The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-04-11, Page 9CANADIAN
1WOtit.n4 Sind:
• ••-• :•-••••
• 'IrOar•'Bom
Houses, Barns, Roofs, Etc,
Lyman. draitan
1K, C. $tanbury
'Phone 53 Gerd Bend
Dies. In Toronto
Kaarletil C It a riess, Eastweed.'
Stanbery Agincourt 41,e4 aud.
dents' in Toronto on IslondaY,
April 1,
He Ives a native of Exeter,
aon of Mrs. J. G. $. StanberY
and the late Judge Stanhury, St.
Catharioes, and received his .early.,
education. here. Re attended Os-,
goode Ualh Terento, and, at his
death, was a member .of the
legal firm of Ayiesworth. Gar-
den,- Thompson and Stanbury.
He is survived by his wife,
the former Leila Heave, and
three sons; Paul, Deogid, arid
James; four .brothers, Tar. W.
Stuart Stanbury. Richard J.
Hebert la. ssf Toronto and John.
L.,ef St. cathariness three sis.
tors: (Helen) Mrs.. George New-
berY, 'Toronto, (Jean) Mrs. S.
*Portland, Chatham and (Elaine);
Mrs. E. Spencer, Fort Erie.
• Funeral service was held in
Kama PresbYtertan Churcht Ag-
incourt, on .Thursday, April 4.
Mrs. Jane Haugh. of Toronto,
formerly of 13rucefield, who cele.
brated her 85th birthday, March
31, and Mrs, Sarah Carne of Bay,
field, who will be 80 years old in
May, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
George Hess last week, both
Mrs. Haugh and Mrs. Cantle
are aunts of Mr, Hess,
NEW Ties!
NEW Shirts!
NEW $otks.!
NEW Hats!
Wea-r •
+ VS10 r 00 d S
+ Flannels
.14 ie...r1;.Pics
. A•
• •
Coine In NOW -We'll Make
Adjustmintilifoie taster!
• •
BUILDING COI -LAPSES -A new bottle being constructed 1»' Lionel Kendrick On
'Wellington street collapsed during the heavy wind storm, Wednesday night. The walls
were of cement blocks and the roof had been sheeted ready for shingling. Mr. Kend.
rick had been. doing the work in spare hours.
---T4 Photii
.Mrs. Elia Luker
Dies In Alberta
Mrs. ,Ella Luker,. vile of the
late John Luigi% forMer' of
,Ilighway 4, 'Soak of Exotter,!,
passed 1WAy Mara * At the.'
Edmonton. MLA., hospital .and - •
was WW1 at Ladner, B,C. Sur. p,
viving Ore IWO •daUghtees, Dela :
0thr. )Urs. Cliff Smith, of Ed
Mouton and Violet. Mrs. David
•IstisEiroy,.. of .G.ratici. Prairie.
besides sistera And brothers.
„ airs, Wm.• Haighof low% is * •
Prepare Banquet o
.For Official Visit !'t
honor JV Distriet Deputy
'President, Miss .Jessie Little of
Brussels, who will pay her of.:1
flvia visit to Pride of puree
Rebekah. Lodge on April 17. la
haequet will be •held. at Arol-1
in prior to the Meter
ebarge of arrangementS at the
r meeting. Mrs. Otto BrowI
sn, Mrs. ,,,
Lutheran Laymen s Rally Earl Carroll aed Mrs. Leslie,'
Thomson were appointed in :
1 ,.•
.1 er Skinner tiS ea Lain, con- s
The degree team. with Mrs, ex,stor
. meeting last WednesdaY night. ii phen. 761 37 Akin St. South
e. d In Dashwood Churc Ilat P
one candidate.
ted the Rebekah, &ayes all asteseetwaseetelieeeloteewittemieonetoeowilliettiateleliseeetoweetemeesteetwesiteelaates
• Ettitor Woo
• Hydrangeas
• POW Mum
• Aftion Woliti
• AU Kind" .of Cut
Don't 04 DloppoIntoti
A. successful Laymen's Rally
was held in Zion Lutheran church
at Dashwood last Sunday AKA
7 with so leaguers and guests in
attendenee, The rally began with
a devotional service conducted
by Pastor C. IGages of Mitchell.
Mr. Reinhold Miller, president of
the men's club welcomed the lea-
guers to Dashwood.
In the business that followed
Mr. Theodore Luft of Kitchener
spoke of the success of the Lu-
theran Laymen's League Inter-
national project, the sponsoring
of its radio program "The Lu'
theran Hour".
He also spoke on the Ontario
'Leaguer's special 1957 project,
that of erecting, financing and
supervising an exhibit at the Ca-
nadian Natonal Exhibition. Ths
exhibit is tb display the work of
the Lutheran dwell allssouri
Synod and especially its more
recentventure, that of its tele-
visionpr,ogeam entitled "This is
the Life. '
• Officers elected for the Strat-
ford Zone of the league are;
president, Mr. Ronald Huras of
Stratford; vice-president, Mr.
Valentine Backer, Dashwood, se-
cretary, Mr. Lloyd Hayden, Lon.
,dona treasurer, Mr. Herman
Mueller, Monkton; membership
secretary, Mr, William, Palmer,
Stratford; Pastoral advisor, Pas.
tor Kenneth Zorn of asbwood.
The Dashwood leaguers served
a pooled lunch, The rally was
brought to a close with a vesper
service at avhich Pastor P,
Fiess of Stratford was guest
speaker and spoke on the theme
"Will you eoncentrate yourself
unto the Lord this day?" The
choir of St. Peter's Lutheran
church of Stratford served as
guest choir for this service.
Home .Damaged by Fire
The farm home of Alphonso
Hartman, .R,R. 3 Dashwood on
the Goshen 'Line was heavily
damaged by fire on Tuesday
Mrs.. Hartman discovered the
fire when she upstairs. The
flames were blazing through the
roof when the Dashwood fire
department arrived. Damage bY
fire was confined to the upstairs
but water damage was extensive..
A great deal of repairs will be
RCAF Station Centralia fire-
fighters also responded. A plenti..
fill water supply saved the low-
er part of the 'house. The barn
was no danger,
The Hartmans will stay with
neighbors, Mr. and Mrs, Ted
Denomme 'Until repairs are
made. Mr. Hartman is just re-
covering from a recent heart
Personal Items
Flat Top Hats
Just' Like Dad's '
Navy Top Coats
. South End'
* Front Wheels Packed
* Brake Lining Checked
* Brakes Adjusted
lair.' and Airs. "Bud" Schroeder
are settled in their home pur-
chased frail the late David
Haugh estate.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baker and
daughter of London spent the
weekend .with Mr. and Mrs
Adolph Keller.
Mrs. Arnold Kuntz, airs. Sid'
Baker and Mrs, Ervin Rader
attended the District Institute
Executive meeting at the town
hall, Henan, last Tuesday after
noon, Definite plans were made
for the District annual to be held
at Dashwood, May 29.
Mr, and 'Mrs. Gordon Weiberg
of Waterloo spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wei -
berg also Mr. and 'Mrs. Hubert
Weiberg and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs, lafeiton Valper
and girls of Ingersoll spent Sun-
day with .Mr. and. Mrs. Mlle
Fassold, •
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Goetz and
Patsy of 'Stratford spent • Sun-
day with Mr, and Mrs. Ituebert
The flowers on the altar in the
Evangelical UB Church were
placed hy Mr. and Mrs, lafervyn
Tiernan and family in memory
of Mrs. David Tiernan who
passed awey five years ago.
Mr. and Mrs, Henry. Simpson
of Bradford, Yorkshire, England
are visiting with their daughter
and family, Mr. and Mrs, Ho-
ward Klunapp. s
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Becker
and Shirley, Martha, Marilyn,
Bruce and Joanne and Mr. Dan
Moffat held a surprise birthday
party Saturday evening for
Lome Becker.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kirk, Den-
nis and Larry of Preston and
Mr, Harry Kirk of Saskatche-
wan were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Becker.
Miss Barbara Becker is vaca-
tioning, -With her parents, Mr.
and Mrs, V. L. Becker.
Mr. and Mrs, Claire Reichert
of Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Howard
EIS 13)
don spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs, Lloyd Feltner.
Mr. and Mrs, Ervin Rader and
family visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Garnet Patterson Sunday after-
noon, •
Mervyn Stalck vi with
is parents air, and airs, Ed
Mr. Floyd Wein was taken to
St. Joseph's Hospital, London,
on Tuesday for treatment.
Mr, and Mrs, Murray. Wolfe,
Barry, Patsy and Carolyn of To.
ronto spent the weekend' With
Mrs. Wes Wolfe.
with Mr. and
P 1 C
Deters were Sultday NisR itors •.
Mrs. V, L. Bec-
Miss Nancy Fainter of ,Lon -
On Nylon
All for $119
4 Brand New Tires
FOR. ONLY $50.00
To Observe
Hospital Day
" Plans for Hospital Day on Sun.
day, May 12 were made at the
Ladies' Auxiliary to South Hur-
on Hospital meeting on Tuesday
afternoon. The hospital will he
open to the 'subtle for inspec-
tion from 2 to 4 p.m. and tea
will be served in the auxiliary
rooms by the ladies.
• Mrs. J. G. Dunlop reported on
the Hospital Board meeting held
on Monday night when ,tentative
plans were made for the new
addition and the nurses' resi-
Donations of $25 from Grand
Bend Women's Institute and $10
from Elimvilie W,I. were ack-
nowledged. Proceeds of the hake -
less bake sale to date are Pt
The rummage sale is scheduled
for MY 3. The picture of the
Qtteen was donated by R „C.
Mrs. Vernon Heywood report -
cd there.. was sewing to be done
and the ladies remained after'
the meeting to do it.
South End
_Men's and Boys' \Wear
Russ and Chucic Snell
Sign Of The Times
This "Cleaning Progress" emblem is a symbol of modern living.
Remember when dry .cleanirtg kit( clays when your defiles
spent mote Wile in the stainers then on you and when you
did get them back they often hid that just cleaned odour/ Weil,
that was bear. the revolution in dry cleahini .. a:quiet revolu-
tion smirked by your desire fa look smester . fee better .
irt clothes always frith . bright -anct--cleanl Today at Mid -
Town we use modern equipment. Improved techniques
new, swift acting DOW -PER t� clear clothes the* way you avant
them end to get them back to yOU ifl few houre . looking
geed as NEW and fret from odour. FOr coevenierit "In by NOON
Out by FIVE" dry deeming ikf its 600 . coma to Ml.
TOWD. • •
tt Your
.Ready for
roft PICKUP"
114 ID -TOW N
Downtown Agent: Lloyd Ford's
Gram Says
- Continued from Page 8
Mrs, Grace, whom many of
our readers will remember as
Bernice Heist, sent vs this rec-
ipe for Rainbow or Prism Cake.
This recipe also originated in
California. Paul Debes, chef of
the St, Frances Hotel San
Francisco serves it regularly en
the menu there under the name
of Rainbow Dessert, Mrs. Grace
served it when she entertained
Picks Slate
-Continued from Page 7
Chairman of committees: pub-
lic; and industrial, Walter Spen-
cer; membership, Don Joynt;
merchants, A11' scholl; special
events, and fund raising, Bert
Horton; recreatiortal, Frank Ell-
wood; social, jack Drysdale;
housing, Norman Jones.
A 60 -minute film from the In-
ternational Nickel Co, of Canada,
showing the milling and smelting
of the Sudbury, Nickel Ores
United Church Auxiliary
Mrs, Donald MacDonald was
guest speaker at the meeting of
the Evening Auxiliary of the
Crated Church Monday evening,
presenting an inspiring address
lelling some of her work as a
missionary in India and customs
and, conditions there, The speaker
was introduced by Mrs, C. I),
Daniel, and thanked by Mrs. D.
Guests for the evening were
the ,Arnold Circle of Carmel
Church, Anglican W.A. front St.
Patti's, Hensall, and the W.M.S.
90-1.061, RAYON
and your
11.75 Wb /IOW Trittlerirt ;13.45 WO Any Iradreln . .
savar.t.astic standard %inc. is svniiar to ttint teatureo by
tire nianufaeturers lor V10,6$ in the 670/143 size, and le
commetO the motorist who would otherwise he con.
lined to the hazards of hUying ot)5'%11" Tiros or ste-rstes„oe
--esonustlines "prattled,uo,1 AS "N tVg 11101/409," 'Otero
safer with a New Tire that you know is BilANO NSW, 'Odd
with a NSW TREAD that noy have fractured end vulcanited,
aged or deteriorated cord castings. (For long trilietkOts and
high,speed driving We recornmend the Super-Wistio, "Arleta
crat," or "Nylon Sutirenie,"
. (Installation Charge --. $0e pet tire
too y,otir
Glass 'A"
her club. Everyone enjoyed it metnbers of U.0 Church, who
so much she thought it awould were extended a welcome by the
he nice to pass it on to us. We president;ir.j
was In
do appreciate it,
of the Easter devotional, assist -
Prism Cake ed by Mrs. W. Richar(Json, Mrs.
Mrs. 0. Grace) Mary Goodwin reported for the
1 pkg. orange flavored. gelatin visiting committee. „Mrs. T. Lav -
1 pkg. cherry flavorea gelatin ender and aillss M Ellis contribus
1 pkg. lime flavored gelatin ted rcadihgs, Nelson IVicClinehey,
3 cups hot water piano solo; vocal number by
1cups cold water ladies of the Arnold Circle, torn -
1 eup pineapple juice posed of Mrs'. Harold Bell, Miss
1/4 eup sugar Shirley Bell, Mrs. A. Kerslake,
i pkg. lemon flavored gelatin ItaisrsryifilaonynsalvitriNfrrrasy, Wan.dtraolwrali
cup cold water
1 cup graham nrack8r crumbs 'accompanying et the piano. Ilost-
)esses were Mrs, L. Chapman and
1/4 cup melted butter
2 cups heavy whipping tram Mrs. IL Elder and their commit.
IA CO heavy cream (optional} tee -
Lodge Entertains 1.
Prepare first 3 packages of
gelatin separately using 1 cup
hot water .attd ta eup of olkt
water for -nett. Potir into sep-
arate 8x8x2 inch pans and chill
until firm. (Quick met)iod: ealli
in ice trays with caber sections
removed.) Combine 'pineapple
• juice and: sugar and heat until
sugar is dissolved. Remove from
heat and dissolve lemon gelatin
in the hot liquid. Md remain-
ing 1l cup cold water..Chill until
syrupy, Mix crumbs with melted
butter and spread over bottom
et. a a belt sPring.form pare
Whip the 2 cups mem and pour
Into it the syrupy lemonflavor- hod at trusses., April 24.
ed gelatin. Cut firm orange. 'rhe ssyssasp, miss Jessie mac
cherry and lime gelatins into addressed the lodge on
tubea about le ineh .square. (the WNW,' giving an interesting .
sharp knife which has been dip- .address, stressing the importanee
. red into hot water to sore gel- of friendship, love and truth." 1.
, . Alin, dipping Atter each 'cut:) She was presented with a hots-
Lift :gelatin •out with spatula guet ,Of mums by Miss Mabel '
. and it will fall apart in, perfect 'Whitman. ' •
i• cubese 1 Greetings were"extended from,
Fold gelatin cubes IMO VihiP• Btalseele Lodge, by Mee. Allan,.
ped .cream •mixture reed pour in. noble grand. 'Fallowing The meet-
to spring.form an. Chill in fria ing, a addle hour was sasses in w
al hours. Before serving teinave playing +euchre. Prize winners
: sides or pan. Frost sides- of 'cake' were Mrs. 3. Ingram and Mrs.
with bi tut) &NMI whipped- and •Annie Logan. Mrs. Lorne Chap. ,
sweetened. Yield: 040 pOttiona. . MO Weft the pria for lucky cup.
District Officers
DJ/P. Miss Jessie Little, of
Brussels, 'made her official visit
to Amber Itebekah Lodge No.
349, on Wednesday evening.
Noble Grand Mrs. S. lIannie pre-
sided during the evening. airs,
William Caldwell and Miss Ma -
belle Whiteman reported visiting
Arrangements were made for ,
the Past Noble °rands to attend •
the dietriet mutual meeting being
Toms to suit
your budget, on
purchases of
$30 -or more
?I SAPfs
At 4:4,4orii
PRICES Low.en, CANADIAN TIRE, Yew, steel.
tough NYLON Is stronger thee *WO cable et comper.
abia weight and DUPONT NYLON tests It Uinta
stronger than an other lire card body conatruction,
tn addltion, the NATURAL 'TREE RIMIER roinAn,
lyes up le i', grim Inorf irattiotl fOlt hist getaway!
or emereenty tiops, GUARANTEED UP TO S ?EMR
against detects in *workmanship or material ROAD
HAZARD INSURED to ad Cusionner pays
only for service renthit4lci, AVE LYf
- --- near' -^iour Net Your Net
Litt With Any with Class
Price Trade. IlL"A"
77071-572885-1 105 1-17.95
710/15 I 32.85 j 21.45 I 19AS
760/15 1 35,00 1 23.45 „1 21.45
-810°;1$ 1 38.40 1 27.95 1 25,05
Regular Yew, Net Your Net
Size -
List With Any with Ciao*
Pried Tracis.ta "A"
670/15._.1.,_28.85_1 17.95 _1_15.95
110/15 i 32.85 I 19A5 1 17.45
-74'6711-135:96-17:21:451- l7,:i9?4,5,
Whitewalls and Tubeless TIros _
-Ienstlen ttie4e, Sec Pet tool
At Sittillsir Sovings
434 Main Stix**
Oho 451
M4ft.n *4