The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-06-06, Page 94
Cosi didates Appeal kir Support
-11yeieNinlelte Y. beelettAK
\ 'The low days raping 13P.
fore litieon ridepg citizens well
east their ballots preemie-, Ape
opportunity le) arrive M dece
soe. As to which ..of the two candi-
dAtes an best eerve the inteeeets
of litiroa riding. The decision
must take into goneideraleon eot
001Y. the qhalifieAtione,of the ewe-
didatee theinaelves. but :Wee The
records and pretnisee a the
parties: they reeres.ent.
The Conservative, or As it is
new Called, the Piefenhaker,
Petty record- is plain. Tbere Are
many who recall thc omplete
eollepse ef trade of 'the agricid.
tore/. ,epenorey the lest time
servative policies. were in oper
The Diefenbaker ordgrare,
as Offered to you tide election,
has, as its main featetre, high
protection, the very.same feature
that proved so disastrous hi the
past. 113 edditeori, goose,
there is offered to the farmer
what is teemed "acleetelate par-
Ky.." This can only mean
hereatieratie. • control o. farm
operations —something the Lib-
eral party believes to be net en e
Utidesirable, but something the
average Canadian farmer •wishes
to avoid at ail vests.
WHAT'S IT ALL ABOUT, MOM?—SiX-year-old DannyLairtg fires questione at his
Mother about the precious tin box that arrived, their home this week in advance
of Monday's election, Mrs. Hilton Laing, EXeter, is one of the seven deputy returning
Officers in town and .one of the thousands throughout the country who'll be super..
wising the machinery by which Canadians choose their government for the next five
years. —T -A Photo
RAIN DISRUPTS RALLY—Scouts and Cubs view With disgust the pouring rain which
foiled their district rally here Saturday. Always prepared, the troops and packs from
district centres Moved inside the arena to compete their competitions. Exeter troop
won the Scout laurels while the Lions Club pack from Clinton captured Cub honors for
the second year in a row,. —T -A Photo
Don't Wager Too Much,,
Voters' Silence Deceivin
Need Mono To Moot Promises
The only other feature of the
Diefenbaker program we. need
mention is the extent to which.
promises have entered into the
appeal being made by Mr. Die-
fenbaker and those who support
—please Turn to Page 15
Daring thS elect/eel cainealgn,'
Canadian Miley has leen mete,
dotted many times., The Prime
Minister has talon the role of
the Great Mediator of national
imitY. Let lee look .at the facts
As they exist today. Uncle Imels,
As be Is so often Palled, no long-
er can make claim to N44.191441
Unity. Even Qudhee, the one
Province which through the
years could be counted on to
stand behind the Prime Minis- •
ter have now kicked over the
traces and according to reports
will not any longer be a gelid
Kock for the Liberal Party. In,
this .electioo, when the Feline
Minister made his official visit
to Manieoba, the Prime Minister
of that Province was not among
the Pritne Minister's welcom-
The Prime elinister' has brand
eclee new firm. in Ontario, "Frost.
Diefenbaker," a better deal for
Ontario, .at the expense .of the
other nine Provinces, Not ranch
hope for unity in those remarks.
At one time quebee was protect-
ed against the rest of Canada.
Het now the tide has turned and
the rest of Canada are to be
protected against Ontario.
e eider
another one or
Canad*.will- Ise •
Communism greeter
hat eltY Etfopean fAta$c•'•
Portri anent.Pwj
' Tie Vinergency row.
!when i ethic 'Off for
year ago, was another
of titattitude of the•
,Government when they .
Melee the Act permanent -
have all the 'power* th4
granted them in War
only consideration the :Opptat
tion got out et' the
the BUL must come bee* la P4
liament every three Year' et'
The •C I lieWe StatteMer
thetCeeleda, bursting
seams, -.simply :means the. Sean -
are leaking so tiedlY our west
and birthright are leOing
the 'United State* at a fast -de
We have now: nver.3,000 LU
owned subsidiaries operating
Canada and nnly'•E,•'/- o the
ecutive InanAgement m• ,
hands" cf- Canadians. ''These in.,.
.sidiariee are,.doriog so wen. ti
our trade balance with tbeeeteitt
States is over 1,000' million
—Pease Turn 10VW:
Sir John A. MacDonald, the
founder ,of Confederation, was a
Man elf wide experience and vis-
ion, and did more to Unite Can-
ada than any ether man. The
present Prinee Munster :has
done more to dis-upite Canada
than any other man, If this.
Arend ie alloWed to continue for
Eighty -Second Year
Price Par Copy 7 Clinh
ARA -Approves Dan";
OK's Dredging At GB
Besides autliorizieg prelimin- Grand Bence, easterly from the
are engineering for the Parkhill easterly limit of the contract'of
clam, as expected, the Ausable the Superintendent • of Public
Authority Wednesday afternoon Works, Ottawa, to the Bluewater
also agreed to co-operate with bridge on Highway 21 and fur -
Grand Reed in the summer' re.. ther that the village of Grand'
sort's efforts to get the rest of Bend be named the benefitting
its harbour dredged.
• municipality for the scheme end
Acting on a request from as such,,will assume all of the
Reeve 5, H. Daltore the Authoe- Authority's costs Bess whatever
ity adopted the dredging.Project grants the Authority. receives
asa scheme providing Grand from thw Minister. ,of Planning
Bend paid Or all of the Author- and ,DevelopMerit;
ity's costs in the.project: , "And feeteerthat the village
If the schen* is approved by of Grand Amid lield-PeeAuthee-
tbe provincial government, it ity,free and blaineleeeefronteAee
.orree; deeriage eatesinrethetefieene ee'
'heee the 4feetetifethe.dredging. "And further that the AuthOr-
• Importailt resolutions. passed ity ,request the Minister of Plan-
t Wednesday's meeting in'elud- meg. and Development for a
grant of 15 percent •of the cost
"That, the Ausable Authority of preliminary engineering and
adopted as a` scheme of the 50 percent of the scheme."
Authority, subject to the ap- "That the M. M. Dillon Co. be
proval of the Minister of Plan- engaged to carry out the pre -
meg and Development, the dredg- lhninary engineering for the
ing of the Ausable , River at Parkhill Dam, at a total cost of
• $4500, and that the Department
of Planning arid Development be
requested to pay 75 percent of
their cost and that the Author-
ity's share of the engineering
costs be assumed an the follow-
ing basis: Parkhill, 35 percent;
Bosanquet, 35 percent; McGilli-
vray township, 10 percent; Ste-
pheq, five percent; Eat
Ilanis, five percent; West Wil
limns -five,. and the Authority,
10 percent."
"That the Authority authorize
the executive committee, sub-
ject to their discretion, to buy
the land 'presently under option
of purchase due to its proximity
to the Parkhill Dam. before
expiring date of said options,"
HS Bus' Cost
It's five days before the elec- in the riding, predicted a tight, voters will be around 25,000 as
tion and the voters are mum. race. "I feel it's going to be , compared to 26,183. Total ballots
There's hardly a whisper com- . awful close," he told The Times -I, cast lest election were 20,500.
big from the grass roots, ! Advocate Wedneeday. "I wouldn't' To win, M. McLean has to
What does it mean? I want to bet either wee'," convert 800 voters. In 1953 he lost
Nothing! 1 "We are organized better -than by a total slightly less than
Normally, the noticeable lack we have ever been it Huron, .1,600. Of the 22 munieipalides in
Of spirit would iridicate there Will he continued. If that means • the riding, he won only six of
be a light vote. at the tolls but ahything, we should make some , them — Stephen, Hay, Tucker-
Huroirelectors have a habit of headway," smith, Ashfield, Seaforth and lete.
stumping the experts, I Of the' national picture, Mr. Ileill°P.
Last elettione, for example. Hawkins eeid: "There's no doubt - -
voters were exceptionally quiet th,at the Liberals will be back in
Oec of, the complaints- of the ededicated Sunday
the best reeerds in the country. i•
then Di course, that tele MP's fe,rineee in their current Edam- ,
There was tee ,aaclecl novelty
iat struggle is that the motley C a v e n Presbyteriari Church, where they have rnet sinee reins.
in began
1 I
turned out 80 percent strong to at but not too much." WO NeW
before the polling day but they power% Their. majority _ may be
east their ballot, it was one of Youth Leaving Farms ,
PS Prepares
Extra Room,
Exeter Public School Board
accepted a resignaion and hired
a new teacher at its meeting
Monday night.
Ron Heinrich, senior grade
teacher and physical education
instructor, resigned to accept a
positiori at the J. A. D. McCurdy
School, RCAF Station Centralia.
His departure was regretted by
the board.
The new teacher, who will be
in charge of a grade one class,
is Miss Fay Ford, a SHDHS
With the opening' of an addi-
tional clasSroont next fall and
the hiring of an extra teacher,
re -organization of the staff is
being considered. The board
hopes to give Principal A. B.
Idle more time for supervision
and guidance of new teachers.
Purchase of 30 desks from
Exeter Furniture Ltd. was
Budget for painting classrooms
Was set at $400. Principal Idle
will,do the work.
Consideration of request
front Mr. LaWrence Wein, music
instructer, for an increase in
salary Was postponed until the
fall meetiog.
• Chairman W. G. Seddon pre-
To -Increase
Union. 14PP Toni Pryde *1;1;5
nounced this week a $077,604
contract has been let' to amnia
Paving, Co. Ltd., Hamilton, lot
hot -mix surfacing of Higliwal,
Ns4.111,34 from Hensel 'to St. J*.
Mr. Pryde said censtruCtion
the read, which has been. sough'
by Henson and Zurich Chamber
of Commerce for .several yeti*
will start July- 1 .and:the large
dee "for completion -is jelly AA
Grading and. culverts will' b
clone this year, wir.,.-PrYde'4
plained, and the, read b
paved the following spring...
The highway. will .start
feet weet.,..of the CNR .railwit
'tracks' elensalt.and riiee
the.,,Binemtater Uighway Str
40sepb„.a:distance 'of 12 etillew,e
, •
tii4AreurstialtreVeeeft. 14%
willehriye el full no-fopt right. -4
Wsheoynidee'llrd. the PeVelliellt will.
22 feet wide with W.
' The dangerous .!‘g" curve
of Zurich will be
SneII Heads'
'SHIMS Board approved a
three-centzper-mile increase in
traesportaelon lcosta for 1957-58
at a meeting Tuesday night.
The board agreed pay
Exeter Co'ach Ltd: 40
cents per mile for buses with
capacity of 55 and over, and 35
cents for mailer vehicles. Fer-
nier rates were 37 end 32.
E. R. Glienther, Dashwood,
operates the system which has
eight buses. Ineee as e s were
necessary, he said, to take care
of greater cost of gasoline and
bus licences.
Seventy-five per cent of trans-
portation costs are borne by the
Ontario Departnient of Educe
°Kin t Accept Tender -
The board declined to let a
contract for supply of 'Col be.
eause it Considered the two
tenders it teceived too high.
Thebids both, from 1601
were running for the same seat, . .
satiate toreing ound *beanie
The two Huron -ridings were - Y - xdier will be te.opened mid re. v
leave the farre That conteie eThe occasion will be a Metu-
amalgamated in 1953 and both to b d d'e t d June 9. The suppliers, b4an. at $1e.95 a ton.
says 1.1'6%7'111e beard paid $4:74 a to last
Elston Cedar and Andrew me„ tion may be borne out e the eiae on Sunday,
fact that the number of voters dedication serviCe will be held in xerr, "The congregation is look-
orab-e ohe fa' Caven,"
Lean we into the ,contest as in the riding this year is 1,000 the toning, year from. a Union firm.
tetimbents, less than in 1953. Renovation of Wen has been ke$....they ilvin wake a forward . 0°I'etarY
ing forward eagerly to the serV- - —
xi.' D. howee was
The only development which 11, tut 'rig Offcer Ken 1.1 '
e ter, taking place for the past two step in the life of the eherehe, instrueted remiest lenders
May take the place of that SLUM. r.
k.78u0rACti, eure
total ber of months, The interior has been from London fii•nis.
tia as a void stimulant fa 1 6 1-1, L. Sturgis report-
distOntent Di the fanner, On
PROTEST PROMISE — TWo national officials of a civil
service organization, who addressed a meeting in Exeter
Friday night, criticized St. Laurent's recent promiSe to
raise wages of government employees. They charge the
prime minister is using the wage promise as a political
football. ° The officials, who are organizing mass protest
meetings across the country, are, shown. here with local
officers: top, from left, Gord Baynham, local secretary;
Ken Green, secretary of National ,Defence Employees As-
sociation; bottom,J. X. Wyllie, national president, and
Herb BrO0m, local president." —TA Photo
Civil Servants Protest
Anglican Church ea enrolment was 448, cpmpared
ta 52,1 at the start ef the school
Marks Milest6ne. 'ear' •
Special services 111 l'tivitt front the district Will visit the
1 el a I '
Ile has indiented in 110 tineertain Where To
two occasions in this campaign,
terms he Is unhappy, •
tensarvatives Confident
Conservatives are eOnfidea,
tot only of r winning, but of hi -
creasing 'their majority ibeelly.
'I'M 'quilt happy about the situa-
tion and reel 'certain-. ‚w.ell MOO
it in said Ebner 1),
13611, OC, 'Exeter, Wednesday, lie
is Cardiff's offieial agent,
. Phe Conservatives are sans.
•fied they are .going to make trc-
mendous gaits -across the 'coati...
try," he ontinued. "Siist how
great those gains will be,. we
don't know but if we dont form
government this times_ of A.
Certainty we Will feat the next
Hugh Hawkins, 'Clinton,. presl-
dent the, Liberal Associationi
Find If
Air Vero* Day lir •
Ahilt)Unce e nit 10
Church Wakes ..,,„„..„, . . 11
Coming Event* ..... , . 14
Edhatlels ........ ...... ...... 2
Farm News „, 1
001111010 Pests •
Loon 1
Wallt Ads
toniplettely remodelled andn
fureiture will be installed this
The church has beee repainted,
the floor tooted with linoleum
end carpet and a new lighting
'system has been installed.
New furniture,. manufactUred
by Exeter rurniture Ltd., includes
a pulpit, lettern, tommunion
tabic and pews.
A modern oil heating systeni
L Ala() been installed.
Anted TOrefito singer, Mies
Martha MaeVitat, will be guest
soloist for the special services on
Sunday: Mies Mecericat steadied
I I, frinsic the Maritimes and has
,7 been. taking Vocal training at the
7, 10 Toronto Conservatory for Solite
The pastor, Atv, Samuel Keit,
4, 13 will speak at both services.
ror members of the tongrega-
r5. tioo, the reopening will merit the
13 end of Writes the baserrienti
On. lune 11, grade tight pupils
Mona Chmeh n Sum) y w sehool to take intelligence test.
Mark ,conipletian of the restore. and learn about high school
ton program begun three years currietilue and attivities.
The retledicatia the church -Ctiimorts Ratolution
and the blessing of the new lights The- board supported k resolu.
will take place at the inetriing, don requesting that teacher
service toriducted by the teotor, training for secondary school
Rev, N. Knox, The SerViee teachers be provided in Courses
also include the blessing of a at ieliVereities throughout the
new diocetati flag, -a ceremony province. This would eliminate
whieh will be held in ell Anglican the necessity of 'high school
thurthes in the Huron diocese in teachers taking a fifth year of
eominemoration of the centennial, study at the Ontario College of
Tri the evening at SAS, Servide Edtlealinti, Wraith,
of thankSeVing for the restoration Viee.chairmati Xemieth Jobtis
Of the thurch will be held with Isresided in the ebeettednt
the Vete RV: It. 'C. Brown, Dean Chairmen Larry Snider, who is
Wage Hike Promise
RCAF Station Centralia 'ilea] divulge detail? of the wage in -
of the National. Defence Em- crease he promised in Cobourg
last month.
ployees Association joined two
1 .K. Wyllie, Regina, national
of their national officers Friday president of NDEA, and Ken
Green, Ottawa, national secre-
tary, said protest meetings ot
civil servants were being br-
ie an effort to force the prime
etiaonniz. ed throughout the country
minister's hand before the elec-
night in condemning Prime Min-
St. Laurent for using civil
servants' wage increases as "a
poltical football,"
They supported I resolution
protesting the PM's refusal to
of St, Peul's Cathedral, London, attending Lions convention M
...Continued froiti rage
Potetharo, •
On Tnesday, Rev. -Snit
who is entering histenth year a
paetor 2of James Street ,Unite
Church, • Exeter, was elette
president of the London * Cor
ference of the United • Chure
meeting at First' ClniPch, 'S
Thomas, this week. He succeee
Rev. A. E. Duffield of Lainbeti
Rev. Gordon Butt of Windso
who attended Exeter High Scheid:
when his father was static:dm
at Centralia, was runner-up fw
the honor.
Mr. Snell is a native of flute
County, being born at Londe
boroe and he has as spent mo
of his pastorate he Huron. 1
has held ehargee et Ethel' 1
six years add at Auburn for fa
years before takingover tl
St. pastorate in 1941.
He has been chairman
Huron Presbytery and secreta
and later chairman of .the cc
'Terence committee on evang
ism and Octal Service.
He is currently interested
the promotion of the sector pi
/or Exeter and district church
this fall and also in the Ream
support and advantement
Goderich Slimmer 'School.
"We want to get our .selary
question . out of the football.
field," said Mr. Wyllie. "We
don't the*, it should. be mixed
up with politics at all,"
"Ont of the ragas Mr. St.
Leureet . is withholding the
amount of the increase may be
that it is not sufficient to be
acceptable to our group," he
said. A rectus 'Otteeva report
set the wage hike at from 4.5 to
seven per tent; the servants
are it questing An let:trim in-
erease of 10 per cent
Civil servants. are also re-
questing that the government
krni a permanent -commission
which would evaluate jobs and
set up. a schedule of 'salaries.
The Cetr
Baynhain is secretary.
Best Troop
First Exeter Scout 'Veep wer
its setond victory this year
competition against other troop
leuroil district at the len
here Saturday afterneon. ,
TAW Scouts compiled rner
points thatt five other troop
who competed inside the atm
aftet the eutdoet program ha
to be cancelled because of rah
Eteingah.t ether troops, discourage
by the downpours, did not a
Stouts competed in a first Ai
relay, signalling relay, and las'
ing contest, They Were All
judged Oh general Scout attittit
during the day.
Troops. competing included
President of nalia
from Goderith, RCAF Sts
local 4s Herb troont; Gordon
Centralia, Ailsa Craig and
Several weeks ago, t,
Set:Tilts Whit top marks in *
riot Camporce, Terry tiatil
it the Scoutmaster *tid his
Telpohotte. 770
Election. 'Night
eistarits eft , Ilia 140014
REdEIVErt biPLOMA llist .rtatoli, Sweltscr.
Patricia Hopper, daughterof ir Plitt Clinton Lfietie ,P*ek•
Mr. and Mrs. g. R. I -topper, 2X-. -on Manday a election, "Imes. tired the Cub. honors Or
eter, Was 'among those who re.' AtIvotift etatiari -art invited r second Year,,ln * 110_4
ecived their pins and diplomas to pliant 110 one time after blicitg.• lftelwatAtt tWO tro.,„,01
Ott W e d it e s d a y at Ilamiltati the polio. close 111 'Ai aVatlitta. i ter 011d tht00 001111 tlen r
eneral liospitai School, of*Ntirs- ,Wotkinit in .co.operation with jollied it the Cdb
Ing, She Altt. teceived the award At 1440000W 'Wiser, Xenolith lit thartfw JO the
In pattlititries tor her elass, OW. Hotifarri, Gedeelalitv 'Mil Timm* : frilaft *ern District x;61111110
finishing her training iit liontli.• 0 Athietifit wilt relay the latestft' Doug Carawrent_DwYneklt
tofi, Pat plant to return to Mi. results Se the *Mae 1004 . . ilia AsSistallta,,, ,,T4,111, Oar
versity of "Western Ontario rte. TwO..linei wilt 'SPA 00r ; 'Cliet6% itiet ,Jitex rceitig$,
Pee 00-ii-thimnit1Utie Melia
sally for her B.-•SeN. 'degree. voadoirs,,' • . • .tralia«
\ •