaren;
secretary, Mrs. Malcolm Dou-
all; treasurer, Mrs. Inez .Mc^
'wan; supply secretary, Mrs.
B. Bdwa,rds• flower, Mrs. M.
Dougall; welcome and welfare,
Mrs, J. W. $onthron;
Glad Tidings, Mrs. E. Munn;
literature and library, Mrs. J.
Forrest Home Helpers, Mrs.
Len Purdy; pianist, 111rs. E.
The :meeting was held in the
g church schoolroom on 'Thursday
smart .woes
afternoon with Mrs, MacDonald
and Mrs. Malcolm. Dougall in
charge and presided over by
Mrs, Dougall; Umbrellas
'Tour Man
For SaleA brief inemorian was .oh.
Hensel' on November 26.
served for the late Mfrs. Wil-
Heeeall council, bolding its ,lam Alexander, a former valued
final meeting of the year ,done member. 1lliss 111, Ellis gave a
a i t, 's . . i
public school with a local 1
for in tile horse it can be sold .to. Payne,
some budding industry, Christmas carols were sung
Council authorized R. B. Pat- with Miss Laramie accompanist.
erson, trust company epresent. A social hour was spent and
ative to Sell the building,which delicious refreshments served
is now vacant. Fire insurance by the hostesses Mrs. Lorne
policies on the s.chool.}'pre can- Chapman, Mrs, A. Shirray and
celled, committee. Mrs. Coates and
Clerk Paterson reported tax Mrs. J. Morton were program
arrears had been educed to $1,, conveners.
854.93 or 3i1 percent of the total Take .Christmas To County Home
roll, The Brownies of the ist lieu.
County of Huron was paid $2,- sail Pack this year are busy on
300 for street construction, their Christmas project -- deco-
Salaries paid to fireiii.en in- rating Christmas stockings which
eluded; Chief B. A. Kyle, $103,50; will be filled with candy.
D. Sangster, $41.25; • J; Flynn, Linder the leadership of their
$23,25; J. Sangster, $30.75; W. Brown Ov'l, Mrs, Earle Rowe,
Carlile, $56,75; J, Traquair, $42; assisted by Mrs, Mervin Bell
T. Lavender, $42,75; W, 'Fuss, and Mrs, Robert' Middleton they
$41.25; W. Smale, 534.50; F, Har- will visit the Huron County
barn, $22,50; K. Buchanan, Home on Friday evening, De -
$33.75; G, 11Tousseau, $33; L. cember 20, sing Christmas carols
Noakes, $36.75; C. Volland, and distribute the stockings to
536.75; W, Ferguson, $45,95; W. the '7 residents,
Mickle, $41,25; W. J. Cameron, W M.S. And W.A, Entertain'
523.25; G. Sawyer, $16.50; H. The \voinan's 1CIisSionar • 'Sa-
Smale, $7,50. I Y
and Woman's Association
of Chiselliurst United Church 4
Letter From • . • : met Friday afternoon for a cpm -
d Y eight, t decided tot theold fewfitting remarks .followed by
ca real. an appropriate solo by Mrs,
A short candlelight service
was conducted by "Mrs. Mac-
Donald ' .and Mrs, Dougall as-
sisted by several itieinbere.
President Mfrs, S. Dougall
took the chair for the business
send out Christmas boxes to the
sick and shut-ins.
Personal items.
Mr. and. Mrs. Laird: Mickle
spent Monday of this week in
Ridgetown visiting with the for
mer's mother Mrs. Geo. T.
Mickle, who is over 94 years of
period and it was decided to
-2 to*3,95
* Hat Gift Certificates, Stetson and Biltmore
* Sock and •Tie Sets * Polo Pyjerrtas
* Dressing Gowns it—Hickok Initial Bolts
Walper's Men's
age. •
"Christmas" will be the theme PHONE 81 Open Nights Dec. 20-24 EXETER
of church services in the various
churches here on Sunday as spe-
tial sermons, music and pro- FREE COUPONS ON THE $800 CHRISTMAS JACKPOT,
grams will be presented.
AL t tic
a�a? ile flei4C���L aC�s�Vt4ics 1a0e
bined C,hristnias meeting..
Mrs. J. Brintnell presided for
Shipi�a the meeting of the W.A. and the
devotional was taken by Mrs.
R. Taylor Jr., Mrs, J. Brintnell,
Miss Dianne Clarke, of Zurich, Mrs. C. D. Daniel and . Mrs.
visited last week at the home of Percy Harris. The treasurer
her grandmother, 'Mrs. Harry , Mrs, T. Brintnell reported that
Clarke.. ' t $147.34 had been cleared from
Mr: and Mrs. Herbert Harlton the bazaar held recently. '
and Mr. and Mi.'s. Karl Guenther ; The W.M.S. entertained 'as
attended. the funeral of Mr. Hark their guests members of the
ton's brother an Granton on Mission Band and Baby Band.
Wednesday, President Mrs. Earl Kinsman
Misses Audrey Godkin and conducted the business.
Joan Baker, of South Huron Hos- The study book on Japan was
pital staff, and Mr. Dick Regier presented by Mrs. Harold Park -
and Ray Webb were Sunday er and Mrs. George Parker.
guests with. Mr..and Mrs, How- : While the meeting ,was in prog-
ard Clarke. ' ress Rev. C. D. Daniel enter -
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love, Clare tallied the children of the Mit-
and Kathryn, spent Sunday with sion Band and Baby Band with
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dater* June films, and a sing -song, with the
and Janet, at Grand Bend. "ladies joining in for refresh -
Mies Ruth Clarke, Mrs. Harry , ments and a social hour.
Clarke, and • Mr, and Mrs. Don
Dinney and Garry, of Crediton,
were. Sunday . visitors with Mr,
and Mrs. Joe- McCann. '
'Mr. and. Mrs, Ed Lippert and
Judy, • of Gravenhurst, visited
last week with Mr. and Mie. GAS
Earl Ratz, David and Judy, and
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Rutz, Larry
and Glen. & APPLIANCES
Mr. and Mrs, Harold' Fink-
beiner visited Sunday with their
aunt, Mrs. Ernest Keyes, who is i
a patient •iii South. Huron Hos-
Mr, and Mrs, Wray .Sweitzer,
Ron and• Barbara, were Sunday
visitor§ with Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Snaith, at • Woodham.
• Ph. -156.-W Grand Bind •
FiiiiCti7®A2 rl-tgi">Ntilk
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wre:mt..,i 'e•1, r, biwi:a✓::"r:.:-a ..: •.._ a,xeroi
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Make sure you get in on the last
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The year's most glamorous grille :
different—distinguished. Buick's flea}
D nastar grille has the incomparable look
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Toulered trail lights climax Buick's fresh
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Hero'sthe fEce
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An entirely new concept in car design
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For art notion of beauty in
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